Who is your MOST favorite character in the whole Sam and Max universe?

edited November 2010 in Sam & Max
Say your favorite character(s) here and give a least one reason why you like that character so much.:D

My most favorite character of all is Sam, because he's calm:), cool:cool:, handsome;), cute:p... I'm sorry I said too much.:o


  • edited March 2009
    Surely Sam. I mean, he's a pisces! And pisces are awesome! In fact, I'm a pisces!
    Also, I really love his personality. Max is cool, but Sam is more sensitive, and I like sensitivity in a guy.
    I'm not going to say anymore for fear of overstating my opinion. XD
  • edited March 2009
    I love Sam, he's like a mix of Sam Spade and the greatest detective of all times. I like Max to, but Telltale won't let us play him so we'll never know his true awesomeness.
  • edited March 2009
    i love max but you left out some people like lorn or the bigfoots or sams grandma or johny the aligater
  • edited March 2009
    2dsgurl wrote: »
    i love max but you left out some people like lorn or the bigfoots or sams grandma or johny the aligater

    They're "Novice" characters, they're not important, at all, Darla shouldn't even be in there, she's the annoyance of the TV Show.
  • edited March 2009
    i really did like brady culture, i don't know about anyone else
  • edited March 2009
    It's hard to choose between Sam and Max anymore. I like Sam because of his calm personality (and seriously, a dog in a cool detective suit? How awesome is that? :D ) , but then again Max is all the opposite, and I love that, too. :) One crazy and lovable rabbity-thing.

    So I chose them both! :p
  • edited March 2009
    Max, because the little buddy just cracks me up. And then Bosco, because he's so deliciously paranoid.
  • edited March 2009
    I'd have to say the COPS, with a tie between Max, Pedro, Hugh, and Timmy Two-Teeth in a close second.
  • edited March 2009
    splash1 wrote: »
    They're "Novice" characters, they're not important, at all, Darla shouldn't even be in there, she's the annoyance of the TV Show.

    Well, maybe, but she did appeared in almost every episode of the TV Series.
  • edited March 2009
    splash1 wrote: »
    They're "Novice" characters, they're not important, at all, Darla shouldn't even be in there, she's the annoyance of the TV Show.
    I would consider the bigfoots important, because of Hit the Road.
  • edited March 2009
    The Soda Poppers.

    I jest. ;) It's really hard to pick, but I'm afraid I'm unoriginal and it boils down between Sam & Max for me. Both are completely different, but both are completely awesome.
  • edited March 2009
    The poll as got some technical difficulty'S, the votes for C.O.P.S are registered to other caracters. A.K.A how can they not annihilate the competition? Buster Blaster.... DENIEEEEEEEEEEEEEED.
  • edited March 2009
    What about characters from Hit The Road and the comics?
  • edited March 2009
    xChri5x wrote: »
    What about characters from Hit The Road and the comics?

    Gee, maybe I should have put "Other" in the poll.:( Oh well, if you have another favorite character that's not on the poll, you can comment on that character and give one reason why.
  • ArtArt
    edited March 2009
    Max because he's awesome, duh. Sam because he is a dog, I love dogs.
  • edited March 2009
    Definitely Sam. Especially the way he's portrayed in the Telltale games.

    I also voted for Flint Paper and Jurgen, because they're really entertaining.
  • edited March 2009
    Man, the Internet isn't on here. I voted for the COPS.

    Didn't somebody make fanart of the Internet?
  • edited March 2009
    Max, for all the obvious reasons :D
  • edited March 2009
    Probably Max, with Agent Superball coming in second. Nothing funnier than strange, mischievous characters who just seem out of place in this world one way or another. :D
  • edited March 2009
    I'd have to go with Max. He's just so "hyperkinetic" and awesome! Plus he shares a somewhat similar resemblance to a rabbit thing with shark teeth. You just can't beat that.
  • edited March 2009
    Bosco, Hugh Bliss, Superball, Sam, and ,of course, Max
  • edited March 2009
    I like Sam's down-to-Earth realistic perspective.
  • edited March 2009
    Number of voters: 42.

