James was taken to the infirmary, and Jane went down to the shoe store. She didn't want to be there, and she now knew that the leader was insane! They took her weapons, so she was unarmed, and stuck. If she tried to get out, they'd kill her. Maybe he was just so violent because Brock shot James, maybe he's like a vigilante! Jane tried to convince herself, failing. He had a blood crazed look in his eyes, no sane man gets that violent with someone who accidentally shot a complete stranger. She saw the room that Jason described to her. It was cozy, and a little dirty, but she was just going to basically spend 1/4 of the day there, relaxing, and sleeping, according to Jason. She walked in, terrified, and nobody was there. Jason gave her a briefing as they walked, so she knew everyone was working right now. She opened the fridge. Cheese, gin, and water. Great selection. She couldn't drink gin, so she had 2 options. She drank some water, as she lied down, and took a nap.
(Sidenote: forgot to mention that Viola and Vasilisa met up with Desmond, Autumn, and Xavier from the air force base, and they're on their way to the mall in the summary. Whoops.)
They had arrived at the mall. It was grand, and there were many guards. They got the usual greeting, and were brought to the sleeping quarters, the shoe store, where Jane was sleeping. There was a bell ring, that sprung her awake, and she flipped around, and saw the group. "Hey. My name's Jane." She said, as Vasilisa smiled "I'm Vasilisa, this is Viola, and that's Autumn, Desmond, and Xavier." Jane looked at her. Was she part of the group? Were they with Terrence? She put these thoughts aside, and looked up at her, grinning "My name's Jane. Nice to meet you." Just as Desmond looked up to speak, the door opened, and the rest of the group flooded in. First Tyson, Ulysses, John, and Melanie, then Josey, Selene, Devyn, and Jack. They all introduced themselves, and everyone started chatting. Where they came from, how they found this place, who they lost, where they were before all this. Viola stayed out of it mostly. The only person she cared about at this point was Vasilisa, so if Vasilisa was safe, she wanted to get away from all this socializing. Even Ulysses, who seemed more unhinged than anyone else, was socializing. She sat in the corner, drinking the gin, until it was empty. They went until the night, when they all went to sleep, all friends, all kind. Viola then woke up at 3:00 in the morning. In a hazy mess, she saw someone had left, but didn't remember who, and passed back out.
Mark pulled out his gun. "Thanks. I just.....need time. I can't believe you shot me....." Arthur was almost glad, as it felt like karma for what he had done. He tried pulling himself out, as he tried desperately to claw his way out. His arm gave out, and he went from sitting up to flat on his back. He realized his leg was stuck behind the seat in the crash. He tried to wiggle free, but was trapped, as Mark yelled "Hurry up, I'm low on ammo!" Arthur was shot heavily, bleeding out, and trapped. He knew what to do. He threw 3 bags of supplies to Mark. "That's all I can reach. Get out of here. I'm stuck, and don't want you dead too." Mark looked at him, shocked, as he then looked solemn. "Thank you for the help Mark. Now go, get out of here." Mark looked hesitant, but knew he had to. Arthur closed his eyes, and tried to block out all feeling in his body, as Mark disappeared from view. Arthur felt something grab his arm, and begin tearing it apart with it's teeth. The then saw a walker fall into the car, and rip his gut open, and began eating his insides, as the pain was too much, and he slowly passed away.
They had trekked on from the alley, now walking calmly down the street, as Emma heard someone in the alley. She drew her gun, and slowly approached the alley. She was a little hesitant, because she had 1 bullet left, and couldn't afford to waste it. She rounded the corner, and whoever it was is gone, and she let out a sigh of relief, as she hears Garret behind her. "Nobody there, Em." Garret had not spoken since they got out of the building, so she was shocked. "Yeah, must have heard 'em leaving." Garret kind of slumped down, and Emma and Garret lagged behind the others.
"It's hard. I lost my mom a long time ago, but.....dad was always there for me. He never missed anything I did. He protected me after the outbreak began, and he helped me when I'd start. I'd get all doom and gloom, and he'd pick me up. Speech therapy 4 days a week until I improved, and taught me to care for others more. Look, Schizophrenia makes me apathetic, and he was just there so much, I began improvements. Now that dude, the guy who gave me all I have is gone. Why go on?" Garret almost cried, as Emma patted him on the back. "I was fortunate to never lose anyone in my family pre-outbreak, except for my cousin Benjamin. He was about 16 at the time I think, when I got home, and my aunt Felicity was over, crying. He was a big coke head, and partied and drank way too much, I heard he got his stomach pumped twice, and just generally was into some crazy shit. He did heroin nearing the end of his life, and got really into MDMA when all the partying began. He had gotten way too drunk, and that mixed with cocaine.....he decided to go to the roof with some friends, and thought it was a good idea to walk in the gutter, as a dare. Well, it broke, and he fell 3 stories off the top of the apartment he was at, and broke his neck on impact." Garret looked at her "I'm really sorry, Em." Emma continued, "Aunt Felicity was an absolute mess, and so was Benny's 2 sisters, and my other cousins, Rachel and Sam. He was cruel, and left them and stole money frequently, but he was family, y'know? And we were gonna send him to rehab in a few weeks, so it was even more tragic. But I was never close to him, as he was always out with his buddies, and that doesn't even come close to your loss. I just wanted to say, even then, the hurt went away. You will take a while, but it'll heal." Garret smiled, "thanks, Em, I needed to hear that."
