Episode 1 ending is near and i have some free spots for bad guys,so if you want to submit a villian the time is now, after that you'll still be able to submit villians but i won't be able to guarrantee how important his/her role in the story will be.
PD: Please don't make all of them crazy psychos XD
Fallen Heroes
Episode One: White Lies
Chapter 6
[Go to the mysterious coordinates]
-Ne0, we’re going to those coordina… moretes right now!
-You can’t be serious Harv-Moira was surprised- We don’t know who this woman is, or even if she is one.
-We need answers Moira, I need to know why Trent died, but don’t worry, i still haven’t loss my mind, Ne0 call Deimos.
-In a sec-Ne0 answered-Communication has been stablished.
-Harvey? What’s going on? You’re late to the funeral!
-We got a call from a mystery woman, she gave me some coordinates to go.
-And you’re heading there now...Harvey, didn’t i teach you that teammates are more important than job?
-Yeah, i know Deimos, but i’m doing this FOR Trent, if we know why he was killed we can avenge his dead.
-I have to remind you Harvey that revenge is against our honor code, but sigh I can’t stop you right? And if you’re calling me it’s for a reason.
-Yeah, i’m… [view original content]
-You have to be wrong-Harvey said-Why...why would Thanatos wants us dead?
-Commander, they request permission to board-A rebel informed-
Vivienne studied the situation.
-Only their commander can board-She said-And be prepared to counter attack
A ship entered the hangar. A middle aged man in a suit came out of it, he walked with a cane, Moira noticed a little lim , he must have a robotic prosthesis she though, his right eye was robotic too, he had black hair though some grey hair was already showing.
Harvey recognised the voice instantly.
-You don’t looks as menacing as you sound-Jerek said-
-Deimos, this woman says Thanatos is behind Trent’s murder, that’s bullshit right?
-No, Harvey, sadly it isn’t.
-But...but...you said he was like a son to you…
-I didn’t give the order Harvey, it was Nekros.
Harvey had barely ever heard that name but he knew who he was, a legendary assassin, and commander of The Keres.
-I can’t answer you that
-No i mean why you? Why did you come here to kill me, you’re like a father to me.
-Harvey, there’s a tradition between assassins, if a child becomes orphaned because of you, then it’s your duty to take care of him, to raise him, i think you know what i’m trying to say….
-Why didn’t you tell me before?!
-I didn’t want to hurt you Harvey, believe me this hurts me deeply, if i had known that i’d have to kill you, i’d have never brought you to the agency in first place.
Harvey quickly ran towards Deimos, he lifted his cane and shoot BANG, Harvey fell to the floor.
-All of you are free to go, Deimos started walking towards his ship.
-Do you really expect us to continue with our lives and let you go after you killed our friend?!-Moirs yelled-
-It would be the wisest thing to do-Deimos replied-
-Good thing, i’m not that wise-Jerek said and prepared his gun.-
Vivienne was about to tell her men to attack when a voice interrupted her.
-NO, it won’t be necessary, i will do it-Harvey got up,there were no signs of an injury--
-This is what i feared-Deimos said-It has started.
Harvey looked different, his eyes were completely blue, electric waves were running through his body.Deimos hot again but his body disintegrated after hitting Harvey’s body.Harvey shouted.and a lighting came out of his body almost hitting Deimos,he quickly ran toward his ship as hundreds of small lightings came out of Harvey’s body hitting not only Deimos, but also everyone on their way.Deimos barely managed to enter his ship and took off, a lightning hit Moira and knocked her out.
-Harvey calm down-Jerek said, but a lightning hit him as well-
-Shoot him-Vivienne said, looking at Harvey destroying her ship-
A voice in her communicator stopped her.
-Stop, you could kill him
-Sorry Sophia, but i gotta take the risk or he will kill us all.
Fallen Heroes
Episode 1: White Lies
Chapter 7
-You have to be wrong-Harvey said-Why...why would Thanatos wants us dead?
… more -Commander, they request permission to board-A rebel informed-
Vivienne studied the situation.
-Only their commander can board-She said-And be prepared to counter attack
A ship entered the hangar. A middle aged man in a suit came out of it, he walked with a cane, Moira noticed a little lim , he must have a robotic prosthesis she though, his right eye was robotic too, he had black hair though some grey hair was already showing.
Harvey recognised the voice instantly.
-You don’t looks as menacing as you sound-Jerek said-
-Deimos, this woman says Thanatos is behind Trent’s murder, that’s bullshit right?
-No, Harvey, sadly it isn’t.
-But...but...you said he was like a son to you…
-I didn’t give the order Harvey, it was Nekros.
Harvey had barely ever… [view original content]
Fallen Heroes
Episode 1: White Lies
Chapter 7
-You have to be wrong-Harvey said-Why...why would Thanatos wants us dead?
… more -Commander, they request permission to board-A rebel informed-
Vivienne studied the situation.
-Only their commander can board-She said-And be prepared to counter attack
A ship entered the hangar. A middle aged man in a suit came out of it, he walked with a cane, Moira noticed a little lim , he must have a robotic prosthesis she though, his right eye was robotic too, he had black hair though some grey hair was already showing.
Harvey recognised the voice instantly.
-You don’t looks as menacing as you sound-Jerek said-
-Deimos, this woman says Thanatos is behind Trent’s murder, that’s bullshit right?
-No, Harvey, sadly it isn’t.
-But...but...you said he was like a son to you…
-I didn’t give the order Harvey, it was Nekros.
Harvey had barely ever… [view original content]
Fallen Heroes
Episode 1: White Lies
Chapter 7
-You have to be wrong-Harvey said-Why...why would Thanatos wants us dead?
… more -Commander, they request permission to board-A rebel informed-
Vivienne studied the situation.
-Only their commander can board-She said-And be prepared to counter attack
A ship entered the hangar. A middle aged man in a suit came out of it, he walked with a cane, Moira noticed a little lim , he must have a robotic prosthesis she though, his right eye was robotic too, he had black hair though some grey hair was already showing.
Harvey recognised the voice instantly.
-You don’t looks as menacing as you sound-Jerek said-
-Deimos, this woman says Thanatos is behind Trent’s murder, that’s bullshit right?
-No, Harvey, sadly it isn’t.
-But...but...you said he was like a son to you…
-I didn’t give the order Harvey, it was Nekros.
Harvey had barely ever… [view original content]
-Sorry Sophia, but i gotta take the risk or he will kill us all.
-Don’t do it, if he dies all this would have been in vain.Listen to me! He'll calm down in a few minutes,don’t risk the whole mission.
-sigh Ok, but if he wrecks the ship.
BOOM, an explosion on the side of the ship made it shake.
-Fuck, get the shields on!
Harvey was destroying the inside of the ship.
-I hope you’re right Sophia.
He got back to the main ship.
-Sorry, i tried but… the powers activated.
-Protecting the host-A mysterious man said-My creations are even better than expected.
-What’re we going to do? You’ll still help Nekros right?
-Don’t worry, i got this covered...Did you knew that the Starslayer is not the only remaining
ship with an anti matter cannon
-You mean that…?
-It’s not powerful enough to destroy a star, but it can sure handle a couple of spaceships.
-A couple?!, they’re our men, i know some of them personally.
-Necessary sacrifices in the search for freedom.
-I won’t let you do it!
-You know that Thanatos wouldn’t survive without my help, after Nekros spent all his money in those stupid researches, and even if you fight with me you know you don’t stand a chance.
Deimos knew he didn’t have another option.
-Ok, but do it fast.
-Activate, the armageddon!-The man ordered to the ship’s crew-
-Commander, they’re activating some kind of.super gun.
-The shields will resist it.
-No they won’t -Sophia said through the communicator-
-Why do you say?-Vivienne asked-
-It’s an antimatter gun
-They still exist?! Holy....Everyone retreat!! We gotta get outta here right now!!! You the robot!!
-Sentient AI -Ne0 replied-
-Who cares?!Take this-Vivienne took a chip from his pocket and threw it to Ne0- Put it as your secondary AI, under any circumstances let it be destroyed!!
-What is it?
-Just do it!!
Vivienne knew that AI modules were extremely armored, so the important information was not lost, maybe that could resist the explosion.
-Here it comes!- A rebel said-
-Go faster!-Vivienne yeled-
-We can’t, that electric dude ruined lots of important systems!!
They shot the antimatter gun, a huge wave started destroying every ship on it’s way like a chain reaction.
-It’s about to hit us!!!
The wave hit them but quickly dissipated.
-Harvey!! -Deimos said from the main ship-
-Absorbs antimatter-The mysterious man said-Very interesting, wonder what he does with it.
A sudden power outburst went out of Harvey’s body and fell unconscious on the floor
That was a great episode! You did a very nice job in introducing the characters and their different personalities. Gotta love Jerek and Elara
I also liked that it was kinda unpredictable, in a very good way. The only thing that I saw coming from the choices was, that the funeral was indeed a Thanatos trap. The story is exciting so far and I'm looking forward for what happens next.
Fallen Heroes
Episode 1 White Lies
Chapter 8
[Listen to Sophia]
-Sorry Sophia, but i gotta take the risk or he will … morekill us all.
-Don’t do it, if he dies all this would have been in vain.Listen to me! He'll calm down in a few minutes,don’t risk the whole mission.
-sigh Ok, but if he wrecks the ship.
BOOM, an explosion on the side of the ship made it shake.
-Fuck, get the shields on!
Harvey was destroying the inside of the ship.
-I hope you’re right Sophia.
He got back to the main ship.
-Sorry, i tried but… the powers activated.
-Protecting the host-A mysterious man said-My creations are even better than expected.
-What’re we going to do? You’ll still help Nekros right?
-Don’t worry, i got this covered...Did you knew that the Starslayer is not the only remaining
ship with an anti matter cannon
-You mean that…?
-It’s not powerful enough to destroy a star, but it can sure… [view original content]
Well, Harvey seems to have a strange condition that will play a role, so maybe we'll get to know more about that. Since Group 1 is now hunted by Thanatos, maybe Group 2 is forced to fight against them. But no matter what happens, I know that I am excited to read it!
By the way, is Elara still in Group 1? Since she wasn't mentioned in the last two chapters, I got the feeling that she might have been reassigned to her original group after the Bandit King has been killed.
And here are two villains. Hope you can use them in some way
Name: Hizzdahr Rezznak
Age: 35 years old
Role in the team: The Gunner
Race: Hizzdahr is an Azzrit. The Azzrit are a race of reptilian people, appearing to look like humanoid crocodiles, slightly taller than humans. They have a very social-darwinistic worldview and tend to despise weakness. As a result, the Azzrit are very prone to enhance their body with technical modifications. They are able to breath on land and under water.
Appearance: Hizzdahr is over seven feet tall and very muscular. He has very dark blue, almost black scales and glowing yellow eyes. Even for an Azzrit, his body is severely upgraded. Both of his arms are state-of-the-art cybernetics that greatly enhance his strength. His spine and legs are also severely upgraded to enhance his agility and flexibility. Lastly, part of his scales, especially in the abdominal and chest area have been replaced by a very hard material to make him partially bullet-proof. His lower jaw has also been replaced with a highly functioning prosthesis that significantly enhances his bite force and gives his voice a slightly robotic sound.
Personality: Hizzdahr is brutal and violent, sometimes even violent enough to make hardened killers flinch. He knows that his appearance is terrifying for many races and uses this to his advantage to instill fear wherever he goes. Usually, he appears to be little more than a hired muscle, even though exceptionally skilled, but behind his violent exterior, he is a dangerously intelligent and sadistic person. He is short-tempered and sometimes gets into fights simply for the pleasure of fighting someone. In a fight, he fights extremely dirty, using the surrounding area and his imposing physique to his advantage. If possible, he captures his victims alive and loves to torture them with electricity and hearing them scream. He never has any personal loyalty to his employers, but he would never switch sides, since he wants to uphold his reputation as a professional.
