That's correct the dlc chapter will be about a new group and what happened to Ian and Kaden during their escape from the motel. Both stories will have impact in season 2, therefore this chapter can be treated as a bridge for S1/S2.
Yeah, I remember the DLC episode, so far I thought it would be part of Season 1. Will it involve an entirely new group? I recall something y… moreou have announced a long time ago, about the DLC episode revolving around one of the characters who currently have Unknown status.
“I have to go with her Alastair.....if something happens to her in there and I’m not there to help her.....I wouldn’t forgive… morer sister gets reckless sometimes--” Donovan sighed seriously.
“It’s okay....I want you to go, keep her safe.....I have things covered here with Renda” Alastair nodded toughly.
“Whatever happens don’t try to be the hero......stay safe promise me that” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Relax uncle D, I know what to do, now go” Alastair replied shortly.
“Akemi wait, I’ll boost you up” Grace gasped and ran over to her.
“That means you’re coming?” Akemi asked anxiously.
“No, I’ll stay back, protect our things out here” Grace smirked.
“Oh....okay” Akemi nodded softly.
“You think they’ll be alright?” Renda asked calmly sitting in the car with the side door open.
“I sure hope so” Alastair sighed.
The small group slowly proceeded through the deserted town in search of Bradley and any survivo… [view original content]
No big reasoning this time. I'm not going to leave Elias behind, simple as that. And damn it... I hope Ellis and the rest manage to find Bradley and co. That they encountered the undead Carmen in Louisville really kicked me in the feels. Don't they make sure that their loved ones never come back? I mean, I was already pissed at the group for leaving Katie at the motel, but I thought they would have at least prevented the victims of the shootout from turning.
“I have to go with her Alastair.....if something happens to her in there and I’m not there to help her.....I wouldn’t forgive… morer sister gets reckless sometimes--” Donovan sighed seriously.
“It’s okay....I want you to go, keep her safe.....I have things covered here with Renda” Alastair nodded toughly.
“Whatever happens don’t try to be the hero......stay safe promise me that” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Relax uncle D, I know what to do, now go” Alastair replied shortly.
“Akemi wait, I’ll boost you up” Grace gasped and ran over to her.
“That means you’re coming?” Akemi asked anxiously.
“No, I’ll stay back, protect our things out here” Grace smirked.
“Oh....okay” Akemi nodded softly.
“You think they’ll be alright?” Renda asked calmly sitting in the car with the side door open.
“I sure hope so” Alastair sighed.
The small group slowly proceeded through the deserted town in search of Bradley and any survivo… [view original content]
Excellent choice These are the Unknown characters I am the most curious about at the moment either way. By the way, was there a way to prevent Ian, Kaden and Michael from turning against the group, or at least, from attempting to leave? And one more question: Considering that there was a timeskip for James and his group at the very end of their chapter, will there be one for Brad's group as well, or will their next chapter start directly after the last?
That's correct the dlc chapter will be about a new group and what happened to Ian and Kaden during their escape from the motel. Both stories will have impact in season 2, therefore this chapter can be treated as a bridge for S1/S2.
“I have to go with her Alastair.....if something happens to her in there and I’m not there to help her.....I wouldn’t forgive… morer sister gets reckless sometimes--” Donovan sighed seriously.
“It’s okay....I want you to go, keep her safe.....I have things covered here with Renda” Alastair nodded toughly.
“Whatever happens don’t try to be the hero......stay safe promise me that” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Relax uncle D, I know what to do, now go” Alastair replied shortly.
“Akemi wait, I’ll boost you up” Grace gasped and ran over to her.
“That means you’re coming?” Akemi asked anxiously.
“No, I’ll stay back, protect our things out here” Grace smirked.
“Oh....okay” Akemi nodded softly.
“You think they’ll be alright?” Renda asked calmly sitting in the car with the side door open.
“I sure hope so” Alastair sighed.
The small group slowly proceeded through the deserted town in search of Bradley and any survivo… [view original content]
Both scenarios were quite chaotic, the groups had to escape a dangerous situation. Blake was pretty banged up by Jarvis and then the walkers overrun Louisville prevented him from putting Carmen to rest and the others were more focused on how to get out of the town. The same goes for Zack, walkers were attacking his side window and there was little to no way of making sure Katie or Winston never came back without getting himself bit or hurt during the process.
[Bust the gate and risk saving Elias]
No big reasoning this time. I'm not going to leave Elias behind, simple as that. And damn it... I h… moreope Ellis and the rest manage to find Bradley and co. That they encountered the undead Carmen in Louisville really kicked me in the feels. Don't they make sure that their loved ones never come back? I mean, I was already pissed at the group for leaving Katie at the motel, but I thought they would have at least prevented the victims of the shootout from turning.
Nothing would've prevent them turning against the group, however Cody and Emily would've joined them if you chose to go with them, Michael would've been shot and killed in the process of escaping.
Edit: Bradley's chapter will start right from where we ended.
Excellent choice These are the Unknown characters I am the most curious about at the moment either way. By the way, was there a way to prev… moreent Ian, Kaden and Michael from turning against the group, or at least, from attempting to leave? And one more question: Considering that there was a timeskip for James and his group at the very end of their chapter, will there be one for Brad's group as well, or will their next chapter start directly after the last?
That's correct the dlc chapter will be about a new group and what happened to Ian and Kaden during their escape from the motel. Both stories will have impact in season 2, therefore this chapter can be treated as a bridge for S1/S2.
“I have to go with her Alastair.....if something happens to her in there and I’m not there to help her.....I wouldn’t forgive… morer sister gets reckless sometimes--” Donovan sighed seriously.
“It’s okay....I want you to go, keep her safe.....I have things covered here with Renda” Alastair nodded toughly.
“Whatever happens don’t try to be the hero......stay safe promise me that” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Relax uncle D, I know what to do, now go” Alastair replied shortly.
“Akemi wait, I’ll boost you up” Grace gasped and ran over to her.
“That means you’re coming?” Akemi asked anxiously.
“No, I’ll stay back, protect our things out here” Grace smirked.
“Oh....okay” Akemi nodded softly.
“You think they’ll be alright?” Renda asked calmly sitting in the car with the side door open.
“I sure hope so” Alastair sighed.
The small group slowly proceeded through the deserted town in search of Bradley and any survivo… [view original content]
“I have to go with her Alastair.....if something happens to her in there and I’m not there to help her.....I wouldn’t forgive… morer sister gets reckless sometimes--” Donovan sighed seriously.
“It’s okay....I want you to go, keep her safe.....I have things covered here with Renda” Alastair nodded toughly.
“Whatever happens don’t try to be the hero......stay safe promise me that” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Relax uncle D, I know what to do, now go” Alastair replied shortly.
“Akemi wait, I’ll boost you up” Grace gasped and ran over to her.
“That means you’re coming?” Akemi asked anxiously.
“No, I’ll stay back, protect our things out here” Grace smirked.
“Oh....okay” Akemi nodded softly.
“You think they’ll be alright?” Renda asked calmly sitting in the car with the side door open.
“I sure hope so” Alastair sighed.
The small group slowly proceeded through the deserted town in search of Bradley and any survivo… [view original content]
“I found a whole bunch of food in there D” Nina gasped in joy and started fulling her backpack.
“Get as much as you can carry, fill mine up while your at it” Donovan muttered while getting ready to fill up canisters of gas.
“Can you see the others D?” Nina called out.
“Yeah they’re right on up ahead, we’ll catch up to’em” Donovan assured.
15 minutes later
“C’mon uncle D, what’s taking so long?.....I can’t see them” Nina responded anxiously.
“Stop panicking, lets get these canisters back to Alastair first, we’re gonna need plenty of gas dear, look at this ain’t safe it ain’t anything, we have to keep moving” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Fine.....but I’m still going to check if they’re alright” Nina objected lightly and walked away.
“Nina....come back here I can’t.....carry all this back by myself” Donovan mumbled however Nina already moved away.
“Guys?......where are you at?......shit” Nina called out as she advanced through the town.
She briefly passed and stopped by the podium where among the corpses were Link, Carmen, Sebastian and many other people she didn’t know of “God what happened here” she said to herself in disbelief before resuming her search of the others.
Gunshots echoed Nina heard them all to well and Donovan heard a faint from the other side of town, he was holding two canisters near the barricade and Nina was close to cutting the corner near the courthouse.
Nina turned the corner and startled at the sight of the herd and hid quickly back in cover behind the corner. She takes a shocking peek at the swarm of walkers “Oh no, no, it can’t” she stuttered and tears shed her cheeks before retreating back to Donovan urgently.
Donovan quickly got the four canisters over the bus and handed it to Renda. He saw Nina running back to him.
“What’s going on I thought I heard gunshots?” Donovan gasped urgently.
“They’re gone” She sighed remorsefully.
“What are you saying?.....where did you see’em?” Donovan sounded puzzled.
“Rotters.....a hole lot of them.....there’s no way they got away from that” Nina sighed in shock.
“They might have found away to escape from’em....look I know Nina you wanted to help them.....but we can’t go risking our lives like that we gotta start thinking about ourselves now.....c’mon I’ll boast you up” Donovan remarked and helped her up onto the bus.
“Where’s the rest of them?” Grace responded firmly as Nina and Donovan were ready to get to their car urgently.
“Town’s overrun Grace we ain’t staying” Donovan replied sourly.
“I said where are they?!” Grace snarled.
“I dunno we got separated” Donovan sighed and Nina entered the car sorrowfully.
Grace’s face turned sullen “I should’ve gone with them!”
“I’m sorry” Donovan said remorsefully and started the car.
“Wait......did you guys see them.....actually die?” Grace asked painfully.
“No......there’s nothing here for us....not can come with us” Donovan suggested sullenly.
“I’m not leaving” Grace murmured agitatedly.
“Be safe Grace” Donovan sighed.
"You guys just gonna leave us?!" Grace argued.
"It's time we went our separate ways, sorry" Donovan replied flatly and after a brief moment they drove away.
[Go find the Ellis and the others]
[Stay by the car]
[Drive away]
“I’m not leaving you buddy” Ellis muttered under his nose and ran up to the gate.
“Get up there! I’m going back for Elias!” Ellis shouted rapidly.
“You’re gonna get yourself killed!” Charlie called out as she hurried Akemi on the ladder.
Ellis pushes and shoots any walker that came close, he tugged the corpse off of Elias “Behind you!” the kid yelled as he got to his feet. Ellis shoots and kills the lurker trying to attack him, suddenly another one charged at him from his flank “Ellis!” the boy shouted as he witnessed the roamer sunk its teeth into Ellis's left upper arm “Argh....fuck!” he gasped and knocked the walker back. They both stormed towards the ladder and escaped just in time as the hive of walkers now overrun the front of the courthouse.
“Elias!” Akemi gasped happily and hugged him.
Charlie approached and noticed the blood on Ellis’s upper arm “Oh no” she choked.
“What are the odds huh? I mean seriously getting bit twice on the same arm.....hah fuck me” Ellis laughed hysterically and examined his already partial left arm.
“That’s not funny Ellis” Charlie said hesitantly.
“We can still cut it off, take the rest of it off, right?” Elias remarked nervously.
“Yeah.....and cut it off with what exactly? fuck I almost bled out the last” Ellis sighed.
“We have to find a way of this roof” Charlie gasped worriedly.
“There’s a skylight window over their maybe we could find something inside” Elias muttered.
Charlie opens it and looks inside “I can’t see any walkers, c’mon we have to hurry”
“Wait.....I’ll go first” Ellis said firmly.
“But--” Charlie muttered.
“I’m bit? what’s the worst that could happen I get bitten for a third time, besides you need to stay safe for their sake” Ellis sighed and glanced at Akemi and Elias.
Elias tugged his shoulder softly and sighed “You came back for me, why?”
“Now is not the time Elias” Ellis mumbled and climbed in.
Ellis looks around at the abandoned courthouse, he could see the main entrance over the banister, the stairs in front of him are barricaded and blocked with huge file cabinets, he turns around and sees a mouthless and noiseless walker noosed above a door near the corner.
“Ellis? you alright?” Charlie asked anxiously.
“Yeah....yeah it’s safe to come down” Ellis waved.
They climb down and notice the walker “Is it...?” Elias mumbled as he approached it.
The lurker awoke and moaned weakly and sluggishly reached out towards them.
“Get back” Charlie gasped.
THUNK Akemi ended the walker with her crossbow and Charlie took it down shortly after.
“Quite smart cutting their mouth off, then they can’t bite anyone” Ellis groaned.
“Yeah” Charlie sighed feeling awkward.
“Does it feel different than the last time?” Elias winced as he gazed at Ellis’s wound.
“Yeah.....yeah pretty stings like hell” Ellis gasped.
“Do you think it will work, I mean cutting it off...again?” Elias asked hesitantly and nervously.
“I ain’t got much choice, it’s either that or die” Ellis replied in a matter of fact tone.
“You think someone’s inside?” Akemi asked softly as she stood in front of the a office door.
“We’ll have to find out.....only two bullets left, stay back just in might not be safe” Ellis muttered and cocked his pistol.
Ellis turns the knob and enters, a tall slightly overweight old man with a cane was standing behind the desk already pointing a silver .44 Auto Mag pistol at the him “Who the hell are you?” he groaned coldly.
“ name’s Ellis, I--” Ellis answered.
"You broke my 'door bell'" The man muttered indifferently.
"What?" Ellis winced.
“Take out your piece slowly and place it by my bed, don’t try anything stupid, I don’t miss” The man order coldly.
Ellis nodded and pulled out his pistol gently “Alright, I surrender mine first then you lower yours”
“Just do it boy” he muttered.
“I’m not here to hurt you old man” Ellis remarked rigidly.
“Keep your hands where I can see’em.....what do you want? why are you here?” The stranger remarked roughly.
“I came here to find my friend.....please we need your help” Ellis replied calmly.
“Who’s “we”?” The man gasped suspiciously.
“My group...they’re waiting outside....I’m looking for a guy named Bradley, do you know him?” Ellis asked firmly.
“Tell this group of yours to come in” The man ordered firmly.
“Please...first lower your gun” Ellis reasoned with him.
“I’ll judge when I lower my gun, you have my word I won’t open fire, unless your crew does first” The man responded stiffly.
“I haven’t got time for this! we have children for fucks sake!” Ellis pleaded.
“Children?” The man choked shortly before slightly lowering his weapon.
Ellis slowly opened the door “It’s okay guys” he hissed and they all went in.
“Sorry for the’s Jeffrey Sohmer....Jeff if you prefer” he responded softly after a brief moment.
Jeffrey had grey hair tied into a ponytail and a short fuzzy ash beard. He had a loose black shirt with a dark forest green hunters vest and tan cargo pants accompanied by brown hiking shoes.
“We’ll have time for introductions later, Ellis we need to act now!” Charlie said urgently.
“What’s the matter?” Jeffrey asked toughly.
“I got bit, I need to cut my arm off if I want to live, do you have anything sharp?” Ellis asked firmly and glanced at his wound.
“Your in luck I got medical supplies and I should have an axe back there, get on the desk” Jeffrey groaned.
Charlie held and prepared Ellis urgently “Fuck.....can’t believe this is happening got any booze?” he gasped nervously.
“Vodka will have to do” Jeffrey remarked as he pulled out of his backpack.
Ellis took a deep gulp and muttered “Man, this’s disgusting”.
“Not much of a drink hmmph.....well it helps me get through the day sometimes....gosh that’s good.......umph....I’ll try to make this quick” Jeffrey replied indifferently and took a long sip before preparing to swing.
“Make it qui--” Ellis hissed.
Ellis screamed in agony as Jeffrey removed the remains of his already maimed arm. After a brief moment he passes out.
“Oh no....did he?” Akemi asked sullenly.
“He passed out.....stay back kids you don’t have to see this” Jeffrey grunted while treating Ellis.
“I think they’ve seen enough....what do we do now?” Charlie sighed.
“We have to wait keep an eye on him if he turns.....for now I’m gonna try and stop him from bleeding out, thanks God we have medical supplies” Jeffrey remarked toughly.
“If we did it in time, he won’t turn” Charlie objected.
“Yeah...I’m aware of that....hmmph” Jeffrey sighed remorsefully and after a brief moment he takes a minute and turns his back on Charlie and Ellis.
“Are you okay?” Charlie asked anxiously as she noticed something bothered the old man.
“I’m fine....someone close to me once was bit, cutting it off didn’t work, maybe it was too late or maybe it doesn’t work at all” Jeffrey murmured.
“Ellis was bit once already that’s how he lost....part of his arm” Charlie stuttered.
“That arm had no luck then huh” Jeffrey grunted morosely.
“I’m Charlie by the way, and that’s Elias and Akemi we’re grateful for you helping us out.... do you have a safe way out of here?” Charlie said calmly.
“It’s nice to meet ya’ll....I have my own escape route.....why you ask? you can’t go now, he’s in no shape to move--” Jeffrey objected.
“I know.....I know that, it’s just...our people are still out there waiting for us and streets are filled with walkers--” Charlie sat and sighed.
“Hold on a sec, what people? and from which direction did you see these walkers?” Jeffrey asked seriously.
“We have a larger group by the barricade” Charlie muttered.
Charlie got up to her feet and gazed through the window, the streets remained empty from this side of the building “By the front entrance, the walkers just kept coming from the school and from the flank of this courthouse” Charlie replied.
“The school......shit I thought that place was sealed off tight....dammit!” Jeffrey gasped infuriated.
“Who put them there then?” Charlie asked inquisitively.
“Some of the few survivors of Louisville, they worked hard on controlling the herd, some died....some chose to hit the road” Jeffrey answered sullenly.
“Did they just leave you?” Charlie was shocked.
“ was my decision to stay.....I share a common weakness as your friend here....we both are maimed.....I lost my leg in see I wouldn’t be fit to run away from those monsters...I’m lucky to even live this far.....for a sixty two year old man I sure as hell postponed my death.........anyway since the community gathered supplies to last for a few months, so I just decided to live on the days I had left up here” Jeffrey sighed and revealed his prosthetic left leg from the knee below.
“Didn’t you want to look for your family?” Charlie asked softly.
“My family is dead! once the world went to shit, everything and everyone that had purpose for me to live.....died” Jeffrey responded coldly.
“I’m sorry Jeffrey” Charlie sighed compassionately.
Jeffrey walked back a few steps to check on Ellis, after that he grasped the bottle of vodka and gulped what was left of it.
“Got more....if you fancy?” Jeffrey grunted.
“No thanks it’s better to stay sober in a time like this” Charlie winced.
“You kids hungry?....I bet you are” Jeffrey asked warmly.
“Y-yeah” Elias stuttered and Akemi nodded.
“Then I’ll make some good enough grub for you all” Jeffrey mumbled in a half drunk state.
“I want to really know what happened in this town? we saw bodies by the square.....this place was meant to be a new beginning for all of us” Charlie persisted heavily.
“I was badly injured when they took me in.....been on the road for a while....I briefly met with the leader of this place......I spent most of my time in a small house not far from here...hmm Katie her name was....thanks to her I got better and back on my feet.....she was a kind person I really liked her.....then one day I woke up and walkers were I mentioned earlier a few survivors tried to handle the situation, but it turned out like it turned out” Jeffrey sighed and prepared them a meal.
“Katie is Bradley’s sister, you must’ve seen him at some point, did they make it?” Charlie persisted inquisitively.
“She spoke of him, but I never got a chance to meet be honest I didn’t get to meet many people when I was here at first......I don’t know if they both made it or not...once I met up with the remaining survivors after everything had fallen, they said that...Jarvis the leader, he started killing people ‘he just lost it’ they kept saying.....I like to think Katie and her brother survived somehow......some took off in vehicles.....some like me got left behind” Jeffrey sighed sullenly.
“What do we do now?” Elias asked sadly.
“I’m not sure Elias” Charlie replied tiresomely.
“You all can stay here, until you guys figure out what to do next.....I know it’s not much” Jeffrey reassured softly.
“I don’t even know if there’s anywhere we can go, it seems like everything has fallen and when anyone tries to rebuild something it crumbles anyway” Charlie muttered pessimistically.