    *looks at avatar* Yep.
  • edited March 2009
    First is Max: I really dig his whole attitude, man. :)

    Second would be Sam. And well, Agent Superball. Then the gal Stinky and ... finally, the bug(whatever his name is). Too bad the bug's character was cool but he didn't fit into the game well.
  • edited March 2009
    My favorite is BOSCO, the guy is a human joke and his paranoïdness is soooo awsome
    Bosco : Tools are the only thing that separate us from the animals
    and of course:
    Bosco : Taily Hoo, fools
    after him is Hugh Bliss
    Hi, I'm Hugh Bliss
    and after him Mr."Look at me, I wrote the Getisburgh adress"Lincoln
    She was the only woman I ever loved, this century at least
  • edited May 2009
    Like my nickname say:I like Max...but it's not complete without Sam(for me they are like the tao)...so I like very much much Max but I like Sam too.
  • edited May 2009
    What, no Mr. Spatula on the list? Sure, he was a villan, but he rocks!
  • edited May 2009
    What, no Mr. Spatula on the list? Sure, he was a villan, but he rocks!

    Mister Spatula is on the list.
  • edited May 2009
    Gotta add some love for Lorne here. Despite his infrequent appearances he's my favorite of the recurring characters in the universe as a whole.

    Out of the games, though- definitely Bosco.
  • edited May 2009
    At seems strange you named it 'your favourite character in the Sam and Max universe' and have hardly anyone from the comics.
  • edited May 2009
    Sorry.:( I havn't thought about putting "others" in the poll.
  • edited May 2009
    I couldn't help choosing more than one, given the option. But my favorite among them has to be Sam -- hands down, in fact. I love how he approaches just about any given situation, with different degrees of calm, dry wit, insanity, and a dash of honest good reason (more so in the Telltale games when it comes to that last one). That said, you would lose a lot of what's great about his character without Max at his side, not to mention vice versa. There's a reason they come as a "package deal"; their banter is too hilarious and the friendship itself too symbiotic to keep them apart for too long.

    Also, it wouldn't feel right if I didn't give a shout out to Sam's Grandma Ruth. Just going off of "Christmas, Bloody Christmas," I feel comfortable saying that she's not only one of the best female characters in the Sam & Max universe, but one of the best Sam & Max characters period. Possible copyright issues with Nelvana may prevent it from ever happening, but I wouldn't mind seeing her reappear in the Telltale games at some point. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
  • splash1 wrote: »
    They're "Novice" characters, they're not important, at all, Darla shouldn't even be in there, she's the annoyance of the TV Show.

    Gotta agree with you there,Darla was one of the stupid ideas the network in their infinite wisdom thrust upon Mr.Purcell...well actually it was either change his geek character into a girl or have Max change gender.
    The character is completely pointless and obnoxious in my opinion as well.
    That character didnt add anything to the show,and was never featured (in male of female form) in any of the comic books.
    Too bad cartoon network or a cable network didnt buy the show instead and base it more on the comic book stories.
    I like the witty sarcasm and slapstick gunplay of the comics.the funny backgrounds always made me laugh too! A person on a ledge with a lamp cord around their neck ready to jump,rats stealing a V8 engine out of someones car,a strange man peddling a shrunken skull to a female passerby who seems to be considering the purchase,maxs' "unsavory" friends..always a lot of funny pop culture jokes too.
    The Comics were the best! Still in all the series was good for what it was.
    I hope if they ever make a Sam and Max movie they base it more on the comics.
  • My Favorite would have to be Sam,wreckless driver of the DeSoto,eater of sticky fudg'icles and preservative laden past expiration date junk foods,keeper of Max's straightjacket,pummeler of greasy low life street punks and hapless goons,watcher of Gilligan,discharger of unregistered firearms within city limits,confiscator of contra-band carnival corn dogs,taper of professional football games without the expressed written consent of the NFL,....Oh boy pizzas here,gotta go!
  • MaxLover wrote: »
    Like my nickname say:I like Max...but it's not complete without Sam(for me they are like the tao)...so I like very much much Max but I like Sam too.

