I think i know who is the kidnapper

its marcus, he seems fat enouth and marcus can get any gun he wants on pandora for obvious reasones. so a perfectly parted confernce call shotgun is not a problem.

but this is not why i think this is marcus, if you watch the intro of the game it started as a story marcus telling and the story he is telling, is a story that was told to the guy who kidnapped rhyse and fiona by them. so do the math.

if he is telling the story about the kidnapp and how rhyse and fiona told their story to the kidnapper , he had to be there

what you think?



  • If he is, he definitely doesn't sound right. Even with the mask on it's pretty clear it isn't Marcus, this guy doesn't sound russian at all.

  • he had voice modulator, obviously nobody sounds like a robot. and voice modurators does exists in borderlands because you used one to sound like jack before entering control core angel in borderlands 2. and timothy(jack doppleganger) has one too

    If he is, he definitely doesn't sound right. Even with the mask on it's pretty clear it isn't Marcus, this guy doesn't sound russian at all.

  • I'm talking about the accent. Also, a voice modulator is not a very common thing to find on Pandora, you had to break into a special room in Opportunity to get it. Marcus still appears to be in Sanctuary in the trailer, doing his everyday things so I don't think he's the kidnapper.

    he had voice modulator, obviously nobody sounds like a robot. and voice modurators does exists in borderlands because you used one to sound like jack before entering control core angel in borderlands 2. and timothy(jack doppleganger) has one too

  • well.. this trailer is part of the story rhyse and fiona telling, its before the kidnapp, but well see

    I'm talking about the accent. Also, a voice modulator is not a very common thing to find on Pandora, you had to break into a special room in

  • Marcus was my first choice, too XD

    It could be almost anyone else though (Hoping for a funny outcome!)

  • edited November 2014

    I highly doubt Marcus would go out of his way to interrogate 2 Hyperion employees straight out of space and a random underground con-artist.

    I bet he's still chilling in Sanctuary, receiving profits from his weapons, ammo, and explosive vending machines.

  • its marcus, he seems fat enouth

    I died.
    10/10 best reasoning. would suspect again.

  • I dunno, I kinda hope that the identity of the kidnapper will change depending on your choices.

  • Don't forget about Bossanova, he had one too.

    he had voice modulator, obviously nobody sounds like a robot. and voice modurators does exists in borderlands because you used one to sound like jack before entering control core angel in borderlands 2. and timothy(jack doppleganger) has one too

  • Lol hoping it's Krieg

  • edited November 2014

    it could be Vasquez, maybe he goes all bandit like after rhys gets him fired

    although, i did have a suspicion it was a woman after they pointed their gun at rhys' groin as a threat

  • That's true it could be a girl, usually the guy wouldn't point the gun down there, mostly women do that because they wouldn't have to think of how bad it would feel. But nah I doubt its a girl, don't think she would dress up like that and go through it, just to interrogate and listen to their story.

    it could be Vasquez, maybe he goes all bandit like after rhys gets him fired although, i did have a suspicion it was a woman after they pointed their gun at rhys' groin as a threat

  • It's Vince McMahon :P WWF fans might get that reference.

  • bossanova didn't have an voicemodulator. Voicemodulator can change your voice completely. He just changed the patch of his voice to make a desperat voice and echo.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Don't forget about Bossanova, he had one too.

  • What about the woman from the episode 3 slide?

  • Tintin? Is that you?

    Alt text

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Don't forget about Bossanova, he had one too.

  • they wouldn't have to think of how bad it would feel.

    Umm...sorry to burst your bubble, but it would hurt them too, like really, really bad. Just saying.

    That's true it could be a girl, usually the guy wouldn't point the gun down there, mostly women do that because they wouldn't have to think

  • sell guns, buy food

    its marcus, he seems fat enouth I died. 10/10 best reasoning. would suspect again.

  • Someone on Reddit posted about the stranger actually being Lilith.

    And it would make sense.

    The "aiming at Rhys' crotch" thing, the sass, the being-disguised-as-a-bounty-hunter-male which she has already done before.

    Rhys says "Fiona, there a radiation leak or something I don't know about?" If the suit is a radiation suit, then it could easily disguise a thin person.

    Another question is, why has the stranger kidnapped them in the first place?

  • Yeah okay, I'm no professional

    bossanova didn't have an voicemodulator. Voicemodulator can change your voice completely. He just changed the patch of his voice to make a desperat voice and echo.

