Who is your MOST favorite character in the whole Sam and Max universe?



  • edited November 2010
    I'd say both Sam & Max... but I voted for Sam. I'm just a total dog obsessive anyway...

    then the COPS
    Agent Superball...
  • edited November 2010
    Superball and Hugh Bliss. Though I really liked Flint Paper in The Devil's Playhouse.
  • edited November 2010
    the COPS

    They are the only ones who really remain unchanged throughout all the seasons, despite the addition of a new member in The Devils Playhouse. What they say is usually pretty funny, and their delivery is just fantastic. Other than that, I just love old technology.

    Other than that, My favorites were Slushie, Flint Paper, Max (of course) and Bosco
  • edited November 2010
    Going to hop aboard the Max bandwagon with everyone else but outside the main two Superball. He won me over with the war song
  • edited November 2010
    Sam, Max, Bosco, Sybil, Superball, Cops, Hugh Bliss & Jurgen
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