My scariest nightmare was that I was trapped in a haunted house with about 9 other people and we were split into 2 teams and Jigsaw's son made us look for some pieces of string in a amount of time and the team that found the least ammount had to eat spaghetti that made their head's explode. I know it's weird.
I just remembered one. Having to do questionable chores for my animal crossing character. THE FREAKY LOVE CHILD OF MICHEAL MEYERS AND JIGSAW. And if I didn't I'd get murdered. Weird, eh?
I had a dream where hunger, homelessness, and abuse of human and animals were all abolished! But then we found out that since we didn't focus on saving the human race as a whole, we dided of heat starvation, and plenty of other causes.
Just recently, I had a dream that this guy was breaking into our house, so I jumped out the window and a pack of rotweilers started chasing me.
It was rather awesome.
I also had a dream once I was on some sort of tour or something with The Atlantic Paranormal Society (Ghost Hunters. It's a Sci-Fi channel show), and we all got separated. I was all alone in a dark in a little walkway, and started hearing disturbing squeals, then it started to get really hot. All I had was a shotgun with barely four rounds for protection. My heart started racing, and I was stuck in that hellish little walkway, shooting off inhuman monsters for a while, eventually I escaped and we all regrouped.
When I was like three there was this dream I had that scared the crap out of me.
So, there are these three grown men wearing nightcaps and night gowns in a bed. Then you see the doorway to the room they were in. A guy with enormous veins on his arms and a chainsaw goes inside. Suddenly, blood and two mangled nightcaps fly out of the doorway in a frenzy. Finally, the man walks out with a very bloody chainsaw and a bloodstained shirt.
I was scared to death.
Oh, here's another one from about three! It's kinda weird though.
So, I'm not even in this dream. But there's this guy in a suit, and he draws a cartoon person in crayon, in a crappy step-by-step way. Also, every time he made the "s" sound, he made a sound like he was whistling. After the guy finishes his drawing, bullets fly through the walls, the mafia appears, and the guy jumped out the window, falling to his death. I woke up screaming.
It seems almost funny now, but I was so scared at three!
And another one at three, and this one's downright hilarious.
I'm in my backyard with my mom, and suddenly a chair made out of clouds scoops me up and begins to rise. My mom motions for me to jump, so I do. I fall, unable to move, turning endlessly, my body in an "X" shape, for a few seconds, and then I wake up.
No, a sick mind would be what I envisioned with Strong Sad and Homestar. Luckily, it wasn't Slash. However, it was...sacrifice...and so violent.... Just hearing Homestar's screams of pain as Strong Sad took the knife and...Er, um, anyways, my dream frightened me last night...kinda..
I dreamed that my iPod's harddrive died, and it kept freezing whenever I tried to watch the new Strong Bad email....finally though, it worked, but Strong Bad was terrified, because the LAPPY's Harddrve had given away, and thus the lappy died...But when I went home and got on the wiki, it was nothing like the video on my iPod. Instead, it was just him changing the font on the Lappy to "FUN -something-" And then he said "Darn you all" Except...not darn.
I once had a dream where I was stuck in a chair, and these weird voices were yelling.
On a lighter note, I once had a dream where I was beating up mummies, and generic 'bad guys' in a pyramid in search for missing treasure. Then it ended with a cliffhanger and credits.
Me....being my parents....for 8 minutes.....screaming occurred....i don't wanna talk about it anymore. It had scarred me for life. Up until now do i still think about it.....WHAAAAAA!!!!! But still, it was pretty horrible.
No, a week is more than the max amount you can stay up until you need to get an IV drip filled with nothing but coffee.
....Yeah,what you said
A) Nice, But it would've, If anything, Been more likely to have been a PSP.
Don't Necro-Bump. Please.
-Scott 'the Scout' Cappintell on this thread (Yes that's a TF2 refrence)
It was rather awesome.
...Weeeelll, except the last part.
And there the dream ended.
So, there are these three grown men wearing nightcaps and night gowns in a bed. Then you see the doorway to the room they were in. A guy with enormous veins on his arms and a chainsaw goes inside. Suddenly, blood and two mangled nightcaps fly out of the doorway in a frenzy. Finally, the man walks out with a very bloody chainsaw and a bloodstained shirt.
I was scared to death.
Oh, here's another one from about three! It's kinda weird though.
So, I'm not even in this dream. But there's this guy in a suit, and he draws a cartoon person in crayon, in a crappy step-by-step way. Also, every time he made the "s" sound, he made a sound like he was whistling. After the guy finishes his drawing, bullets fly through the walls, the mafia appears, and the guy jumped out the window, falling to his death. I woke up screaming.
It seems almost funny now, but I was so scared at three!
And another one at three, and this one's downright hilarious.
I'm in my backyard with my mom, and suddenly a chair made out of clouds scoops me up and begins to rise. My mom motions for me to jump, so I do. I fall, unable to move, turning endlessly, my body in an "X" shape, for a few seconds, and then I wake up.
I couldn't sleep for several nights.
What was wrong with me?!
I dreamed that my iPod's harddrive died, and it kept freezing whenever I tried to watch the new Strong Bad email....finally though, it worked, but Strong Bad was terrified, because the LAPPY's Harddrve had given away, and thus the lappy died...But when I went home and got on the wiki, it was nothing like the video on my iPod. Instead, it was just him changing the font on the Lappy to "FUN -something-" And then he said "Darn you all" Except...not darn.
On a lighter note, I once had a dream where I was beating up mummies, and generic 'bad guys' in a pyramid in search for missing treasure. Then it ended with a cliffhanger and credits.