Episode 5 = 60-70 minutes long?

Found it at some tester's steam profile. Not going to post any links to not invade their privacy.
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Found it at some tester's steam profile. Not going to post any links to not invade their privacy.
Oh no I reaaalllyy hope it's longer than that.
I hope the Episode is longer than that, but ultimately, quality is not contingent on length.
For what It's worth, the first act of Episode 4 was fairly decent in length, which threw a lot of people off who thought the whole Episode was only an hour long because of when they earned the first act's achievement.
Remember guys they replay there episode to see if there working so of course they well skip most of the dialogue which makes up most of the game so the time here doesn't really matter.
Take a look at this thread
Read the Telltale's staff post.
The episode still ended up being as long as the pictures showed.
Aw, come on. The last thing you want is for people to be saying "Is that it?" on the final episode.
I don't even... TTG, it's the fricken season finale! Really?
Telltale, just make it 100 minutes long, you obviously can do it.
Telltale seems to be experimenting with "one sitting entertainment," which I find the current execution of to be a little questionable. Preferably, I'd like to go back to the days of longer episodes, but the good thing about Telltale's iterative, Episodic releases is that they can take fan feedback into consideration.
Even if it doesn't show up immediately in the proceeding episode(s) afterwards, fan feedback still has the possibility to improve future releases from Telltale down the line.
If Episode 4 is any indication, the first act may be longer than the first acts for Episodes 2 and 3. Granted, I can't see this affecting Episode length too heavily in the long run, but we can always hope.
Looks like you don't have to replay to get all the book of fables. Anyway, I was expecting a short finale.
What the f is Telltale doing? We deserve better than this. I hope that at least as Blind Sniper and walkingdead666 suggested the first chapter (the confrontation with The Crooked Man) is long and testers skipping the scenes are made them accomplish it faster than playing normally. Also, I hope that after we beat the game we get a long fulfilling conclusion to the story before the credits roll. Anything under 100 minutes for the season finale will feel too short.
I was hoping we'd get a good and meaty finale.
Of course, as I said above, the first act may be long like in Episode 4, but we can still hope.
This pre-ocupation with length makes no sense to me.
Yeah, about their 'experiment'...
Didn't one of the staff members say that they were trying to cater to the speed-runner crowd at some point? If that bit is true, then what were they thinking? Speed-running would be the last thing you would do in a game, especially when it concerns these types of games and genre.
Agreed. I hope to see longer Episodes return in the future.
I agree with ya too. Well, here's hoping for a TWAU season 2 with 15 hours of gameplay in total, maybe even more!
This is going to be one hell of an episode if it's that short. Is it possibility that they did a speed run?
Dont worry guys.
If any episode is to be that short its best that its Episode 5, wasnt s1e5 of twd really short? I still enjoyed that episode.
Episode 5 was short, but all the other episodes in Season 1 were long, and masterfully written!
Fine, clearly im a minority i was just trying to help.
Don't take it personal, man.
We just hope that it's the opposite this time. (Mostly) All episode of TWAU were short(episode 1 was roughly about 2 hours), and the finale could be long! Whereas, TWD season 1 had long episodes and the finale was short.
That would be a treat indeed.
Okay, its just frustrating
It seems every time i comment on any wolf threads i get a storm of dislikes, no matter what the context.
Wolf fans definitely do deserve an episode that's longer than 60 minutes .
All that really matters is a very kickass episode
Well, it's either dislike trolls or just people disapproving of your opinion.
Either way, don't pay much attention to it. Most of the forum does care about likes/dislikes and frankly, I don't. So just ignore the downvotes, who cares...
And the crowd goes mild.
So, I just beat Sam and Max season 1 episode 3 in 60 minutes. Can someone please explain to me what the big deal about length is?
WHAT!? I was expecting at least 100 minutes! WTF is this!?
So you wouldn't care if the game was only 15 minutes long then?
Game length matters.
why not? in response to people complaining about stuff, the most common response i've seen has usually been along the lines of "i thought it was great, i dont know what you guys are talking about, but except for ________ it was the best ever. besides, they still have # episodes left to do _______". a disappointing episode would just be the grand culmination of that appeasing attitude.
at this point, i'll probly just laugh (and cry on the inside) if the episode doesn't live up to the hopes people have had and the dreams it crushed. and at the people in denial. after all, it had a hot werewolf lead, how could it ever possibly be bad? cough
Well, to be fair, No Time Left was also really short and it was a season finale as well.
I don't know, I think it might just be a little longer, because chapters 2 and 4 only took 4 minutes to complete, and I don't think a chapter was ever that short.
Chapter 5 of Episode 2 was quite short as it was only the conversation with Beauty at the Open Arms entrance (well, it was longer if you decided to look at some objects, but it was still 5 minutes at best).
That being said, I won't care for the length of Ep5 as long as it ties up every loose end and finishes the story in an epic way.
even if plot is great, you dont wanna leave your computer seat under 100 minutes it just feels short. 60-70 is very short (with twds1 it was OK but not here), i hope atleast amid the ruins has 100min+ length.
This is photoshopped and fake. Give me the name of the user and I'll believe you.
Personally I dont have problem with the 70 min episodes. Maybe because I'm playing on a laptop with no mouse, it usually takes me a little longer. ANd if Im utterly honest. Episode 2 of the first season of TWD took me about 3 days! Whilst it was an excellent chapter story wise, first playthrough - I got bored. It was too long and got nowhere for a big chunk of the middle.
70 min episodes, longer if you take the time to explore your surroundings, are much better IMO
Eventhough some of the Ep4 Story elements pissed me off, My expectations of any game finale wasn't that high except for Mass Effect 3 case. And I hope i don't end up as disappointed.
Length doesn't matter to me. Just gather all the plot points, Make one hell of cliffhanger, Tie all plot points to the ending, Make your choices shape your ending, And make the ending choice in control of the future of the whole community. I'm awaiting to be surprised by the plot.
How are they going to answer all the questions in one hour?
Most likely not photoshopped BUT I'm pretty sure The Wolf Among Us is compatible with Steam Achievement Manager which allows you to select any achievements from any game and instantly unlock them, I've seen this image on 4chan's /vg/ board hours ago and 4chan is the kind of place that would do anything to mess with people.
And on another note, as long as the episode has alot of action and hopefully ties up any loose ends without feeling rushed and made up randomly I don't see a problem with the length unless it doesn't include that.
FUCK THE "ONE SITTING" RULE... Its seriously ruining it for me.. I was hoping for a chunky season finale with a lot of suprises, investigating and fights... hopefully they can fit it in.