“We just have to hold on Charlie.....just hope that they’ll soon find a cure for whatever it is that’s my dad use to say just have a little faith” Jeffrey smirked briefly.
“You still believe that will happen?” Charlie asked flatly.
“I have to Charlie...I just have to” Jeffrey murmured shortly.
I think Grace should have been with them from the very beginning and it was a serious mistake not to send her with the rest into Louisville. Perhaps an additional gun in there would have prevented the situation from getting too dire. And now Ellis is bitten again... Luckily the arm wasn't exactly useful anymore either way, but I am still afraid they might have been too late to save him. It is good that this Jeffrey guy was around though, that gave Ellis at least a chance. But god damn it... the damn feels when he brought up Katie, makes me wish they would have rather not encountered him. That fucking last chapter still sits deeply
“I found a whole bunch of food in there D” Nina gasped in joy and started fulling her backpack.
“Get as much as you can carry, fill mine … moreup while your at it” Donovan muttered while getting ready to fill up canisters of gas.
“Can you see the others D?” Nina called out.
“Yeah they’re right on up ahead, we’ll catch up to’em” Donovan assured.
15 minutes later
“C’mon uncle D, what’s taking so long?.....I can’t see them” Nina responded anxiously.
“Stop panicking, lets get these canisters back to Alastair first, we’re gonna need plenty of gas dear, look at this ain’t safe it ain’t anything, we have to keep moving” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Fine.....but I’m still going to check if they’re alright” Nina objected lightly and walked away.
“Nina....come back here I can’t.....carry all this back by myself” Donovan mumbled however Nina already moved away.
“Guys?......where are you at?......shit” Nina called out as sh… [view original content]
“I found a whole bunch of food in there D” Nina gasped in joy and started fulling her backpack.
“Get as much as you can carry, fill mine … moreup while your at it” Donovan muttered while getting ready to fill up canisters of gas.
“Can you see the others D?” Nina called out.
“Yeah they’re right on up ahead, we’ll catch up to’em” Donovan assured.
15 minutes later
“C’mon uncle D, what’s taking so long?.....I can’t see them” Nina responded anxiously.
“Stop panicking, lets get these canisters back to Alastair first, we’re gonna need plenty of gas dear, look at this ain’t safe it ain’t anything, we have to keep moving” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Fine.....but I’m still going to check if they’re alright” Nina objected lightly and walked away.
“Nina....come back here I can’t.....carry all this back by myself” Donovan mumbled however Nina already moved away.
“Guys?......where are you at?......shit” Nina called out as sh… [view original content]
“I found a whole bunch of food in there D” Nina gasped in joy and started fulling her backpack.
“Get as much as you can carry, fill mine … moreup while your at it” Donovan muttered while getting ready to fill up canisters of gas.
“Can you see the others D?” Nina called out.
“Yeah they’re right on up ahead, we’ll catch up to’em” Donovan assured.
15 minutes later
“C’mon uncle D, what’s taking so long?.....I can’t see them” Nina responded anxiously.
“Stop panicking, lets get these canisters back to Alastair first, we’re gonna need plenty of gas dear, look at this ain’t safe it ain’t anything, we have to keep moving” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Fine.....but I’m still going to check if they’re alright” Nina objected lightly and walked away.
“Nina....come back here I can’t.....carry all this back by myself” Donovan mumbled however Nina already moved away.
“Guys?......where are you at?......shit” Nina called out as sh… [view original content]
“I found a whole bunch of food in there D” Nina gasped in joy and started fulling her backpack.
“Get as much as you can carry, fill mine … moreup while your at it” Donovan muttered while getting ready to fill up canisters of gas.
“Can you see the others D?” Nina called out.
“Yeah they’re right on up ahead, we’ll catch up to’em” Donovan assured.
15 minutes later
“C’mon uncle D, what’s taking so long?.....I can’t see them” Nina responded anxiously.
“Stop panicking, lets get these canisters back to Alastair first, we’re gonna need plenty of gas dear, look at this ain’t safe it ain’t anything, we have to keep moving” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Fine.....but I’m still going to check if they’re alright” Nina objected lightly and walked away.
“Nina....come back here I can’t.....carry all this back by myself” Donovan mumbled however Nina already moved away.
“Guys?......where are you at?......shit” Nina called out as sh… [view original content]
“I found a whole bunch of food in there D” Nina gasped in joy and started fulling her backpack.
“Get as much as you can carry, fill mine … moreup while your at it” Donovan muttered while getting ready to fill up canisters of gas.
“Can you see the others D?” Nina called out.
“Yeah they’re right on up ahead, we’ll catch up to’em” Donovan assured.
15 minutes later
“C’mon uncle D, what’s taking so long?.....I can’t see them” Nina responded anxiously.
“Stop panicking, lets get these canisters back to Alastair first, we’re gonna need plenty of gas dear, look at this ain’t safe it ain’t anything, we have to keep moving” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Fine.....but I’m still going to check if they’re alright” Nina objected lightly and walked away.
“Nina....come back here I can’t.....carry all this back by myself” Donovan mumbled however Nina already moved away.
“Guys?......where are you at?......shit” Nina called out as sh… [view original content]
“I’ve been sticking with crews way too long, think it’s time I tried it out on my own out there” Dean answered decisively.
“Too bad......good luck I suppose......oh and one more thing before you go, does the name Blake or Keith mean anything to you?” Zafir replied slightly disappointed and dubiously.
“No why? looking for someone?” Dean frowned.
“Sorta.....yeah, never mind” Zafir replied indifferently before walking away.
“Best we headed out boss” Jerry remarked as he took care of the walker and Leo.
“Yeah, we’re going home” Zafir muttered and walked back to Marina.
“Stay alive out there and....thanks!” Nizhoni nodded from afar.
“You two be careful out there” Dean nodded back and walked away.
“C’mon we have a vehicle not far from here, you got him?” Marina told Nizhoni.
“Yeah I got him we’ll manage to the far is it to this mall?” Nizhoni replied while helping Kyle walk.
“A couple of miles, we should get there before nightfall” Marina replied shortly.
“Wait for us by the car, I need a minute with Jerry” Zafir tugged Marina gently.
“Is something wrong with him?” Marina asked worriedly.
“Don’t you worry your pretty face, I just gotta talk to him for a sec” Zafir reassured her.
Zafir approached Jerry who was standing above the corpse of Leo and watched over the camp.
“Did you ask him?” Zafir inquired discreetly.
“He had no idea... didn’t know any Blake or Keith” Jerry responded casually wiping his hands.
“How far could he have gone!” Zafir snarled.
“Look...Zaf.....I know you don’t want to hear this--” Jerry said cautiously.
“You’re right I don’t, I’m gonna do whatever it takes to find my son....I won’t rest till I get some answers” Zafir said uneasy.
“He might be dead Zaf, it’s been what?...two weeks since you last saw him....we gotta start focusing on finding supplies and our people, because like it or not that’s what will help us survive” Jerry said in a matter of fact tone.
“You’ve been a good friend to me Jerry, but if you ever imply that my son is dead, I might do something I’ll regret” Zafir said embittered.
“Fine.....I won’t mention him again, but if you want to stay as leader in this better start acting like one” Jerry groaned and walked away from the camp.
“We’ve been driving for ages bro, maybe we should make a stop at the next station, whattcha say?” Josh remarked.
“Uh.....wh-what did you say?” Aaron snapped out of his thoughts.
“I think we ought to stop and get some gas, we still got a bit of road ahead of us to get to that terminal” Josh replied dubiously.
“Yeah okay sure” Aaron replied urgently.
“What were you thinking of, just now?” Josh asked curiously.
“Hmmph....they really loved you man, can’t say the same about me” Josh remarked sullenly.
“In their own way they loved you too Josh” Aaron sighed.
“Doesn’t matter now.....I never really got on with them.....ever since I left home.....I thought I could build a future for myself without the past eating at me.....instead it was one nightmare after another” Josh groaned.
“They always favoured me before you” Aaron sighed.
“The only thing I regretted, is that when I left....I left you behind too....and I’m not saying like it was a bad thing for you, you were close with them.....but I distanced myself from you, many things changed between us....and then us being bandits--” Josh responded warmly.
“We’re not the same people....not entirely, did it ever cross your mind that we’d ever get this far and be here together?” Aaron responded rhetorically.
“We did have many close calls brother, but we gotta make sure our luck doesn’t run out.....lets just focus on the present from now on.....I’m gonna fill her up, won’t take long” Josh grunted and stopped by the gas station.
“I’ll check the service station” Aaron said calmly.
“Okay, be careful in there make sure nothing that nothing snuck up on ya” Josh called out.
“I’ll handle it” Aaron muttered.
Aaron started searching the place, he took some food and packed it into his backpack, after he grabbed a couple of magazines and books to read for the road. Behind the counter a body was laying down on the floor, face disfigured looked like someone shot this person, he finds a lever-action rifle by the corpse with only two shots left “Could come in handy” he remarked and grasped it.
“Man I miss my job” Josh mumbled to himself while tanking.
“Who you talking to?” Aaron chuckled.
“Just thinking out loud that’s all....I see you found something” Josh smirked at the view of the rifle.
“Yeah, it only has two bullets though but still better than nothing ey?...I also got us something to read” Aaron remarked and placed his backpack and the rifle in the backseat.
“Cool, what did you get?” Josh murmured.
“Since it’s my turn to drive, I got you this” Aaron smirked and handed him an automotive magazine.
“Thanks man, I appreciate it” Josh smiled and got in the car.
“Don’t mention it” Aaron started the car and they resumed their journey.
After a long drive the brothers were headed route 115 and drove past Callahan Florida, they were about thirty minutes away from Blount Island Marine Terminal. Jacksonville Airport was to the east of them visible through the side window and a huge traffic of abandoned cars blocked their path of heading further east to their desired destination.
“Eh....what now?” Aaron muttered behind the wheel as he gazed at the blocked road and a few walkers sluggishly toddling.
“Just slowly drive around them, it ain’t that hard, we dealt with bigger problems before, now c'mon” Josh chuckled softly.
“Fine, I’ll try” Aaron mumbled slightly nervous and maneuvers around the cars in the road.
“There ya go, wasn’t that hard was it?” Josh patted him on the shoulder after a few minutes of slow driving and dodging walkers.
“I thought we’d get stuck in the mud” Aaron muttered.
“Maybe we should catch a flight” Josh remarked optimistically and pointed at the airstrip in the distance.
“Heh.....first we need to know know how to fly a plane?” Aaron chuckled softly.
“How hard can it be?” Josh remarked with a smile.
“I always wanted to visit South America......Panama, Brazil, Argentina” Aaron smirked and said thoughtfully.
“When things settle down, we’ll both head down there...together” Josh nodded.
“That would be a nice change of scenery” Aaron smiled hopefully.
They drove for a few miles passing the airport, Aaron suddenly stopped “hey what’s wr--” Josh gasped slightly disorientated.
“Looks like a military vehicle” Aaron pointed ahead to a car approaching from the distance.
“You think it’s them, the military?” Josh remarked unsure.
“I dunno it could be anyone in that vehicle....but we ought to act quick” Aaron murmured.
I... uh... don't know. This sounds like the safest option. If the people in this vehicle are okay, everything will be fine. If they are bad people, then it is better to hide anyways. Driving past them sounds like a bad idea in any case. So, I guess hiding and hoping for the best is the safest option.
“I’ve been sticking with crews way too long, think it’s time I tried it out on my own out there” Dean answered decisively.
“Too bad......… moregood luck I suppose......oh and one more thing before you go, does the name Blake or Keith mean anything to you?” Zafir replied slightly disappointed and dubiously.
“No why? looking for someone?” Dean frowned.
“Sorta.....yeah, never mind” Zafir replied indifferently before walking away.
“Best we headed out boss” Jerry remarked as he took care of the walker and Leo.
“Yeah, we’re going home” Zafir muttered and walked back to Marina.
“Stay alive out there and....thanks!” Nizhoni nodded from afar.
“You two be careful out there” Dean nodded back and walked away.
“C’mon we have a vehicle not far from here, you got him?” Marina told Nizhoni.
“Yeah I got him we’ll manage to the far is it to this mall?” Nizhoni replied while helping Kyle walk.
“A couple of miles, we s… [view original content]
“I’ve been sticking with crews way too long, think it’s time I tried it out on my own out there” Dean answered decisively.
“Too bad......… moregood luck I suppose......oh and one more thing before you go, does the name Blake or Keith mean anything to you?” Zafir replied slightly disappointed and dubiously.
“No why? looking for someone?” Dean frowned.
“Sorta.....yeah, never mind” Zafir replied indifferently before walking away.
“Best we headed out boss” Jerry remarked as he took care of the walker and Leo.
“Yeah, we’re going home” Zafir muttered and walked back to Marina.
“Stay alive out there and....thanks!” Nizhoni nodded from afar.
“You two be careful out there” Dean nodded back and walked away.
“C’mon we have a vehicle not far from here, you got him?” Marina told Nizhoni.
“Yeah I got him we’ll manage to the far is it to this mall?” Nizhoni replied while helping Kyle walk.
“A couple of miles, we s… [view original content]
“I’ve been sticking with crews way too long, think it’s time I tried it out on my own out there” Dean answered decisively.
“Too bad......… moregood luck I suppose......oh and one more thing before you go, does the name Blake or Keith mean anything to you?” Zafir replied slightly disappointed and dubiously.
“No why? looking for someone?” Dean frowned.
“Sorta.....yeah, never mind” Zafir replied indifferently before walking away.
“Best we headed out boss” Jerry remarked as he took care of the walker and Leo.
“Yeah, we’re going home” Zafir muttered and walked back to Marina.
“Stay alive out there and....thanks!” Nizhoni nodded from afar.
“You two be careful out there” Dean nodded back and walked away.
“C’mon we have a vehicle not far from here, you got him?” Marina told Nizhoni.
“Yeah I got him we’ll manage to the far is it to this mall?” Nizhoni replied while helping Kyle walk.
“A couple of miles, we s… [view original content]
“I’ve been sticking with crews way too long, think it’s time I tried it out on my own out there” Dean answered decisively.
“Too bad......… moregood luck I suppose......oh and one more thing before you go, does the name Blake or Keith mean anything to you?” Zafir replied slightly disappointed and dubiously.
“No why? looking for someone?” Dean frowned.
“Sorta.....yeah, never mind” Zafir replied indifferently before walking away.
“Best we headed out boss” Jerry remarked as he took care of the walker and Leo.
“Yeah, we’re going home” Zafir muttered and walked back to Marina.
“Stay alive out there and....thanks!” Nizhoni nodded from afar.
“You two be careful out there” Dean nodded back and walked away.
“C’mon we have a vehicle not far from here, you got him?” Marina told Nizhoni.
“Yeah I got him we’ll manage to the far is it to this mall?” Nizhoni replied while helping Kyle walk.
“A couple of miles, we s… [view original content]
The night had finally fell upon Louisville, the herd outside the courthouse had calmed down and scattered out, however most of the undead still occupied the entrance and nearby areas. Grace climbed quickly over the bus and proceeded through the town, she had a pistol wielded in her left hand and her sickle in the right. She hadn’t yet reached the podium, but already could hear the wailing sound of the undead.
Shortly before it got dark Elias, Akemi, Charlie and Jeffrey ate their late meal and got ready to sleep. Jeffrey usually retired on the small couch as it was the only cozy place to sleep in this room, however he wanted Akemi, Elias or Charlie to rest comfortably for the night. Ellis for a brief moment regained consciousness and weakly asked for water, he lost a lot of blood, but it looked like he was going to survive. Charlie and Elias were glad to see him awake even for a short moment. Jeffrey noticed that Akemi somewhat isolated herself from the others and sat on the spacious windowsill with her crossbow beside. From Jeffrey’s point of view she looked relaxed but sullen, it strangely reminded him of his own daughter when her mother Louise passed away, she’d detach herself sometimes wander off on her own. Louise died ten years ago due to breast cancer, leaving him to care for their two children Tom and Katherine. He loved his children, however when Louise died Jeffrey felt like he died with her for a long time. After a moment Akemi laid down in a fetal position and made herself comfortable to sleep. He shook his head emotionally and sighed “I miss you all”.
Refusing to sink back into his personal thoughts, before going to sleep he checked on Ellis who was resting uneasily and frowning in pain. Jeffrey gave him a small dose of morphine to ease the pain and managed to change his bandage. Charlie looked worried and dwelled on whether Jeffrey knew what he was doing. He glanced at her, as she was standing close by looking over Ellis with a hopeful look on her face.
Jeffrey reassured her that “He’s tougher than he looks”.
After a moment he sighed “You should get some sleep”. As much as she wanted to stay awake and be close to Ellis, she was too exhausted to do anything. She grabbed her backpack and placed it behind her head as she laid on the floor close to the couch where Elias was fast asleep.
In the middle of the night a bad dream woke Elias, he yawned and sat up for a brief moment and glanced at the desk. Jeffrey was sitting in a rusty armchair with a bottle of unfinished whiskey in his right hand. Elias reached for his backpack and pulled out the recorder, he gazed at it for a long moment wondering what it contained, whos voices would speak out. Jeffrey audibly mumbled something in his drunken state and the bottle almost slipped out of his hand causing to slightly startle Elias. The old man noticed the young boy was awake “Can’t sleep?” he hissed.
“I had a bad dream” Elias replied shyly.
“Figures.....all that...fightin dead people does that to ya” Jeffrey sputtered.
“Everything now is a big nightmare” Elias remarked somberly.
“Hmmph....can’t agree more son.....I used to have nightmares....every day.....and still's like a pesky shadow with no name always followin’ya” Jeffrey grunted and took a long sip before putting the bottle down on the floor.
“Can I have some of that? what you’re drinking” Elias asked bluntly.
“Better you stick to water kiddo.......tell me whattcha holdin that hand” Jeffrey muttered lethargically and covered himself with a brown blanket.
“Found this recorder in the pharmacy across the street, it needs two batteries to work” Elias replied indifferently.
“Huh.....ain’t that a bummer.......maybe there are some in the....desk drawers” Jeffrey grumbled before slowly dozing off to sleep.
Elias held the recorder for a short while longer and glanced at Jeffrey who was slowly starting to snore.
[Sneak over to the desk and search the drawers]
[Go back to sleep]
Somewhere on the Alabama State Route 20 headed West, Donovan was sitting behind the wheel for nearly three hours. At first they argued about leaving others behind and where to exactly travel. The group commuted in total silence with only their thoughts to trouble them. Since they pretty had no clue where to go, Donovan decided that they should go to his original hometown Birmingham. Nina and Alastair seemed to had second thoughts about their sudden departure from Louisville. They both felt guilty and cowardly. Nina internally blamed herself for not having the courage of at least trying to search for the others. Once Alastair had heard about the town being overrun, on one hand he knew that there wasn’t a shred of hope for Louisville being a safe settlement as it was rumored to be; and on the other hand he felt bad for leaving the others even though he didn’t get to know them all too well, especially Charlie he had in thought. Renda struggled to uphold his optimistic and enthusiastic nature for the first time in a long while. He couldn’t stand his lack of initiative and bravery into fighting for the ones he cared about. He weirdly felt that Donovan started to view him as a parasite for refusing to ever use a gun, even though Renda has his own reasons. Renda thought that perhaps Donovan was right. Since the outbreak running was always his best and often only strategy in fighting the dead.
The day it all started, Renda was at his usual two hour football practicing session with the team which he cherished the most. However, when it was time for everyone to get picked up, none of their parents came. Some chose to hang out and wait by the school and some tried to get home by themselves. Renda sat around in the school for about an hour and a half trying to call his parents but no-one picked up. When nightfall was approaching, he and a few buddies decided to finally try and get home. While walking they noticed the scarcity of people and cars in the street, however it didn’t alarm them much since it was a small town after all. After saying goodbye to most of the team, he continued walking home with Malcolm his close friend who lived across the street and around the corner from his house.