He still sounded sad, but he was slightly happier now, as they stumbled upon something. "Guys, what the hell....." Devin said, as they gazed at it. A closed down amusement park, that looked old. "I came here all the time as a kid. I remember, the shitty selection of shitty food, the rides that were overpriced, and it was cramped all year round, I loved this place...." Devin looked so thrilled. "Should we even go in? Is it worth the risk for supplies?" Kimiko asked, as Emma responded.
James was taken to the infirmary, and Jane went down to the shoe store. She didn't want to be there, and she now knew that the l… moreeader was insane! They took her weapons, so she was unarmed, and stuck. If she tried to get out, they'd kill her. Maybe he was just so violent because Brock shot James, maybe he's like a vigilante! Jane tried to convince herself, failing. He had a blood crazed look in his eyes, no sane man gets that violent with someone who accidentally shot a complete stranger. She saw the room that Jason described to her. It was cozy, and a little dirty, but she was just going to basically spend 1/4 of the day there, relaxing, and sleeping, according to Jason. She walked in, terrified, and nobody was there. Jason gave her a briefing as they walked, so she knew everyone was working right now. She opened the fridge. Cheese, gin, and water. Great selection. She couldn't drink gin, so she had 2 options. She drank some water… [view original content]
Guys, I've been contemplating heavily about this story. Where it's going, how people die, situations, and honestly, I've been far to lazy to type it all out. So I'm gonna bump this from the grave right now, give another day of voting (speaking of which, anyone who reads this, please, vote ), and I'll continue it. Sorry for the wait.
I hit backspace without selecting the text box, because for 1 time I was writing straight into the text box, and shit, I was PUNISHED. I went all the way back to the new tab screen, losing 2 1/2 parts, and all of 2 hours of work. Ugh.
I hit backspace without selecting the text box, because for 1 time I was writing straight into the text box, and shit, I was PUNISHED. I went all the way back to the new tab screen, losing 2 1/2 parts, and all of 2 hours of work. Ugh.
Yeah, I know, I'm more upset than most of you probably. This is just a general question, would anyone mind if I just posted a part for Mark today? I had this idea since I had begun planning season 2, way back, but I know exactly what's happening to Mark, and yes, you did pick the paths for my original plan, as in ignore Arthur the first time, and help him the second. Yes it mattered. Also, fun fact, some deaths I do are planned out for weeks, months even, for example basically as soon as planning began for season 2 began, I knew I was gonna kill off Ballarms during an attack. The fine details were decided afterwards. But sometimes, deaths are spur of the moment, and fit perfectly, like Brett's death. (The reason I use that as an example, is that it was obvious, as Brett was in a scene in the trailer which I ultimately cut.)
Yeah, I know, I'm more upset than most of you probably. This is just a general question, would anyone mind if I just posted a part for Mark … moretoday? I had this idea since I had begun planning season 2, way back, but I know exactly what's happening to Mark, and yes, you did pick the paths for my original plan, as in ignore Arthur the first time, and help him the second. Yes it mattered. Also, fun fact, some deaths I do are planned out for weeks, months even, for example basically as soon as planning began for season 2 began, I knew I was gonna kill off Ballarms during an attack. The fine details were decided afterwards. But sometimes, deaths are spur of the moment, and fit perfectly, like Brett's death. (The reason I use that as an example, is that it was obvious, as Brett was in a scene in the trailer which I ultimately cut.)
Heh. Well, I guess I really screwed up here. I had so much schoolwork, and so much other stuff, I just didn't have time. I'll write today or tomorrow hopefully, and yes, this isn't dead. Out of curiousity, please comment if you'd still read (again), as I just want to know what my audience size looks like.
Heh. Well, I guess I really screwed up here. I had so much schoolwork, and so much other stuff, I just didn't have time. I'll write today or… more tomorrow hopefully, and yes, this isn't dead. Out of curiousity, please comment if you'd still read (again), as I just want to know what my audience size looks like.
Haha, er......yeah. I'm super bad guys, I've just been doing a lot of other stuff. Lazy as heck, I know. I'll work on this again, soon, I just wanted to take a break.....probably should have said that to you guys. Probably lost most of my audience now, damn.
