If you could have 5 wishes what would they be?



  • Know the answer to the question of the Life, the Universe, and Everything.

    Why would you wish to know something that you already know? 42!

    Pipas posted: »

    I'd like to * Be able to divide by zero. * Know the question of the Life, the Universe, and Everything. * Be able to control the time so I could sleep how long would I like. * Own Dragon Age: Inquisition already. * Have infinite wishes.

  • It's question, I want to know the question! :D

    Know the answer to the question of the Life, the Universe, and Everything. Why would you wish to know something that you already know? 42!

  • Nothing is certain except death, taxes and armed conflict.

    Lingvort posted: »

    To people who are wishing for "World's peace, no hunger, no homelessness, no more disease", etc, I have to ask - do you realize that those w

  • Well, fixing the problems those overly altruistic wishes can, or, rather, will bring would be a nice start.

    Wish to make the earth bigger?

  • And the last two are variable, even. Therefore, death is the only thing that is certain (one can argue that death can come in different forms, and, therefore, variable, too, but, unlike taxes and armed conflict, it is unavoidable).

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Nothing is certain except death, taxes and armed conflict.

    1. No more hate.
    2. People being able to regain the abilities to see, hear and walk.
    3. Everybody has money.
    4. My crush likes me :)
    5. Prejudices against any group of people are abolished.
  • Wish 1: Walking Dead Season Three

    Wish 2: The Wolf Among Us Season Two

    Wish 3: I wish I had more wishes. (What? There was no rule that said I couldn't.)

    1. No racism.
    2. Cures for all diseases\afflictions including Cancer, Lou Gehrig's disease, blindness/deafness/paralysis/, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Ebola, Autism, and OCD.
    3. Thunder win the Finals.
    4. Seahawks repeat the Super Bowl.
    5. That I find romance.
  • edited November 2014

    Wish 1. Having Infinite amounts of Money

    Wish 2. Having the power to do what ever i want

    Wish 3. Marvel Vs Capcom 4 with more characters

    Wish 4. More 2D animated Movies

    Wish 5. Telltale to make a Invincible/Guarding The Globe/Invincible Universe game

    1. World Domination
    2. Space monkeys
    3. A cult of loyal followers
    4. Magic
    5. All the shit
    1. Bulling becomes none existent, disappear and never returns. I hate it and can't stand people who do it. The next generation will be better then the last. The world will work a lot better if people work together.

    2. Breast Cancer gets a curer. I lost a family member to this sickness, its are horrible disease and it needs a curer.

    3. The magazines stop pushing sizes. I wish that fashion wouldn't say that this size is beautiful, if you aren't this size, your over weight/ on the thin side then your not beautiful.

    4. People find a way to help everyone with learning disorders, most of them are not understood. A lot of people don't get help in that area because its not a disability.

    5. somewhere down the road people learn how create super powers; a person who turning water into ice, ablity to create fire with your hands, move things with your mind. Dream walk in your or somebodies else dreams.

    1. World peace (Including no war, no diseases, and no bullying)
    2. Everything involving video games in the world.
    3. Superpowers
    4. Visiting my dead family members in heaven every weekend
    5. For the girl i like to move back to america. I miss her... :(
    1. Shapeshifting.
    2. Multiplying.
    3. Being able to imitate everyone else perfectly.
    4. Having a private island with a ridiculously big underground base.
    5. Having the fastest reflexes possible.

    I am now able to conquer the world, alternatively I could have just wished to conquer the world but I'd miss all the fun of actually doing it.

  • PFFFFFFT, my world domination wish was better because it actually included the fun part of me getting to conquer the world.

    * World Domination * Space monkeys * A cult of loyal followers * Magic * All the shit

  • Mine's just for fun.


    kaleion posted: »

    PFFFFFFT, my world domination wish was better because it actually included the fun part of me getting to conquer the world.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited November 2014

    Getting married to my girlfriend at 18 (She's a year and 3 months older than me so she was born August 27, so she would be 20)

    Don't get married at 18. It is a mistake.

    Becoming a father at 19.

    No offense but are you out of your fucking mind? I'm 28 and have no children, and that is the way i like it.

    * Getting married to my girlfriend at 18 (She's a year and 3 months older than me so she was born August 27, so she would be 20) * Becoming

  • 1.) Get rid of all the illegals in America

    2.) Get rid of President Obama

    3.) Make America Great again, by stimulating industry, instead of sending it over seas to China/India. No wonder what is it, like 37% of all 20-33 are out of work, or working a job that they are under qualified, making less money because Corporations would rather hire a contractor than a real employee. The greed in this country is terrible.

    4.) Legalize it. Why not.

    5.) Phantasy Star remake to be released on Steam. I really want that.

  • What's fun about suddenly becoming the world's leader?