Renda got really confused and a bit nervous as he heard strange noises coming from the houses they just walked past. They saw vague figures in the distance, but couldn’t tell or really make them out because it was pitch dark. They felt relieved at the sight of people, however Renda noticed that they started approaching the youngsters in a weird manner. He called out to them without reply, so he pulled out his phone for light. As soon as he turned it on, the nightmare which were the undead was real and it was surrounding him. Malcolm started shouting for help, Renda was horrified and bashed through the walkers without knowing what they were or did, and he tried to sprint back home. Once the two finally reached their houses, Renda barged right in and turned on the lights. There was no one or nothing to be seen. No photos in the living room or pictures on the refrigerator, cabinets were emptied, windows were broken the living room was a big mess, but that was the least of his worries. There was a torned note on the floor, it was from his family but it was all ripped and was unable to read the message. This saddened him deeply, and with nothing left to take with him. He wanted to call his parents cell, but his phone died, urgently searching the house his charger was gone. The only important thing was to find his parents, he rushed to the front door, but a walker cop appeared and stood in his way. It almost overpowered him by the front door, Renda managed to kill it with a nearby lamp. A glock pistol was still in the holster of the dead policeman, Renda cautiously took it and went to quickly check on Malcolm. He called out his name, but no-one answered. Renda grew even more nervous while scanning the house for Malcolm, his hands were shaking immensely, a green light was flashing on the answer machine in the living room. The one new message was from Malcolm’s uncle who sounded extremely frightened and panted that something horrible is happening and informed them to stay in the house and lock themselves in to stay safe. As the recording stopped, the garage door underneath the stairs abruptly bashed open and startled Renda......BANG
Renda jumped in the backseat and found himself back in reality. It was pitch dark outside and Nina was beside him sleeping quietly with her head against the window.
“How long was I out?” Renda yawned disorientated.
“Couple hours, you passed shortly after Nina did” Donovan replied flatly.
“Where are we anyway?” Renda inquired slightly bewildered.
“I think we just past Pell City buddy” Alastair replied morosely with a forceful smirk.
“Not too far now, I hope the situation is more promising in Alabama” Donovan remarked agitatedly.
“Where there’s people there always will be walkers, we can’t escape them uncle D” Alastair rubbed his face and responded indifferently.
“As much as I don’t like thinking that way, I gotta agree with you....zombies will be everywhere, but there has to be someone out there actually trying to put an end to this ...qualified scientists trying to find a cure.....we have no idea where the military is, there has to be a big settlement somewhere” Donovan argued in a testy tone.
“And going back to the town you grew up in would be the answer?” Alastair remarked pessimistically.
“You got a better idea, then lets hear it son!” Donovan raised his voice.
“I ain’t your son!” Alastair replied roughly.
“Please, just....don’t argue!” Renda intervened.
“Sorry” Donovan sighed after a long pause.
“I didn’t mean to lash out like that, it just sometimes gets me that’s all” Alastair mumbled remorsefully.
“That’s better guys, so....where are we exactly heading?” Renda asked with a bit of relief in his voice.
“Birmingham Alabama kid” Donovan grunted.
Twenty minutes later they turned off the interstate and headed Downtown where Donovan’s cousin lives or lived. Looking out the window they saw buildings with broken windows, walls painted in various markings ‘DEAD’, ‘INFECTED’, ‘END IS HERE’, ‘WILL SHOOT ON SIGHT“, ‘DAMNATION’, ‘NO S/ZONE’ and many more. What particularly caught Renda’s eye were the cryptic messages like 8/U/S, AM/5, SOLACE/BC.
“What do you guys think it all means?” Renda asked perplexed.
“Nothing good” Donovan muttered.
“Fuck....this is damn spooky” Alastair sighed anxiously.
“Yeah it’s worser than I thought, we better get through this part of town fast” Donovan accelerated.
“What’s going on?” Nina slowly opened her eyes.
“Slow down D, there are cars in the street up ahead” Alastair cautioned and fastened his seat belt.
“I see them, not to worry” Donovan smirked.
He slalomed fast around the abandoned cars, until unexpectedly their tires popped while driving over a spike strip. Donovan loses control of the vehicle and crashes head-on into a restaurant.
“Great driving D.....good thing I had my seat belts on” Alastair murmured dazedly and sarcastically.
“Nina, Chris you guys alright back there?” Donovan grunted.
“Yeah....yeah we’re fine” Nina and Chris gasped.
Donovan caught a glimpse in the rear-view mirror of a few people jumping over one of the vehicles in the street, they were heading rabidly towards them.
“Oh fuck! everybody out!” Donovan shouted toughly and urgently got out of the crashed car.
An ambusher opened Alastair’s side door and hit him almost unconscious before dragging him out. As Nina wanted to exit the vehicle with her crossbow an attacker grabbed her out “Leave him alone, let me go motherfucker! she yelled. Renda was unable to hold onto her hand as he too was shortly after pulled out by another assailant. While Donovan leaped out an attacker greeted him with a rough punch and later tried to strangle him against the hood of the car. Renda got kicked in the stomach by his assailant and stood above him holding a baseball bat mumbling “This’ll be over quick”. Donovan managed to reach for his gun in the side-holster and killed his attacker by shooting him twice in the stomach. Renda’s aggressor quickly rushed back towards Donovan and swung his bat at him “You think you can take us on old man!” he called out while knocking him flat to the ground. Donovan’s .50 pistol dropped and was now at arms length for Renda.
Nina was screaming for help as the attackers looked to have wanted to rape her before killing. Renda couldn’t hear or actually see Alastair, but saw a figure repeatedly punching someone on the ground that could've only been Alastair.
If they were to survive this Renda had to act now and grab the gun.
The night had finally fell upon Louisville, the herd outside the courthouse had calmed down and scattered out, however most of the undead st… moreill occupied the entrance and nearby areas. Grace climbed quickly over the bus and proceeded through the town, she had a pistol wielded in her left hand and her sickle in the right. She hadn’t yet reached the podium, but already could hear the wailing sound of the undead.
Shortly before it got dark Elias, Akemi, Charlie and Jeffrey ate their late meal and got ready to sleep. Jeffrey usually retired on the small couch as it was the only cozy place to sleep in this room, however he wanted Akemi, Elias or Charlie to rest comfortably for the night. Ellis for a brief moment regained consciousness and weakly asked for water, he lost a lot of blood, but it looked like he was going to survive. Charlie and Elias were glad to see him awake even for a short moment. Jeffrey noticed that Akemi somewhat isolated herse… [view original content]
Why not? I'm certainly curious about this recorder.
[Save Nina]
The way I see it, Nina is the most logical choice here. Alastair is on the ground already and probably knocked unconscious. Similarly, Donovan got hit by a baseball bat, which means that he could be unconscious as well, or at least too wounded to fight back/escape. Nina on the other hand is confirmed to be quite conscious, since she is screaming for help, so that means that she has the best chances to actually escape if Renda chooses to save her.
The night had finally fell upon Louisville, the herd outside the courthouse had calmed down and scattered out, however most of the undead st… moreill occupied the entrance and nearby areas. Grace climbed quickly over the bus and proceeded through the town, she had a pistol wielded in her left hand and her sickle in the right. She hadn’t yet reached the podium, but already could hear the wailing sound of the undead.
Shortly before it got dark Elias, Akemi, Charlie and Jeffrey ate their late meal and got ready to sleep. Jeffrey usually retired on the small couch as it was the only cozy place to sleep in this room, however he wanted Akemi, Elias or Charlie to rest comfortably for the night. Ellis for a brief moment regained consciousness and weakly asked for water, he lost a lot of blood, but it looked like he was going to survive. Charlie and Elias were glad to see him awake even for a short moment. Jeffrey noticed that Akemi somewhat isolated herse… [view original content]
The night had finally fell upon Louisville, the herd outside the courthouse had calmed down and scattered out, however most of the undead st… moreill occupied the entrance and nearby areas. Grace climbed quickly over the bus and proceeded through the town, she had a pistol wielded in her left hand and her sickle in the right. She hadn’t yet reached the podium, but already could hear the wailing sound of the undead.
Shortly before it got dark Elias, Akemi, Charlie and Jeffrey ate their late meal and got ready to sleep. Jeffrey usually retired on the small couch as it was the only cozy place to sleep in this room, however he wanted Akemi, Elias or Charlie to rest comfortably for the night. Ellis for a brief moment regained consciousness and weakly asked for water, he lost a lot of blood, but it looked like he was going to survive. Charlie and Elias were glad to see him awake even for a short moment. Jeffrey noticed that Akemi somewhat isolated herse… [view original content]
The night had finally fell upon Louisville, the herd outside the courthouse had calmed down and scattered out, however most of the undead st… moreill occupied the entrance and nearby areas. Grace climbed quickly over the bus and proceeded through the town, she had a pistol wielded in her left hand and her sickle in the right. She hadn’t yet reached the podium, but already could hear the wailing sound of the undead.
Shortly before it got dark Elias, Akemi, Charlie and Jeffrey ate their late meal and got ready to sleep. Jeffrey usually retired on the small couch as it was the only cozy place to sleep in this room, however he wanted Akemi, Elias or Charlie to rest comfortably for the night. Ellis for a brief moment regained consciousness and weakly asked for water, he lost a lot of blood, but it looked like he was going to survive. Charlie and Elias were glad to see him awake even for a short moment. Jeffrey noticed that Akemi somewhat isolated herse… [view original content]
The night had finally fell upon Louisville, the herd outside the courthouse had calmed down and scattered out, however most of the undead st… moreill occupied the entrance and nearby areas. Grace climbed quickly over the bus and proceeded through the town, she had a pistol wielded in her left hand and her sickle in the right. She hadn’t yet reached the podium, but already could hear the wailing sound of the undead.
Shortly before it got dark Elias, Akemi, Charlie and Jeffrey ate their late meal and got ready to sleep. Jeffrey usually retired on the small couch as it was the only cozy place to sleep in this room, however he wanted Akemi, Elias or Charlie to rest comfortably for the night. Ellis for a brief moment regained consciousness and weakly asked for water, he lost a lot of blood, but it looked like he was going to survive. Charlie and Elias were glad to see him awake even for a short moment. Jeffrey noticed that Akemi somewhat isolated herse… [view original content]
Aaron abruptly parked the car by the side of the road, turned the engine off and hissed “We hide, we can’t risk having an encounter with whoever is in that military truck”.
Josh grabbed the rifle which Aaron found from the backseat and leaped out. After the vehicle drove past them, they waited a moment by the trees and later returned to their car.
“They looked quite legit Aaron” Josh remarked bluntly as he got in.
“Yeah I felt that too, but we’ll find out soon enough when we get there” Aaron replied dubiously.
Nearly thirty minutes later they arrived on the outskirts of Jacksonville Port also marked as US Marine Corps Blount Island Terminal. From afar it looked like whoever resided there only had occupied half off the port terminal and used cargo containers as walls for protection from outsiders. The other half of the port seems to be used as a parking lot as there were many cars and military vehicles. Josh noticed and pointed at the lookout guards dressed in khaki uniforms strolling on top of the large containers.
“What do you think? we finally made it” Aaron remarked positively.
“This place looks like it has a good setup, we’re not turning back now” Josh said decisively.
“What if they ask us why we’d come here? or about that chopper” Aaron asked anxiously.
“Just follow my lead, I’ll do the talking” Josh reassured him.
“Okay....yeah....lets do this” Aaron stuttered and drove closer.
“This could finally be it, a place where we could finally catch a breath” Josh remarked optimistically.
“I hope so” Aaron muttered.
One of the guards noticed them and reached for his loudspeaker “That’s far enough....exit your vehicle with your hands up” the guard spoke firmly with slight hostility in his voice.
Aaron and Josh glanced at each other for a short second and exited their vehicle calmly.
“Drop your weapons” The guard ordered.
“We only have a’s in the car” Josh pointed.
The guard radioed in their arrival and then asked them in a rather composed manner “Approach slowly”.
“Hello, name’s Tommy Welf” The guard nodded flatly.
“I’m Josh and this is my brother Aaron” Josh responded calmly.
“Nice to meet you guys travelled long to get here?” Tommy asked rather curiously.
“Louisville Georgia...I want to know who’s in charge here?” Josh demanded firmly.
“Quite the will meet the Major shortly” The guard responded firmly and evasively.
“The Major? Are you going to let us in or what?” Josh persisted mildly.
“If you cooperate, then yes.....but there is one important process that applies to every survivor we encounter” Tommy replied.
Aaron glanced and nodded towards Josh “Fine, what’s the process?” the older brother asked dubiously.
“For the first two days as a precaution you will be kept in a quarantine area tested by a doctor, of course you will be given food and water over the course of that time and once you’ll be given the all clear, you’ll join in with the rest of the survivors” Tommy replied toughly and rigorously.
“You know that’s nonsense right? no offence but the virus is airborne and everyone’s infected....we’re not bitten or sick, so there’s no point holding us in quarantine, we can start helping out properly now” Josh argued.
“There might always be more to it with what we’re fighting against and for that we need to make tests find the source of the problem and solve it by finding a cure....look that’s our standard procedure, many people came before you and went through the same either accept can’s forcing you to go through and we won’t come after you” Tommy replied in a matter of fact tone.
Josh turned to Aaron and said worriedly “I don’t like this”.
“We have to do this Josh, you know what we went through out there, everyday looking over your shoulder living in fear” Aaron replied softly.
“We don’t have to do anything!....I just don’t believe what he said about that whole quarantine crap” Josh whispered angrily.
“I’m skeptical too believe me, anything could happen to us over that wall, but we did so many things to get here both good and bad, it can’t all go to waste...this place is likely real we have the letters and documents from that chopper to prove it....and we need to tell them about it....listen I’m just willing to take that risk if you are” Aaron whispered.
[Agree to the terms and later tell them about the helicopter crash]
[Refuse and leave]
About thirty miles from Atlanta, Zafir stopped the SUV in Conyers close to a mall called “Lingering Memories Antiques and Collectibles” he switched off the headlights.
“You said this place was safe! What are we waiting for?” Nizhoni said agitatedly at the sight of many walkers scattered and occupying the area.
Zafir grabbed a pair of binoculars from the glove compartment and later flashed the headlights twice as a signal. He scanned to see if there was anyone on the roof. A five foot seven tall female figure was standing on the roof holding an automatic rifle of some type, she noticed them and flashed twice with her flashlight before disappearing.
“You see those metal doors, the walkers will be onto us once we get close, that’s where you have to sprint” Zafir muttered and pointed ahead, after a moment he drove closer to the wall with a metal gate.
Someone inside started pulling a chain in order to open the metal doors, he stopped midway and another person slipped in a small filing cabinet to keep the heavy door from closing. Zafir gave the go-ahead and everyone rushed inside. The gate slammed shut by a caucasian man about five foot eleven weighing about hundred-forty pounds. He had a thin face but with slightly reddened chubby cheeks with light brown messy hair and distinctive bright blue eyes “You guys were gonna a long time, any problems? I see you found new people” he panted casually and rather optimistically.
“We’re fine, just took a bit longer than usual, I’ll explain later but thanks Auggie” Zafir nodded tiresomely.
August Fulton often called ‘Auggie’ was a man in his thirties wearing a brown blouson and khaki pants with scruffy charcoal boots.
“Who are these two?” a six foot tall African-American woman in her mid-twenties asked bluntly and toughly in a somewhat posh accent.
“This is Nizhoni and Kyle, they’re gonna stay with us for a while” Zafir said firmly.
“Hold on a minute-” The woman objected.
“Relax Vivienne, they’re just regular people like us, that need our help” Marina interjected rigidly.
“Please, Kyle needs a doctor” Nizhoni gasped rather desperately while her boyfriend wheezed in pain.
Vivienne noticed Kyle’s injury and turned to Zafir “I’ll let Eve know” she said in a composed tone.
“Vivienne will take you to Eve she’s our doctor, it’s getting late we’ll speak in morning” Zafir said firmly to Nizhoni.
Vivienne Emperor had a skinny slender figure, but with curvy hips. Her lips were quite thick and round. Despite her resentful attitude, Nizhoni saw something intelligent in her chocolate eyes. She was bald and had a navy baseball cap to cover it. Her attire included a midnight purple hoodie with tight dark teal jeans and black high-top shoes.
After following her through the empty mall filled with antiques, shelves filled with various collectibles, both rusty and renewed furniture, albums, antique toys, glassware, primitives, pottery, crystal, Elvis memorabilia, decorative items, lamps, rugs and she finally stopped by a closed store called “Treasures and Trash”. After knocking twice on the glassed door a petite woman named Eve opened. She was surprised at first but also very welcoming. Eve looked to be in her twenties, her green eyes stood out from her pallid face. Pink lips surrounded her small mouth and dimples pressed softly under her flat cheekbones. She had a dark denim top with slim tan pants and dirty white trainers.
The store was turned into a more accommodated condition, there was a mattress in the corner with a young boy about four years of age playing with toys, a long antique desk with books some opened and some stacked up. Eve kept most of the medical supplies on the shelves beside an armchair and folded bed situated to the far left of the room. Vivienne left the room while Eve urgently lit up the candles and Kyle rested on the couch and waited to be examined.
“God what happened.....It’s heavily most likely have a cracked rib here, without proper scanning, there’s no knowing for certain to what extent, you’re going to need to rest for at least two weeks and take pain relief frequently” Eve said in a focused voice.
"You don't wanna know" Kyle choked.
“Are you sure know what you’re doing? Are you really a doctor?” Nizhoni questioned her worriedly.
Eve looked up shyly and said sincerely “I graduated five years ago....please don’t worry I had some time to practice” she later asked for Kyle to sit up and take a few deep breaths and cough in order to scale the intensity of the pain. Eve later grabbed a bottle of water, a few painkillers and gave them to Kyle.
“I’ll clean these cuts and patch you up, try to lay down and rest” Eve said softly.
“Thank you so much” Nizhoni said feeling relief.
“Your welcome” Eve smirked after a brief moment while getting all the necessary supplies.
“Yeah....really much appreciated Doc” Kyle coughed.
Nizhoni noticed the small boy looking at them innocently. He had a round chubby face with blue eyes and messy coal hair “Is he your son?” she asked Eve warmly.
“Yes he is” Eve smiled while cleaning Kyle’s wounds.
“What’s his name?” Nizhoni asked curiously.
“Cleo” Eve smiled.
“Mom, where’s daddy?” Cleo walked over shyly to his mother.
“Daddy is has an important task sweetie, he’ll be back soon don’t worry” Eve reassured her son compassionately.
“Have you been staying here long?” Nizhoni asked calmly.
“Long enough to call this place husband Hugo, Cleo and I...we were in Atlanta when it all started, once the quarantine and refuge camps started to get overrun we fled and ended up here with August and his family....we managed to board up and seal off all the easily accessed entrances to keep the dead out...all except for one metal door the way you came in.....we waited and waited for the military....anyone to pass through, but it never happened.....the chances for a cure or vaccine seem pretty thin at this did you two survive?” Eve replied flatly while finishing up.
“Barely....we’ve been moving from the start of the outbreak never stopping anywhere for too long, we mainly sticked to the countryside I always liked living in the woods and thought it was the safest place, less walkers, less to worry about, but it turned out it’s nothing different.....we have to fear the living just as the dead” Nizhoni said flatly.
Eve recalled what happened to Zafir’s family and her face saddened “Are you alright?” Nizhoni asked noticing the change on her face.
“I’m...I’m fine, just some bad memories” Eve replied with a forceful smirk.
“How did you guys get all these supplies?” Nizhoni frowned curiously changing the subject.
“There’s big shopping mall not far from here Conyers Plaza you can see it from the rooftop, with regular supply runs we managed to stock you see being the only doctor here means I hold the main medical inventory” Eve chuckled softly.
“What about food?” Nizhoni smirked.
“There’s never enough food.....of course I’m kidding....we have a lot, but it’s always good to have more” Eve smiled.
“Ain’t that true” Nizhoni chuckled.
“Am I interrupting something?” Auggie knocked on the ajar door.
“No Auggie come in, have you two met?” Eve invited him in.
“Not properly, hello I’m August, but most people here tend to call me Auggie” he chuckled softly.