Haha, er......yeah. I'm super bad guys, I've just been doing a lot of other stuff. Lazy as heck, I know. I'll work on this again, soon, I ju… morest wanted to take a break.....probably should have said that to you guys. Probably lost most of my audience now, damn.
I have no will to write this story. I've said this on Forum Users Among the Walking Dead already, but this story is going on a hiatus. I'm not writing for it for a long time, so I can do another story, and not even think about this one. So I'll link to whatever story I'm starting next, and anyone who wants to can follow. I dunno if I'm taking submitted characters, or if it's even in the walking dead universe, as I have another idea, but I'm not sure if it's gonna pan out. Anyway thank you all for reading, this will return someday, and I hope to see you in the next endeavor, and I have an Idea I love, so I might get it started today, so if you see this, check back later, maybe even less than an hour after I post this, and I swear, that will go longer and have shorter breaks than this one
I thought you'd all like to know I'm working on a part right now, and I thank you immensely for your patience.
James was taken to the infirmary, and Jane went down to the shoe store. She didn't want to be there, and she now knew that the leader was insane! They took her weapons, so she was unarmed, and stuck. If she tried to get out, they'd kill her. Maybe he was just so violent because Brock shot James, maybe he's like a vigilante! Jane tried to convince herself, failing. He had a blood crazed look in his eyes, no sane man gets that violent with someone who accidentally shot a complete stranger. She saw the room that Jason described to her. It was cozy, and a little dirty, but she was just going to basically spend 1/4 of the day there, relaxing, and sleeping, according to Jason. She walked in, terrified, and nobody was there. Jason gave her a briefing as they walked, so she knew everyone was working right now. She opened the fridge. Cheese, gin, and water. Great selection. She couldn't drink gin, so she had 2 options. She drank some water, as she lied down, and took a nap.
(Sidenote: forgot to mention that Viola and Vasilisa met up with Desmond, Autumn, and Xavier from the air force base, and they're on their way to the mall in the summary. Whoops.)
They had arrived at the mall. It was grand, and there were many guards. They got the usual greeting, and were brought to the sleeping quarters, the shoe store, where Jane was sleeping. There was a bell ring, that sprung her awake, and she flipped around, and saw the group. "Hey. My name's Jane." She said, as Vasilisa smiled "I'm Vasilisa, this is Viola, and that's Autumn, Desmond, and Xavier." Jane looked at her. Was she part of the group? Were they with Terrence? She put these thoughts aside, and looked up at her, grinning "My name's Jane. Nice to meet you." Just as Desmond looked up to speak, the door opened, and the rest of the group flooded in. First Tyson, Ulysses, John, and Melanie, then Josey, Selene, Devyn, and Jack. They all introduced themselves, and everyone started chatting. Where they came from, how they found this place, who they lost, where they were before all this. Viola stayed out of it mostly. The only person she cared about at this point was Vasilisa, so if Vasilisa was safe, she wanted to get away from all this socializing. Even Ulysses, who seemed more unhinged than anyone else, was socializing. She sat in the corner, drinking the gin, until it was empty. They went until the night, when they all went to sleep, all friends, all kind. Viola then woke up at 3:00 in the morning. In a hazy mess, she saw someone had left, but didn't remember who, and passed back out.
Mark pulled out his gun. "Thanks. I just.....need time. I can't believe you shot me....." Arthur was almost glad, as it felt like karma for what he had done. He tried pulling himself out, as he tried desperately to claw his way out. His arm gave out, and he went from sitting up to flat on his back. He realized his leg was stuck behind the seat in the crash. He tried to wiggle free, but was trapped, as Mark yelled "Hurry up, I'm low on ammo!" Arthur was shot heavily, bleeding out, and trapped. He knew what to do. He threw 3 bags of supplies to Mark. "That's all I can reach. Get out of here. I'm stuck, and don't want you dead too." Mark looked at him, shocked, as he then looked solemn. "Thank you for the help Mark. Now go, get out of here." Mark looked hesitant, but knew he had to. Arthur closed his eyes, and tried to block out all feeling in his body, as Mark disappeared from view. Arthur felt something grab his arm, and begin tearing it apart with it's teeth. The then saw a walker fall into the car, and rip his gut open, and began eating his insides, as the pain was too much, and he slowly passed away.
They had trekked on from the alley, now walking calmly down the street, as Emma heard someone in the alley. She drew her gun, and slowly approached the alley. She was a little hesitant, because she had 1 bullet left, and couldn't afford to waste it. She rounded the corner, and whoever it was is gone, and she let out a sigh of relief, as she hears Garret behind her. "Nobody there, Em." Garret had not spoken since they got out of the building, so she was shocked. "Yeah, must have heard 'em leaving." Garret kind of slumped down, and Emma and Garret lagged behind the others.
