Who is your MOST favorite character in the whole Sam and Max universe?



  • edited June 2009
    Max - he has the right balance of cute and clinically insane.
  • edited June 2009
    Max - he has the right balance of cute and clinically insane.

    Just like me! :eek:
  • edited June 2009
    Bluster Blaster should have a seperate entry.

  • edited June 2009
    It was multiple choice?! Man, I should have read the fine print. Well, I chose Jurgen because A.) William Kasten is amazing B.) He truly is the supreme Dork. An immortal in the body of a 20 year old with a Neo Gothic castle (including discotheque) and an undead army and he's a whiny poseur. Watching Max beat him up is like brain candy. (I'm not really that mean in real life, honestly. Well, I hide it well anyway.)
    If I wasn't an idiot, I would also have voted for the C.O.P.S., Pedro, Momma Bosco, Bosco, the Two-Teeths aaand the Sea Monkeys. Max and Sam are givens in my opinion. If you don't like them, well, I pity you my friend. It must be hard to live a life devoid of happiness and joy.
  • edited June 2009
    I voted for both Sam & Max for this poll. I'm kinda surprised Lorne, "the friend for life" didn't make the list.
  • edited June 2009
    I voted for both Sam & Max for this poll. I'm kinda surprised Lorne, "the friend for life" didn't make the list.

    Really? How come? Do you like that character? (Just curious.)
  • edited June 2009
    The main characters of course are just plain awesomeness...
    I really cannot think another movie/comic/game with such surreal adventures that are so much fun.

    I like Darla the geek too. I think the show is improved by a female ally who blindly believe and actually understand Sam & Max potential as police!
    I missed her in the adventures...
    (Ok, we have Sybil, but she is never really part of the team)

    Sam explains it well: ``I love having a sub-basement of solitude with our very genius girl that thinks improbable tool and stuff for us.''

    And Darla shows her affection saying to two twisted-minded aliens ``Do what you want with me, but tell me... What happened to Sam and Max.''

    As Max himself says: ``She is too good to us.''

    About the evil-ones:
    The Uglions are my favourite, followed by Hugh Bliss.

    Superball. What is the colour of his eyes?
  • edited June 2009
    I like Max because he's a psycho and also chose Jimmy the rat because he blends in really well.
  • edited June 2009
    Personally, I really felt the geek subtracted from the sam n max feel.
  • edited June 2009
    "I remember my childhood in Brighton,
    my dear old dad bounced me on his knee.
    He said 'Son there aint nothing so exciting,
    as exposing beasts to inhumanity"
  • edited June 2009
    I just think max is more funny than sam.
  • TeaTea
    edited June 2009

    Do I really have to say anymore?
  • edited June 2009
    Definetely Sam he is so smart and cute!
  • edited June 2009
    The Telltale version of Sam is quite possibly my favorite video game character of all time.

    I know the change in voice rubbed a lot of people the wrong way (at least at first), but David Nowlin's version of the voice is just so perfect for the Telltale games to me... he's so much more deadpan than before, which completely suits him, match that to Sam's ever hilarious hyperbole and I just can't get enough of him. Plus the voice (and the expression) when he says "aww..." just cracks me up every time.
  • edited August 2009
    Ah no Shambling Corporate Presence :(

    Well, my vote goes to the COPS.
  • edited August 2009
    Wait, it was multiple choice?

    NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Bugger...
  • edited August 2009
    That it Max, my whole life is flashing before my eyes... I wonder where I left my wallet

    following by Max.
    - Illegal Inmigration
    - Let's the new guys pilot the battle robots

    Together. While is amusing see them separated and trying to reunite each other.

    In fact, I have a friend who prohibited me, in a way, drawing a fan art of Sam without Max and viceversa.

    Second will be a tie with Bosco
    Tally ho foo!

    and, really, John the Alligator.
    But, in a blink of an eye, little John become, Big John

    After that the Geek
    You can't expect a full grown alligator to adapt to your life style! No one can adapt to your life style!

    and the Internet.
    I lost my respect to all living things

    And every German Zombie in the world when you are a zombie.