Extra Info: Hizzdahr is an independent bounty hunter. Over ten years ago he once worked for Thanatos, but decided that he wanted to remain independent. He is usually hired by criminals who want a cheap, but highly experienced bounty hunter. He had a past run-in with Elara, when he got hired by the associates of the crime lord she had killed. He was ordered to brutally kill her and decided to bite her to death, however she used a trick to cut off part of his lower jaw. The damage was severe enough that his whole lower jaw had to be replaced. For a few months he was actively hunting her, but ever since she joined Thanatos, he has given up on his vengeance. He still loves to torture women who look similar to her, however.
Name: Astor Nero
Age: 45
Role in the team: The Strategic
Race: Human
Appearance: Astor is a handsome man with a sleek appearance. He has fair skin and is clean-shaven, with black, back-kempt hair and green eyes. He always wears a very expensive suit and is rarely seen without a golden cane. He does not really need the cane, but uses it in the erroneous belief that it adds to his mysterious appearance. It also hides a carefully hidden gun, as a back-up weapon should he ever get into problems. He has a very melodic voice and usually speaks in a very soft tone of voice, accompanied by a very smug smile
Personality: Astor is a cultured and affable man, who just happens to be completely amoral when it comes to earn money. He is extremely arrogant, hedonistic and addicted to luxury. Usually, he is very charming, courteous and charismatic, shamelessly flirting with every woman he meets. Astor rarely gets angry and is usually very cheerful. He has a dislike for needless violence around him and is a good boss for his underlings, even forgiving them minor mistakes. He also does not like to further humiliate defeated enemies. However, this merely overplays the fact that he is absolutely ruthless against anybody who poses a severe threat to him and that he absolutely amoral as long as the consequences of his actions do not fall back on him. He is a master manipulator and has no loyalty towards anyone but himself, even stabbing business partners in the back if it works to his advantage.
Extra Info: Astor's father built up one of the galaxies largest weapon manufacturers. When he died a few years ago, Astor took over and used his wealth to gain political influence. He had no problems when it comes to deal with less than respectable people and secretly supplies both, The Federation and The Rebels. He has good contacts to Thanatos, often giving them prototype weapons to test in realistic battle situations. He is known as living a lavish lifestyle and is well-known in the Federations high-society
Well, Harvey seems to have a strange condition that will play a role, so maybe we'll get to know more about that. Since Group 1 is now hunte… mored by Thanatos, maybe Group 2 is forced to fight against them. But no matter what happens, I know that I am excited to read it!
By the way, is Elara still in Group 1? Since she wasn't mentioned in the last two chapters, I got the feeling that she might have been reassigned to her original group after the Bandit King has been killed.
And here are two villains. Hope you can use them in some way
Name: Hizzdahr Rezznak
Age: 35 years old
Role in the team: The Gunne… morer
Race: Hizzdahr is an Azzrit. The Azzrit are a race of reptilian people, appearing to look like humanoid crocodiles, slightly taller than humans. They have a very social-darwinistic worldview and tend to despise weakness. As a result, the Azzrit are very prone to enhance their body with technical modifications. They are able to breath on land and under water.
Appearance: Hizzdahr is over seven feet tall and very muscular. He has very dark blue, almost black scales and glowing yellow eyes. Even for an Azzrit, his body is severely upgraded. Both of his arms are state-of-the-art cybernetics that greatly enhance his strength. His spine and legs are also severely upgraded to enhance his agility and flexibility. Lastly, part of his scales, especially in the abdominal and chest area have been replaced by … [view original content]
That was a great episode! You did a very nice job in introducing the characters and their different personalities. Gotta love Jerek and Elar… morea
I also liked that it was kinda unpredictable, in a very good way. The only thing that I saw coming from the choices was, that the funeral was indeed a Thanatos trap. The story is exciting so far and I'm looking forward for what happens next.
-So you’ll tell me or what?- Hizzdahr Rezznak one of the most well known bounty hunters in the galaxy was interrogating a man, the man was tied on a chair in a dark room.-
-I...i already told you, i don’t know where he is…
-Come on, do you i’ll believe that?
-I don’t know, please let me go!
Hizzdahr hits him with the back of his gun making the chair fall along with him.He then grabs the man from the hair and puts the gun on his face.
-Tell me and i won’t kill you.
-I...don’t… know.
-Oh well, i guess life is overrated anyway-He puts his finger on the trigger-
-I knew you were a reasonable person.
-He...he is on Starlight in the Venturian System.
-That’s how it’s done, my job is done here, you tell the rest to senator Heres.
He then head towards the door, looks back and shots the man on the leg.
-AARGH You said…
-I said i wouldn’t kill you, just be thankful i didn’t have my chainsaw.
He opens the door.
-Good work as always-Heres said,he watched the whole thing through a one-way glass window on the room-
-It’s always an honor to help the federation.
Hizzdahr was an Azzrit a reptilian race known for their brutality and sense of superiority over the other races, his body was severely modified to the point where he was almost bulletproof,he was famous for his efficiency, actually he had never failed in a job, well except for one...
After the job was done he walked through the city and entered a bar.He always went drinking after finishing a job it helped him to “order his thoughts”.
-Hey, Hizzdahr-the bartender greeted him-
-Kyla, my favorite girl,how is the business going?
-I wish i could say it has been better ...the same as always?
He sat on a table, he started watching the TV.
-Thanatos has set a 10,000,000 federation credits bounty on the people who attempted to murder senator Mykas a couple of day ago, the implied are, Harvard Therys,Jerek Firkraag,Moira Ikro and a sentient AI who accompanies them, these are former employees of the company who tried to kill the senator after he hired them for protection, there was a fifth implied who was killed by the senator’s personal bodyguard Harik Domes, who heroically defended the senator and managed to save him, but unfortunately was killed by the perpetrators.
In other news the explosion in the coal mines was attributed to a gas leak …
-Are you gonna try to get them?-Kyla said putting a beer on the table-
-You already know me, though i think i have an offer they can’t refuse...
Two weeks later
-...Now take a deep breath and shoot-Elara was teaching her apprentice, Nadia, while there were no jobs available Thanatos' “employees” could win extra money by teaching the new recruits.-
New recruits practiced in “Cubes”, transparent rooms that could adapt to any training rutain, from the most basic to more intense trainings for the experienced assassins.
-Damn missed again-Nadia said-
-Don’t worry, just keep practicing.
Jeff approached them.
-Hey, how’s the training going?
-Oh hey Jeff -Elara replied-
-Could i talk to you a sec.
-Yeah,keep practicing Nadia.
-Elara i talked to Dim again and…
-I already told him,i won’t testify against them
-Yeah but he’s very insisting.
-What did the others say?
-Luthor says he doesn’t care, but Dan and Hook say they’ll do it for the money.
-What about you?
-You know i’d never refuse 30,000 credits.
-And you know i’d never testify against innocent people.
-We all know they’re innocent, but it’s just a matter of time before they capture them,and even if we don’t testify against them they’ll still go to jail.
Suddenly General Dim approached them along with to of his personal guards,he was The Keres spokesman and the second in command in Thanatos.
-Good morning Jeff.
-General Dim, i was just talking to Elara about your proposition.
-Yeah, about that, some new evidence in the senator's case was found, it suggests that Elara was implied in the conspiracy as well.
-Elara?, there must be mistake.
-We’re hoping it is, but for now Elra Thryme you’re under arrest.
-I didn’t do anything!- Elara was surprised-
-Please don’t resist, put your hands in your back.
Elara did as she was told and Dim handcuffed her, the handcuffs used by Thantos could only be opened with a key, and if the handcuffs detected that you were trying to escape, they would activate its lasers and will cut your hands.
-Take her to a cell -Dim ordered to his guards
-General Dim this can’t be right.
-We’ll do something Jeff, if you can bring me the suspects dead or alive i’ll free her.
-But how will we do it without an assassin, they have the whole rebellion covering their backs.
-Didn’t Elara have an apprentice?
-Yes, Nadia but…
-Oh yeah, Nadia, take her with you, she’ll be your new assassin.
-But General…
-It’s and order.
Elara was taken through a hall to a cell.
-Looks like they finally captured a real criminal- An inmate recognized her unifrom, they started mocking her-
-She finally entered her cell.General Dim arrived accompanied by another person.
-Hehehe, we finally meet again Elara- It was Hizzdahr- Do you remember our last time? I still haven’t forgotten-He touched his jaw which was visibly artificial-
Elara was the only person Hizzdahr couldn't kill, he had hunted her ever since she escaped, but lost interest after she joined to Thanatos, but now he had another oportunity.
-What are you doing here?! -Elara asked shocked-
-You’ll be my reward after i get those fuckers who tried to kill the good senator Mykas.
-Yes, but first you have to bring them to me- General Dim interrupted-
-That won’t be a problem, i can’t wait to have her in my hands.
-You’ll also have some partners Hizzdahr.
-I was expecting that, i mean, i’ll be fighting against the whole rebellion.
-They’re Elara’s team, they know too much about the case, we heard them talking, after you catch the criminals i want you to kill them, that way we’ll kill two birds with one stone.
-No problem, but you’ll have to pay me extra for that.
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2:Fear
Chapter 1
-So you’ll tell me or what?- Hizzdahr Rezznak one of the most well known bounty hunters in … morethe galaxy was interrogating a man, the man was tied on a chair in a dark room.-
-I...i already told you, i don’t know where he is…
-Come on, do you i’ll believe that?
-I don’t know, please let me go!
Hizzdahr hits him with the back of his gun making the chair fall along with him.He then grabs the man from the hair and puts the gun on his face.
-Tell me and i won’t kill you.
-I...don’t… know.
-Oh well, i guess life is overrated anyway-He puts his finger on the trigger-
-I knew you were a reasonable person.
-He...he is on Starlight in the Venturian System.
-That’s how it’s done, my job is done here, you tell the rest to senator Heres.
He then head towards the door, looks back and shots the man on the leg.
-AARGH You said…
-I said i wouldn’t kill… [view original content]
Great chapter! I'm looking forward for the Team Jeff/Hizzdahr interactions. Speaking of Hizzdahr, his introduction was great. That guy is a beast indeed.
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2:Fear
Chapter 1
-So you’ll tell me or what?- Hizzdahr Rezznak one of the most well known bounty hunters in … morethe galaxy was interrogating a man, the man was tied on a chair in a dark room.-
-I...i already told you, i don’t know where he is…
-Come on, do you i’ll believe that?
-I don’t know, please let me go!
Hizzdahr hits him with the back of his gun making the chair fall along with him.He then grabs the man from the hair and puts the gun on his face.
-Tell me and i won’t kill you.
-I...don’t… know.
-Oh well, i guess life is overrated anyway-He puts his finger on the trigger-
-I knew you were a reasonable person.
-He...he is on Starlight in the Venturian System.
-That’s how it’s done, my job is done here, you tell the rest to senator Heres.
He then head towards the door, looks back and shots the man on the leg.
-AARGH You said…
-I said i wouldn’t kill… [view original content]
Jerek was sitting next to Harvey, he still hadn’t wake up.Vivienne enters the room.
-Something changed?-She asked-
-We’re about to land, you might want to come and meet Hanran.
They had arrived to Gaia, a space station the center of the rebellion, they were there to meet, Hanran, the leader of the rebellion.
They entered the huge space station, an android was expecting them.
-Welcome, Commander Vivienne.
-Hello, P.A.U., where’s Hanran?
-This way follow me.
They walked through a long hall which took them to a very big door.P.A.U. opened it.
Inside there was a big table with lots of papers over it, Hanran was talking with other rebels
-Vivienne!, How you doing?-He noticed them entering-
-Well, we almost died, but we’re ok.
-Glad to hear that.
-And these must be the guys you talked me about,hello my name is Hanran.
He shook everyone's hand.
-You’re younger that i thought-Jerek noticed-
-Yeah a lot of people seem to think that, for some reason they think i’ll be a huge dude with an eyepatch.
Hanran was 28 and there wasn’t really anything uncommon in his appearance, he had long bron hair, and green eyes.