    Yup!,Max without Sam is like a 44 magnum without hollow points!
  • edited May 2009
    Gotta agree with you there,Darla was one of the stupid ideas the network in their infinite wisdom thrust upon Mr.Purcell.
    Don't blame the network. The character was always going to be in the show, though she was originally going to be male. Personally, I was unsure about her until the final episode, when Sam and Max flashed back to meeting her. I think it was something like:

    (The Geek is at a science fair with a black hole. Sam and Max are holding onto a pole to stop themselves from getting sucked in)
    Max: That’s cool!
    Sam: Wanna come and live in our basement and devote the rest of your life to fighting crime?
    The Geek: (Bored) Okay.

    That sold me.
    But my favorite among them has to be Sam -- hands down, in fact. I love how he approaches just about any given situation, with different degrees of calm, dry wit, insanity, and a dash of honest good reason (more so in the Telltale games when it comes to that last one). That said, you would lose a lot of what's great about his character without Max at his side, not to mention vice versa. There's a reason they come as a "package deal"; their banter is too hilarious and the friendship itself too symbiotic to keep them apart for too long.
    I second this. Sam's one of my favourite characters ever and that's some of the reasons why.
    Also, it wouldn't feel right if I didn't give a shout out to Sam's Grandma Ruth. Just going off of "Christmas, Bloody Christmas," I feel comfortable saying that she's not only one of the best female characters in the Sam & Max universe, but one of the best Sam & Max characters period. Possible copyright issues with Nelvana may prevent it from ever happening, but I wouldn't mind seeing her reappear in the Telltale games at some point. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
    I second this as well. Sam's grandma was probably my favourite character in the cartoon. She was hardcore. It might be possible that she could appear in other media. Sam mentioned her in the comics. But that's probably just wishful thinking.

    Even though I didn't vote for her, I actually quite like Sybil. I'm not sure why. What I do know is that she bounces of Sam and Max really well. It's also nice to see Sam and Max have a friend who's mostly sane.
  • Hi Shwoo-
    It was my understanding that the network had Steve add the child genius character,He even talks about it on the dvd commentary.
    The Geek was created by him but was originally a boy.
    The network wanted to change Max into a girl,they made the geek a girl instead.
    I have a friend who worked at Nelvana on the show who told me that as well.
    Networks always have goofy ideas to try and make shows more "relatable" to kids...my guess is that Darla was their attempt.
    I still didnt see the point in the character,she didnt add anything to the storys.
    There was never a "geek" character in the comic books.
    I would rather they added "Flint Paper" instead...He's insane! I really respect that!

    I thought the cartoon was very good for what it was and the constraints they had to work within...and they did manage to get away with some sly adult humor as well...like Max having a "Do not open till Christmas" sticker on his butt when he bent over in the prison shower..I was shocked that made it past the network.
    Steve's artwork is also much more slick than anything seen in the show.I am amazed at how well he can draw...especially cars.
    It was a pity the show didnt last longer and Steve Purcell wasnt given more free reign over it...just my opinion.
    To me,when you have someone that talented,you just sit back and let them do their stuff.
    If you have the Sam & Max sketchbook it has some pages from the network that illustrate the petty changes and censorship of some very funny lines...like Max replying to the running gag as to where he keeps his gun by telling Sam that he keeps it in his "happy spot"
    They also all but eliminated the wacky gunplay and slapstick violence from the comics..these are the same people who think the Three Stooges arent suitable for kids either because they were full of slapstick mayhem and comic violence,yet a whole generation grew up on them and turned out fine...oh well.
    Still in all it was a very good show!
    I bet you a dollars to DeSotos that eventually some smart exec will see the potential of a Sam & Max feature film..*hint* *hint*
    It will probably be a CGI film like Cars,Toy Story,etc.
    Hopefully it will be based on the comics and have Flint Paper,Mack Salmon and the original 2dr hardtop Adventurer!
  • edited May 2009
    My vote is for the COPS, but Jurgen comes in pretty close! :) I hope he comes back in any future seasons. :)
  • edited June 2009
    You left out Jurgen's monster!
  • edited June 2009
    Evan wrote: »
    You left out Jurgen's monster!

    Again, I apologize.
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