“Nizhoni and he’s my boyfriend Kyle” She smiled.
“How is he? Is he gonna be alright?” Auggie asked with concern in his voice.
“He’s better thanks to Eve” Nizhoni sighed.
“Well if you need anything, you’ll find me in the Caribbean Collectibles store, I have to get back to Judy and Becky” Auggie chuckled softly.
“Thank you” Nizhoni nodded.
“Marie still on her shift?” Eve asked softly.
“You know my wife, she’s always up to something, see ya both later bye Cleo” Auggie said optimistically and left the store.
“It’s late we should turn in, you can have Cleo’s bed for tonight” Eve said kindly.
“Are you sure?” Nizhoni asked warmly.
“Totally don’t worry, Cleo will sleep with me and Hugo tonight, try to get some sleep” Eve smiled before lifting up Cleo.
“Okay, I just want to go and thank Zafir for bringing us, where could I find him?” Nizhoni asked.
“Now he’s most likely in the Swap shop on the second floor....that’s where he sleeps, maybe it’s best if you talk tomorrow.....goodnight Nizhoni” Eve replied softly.
“You’re right it can wait till tomorrow, goodnight Eve and thanks again” Nizhoni said gratefully.
“My pleasure” Eve smirked.
Shortly before putting off the candles Hugo returned weary, he briefly introduced himself to Nizhoni and later went to sleep, he wasn’t too happy with the newcomers staying in their room, but he was too tired to argue with his wife. Hugo Farrah was in his late forties, the most noticeable feature of his face was his short short stiff beard and disheveled ash hair, he wore a dark blue plaid flannel shirt with dark straight jeans. Nizhoni also noticed he had a bandage wrapped around his forearm.
In the morning, chatting noises from outside the store woke Nizhoni. Kyle was still sleeping heavily, she slowly paced towards the door. Outside everyone was already gathered for breakfast sitting by a long plastic table beside the vintage stalls. There were at least six more people she didn’t recognize or even met. Auggie caught her as he smirked and gently waved at her while standing by his wife Marie and two children Becky and Judy. Marie gave her a somewhat rebellious glare, she had a thin ebony face and light brown eyes. She was of Haitian decent and had long chocolate brown side braids. Part of her bangs are streaked auburn red due to her fiery personality that never faded. Marie tried to feed her five year old daughter Becky what looked like to be some type of soup, but the girl preferred to suck her own thumb. Once the young girl noticed Nizhoni she started to hide her face shyly and coddled Marie tightly. The girl wore her hair short and in raven colored pigtails. Judy is about four foot six with shoulder length auburn colored hair, dark brown eyes, a pudgy, fair skinner face, and lots of freckles on her cheeks. She also had fairly crooked front teeth while smiling at Nizhoni. Both girls had blue hoodies. Opposite them Eve was sitting with Cleo.
Close by Vivienne Emprior was seen chatting to a hispanic woman named Priscilla, her face heavily resembled the Columbian-American actress Sofia Vergara. She had a mauve colored leather jacket and grey denim pants with high dark brown fleece boots. Beside her sitting was a seven year old boy, he looked to be Priscilla’s son due to the strong facial resemblance. The boy on the other hand had black wavy hair and wore a brown printed t-shirt and denim shorts. The last two strangers sitting were Noelle and Phoebe Timmons. Noelle looked to be eighteen and slightly older than Pheobe. In appearance the teenagers looked similar the only few distinctions were Noelle was taller, more stern-looking and had black long curly hair tied in a ponytail. Pheobe had shoulder length black hair and looked happier than her older sister. Noelle wore a tight blue and black tracksuit, while Pheobe preferred to wear chino shorts and a brown cardigan. Shortly later Hugo appeared on the scene with Zafir, Marina and Jerry walking down the escalators after him. Zafir introduced Nizhoni and explained her arrival. Most of the group appeared to be quiet distant and protective of themselves towards Nizhoni, except for Eve, Auggie, Judy and Priscilla.
“How long will you be staying?” Marie asked her directly and strictly.
“Once Kyle gets back on his feet, we’ll leave I promise, and I would like to thank you again Zafir for taking us in...I want to thank all of you.....and in exchange I want to help out anyway that’s possible” Nizhoni said sincerely.
“Well we could always use more hands to protect this place” Priscilla said optimistically and sympathetically.
“I’m just glad we found you both when we to the less fun part for today we have a lot to do......first as many of you already know we ran out of juice in the generators, second another herd might pass through I’m thinking it might happen sometime during this week so we’re gonna need to be quieter than usual, third we need to intensify the supply runs before winter hits us, we need to start gathering more warm clothes and fuel for the pump generators at the water tower” Zafir said flatly.
“What if the pipeline is blocked? I mean water wasn’t running that good since we got here, just saying” Noelle asked grimly.
“Thats why we need to check those water pumps at the tower here in Druid Hills on Decatur Road” Zafir showed and pointed on the map.
“Warm clothes, food, bottled water, weapons won’t be that much of a problem to get, I agree we gotta start doing more supply runs if we want to stay, we managed to keep the walkers out, so half of the plan is already done if we push a bit more this could work” Vivienne remarked seriously.
“Don’t underestimate the herd Viv, we can’t assume that the next swarm will be the same as the one before, one wrong move and that’s all it takes” Marie said roughly.
“No-one’s underestimating anything that’s why we’re coming up with a proper plan....Eve, Kyle and the rest of the children will stay here where it’s safe...and everyone else will have to start working hard to make this happen” Jerry interjected toughly.
“Now hold on a minute Jerry, either me or Marie will have to stay here because of the children” Auggie objected casually.
“The children will be safe with Eve, I don’t see any problem in that” Jerry folded his arms.
“Those kids need their mother!” Eve objected whisperingly.
“Now listen here you fucking weazel, you arrived here a lot later than us, so we can decide for ourselves who wants to go and who doesn’t, Zafir is the man in charge of your group not you so shut the fuck up!” Marie said in a strict and composed manner.
“Hey show some respect to Jerry he has done more than anyone around here!” Marina interjected angrily.
“Like getting your sister killed” Marie muttered.
“Marie!” Auggie gasped.
“Enough! Marie’s right, families come first, we can handle the job with one person less can’t we Jerry?” Zafir snarled sarcastically.
“I tried to save her, but it was too late! why do you keep thinking she died because of me? Marina’s sister was a good person she didn’t deserve to die” Jerry sighed “And you know what Zaf? I’m really starting to think your not fit for the position anymore, I used to admire you before but you have gonna fucking soft” Jerry said annoyingly and before he wanted to leave Zafir swiftly got up and jerked his arm and whispered “You’re forgetting that I know what you are and if the group finds out, you won’t survive here long” Jerry smirked “Heh...maybe, but I’m not the only one with secrets.....retards” he chuckled and walked away. Becky started crying hysterically after hearing Jerry’s words and Marie coddled her softly attempting to calm her down.
“What’s his problem? he’s been on edge the whole week” Auggie remarked thoughtfully.
“Things are just getting to him, just try to be more understanding I’m sure he didn’t mean it” Marina defended him firmly and went after Jerry.
“Understanding? Pff, I’ll never trust that creep” Marie mumbled.
“He’ll come through if he wants to stay with us,’s the plan I’m gonna head south again to look for my son, but I’m also going to get as much gas as I can, and get back here...I’ll go with either Jerry, Marina or anyone else who wants to volunteer......I need three people to go to the Plaza and get more food and warm clothes....and three people to examine the situation at the water tower and gather any supplies found on the way” Zafir said sullenly.
“ and Pheobe will handle that, we know the place better than anyone....and to be honest I’m not going anywhere if you tell Jerry to come with us” Noelle said sternly.
“Fair enough girls” Zafir nodded morosely.
“I’ll head over to the water tower and see what has to be done down there, I can do it on my own there’s no point risking more lives, I’ll be in and back quick” Hugo responded with a nod.
“Hugo? no you can’t go on your own” Eve gasped in concern.
“Sure I can manage on my own honey and I’ll be a lot quicker that way” Hugo argued softly.
“But you still need someone to watch your back and help with carrying extra supplies.....Priscilla you will be on lookout duty and holding the fort with Marie or Auggie” Zafir replied.
“I’ll go with Hugo, you’ll need an extra pair of hands” Vivienne said shortly.
“Good....Nizhoni you can stay here if you want, but you said you wanted to help now’s the time to speak up” Zafir said indifferently.
[Side going with Hugo and Vivienne to the water supply tower]
[Side going with Noelle and Pheobe to the mall]
[Side going with Zafir to get fuel and search for his son]
Sorry had to break the last section for some reason.
Aaron abruptly parked the car by the side of the road, turned the engine off and hissed “We hide, we can’t risk having an encounter with who… moreever is in that military truck”.
Josh grabbed the rifle which Aaron found from the backseat and leaped out. After the vehicle drove past them, they waited a moment by the trees and later returned to their car.
“They looked quite legit Aaron” Josh remarked bluntly as he got in.
“Yeah I felt that too, but we’ll find out soon enough when we get there” Aaron replied dubiously.
Nearly thirty minutes later they arrived on the outskirts of Jacksonville Port also marked as US Marine Corps Blount Island Terminal. From afar it looked like whoever resided there only had occupied half off the port terminal and used cargo containers as walls for protection from outsiders. The other half of the port seems to be used as a parking lot as there were many cars and military vehicles. Josh noticed and pointed at … [view original content]
Aaron abruptly parked the car by the side of the road, turned the engine off and hissed “We hide, we can’t risk having an encounter with who… moreever is in that military truck”.
Josh grabbed the rifle which Aaron found from the backseat and leaped out. After the vehicle drove past them, they waited a moment by the trees and later returned to their car.
“They looked quite legit Aaron” Josh remarked bluntly as he got in.
“Yeah I felt that too, but we’ll find out soon enough when we get there” Aaron replied dubiously.
Nearly thirty minutes later they arrived on the outskirts of Jacksonville Port also marked as US Marine Corps Blount Island Terminal. From afar it looked like whoever resided there only had occupied half off the port terminal and used cargo containers as walls for protection from outsiders. The other half of the port seems to be used as a parking lot as there were many cars and military vehicles. Josh noticed and pointed at … [view original content]
“He’ll come through if he wants to stay with us,’s the plan I’m gonna head south again to look for my son, but I’m also going … moreto get as much gas as I can, and get back here...I’ll go with either Jerry, Marina or anyone else who wants to volunteer......I need three people to go to the Plaza and get more food and warm clothes....and three people to examine the situation at the water tower and gather any supplies found on the way” Zafir said sullenly.
“ and Pheobe will handle that, we know the place better than anyone....and to be honest I’m not going anywhere if you tell Jerry to come with us” Noelle said sternly.
“Fair enough girls” Zafir nodded morosely.
“I’ll head over to the water tower and see what has to be done down there, I can do it on my own there’s no point risking more lives, I’ll be in and back quick” Hugo responded with a nod.
“Hugo? no you can’t go on your own” Eve gasped in concern.
“Sure I… [view original content]
“He’ll come through if he wants to stay with us,’s the plan I’m gonna head south again to look for my son, but I’m also going … moreto get as much gas as I can, and get back here...I’ll go with either Jerry, Marina or anyone else who wants to volunteer......I need three people to go to the Plaza and get more food and warm clothes....and three people to examine the situation at the water tower and gather any supplies found on the way” Zafir said sullenly.
“ and Pheobe will handle that, we know the place better than anyone....and to be honest I’m not going anywhere if you tell Jerry to come with us” Noelle said sternly.
“Fair enough girls” Zafir nodded morosely.
“I’ll head over to the water tower and see what has to be done down there, I can do it on my own there’s no point risking more lives, I’ll be in and back quick” Hugo responded with a nod.
“Hugo? no you can’t go on your own” Eve gasped in concern.
“Sure I… [view original content]
Sorry had to break the last section for some reason.
This is the length limit Basically, the way this forum works, individual posts can't be longer than a certain length, which is somewhere between 19700 and 20000 letters, including spaces. I don't know where exactly this limit is, but if you keep your posts below 19700 letters, you should be on the safe side.
[Refuse and leave]
Something does not feel right here. I don't trust these people and I guess they are hiding something. Maybe I am wrong here, but I am not willing to trust anyone who is even a bit shady.
[Side going with Noelle and Pheobe to the mall]
Sounds as good as the water tower option for me. Searching for fuel/Zafir's son or staying sounds not as good as these other options to me.
“He’ll come through if he wants to stay with us,’s the plan I’m gonna head south again to look for my son, but I’m also going … moreto get as much gas as I can, and get back here...I’ll go with either Jerry, Marina or anyone else who wants to volunteer......I need three people to go to the Plaza and get more food and warm clothes....and three people to examine the situation at the water tower and gather any supplies found on the way” Zafir said sullenly.
“ and Pheobe will handle that, we know the place better than anyone....and to be honest I’m not going anywhere if you tell Jerry to come with us” Noelle said sternly.
“Fair enough girls” Zafir nodded morosely.
“I’ll head over to the water tower and see what has to be done down there, I can do it on my own there’s no point risking more lives, I’ll be in and back quick” Hugo responded with a nod.
“Hugo? no you can’t go on your own” Eve gasped in concern.
“Sure I… [view original content]
Sorry had to break the last section for some reason.
This is the length limit Basically, the way this forum works, individual posts… more can't be longer than a certain length, which is somewhere between 19700 and 20000 letters, including spaces. I don't know where exactly this limit is, but if you keep your posts below 19700 letters, you should be on the safe side.
[Refuse and leave]
Something does not feel right here. I don't trust these people and I guess they are hiding something. Maybe I am wrong here, but I am not willing to trust anyone who is even a bit shady.
[Side going with Noelle and Pheobe to the mall]
Sounds as good as the water tower option for me. Searching for fuel/Zafir's son or staying sounds not as good as these other options to me.
Elias decided to sneak up and search the drawers, after excessive examining he found the batteries and an old wrinkled photo that contained Jeffrey and two children. Jeffrey startled him “Who told you to go through my stuff?”
“I’m sorry Sir, I asked if you had any batteries and you told me to check the drawers I didn’t take anything I swear” Elias whispered in slight panic.
“Give me that photo” Jeffrey replied rigidly.
Elias handed it to him softly “Those your children?” the boy said innocently.
“They were” Jeffrey choked.
“I’m sorry.....I didn’t mean-” Elias stuttered.
Jeffrey tucked the photo in his pocket and grumbled “Once you're finished get back to sleep’s gonna be a long day tomorrow”
Elias without reply got back to the couch, he placed the batteries into the recorder, but before playing it, he didn’t want to wake anyone up, so he slipped outside the office and rewinded the tape.
“I made a mistake today.....I shouldn’t have told Jarvis about Bradley’s Jarvis plans on killing one of Bradley’s friends....God....why was I so wrong?...believing that Jarvis is good leader......that he loved me.....something changed....why?.....I want to tell you Bradley that I’m sorry.....but I’m afraid you won’t forgive’s my’s too late to stop him.....this place what I thought was my new home......turned out to be a lie.....a growing hell.....we can try running from the dead, but the more we run, the deeper, more terrible preys behind you, yawning at your feet....the only chance is to turn around and face it.....I believe my days are numbered.....whoever’s listening out there should know that the most important thing in this world is family and never turn against them......people will die because of me.....I will name is Katie O’Cart.....I’m sorry”
Elias waited until the tape stopped hoping there was more recorded on it, but that was it, he stopped the recorder and mournfully went back to the office. He laid down comfortably on the couch covered himself with a blanket and gazed at the window. The moonlight lit up the opposite building and the streets and after a while Elias dozed off. Outside Grace tried to stay out of sight, she reached the courthouse the walkers were now scattered but some still urgently tried to break down the front entrance and gathered around the safety ladder beside it. Grace was hiding in an alley behind the courthouse, if Akemi wasn’t asleep she’d notice her. Grace sprinted towards a building beside the courthouse, some walkers were on her trail, she wanted to get to the roof to have a better view of the surroundings. It was then from above she noticed the large infestation in front of the courthouse. Grace was exhausted and felt guilty of leaving Akemi as she did grew fond of her since they met. Before crumbling to the ground, in hopelessness and desperation she yelled out their names twice standing by the ledge. Akemi gently jumped and snapped out from her sleep, Charlie was also had woke and whispered “What was that?”
“I don’t know, someone scream, maybe it was my dream” Akemi muttered disorientated.
Grace took out a bottle of water from her backpack and had a sip, she got up and scanned the streets once again. She had a hunch that they might be trapped in the courthouse, but going there now would be suicidal. After a moment she barely noticed a slightly cracked window with a rope sticking out reaching all the way down to the grass surrounding the courthouse. The only risk standing between her and Akemi were the undead.
[Sprint to the rope]
[Leave the town]
Chris Renda coughed and tried to catch his breath. The .50 pistol was in front of him, Donovan was getting ready to fight back after getting knocked down. Renda grabbed the gun and retreated back to Nina, he shoots and her attackers in the back killing them instantly. Nina swiftly got up and grabbed her crossbow killing Alastair’s aggressor. After striking Donovan once more the attacker turned his attention to Renda, but he was already in his crosshairs. Renda helped Donovan up the man felt very hazzy, his face cut and bruised “Thanks kid....give me the gun.....where’s Nina and--” he muttered weakly.
“No!, not again, please Alastair breathe...wake up!!” Nina was heard sobbing from the other side of the vehicle trying to revive her brother.
“Alastair!......oh no...he can’t die!” Donovan urgently ran over and started lamenting over his disfigured and butchered face.
Renda felt sick after killing those men, he puked before heading outside of the restaurant to see if they were in the clear. The streets were quieter than a cemetery, which was unsettling. They had seen a few walkers early on while arriving to the city, but now it was dominated by emptiness and silence. After wiping his mouth and catching a breather Renda turned back and saw both Nina and Donovan crying over Alastair’s lifeless body.
Nina turned to Donovan “He’s gone......he’s actually gone this time” she choked in disbelief.
“What do we do now?” Renda asked uncomfortably.
Donovan made sure Alastair didn’t turn and muttered expressionlessly “I don’t know”
Nina in tearful desperation sat behind the wheel and tried to turn on the engine, but it was busted. Donovan took out his anger on the dead attackers and made sure they didn’t turn either. Renda suggested to maybe get to a higher ground and rest. Unable to turn on the vehicle Nina cried with her head rested on the steering wheel.
“C’mon darling......we-we have to get outta here” Donovan choked and tried to be tough.
“When will this end D? are we ever gonna be able to live peacefully like before?” She sighed tearfully.
“We have to keep fighting until then....I failed Alastair......I failed my own should’ve been me laying down there” Donovan sighed with a dull gaze while he hugged her.
“It was nobodies fault uncle D” Nina sobbed.
“Yes it was.....if I hadn’t wrecked the car none of this would have happened” Donovan said remorsefully.
Donovan noticed Renda’s dull gaze at the corpses “Chris c’mere” he said softly.
“I’m sorry.....maybe if I acted quicker then--” Renda stuttered.
“No Chris you shouldn’t be sorry, you did everything you could.....I should be the one saying sorry to you” Donovan said sincerely.
“We really have to go.....there’s no knowing when the dead appear” Renda said evasively and nervously.
“Yeah....yeah you’re right, those gunshots surely attracted their attention” Donovan replied seriously and grabbed his possessions from the car.
Nina and Renda grabbed their gear. But before heading out Renda went back to Alastair’s corpse after recalling that he had a gun. Renda frisked him and took the pistol “Sorry, Alastair” he sighed and jogged back to Nina and Donovan. They sprinted a few blocks before considering that it was too dark to travel. Donovan decided to find shelter in an apartment building, they stopped on the first floor and after sweeping the hallway and the flat for walkers, it was time to finally get some shut eye. Donovan moved the bookstand barricading the front door and decided to sleep on the sofa close to the door in case something or someone would manage to get inside. Before going sleep he found out he only had four rounds left in his gun. Renda held for a brief moment the Colt Mustang still containing a full mag with six bullets, he gently placed it on the nightstand and tried to get some rest. Before dozing off, Nina came in for a brief moment to thank him for saving her “I’m grateful you helped me....but all three of us needed your help and you chose to help me...why?” she asked mournfully.
