I'm currently playing Curse of Monkey Island all the way through, for the first time, without a walkthrough. I'm finding it quite a lot of fun, but really tough too.
Burnout Paradise: Utterly fantastic game, I tried the demo ages ago, when I did I just didn't like the feel of it and the amount of open space there was (in the same way the beginning of Far Cry 2 did). However I picked the demo up again due to hearing many good things about it, put some effort into it and enjoyed it, I picked up the ultimate box today for £20, which is a pretty good deal as the standard game retails for above £15. The open world system is fantastic and implemented more successfully than the one in Need for Speed Undercover. However it isn't a straight racer, it involves elements similar to platformers to gain 100% completion (launching from a series of ramps to break a billboard or make a super jump).
Star Ocean: The Last Hope: I really want to love this more than I seem to, I really like the combat, I don't mind the weird china doll like character design, there just seems to be something missing which I cannot put my finger on.
Xbox 360 - Left for dead (can't put this down)
XBL - small arms (not to thrilled with this but i keep playing so I guess it has some appeal)
iPod touch - UniWar, Pocket Gold, Peggle, and Harbor Master (all 99cents and well worth it!)
Well, I'm playing Psychonauts, but I've just reached the Meat Circus, and for those of you who've played this will understand when I say I'm not sure I'm dedicated enough to try and finish it. And I've only got Ollie to the third platform in the first tent.
^ I hear that. I gave up months ago, told myself to just experience the ending via YouTube. The problem is, I still can't muster up the willpower to even watch it. Just thinking about the Meat Circus makes me want to ragequit whatever I'm doing at the moment.
Speaking of ragequit, I'm currently playing Silent Hill: Homecoming (PC version). I love the game so far, but it's WAY too easy to find yourself in a near impossible situation. All I'll say is: Schisms, Siams, and those blade-leg guys I can't remember the name of... RAAAGE! It's also annoying when a Nurse starts one of her stabby-combos and you can't escape. Then there's the glitches...
That's how I played through it... you can imagine how frustrating *that* was...
that's hard core. It's really enjoyable as a console game right up to that level. It pisses me off most because you are permitted and encouraged to explore everywhere on all the levels with just some little monsters to bug you. Then they throw that timed thing at you and suddenly you can't do anything else but chase after the little guy as fast as you can jump. And I normally like finding and collecting everything possible, but I can't even begin to imagine how you're supposed to do that in the Meat Circus.
I played Psyconauts on xbox when it actually cost some cash to play it like 50.00 bucks. I do remember the ending being hard but i didn't know it was impossible for some ppl?
Fallout 3 PC: The best of the best. Played for nearly 150 Hours so far. Little violent though.
Infamous PS3: Impressive, especially when he can fall 200 ft without a scratch i almost yell each fall so real.:D
I do remember the ending being hard but i didn't know it was impossible for some ppl?
Aye, I get frustrated easily with platformers. I just don't have that pixel-perfect on-the-fly coordination that the harder ones require. (It also makes it very hard for me to use sniper rifles in multiplayer shooters... I can take out a stationary target a pixel wide, but if it moves, I'm done for.)
An example of just how bad I am: I never beat the original Mario Bros., despite having played it since it came out.
Fallout 3 PC: The best of the best. Played for nearly 150 Hours so far. Little violent though.
Fallout withour violence is not fallout. The contrast between these happy 50ies comics and the crazy but happy people all over and the fact what happened their, now with all bunch of crazy, brutal people running around makes this game so unique.
Unfortunately, I have far more games laying around than time to actually play them... and I tend to play a little bit of this a night and a little bit of something else next time
Anyhow, I've actually played here and there in the last months:
- Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
- Lego Indiana Jones (Wii)
- Braid (PC)
- Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
- New Super Mario Bros (DS)
- Wild West Guns (Wii)
- Mario Kart Wii
- Wii Sports
- a few small indies on the PC: Little Wheel, Paper Moon...
I played Lego Indiana Jones yesterday evening (around 48%, if memory serves me) and killed the 12th colossus last sunday's night
I've recently finished:
- World of Goo (PC)
- Wallace and Gromit first 3 episodes (PC)
I've pre-ordered:
- Tales of Monkey Island (PC) (of course )
- W&G last episode (PC)
- The Conduit (Wii) (in EU will be released on 10 July)
- Wii Sport Resorts
I'm a little disheartened by the reviews I read today of The Conduit, I was really hoping for a Quake-like experience, but while the controls are top-notch, the level design seems to be rather bland, *sigh*
I've also have laying around, barely touched at the moment:
- Metrod Prime 3 (Wii) (faaaar too easy, I need to restart it at difficult level)
- The Force Unleashed (Wii) (satisfying but also really cumbersome)
- Psychonauts (PS2) (... I know, I know )
I've currently playing
-Plants vs. Zombies - One of the most addicting tower defense games I've ever played. Good job Popcap.
-TF2 - I'm currently trying to play more PUGs, plus I'm looking for a competitive team to join.
-Eight Bit Is Enough - I finally got it with my ToMI preorder bonus, and I'm really enjoying it.
-Killing floor - It's L4D with more weapons and worse voice acting. It's also cheaper.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. I. Hate. The Shadow Queen.
Also I just beat Star Fox 2 yesterday. I also started playing it yesterday, but whatever.
I'm going through that game as well. I got all the way to the X-Naut Fortress last time, then I got bored and started playing something else. This is probably my favorite in the Paper Mario series, because I think it really plays a lot more with the whole paper aesthetic.
Just finished Zeno Clash and Ghostbusters (PC version).