    I like Sam's Granma too, but I can't place exactly in which order... She's like Sam so...
  • edited August 2009
    I voted for the Soda Poppers!
    They must return!!!!!
  • edited August 2009
    Quuux wrote: »
    Personally, I really felt the geek subtracted from the sam n max feel.

    I guess she's a litmus character: Or you like her, or you hate her.
  • edited February 2010
    Max of course, what would Sam be without that rabbity thing!:D
  • edited February 2010
    Where are the Rubber Pants Commandos? <max> I LOVE those guys!</max>
  • edited February 2010
    Sam, definitely. His personality, his voice, his humorous repartee: I love it all, and I feel like I can relate to him a lot more than to Max.

    At the same time, I'm one of those people who really believe that you can't have one without the other, so I love 'em both really; Sam just takes the title of "favorite".
  • edited March 2010
    Max & the COPS. I tried to explain it, but then I got lazy! CURSE YOU FIEND!
  • edited March 2010
    Beside of Sam&Max i'm still fascinated by the monkey in front of the theatre (Culture Shock) and the poster of the black hole, wonderful scene! I really thought that at some point we would travel through one of those. The mexicans in 204 were also good. Bosco, Flint, Hugh Bliss were nice characters.

    On the other side the worst characters ever definately were the Soda Poppers. Sybil, Abe, Juergen and a few others were quite boring.
  • edited March 2010
    Where's the choice for Sam AND Max?
  • edited March 2010
    The Rat wrote: »
    Where's the choice for Sam AND Max?

    You vote for both?
  • edited March 2010
    What, no Moo Hoo Man?

    'Cause he's awesome.
  • edited March 2010
    Where the heck is Mac Salmon?
  • edited September 2010
    I voted for Sam, Max, Flint Paper and Bosco.
    -Sam, because he's charming, calm and strong <3
    -Max, because he's adorable and cute <3
    -Flint Paper, because he's such a badass but has got a funny voice
    -and Bosco, because of his hilarious disguises and acting. Totally amusing!
  • edited September 2010
    I voted for Bosco, his paranoid personality just NEVER gets old for me :D

  • edited September 2010
    I prefer a zillion times Bosco to the Geek.

    The problem of the Geek is that she's one of those "cool characters". She's cool, but as a female, she's untouchable. Thus, she's not funny. She's only cool, but not funny.

    Bosco was hilarious. Actually these games are chock-full of hilarious characters. Out of Sam and Max, which are a category on themselves, my favorites are Bosco, the COPS, Hugh Bliss and Nefertiti, in that order.

    Runner ups are Jurgen and Timmy Two Teeth.
  • edited September 2010
    Sam is just awesome with his smooth humor and clever dialog. There's a lot of warmth to his personality too. Him and Max compliment each other though! Max is unafraid to act on his current emotions and give Sam the relief of not always acting on his. Sam keeps Max in check by reminding him that they're the good guys. But Max just acts crazy for the lulz. :rolleyes:
    I'm on the fence about this one. SAM :D