“I’m not sure how to answer that Nina......I just reacted.....I never really told you guys why I hated happened to me on the first day, not long before I met you guys........I shot and killed my best friend Malcolm by accident” Renda replied flatly.
“Oh....I’m sorry......why did you tell us?” Nina said worriedly.
“I was ashamed.......but this time I actually did something useful, I finally did the right thing for can only get better from now on” said Renda with hope in his voice.
Suddenly they started hearing the undead moaning and moving slowly in the streets towards the restaurant, Nina went over to the window to check and sighed “Lets hope it gets better”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save Alastair, he was good friend....and had some funny jokes in him” Renda sighed softly.
“Goodnight Chris” Nina replied abruptly and evasively as she started tearing up and went back to her room urgently.
The next morning Renda swiftly got up, grabbed his pistol and tucked in his pants. In the living room Donovan put on his backpack and was ready to move. “You didn’t wake me up” Renda muttered.
“Thought you needed the sleep, Nina’s almost ready...we have to...figure out what to do next” Donovan grunted.
“What about your home? that was the plan, maybe there are survivors in this city” Renda suggested.
“It still is the plan.....the only survivors in this city are either murderers or walkers, there’s nothing here for us, everyone’s dead I’m sure of it.......I found a map and we’ll head west” Donovan replied morosely.
“Are you okay D?” Renda asked worriedly.
“I’m holding on, if that’s what you what to hear” Donovan grunted.
“Are we all ready to head out?” Nina said sullenly as she stepped out from the bathroom.
The three survivors advanced through the town and saw the university up ahead. Donovan jerked both Nina and Renda into cover “What is it?” Nina gasped.
“Over there” Donovan whispered and pointed out.
He spotted a dark skinned teenager getting of his bicycle and entering a small mart in a casual manner. He had medium length black hair and was wearing a black t-shirt with dark jeans and two-tone trainers.
“What’s a kid doing here?” Nina whispered in disbelief.
“Should we go over to him? he doesn’t look dangerous” Renda hissed.
“This could be another trap” Donovan mumbled and scanned the area.
“But what if he’s alone? there’s three of us we can take the direct approach” Nina suggested mildly.
“We should head a different way” Donovan suggested roughly.
“Or we could just follow him?” Renda said thoughtfully.
“He’ll lose us on that bike” Nina replied.
“I don’t like this” Donovan grumbled.
“I’m willing to go, but you guys need to cover me in case things get hairy” Renda said anxiously.
“I dunno, we have to be careful not to spook him” Nina remarked doubtfully.
[Approach the teenager]
[Try following the teenager]
[Do nothing and wait]
Back at the antique mall, Nizhoni thought for a moment where and with who to go “I can help out with carrying some supplies from that shopping mall” she said casually.
“Are you a good runner?” Noelle asked after scanning her from top to toe.
“I would be standing here if I wasn’t” Nizhoni replied confidently.
“Cool swing over to our room on the top floor in a bit” Pheobe replied optimistically.
“Alright, everyone has a task assigned, we should get started” Zafir said bluntly.
“Priscilla you need take first shift, I have to feed Becky” Marie remarked.
“No problem Marie, take your time” Priscilla smiled.
Nizhoni went back to check on Kyle, Eve was already there giving him painkillers.
“You’re up!” Nizhoni smile at him and kissed him tenderly.
“Yeah what was all that ruckus out there, you guys arguing or something??” Kyle asked softly.
“No, we were all just talking plans.....I’m gonna go help the others on a supply run” Nizhoni said directly.
“Are you sure you wanna go?” Kyle asked worriedly.
“I have to help them out, you stay here and rest honey” Nizhoni replied toughly.
“We do kinda owe them, at least I careful out there and come back” Kyle replied softly.
“Like always” Nizhoni smirked.
Nizhoni went upstairs and saw Pheobe leaning over the rail, she waved at her signaling to come over. Nizhoni entered another store turned into a living flat. Noelle was moving some stuff around, she grabbed something from under her bed.
“You got a weapon Niz? you don’t mind I call you that way?” Noelle asked strictly.
“Niz sounds fine....I only have a dagger” Nizhoni nodded.
“Are you good with a hunting bow? because Pheobe sucks with it” Noelle asked bluntly and chuckled.
“Hey! I heard that you’re no better--” Pheobe called out.
“I’m pretty good believe me” Nizhoni chuckled softly and examined the bow.
“Only got three arrows, so make them count” Noelle remarked while putting on a camper hiking travel rucksack backpack.
Pheobe came over shortly after and put on her large backpack and grabbed a small pistol
“I’ll take that duffel bag sis” she muttered.
“Niz grab one of those bags and follow us we have a car not far from here, well if it’s still there” Noelle smirked.
“The mall is about ten miles from here, so we better get a move” Pheobe remarked.
Marina went after Jerry who was standing on the roof with an angry look on his face “Are you okay?” she asked softly.
“Am I okay? yeah I feel fucking brilliant, everyone blames me for your sister.....shit why do I even bother” Jerry replied sarcastically.
“I believe you did everything you wasn’t your fault” Marina slightly choked compassionately.
“You know Zafir is gonna get us killed one day?” Jerry remarked angrily.
“He’s doing his best, it’s not easy letting go believe me” Marina choked softly.
“If he doesn’t let go, then we all fall with him, he’s not fit to lead this group anymore, you do agree with me don’t ya?” Jerry sighed.
“Even if I do there’s nothing we can do, everybody looks up to him despite his bandit-killing rampages” Marina winced.
“Because they don’t know everything, that he likes taunting and torturing them first......something might happen to me somewhere down the line, I need you to tell them who Zafir Elverson exactly is when it happens, he might be able to hold the act for now, but once it goes on it consumes a person and he’ll start killing our people just because someone crossed him” Jerry said seriously.
“You can trust me Jerry.......just wanted to let you know” Marina replied anxiously.
“I’ve always been on my side, despite what everyone has been saying” Jerry said with appreciation in his voice.
“Because I--” Marina said softly.
“What are you two doing up here? we gotta get going no time to waste” Zafir interrupted.
“We’ll be right there” Jerry nodded.
Zafir winced and went back down “Don’t forget what I said” Jerry said firmly to Marina before going after Zafir.
I'm gonna leave the previous voting open for one more day due to the tie, otherwise Josh and Aaron will agree to the terms
My god, that message from Katie crushed me once anew, even though I already slightly suspected that this message would be from her, about her screw-up... The heartbreak continues and this part caused some really deep feelings to resurface, mostly anger and sadness ;_; It could have been so wonderful, if it weren't for this worthless, terrible non-character Samantha and her friends, family and fans. Fuck Samantha! I hope something beautiful happens at the very beginning of Episode 6, Chapter 3, something that makes her death a whole more painful and less merciful than it currently looks like. I don't know, a sudden and unexpected case of getting a blowtorch to the face would be a fittingly painful and well-deserved end for her. And hopefully these scumbags Liam and Herman and Emma and Zack will follow soon, even if I doubt it. They have to pay, either for their role in Katie's death, or for their actions afterwards. However, aside from rekindling the utter heartbreak and anger I feel at half of the group and this pregnant bitch they were all so busy worshipping, this part also gave me the unexpected hint of hope. It won't be much and it certainly won't make it good in any way, but if Ellis, Elias and co. indeed manage to reunite with Brad and manage to give him this tape, he'll at least have something to remember Katie. Parts of the message, the stuff with Jarvis, that is terrible, but the most important thing is that Katie apologizes and at the end she also says how much Brad means to her, so this could be a very good thing for him and for me as well. This is actually the first time in forever I don't have entirely negative feelings about something Katie-related.
[Sprint to the rope]
Leaving the town without the others does not sound like a good option. Grace should try to get reunited with the others, not leave them.
[Try following the teenager]
This sounds like a smart choice. Maybe this guy is friendly and could help them out. At the same time, he might as well be part of the postapocalyptic scum and in such a case it could be better to follow him silently, to see what he is up to.
Elias decided to sneak up and search the drawers, after excessive examining he found the batteries and an old wrinkled photo that contained … moreJeffrey and two children. Jeffrey startled him “Who told you to go through my stuff?”
“I’m sorry Sir, I asked if you had any batteries and you told me to check the drawers I didn’t take anything I swear” Elias whispered in slight panic.
“Give me that photo” Jeffrey replied rigidly.
Elias handed it to him softly “Those your children?” the boy said innocently.
“They were” Jeffrey choked.
“I’m sorry.....I didn’t mean-” Elias stuttered.
Jeffrey tucked the photo in his pocket and grumbled “Once you're finished get back to sleep’s gonna be a long day tomorrow”
Elias without reply got back to the couch, he placed the batteries into the recorder, but before playing it, he didn’t want to wake anyone up, so he slipped outside the office and rewinded the tape.
“I made a mistake tod… [view original content]
Elias decided to sneak up and search the drawers, after excessive examining he found the batteries and an old wrinkled photo that contained … moreJeffrey and two children. Jeffrey startled him “Who told you to go through my stuff?”
“I’m sorry Sir, I asked if you had any batteries and you told me to check the drawers I didn’t take anything I swear” Elias whispered in slight panic.
“Give me that photo” Jeffrey replied rigidly.
Elias handed it to him softly “Those your children?” the boy said innocently.
“They were” Jeffrey choked.
“I’m sorry.....I didn’t mean-” Elias stuttered.
Jeffrey tucked the photo in his pocket and grumbled “Once you're finished get back to sleep’s gonna be a long day tomorrow”
Elias without reply got back to the couch, he placed the batteries into the recorder, but before playing it, he didn’t want to wake anyone up, so he slipped outside the office and rewinded the tape.
“I made a mistake tod… [view original content]
Elias decided to sneak up and search the drawers, after excessive examining he found the batteries and an old wrinkled photo that contained … moreJeffrey and two children. Jeffrey startled him “Who told you to go through my stuff?”
“I’m sorry Sir, I asked if you had any batteries and you told me to check the drawers I didn’t take anything I swear” Elias whispered in slight panic.
“Give me that photo” Jeffrey replied rigidly.
Elias handed it to him softly “Those your children?” the boy said innocently.
“They were” Jeffrey choked.
“I’m sorry.....I didn’t mean-” Elias stuttered.
Jeffrey tucked the photo in his pocket and grumbled “Once you're finished get back to sleep’s gonna be a long day tomorrow”
Elias without reply got back to the couch, he placed the batteries into the recorder, but before playing it, he didn’t want to wake anyone up, so he slipped outside the office and rewinded the tape.
“I made a mistake tod… [view original content]
Elias decided to sneak up and search the drawers, after excessive examining he found the batteries and an old wrinkled photo that contained … moreJeffrey and two children. Jeffrey startled him “Who told you to go through my stuff?”
“I’m sorry Sir, I asked if you had any batteries and you told me to check the drawers I didn’t take anything I swear” Elias whispered in slight panic.
“Give me that photo” Jeffrey replied rigidly.
Elias handed it to him softly “Those your children?” the boy said innocently.
“They were” Jeffrey choked.
“I’m sorry.....I didn’t mean-” Elias stuttered.
Jeffrey tucked the photo in his pocket and grumbled “Once you're finished get back to sleep’s gonna be a long day tomorrow”
Elias without reply got back to the couch, he placed the batteries into the recorder, but before playing it, he didn’t want to wake anyone up, so he slipped outside the office and rewinded the tape.
“I made a mistake tod… [view original content]
Elias decided to sneak up and search the drawers, after excessive examining he found the batteries and an old wrinkled photo that contained … moreJeffrey and two children. Jeffrey startled him “Who told you to go through my stuff?”
“I’m sorry Sir, I asked if you had any batteries and you told me to check the drawers I didn’t take anything I swear” Elias whispered in slight panic.
“Give me that photo” Jeffrey replied rigidly.
Elias handed it to him softly “Those your children?” the boy said innocently.
“They were” Jeffrey choked.
“I’m sorry.....I didn’t mean-” Elias stuttered.
Jeffrey tucked the photo in his pocket and grumbled “Once you're finished get back to sleep’s gonna be a long day tomorrow”
Elias without reply got back to the couch, he placed the batteries into the recorder, but before playing it, he didn’t want to wake anyone up, so he slipped outside the office and rewinded the tape.
“I made a mistake tod… [view original content]
That's correct the dlc chapter will be about a new group and what happened to Ian and Kaden during their escape from the motel. Both stories will have impact in season 2, therefore this chapter can be treated as a bridge for S1/S2.
[Bust the gate and risk saving Elias]
[Bust the gate and risk saving Elias]
No big reasoning this time. I'm not going to leave Elias behind, simple as that. And damn it... I hope Ellis and the rest manage to find Bradley and co. That they encountered the undead Carmen in Louisville really kicked me in the feels. Don't they make sure that their loved ones never come back? I mean, I was already pissed at the group for leaving Katie at the motel, but I thought they would have at least prevented the victims of the shootout from turning.
Excellent choice
These are the Unknown characters I am the most curious about at the moment either way. By the way, was there a way to prevent Ian, Kaden and Michael from turning against the group, or at least, from attempting to leave? And one more question: Considering that there was a timeskip for James and his group at the very end of their chapter, will there be one for Brad's group as well, or will their next chapter start directly after the last?
[Bust the gate and risk saving Elias]
Welp, hopefully this choice won't get the whole group killed or something.
Both scenarios were quite chaotic, the groups had to escape a dangerous situation. Blake was pretty banged up by Jarvis and then the walkers overrun Louisville prevented him from putting Carmen to rest and the others were more focused on how to get out of the town. The same goes for Zack, walkers were attacking his side window and there was little to no way of making sure Katie or Winston never came back without getting himself bit or hurt during the process.
Nothing would've prevent them turning against the group, however Cody and Emily would've joined them if you chose to go with them, Michael would've been shot and killed in the process of escaping.
Edit: Bradley's chapter will start right from where we ended.
Oh cool, I missed that asshole.
[Bust the gate and risk saving Elias]
[Bust the gate and risk saving Elias] And everyone dies. The end
“I found a whole bunch of food in there D” Nina gasped in joy and started fulling her backpack.
“Get as much as you can carry, fill mine up while your at it” Donovan muttered while getting ready to fill up canisters of gas.
“Can you see the others D?” Nina called out.
“Yeah they’re right on up ahead, we’ll catch up to’em” Donovan assured.
15 minutes later
“C’mon uncle D, what’s taking so long?.....I can’t see them” Nina responded anxiously.
“Stop panicking, lets get these canisters back to Alastair first, we’re gonna need plenty of gas dear, look at this ain’t safe it ain’t anything, we have to keep moving” Donovan persisted mildly.
“Fine.....but I’m still going to check if they’re alright” Nina objected lightly and walked away.
“Nina....come back here I can’t.....carry all this back by myself” Donovan mumbled however Nina already moved away.
“Guys?......where are you at?......shit” Nina called out as she advanced through the town.
She briefly passed and stopped by the podium where among the corpses were Link, Carmen, Sebastian and many other people she didn’t know of “God what happened here” she said to herself in disbelief before resuming her search of the others.
Gunshots echoed Nina heard them all to well and Donovan heard a faint from the other side of town, he was holding two canisters near the barricade and Nina was close to cutting the corner near the courthouse.
Nina turned the corner and startled at the sight of the herd and hid quickly back in cover behind the corner. She takes a shocking peek at the swarm of walkers “Oh no, no, it can’t” she stuttered and tears shed her cheeks before retreating back to Donovan urgently.
Donovan quickly got the four canisters over the bus and handed it to Renda. He saw Nina running back to him.
“What’s going on I thought I heard gunshots?” Donovan gasped urgently.
“They’re gone” She sighed remorsefully.
“What are you saying?.....where did you see’em?” Donovan sounded puzzled.
“Rotters.....a hole lot of them.....there’s no way they got away from that” Nina sighed in shock.
“They might have found away to escape from’em....look I know Nina you wanted to help them.....but we can’t go risking our lives like that we gotta start thinking about ourselves now.....c’mon I’ll boast you up” Donovan remarked and helped her up onto the bus.
“Where’s the rest of them?” Grace responded firmly as Nina and Donovan were ready to get to their car urgently.
“Town’s overrun Grace we ain’t staying” Donovan replied sourly.
“I said where are they?!” Grace snarled.
“I dunno we got separated” Donovan sighed and Nina entered the car sorrowfully.
Grace’s face turned sullen “I should’ve gone with them!”
“I’m sorry” Donovan said remorsefully and started the car.
“Wait......did you guys see them.....actually die?” Grace asked painfully.
“No......there’s nothing here for us....not can come with us” Donovan suggested sullenly.
“I’m not leaving” Grace murmured agitatedly.
“Be safe Grace” Donovan sighed.
"You guys just gonna leave us?!" Grace argued.
"It's time we went our separate ways, sorry" Donovan replied flatly and after a brief moment they drove away.
[Go find the Ellis and the others]
[Stay by the car]
[Drive away]
“I’m not leaving you buddy” Ellis muttered under his nose and ran up to the gate.
“Get up there! I’m going back for Elias!” Ellis shouted rapidly.
“You’re gonna get yourself killed!” Charlie called out as she hurried Akemi on the ladder.
Ellis pushes and shoots any walker that came close, he tugged the corpse off of Elias “Behind you!” the kid yelled as he got to his feet. Ellis shoots and kills the lurker trying to attack him, suddenly another one charged at him from his flank “Ellis!” the boy shouted as he witnessed the roamer sunk its teeth into Ellis's left upper arm “Argh....fuck!” he gasped and knocked the walker back. They both stormed towards the ladder and escaped just in time as the hive of walkers now overrun the front of the courthouse.
“Elias!” Akemi gasped happily and hugged him.
Charlie approached and noticed the blood on Ellis’s upper arm “Oh no” she choked.
“What are the odds huh? I mean seriously getting bit twice on the same arm.....hah fuck me” Ellis laughed hysterically and examined his already partial left arm.
“That’s not funny Ellis” Charlie said hesitantly.
“We can still cut it off, take the rest of it off, right?” Elias remarked nervously.
“Yeah.....and cut it off with what exactly? fuck I almost bled out the last” Ellis sighed.
“We have to find a way of this roof” Charlie gasped worriedly.
“There’s a skylight window over their maybe we could find something inside” Elias muttered.
Charlie opens it and looks inside “I can’t see any walkers, c’mon we have to hurry”
“Wait.....I’ll go first” Ellis said firmly.
“But--” Charlie muttered.
“I’m bit? what’s the worst that could happen I get bitten for a third time, besides you need to stay safe for their sake” Ellis sighed and glanced at Akemi and Elias.
Elias tugged his shoulder softly and sighed “You came back for me, why?”
“Now is not the time Elias” Ellis mumbled and climbed in.
Ellis looks around at the abandoned courthouse, he could see the main entrance over the banister, the stairs in front of him are barricaded and blocked with huge file cabinets, he turns around and sees a mouthless and noiseless walker noosed above a door near the corner.
“Ellis? you alright?” Charlie asked anxiously.
“Yeah....yeah it’s safe to come down” Ellis waved.
They climb down and notice the walker “Is it...?” Elias mumbled as he approached it.
The lurker awoke and moaned weakly and sluggishly reached out towards them.
“Get back” Charlie gasped.
THUNK Akemi ended the walker with her crossbow and Charlie took it down shortly after.
“Quite smart cutting their mouth off, then they can’t bite anyone” Ellis groaned.
“Yeah” Charlie sighed feeling awkward.
“Does it feel different than the last time?” Elias winced as he gazed at Ellis’s wound.
“Yeah.....yeah pretty stings like hell” Ellis gasped.
“Do you think it will work, I mean cutting it off...again?” Elias asked hesitantly and nervously.
“I ain’t got much choice, it’s either that or die” Ellis replied in a matter of fact tone.
“You think someone’s inside?” Akemi asked softly as she stood in front of the a office door.
“We’ll have to find out.....only two bullets left, stay back just in might not be safe” Ellis muttered and cocked his pistol.