-So did you bring what i told you Vivienne?-Hanran asked-
-Yeah, NE0, remember that A.I., i gave you?
-Yes,let me get it- NE0 opened his chest and took a chip out of it.-Here it is.
-What is that?-Moira asked-
-This is the reason why they killed your friend Trent-Vivienne said-Jade’s A.I.
-Wait a sec, how did you get that?-Jerek was confused-And how do you even know that exists? And how do you even know so much about us?
-Calm down-Hanran took the chip-We have contacts in Thanatos.
-We should put it in a unit-Moira suggested-
-Not yet-Hanran said-We need a very special unit to make such a complicated A.I. work. And where’s Harvey?
-He’s in a coma, i think his special abilities were too much for his own good.-Vivienne answered-
-I’m sorry to hear that-Hanran said-I hope he gets better soon.
-Commander Hanran-a rebele entered the room-The ship is ready
-Oh yeah, i’m going in a sec-Hanran replied-Well excuse me but i have to go, P.A.U. will take you to your room.
-Where are you going?-Vivienne asked-
-Spies reports say there’s slavery in Enris.-Hanran answered-I’ll go investigate.
-I’ll go-she said-
-Of course , do you want to go Jerek? -He asked-A guy like you might be useful.
-You think he’ll be fine?-Jerek asked Moira-
-Yeah he’s stable.
-Dan have you seen my toolbox?-Hook shouted-
-Why the fuck am i supposed to know?
-Dunno maybe because you traded them for alcohol the last time!
-I wouldn’t even get a freaking beer with those old tools
-Sigh Where’s Jeff anyway?
-He went to talk with Elara or something.
Jeff entered the ship.
-Everyone come here-He shouted-
-I was in the middle of something-Luthor came out of his room-This better be worth it.
-We have to new partners, you already know Nadia, Elara’s apprentice and this is Hizzdahr he’ll be with us for a while.
-Hello-Nadia greeted them-
-And Elara?-Hook asked-
-Your friend Elara was involved in the attempt of assassination of Senator Mykas, i was hired to capture the criminals and you’ll help me and try to prove Elara is innocent-Hizzdahr explained-
-Yeah basically that-Jeff confirmed-
-Well my bullshit senses are tingling-Dan said-Elara is not stupid enough to try to kill a worthless senator.
-Well she apparently was -Hizzdahr said-
.-I think this will be interesting-Dan came closer to Hizzdahr-I always like to have an asshole near in case i’m in the mood to kill him.
-Don’t become this in another Harik situation Dan-Hook said-
-I was right that time though.
-Anyway-Jeff tried to change the topic-Hook take Hizzdahr to the guest room and Nadia to Elara’s room.
-Yeah this way-Hook said-
-Luthor, you examined him-Jeff asked Luthor in a low voice when Hizzdahr was gone-
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 2
Jerek was sitting next to Harvey, he still hadn’t wake up.Vivienne enters the room… more.
-Something changed?-She asked-
-We’re about to land, you might want to come and meet Hanran.
They had arrived to Gaia, a space station the center of the rebellion, they were there to meet, Hanran, the leader of the rebellion.
They entered the huge space station, an android was expecting them.
-Welcome, Commander Vivienne.
-Hello, P.A.U., where’s Hanran?
-This way follow me.
They walked through a long hall which took them to a very big door.P.A.U. opened it.
Inside there was a big table with lots of papers over it, Hanran was talking with other rebels
-Vivienne!, How you doing?-He noticed them entering-
-Well, we almost died, but we’re ok.
-Glad to hear that.
-And these must be the guys you talked me about,hello my name is Hanran.
He shook everyone's … [view original content]
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 2
Jerek was sitting next to Harvey, he still hadn’t wake up.Vivienne enters the room… more.
-Something changed?-She asked-
-We’re about to land, you might want to come and meet Hanran.
They had arrived to Gaia, a space station the center of the rebellion, they were there to meet, Hanran, the leader of the rebellion.
They entered the huge space station, an android was expecting them.
-Welcome, Commander Vivienne.
-Hello, P.A.U., where’s Hanran?
-This way follow me.
They walked through a long hall which took them to a very big door.P.A.U. opened it.
Inside there was a big table with lots of papers over it, Hanran was talking with other rebels
-Vivienne!, How you doing?-He noticed them entering-
-Well, we almost died, but we’re ok.
-Glad to hear that.
-And these must be the guys you talked me about,hello my name is Hanran.
He shook everyone's … [view original content]
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 2
Jerek was sitting next to Harvey, he still hadn’t wake up.Vivienne enters the room… more.
-Something changed?-She asked-
-We’re about to land, you might want to come and meet Hanran.
They had arrived to Gaia, a space station the center of the rebellion, they were there to meet, Hanran, the leader of the rebellion.
They entered the huge space station, an android was expecting them.
-Welcome, Commander Vivienne.
-Hello, P.A.U., where’s Hanran?
-This way follow me.
They walked through a long hall which took them to a very big door.P.A.U. opened it.
Inside there was a big table with lots of papers over it, Hanran was talking with other rebels
-Vivienne!, How you doing?-He noticed them entering-
-Well, we almost died, but we’re ok.
-Glad to hear that.
-And these must be the guys you talked me about,hello my name is Hanran.
He shook everyone's … [view original content]
-Sorry, but i can’t go, i want make sure Harvey is ok.-Jerek replied to Hanran’s proposition-
-No problem i understand, Vivienne let’s go we better hurry up
-Hanran looks like a nice guy-Moira said after they were gone-
-They have Jade’s AI-Jerek always suspected of new people-How the fuck did they get it?
-They said they have contacts in Thanatos-Ne0 reminded-
-Ever heard the word lie Ne0?
Elara was sleeping there wasn’t much to do in a cell.
-Hey, you have visit!-One of the guards yelled at her-
-Uh? Who is it?
-I don’t know just a woman.
The guard opened the cell and escorted her to the visit room.
In a table there was a woman with most of his body covered except for her eyes.
Elara sat down.
-Who are you?-Elara sked-
The woman nodded the guard, he nodded back and exited the room.
-Listen carefully, we only have 10 minutes after that the cams and microphones will activate again.
-Yeah, but who are you?
-My name is Sophia, i’m a spy for the rebels and that’s all you need to know.
-The rebels? I don’t…
The woman took out a device from her pocket and handed it to Elara, it was triangular and had a light on it
-When this thing starts to beep your cell will be open,when that happens i need you to come to the bedroom 495, and don’t let no one see you.
-Ok...When will that happen?
-I don’t know yet, it might never happen, but if it does i need you to go there ok? Your life depends on it, i gotta go.
-Wait a sec you can’t just go, i don’t even know who you are.
Sophia stood up and left the room.The guard entered and took Elara back to the cell.
-You better listen to her-He whispered to her-Believe me it’s the best thing to do.
Elara sat on her bed looking at the device.
-Ok, here we are-Hanran said-Remember act though
They were in the middle of a low class neighborhood,they were supposed to meet with the gang leader, Hanran liked to know his enemies, he was there to supposedly buy slaves from him.They were waiting for a car that would take them to him.
-I don’t like this, they were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago-Vivienne said-
-Don’t worry this guys always like to be late, you know to show that why’re the ones that pull the strings not you.
A luxurious car stopped in front of them, the door opened.The driver made a sign for them to enter.
-Nice car -Hanran tried to make a compliment-Is this one of those that can also go underwater?
The driver didn’t answered.
Vivienne and him entered the car, they sat on the back seats.
They driver activated the propellers and the car started ascending to the higher levels of the planet, Enris was divide in various levels, the higher levels were reserved for the wealthy people, while the lower levels were almost forgotten by The Federation and pretty much every law was broken there
-Sooo-Haran tried to start a conversation-Where’s the meeting?
The driver didn’t answer once again, Vivienne was about to tell him to shut up when a man came out of the trunk and pointed at both of them with a gun.
-Hey, you don’t need to do this-Hanran said while putting his hands in the air-
-The boss wants to make sure you’re not snitches first-The man on the back trunk said-
-And that’s understandable- Vivienne said-But you’ve got nothing to worry about, i can assure you.
-My boss says he wants 5000 for every man and 10000 for the women.
-No, we’ll pay 3000 for the men-Vivienne said, she knew accepting the first price would be too suspicious- And 7000 for the women.
-You’re not in the position to negotiate, you accept the prices or i’ll have two bullets less in my weapon.
-It’s ok-Hanran said- we understand the message.
The man gave a paper with an address to Hanran.
-Next Saigo, 45:00 pm -The man added-
The car stopped and they got out.
-We’ll be watching-The driver said before they drove away-
-What days is Saigo?-Vivienne asked looking at the paper-
-Motherfuckers -Hanran stated at the the car driving away-i can’t wait to put a bullet on their heads
Jerek entered Harvey’s room, there was a man looking at him.Moira was next to him
-Who is he?-Jerek said after seeing him-
The man turned back, he used a cane
-Let me introduce myself, my name is Astor Nero, you must be Jerek am i right?
-Astor Nero? The great gun manufacturer?
-I see you like guns, not many people recognise me for my work.
-He helps the rebels-Moira said-He was here to talk with Hanran.
-Yes, unfortunately it looks like he is not here at the moment-Astor had a very melodic tone in his voice-I came to visit Harvey since i have some time to spare, i hope he get better soon.
-What do you know about Harvey?-Jerek asked with distrust-
-Hanran told me about him, i don’t know too much about him but apparently he is very important for Thanatos and even the federation itself.
His holophone started ringing.
-Excuse me i have to answer a call-Astor got out of the room-
-Yet another reason not to trust the rebels-Jerek said-I’ve heard that guy makes some shady business practices.
-He also gave me an strange vibe when i met him-Moira agreed-Though i gotta admit he’s good looking.
-I’ll be back in a sec-Jerek went out of the room to-
Jerek went to the room where Hanran was when they arrived.There was no one in there.
-There’s gotta be something here, i know these guys are hiding something
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 3
[Stay in the ship]
-Sorry, but i can’t go, i want make sure Harvey is ok.-Jerek… more replied to Hanran’s proposition-
-No problem i understand, Vivienne let’s go we better hurry up
-Hanran looks like a nice guy-Moira said after they were gone-
-They have Jade’s AI-Jerek always suspected of new people-How the fuck did they get it?
-They said they have contacts in Thanatos-Ne0 reminded-
-Ever heard the word lie Ne0?
Elara was sleeping there wasn’t much to do in a cell.
-Hey, you have visit!-One of the guards yelled at her-
-Uh? Who is it?
-I don’t know just a woman.
The guard opened the cell and escorted her to the visit room.
In a table there was a woman with most of his body covered except for her eyes.
Elara sat down.
-Who are you?-Elara sked-
The woman nodded the guard, he nodded back and exited the room.
-Listen carefully, we only … [view original content]
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 3
[Stay in the ship]
-Sorry, but i can’t go, i want make sure Harvey is ok.-Jerek… more replied to Hanran’s proposition-
-No problem i understand, Vivienne let’s go we better hurry up
-Hanran looks like a nice guy-Moira said after they were gone-
-They have Jade’s AI-Jerek always suspected of new people-How the fuck did they get it?
-They said they have contacts in Thanatos-Ne0 reminded-
-Ever heard the word lie Ne0?
Elara was sleeping there wasn’t much to do in a cell.
-Hey, you have visit!-One of the guards yelled at her-
-Uh? Who is it?
-I don’t know just a woman.
The guard opened the cell and escorted her to the visit room.
In a table there was a woman with most of his body covered except for her eyes.
Elara sat down.
-Who are you?-Elara sked-
The woman nodded the guard, he nodded back and exited the room.
-Listen carefully, we only … [view original content]
-There’s always a secret passage or something in these things-He thought as he started checking every book-
Among all the books one called his attention, it was a photo album,unlike the other books it wasn’t holographic, it was paper just like the old books.
-Aramus Family-Jerek read the cover and opened it-
The family in the album seemed to be very rich,they all seemed very normal however lots of the photos were ripped.