    If anything it would be confusing and highly stressful since you would have no idea what to do or how to run things, which is why I opted to be able to do it as that gives me time to figure things out before I do them and by the time I manage to conquer the world I'll probably know exactly what I'm doing, plus the fun part is deceiving the entire world and infiltrating every government and every Intelligence agency and cackling like a madman when everyone realizes all the World's Leaders are under my command because they are all me...

    Man I'd be the best bad guy.

    Mine's just for fun. :P

  • I think the only reason that there are more cows, pigs and chickens then wolfs, elephants and penguins is because we breed cows, pigs and chickens for us to eath cows, pigs and chickens. I mean, that's why we humans are omnivers

    CodPatrol posted: »

    And because you "love" it, it makes it okay? I would love to rob a Ferrari and go through red lights at fast speeds, does that mean I should

  • edited November 2014

    I wish, I wish...

    1) I want to know everything

    Yeah, that's all. If I know everything, I would know how to do everything. If I can achive what I want without any problems, it would be like having infinite wishes: I would know how to cure diseases, stop hunger, poverty, hate and shame, become rich, etc.

    1. Richest Man in History
    2. Immortality for me and my beautiful wife
    3. World Domination controlled by me.
    4. Supreme Knowledge
    5. Infinite Wishes
  • Your wishes would make the world very boring.

  • edited November 2014

    Why would anyone want to live forever? Don't push that on everyone and not give us a choice, everybody doesn't want to. Do you know how miserable that would be?

    World peace would be extremely boring.

    Again, the world would be boring without criminals. A world where everybody were sheep (even though most are) and didn't go against society, we wouldn't have such amazing and fascinating figures and stories. If everybody was an average schmuck the world would suck, same thing for if there was world peace. Why do you detest people who have done nothing to you personally? And with every ounce of your being? Chill out man. Do you also hate weed dealers too? They are just making a living, and if you say that crap about them ruining people's lives, no they aren't. Humans are self destructive and that would still be the case if there were no drug dealers. So why wouldn't people capitalize on it and make a profit? How are they any different from pharmacist or cigarette and alcohol corporations? Those substances ruin people's lives, maybe even more than illegal drugs, but I guess you're fine with that simply because it's legal huh? If you wish for anything it should be for there to be no more corrupt government, they are the biggest and worse criminals. And are you seriously quoting Jesus, after saying you have an immense hate for certain people and not even ones who deserve it?

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    No more death. ( People continue to grow older, but do not suffer from the ravages of old age.) I don't look forward to getting old and dyi

    1. Liberty
    2. Total Equality
    3. Universal Sanitation
    4. Peace
    5. One selfish one, but hey we're all human: for the birth of my kids to go okay.
  • Depends if you view actual violence and actual war as your only source of entertainment.

    Your wishes would make the world very boring.

  • edited November 2014

    You ask why anyone would want to live forever?
    Let me ask you this: Why would anyone want to die?
    Why do people who are in the hospital with life-threatening illnesses; fight so hard to stay alive?
    Why do people, who have survived suicide jumps, often said that as soon as they jumped, they realized they had made a mistake by jumping?

    And I have to ask: Are actually defending Murderers, Pedophiles, Rapists, etc?
    Don't you hate people who commit those heinous crimes?
    Don't you want to see those people gone, so that they can no longer hurt other people?

    And my quoting Jesus.
    Jesus' teachings could indeed change the world.
    If people would practice them.
    And also, Jesus' teachings did not allow for preserving alive vile people, nor condoning their vile actions.

    Why would anyone want to live forever? Don't push that on everyone and not give us a choice, everybody doesn't want to. Do you know how mise

  • It's not the only one but no doubt the world would be boring if there was absolutely no conflict and everybody got along. Also, there was never any violence or war in real life, how would we have it in fiction, where would the inspiration come from how would they come up with it? Most stuff in fiction is inspired or based on real life events and things, so it reflects who people really are.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Depends if you view actual violence and actual war as your only source of entertainment.

  • Why do people who are in the hospital with life-threatening illnesses; fight so hard to stay alive?

    Some don't...They say pull it and die.

    Why do people, who have survived suicide jumps, often said that as soon as they jumped, they realized they had made a mistake by jumping?

    Not a lot of them survive and very few of those who do say this.

    Are actually defending Murderers, Pedophiles, Rapists, etc? Don't you hate people who commit those heinous crimes? Don't you want to see those people gone, so that they can no longer hurt other people

    Some people should die but others as innocent as weed dealers shouldn't be punished so harsh.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You ask why anyone would want to live forever? Let me ask you this: Why would anyone want to die? Why do people who are in the hospital wi

  • edited November 2014

    You forget, weed also comes from the drug cartels, in Mexico.
    Not just up in the foothills of California.
    Would you call the men who are a part of the cartels innocent as well?