Ellis turns the knob and enters, a tall slightly overweight old man with a cane was standing behind the desk already pointing a silver .44 Auto Mag pistol at the him “Who the hell are you?” he groaned coldly.
“ name’s Ellis, I--” Ellis answered.
"You broke my 'door bell'" The man muttered indifferently.
"What?" Ellis winced.
“Take out your piece slowly and place it by my bed, don’t try anything stupid, I don’t miss” The man order coldly.
Ellis nodded and pulled out his pistol gently “Alright, I surrender mine first then you lower yours”
“Just do it boy” he muttered.
“I’m not here to hurt you old man” Ellis remarked rigidly.
“Keep your hands where I can see’em.....what do you want? why are you here?” The stranger remarked roughly.
“I came here to find my friend.....please we need your help” Ellis replied calmly.
“Who’s “we”?” The man gasped suspiciously.
“My group...they’re waiting outside....I’m looking for a guy named Bradley, do you know him?” Ellis asked firmly.
“Tell this group of yours to come in” The man ordered firmly.
“Please...first lower your gun” Ellis reasoned with him.
“I’ll judge when I lower my gun, you have my word I won’t open fire, unless your crew does first” The man responded stiffly.
“I haven’t got time for this! we have children for fucks sake!” Ellis pleaded.
“Children?” The man choked shortly before slightly lowering his weapon.
Ellis slowly opened the door “It’s okay guys” he hissed and they all went in.
“Sorry for the’s Jeffrey Sohmer....Jeff if you prefer” he responded softly after a brief moment.
Jeffrey had grey hair tied into a ponytail and a short fuzzy ash beard. He had a loose black shirt with a dark forest green hunters vest and tan cargo pants accompanied by brown hiking shoes.
“We’ll have time for introductions later, Ellis we need to act now!” Charlie said urgently.
“What’s the matter?” Jeffrey asked toughly.
“I got bit, I need to cut my arm off if I want to live, do you have anything sharp?” Ellis asked firmly and glanced at his wound.
“Your in luck I got medical supplies and I should have an axe back there, get on the desk” Jeffrey groaned.
Charlie held and prepared Ellis urgently “Fuck.....can’t believe this is happening got any booze?” he gasped nervously.
“Vodka will have to do” Jeffrey remarked as he pulled out of his backpack.
Ellis took a deep gulp and muttered “Man, this’s disgusting”.
“Not much of a drink hmmph.....well it helps me get through the day sometimes....gosh that’s good.......umph....I’ll try to make this quick” Jeffrey replied indifferently and took a long sip before preparing to swing.
“Make it qui--” Ellis hissed.
Ellis screamed in agony as Jeffrey removed the remains of his already maimed arm. After a brief moment he passes out.
“Oh no....did he?” Akemi asked sullenly.
“He passed out.....stay back kids you don’t have to see this” Jeffrey grunted while treating Ellis.
“I think they’ve seen enough....what do we do now?” Charlie sighed.
“We have to wait keep an eye on him if he turns.....for now I’m gonna try and stop him from bleeding out, thanks God we have medical supplies” Jeffrey remarked toughly.
“If we did it in time, he won’t turn” Charlie objected.
“Yeah...I’m aware of that....hmmph” Jeffrey sighed remorsefully and after a brief moment he takes a minute and turns his back on Charlie and Ellis.
“Are you okay?” Charlie asked anxiously as she noticed something bothered the old man.
“I’m fine....someone close to me once was bit, cutting it off didn’t work, maybe it was too late or maybe it doesn’t work at all” Jeffrey murmured.
“Ellis was bit once already that’s how he lost....part of his arm” Charlie stuttered.
“That arm had no luck then huh” Jeffrey grunted morosely.
“I’m Charlie by the way, and that’s Elias and Akemi we’re grateful for you helping us out.... do you have a safe way out of here?” Charlie said calmly.
“It’s nice to meet ya’ll....I have my own escape route.....why you ask? you can’t go now, he’s in no shape to move--” Jeffrey objected.
“I know.....I know that, it’s just...our people are still out there waiting for us and streets are filled with walkers--” Charlie sat and sighed.
“Hold on a sec, what people? and from which direction did you see these walkers?” Jeffrey asked seriously.
“We have a larger group by the barricade” Charlie muttered.
Charlie got up to her feet and gazed through the window, the streets remained empty from this side of the building “By the front entrance, the walkers just kept coming from the school and from the flank of this courthouse” Charlie replied.
“The school......shit I thought that place was sealed off tight....dammit!” Jeffrey gasped infuriated.
“Who put them there then?” Charlie asked inquisitively.
“Some of the few survivors of Louisville, they worked hard on controlling the herd, some died....some chose to hit the road” Jeffrey answered sullenly.
“Did they just leave you?” Charlie was shocked.
“ was my decision to stay.....I share a common weakness as your friend here....we both are maimed.....I lost my leg in see I wouldn’t be fit to run away from those monsters...I’m lucky to even live this far.....for a sixty two year old man I sure as hell postponed my death.........anyway since the community gathered supplies to last for a few months, so I just decided to live on the days I had left up here” Jeffrey sighed and revealed his prosthetic left leg from the knee below.
“Didn’t you want to look for your family?” Charlie asked softly.
“My family is dead! once the world went to shit, everything and everyone that had purpose for me to live.....died” Jeffrey responded coldly.
“I’m sorry Jeffrey” Charlie sighed compassionately.
Jeffrey walked back a few steps to check on Ellis, after that he grasped the bottle of vodka and gulped what was left of it.
“Got more....if you fancy?” Jeffrey grunted.
“No thanks it’s better to stay sober in a time like this” Charlie winced.
“You kids hungry?....I bet you are” Jeffrey asked warmly.
“Y-yeah” Elias stuttered and Akemi nodded.
“Then I’ll make some good enough grub for you all” Jeffrey mumbled in a half drunk state.
“I want to really know what happened in this town? we saw bodies by the square.....this place was meant to be a new beginning for all of us” Charlie persisted heavily.
“I was badly injured when they took me in.....been on the road for a while....I briefly met with the leader of this place......I spent most of my time in a small house not far from here...hmm Katie her name was....thanks to her I got better and back on my feet.....she was a kind person I really liked her.....then one day I woke up and walkers were I mentioned earlier a few survivors tried to handle the situation, but it turned out like it turned out” Jeffrey sighed and prepared them a meal.
“Katie is Bradley’s sister, you must’ve seen him at some point, did they make it?” Charlie persisted inquisitively.
“She spoke of him, but I never got a chance to meet be honest I didn’t get to meet many people when I was here at first......I don’t know if they both made it or not...once I met up with the remaining survivors after everything had fallen, they said that...Jarvis the leader, he started killing people ‘he just lost it’ they kept saying.....I like to think Katie and her brother survived somehow......some took off in vehicles.....some like me got left behind” Jeffrey sighed sullenly.
“What do we do now?” Elias asked sadly.
“I’m not sure Elias” Charlie replied tiresomely.
“You all can stay here, until you guys figure out what to do next.....I know it’s not much” Jeffrey reassured softly.
“I don’t even know if there’s anywhere we can go, it seems like everything has fallen and when anyone tries to rebuild something it crumbles anyway” Charlie muttered pessimistically.
“We just have to hold on Charlie.....just hope that they’ll soon find a cure for whatever it is that’s my dad use to say just have a little faith” Jeffrey smirked briefly.
“You still believe that will happen?” Charlie asked flatly.
“I have to Charlie...I just have to” Jeffrey murmured shortly.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
And Merry Christmas to you!
[Go find the Ellis and the others]
I think Grace should have been with them from the very beginning and it was a serious mistake not to send her with the rest into Louisville. Perhaps an additional gun in there would have prevented the situation from getting too dire. And now Ellis is bitten again... Luckily the arm wasn't exactly useful anymore either way, but I am still afraid they might have been too late to save him. It is good that this Jeffrey guy was around though, that gave Ellis at least a chance. But god damn it... the damn feels when he brought up Katie, makes me wish they would have rather not encountered him. That fucking last chapter still sits deeply
[Go find the Ellis and the others]
Merry Christmas to you too
[Go find the Ellis and the others]
Awesome to see him! Merry Christmas 
[Go find the Ellis and the others]
Nuu, Ellis is bitten. Again.
[Go find the Ellis and the others]
“I’ve been sticking with crews way too long, think it’s time I tried it out on my own out there” Dean answered decisively.
“Too bad......good luck I suppose......oh and one more thing before you go, does the name Blake or Keith mean anything to you?” Zafir replied slightly disappointed and dubiously.
“No why? looking for someone?” Dean frowned.
“Sorta.....yeah, never mind” Zafir replied indifferently before walking away.
“Best we headed out boss” Jerry remarked as he took care of the walker and Leo.
“Yeah, we’re going home” Zafir muttered and walked back to Marina.
“Stay alive out there and....thanks!” Nizhoni nodded from afar.
“You two be careful out there” Dean nodded back and walked away.
“C’mon we have a vehicle not far from here, you got him?” Marina told Nizhoni.
“Yeah I got him we’ll manage to the far is it to this mall?” Nizhoni replied while helping Kyle walk.
“A couple of miles, we should get there before nightfall” Marina replied shortly.
“Wait for us by the car, I need a minute with Jerry” Zafir tugged Marina gently.
“Is something wrong with him?” Marina asked worriedly.
“Don’t you worry your pretty face, I just gotta talk to him for a sec” Zafir reassured her.
Zafir approached Jerry who was standing above the corpse of Leo and watched over the camp.
“Did you ask him?” Zafir inquired discreetly.
“He had no idea... didn’t know any Blake or Keith” Jerry responded casually wiping his hands.
“How far could he have gone!” Zafir snarled.
“Look...Zaf.....I know you don’t want to hear this--” Jerry said cautiously.
“You’re right I don’t, I’m gonna do whatever it takes to find my son....I won’t rest till I get some answers” Zafir said uneasy.
“He might be dead Zaf, it’s been what?...two weeks since you last saw him....we gotta start focusing on finding supplies and our people, because like it or not that’s what will help us survive” Jerry said in a matter of fact tone.
“You’ve been a good friend to me Jerry, but if you ever imply that my son is dead, I might do something I’ll regret” Zafir said embittered.
“Fine.....I won’t mention him again, but if you want to stay as leader in this better start acting like one” Jerry groaned and walked away from the camp.
“We’ve been driving for ages bro, maybe we should make a stop at the next station, whattcha say?” Josh remarked.
“Uh.....wh-what did you say?” Aaron snapped out of his thoughts.
“I think we ought to stop and get some gas, we still got a bit of road ahead of us to get to that terminal” Josh replied dubiously.
“Yeah okay sure” Aaron replied urgently.
“What were you thinking of, just now?” Josh asked curiously.
“About everything....the past, mom, dad, what caused this........all we’ve survived” Aaron sighed morosely.
“Hmmph....they really loved you man, can’t say the same about me” Josh remarked sullenly.
“In their own way they loved you too Josh” Aaron sighed.
“Doesn’t matter now.....I never really got on with them.....ever since I left home.....I thought I could build a future for myself without the past eating at me.....instead it was one nightmare after another” Josh groaned.
“They always favoured me before you” Aaron sighed.
“The only thing I regretted, is that when I left....I left you behind too....and I’m not saying like it was a bad thing for you, you were close with them.....but I distanced myself from you, many things changed between us....and then us being bandits--” Josh responded warmly.
“We’re not the same people....not entirely, did it ever cross your mind that we’d ever get this far and be here together?” Aaron responded rhetorically.
“We did have many close calls brother, but we gotta make sure our luck doesn’t run out.....lets just focus on the present from now on.....I’m gonna fill her up, won’t take long” Josh grunted and stopped by the gas station.
“I’ll check the service station” Aaron said calmly.
“Okay, be careful in there make sure nothing that nothing snuck up on ya” Josh called out.
“I’ll handle it” Aaron muttered.
Aaron started searching the place, he took some food and packed it into his backpack, after he grabbed a couple of magazines and books to read for the road. Behind the counter a body was laying down on the floor, face disfigured looked like someone shot this person, he finds a lever-action rifle by the corpse with only two shots left “Could come in handy” he remarked and grasped it.
“Man I miss my job” Josh mumbled to himself while tanking.
“Who you talking to?” Aaron chuckled.
“Just thinking out loud that’s all....I see you found something” Josh smirked at the view of the rifle.
“Yeah, it only has two bullets though but still better than nothing ey?...I also got us something to read” Aaron remarked and placed his backpack and the rifle in the backseat.
“Cool, what did you get?” Josh murmured.
“Since it’s my turn to drive, I got you this” Aaron smirked and handed him an automotive magazine.
“Thanks man, I appreciate it” Josh smiled and got in the car.
“Don’t mention it” Aaron started the car and they resumed their journey.
After a long drive the brothers were headed route 115 and drove past Callahan Florida, they were about thirty minutes away from Blount Island Marine Terminal. Jacksonville Airport was to the east of them visible through the side window and a huge traffic of abandoned cars blocked their path of heading further east to their desired destination.
“Eh....what now?” Aaron muttered behind the wheel as he gazed at the blocked road and a few walkers sluggishly toddling.
“Just slowly drive around them, it ain’t that hard, we dealt with bigger problems before, now c'mon” Josh chuckled softly.
“Fine, I’ll try” Aaron mumbled slightly nervous and maneuvers around the cars in the road.
“There ya go, wasn’t that hard was it?” Josh patted him on the shoulder after a few minutes of slow driving and dodging walkers.
“I thought we’d get stuck in the mud” Aaron muttered.
“Maybe we should catch a flight” Josh remarked optimistically and pointed at the airstrip in the distance.
“Heh.....first we need to know know how to fly a plane?” Aaron chuckled softly.
“How hard can it be?” Josh remarked with a smile.
“I always wanted to visit South America......Panama, Brazil, Argentina” Aaron smirked and said thoughtfully.
“When things settle down, we’ll both head down there...together” Josh nodded.
“That would be a nice change of scenery” Aaron smiled hopefully.
They drove for a few miles passing the airport, Aaron suddenly stopped “hey what’s wr--” Josh gasped slightly disorientated.
“Looks like a military vehicle” Aaron pointed ahead to a car approaching from the distance.
“You think it’s them, the military?” Josh remarked unsure.
“I dunno it could be anyone in that vehicle....but we ought to act quick” Aaron murmured.
[Exit the vehicle and wait for them to approach]
[Drive past them]
I... uh... don't know. This sounds like the safest option. If the people in this vehicle are okay, everything will be fine. If they are bad people, then it is better to hide anyways. Driving past them sounds like a bad idea in any case. So, I guess hiding and hoping for the best is the safest option.
The night had finally fell upon Louisville, the herd outside the courthouse had calmed down and scattered out, however most of the undead still occupied the entrance and nearby areas. Grace climbed quickly over the bus and proceeded through the town, she had a pistol wielded in her left hand and her sickle in the right. She hadn’t yet reached the podium, but already could hear the wailing sound of the undead.
Shortly before it got dark Elias, Akemi, Charlie and Jeffrey ate their late meal and got ready to sleep. Jeffrey usually retired on the small couch as it was the only cozy place to sleep in this room, however he wanted Akemi, Elias or Charlie to rest comfortably for the night. Ellis for a brief moment regained consciousness and weakly asked for water, he lost a lot of blood, but it looked like he was going to survive. Charlie and Elias were glad to see him awake even for a short moment. Jeffrey noticed that Akemi somewhat isolated herself from the others and sat on the spacious windowsill with her crossbow beside. From Jeffrey’s point of view she looked relaxed but sullen, it strangely reminded him of his own daughter when her mother Louise passed away, she’d detach herself sometimes wander off on her own. Louise died ten years ago due to breast cancer, leaving him to care for their two children Tom and Katherine. He loved his children, however when Louise died Jeffrey felt like he died with her for a long time. After a moment Akemi laid down in a fetal position and made herself comfortable to sleep. He shook his head emotionally and sighed “I miss you all”.
Refusing to sink back into his personal thoughts, before going to sleep he checked on Ellis who was resting uneasily and frowning in pain. Jeffrey gave him a small dose of morphine to ease the pain and managed to change his bandage. Charlie looked worried and dwelled on whether Jeffrey knew what he was doing. He glanced at her, as she was standing close by looking over Ellis with a hopeful look on her face.
Jeffrey reassured her that “He’s tougher than he looks”.
After a moment he sighed “You should get some sleep”. As much as she wanted to stay awake and be close to Ellis, she was too exhausted to do anything. She grabbed her backpack and placed it behind her head as she laid on the floor close to the couch where Elias was fast asleep.
In the middle of the night a bad dream woke Elias, he yawned and sat up for a brief moment and glanced at the desk. Jeffrey was sitting in a rusty armchair with a bottle of unfinished whiskey in his right hand. Elias reached for his backpack and pulled out the recorder, he gazed at it for a long moment wondering what it contained, whos voices would speak out. Jeffrey audibly mumbled something in his drunken state and the bottle almost slipped out of his hand causing to slightly startle Elias. The old man noticed the young boy was awake “Can’t sleep?” he hissed.
“I had a bad dream” Elias replied shyly.
“Figures.....all that...fightin dead people does that to ya” Jeffrey sputtered.
“Everything now is a big nightmare” Elias remarked somberly.
“Hmmph....can’t agree more son.....I used to have nightmares....every day.....and still's like a pesky shadow with no name always followin’ya” Jeffrey grunted and took a long sip before putting the bottle down on the floor.
“Can I have some of that? what you’re drinking” Elias asked bluntly.
“Better you stick to water kiddo.......tell me whattcha holdin that hand” Jeffrey muttered lethargically and covered himself with a brown blanket.
“Found this recorder in the pharmacy across the street, it needs two batteries to work” Elias replied indifferently.
“Huh.....ain’t that a bummer.......maybe there are some in the....desk drawers” Jeffrey grumbled before slowly dozing off to sleep.
Elias held the recorder for a short while longer and glanced at Jeffrey who was slowly starting to snore.
[Sneak over to the desk and search the drawers]
[Go back to sleep]
Somewhere on the Alabama State Route 20 headed West, Donovan was sitting behind the wheel for nearly three hours. At first they argued about leaving others behind and where to exactly travel. The group commuted in total silence with only their thoughts to trouble them. Since they pretty had no clue where to go, Donovan decided that they should go to his original hometown Birmingham. Nina and Alastair seemed to had second thoughts about their sudden departure from Louisville. They both felt guilty and cowardly. Nina internally blamed herself for not having the courage of at least trying to search for the others. Once Alastair had heard about the town being overrun, on one hand he knew that there wasn’t a shred of hope for Louisville being a safe settlement as it was rumored to be; and on the other hand he felt bad for leaving the others even though he didn’t get to know them all too well, especially Charlie he had in thought. Renda struggled to uphold his optimistic and enthusiastic nature for the first time in a long while. He couldn’t stand his lack of initiative and bravery into fighting for the ones he cared about. He weirdly felt that Donovan started to view him as a parasite for refusing to ever use a gun, even though Renda has his own reasons. Renda thought that perhaps Donovan was right. Since the outbreak running was always his best and often only strategy in fighting the dead.
The day it all started, Renda was at his usual two hour football practicing session with the team which he cherished the most. However, when it was time for everyone to get picked up, none of their parents came. Some chose to hang out and wait by the school and some tried to get home by themselves. Renda sat around in the school for about an hour and a half trying to call his parents but no-one picked up. When nightfall was approaching, he and a few buddies decided to finally try and get home. While walking they noticed the scarcity of people and cars in the street, however it didn’t alarm them much since it was a small town after all. After saying goodbye to most of the team, he continued walking home with Malcolm his close friend who lived across the street and around the corner from his house.