-Looks like our caring leader didn’t have the humble origins we thought-Jerek said deducing who was in the ripped parts-
He put the album back in place and kept searching, he heard the door opening.
-Jerek? What are you doing here?-Hanran entered the room-
-I was just admiring the place.
-Yeah sure…
Astor approached Hanran.
-Hey, i was waiting for you to come back-Astor greeted Hanran-
-Astor i forgot you were coming please take a seat, Jerek we’ll talk private matters.
Jerek hurried to get out of the room.
-Jerek hurry-Moira was running towards him-Harvey just woke up.
Jerek hurried to Harvey’s room.
Ne0 was helping him to stand up.
-Hey i missed you boy-Jerek said with a smile in his face-
-coughWhere am i?-Harvey said with a hoarse voice-
-We’re in the rebel ship, Gaia.-Moira answered-
-I had a strange dream…-Harvey remembered-Some people were doing experiments on me and they inserted something in the back of my head, i think it was alive.
-It might have been an hallucination caused by the shock-Ne0 suggested-
-Yeah it might have been,the part with Deimos shooting me...it wasn’t a dream right?
-No-Jerek said-
-ARRGGH-Harvey punched the wall-Why did he do it?
-He must have had his reasons-Moira said-But you should rest now.
-So do you know these guys Hizdahr?-Hook asked-
-They own me some favors-Hizzdahr answered-
They were looking for information about Harvey’s last known location.
-Dan keep your eyes opened, i don’t like this place-Jeff said-
-Hehehe don’t worry , my gun is always ready.
-Here we are-Hizzdahr said-I’ve got a contact inside
They entered a bar.
-Hello Kyla.
-Hizzdahr? You killed the guys?
-Ever seen death in the eyes?-Hizzdahr said abruptly-
-Yes-Kylar realised why he was here-It’s in the back
Kyla opened a door behind the counter, they entered.
Kyla took them through a hallway.
-We’re going to meet a guy named Yan, he’s very dangerous-Hizzdahr warned-Don’t do anything stupid, that goes specially to you Dan.
Kyla opened a door, they entered and she closed it behind them.Yan was sitting on a table, he was an Azzrit just like Hizzdahr and was surrounded by people in very expensive suits ans women with little to no clothes, he had a patch in his left eye.
-Hizzdahr!-Yan stood when he saw them entering-What can i do for an old friend like you?, i see you brought some friends, and a lady-He kissed Nadia’s hand-
-I’m trying to find the guys who tried to kill Mykas-Hizzdahr said- and i thought you might know.
-Yes, yes, sit down-Yan sat again-i’ll tell you.
Hizzdahr sat on the table.
-So?-Hizzdahr said after sitting-
-Our spies say they could be in the Gaia-Yan said-
-In the Gaia?-Hizzdahr was a little surprised-That’ll be difficult to attack.
-I know, but it’s worth the price.
-Who else is trying to get them?
-Well about ....everyone, i can’t guarantee you’ll be the first.
-Thanks Yan i gotta go.
-Going so soon?
-You know i’ve never liked your...lifestyle.
Hizzdahr got up and approached the door.
-Oh and Hizzdahr-Yan said as he was opening the door-Ever seen death in the eyes?
-SHIT, TAKE COVER-Hizzdahr yelled-
All the men in the room took out their guns and started shooting, Hizzdahr and the rest started running down the hallway.More men were awaiting them outside, Hizzdahr immdeiatly attacked them biting chunks of their throat out.
They took cover with the tables in the bar.
-Hook turrets-Jeff started shouting orders-Dan don’t let them come close, Nadia smoke bombs.
-That’s not gonna protect you from him-Hizzdahr shouted-
Yan came out of the door and took off his eyepatch, as soon as he opened his eyes a huge energy beam came out of it destroying everything came across.Nadia dropped the smoke bombs.
-That’s not gonna protect you-Yan yelled, his eye changed to heat vision-This is nothing personal Hizzdahr but i also want that money.THERE YOU ARE!
Yan shoot his laser and almost hit Dan.Nadia through various grenades, they exploded and Yan’s heat vision went crazy.
-NOW-She shouted-
While he was distracted Hizzdahr grabbed him from behind and with his claws took out Yan’s robotic eye.
-Elara taught you good kid-Jeff told Nadia-
-Thanks-She smiled-
-Dan are you ok?-Hook asked-
-Yeah it’s just a little injury.
Dan was holding his arm, it was covered in blood
-I’ll take care of him-Luthor said-
The smoke dissipated Yan’s men were dead and Hizzdahr was pointing a gun at him.
-Please don’t kill me, i...i’m sorry-Yan begged-If you kill me very dangerous people are going to go after you, don’t kill me and you’ll save yourself lots of troubles please…
Jerek was talking with Harvey when Hanran entered the room.
-So you finally decided to wake up uh?-Hanran said-
-And you are?-Harvey asked-
-He’s that Hanran guy i was talking you about-Jerek answered-
-Nice to meet you-Hanran shook Harvey’s hand-
-Thank you for helping us-Harvey said-We would have died if it wasn’t for you people.
-No problem we do it for the good of the…
-Hanran-Jerek interrupted-I wanted to ask you something...
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 4
Jerek approached a bookshelf first.
-There’s always a secret pas… moresage or something in these things-He thought as he started checking every book-
Among all the books one called his attention, it was a photo album,unlike the other books it wasn’t holographic, it was paper just like the old books.
-Aramus Family-Jerek read the cover and opened it-
The family in the album seemed to be very rich,they all seemed very normal however lots of the photos were ripped.
-Looks like our caring leader didn’t have the humble origins we thought-Jerek said deducing who was in the ripped parts-
He put the album back in place and kept searching, he heard the door opening.
-Jerek? What are you doing here?-Hanran entered the room-
-I was just admiring the place.
-Yeah sure…
Astor approached Hanran.
-Hey, i was waiting for you to come back-Astor greeted Hanran-
… [view original content]
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 4
Jerek approached a bookshelf first.
-There’s always a secret pas… moresage or something in these things-He thought as he started checking every book-
Among all the books one called his attention, it was a photo album,unlike the other books it wasn’t holographic, it was paper just like the old books.
-Aramus Family-Jerek read the cover and opened it-
The family in the album seemed to be very rich,they all seemed very normal however lots of the photos were ripped.
-Looks like our caring leader didn’t have the humble origins we thought-Jerek said deducing who was in the ripped parts-
He put the album back in place and kept searching, he heard the door opening.
-Jerek? What are you doing here?-Hanran entered the room-
-I was just admiring the place.
-Yeah sure…
Astor approached Hanran.
-Hey, i was waiting for you to come back-Astor greeted Hanran-
… [view original content]
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 4
Jerek approached a bookshelf first.
-There’s always a secret pas… moresage or something in these things-He thought as he started checking every book-
Among all the books one called his attention, it was a photo album,unlike the other books it wasn’t holographic, it was paper just like the old books.
-Aramus Family-Jerek read the cover and opened it-
The family in the album seemed to be very rich,they all seemed very normal however lots of the photos were ripped.
-Looks like our caring leader didn’t have the humble origins we thought-Jerek said deducing who was in the ripped parts-
He put the album back in place and kept searching, he heard the door opening.
-Jerek? What are you doing here?-Hanran entered the room-
-I was just admiring the place.
-Yeah sure…
Astor approached Hanran.
-Hey, i was waiting for you to come back-Astor greeted Hanran-
… [view original content]
Sorry for taking so long, this chapter was supposed to come out last week but i have been busy
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2:Fear
Chapter 5
[Kill Yan]
[Ask Hanran about the photo album]
-What did you want to ask me Jerek?
-Well, back in your office i noticed you have one of those old books, it called my attention so i opened it and i’m kind of curious about why you ripped of the photos, what are you hiding Hanran?
Hanran took a moment to answer
-Jerek, i have told you various times already that we’re trustable people, we don’t have nothing to hide, yeah that’s my family, growing up in a rich family i realised how unfair the world is to those with less money, that’s why i joined the rebellion, but people don’t tend to sympathize with you as a leader if they know you are exactly what they’re fighting against,that’s all i’m hiding, and i’m asking you the favor not to tell anybody.Goodbye Jerek.
-There were better ways to say that Jerek-Harvey said-
-Not my style.
-You should stop doing that,if they end up being the bad guys we’re in no position to fight back.
-Look me in the eyes Yan-Hizzdahr yelled-
.-Please don’t kill me, i ...i’ll give you money.
-Hizzdahr let him be-Jeff said-We don’t want troubles with the mafia.
-Shut up Jeff-Hizzdahr grabbed Yan’s neck- Now Yan look me in the fucking eyes.
Yan stared at Hizzdahr.
-This is how death looks like.
Hizzdahr grabbed Yan’s skull, smashed it and then ripped off his head.
The group was shocked.
-That was freaking unnecessary!-Hook said-
Hizzdahr approached him.
-I’m the boss now, if i want i can make your friend Elara die with a call, so you’ll follow my orders understood?!
-sigh Jerek why were you sniffing around? Right now we should be more focused on gaining their trust.
-Moira, i just don’t want the same that happened with Thanatos to happen again.
-In their defence-Harvey said-these guys don’t seem to particularly like Thanatos.
-I know i’m just trying to to say that…
-Vivienne wants us in the meeting room now-Ne0 entered the room and interrupted Jerek-
-What she wants?-Moira asked-
-I don’t know she said it’s a surprise.
-I’ll get my gun ready in case it’s the kind of surprise i think it is-Jerek said-
-Jerek come on-Moira took Jerek’s gun and throwed it to his bed-Could you freaking trust someone for once?
-Ok,but if we end up dead…
-Could you two shut up?-Harvey interrupted- We have to focus on knowing why Trent was killed and why Thanatos wants me dead, let’s not look for enemies where there isn’t!
-Yeah, i guess you’re right-Jerek agreed-
They went to the meeting room.
Luthor was healing Dan’s arm,while Hook was repairing the guns and communicators..
-I never thought i would meet someone worse than you Dan-Hook said-
-That dude will end up dead-Luthor said while bandaging Dan’s arm-Their pride always brings their fall.
-And i’ll be there to laugh-Dan smiled-
-Someone like you could beat him,Hook-Luthor said-He has too many bionic implants for my like, they could easily be hacked.
-Actually, you should do it Hook-Dan suggested-
-No, it’s not a good idea-Hook replied-Not when Elara’s life is in danger.
-Ok, that should do it Dan-Luthor finished Dan’s bandages-
Suddenly Jeff’s communicator started beeping.
-Hook here-Hook picked the call-
-Where’s Jeff-General Dim replied-
-He’s resting but i can…
-No, don’t worry-Dim said-I was calling to tell you the fugitives might be in the Gaia.
-Well it’s a bit late, we already know but thanks
-We also have a contact in there that might make your way in easier
-Really? That would really help.
-I’ll send you his contact information, his name is Astor Nero by the way.
-Thanks I’ll make sure Jeff knows.
They entered the meeting room, there was an artificial body just like Ne0’s
-Did you call us?-Jerek asked-
-Yep, we’ve got a surprise for you,see that artificial body?
-It’s Jade’s now.
-Really?!-Moira was surprised- We...we don’t know how to thank you
-You don’t have to, Jerek Harvey could you help me holding her?, It might be a rude awakening.
Vivienne inserted Jade’s chip in the body.
-TRENT!-Jade screamed as she tried to get off Harvey and Jerek’s grip-
-Calm down-Vivienne said-You’re safe now.
-Where am i? -Jade was shocked- Moira,? Harvey? Jerek? You gotta help me rescue Trent he’s in danger.
-Jade just chill for a sec-Harvey said-
-What...what happened?-Jade asked-
-Sorry but Thanatos betrayed us-Jerek explained-And they...they killed Trent.
