I think i know who is the kidnapper



  • Well the helmet does have only one eye.

    CaveRave posted: »

    It's Kenny confirmed.

  • If it is hopefully krieg shows him his buzzaxe

    CaveRave posted: »

    It's Kenny confirmed.

  • And Flog is turning this into a sexist argument...


    Flog61 posted: »

    don't think she would dress up like that And your only basis for believing that is her sex? Yeah, no mate. Women don't have universa

  • ....

    And Flog is turning this into a sexist argument... Ugh...

  • I'll double that argument!


    Flog61 posted: »


  • It almost feels like tumblr

    Flog61 posted: »

    don't think she would dress up like that And your only basis for believing that is her sex? Yeah, no mate. Women don't have universa

  • I thought it was Zer0, Marcus does the intro for the 1st and 2nd game - and to me, it sounds a bit like Zer0, but I could be wrong.

  • Tiny Tina....

  • I'm gonna say that it COULD be Marcus, but I hope it's not. Nothing is pointing to it(at least as of now), outside of he is about the same kind of thickness, has a conference call, and was the only other person who heard about Rhys and Fiona's story so Marcus could tell us in the beginning. I can't say this doesn't have some merit, as the first and last do make some sense, but we see a bunch of bandits with legendaries, one with a Skullsmasher, and one duel wielding a DPUH, come to mind, and none work like how they do in the game, so we can assume that they are knock-offs or Tell Tale didn't do their homework on it. As for Marcus knowing the story, Rhys and Fiona(I'm assuming) obtain whatever the Gortys project was looking to find(a Vault, but I'm talking about whatever is inside), and then word got out about it. In the trailer we see Fiona and Rhys talking to Marcus about the Gortys project, well, not so much as talking as it was showing the Gortys Core then listening to Marcus warn them, but that's what I'm putting my money on as the cause to Marcus knowing the story of how they found all about Gortys, then Fiona and Rhys escaped the captor and made it back to Sanctuary, so Marcus would even know about them being captured. Oh, and Marcus does lie, so having him tell a story of people telling a story, there's no telling how much is actually true within the cannon.

    I feel that our captor is One, mentioned in the Son of Craw DLC. The dude speaks in Haiku, and the only guy that does that got a note from someone named "One" in that DLC. I hope that it is One, or as I'm assuming there's more, Two, Three, Four etc. would be just as good.

  • the voice kinda reminds me of zeros so it might be someone from the same group that he originally came from before coming to pandora

  • ...I actually think its Athena. Something about the way 'he' talks just reminds me of the stiff and formal way Athena talks instead of actual Pandora natives. Also the posture suggests a lot more discipline than the usual pandora rabble.

  • it would be funny if it was tiny tina with a fat suit on

  • i think it was shade

  • Not a chance.

    Masterhene posted: »

    i think it was shade

  • is it wrong that i want that be be the case....

    it would be funny if it was tiny tina with a fat suit on

  • or is there....

    (insert x factor music here)

    Not a chance.

  • Alt text

    Deathtrap posted: »

    or is there.... (insert x factor music here)

  • Holy shit...I want this.

    it would be funny if it was tiny tina with a fat suit on

  • Alt text

    zeke10 posted: »

    He reminds me of this guy for some reason

  • Could be Sasha, would kinda explain why the masked guy didn't bother to ask about Fiona's side of the story when he had her tied up for hours before Rhys showed up.

  • krieg is WAAY too crazy to be so focused talking to rhys or fiona! LOL nice guess though. but no, i think krieg should have a role in this shinanigans called tales from the borderlands HA! i would laugh so hard.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Lol hoping it's Krieg

  • i cant with this borderlands forum LMFAO. yeah ASSQUEZ have an unhealthy obsession with scratching his nuts so hard :) i cant

    Gapaot posted: »

    after they pointed their gun at rhys' groin as a threat Definetly Vasquez. He's all about cocks, balls, nuts and all that. Headcanon'd so hard.

  • me too!

    Majda posted: »

    That is what i thought

  • yeah and i hope they show us HOW he kidnapped them. since fiona and rhys seem to have a fallout that caused fiona to be kidnapped a few hours earlier that rhys, who went out to search for her when he got snatched

    Trentest0 posted: »

    Someone on Reddit posted about the stranger actually being Lilith. And it would make sense. The "aiming at Rhys' crotch" thing, the sa

  • It's probably that Moxxi lady.

  • As soon as the use of gender-neutral pronouns was brought up I immediately thought Moxxi would be a great candidate for The Captor (especially because we know from Zer0 that she knows about/is searching for the Gortys core), but after looking at his/her/its design more, I just think it's a virtual impossibility that she'd be able to strap her chest down that much...

    Jack doesn't call her "Ol' Balloon-Tits" for nothing:

    It's probably that Moxxi lady.

  • edited December 2014

    i cant with you LMFAO. we all know moxxi is not one to get her hands dirrty. she send people to do it for her in exchange for her flowerS.. LOL so yeah, NO. moxxi is not the kidnapper by any chance...

    As soon as the use of gender-neutral pronouns was brought up I immediately thought Moxxi would be a great candidate for The Captor (especial

  • tiny tina is way too crazy and short/thin to be the kidnapper xD i think she would've invited them to a tea party not chilling the the desert

    MasterStone posted: »

    Tiny Tina....

  • I am Marcus.

  • Maybe it's me. Food for thought, General Knoxx anybody?

  • it could be anyone we will (hopefully) find out who it is in episode 5 or they will show him removing his mask and have a to be continued ending that may or may not have a series 2

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

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  • That could work...I mean, The Stranger says that they lost someone close to them, which narrows down to only a few people we know...the original Vault Hunters, Moxxi or Ellie...and of course, Athena or Janey because they lost their sisters.

    ...I actually think its Athena. Something about the way 'he' talks just reminds me of the stiff and formal way Athena talks instead of actual Pandora natives. Also the posture suggests a lot more discipline than the usual pandora rabble.

  • I don't know where did Borderlands wiki get this from but it makes sense - the continuation and setup for 3rd. Damn, I wanted Marcus to be the Stranger.

    Alien saved Athena's life. Said they'll need all Vault Hunters they can find. Yeah. Now they are looking for potential VH. That is the reason why Stranger asks so many questions. Rhys and Fiona are candidates. I guess we'll see again Athena, Brick, Mordecai and others in the final episode. That's good.

  • People already hated her since Pre-sequel , that's going to be funny . I just hope we can finally kill her in 3 , she already held 3 characters I played at gunpoint, on pandora you get killed for less. She can get as preachy as she wants if I get the choice of saving pandora or kill her, Handsome Jack will get his revenge.

  • If the stranger is Lilith then my theory was correct ye

    Ima copy n paste my theory on here from another thread if you want

  • I hope that's not truth. I want The Stranger to be one of characters from TFTB. If it's Lilith, there will be no shock for players that didn't play original Borderlands. It would make no sense to place a character that was never shown in a game as The Stranger. : / It would suck totally. I find TFTB right now at the same level as TWD S1, so don't screw it, TTG.

  • Well in truth, we have no way to know if this is indeed proof or just a joke posted sometime in mid summer (when someone first pointed it out to me) and no one's done anything about it.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I don't know where did Borderlands wiki get this from but it makes sense - the continuation and setup for 3rd. Damn, I wanted Marcus to be t

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