Renda got really confused and a bit nervous as he heard strange noises coming from the houses they just walked past. They saw vague figures in the distance, but couldn’t tell or really make them out because it was pitch dark. They felt relieved at the sight of people, however Renda noticed that they started approaching the youngsters in a weird manner. He called out to them without reply, so he pulled out his phone for light. As soon as he turned it on, the nightmare which were the undead was real and it was surrounding him. Malcolm started shouting for help, Renda was horrified and bashed through the walkers without knowing what they were or did, and he tried to sprint back home. Once the two finally reached their houses, Renda barged right in and turned on the lights. There was no one or nothing to be seen. No photos in the living room or pictures on the refrigerator, cabinets were emptied, windows were broken the living room was a big mess, but that was the least of his worries. There was a torned note on the floor, it was from his family but it was all ripped and was unable to read the message. This saddened him deeply, and with nothing left to take with him. He wanted to call his parents cell, but his phone died, urgently searching the house his charger was gone. The only important thing was to find his parents, he rushed to the front door, but a walker cop appeared and stood in his way. It almost overpowered him by the front door, Renda managed to kill it with a nearby lamp. A glock pistol was still in the holster of the dead policeman, Renda cautiously took it and went to quickly check on Malcolm. He called out his name, but no-one answered. Renda grew even more nervous while scanning the house for Malcolm, his hands were shaking immensely, a green light was flashing on the answer machine in the living room. The one new message was from Malcolm’s uncle who sounded extremely frightened and panted that something horrible is happening and informed them to stay in the house and lock themselves in to stay safe. As the recording stopped, the garage door underneath the stairs abruptly bashed open and startled Renda......BANG
Renda jumped in the backseat and found himself back in reality. It was pitch dark outside and Nina was beside him sleeping quietly with her head against the window.
“How long was I out?” Renda yawned disorientated.
“Couple hours, you passed shortly after Nina did” Donovan replied flatly.
“Where are we anyway?” Renda inquired slightly bewildered.
“I think we just past Pell City buddy” Alastair replied morosely with a forceful smirk.
“Not too far now, I hope the situation is more promising in Alabama” Donovan remarked agitatedly.
“Where there’s people there always will be walkers, we can’t escape them uncle D” Alastair rubbed his face and responded indifferently.
“As much as I don’t like thinking that way, I gotta agree with you....zombies will be everywhere, but there has to be someone out there actually trying to put an end to this ...qualified scientists trying to find a cure.....we have no idea where the military is, there has to be a big settlement somewhere” Donovan argued in a testy tone.
“And going back to the town you grew up in would be the answer?” Alastair remarked pessimistically.
“You got a better idea, then lets hear it son!” Donovan raised his voice.
“I ain’t your son!” Alastair replied roughly.
“Please, just....don’t argue!” Renda intervened.
“Sorry” Donovan sighed after a long pause.
“I didn’t mean to lash out like that, it just sometimes gets me that’s all” Alastair mumbled remorsefully.
“That’s better guys, so....where are we exactly heading?” Renda asked with a bit of relief in his voice.
“Birmingham Alabama kid” Donovan grunted.
Twenty minutes later they turned off the interstate and headed Downtown where Donovan’s cousin lives or lived. Looking out the window they saw buildings with broken windows, walls painted in various markings ‘DEAD’, ‘INFECTED’, ‘END IS HERE’, ‘WILL SHOOT ON SIGHT“, ‘DAMNATION’, ‘NO S/ZONE’ and many more. What particularly caught Renda’s eye were the cryptic messages like 8/U/S, AM/5, SOLACE/BC.
“What do you guys think it all means?” Renda asked perplexed.
“Nothing good” Donovan muttered.
“Fuck....this is damn spooky” Alastair sighed anxiously.
“Yeah it’s worser than I thought, we better get through this part of town fast” Donovan accelerated.
“What’s going on?” Nina slowly opened her eyes.
“Slow down D, there are cars in the street up ahead” Alastair cautioned and fastened his seat belt.
“I see them, not to worry” Donovan smirked.
He slalomed fast around the abandoned cars, until unexpectedly their tires popped while driving over a spike strip. Donovan loses control of the vehicle and crashes head-on into a restaurant.
“Ah....damn.....everyone alright?” Donovan coughed.
“Great driving D.....good thing I had my seat belts on” Alastair murmured dazedly and sarcastically.
“Nina, Chris you guys alright back there?” Donovan grunted.
“Yeah....yeah we’re fine” Nina and Chris gasped.
Donovan caught a glimpse in the rear-view mirror of a few people jumping over one of the vehicles in the street, they were heading rabidly towards them.
“Oh fuck! everybody out!” Donovan shouted toughly and urgently got out of the crashed car.
An ambusher opened Alastair’s side door and hit him almost unconscious before dragging him out. As Nina wanted to exit the vehicle with her crossbow an attacker grabbed her out “Leave him alone, let me go motherfucker! she yelled. Renda was unable to hold onto her hand as he too was shortly after pulled out by another assailant. While Donovan leaped out an attacker greeted him with a rough punch and later tried to strangle him against the hood of the car. Renda got kicked in the stomach by his assailant and stood above him holding a baseball bat mumbling “This’ll be over quick”. Donovan managed to reach for his gun in the side-holster and killed his attacker by shooting him twice in the stomach. Renda’s aggressor quickly rushed back towards Donovan and swung his bat at him “You think you can take us on old man!” he called out while knocking him flat to the ground. Donovan’s .50 pistol dropped and was now at arms length for Renda.
Nina was screaming for help as the attackers looked to have wanted to rape her before killing. Renda couldn’t hear or actually see Alastair, but saw a figure repeatedly punching someone on the ground that could've only been Alastair.
If they were to survive this Renda had to act now and grab the gun.
[Save Donovan]
[Save Nina]
[Save Alastair]
[Sneak over to the desk and search the drawers]
One of the three is going to die i am sure, but i am looking for the way to save at least 2. [Save Nina]
[Sneak over to the desk and search the drawers]
Why not? I'm certainly curious about this recorder.
[Save Nina]
The way I see it, Nina is the most logical choice here. Alastair is on the ground already and probably knocked unconscious. Similarly, Donovan got hit by a baseball bat, which means that he could be unconscious as well, or at least too wounded to fight back/escape. Nina on the other hand is confirmed to be quite conscious, since she is screaming for help, so that means that she has the best chances to actually escape if Renda chooses to save her.
[Sneak over to the desk and search the drawers]
[Save Nina]
[Sneak over to the desk and search the drawers]
[Save Nina]
[Sneak over to the desk and search the drawers]
[Save Nina]
Aaron abruptly parked the car by the side of the road, turned the engine off and hissed “We hide, we can’t risk having an encounter with whoever is in that military truck”.
Josh grabbed the rifle which Aaron found from the backseat and leaped out. After the vehicle drove past them, they waited a moment by the trees and later returned to their car.
“They looked quite legit Aaron” Josh remarked bluntly as he got in.
“Yeah I felt that too, but we’ll find out soon enough when we get there” Aaron replied dubiously.
Nearly thirty minutes later they arrived on the outskirts of Jacksonville Port also marked as US Marine Corps Blount Island Terminal. From afar it looked like whoever resided there only had occupied half off the port terminal and used cargo containers as walls for protection from outsiders. The other half of the port seems to be used as a parking lot as there were many cars and military vehicles. Josh noticed and pointed at the lookout guards dressed in khaki uniforms strolling on top of the large containers.
“What do you think? we finally made it” Aaron remarked positively.
“This place looks like it has a good setup, we’re not turning back now” Josh said decisively.
“What if they ask us why we’d come here? or about that chopper” Aaron asked anxiously.
“Just follow my lead, I’ll do the talking” Josh reassured him.
“Okay....yeah....lets do this” Aaron stuttered and drove closer.
“This could finally be it, a place where we could finally catch a breath” Josh remarked optimistically.
“I hope so” Aaron muttered.
One of the guards noticed them and reached for his loudspeaker “That’s far enough....exit your vehicle with your hands up” the guard spoke firmly with slight hostility in his voice.
Aaron and Josh glanced at each other for a short second and exited their vehicle calmly.
“Drop your weapons” The guard ordered.
“We only have a’s in the car” Josh pointed.
The guard radioed in their arrival and then asked them in a rather composed manner “Approach slowly”.
“Hello, name’s Tommy Welf” The guard nodded flatly.
“I’m Josh and this is my brother Aaron” Josh responded calmly.
“Nice to meet you guys travelled long to get here?” Tommy asked rather curiously.
“Louisville Georgia...I want to know who’s in charge here?” Josh demanded firmly.
“Quite the will meet the Major shortly” The guard responded firmly and evasively.
“The Major? Are you going to let us in or what?” Josh persisted mildly.
“If you cooperate, then yes.....but there is one important process that applies to every survivor we encounter” Tommy replied.
Aaron glanced and nodded towards Josh “Fine, what’s the process?” the older brother asked dubiously.
“For the first two days as a precaution you will be kept in a quarantine area tested by a doctor, of course you will be given food and water over the course of that time and once you’ll be given the all clear, you’ll join in with the rest of the survivors” Tommy replied toughly and rigorously.
“You know that’s nonsense right? no offence but the virus is airborne and everyone’s infected....we’re not bitten or sick, so there’s no point holding us in quarantine, we can start helping out properly now” Josh argued.
“There might always be more to it with what we’re fighting against and for that we need to make tests find the source of the problem and solve it by finding a cure....look that’s our standard procedure, many people came before you and went through the same either accept can’s forcing you to go through and we won’t come after you” Tommy replied in a matter of fact tone.
Josh turned to Aaron and said worriedly “I don’t like this”.
“We have to do this Josh, you know what we went through out there, everyday looking over your shoulder living in fear” Aaron replied softly.
“We don’t have to do anything!....I just don’t believe what he said about that whole quarantine crap” Josh whispered angrily.
“I’m skeptical too believe me, anything could happen to us over that wall, but we did so many things to get here both good and bad, it can’t all go to waste...this place is likely real we have the letters and documents from that chopper to prove it....and we need to tell them about it....listen I’m just willing to take that risk if you are” Aaron whispered.
[Agree to the terms and later tell them about the helicopter crash]
[Refuse and leave]
About thirty miles from Atlanta, Zafir stopped the SUV in Conyers close to a mall called “Lingering Memories Antiques and Collectibles” he switched off the headlights.
“You said this place was safe! What are we waiting for?” Nizhoni said agitatedly at the sight of many walkers scattered and occupying the area.
Zafir grabbed a pair of binoculars from the glove compartment and later flashed the headlights twice as a signal. He scanned to see if there was anyone on the roof. A five foot seven tall female figure was standing on the roof holding an automatic rifle of some type, she noticed them and flashed twice with her flashlight before disappearing.
“You see those metal doors, the walkers will be onto us once we get close, that’s where you have to sprint” Zafir muttered and pointed ahead, after a moment he drove closer to the wall with a metal gate.
Someone inside started pulling a chain in order to open the metal doors, he stopped midway and another person slipped in a small filing cabinet to keep the heavy door from closing. Zafir gave the go-ahead and everyone rushed inside. The gate slammed shut by a caucasian man about five foot eleven weighing about hundred-forty pounds. He had a thin face but with slightly reddened chubby cheeks with light brown messy hair and distinctive bright blue eyes “You guys were gonna a long time, any problems? I see you found new people” he panted casually and rather optimistically.
“We’re fine, just took a bit longer than usual, I’ll explain later but thanks Auggie” Zafir nodded tiresomely.
August Fulton often called ‘Auggie’ was a man in his thirties wearing a brown blouson and khaki pants with scruffy charcoal boots.
“Who are these two?” a six foot tall African-American woman in her mid-twenties asked bluntly and toughly in a somewhat posh accent.
“This is Nizhoni and Kyle, they’re gonna stay with us for a while” Zafir said firmly.
“Hold on a minute-” The woman objected.
“Relax Vivienne, they’re just regular people like us, that need our help” Marina interjected rigidly.
“Please, Kyle needs a doctor” Nizhoni gasped rather desperately while her boyfriend wheezed in pain.
Vivienne noticed Kyle’s injury and turned to Zafir “I’ll let Eve know” she said in a composed tone.
“Vivienne will take you to Eve she’s our doctor, it’s getting late we’ll speak in morning” Zafir said firmly to Nizhoni.
Vivienne Emperor had a skinny slender figure, but with curvy hips. Her lips were quite thick and round. Despite her resentful attitude, Nizhoni saw something intelligent in her chocolate eyes. She was bald and had a navy baseball cap to cover it. Her attire included a midnight purple hoodie with tight dark teal jeans and black high-top shoes.
After following her through the empty mall filled with antiques, shelves filled with various collectibles, both rusty and renewed furniture, albums, antique toys, glassware, primitives, pottery, crystal, Elvis memorabilia, decorative items, lamps, rugs and she finally stopped by a closed store called “Treasures and Trash”. After knocking twice on the glassed door a petite woman named Eve opened. She was surprised at first but also very welcoming. Eve looked to be in her twenties, her green eyes stood out from her pallid face. Pink lips surrounded her small mouth and dimples pressed softly under her flat cheekbones. She had a dark denim top with slim tan pants and dirty white trainers.
The store was turned into a more accommodated condition, there was a mattress in the corner with a young boy about four years of age playing with toys, a long antique desk with books some opened and some stacked up. Eve kept most of the medical supplies on the shelves beside an armchair and folded bed situated to the far left of the room. Vivienne left the room while Eve urgently lit up the candles and Kyle rested on the couch and waited to be examined.
“God what happened.....It’s heavily most likely have a cracked rib here, without proper scanning, there’s no knowing for certain to what extent, you’re going to need to rest for at least two weeks and take pain relief frequently” Eve said in a focused voice.
"You don't wanna know" Kyle choked.
“Are you sure know what you’re doing? Are you really a doctor?” Nizhoni questioned her worriedly.
Eve looked up shyly and said sincerely “I graduated five years ago....please don’t worry I had some time to practice” she later asked for Kyle to sit up and take a few deep breaths and cough in order to scale the intensity of the pain. Eve later grabbed a bottle of water, a few painkillers and gave them to Kyle.
“I’ll clean these cuts and patch you up, try to lay down and rest” Eve said softly.
“Thank you so much” Nizhoni said feeling relief.
“Your welcome” Eve smirked after a brief moment while getting all the necessary supplies.
“Yeah....really much appreciated Doc” Kyle coughed.
Nizhoni noticed the small boy looking at them innocently. He had a round chubby face with blue eyes and messy coal hair “Is he your son?” she asked Eve warmly.
“Yes he is” Eve smiled while cleaning Kyle’s wounds.
“What’s his name?” Nizhoni asked curiously.
“Cleo” Eve smiled.
“Mom, where’s daddy?” Cleo walked over shyly to his mother.
“Daddy is has an important task sweetie, he’ll be back soon don’t worry” Eve reassured her son compassionately.
“Have you been staying here long?” Nizhoni asked calmly.
“Long enough to call this place husband Hugo, Cleo and I...we were in Atlanta when it all started, once the quarantine and refuge camps started to get overrun we fled and ended up here with August and his family....we managed to board up and seal off all the easily accessed entrances to keep the dead out...all except for one metal door the way you came in.....we waited and waited for the military....anyone to pass through, but it never happened.....the chances for a cure or vaccine seem pretty thin at this did you two survive?” Eve replied flatly while finishing up.
“Barely....we’ve been moving from the start of the outbreak never stopping anywhere for too long, we mainly sticked to the countryside I always liked living in the woods and thought it was the safest place, less walkers, less to worry about, but it turned out it’s nothing different.....we have to fear the living just as the dead” Nizhoni said flatly.
Eve recalled what happened to Zafir’s family and her face saddened “Are you alright?” Nizhoni asked noticing the change on her face.
“I’m...I’m fine, just some bad memories” Eve replied with a forceful smirk.
“How did you guys get all these supplies?” Nizhoni frowned curiously changing the subject.
“There’s big shopping mall not far from here Conyers Plaza you can see it from the rooftop, with regular supply runs we managed to stock you see being the only doctor here means I hold the main medical inventory” Eve chuckled softly.
“What about food?” Nizhoni smirked.
“There’s never enough food.....of course I’m kidding....we have a lot, but it’s always good to have more” Eve smiled.
“Ain’t that true” Nizhoni chuckled.
“Am I interrupting something?” Auggie knocked on the ajar door.
“No Auggie come in, have you two met?” Eve invited him in.
“Not properly, hello I’m August, but most people here tend to call me Auggie” he chuckled softly.
“Nizhoni and he’s my boyfriend Kyle” She smiled.
“How is he? Is he gonna be alright?” Auggie asked with concern in his voice.
“He’s better thanks to Eve” Nizhoni sighed.
“Well if you need anything, you’ll find me in the Caribbean Collectibles store, I have to get back to Judy and Becky” Auggie chuckled softly.
“Thank you” Nizhoni nodded.
“Marie still on her shift?” Eve asked softly.
“You know my wife, she’s always up to something, see ya both later bye Cleo” Auggie said optimistically and left the store.
“It’s late we should turn in, you can have Cleo’s bed for tonight” Eve said kindly.
“Are you sure?” Nizhoni asked warmly.
“Totally don’t worry, Cleo will sleep with me and Hugo tonight, try to get some sleep” Eve smiled before lifting up Cleo.
“Okay, I just want to go and thank Zafir for bringing us, where could I find him?” Nizhoni asked.
“Now he’s most likely in the Swap shop on the second floor....that’s where he sleeps, maybe it’s best if you talk tomorrow.....goodnight Nizhoni” Eve replied softly.
“You’re right it can wait till tomorrow, goodnight Eve and thanks again” Nizhoni said gratefully.
“My pleasure” Eve smirked.
Shortly before putting off the candles Hugo returned weary, he briefly introduced himself to Nizhoni and later went to sleep, he wasn’t too happy with the newcomers staying in their room, but he was too tired to argue with his wife. Hugo Farrah was in his late forties, the most noticeable feature of his face was his short short stiff beard and disheveled ash hair, he wore a dark blue plaid flannel shirt with dark straight jeans. Nizhoni also noticed he had a bandage wrapped around his forearm.
In the morning, chatting noises from outside the store woke Nizhoni. Kyle was still sleeping heavily, she slowly paced towards the door. Outside everyone was already gathered for breakfast sitting by a long plastic table beside the vintage stalls. There were at least six more people she didn’t recognize or even met. Auggie caught her as he smirked and gently waved at her while standing by his wife Marie and two children Becky and Judy. Marie gave her a somewhat rebellious glare, she had a thin ebony face and light brown eyes. She was of Haitian decent and had long chocolate brown side braids. Part of her bangs are streaked auburn red due to her fiery personality that never faded. Marie tried to feed her five year old daughter Becky what looked like to be some type of soup, but the girl preferred to suck her own thumb. Once the young girl noticed Nizhoni she started to hide her face shyly and coddled Marie tightly. The girl wore her hair short and in raven colored pigtails. Judy is about four foot six with shoulder length auburn colored hair, dark brown eyes, a pudgy, fair skinner face, and lots of freckles on her cheeks. She also had fairly crooked front teeth while smiling at Nizhoni. Both girls had blue hoodies. Opposite them Eve was sitting with Cleo.
Close by Vivienne Emprior was seen chatting to a hispanic woman named Priscilla, her face heavily resembled the Columbian-American actress Sofia Vergara. She had a mauve colored leather jacket and grey denim pants with high dark brown fleece boots. Beside her sitting was a seven year old boy, he looked to be Priscilla’s son due to the strong facial resemblance. The boy on the other hand had black wavy hair and wore a brown printed t-shirt and denim shorts. The last two strangers sitting were Noelle and Phoebe Timmons. Noelle looked to be eighteen and slightly older than Pheobe. In appearance the teenagers looked similar the only few distinctions were Noelle was taller, more stern-looking and had black long curly hair tied in a ponytail. Pheobe had shoulder length black hair and looked happier than her older sister. Noelle wore a tight blue and black tracksuit, while Pheobe preferred to wear chino shorts and a brown cardigan. Shortly later Hugo appeared on the scene with Zafir, Marina and Jerry walking down the escalators after him. Zafir introduced Nizhoni and explained her arrival. Most of the group appeared to be quiet distant and protective of themselves towards Nizhoni, except for Eve, Auggie, Judy and Priscilla.
“How long will you be staying?” Marie asked her directly and strictly.
“Once Kyle gets back on his feet, we’ll leave I promise, and I would like to thank you again Zafir for taking us in...I want to thank all of you.....and in exchange I want to help out anyway that’s possible” Nizhoni said sincerely.
