Can you - Telltale - tell us how this is going to be announced to us first? Through news stories on games sites, through your blog... a company press conference!?
Alright, if those links really are clues, I think I've found a common link.
All three seem to revolve around young girls and their wacky families. In two of the three, there is a sci-fi/fantasy link with the girl not being quite human (Out of this World has a half-alien girl and Small Wonder has a robot girl). In the other show (Punky Brewster), the girl is adopted.
So, there are links between the shows besides the fact that they're all 80's sitcoms. If these are real clues and the linking factor is the plot then I'd guess that the new game would concern a young female protagonist of either alien or robotic origins living with a human family. But yeah, I'm probably wrong.
Whatever the new game is, it'll be fun finding out!
Besides telltale, I wonder what other companys will be announcing(please pikmin 3 be confirmed) great games
Like telltales new game
perhaps the Kingdom hearts 3 new games realease dates.
Or a new sonic.
Smah bros American Virtual console.
I can't wait for E3
Supposedly its coming for WiiWare as well? I'm going to have a hard time believing you'll be able to fit 5 episodes that at least fit under the WiiWare size limits. But that wont stop me from believing that it can be done. I mean, I can probably safely say they're the best WiiWare developers bar none.
All three seem to revolve around young girls and their wacky families. In two of the three, there is a sci-fi/fantasy link with the girl not being quite human (Out of this World has a half-alien girl and Small Wonder has a robot girl). In the other show (Punky Brewster), the girl is adopted.
So, there are links between the shows besides the fact that they're all 80's sitcoms. If these are real clues and the linking factor is the plot then I'd guess that the new game would concern a young female protagonist of either alien or robotic origins living with a human family. But yeah, I'm probably wrong.
Whatever the new game is, it'll be fun finding out!
Like telltales new game
perhaps the Kingdom hearts 3 new games realease dates.
Or a new sonic.
Smah bros American Virtual console.
I can't wait for E3
Yes you do! You can say, OMG!!! IT'S FREAKING MONKEY ISLAND!
That's, what we all wanna hear
I still think it's Mario Bros the Adventure Game