-Trent? No, no, no but he was...he, why is my body?-Jade freaked out when she saw the artificial body-
-Jade calm down-Moira said-We’ll explain you all later.But for now we’re happy you’re back-She hugged Jade-
-Hey girl, once we’re out of here call me-Elara was already used to the inmates trying to flirt with her-
She was sitting on her cell, a guard approached her.
-You’ve got a visit.-He said-
-A visit? Who is it?
-Why should i know, are you coming or not?
The guard took her to the visit room, she was expecting Sophia again, but instead there was a man sitting in the chair, his hair was almost completely white, there were a few black hairs in his mustache and beard, his left eye and arm were bionic implants.Elara sat on the other chair.
-Nice to meet you-The man said-My name is Nekros.
-Nekros?!-Elara immediately got up-
-I know that you…
-Fuck you i’m not talking with you , i’m here because of you, you know that those guys are innocent and you still want to get them just to cover your shady operations.
-Hey, sit down-The guard said-
-No, i understand-Nekros stopped the guard-I just came to apology and tell you that i’m really sorry fo all of this, but it’s necessary.
-Necessary? A fucking bullet in your head is necessary.
-Elara i’m asking you to sit down and talk like a civilized person otherwise you can go back to your cell if you wish.
Sorry for taking so long, this chapter was supposed to come out last week but i have been busy
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2:Fear
Chapter… more 5
[Kill Yan]
[Ask Hanran about the photo album]
-What did you want to ask me Jerek?
-Well, back in your office i noticed you have one of those old books, it called my attention so i opened it and i’m kind of curious about why you ripped of the photos, what are you hiding Hanran?
Hanran took a moment to answer
-Jerek, i have told you various times already that we’re trustable people, we don’t have nothing to hide, yeah that’s my family, growing up in a rich family i realised how unfair the world is to those with less money, that’s why i joined the rebellion, but people don’t tend to sympathize with you as a leader if they know you are exactly what they’re fighting against,that’s all i’m hiding, and i’m asking you the favor not to tell anybody.Goodbye Jerek.
-There were better… [view original content]
Sorry for taking so long, this chapter was supposed to come out last week but i have been busy
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2:Fear
Chapter… more 5
[Kill Yan]
[Ask Hanran about the photo album]
-What did you want to ask me Jerek?
-Well, back in your office i noticed you have one of those old books, it called my attention so i opened it and i’m kind of curious about why you ripped of the photos, what are you hiding Hanran?
Hanran took a moment to answer
-Jerek, i have told you various times already that we’re trustable people, we don’t have nothing to hide, yeah that’s my family, growing up in a rich family i realised how unfair the world is to those with less money, that’s why i joined the rebellion, but people don’t tend to sympathize with you as a leader if they know you are exactly what they’re fighting against,that’s all i’m hiding, and i’m asking you the favor not to tell anybody.Goodbye Jerek.
-There were better… [view original content]
Sorry for taking so long, this chapter was supposed to come out last week but i have been busy
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2:Fear
Chapter… more 5
[Kill Yan]
[Ask Hanran about the photo album]
-What did you want to ask me Jerek?
-Well, back in your office i noticed you have one of those old books, it called my attention so i opened it and i’m kind of curious about why you ripped of the photos, what are you hiding Hanran?
Hanran took a moment to answer
-Jerek, i have told you various times already that we’re trustable people, we don’t have nothing to hide, yeah that’s my family, growing up in a rich family i realised how unfair the world is to those with less money, that’s why i joined the rebellion, but people don’t tend to sympathize with you as a leader if they know you are exactly what they’re fighting against,that’s all i’m hiding, and i’m asking you the favor not to tell anybody.Goodbye Jerek.
-There were better… [view original content]
Again sorry for taking so long, i'll try to post at least two chapters a week from now on
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 6
… more [Sit down ans talk to Nekros]
-It’ll take time to get used to this-Jade stared at her hand while moving it.-It feels … strange.
-We’re just glad you’re with us again-Moira smiled-
-I’m having a hard time trying to figure out why Thanatos wanted Jade-Jerek was resting against the wall-
-Maybe they wanted to put brains on chips too-Harvey replied-i mean that’s a bigt technological jump.
-And why did they want you dead for that?-Jerek said-There’s obviously somethign else to all of this.
-Wasn’t it obvious….AARRGH
Harvey put his hands on his head and fell to the floor, he was clearly in pain.
-Harvey!-Moira kneeled to examine him-Harvey calm down ,calm down.
Moira looked in the back of his head,… [view original content]
Episode 1 ending is near and i have some free spots for bad guys,so if you want to submit a villian the time is now, after that you'll still be able to submit villians but i won't be able to guarrantee how important his/her role in the story will be.
PD: Please don't make all of them crazy psychos XD
Awesome Chapter!!!!!!!!
Fallen Heroes
Episode 1: White Lies
Chapter 7
-You have to be wrong-Harvey said-Why...why would Thanatos wants us dead?
-Commander, they request permission to board-A rebel informed-
Vivienne studied the situation.
-Only their commander can board-She said-And be prepared to counter attack
A ship entered the hangar. A middle aged man in a suit came out of it, he walked with a cane, Moira noticed a little lim , he must have a robotic prosthesis she though, his right eye was robotic too, he had black hair though some grey hair was already showing.
Harvey recognised the voice instantly.
-You don’t looks as menacing as you sound-Jerek said-
-Deimos, this woman says Thanatos is behind Trent’s murder, that’s bullshit right?
-No, Harvey, sadly it isn’t.
-But...but...you said he was like a son to you…
-I didn’t give the order Harvey, it was Nekros.
Harvey had barely ever heard that name but he knew who he was, a legendary assassin, and commander of The Keres.
-I can’t answer you that
-No i mean why you? Why did you come here to kill me, you’re like a father to me.
-Harvey, there’s a tradition between assassins, if a child becomes orphaned because of you, then it’s your duty to take care of him, to raise him, i think you know what i’m trying to say….
-Why didn’t you tell me before?!
-I didn’t want to hurt you Harvey, believe me this hurts me deeply, if i had known that i’d have to kill you, i’d have never brought you to the agency in first place.
Harvey quickly ran towards Deimos, he lifted his cane and shoot BANG, Harvey fell to the floor.
-All of you are free to go, Deimos started walking towards his ship.
-Do you really expect us to continue with our lives and let you go after you killed our friend?!-Moirs yelled-
-It would be the wisest thing to do-Deimos replied-
-Good thing, i’m not that wise-Jerek said and prepared his gun.-
Vivienne was about to tell her men to attack when a voice interrupted her.
-NO, it won’t be necessary, i will do it-Harvey got up,there were no signs of an injury--
-This is what i feared-Deimos said-It has started.
Harvey looked different, his eyes were completely blue, electric waves were running through his body.Deimos hot again but his body disintegrated after hitting Harvey’s body.Harvey shouted.and a lighting came out of his body almost hitting Deimos,he quickly ran toward his ship as hundreds of small lightings came out of Harvey’s body hitting not only Deimos, but also everyone on their way.Deimos barely managed to enter his ship and took off, a lightning hit Moira and knocked her out.
-Harvey calm down-Jerek said, but a lightning hit him as well-
-Shoot him-Vivienne said, looking at Harvey destroying her ship-
A voice in her communicator stopped her.
-Stop, you could kill him
-Sorry Sophia, but i gotta take the risk or he will kill us all.
What should Vivienne do?
[Attack Harvey]
[Listen to Sophia]
[Listen to Sophia]
Awesome Chapter!!!
[Listen to Sophia]
By the way, can we still submit villains? I might have an idea or two.
[Attack Harvey]
Yep , you can still submit villians
Fallen Heroes
Episode 1 White Lies
Chapter 8
[Listen to Sophia]
-Sorry Sophia, but i gotta take the risk or he will kill us all.
-Don’t do it, if he dies all this would have been in vain.Listen to me! He'll calm down in a few minutes,don’t risk the whole mission.
-sigh Ok, but if he wrecks the ship.
BOOM, an explosion on the side of the ship made it shake.
-Fuck, get the shields on!
Harvey was destroying the inside of the ship.
-I hope you’re right Sophia.
He got back to the main ship.
-Sorry, i tried but… the powers activated.
-Protecting the host-A mysterious man said-My creations are even better than expected.
-What’re we going to do? You’ll still help Nekros right?
-Don’t worry, i got this covered...Did you knew that the Starslayer is not the only remaining
ship with an anti matter cannon
-You mean that…?
-It’s not powerful enough to destroy a star, but it can sure handle a couple of spaceships.
-A couple?!, they’re our men, i know some of them personally.
-Necessary sacrifices in the search for freedom.
-I won’t let you do it!
-You know that Thanatos wouldn’t survive without my help, after Nekros spent all his money in those stupid researches, and even if you fight with me you know you don’t stand a chance.
Deimos knew he didn’t have another option.
-Ok, but do it fast.
-Activate, the armageddon!-The man ordered to the ship’s crew-
-Commander, they’re activating some kind of.super gun.
-The shields will resist it.
-No they won’t -Sophia said through the communicator-
-Why do you say?-Vivienne asked-
-It’s an antimatter gun
-They still exist?! Holy....Everyone retreat!! We gotta get outta here right now!!! You the robot!!
-Sentient AI -Ne0 replied-
-Who cares?!Take this-Vivienne took a chip from his pocket and threw it to Ne0- Put it as your secondary AI, under any circumstances let it be destroyed!!
-What is it?
-Just do it!!
Vivienne knew that AI modules were extremely armored, so the important information was not lost, maybe that could resist the explosion.
-Here it comes!- A rebel said-
-Go faster!-Vivienne yeled-
-We can’t, that electric dude ruined lots of important systems!!
They shot the antimatter gun, a huge wave started destroying every ship on it’s way like a chain reaction.
-It’s about to hit us!!!
The wave hit them but quickly dissipated.
-Harvey!! -Deimos said from the main ship-
-Absorbs antimatter-The mysterious man said-Very interesting, wonder what he does with it.
A sudden power outburst went out of Harvey’s body and fell unconscious on the floor
End of Episode 1: Withe Lies
Alternative Choices
[Attack the Vehicle] The plan would still have failed but this time some of the team members would have been seriously injured.
[Kill the Target] Though Jerek wouldn't have died, he would have fallen on a coma and stay like that for the rest of the episode.
[Kill the Senator] Well the senator would have died XD, what were you expecting?
[Go to Trent's funeral] Trent's funeral was a trap from Thanatos
[Attack Harvey] Harvey wouldn't have fainted and the ship would have resulted less damaged.
What do you think that will happen on EP 2?
That was a great episode! You did a very nice job in introducing the characters and their different personalities. Gotta love Jerek and Elara
I also liked that it was kinda unpredictable, in a very good way. The only thing that I saw coming from the choices was, that the funeral was indeed a Thanatos trap. The story is exciting so far and I'm looking forward for what happens next.
Well, Harvey seems to have a strange condition that will play a role, so maybe we'll get to know more about that. Since Group 1 is now hunted by Thanatos, maybe Group 2 is forced to fight against them. But no matter what happens, I know that I am excited to read it!
By the way, is Elara still in Group 1? Since she wasn't mentioned in the last two chapters, I got the feeling that she might have been reassigned to her original group after the Bandit King has been killed.
And here are two villains. Hope you can use them in some way
Name: Hizzdahr Rezznak
Age: 35 years old
Role in the team: The Gunner
Race: Hizzdahr is an Azzrit. The Azzrit are a race of reptilian people, appearing to look like humanoid crocodiles, slightly taller than humans. They have a very social-darwinistic worldview and tend to despise weakness. As a result, the Azzrit are very prone to enhance their body with technical modifications. They are able to breath on land and under water.
Appearance: Hizzdahr is over seven feet tall and very muscular. He has very dark blue, almost black scales and glowing yellow eyes. Even for an Azzrit, his body is severely upgraded. Both of his arms are state-of-the-art cybernetics that greatly enhance his strength. His spine and legs are also severely upgraded to enhance his agility and flexibility. Lastly, part of his scales, especially in the abdominal and chest area have been replaced by a very hard material to make him partially bullet-proof. His lower jaw has also been replaced with a highly functioning prosthesis that significantly enhances his bite force and gives his voice a slightly robotic sound.