Both are great, even if Ghostbusters wasn't exactly... smooth, framerate-wise. But bustin' made me feel good, so that's all that matters. (Any chance of convincing the cast to sign on for an episodic GB adventure series? Preferably including Rick Moranis? And Sigourney Weaver? No? Okay...)
I got the Wii version of Ghostbusters, I'm liking it pretty well. The animations lag a good bit, the camera controls get pretty wonky every now and then, but other than that, it's good. I'm already on the last section of the game.
I got the Wii version of Ghostbusters, I'm liking it pretty well. The animations lag a good bit, the camera controls get pretty wonky every now and then, but other than that, it's good. I'm already on the last section of the game.
Here in Europe its release for all non-Sony platforms is delayed until "late 2009", since Atari gave the publishing to Sony... which clearly doesn't give a sh*t about perusing ultra-despicable business practices :mad:
Playing through Half Life 2 for the third time.
I'm halfway through the second Penumbra game. (Bought the series for a few quid on Steam )
And always playing TF2 and Insurgency online!
Oh and Football Manager.
Dude, I can't even get past Soda Popinski in Career mode!
Star Ocean: The Last Hope: I really want to love this more than I seem to, I really like the combat, I don't mind the weird china doll like character design, there just seems to be something missing which I cannot put my finger on.
XBL - small arms (not to thrilled with this but i keep playing so I guess it has some appeal)
iPod touch - UniWar, Pocket Gold, Peggle, and Harbor Master (all 99cents and well worth it!)
So cute and addictive.
Speaking of ragequit, I'm currently playing Silent Hill: Homecoming (PC version). I love the game so far, but it's WAY too easy to find yourself in a near impossible situation. All I'll say is: Schisms, Siams, and those blade-leg guys I can't remember the name of... RAAAGE! It's also annoying when a Nurse starts one of her stabby-combos and you can't escape. Then there's the glitches...
that's hard core. It's really enjoyable as a console game right up to that level. It pisses me off most because you are permitted and encouraged to explore everywhere on all the levels with just some little monsters to bug you. Then they throw that timed thing at you and suddenly you can't do anything else but chase after the little guy as fast as you can jump. And I normally like finding and collecting everything possible, but I can't even begin to imagine how you're supposed to do that in the Meat Circus.
Fallout 3 PC: The best of the best. Played for nearly 150 Hours so far. Little violent though.
Infamous PS3: Impressive, especially when he can fall 200 ft without a scratch i almost yell each fall so real.:D
Aye, I get frustrated easily with platformers. I just don't have that pixel-perfect on-the-fly coordination that the harder ones require. (It also makes it very hard for me to use sniper rifles in multiplayer shooters... I can take out a stationary target a pixel wide, but if it moves, I'm done for.)
An example of just how bad I am: I never beat the original Mario Bros., despite having played it since it came out.
Fallout withour violence is not fallout. The contrast between these happy 50ies comics and the crazy but happy people all over and the fact what happened their, now with all bunch of crazy, brutal people running around makes this game so unique.
Soooooo much better than the original!
Anyhow, I've actually played here and there in the last months:
- Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
- Lego Indiana Jones (Wii)
- Braid (PC)
- Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
- New Super Mario Bros (DS)
- Wild West Guns (Wii)
- Mario Kart Wii
- Wii Sports
- a few small indies on the PC: Little Wheel, Paper Moon...
I played Lego Indiana Jones yesterday evening (around 48%, if memory serves me) and killed the 12th colossus last sunday's night
I've recently finished:
- World of Goo (PC)
- Wallace and Gromit first 3 episodes (PC)
I've pre-ordered:
- Tales of Monkey Island (PC) (of course
- W&G last episode (PC)
- The Conduit (Wii) (in EU will be released on 10 July)
- Wii Sport Resorts
I'm a little disheartened by the reviews I read today of The Conduit, I was really hoping for a Quake-like experience, but while the controls are top-notch, the level design seems to be rather bland, *sigh*
I've also have laying around, barely touched at the moment:
- Metrod Prime 3 (Wii) (faaaar too easy, I need to restart it at difficult level)
- The Force Unleashed (Wii) (satisfying but also really cumbersome)
- Psychonauts (PS2) (... I know, I know
-Plants vs. Zombies - One of the most addicting tower defense games I've ever played. Good job Popcap.
-TF2 - I'm currently trying to play more PUGs, plus I'm looking for a competitive team to join.
-Eight Bit Is Enough - I finally got it with my ToMI preorder bonus, and I'm really enjoying it.
-Killing floor - It's L4D with more weapons and worse voice acting. It's also cheaper.
Also I just beat Star Fox 2 yesterday. I also started playing it yesterday, but whatever.
360 - sacred 2, sam & max, fallout 3, castle crashers
Mac - WoW
I'm going through that game as well. I got all the way to the X-Naut Fortress last time, then I got bored and started playing something else. This is probably my favorite in the Paper Mario series, because I think it really plays a lot more with the whole paper aesthetic.
Both are great, even if Ghostbusters wasn't exactly... smooth, framerate-wise. But bustin' made me feel good, so that's all that matters. (Any chance of convincing the cast to sign on for an episodic GB adventure series? Preferably including Rick Moranis? And Sigourney Weaver? No? Okay...)
Yes, this is great! Everyone should try it.
I've been meaning to get that game. How is it?
EDIT: 600th post
Here in Europe its release for all non-Sony platforms is delayed until "late 2009", since Atari gave the publishing to Sony... which clearly doesn't give a sh*t about perusing ultra-despicable business practices :mad:
I'm halfway through the second Penumbra game. (Bought the series for a few quid on Steam
And always playing TF2 and Insurgency online!
Oh and Football Manager.