“Well we could always use more hands to protect this place” Priscilla said optimistically and sympathetically.
“I’m just glad we found you both when we to the less fun part for today we have a lot to do......first as many of you already know we ran out of juice in the generators, second another herd might pass through I’m thinking it might happen sometime during this week so we’re gonna need to be quieter than usual, third we need to intensify the supply runs before winter hits us, we need to start gathering more warm clothes and fuel for the pump generators at the water tower” Zafir said flatly.
“What if the pipeline is blocked? I mean water wasn’t running that good since we got here, just saying” Noelle asked grimly.
“Thats why we need to check those water pumps at the tower here in Druid Hills on Decatur Road” Zafir showed and pointed on the map.
“Warm clothes, food, bottled water, weapons won’t be that much of a problem to get, I agree we gotta start doing more supply runs if we want to stay, we managed to keep the walkers out, so half of the plan is already done if we push a bit more this could work” Vivienne remarked seriously.
“Don’t underestimate the herd Viv, we can’t assume that the next swarm will be the same as the one before, one wrong move and that’s all it takes” Marie said roughly.
“No-one’s underestimating anything that’s why we’re coming up with a proper plan....Eve, Kyle and the rest of the children will stay here where it’s safe...and everyone else will have to start working hard to make this happen” Jerry interjected toughly.
“Now hold on a minute Jerry, either me or Marie will have to stay here because of the children” Auggie objected casually.
“The children will be safe with Eve, I don’t see any problem in that” Jerry folded his arms.
“Those kids need their mother!” Eve objected whisperingly.
“Now listen here you fucking weazel, you arrived here a lot later than us, so we can decide for ourselves who wants to go and who doesn’t, Zafir is the man in charge of your group not you so shut the fuck up!” Marie said in a strict and composed manner.
“Hey show some respect to Jerry he has done more than anyone around here!” Marina interjected angrily.
“Like getting your sister killed” Marie muttered.
“Marie!” Auggie gasped.
“Enough! Marie’s right, families come first, we can handle the job with one person less can’t we Jerry?” Zafir snarled sarcastically.
“I tried to save her, but it was too late! why do you keep thinking she died because of me? Marina’s sister was a good person she didn’t deserve to die” Jerry sighed “And you know what Zaf? I’m really starting to think your not fit for the position anymore, I used to admire you before but you have gonna fucking soft” Jerry said annoyingly and before he wanted to leave Zafir swiftly got up and jerked his arm and whispered “You’re forgetting that I know what you are and if the group finds out, you won’t survive here long” Jerry smirked “Heh...maybe, but I’m not the only one with secrets.....retards” he chuckled and walked away. Becky started crying hysterically after hearing Jerry’s words and Marie coddled her softly attempting to calm her down.
“What’s his problem? he’s been on edge the whole week” Auggie remarked thoughtfully.
“Things are just getting to him, just try to be more understanding I’m sure he didn’t mean it” Marina defended him firmly and went after Jerry.
“Understanding? Pff, I’ll never trust that creep” Marie mumbled.
“He’ll come through if he wants to stay with us,’s the plan I’m gonna head south again to look for my son, but I’m also going to get as much gas as I can, and get back here...I’ll go with either Jerry, Marina or anyone else who wants to volunteer......I need three people to go to the Plaza and get more food and warm clothes....and three people to examine the situation at the water tower and gather any supplies found on the way” Zafir said sullenly.
“ and Pheobe will handle that, we know the place better than anyone....and to be honest I’m not going anywhere if you tell Jerry to come with us” Noelle said sternly.
“Fair enough girls” Zafir nodded morosely.
“I’ll head over to the water tower and see what has to be done down there, I can do it on my own there’s no point risking more lives, I’ll be in and back quick” Hugo responded with a nod.
“Hugo? no you can’t go on your own” Eve gasped in concern.
“Sure I can manage on my own honey and I’ll be a lot quicker that way” Hugo argued softly.
“But you still need someone to watch your back and help with carrying extra supplies.....Priscilla you will be on lookout duty and holding the fort with Marie or Auggie” Zafir replied.
“I’ll go with Hugo, you’ll need an extra pair of hands” Vivienne said shortly.
“Good....Nizhoni you can stay here if you want, but you said you wanted to help now’s the time to speak up” Zafir said indifferently.
[Side going with Hugo and Vivienne to the water supply tower]
[Side going with Noelle and Pheobe to the mall]
[Side going with Zafir to get fuel and search for his son]
Sorry had to break the last section for some reason.
[Refuse and leave]
[Side going with Hugo and Vivienne to the water supply tower]
[Agree to the terms and later tell them about the helicopter crash]
[Side going with Noelle and Pheobe to the mall]
[Agree to the terms and later tell them about the helicopter crash] It could get them killed but it could also be a big chance
[Side going with Noelle and Pheobe to the mall] Food and warm clothes sounds good and most important
This is the length limit
Basically, the way this forum works, individual posts can't be longer than a certain length, which is somewhere between 19700 and 20000 letters, including spaces. I don't know where exactly this limit is, but if you keep your posts below 19700 letters, you should be on the safe side.
[Refuse and leave]
Something does not feel right here. I don't trust these people and I guess they are hiding something. Maybe I am wrong here, but I am not willing to trust anyone who is even a bit shady.
[Side going with Noelle and Pheobe to the mall]
Sounds as good as the water tower option for me. Searching for fuel/Zafir's son or staying sounds not as good as these other options to me.
I'll bear that in mind next time ;D
Elias decided to sneak up and search the drawers, after excessive examining he found the batteries and an old wrinkled photo that contained Jeffrey and two children. Jeffrey startled him “Who told you to go through my stuff?”
“I’m sorry Sir, I asked if you had any batteries and you told me to check the drawers I didn’t take anything I swear” Elias whispered in slight panic.
“Give me that photo” Jeffrey replied rigidly.
Elias handed it to him softly “Those your children?” the boy said innocently.
“They were” Jeffrey choked.
“I’m sorry.....I didn’t mean-” Elias stuttered.
Jeffrey tucked the photo in his pocket and grumbled “Once you're finished get back to sleep’s gonna be a long day tomorrow”
Elias without reply got back to the couch, he placed the batteries into the recorder, but before playing it, he didn’t want to wake anyone up, so he slipped outside the office and rewinded the tape.
“I made a mistake today.....I shouldn’t have told Jarvis about Bradley’s Jarvis plans on killing one of Bradley’s friends....God....why was I so wrong?...believing that Jarvis is good leader......that he loved me.....something changed....why?.....I want to tell you Bradley that I’m sorry.....but I’m afraid you won’t forgive’s my’s too late to stop him.....this place what I thought was my new home......turned out to be a lie.....a growing hell.....we can try running from the dead, but the more we run, the deeper, more terrible preys behind you, yawning at your feet....the only chance is to turn around and face it.....I believe my days are numbered.....whoever’s listening out there should know that the most important thing in this world is family and never turn against them......people will die because of me.....I will name is Katie O’Cart.....I’m sorry”
Elias waited until the tape stopped hoping there was more recorded on it, but that was it, he stopped the recorder and mournfully went back to the office. He laid down comfortably on the couch covered himself with a blanket and gazed at the window. The moonlight lit up the opposite building and the streets and after a while Elias dozed off. Outside Grace tried to stay out of sight, she reached the courthouse the walkers were now scattered but some still urgently tried to break down the front entrance and gathered around the safety ladder beside it. Grace was hiding in an alley behind the courthouse, if Akemi wasn’t asleep she’d notice her. Grace sprinted towards a building beside the courthouse, some walkers were on her trail, she wanted to get to the roof to have a better view of the surroundings. It was then from above she noticed the large infestation in front of the courthouse. Grace was exhausted and felt guilty of leaving Akemi as she did grew fond of her since they met. Before crumbling to the ground, in hopelessness and desperation she yelled out their names twice standing by the ledge. Akemi gently jumped and snapped out from her sleep, Charlie was also had woke and whispered “What was that?”
“I don’t know, someone scream, maybe it was my dream” Akemi muttered disorientated.
Grace took out a bottle of water from her backpack and had a sip, she got up and scanned the streets once again. She had a hunch that they might be trapped in the courthouse, but going there now would be suicidal. After a moment she barely noticed a slightly cracked window with a rope sticking out reaching all the way down to the grass surrounding the courthouse. The only risk standing between her and Akemi were the undead.
[Sprint to the rope]
[Leave the town]
Chris Renda coughed and tried to catch his breath. The .50 pistol was in front of him, Donovan was getting ready to fight back after getting knocked down. Renda grabbed the gun and retreated back to Nina, he shoots and her attackers in the back killing them instantly. Nina swiftly got up and grabbed her crossbow killing Alastair’s aggressor. After striking Donovan once more the attacker turned his attention to Renda, but he was already in his crosshairs. Renda helped Donovan up the man felt very hazzy, his face cut and bruised “Thanks kid....give me the gun.....where’s Nina and--” he muttered weakly.
“No!, not again, please Alastair breathe...wake up!!” Nina was heard sobbing from the other side of the vehicle trying to revive her brother.
“Alastair!......oh no...he can’t die!” Donovan urgently ran over and started lamenting over his disfigured and butchered face.
Renda felt sick after killing those men, he puked before heading outside of the restaurant to see if they were in the clear. The streets were quieter than a cemetery, which was unsettling. They had seen a few walkers early on while arriving to the city, but now it was dominated by emptiness and silence. After wiping his mouth and catching a breather Renda turned back and saw both Nina and Donovan crying over Alastair’s lifeless body.
Nina turned to Donovan “He’s gone......he’s actually gone this time” she choked in disbelief.
“What do we do now?” Renda asked uncomfortably.
Donovan made sure Alastair didn’t turn and muttered expressionlessly “I don’t know”
Nina in tearful desperation sat behind the wheel and tried to turn on the engine, but it was busted. Donovan took out his anger on the dead attackers and made sure they didn’t turn either. Renda suggested to maybe get to a higher ground and rest. Unable to turn on the vehicle Nina cried with her head rested on the steering wheel.
“C’mon darling......we-we have to get outta here” Donovan choked and tried to be tough.
“When will this end D? are we ever gonna be able to live peacefully like before?” She sighed tearfully.
“We have to keep fighting until then....I failed Alastair......I failed my own should’ve been me laying down there” Donovan sighed with a dull gaze while he hugged her.
“It was nobodies fault uncle D” Nina sobbed.
“Yes it was.....if I hadn’t wrecked the car none of this would have happened” Donovan said remorsefully.
Donovan noticed Renda’s dull gaze at the corpses “Chris c’mere” he said softly.
“I’m sorry.....maybe if I acted quicker then--” Renda stuttered.
“No Chris you shouldn’t be sorry, you did everything you could.....I should be the one saying sorry to you” Donovan said sincerely.
“We really have to go.....there’s no knowing when the dead appear” Renda said evasively and nervously.
“Yeah....yeah you’re right, those gunshots surely attracted their attention” Donovan replied seriously and grabbed his possessions from the car.
Nina and Renda grabbed their gear. But before heading out Renda went back to Alastair’s corpse after recalling that he had a gun. Renda frisked him and took the pistol “Sorry, Alastair” he sighed and jogged back to Nina and Donovan. They sprinted a few blocks before considering that it was too dark to travel. Donovan decided to find shelter in an apartment building, they stopped on the first floor and after sweeping the hallway and the flat for walkers, it was time to finally get some shut eye. Donovan moved the bookstand barricading the front door and decided to sleep on the sofa close to the door in case something or someone would manage to get inside. Before going sleep he found out he only had four rounds left in his gun. Renda held for a brief moment the Colt Mustang still containing a full mag with six bullets, he gently placed it on the nightstand and tried to get some rest. Before dozing off, Nina came in for a brief moment to thank him for saving her “I’m grateful you helped me....but all three of us needed your help and you chose to help me...why?” she asked mournfully.
“I’m not sure how to answer that Nina......I just reacted.....I never really told you guys why I hated happened to me on the first day, not long before I met you guys........I shot and killed my best friend Malcolm by accident” Renda replied flatly.
“Oh....I’m sorry......why did you tell us?” Nina said worriedly.
“I was ashamed.......but this time I actually did something useful, I finally did the right thing for can only get better from now on” said Renda with hope in his voice.
Suddenly they started hearing the undead moaning and moving slowly in the streets towards the restaurant, Nina went over to the window to check and sighed “Lets hope it gets better”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save Alastair, he was good friend....and had some funny jokes in him” Renda sighed softly.
“Goodnight Chris” Nina replied abruptly and evasively as she started tearing up and went back to her room urgently.
The next morning Renda swiftly got up, grabbed his pistol and tucked in his pants. In the living room Donovan put on his backpack and was ready to move. “You didn’t wake me up” Renda muttered.
“Thought you needed the sleep, Nina’s almost ready...we have to...figure out what to do next” Donovan grunted.
“What about your home? that was the plan, maybe there are survivors in this city” Renda suggested.
“It still is the plan.....the only survivors in this city are either murderers or walkers, there’s nothing here for us, everyone’s dead I’m sure of it.......I found a map and we’ll head west” Donovan replied morosely.
“Are you okay D?” Renda asked worriedly.
“I’m holding on, if that’s what you what to hear” Donovan grunted.
“Are we all ready to head out?” Nina said sullenly as she stepped out from the bathroom.
The three survivors advanced through the town and saw the university up ahead. Donovan jerked both Nina and Renda into cover “What is it?” Nina gasped.
“Over there” Donovan whispered and pointed out.
He spotted a dark skinned teenager getting of his bicycle and entering a small mart in a casual manner. He had medium length black hair and was wearing a black t-shirt with dark jeans and two-tone trainers.
“What’s a kid doing here?” Nina whispered in disbelief.
“Should we go over to him? he doesn’t look dangerous” Renda hissed.
“This could be another trap” Donovan mumbled and scanned the area.
“But what if he’s alone? there’s three of us we can take the direct approach” Nina suggested mildly.
“We should head a different way” Donovan suggested roughly.
“Or we could just follow him?” Renda said thoughtfully.
“He’ll lose us on that bike” Nina replied.
“I don’t like this” Donovan grumbled.
“I’m willing to go, but you guys need to cover me in case things get hairy” Renda said anxiously.
“I dunno, we have to be careful not to spook him” Nina remarked doubtfully.
[Approach the teenager]
[Try following the teenager]
[Do nothing and wait]
Back at the antique mall, Nizhoni thought for a moment where and with who to go “I can help out with carrying some supplies from that shopping mall” she said casually.
“Are you a good runner?” Noelle asked after scanning her from top to toe.
“I would be standing here if I wasn’t” Nizhoni replied confidently.
“Cool swing over to our room on the top floor in a bit” Pheobe replied optimistically.
“Alright, everyone has a task assigned, we should get started” Zafir said bluntly.
“Priscilla you need take first shift, I have to feed Becky” Marie remarked.
“No problem Marie, take your time” Priscilla smiled.
Nizhoni went back to check on Kyle, Eve was already there giving him painkillers.
“You’re up!” Nizhoni smile at him and kissed him tenderly.
“Yeah what was all that ruckus out there, you guys arguing or something??” Kyle asked softly.
“No, we were all just talking plans.....I’m gonna go help the others on a supply run” Nizhoni said directly.
“Are you sure you wanna go?” Kyle asked worriedly.
“I have to help them out, you stay here and rest honey” Nizhoni replied toughly.
“We do kinda owe them, at least I careful out there and come back” Kyle replied softly.
“Like always” Nizhoni smirked.
Nizhoni went upstairs and saw Pheobe leaning over the rail, she waved at her signaling to come over. Nizhoni entered another store turned into a living flat. Noelle was moving some stuff around, she grabbed something from under her bed.
“You got a weapon Niz? you don’t mind I call you that way?” Noelle asked strictly.
“Niz sounds fine....I only have a dagger” Nizhoni nodded.
“Are you good with a hunting bow? because Pheobe sucks with it” Noelle asked bluntly and chuckled.
“Hey! I heard that you’re no better--” Pheobe called out.
“I’m pretty good believe me” Nizhoni chuckled softly and examined the bow.
“Only got three arrows, so make them count” Noelle remarked while putting on a camper hiking travel rucksack backpack.
Pheobe came over shortly after and put on her large backpack and grabbed a small pistol
“I’ll take that duffel bag sis” she muttered.
“Niz grab one of those bags and follow us we have a car not far from here, well if it’s still there” Noelle smirked.
“The mall is about ten miles from here, so we better get a move” Pheobe remarked.
Marina went after Jerry who was standing on the roof with an angry look on his face “Are you okay?” she asked softly.
“Am I okay? yeah I feel fucking brilliant, everyone blames me for your sister.....shit why do I even bother” Jerry replied sarcastically.
“I believe you did everything you wasn’t your fault” Marina slightly choked compassionately.
“You know Zafir is gonna get us killed one day?” Jerry remarked angrily.
“He’s doing his best, it’s not easy letting go believe me” Marina choked softly.
“If he doesn’t let go, then we all fall with him, he’s not fit to lead this group anymore, you do agree with me don’t ya?” Jerry sighed.
“Even if I do there’s nothing we can do, everybody looks up to him despite his bandit-killing rampages” Marina winced.
“Because they don’t know everything, that he likes taunting and torturing them first......something might happen to me somewhere down the line, I need you to tell them who Zafir Elverson exactly is when it happens, he might be able to hold the act for now, but once it goes on it consumes a person and he’ll start killing our people just because someone crossed him” Jerry said seriously.
“You can trust me Jerry.......just wanted to let you know” Marina replied anxiously.
“I’ve always been on my side, despite what everyone has been saying” Jerry said with appreciation in his voice.
“Because I--” Marina said softly.
“What are you two doing up here? we gotta get going no time to waste” Zafir interrupted.
“We’ll be right there” Jerry nodded.
Zafir winced and went back down “Don’t forget what I said” Jerry said firmly to Marina before going after Zafir.
I'm gonna leave the previous voting open for one more day due to the tie, otherwise Josh and Aaron will agree to the terms
My god, that message from Katie crushed me once anew, even though I already slightly suspected that this message would be from her, about her screw-up... The heartbreak continues and this part caused some really deep feelings to resurface, mostly anger and sadness ;_; It could have been so wonderful, if it weren't for this worthless, terrible non-character Samantha and her friends, family and fans. Fuck Samantha! I hope something beautiful happens at the very beginning of Episode 6, Chapter 3, something that makes her death a whole more painful and less merciful than it currently looks like. I don't know, a sudden and unexpected case of getting a blowtorch to the face would be a fittingly painful and well-deserved end for her. And hopefully these scumbags Liam and Herman and Emma and Zack will follow soon, even if I doubt it. They have to pay, either for their role in Katie's death, or for their actions afterwards. However, aside from rekindling the utter heartbreak and anger I feel at half of the group and this pregnant bitch they were all so busy worshipping, this part also gave me the unexpected hint of hope. It won't be much and it certainly won't make it good in any way, but if Ellis, Elias and co. indeed manage to reunite with Brad and manage to give him this tape, he'll at least have something to remember Katie. Parts of the message, the stuff with Jarvis, that is terrible, but the most important thing is that Katie apologizes and at the end she also says how much Brad means to her, so this could be a very good thing for him and for me as well. This is actually the first time in forever I don't have entirely negative feelings about something Katie-related.
[Sprint to the rope]
Leaving the town without the others does not sound like a good option. Grace should try to get reunited with the others, not leave them.
[Try following the teenager]
This sounds like a smart choice. Maybe this guy is friendly and could help them out. At the same time, he might as well be part of the postapocalyptic scum and in such a case it could be better to follow him silently, to see what he is up to.
[Sprint to the rope]
I have a feeling this choice will get her killed, but she has to try.
[Try following the teenager]
[Sprint to the rope]
[Do nothing and wait]
[Sprint to the rope]
50% shes going to get killed, 50% shes going to get reunited with the group, 100% worth a try
[Try following the teenager]
Lets be cautious here, we know nothing about this guy.
[Sprint to the rope]
[Approach the teenager]