Personality: Hizzdahr is brutal and violent, sometimes even violent enough to make hardened killers flinch. He knows that his appearance is terrifying for many races and uses this to his advantage to instill fear wherever he goes. Usually, he appears to be little more than a hired muscle, even though exceptionally skilled, but behind his violent exterior, he is a dangerously intelligent and sadistic person. He is short-tempered and sometimes gets into fights simply for the pleasure of fighting someone. In a fight, he fights extremely dirty, using the surrounding area and his imposing physique to his advantage. If possible, he captures his victims alive and loves to torture them with electricity and hearing them scream. He never has any personal loyalty to his employers, but he would never switch sides, since he wants to uphold his reputation as a professional.
Extra Info: Hizzdahr is an independent bounty hunter. Over ten years ago he once worked for Thanatos, but decided that he wanted to remain independent. He is usually hired by criminals who want a cheap, but highly experienced bounty hunter. He had a past run-in with Elara, when he got hired by the associates of the crime lord she had killed. He was ordered to brutally kill her and decided to bite her to death, however she used a trick to cut off part of his lower jaw. The damage was severe enough that his whole lower jaw had to be replaced. For a few months he was actively hunting her, but ever since she joined Thanatos, he has given up on his vengeance. He still loves to torture women who look similar to her, however.
Name: Astor Nero
Age: 45
Role in the team: The Strategic
Race: Human
Appearance: Astor is a handsome man with a sleek appearance. He has fair skin and is clean-shaven, with black, back-kempt hair and green eyes. He always wears a very expensive suit and is rarely seen without a golden cane. He does not really need the cane, but uses it in the erroneous belief that it adds to his mysterious appearance. It also hides a carefully hidden gun, as a back-up weapon should he ever get into problems. He has a very melodic voice and usually speaks in a very soft tone of voice, accompanied by a very smug smile
Personality: Astor is a cultured and affable man, who just happens to be completely amoral when it comes to earn money. He is extremely arrogant, hedonistic and addicted to luxury. Usually, he is very charming, courteous and charismatic, shamelessly flirting with every woman he meets. Astor rarely gets angry and is usually very cheerful. He has a dislike for needless violence around him and is a good boss for his underlings, even forgiving them minor mistakes. He also does not like to further humiliate defeated enemies. However, this merely overplays the fact that he is absolutely ruthless against anybody who poses a severe threat to him and that he absolutely amoral as long as the consequences of his actions do not fall back on him. He is a master manipulator and has no loyalty towards anyone but himself, even stabbing business partners in the back if it works to his advantage.
Extra Info: Astor's father built up one of the galaxies largest weapon manufacturers. When he died a few years ago, Astor took over and used his wealth to gain political influence. He had no problems when it comes to deal with less than respectable people and secretly supplies both, The Federation and The Rebels. He has good contacts to Thanatos, often giving them prototype weapons to test in realistic battle situations. He is known as living a lavish lifestyle and is well-known in the Federations high-society
Yep, Elara was reassigned to her original group since she only was there to replace Trent while he was on his "special job"
i think i got some good roles for them, thanks
Thanks,glad you liked it : )
Episode 2 will start tonight
Great
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2:Fear
Chapter 1
-So you’ll tell me or what?- Hizzdahr Rezznak one of the most well known bounty hunters in the galaxy was interrogating a man, the man was tied on a chair in a dark room.-
-I...i already told you, i don’t know where he is…
-Come on, do you i’ll believe that?
-I don’t know, please let me go!
Hizzdahr hits him with the back of his gun making the chair fall along with him.He then grabs the man from the hair and puts the gun on his face.
-Tell me and i won’t kill you.
-I...don’t… know.
-Oh well, i guess life is overrated anyway-He puts his finger on the trigger-
-I knew you were a reasonable person.
-He...he is on Starlight in the Venturian System.
-That’s how it’s done, my job is done here, you tell the rest to senator Heres.
He then head towards the door, looks back and shots the man on the leg.
-AARGH You said…
-I said i wouldn’t kill you, just be thankful i didn’t have my chainsaw.
He opens the door.
-Good work as always-Heres said,he watched the whole thing through a one-way glass window on the room-
-It’s always an honor to help the federation.
Hizzdahr was an Azzrit a reptilian race known for their brutality and sense of superiority over the other races, his body was severely modified to the point where he was almost bulletproof,he was famous for his efficiency, actually he had never failed in a job, well except for one...
After the job was done he walked through the city and entered a bar.He always went drinking after finishing a job it helped him to “order his thoughts”.
-Hey, Hizzdahr-the bartender greeted him-
-Kyla, my favorite girl,how is the business going?
-I wish i could say it has been better ...the same as always?
He sat on a table, he started watching the TV.
-Thanatos has set a 10,000,000 federation credits bounty on the people who attempted to murder senator Mykas a couple of day ago, the implied are, Harvard Therys,Jerek Firkraag,Moira Ikro and a sentient AI who accompanies them, these are former employees of the company who tried to kill the senator after he hired them for protection, there was a fifth implied who was killed by the senator’s personal bodyguard Harik Domes, who heroically defended the senator and managed to save him, but unfortunately was killed by the perpetrators.
In other news the explosion in the coal mines was attributed to a gas leak …
-Are you gonna try to get them?-Kyla said putting a beer on the table-
-You already know me, though i think i have an offer they can’t refuse...
Two weeks later
-...Now take a deep breath and shoot-Elara was teaching her apprentice, Nadia, while there were no jobs available Thanatos' “employees” could win extra money by teaching the new recruits.-
New recruits practiced in “Cubes”, transparent rooms that could adapt to any training rutain, from the most basic to more intense trainings for the experienced assassins.
-Damn missed again-Nadia said-
-Don’t worry, just keep practicing.
Jeff approached them.
-Hey, how’s the training going?
-Oh hey Jeff -Elara replied-
-Could i talk to you a sec.
-Yeah,keep practicing Nadia.
-Elara i talked to Dim again and…
-I already told him,i won’t testify against them
-Yeah but he’s very insisting.
-What did the others say?
-Luthor says he doesn’t care, but Dan and Hook say they’ll do it for the money.
-What about you?
-You know i’d never refuse 30,000 credits.
-And you know i’d never testify against innocent people.
-We all know they’re innocent, but it’s just a matter of time before they capture them,and even if we don’t testify against them they’ll still go to jail.
Suddenly General Dim approached them along with to of his personal guards,he was The Keres spokesman and the second in command in Thanatos.
-Good morning Jeff.
-General Dim, i was just talking to Elara about your proposition.
-Yeah, about that, some new evidence in the senator's case was found, it suggests that Elara was implied in the conspiracy as well.
-Elara?, there must be mistake.
-We’re hoping it is, but for now Elra Thryme you’re under arrest.
-I didn’t do anything!- Elara was surprised-
-Please don’t resist, put your hands in your back.
Elara did as she was told and Dim handcuffed her, the handcuffs used by Thantos could only be opened with a key, and if the handcuffs detected that you were trying to escape, they would activate its lasers and will cut your hands.
-Take her to a cell -Dim ordered to his guards
-General Dim this can’t be right.
-We’ll do something Jeff, if you can bring me the suspects dead or alive i’ll free her.
-But how will we do it without an assassin, they have the whole rebellion covering their backs.
-Didn’t Elara have an apprentice?
-Yes, Nadia but…
-Oh yeah, Nadia, take her with you, she’ll be your new assassin.
-But General…
-It’s and order.
Elara was taken through a hall to a cell.
-Looks like they finally captured a real criminal- An inmate recognized her unifrom, they started mocking her-
-She finally entered her cell.General Dim arrived accompanied by another person.
-Hehehe, we finally meet again Elara- It was Hizzdahr- Do you remember our last time? I still haven’t forgotten-He touched his jaw which was visibly artificial-
Elara was the only person Hizzdahr couldn't kill, he had hunted her ever since she escaped, but lost interest after she joined to Thanatos, but now he had another oportunity.
-What are you doing here?! -Elara asked shocked-
-You’ll be my reward after i get those fuckers who tried to kill the good senator Mykas.
-Yes, but first you have to bring them to me- General Dim interrupted-
-That won’t be a problem, i can’t wait to have her in my hands.
-You’ll also have some partners Hizzdahr.
-I was expecting that, i mean, i’ll be fighting against the whole rebellion.
-They’re Elara’s team, they know too much about the case, we heard them talking, after you catch the criminals i want you to kill them, that way we’ll kill two birds with one stone.
-No problem, but you’ll have to pay me extra for that.
-Naturally-Dim answered-
No choices for this chapter
Awesome Chapter!!!!
Great chapter! I'm looking forward for the Team Jeff/Hizzdahr interactions. Speaking of Hizzdahr, his introduction was great. That guy is a beast indeed.
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 2
Jerek was sitting next to Harvey, he still hadn’t wake up.Vivienne enters the room.
-Something changed?-She asked-
-We’re about to land, you might want to come and meet Hanran.
They had arrived to Gaia, a space station the center of the rebellion, they were there to meet, Hanran, the leader of the rebellion.
They entered the huge space station, an android was expecting them.
-Welcome, Commander Vivienne.
-Hello, P.A.U., where’s Hanran?
-This way follow me.
They walked through a long hall which took them to a very big door.P.A.U. opened it.
Inside there was a big table with lots of papers over it, Hanran was talking with other rebels
-Vivienne!, How you doing?-He noticed them entering-
-Well, we almost died, but we’re ok.
-Glad to hear that.
-And these must be the guys you talked me about,hello my name is Hanran.
He shook everyone's hand.
-You’re younger that i thought-Jerek noticed-
-Yeah a lot of people seem to think that, for some reason they think i’ll be a huge dude with an eyepatch.
Hanran was 28 and there wasn’t really anything uncommon in his appearance, he had long bron hair, and green eyes.
-So did you bring what i told you Vivienne?-Hanran asked-
-Yeah, NE0, remember that A.I., i gave you?
-Yes,let me get it- NE0 opened his chest and took a chip out of it.-Here it is.
-What is that?-Moira asked-
-This is the reason why they killed your friend Trent-Vivienne said-Jade’s A.I.
-Wait a sec, how did you get that?-Jerek was confused-And how do you even know that exists? And how do you even know so much about us?
-Calm down-Hanran took the chip-We have contacts in Thanatos.
-We should put it in a unit-Moira suggested-
-Not yet-Hanran said-We need a very special unit to make such a complicated A.I. work. And where’s Harvey?
-He’s in a coma, i think his special abilities were too much for his own good.-Vivienne answered-
-I’m sorry to hear that-Hanran said-I hope he gets better soon.
-Commander Hanran-a rebele entered the room-The ship is ready
-Oh yeah, i’m going in a sec-Hanran replied-Well excuse me but i have to go, P.A.U. will take you to your room.
-Where are you going?-Vivienne asked-
-Spies reports say there’s slavery in Enris.-Hanran answered-I’ll go investigate.
-I’ll go-she said-
-Of course , do you want to go Jerek? -He asked-A guy like you might be useful.
-You think he’ll be fine?-Jerek asked Moira-
-Yeah he’s stable.
-Dan have you seen my toolbox?-Hook shouted-
-Why the fuck am i supposed to know?
-Dunno maybe because you traded them for alcohol the last time!
-I wouldn’t even get a freaking beer with those old tools
-Sigh Where’s Jeff anyway?
-He went to talk with Elara or something.
Jeff entered the ship.
-Everyone come here-He shouted-
-I was in the middle of something-Luthor came out of his room-This better be worth it.
-We have to new partners, you already know Nadia, Elara’s apprentice and this is Hizzdahr he’ll be with us for a while.