    Why do people who are in the hospital with life-threatening illnesses; fight so hard to stay alive? Some don't...They say pull it an

  • edited November 2014

    You supposedly believe in the bible, right? So therefore don't you believe in an after life? So don't you have that to look forward to? Those people with life threatening illnesses fight because they aren't ready to die, not because they want to live forever and ever. There's lots of reasons people want to die, maybe they're not satisfied with their lives, miserable etc, life isn't great for everyone. Yeah, people may want to live a long time and they know that they're going to die, and they accept it, you should too. Death isn't always bad, it will be just like before you were born, you will not feel pain or anything, just nothingness. I mean really think about, people would be miserable if they lived forever after a while it just runs it's course. Tell me, what would people do for an eternity on earth, constantly multiplying, it would suck. You're gonna get tired of life, every single living thing is meant to die and needs to.

    But, you just said you wished everyone was immortal, so apparently you don't want them gone. But you can't believe that non violent drug offenders should be treated like rapists and pedophiles or that you could hate them.

    I don't know much about the bible but I know that there have been people in there that have done things. But I'm not gonna get into that.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You ask why anyone would want to live forever? Let me ask you this: Why would anyone want to die? Why do people who are in the hospital wi

  • Yes.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You forget, weed also comes from the drug cartels, in Mexico. Not just up in the foothills of California. Would you call the men who are a part of the cartels innocent as well?

  • edited November 2014

    I personally, would never get tired of living.
    Particularly here on Earth.
    There are so many things to see and do.
    Just when you thought you got one thing figured out, something else pops up.
    I personally can never see life on earth ever becoming mundane.

    And incidentally, you say that; "death is not always bad, and that everything is meant to die and needs too."
    I have to wonder, if you were in a hospital room, and the doctors told you you had a life-threatening illness, and that you had so long to live, if you would still feel the same way?
    It's easy to be apathetic about death when your not directly confronted with it.

    Plus think about all the pain and despair of ones when they lose a loved one, especially if it's a child.
    Many go into deep depression, from which some never fully recover.
    Imagine if someone in your family, that you are really close to were to die.
    Think about the sadness you would feel at their passing.
    Think about it, and then tell me whether or not you still think death isn't always bad.

    You supposedly believe in the bible, right? So therefore don't you believe in an after life? So don't you have that to look forward to? Thos

  • Do you know anything about Napoleon?

    He was a complete, egotistical asshole.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Mohandas Ghandi, the late spiritual leader of India, once observed: "The earth provides enough for every man's need, but not every man's gre

  • edited November 2014

    Just curious, why ask specifically for no racism as opposed to no inequality in society? E.g. sexism etc.?

    * No racism. * Cures for all diseases\afflictions including Cancer, Lou Gehrig's disease, blindness/deafness/paralysis/, Diabetes, Epilepsy

  • Also, there was never any violence or war in real life, how would we have it in fiction, where would the inspiration come from how would they come up with it?


    Does magic exist in real lie?

    It's not the only one but no doubt the world would be boring if there was absolutely no conflict and everybody got along. Also, there was ne

  • 1.-5. A blue box
    With it I can have everything I want.

  • Yes, i'm a wizard.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Also, there was never any violence or war in real life, how would we have it in fiction, where would the inspiration come from how would they come up with it? Uh...what? Does magic exist in real lie?

  • edited November 2014

    If you live for an eternity, you're gonna probably do everything there is to do. For many, life is mundane, they would just be miserable, you're just being very irrational. Yes, I would probably be scared but what can I do? I know I will die, just don't know when. But that doesn't mean I want to live forever. I think I would come to accept it like many people with life threatening illnesses. People move on, people's family die all the time, you don't think they ever get over it? That they dwell on it forever and ever? Life and time goes on man, what don't you understand? We hear about people dying all the time, what do you think they do? You think their families are still mourning 10 years later and haven't moved on yet? You'd have to pretty weak and naive to never get pass a death. It's apart of life, you live then you die. Have you never lost a family member or something? And yes, I have lost a few family members but only cared about two of them and cried when they died, but what am I supposed to do, lie down and die with them? I got over it and moved on, I can talk about them without it being sad or getting emotional, they're gone, it's over.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I personally, would never get tired of living. Particularly here on Earth. There are so many things to see and do. Just when you thought

  • Wow, you just completely missed the whole point of what I said. I didn't say EVERYTHING in fiction exists in real life. And yes, I believe magic exist in real life.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Also, there was never any violence or war in real life, how would we have it in fiction, where would the inspiration come from how would they come up with it? Uh...what? Does magic exist in real lie?

  • I would say, "Free long distance?", but that reference might be too old for most folks here.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    1.-5. A blue box With it I can have everything I want.

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