  • edited December 2014

    Um, I don't know, I think the intention was to give Bossanova a scary booming voice, but the joke is that it turns out that he has a wimpy, loser voice instead.

    bossanova didn't have an voicemodulator. Voicemodulator can change your voice completely. He just changed the patch of his voice to make a desperat voice and echo.

  • Apparently they use gender-neutral pronouns, so it's definitely ambiguous as to whether the Stranger is a man or not.

    Or if they're even human.

    That's true it could be a girl, usually the guy wouldn't point the gun down there, mostly women do that because they wouldn't have to think

  • edited December 2014

    don't think she would dress up like that

    And your only basis for believing that is her sex? Yeah, no mate. Women don't have universal tastes of what they do and do not like to wear. One of my female friends loves 50s dresses. Another literally wears chainmail vests.

    It's almost like, gasp, women are as varied as men are?!?! Almost like they're....equally human?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    That's true it could be a girl, usually the guy wouldn't point the gun down there, mostly women do that because they wouldn't have to think

  • emm.. nah.

    Flog61 posted: »

    don't think she would dress up like that And your only basis for believing that is her sex? Yeah, no mate. Women don't have universa

  • i highly doubt it will be lilith, but everything is possible. and the reasone for kidnapped is gorthys project. obviously..

    Trentest0 posted: »

    Someone on Reddit posted about the stranger actually being Lilith. And it would make sense. The "aiming at Rhys' crotch" thing, the sa

  • Zer0 only has four fingers on each hand (well technically three, not counting thumbs), while our captor seems to have five.

  • edited December 2014

    after they pointed their gun at rhys' groin as a threat

    Definetly Vasquez. He's all about cocks, balls, nuts and all that. Headcanon'd so hard.

    it could be Vasquez, maybe he goes all bandit like after rhys gets him fired although, i did have a suspicion it was a woman after they pointed their gun at rhys' groin as a threat

  • I am sorry, i will probably sound stupid but who is Marcus? Who is Krieg? Who is Lilth? And how could Vasquez do it, he was talking to on that tablet thingy?

  • That is what i thought

    What about the woman from the episode 3 slide?

  • Marcus is a weapon seller and he is also the guy who narrates at the beginning of episode 1.

    Krieg is a playable character in Borderlands 2 and he is a psychopath and a berseker.

    Lilith is a playable character in the first Borderland and she is a siren of psychic powers.

    I think you will have an easier time finding your answer if you read Borderlands wiki. :)

    Majda posted: »

    I am sorry, i will probably sound stupid but who is Marcus? Who is Krieg? Who is Lilth? And how could Vasquez do it, he was talking to on that tablet thingy?

  • Oh thank you i will. Sorry for bottering you :)

    Marcus is a weapon seller and he is also the guy who narrates at the beginning of episode 1. Krieg is a playable character in Borderlands

  • You definitely could, but I doubt you'd have the dexterity to grasp a weapon this accurately:


    • Just a little precision on what DaveTheArakin said.
    • Marcus narrates at the beginning of all borderlands game (except Pre-sequel).
    • Krieg is a "DLC" playable character in borderlands 2.
    • Lilith is a playable character in borderlands 1 and a main ally in borderlands 2.
    Majda posted: »

    Oh thank you i will. Sorry for bottering you

  • to hear abaut vault key and gorydus project

    Trentest0 posted: »

    Someone on Reddit posted about the stranger actually being Lilith. And it would make sense. The "aiming at Rhys' crotch" thing, the sa

  • if you want to know about kreig they made a short flim about him:
    about marcus and lilith there are wall of info's on the wikis

    Majda posted: »

    I am sorry, i will probably sound stupid but who is Marcus? Who is Krieg? Who is Lilth? And how could Vasquez do it, he was talking to on that tablet thingy?

  • edited December 2014

    The use of the gender neutral pronouns is actually what made me think it's a woman (mostly saying "I'm not a patient person" instead of "I'm not a patient man"). Well, that and Rhys thought it was Fiona at first, which at least means the suits completely hides the gender.

    Bokor posted: »

    Apparently they use gender-neutral pronouns, so it's definitely ambiguous as to whether the Stranger is a man or not. Or if they're even human.

  • He reminds me of this guy for some reason

    Alt text

    J-Master posted: »

    Um, I don't know, I think the intention was to give Bossanova a scary booming voice, but the joke is that it turns out that he has a wimpy, loser voice instead.

  • People really think its krieg? Have you even played BL2?(No offense)

  • Pitch? It was clearly more than just pitch.

    bossanova didn't have an voicemodulator. Voicemodulator can change your voice completely. He just changed the patch of his voice to make a desperat voice and echo.

  • It's Kenny confirmed.

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