-Hello-Nadia greeted them-
-And Elara?-Hook asked-
-Your friend Elara was involved in the attempt of assassination of Senator Mykas, i was hired to capture the criminals and you’ll help me and try to prove Elara is innocent-Hizzdahr explained-
-Yeah basically that-Jeff confirmed-
-Well my bullshit senses are tingling-Dan said-Elara is not stupid enough to try to kill a worthless senator.
-Well she apparently was -Hizzdahr said-
.-I think this will be interesting-Dan came closer to Hizzdahr-I always like to have an asshole near in case i’m in the mood to kill him.
-Don’t become this in another Harik situation Dan-Hook said-
-I was right that time though.
-Anyway-Jeff tried to change the topic-Hook take Hizzdahr to the guest room and Nadia to Elara’s room.
-Yeah this way-Hook said-
-Luthor, you examined him-Jeff asked Luthor in a low voice when Hizzdahr was gone-
-Yeah, nothing too suspicious.
-Keep an eye on him, i don’t this that guy
What should Jerek do?
[Go with Hanran]
[Stay in the ship]
[Stay in the ship]
Awesome Chapter!!!
[Go with Hanran]
I think it might not hurt to earn the trust of the rebels.
@Purugly @TWD_25 @janitor
We need a tie breaker
Sorry for missing the last votes, I dont had much time to check the forum in the past weeks. I try my best to check it more, but cant promise anything
[Stay in the ship] For now I dont trust the rebels and think that Jerek should stay with his group.
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 3
[Stay in the ship]
-Sorry, but i can’t go, i want make sure Harvey is ok.-Jerek replied to Hanran’s proposition-
-No problem i understand, Vivienne let’s go we better hurry up
-Hanran looks like a nice guy-Moira said after they were gone-
-They have Jade’s AI-Jerek always suspected of new people-How the fuck did they get it?
-They said they have contacts in Thanatos-Ne0 reminded-
-Ever heard the word lie Ne0?
Elara was sleeping there wasn’t much to do in a cell.
-Hey, you have visit!-One of the guards yelled at her-
-Uh? Who is it?
-I don’t know just a woman.
The guard opened the cell and escorted her to the visit room.
In a table there was a woman with most of his body covered except for her eyes.
Elara sat down.
-Who are you?-Elara sked-
The woman nodded the guard, he nodded back and exited the room.
-Listen carefully, we only have 10 minutes after that the cams and microphones will activate again.
-Yeah, but who are you?
-My name is Sophia, i’m a spy for the rebels and that’s all you need to know.
-The rebels? I don’t…
The woman took out a device from her pocket and handed it to Elara, it was triangular and had a light on it
-When this thing starts to beep your cell will be open,when that happens i need you to come to the bedroom 495, and don’t let no one see you.
-Ok...When will that happen?
-I don’t know yet, it might never happen, but if it does i need you to go there ok? Your life depends on it, i gotta go.
-Wait a sec you can’t just go, i don’t even know who you are.
Sophia stood up and left the room.The guard entered and took Elara back to the cell.
-You better listen to her-He whispered to her-Believe me it’s the best thing to do.
Elara sat on her bed looking at the device.
-Ok, here we are-Hanran said-Remember act though
They were in the middle of a low class neighborhood,they were supposed to meet with the gang leader, Hanran liked to know his enemies, he was there to supposedly buy slaves from him.They were waiting for a car that would take them to him.
-I don’t like this, they were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago-Vivienne said-
-Don’t worry this guys always like to be late, you know to show that why’re the ones that pull the strings not you.
A luxurious car stopped in front of them, the door opened.The driver made a sign for them to enter.
-Nice car -Hanran tried to make a compliment-Is this one of those that can also go underwater?
The driver didn’t answered.
Vivienne and him entered the car, they sat on the back seats.
They driver activated the propellers and the car started ascending to the higher levels of the planet, Enris was divide in various levels, the higher levels were reserved for the wealthy people, while the lower levels were almost forgotten by The Federation and pretty much every law was broken there
-Sooo-Haran tried to start a conversation-Where’s the meeting?
The driver didn’t answer once again, Vivienne was about to tell him to shut up when a man came out of the trunk and pointed at both of them with a gun.
-Hey, you don’t need to do this-Hanran said while putting his hands in the air-
-The boss wants to make sure you’re not snitches first-The man on the back trunk said-
-And that’s understandable- Vivienne said-But you’ve got nothing to worry about, i can assure you.
-My boss says he wants 5000 for every man and 10000 for the women.
-No, we’ll pay 3000 for the men-Vivienne said, she knew accepting the first price would be too suspicious- And 7000 for the women.
-You’re not in the position to negotiate, you accept the prices or i’ll have two bullets less in my weapon.
-It’s ok-Hanran said- we understand the message.
The man gave a paper with an address to Hanran.
-Next Saigo, 45:00 pm -The man added-
The car stopped and they got out.
-We’ll be watching-The driver said before they drove away-
-What days is Saigo?-Vivienne asked looking at the paper-
-Motherfuckers -Hanran stated at the the car driving away-i can’t wait to put a bullet on their heads
Jerek entered Harvey’s room, there was a man looking at him.Moira was next to him
-Who is he?-Jerek said after seeing him-
The man turned back, he used a cane
-Let me introduce myself, my name is Astor Nero, you must be Jerek am i right?
-Astor Nero? The great gun manufacturer?
-I see you like guns, not many people recognise me for my work.
-He helps the rebels-Moira said-He was here to talk with Hanran.
-Yes, unfortunately it looks like he is not here at the moment-Astor had a very melodic tone in his voice-I came to visit Harvey since i have some time to spare, i hope he get better soon.
-What do you know about Harvey?-Jerek asked with distrust-
-Hanran told me about him, i don’t know too much about him but apparently he is very important for Thanatos and even the federation itself.
His holophone started ringing.
-Excuse me i have to answer a call-Astor got out of the room-
-Yet another reason not to trust the rebels-Jerek said-I’ve heard that guy makes some shady business practices.
-He also gave me an strange vibe when i met him-Moira agreed-Though i gotta admit he’s good looking.
-I’ll be back in a sec-Jerek went out of the room to-
Jerek went to the room where Hanran was when they arrived.There was no one in there.
-There’s gotta be something here, i know these guys are hiding something
Where should Jerek look first?
[Table with battle plans]
[Locked Chest]
[Bookshelf] The non-obvious place to look
Awesome Chapter!!!
Great chapter! I'm intrigued if the rebels really have stuff to hide. Personally I trust them, but I might be wrong.
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 4
Jerek approached a bookshelf first.
-There’s always a secret passage or something in these things-He thought as he started checking every book-
Among all the books one called his attention, it was a photo album,unlike the other books it wasn’t holographic, it was paper just like the old books.
-Aramus Family-Jerek read the cover and opened it-
The family in the album seemed to be very rich,they all seemed very normal however lots of the photos were ripped.
-Looks like our caring leader didn’t have the humble origins we thought-Jerek said deducing who was in the ripped parts-
He put the album back in place and kept searching, he heard the door opening.
-Jerek? What are you doing here?-Hanran entered the room-
-I was just admiring the place.
-Yeah sure…
Astor approached Hanran.
-Hey, i was waiting for you to come back-Astor greeted Hanran-
-Astor i forgot you were coming please take a seat, Jerek we’ll talk private matters.
Jerek hurried to get out of the room.
-Jerek hurry-Moira was running towards him-Harvey just woke up.
Jerek hurried to Harvey’s room.
Ne0 was helping him to stand up.
-Hey i missed you boy-Jerek said with a smile in his face-
-coughWhere am i?-Harvey said with a hoarse voice-
-We’re in the rebel ship, Gaia.-Moira answered-
-I had a strange dream…-Harvey remembered-Some people were doing experiments on me and they inserted something in the back of my head, i think it was alive.
-It might have been an hallucination caused by the shock-Ne0 suggested-
-Yeah it might have been,the part with Deimos shooting me...it wasn’t a dream right?
-No-Jerek said-
-ARRGGH-Harvey punched the wall-Why did he do it?
-He must have had his reasons-Moira said-But you should rest now.
-So do you know these guys Hizdahr?-Hook asked-
-They own me some favors-Hizzdahr answered-
They were looking for information about Harvey’s last known location.
-Dan keep your eyes opened, i don’t like this place-Jeff said-
-Hehehe don’t worry , my gun is always ready.
-Here we are-Hizzdahr said-I’ve got a contact inside
They entered a bar.
-Hello Kyla.
-Hizzdahr? You killed the guys?
-Ever seen death in the eyes?-Hizzdahr said abruptly-
-Yes-Kylar realised why he was here-It’s in the back
Kyla opened a door behind the counter, they entered.
Kyla took them through a hallway.
-We’re going to meet a guy named Yan, he’s very dangerous-Hizzdahr warned-Don’t do anything stupid, that goes specially to you Dan.
Kyla opened a door, they entered and she closed it behind them.Yan was sitting on a table, he was an Azzrit just like Hizzdahr and was surrounded by people in very expensive suits ans women with little to no clothes, he had a patch in his left eye.
-Hizzdahr!-Yan stood when he saw them entering-What can i do for an old friend like you?, i see you brought some friends, and a lady-He kissed Nadia’s hand-
-I’m trying to find the guys who tried to kill Mykas-Hizzdahr said- and i thought you might know.
-Yes, yes, sit down-Yan sat again-i’ll tell you.
Hizzdahr sat on the table.
-So?-Hizzdahr said after sitting-
-Our spies say they could be in the Gaia-Yan said-
-In the Gaia?-Hizzdahr was a little surprised-That’ll be difficult to attack.
-I know, but it’s worth the price.
-Who else is trying to get them?
-Well about ....everyone, i can’t guarantee you’ll be the first.
-Thanks Yan i gotta go.
-Going so soon?
-You know i’ve never liked your...lifestyle.
Hizzdahr got up and approached the door.
-Oh and Hizzdahr-Yan said as he was opening the door-Ever seen death in the eyes?
-SHIT, TAKE COVER-Hizzdahr yelled-
All the men in the room took out their guns and started shooting, Hizzdahr and the rest started running down the hallway.More men were awaiting them outside, Hizzdahr immdeiatly attacked them biting chunks of their throat out.
They took cover with the tables in the bar.
-Hook turrets-Jeff started shouting orders-Dan don’t let them come close, Nadia smoke bombs.
-That’s not gonna protect you from him-Hizzdahr shouted-
Yan came out of the door and took off his eyepatch, as soon as he opened his eyes a huge energy beam came out of it destroying everything came across.Nadia dropped the smoke bombs.
-That’s not gonna protect you-Yan yelled, his eye changed to heat vision-This is nothing personal Hizzdahr but i also want that money.THERE YOU ARE!
Yan shoot his laser and almost hit Dan.Nadia through various grenades, they exploded and Yan’s heat vision went crazy.
-NOW-She shouted-
While he was distracted Hizzdahr grabbed him from behind and with his claws took out Yan’s robotic eye.
-Elara taught you good kid-Jeff told Nadia-
-Thanks-She smiled-
-Dan are you ok?-Hook asked-
-Yeah it’s just a little injury.
Dan was holding his arm, it was covered in blood
-I’ll take care of him-Luthor said-
The smoke dissipated Yan’s men were dead and Hizzdahr was pointing a gun at him.
-Please don’t kill me, i...i’m sorry-Yan begged-If you kill me very dangerous people are going to go after you, don’t kill me and you’ll save yourself lots of troubles please…
Jerek was talking with Harvey when Hanran entered the room.
-So you finally decided to wake up uh?-Hanran said-
-And you are?-Harvey asked-
-He’s that Hanran guy i was talking you about-Jerek answered-
-Nice to meet you-Hanran shook Harvey’s hand-
-Thank you for helping us-Harvey said-We would have died if it wasn’t for you people.
-No problem we do it for the good of the…
-Hanran-Jerek interrupted-I wanted to ask you something...
What should Hizzdahr do?
[Kill Yan]
[Spare Yan]
What should Jerek do?
[Ask Hanran about the photo album]
[Ask Hanran about Astor]
Great chapter!