    On another subject; It looks like they replaced Bosco with Momma Bosco. Bosco was hilarious because of his paranoia and since that's done I guess his character's not needed anymore. Unless they can find a new paranoia for him. OR develop his character...
  • edited September 2010
    No doubt Hugh Bliss. The guy's ridiculously funny, and his voice actor is amazing. That confrontation with him in Bright Side of the Moon (right before he separate's Max's bliss) is probably my favorite scene in a Sam & Max game yet.
  • edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
    I like Max :)
  • edited September 2010
    My favorite is Sam, because as some of you had alredy said is a sensitive guy,has clase, humble, but is also, yep damn cynical, he shure has a detective style, i love hes 6 foot talliness and hes suit, and if it wasent enougth freeky friend for life fan arguments, i think he is also protective, lovable, chobby, loves so mush max and hes gun lol, hes noble but stills loves violence xD, i faind hes dialogues very funny, i love funny characters, and i think of hem as the more conscious character of the absurd world were he lives on, as he had just decided to got into the game and have some fun on it...i mean not referring to the word game on the literally way offcourse,more metaphorically you know xD. I faind hem as a very original character, i think telltale has done a great job on hes personality, even when i still love hem on the comics...on the cartoon he was ok too, but even when i like the the acting of the voice actor, i hate the tone of voice he used for sam (as yes im a giant dog so i shuld talk like this) thats all. As i have a little drama queen on my self asking for some melodrama, i have loved recently to see hem angry and depressive, that caind of changes on an usually happy character are somthing i really enjoy as a fan, when i still feel the character is on ther, this all remainds me how exelent voice acting David Nowlin has done for this season, that grrrrr and the angry voice off noir sam are somthing i really had enjoyed, and he can give sush adorable tones to sam, that "nha" of hem, is a personal favorite. Anyway I adore Max to, not as mush as Sam, but i like hem, hes as adoreble even when hes so alienated and violent, best cartoon bunny ever, and hes personality adorable, violent, and some how naughty and lover of pawer really remainds me of how i persive real bunnysxD .My favorite secondary characters are Bosco and flint paper, after them superball, i really dont hate any telltale character even Mr Featherly, and hes my less favorite, i guess he isnt the big stuff ether. :).
  • edited September 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    I prefer a zillion times Bosco to the Geek.

    The problem of the Geek is that she's one of those "cool characters". She's cool, but as a female, she's untouchable. Thus, she's not funny. She's only cool, but not funny.

    Bosco was hilarious. Actually these games are chock-full of hilarious characters. Out of Sam and Max, which are a category on themselves, my favorites are Bosco, the COPS, Hugh Bliss and Nefertiti, in that order.

    Runner ups are Jurgen and Timmy Two Teeth.
    Honestly i hate the geek, i know she was going to be a boy, but i think the change of her sexuality was like killing to birds on one shot, i think is because on the networks are always worried and paranoic when they put their money on a cartoon, so for one side they are worried for the presence of a female character that appiers as a positive example, so that way crazzy people and parents dont acuse them of misogyny with a bunsh of letters, just think on all the famele character on the cartoons as sandy of spongebob and all that, i also think that the sudden appier of a kid as a friend of sam and max was a strategic move to have kids feeling identified and on consequence feel more related to sam and max, i hate when characters born for sush reazons, frecuently ther isnt spase for funny stuffs on their personality, because has to be a smart, cool, or a good example, and is precarious for the selling and raiting mixing other type of aspects on the personality, funny aspects B( . Bosco rules, is so original,as crazy, paranoic, funny and multifasetic.
  • edited November 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    Honestly i hate the geek, i know she was going to be a boy, but i think the change of her sexuality was like killing to birds on one shot, i think is because on the networks are always worried and paranoic when they put their money on a cartoon, so for one side they are worried for the presence of a female character that appiers as a positive example, so that way crazzy people and parents dont acuse them of misogyny with a bunsh of letters, just think on all the famele character on the cartoons as sandy of spongebob and all that, i also think that the sudden appier of a kid as a friend of sam and max was a strategic move to have kids feeling identified and on consequence feel more related to sam and max, i hate when characters born for sush reazons, frecuently ther isnt spase for funny stuffs on their personality, because has to be a smart, cool, or a good example, and is precarious for the selling and raiting mixing other type of aspects on the personality, funny aspects B( . Bosco rules, is so original,as crazy, paranoic, funny and multifasetic.

    SOLDIER: NOW I AM A TF2_Penis_Cupcake_Motivational_by_daddius.jpg
    i mean I HEAR TO EAT YOU
  • edited November 2010

    Oh comon! He was a COW. A COW. Whats not to like about that?
  • edited November 2010
    Max, Sam, Bosco... that order.
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