"It's hard. I lost my mom a long time ago, but.....dad was always there for me. He never missed anything I did. He protected me after the outbreak began, and he helped me when I'd start. I'd get all doom and gloom, and he'd pick me up. Speech therapy 4 days a week until I improved, and taught me to care for others more. Look, Schizophrenia makes me apathetic, and he was just there so much, I began improvements. Now that dude, the guy who gave me all I have is gone. Why go on?" Garret almost cried, as Emma patted him on the back. "I was fortunate to never lose anyone in my family pre-outbreak, except for my cousin Benjamin. He was about 16 at the time I think, when I got home, and my aunt Felicity was over, crying. He was a big coke head, and partied and drank way too much, I heard he got his stomach pumped twice, and just generally was into some crazy shit. He did heroin nearing the end of his life, and got really into MDMA when all the partying began. He had gotten way too drunk, and that mixed with cocaine.....he decided to go to the roof with some friends, and thought it was a good idea to walk in the gutter, as a dare. Well, it broke, and he fell 3 stories off the top of the apartment he was at, and broke his neck on impact." Garret looked at her "I'm really sorry, Em." Emma continued, "Aunt Felicity was an absolute mess, and so was Benny's 2 sisters, and my other cousins, Rachel and Sam. He was cruel, and left them and stole money frequently, but he was family, y'know? And we were gonna send him to rehab in a few weeks, so it was even more tragic. But I was never close to him, as he was always out with his buddies, and that doesn't even come close to your loss. I just wanted to say, even then, the hurt went away. You will take a while, but it'll heal." Garret smiled, "thanks, Em, I needed to hear that."
He still sounded sad, but he was slightly happier now, as they stumbled upon something. "Guys, what the hell....." Devin said, as they gazed at it. A closed down amusement park, that looked old. "I came here all the time as a kid. I remember, the shitty selection of shitty food, the rides that were overpriced, and it was cramped all year round, I loved this place...." Devin looked so thrilled. "Should we even go in? Is it worth the risk for supplies?" Kimiko asked, as Emma responded.
Go In, And Look Around
Walk Away, Don't Take The Risk
Go In, And Look Around
Go In, And Look Around
Guys, I've been contemplating heavily about this story. Where it's going, how people die, situations, and honestly, I've been far to lazy to type it all out. So I'm gonna bump this from the grave right now, give another day of voting (speaking of which, anyone who reads this, please, vote
), and I'll continue it. Sorry for the wait.
Go In.
I'm gonna get to writing eventually, lel
I hit backspace without selecting the text box, because for 1 time I was writing straight into the text box, and shit, I was PUNISHED. I went all the way back to the new tab screen, losing 2 1/2 parts, and all of 2 hours of work. Ugh.
"It's always something with this guy."--Larry
Lol it's okay. We can wait.
Yeah, I know, I'm more upset than most of you probably. This is just a general question, would anyone mind if I just posted a part for Mark today? I had this idea since I had begun planning season 2, way back, but I know exactly what's happening to Mark, and yes, you did pick the paths for my original plan, as in ignore Arthur the first time, and help him the second. Yes it mattered. Also, fun fact, some deaths I do are planned out for weeks, months even, for example basically as soon as planning began for season 2 began, I knew I was gonna kill off Ballarms during an attack. The fine details were decided afterwards. But sometimes, deaths are spur of the moment, and fit perfectly, like Brett's death. (The reason I use that as an example, is that it was obvious, as Brett was in a scene in the trailer which I ultimately cut.)
I wouldn't mind.
Heh. Well, I guess I really screwed up here. I had so much schoolwork, and so much other stuff, I just didn't have time. I'll write today or tomorrow hopefully, and yes, this isn't dead. Out of curiousity, please comment if you'd still read (again), as I just want to know what my audience size looks like.
I still read.
I don't get on here as often as I'd like anymore but I would still read.
Haha, er......yeah. I'm super bad guys, I've just been doing a lot of other stuff. Lazy as heck, I know. I'll work on this again, soon, I just wanted to take a break.....probably should have said that to you guys. Probably lost most of my audience now, damn.
I know that feel XD
I have no will to write this story. I've said this on Forum Users Among the Walking Dead already, but this story is going on a hiatus. I'm not writing for it for a long time, so I can do another story, and not even think about this one. So I'll link to whatever story I'm starting next, and anyone who wants to can follow. I dunno if I'm taking submitted characters, or if it's even in the walking dead universe, as I have another idea, but I'm not sure if it's gonna pan out. Anyway thank you all for reading, this will return someday, and I hope to see you in the next endeavor, and I have an Idea I love, so I might get it started today, so if you see this, check back later, maybe even less than an hour after I post this, and I swear, that will go longer and have shorter breaks than this one