[Kill Yan], because he is clearly too dangerous to live
[Ask Hanran about Astor], because I don't think Hanran will appreciate getting interrogated about the photo album
[Kill Yan] I want trouble
[Ask Hanran about the photo album] Why not? xd
Awesome Chapter!!!!
[Kill Yan]
[Ask Hanran about the photo album]
Sorry for taking so long, this chapter was supposed to come out last week but i have been busy
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2:Fear
Chapter 5
[Kill Yan]
[Ask Hanran about the photo album]
-What did you want to ask me Jerek?
-Well, back in your office i noticed you have one of those old books, it called my attention so i opened it and i’m kind of curious about why you ripped of the photos, what are you hiding Hanran?
Hanran took a moment to answer
-Jerek, i have told you various times already that we’re trustable people, we don’t have nothing to hide, yeah that’s my family, growing up in a rich family i realised how unfair the world is to those with less money, that’s why i joined the rebellion, but people don’t tend to sympathize with you as a leader if they know you are exactly what they’re fighting against,that’s all i’m hiding, and i’m asking you the favor not to tell anybody.Goodbye Jerek.
-There were better ways to say that Jerek-Harvey said-
-Not my style.
-You should stop doing that,if they end up being the bad guys we’re in no position to fight back.
-Look me in the eyes Yan-Hizzdahr yelled-
.-Please don’t kill me, i ...i’ll give you money.
-Hizzdahr let him be-Jeff said-We don’t want troubles with the mafia.
-Shut up Jeff-Hizzdahr grabbed Yan’s neck- Now Yan look me in the fucking eyes.
Yan stared at Hizzdahr.
-This is how death looks like.
Hizzdahr grabbed Yan’s skull, smashed it and then ripped off his head.
The group was shocked.
-That was freaking unnecessary!-Hook said-
Hizzdahr approached him.
-I’m the boss now, if i want i can make your friend Elara die with a call, so you’ll follow my orders understood?!
-sigh Jerek why were you sniffing around? Right now we should be more focused on gaining their trust.
-Moira, i just don’t want the same that happened with Thanatos to happen again.
-In their defence-Harvey said-these guys don’t seem to particularly like Thanatos.
-I know i’m just trying to to say that…
-Vivienne wants us in the meeting room now-Ne0 entered the room and interrupted Jerek-
-What she wants?-Moira asked-
-I don’t know she said it’s a surprise.
-I’ll get my gun ready in case it’s the kind of surprise i think it is-Jerek said-
-Jerek come on-Moira took Jerek’s gun and throwed it to his bed-Could you freaking trust someone for once?
-Ok,but if we end up dead…
-Could you two shut up?-Harvey interrupted- We have to focus on knowing why Trent was killed and why Thanatos wants me dead, let’s not look for enemies where there isn’t!
-Yeah, i guess you’re right-Jerek agreed-
They went to the meeting room.
Luthor was healing Dan’s arm,while Hook was repairing the guns and communicators..
-I never thought i would meet someone worse than you Dan-Hook said-
-That dude will end up dead-Luthor said while bandaging Dan’s arm-Their pride always brings their fall.
-And i’ll be there to laugh-Dan smiled-
-Someone like you could beat him,Hook-Luthor said-He has too many bionic implants for my like, they could easily be hacked.
-Actually, you should do it Hook-Dan suggested-
-No, it’s not a good idea-Hook replied-Not when Elara’s life is in danger.
-Ok, that should do it Dan-Luthor finished Dan’s bandages-
Suddenly Jeff’s communicator started beeping.
-Hook here-Hook picked the call-
-Where’s Jeff-General Dim replied-
-He’s resting but i can…
-No, don’t worry-Dim said-I was calling to tell you the fugitives might be in the Gaia.
-Well it’s a bit late, we already know but thanks
-We also have a contact in there that might make your way in easier
-Really? That would really help.
-I’ll send you his contact information, his name is Astor Nero by the way.
-Thanks I’ll make sure Jeff knows.
They entered the meeting room, there was an artificial body just like Ne0’s
-Did you call us?-Jerek asked-
-Yep, we’ve got a surprise for you,see that artificial body?
-It’s Jade’s now.
-Really?!-Moira was surprised- We...we don’t know how to thank you
-You don’t have to, Jerek Harvey could you help me holding her?, It might be a rude awakening.
Vivienne inserted Jade’s chip in the body.
-TRENT!-Jade screamed as she tried to get off Harvey and Jerek’s grip-
-Calm down-Vivienne said-You’re safe now.
-Where am i? -Jade was shocked- Moira,? Harvey? Jerek? You gotta help me rescue Trent he’s in danger.
-Jade just chill for a sec-Harvey said-
-What...what happened?-Jade asked-
-Sorry but Thanatos betrayed us-Jerek explained-And they...they killed Trent.
-Trent? No, no, no but he was...he, why is my body?-Jade freaked out when she saw the artificial body-
-Jade calm down-Moira said-We’ll explain you all later.But for now we’re happy you’re back-She hugged Jade-
-Hey girl, once we’re out of here call me-Elara was already used to the inmates trying to flirt with her-
She was sitting on her cell, a guard approached her.
-You’ve got a visit.-He said-
-A visit? Who is it?
-Why should i know, are you coming or not?
The guard took her to the visit room, she was expecting Sophia again, but instead there was a man sitting in the chair, his hair was almost completely white, there were a few black hairs in his mustache and beard, his left eye and arm were bionic implants.Elara sat on the other chair.
-Nice to meet you-The man said-My name is Nekros.
-Nekros?!-Elara immediately got up-
-I know that you…
-Fuck you i’m not talking with you , i’m here because of you, you know that those guys are innocent and you still want to get them just to cover your shady operations.
-Hey, sit down-The guard said-
-No, i understand-Nekros stopped the guard-I just came to apology and tell you that i’m really sorry fo all of this, but it’s necessary.
-Necessary? A fucking bullet in your head is necessary.
-Elara i’m asking you to sit down and talk like a civilized person otherwise you can go back to your cell if you wish.
What should Elara do?
[Sit down and talk to Nekros]
[Go back to her cell]
[Sit down and talk to Nekros]
Cool chapter!
[Sit down and talk to Nekros], I'm curious what he has to say.
Very great chapter! Hizzdahr continues to be a beast, but the line of the chapter goes to Hook
[Sit down and talk to Nekros]
Again sorry for taking so long, i'll try to post at least two chapters a week from now on
Fallen Heroes
Episode 2: Fear
Chapter 6
[Sit down ans talk to Nekros]
-It’ll take time to get used to this-Jade stared at her hand while moving it.-It feels … strange.
-We’re just glad you’re with us again-Moira smiled-
-I’m having a hard time trying to figure out why Thanatos wanted Jade-Jerek was resting against the wall-
-Maybe they wanted to put brains on chips too-Harvey replied-i mean that’s a bigt technological jump.
-And why did they want you dead for that?-Jerek said-There’s obviously somethign else to all of this.
-Wasn’t it obvious….AARRGH
Harvey put his hands on his head and fell to the floor, he was clearly in pain.
-Harvey!-Moira kneeled to examine him-Harvey calm down ,calm down.
Moira looked in the back of his head, there was something moving beneath his skin.
-Ok, i’ll talk to you -Elara replied-But this better not be a trap
Elara sat on the chair again.
-I wanted to see the girls that will die because of me.
-This is a honor stuff then...
-Elara-Nekros started talking- i know that i look like the bad guy to you, and maybe i am but this is more complicated than it seems...
-It’s not complicated, you just want money, simple as that.
-A long time ago i learned that money is worthless.
-Then you’re doing this for the “greater good” aren’t you?
-Ha, no i don’t want to be remembered as a hero or anything
-Then why are you doing it?
Nekros was about to talk when he saw Elara’s eyes.
-No, no … STOP IT!-He shouted suddenly-
-What the....-Elara was surprised-
-WHY ARE YOU STILL HAUNTING ME?!-Nekros was going crazy-
-Ok, i think i will go now.
-Yeah, i’m very sure i’ll go now. Guard open the door please.
Nekros suddenly slammed the table and calmed down.
-Maybe ,maybe this wasn’t the right time to talk-He said, his hand was shaking- It was a pleasure to meet you Elara.
-I wish i could say the same.
The guard took Elara back to her cell
-Jeez, that guy some serious issues?-Elara said-
Nadia was cleaning her rifle, she was trying to do it just like Elara had taught her.
-Hello there-Hizzdahr entered suddenly-You’re Nadia aren’t you?
-Yeah, and you’re the jerk who took us to that hellhole aren’t you?
-Hey, i didn’t know Yan was going to get so aggressive.
-You’re drunk, i can smell the alcohol from here, get out of here now!
-Don’t worry i’m not kind of guy.
-Get out of here NOW!
-Why? Are you afraid of me?
-You wouldn’t scare a fly.
-Hizzdahr!-Jeff interrupted the conversation-Leave her alone!
-Or what?
-Hizzdahr i am the captain of this ship and…
-And i have the control over your friend’s life so i suggest you to…
-I suggest you to shut the fuck up-Dan said putting his gun on Hizzdahr’s head-
-You wouldn’t dare-Hizzdahr grabbed Dan’s gun-Be careful where you aim that, those aren’t toys you know?-He dropped the gun and went back to his room-
-I’m sorry for that Nadia-Jeff said-
-Don’t worry, i just want to get Elara back as fast as we can.
-We all do.
-Jeff-Hook approached them-We got a message from Dim, he has a contact in the Gai that can make our way in easier.
-Really?Finally some good news for once
-Got the results-Jerek asked-
-According to the X-rays-Moira answered-He has something in the back of his neck, that’s what must be causing the headaches.
-He said something about a dream when he woke up, do you think it has something to do with that?
-But when do you think it happened? We’ve been with him all the time.
-The rebels!,they’re the only ones who could have possibly done it.
-Don’t start with that again Jerek.
-Think about it, they could have done it while we were sleeping.
-Well yeah but i don’t know.
Ne0 entered the room.
-The blood analysis seem normal-Ne0 said-But he certainly has something in.his head,the tests suggest it’s some kind of parasite.
-A parasyte? Eww-Jerek shivered- If there’s something i fear is that.
-Really?-Moira said-The great Jerek fears a bunch of little animals.
-Shut up, it’s not like they freak me out
-Yeah whatever you say.
-Do you think you can take it out?-Ne0 asked Moira-
-Not we the equipment we have in this ship, i also need more people plus that’s an area i normally don’t like to touch, it’s too sensible.
-So Harvey is stuck with a parasite in the back of his head, this couldn’t be anyworse.
-Don’t say that, or it will get worse, it can always get worse-Moira said-
-This needs to stop Nekros-A man injecting Nekros said- These episodes are really bad for your health.
-I can’t stop them-Nekros replied- There’s always something...something that triggers the memories.
-Ok, this should calm you down for a bit.
-Thank you.
-You don’t have to thank me.
-No, you have saved my life more than i can count.
-Well if you didn’t get in so many troubles.
-We always got in troubles, and you were always there to saves us, and then they say the medic isn’t important.
Deimos suddenly walked into the room.
-Nekros, Ein -Deimos said-He wants to talk with us.
Nekros and Ein went to the communication room.
-Here they are-Deimos said-
-Where’s Mono? -The voice in the speaker said, he was the same man who was in the ship with Deimos when they attacked the rebels-
-She’s not here right now-Nekros answered-
-What do you want now?-Ein asked-
-I just wanted to tell you that the attack is ready, Astor is about to be contacted by Jeff’s group and as soon as i say it’s ok, we’ll attack.
-But what about Jade?-Nekros asked- Will she be ok?
-Don’t worry, i have everything covered
-I don’t want this to be another failed attack like in the coal mines-Deimos said-
-We can call that a “test”-The man said- At least we know it works, don’t we?
-I don’t want any more tests-Nekros said with an authoritarian tone-
-As i said i have everything covered, but for now you should prepare because we’ll attack soon, very soon...
No choices for this chapter
Awesome Chapter!