I started with the Infograms classic Sphinx Adventure on the BBC Micro. I think I was 5 and played with my Dad (I have fond memories on him drawing huge intricate maps on A2 boards). These led onto other text adventures such as Leather Goddess on Phobos and THHGTTG.
I then played some early Sierrra games such as the original Larry (I learnt what a condom was from that game when I was 11) and Space / Police quests.
It was then onto the Golden Age of Lucasarts, and the rest as they say, is history.
I started gaming in 1988 I think. It's ages ago... and I still can't figure out which was the first adventure game I'd played. Was it Zak McKraken or Police Quest 1? Aarrrghh...
Anyway, I only seriously game in 1991 with my 25MHz 386 PC. Great days!
I was um... well let me work it out. Probably 7 or 8? First adventure game I ever played was Lechuck's revenge... which began my passion for the genre. I searched for YEARS to get a copy of that bloody game, the copy I had been playing was a pirated copy that belonged to a family friend so yeah...
After that, my father bought me DOTT brand new (so 1993? making me 8) which I ADORED and i remember searching for Sam and Max after playing the demo that came with DOTT. I played that demo to DEATH hahaha. We found a second hand copy advertised in the newspaper after about 6 months of trawling the want/sale ads and drove across the city to get it. I WAS SO HAPPY heh. Played that game constantly, lol.
We went to America when I was ooo, about 9? And I found in Walmart or Kmart or somewhere similar the Lucasarts adventure collection.. which included MI1! I think it cost about $20 which was a LOT for a kid but it had like, 5 games included.. all of which I played through over the years. I've only ever finished Zak Mackraken the once though, it's just SO LONG. I fell in love with Loom heheh.
Every year for christmas or a birthday i'd get a computer game. Most often adventure, more often than not Lucasarts. Though of course, my Dad also got me obsessed with Creatures and the Sims hahaha.
Anyway, i'm now 24.
Interestingly, I still own and have played very few Sierra games. I've only played KQ7 out of that series because the constant death thing annoyed me. Oh man, I was SO SCARED of the boogie man as a kid hahahaha. It's those long legs and his voice... ew.
Of course, we had games before Lechucks revenge came out. We had an Amstrad when i was really little which included on it a text based adventure which I can't recall the name of. It started with you on a raft, first command was "land raft" and I recall a point where you climb a tree and find a tin can in a bird nest... picking this up kills you. Anyone have any idea? I found the deaths in that game hilariously unreasonable lol.
Never got too far.
I think we must have had Zork at some point as well. I just don't remember how old I was when that particular love started. Hehehe. Most of the games we had when I was really young were Apogee platformers. YAY! I still get all nostelgic when I load up Commander Keen 4 or Cosmos cosmic adventure. I think Jill of the Jungle was the first platformer I ever finished on my own, I was so proud of myself.
I was only about 5 (maybe younger) when I started playing adventure games. I got addicted to Sierra's EcoQuest games. My first Lucasarts one was Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis which I got a couple of years later. Now I am 19 and addicted to adventure games in general.
I was in the 7-10 range, I don't really remember. My family and I didn't own a computer until I was in High School, but a friend had a computer and was a huge Kings Quest fan. I liked Space Quest better, but we'd play those adventure games along with Day of the Tentacle and Sam and Max. I really liked adventure games, but I didn't like how my friend played them (try every item on everything until it works).
By the time I got my own computer, I thought adventure games were dead. SBCG4AP changed that, and I came here and quickly bought that and the first two seasons of Sam and Max. I like how those games work (much easier controls to work with then the original Sam and Max), and they were absolutely hilarious (just like Space Quest). I was hooked on TellTale's style of comedy and have since bought Tales of Monkey Island even though I never played the original. I probably shouldn't play these as much as I do (I've got experiements to do in the lab, but they'll get done... someday.)
The first game I remember finishing was kings quest. But I played an adventure before that on an Apple Computer.. i do not remember the games name and I did not finish it... sorcellerie or something..it was called.
I am now 39...
When I was about 7 or 8 years old, my father brought home a very little known gem called "Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender". Although in retrospect, it wasn't a very appropriate game for a young girl, to say the least; but my father always told me to turn my head if something was too bad, and he always explained things to me like an adult, so I would understand.
Afterwards, he introduced me to The Legend of Kyrandia, Monkey Island, Sam and Max, Full Throttle, Space Quest, Kings Quest, all the old classics. He also gave me Eco Quest, and I must say, I will STILL play through that game. I realize it's supposed to be "edutainment" for children, but the music, the game play, and the puzzles were absolutely fantastic. I will always remember when you give your pet hamster water, and he starts dancing around in his cage. Too. Cute. For. Words. Eco-Quest is ultimate win.
My father and I always played video games together, and we still do to this day. When I told him about the new Monkey Island series coming out along with the REMAKE of the first, he was as excited as I am.
I am currently 22, and there isn't a single game, with perfect graphics, and some pumped up hero with a gun the size of my height, that could ever compare to the adventure games I grew up with.
Some of my best memories are of playing adventure games with my dad. I'm fortunate enough that we can still play the new ones together, and am grateful that Telltale Games has decided to breathe new life into an almost forgotten genre.
For me to pick a favorite would be absolutely impossible. The sheer joy that these games have brought into my life throughout the years is just such a wonderful thing. Thank you for letting me share.
-Miss X-
P.S. As a newbie to the boards, I'd figure this would be an appropriate introduction. Hello, and thanks for having me! =]
I don't remember exactly how old I was, I wasn't out of elementary school yet, but the first two adventure games I played were Pirate's Cove and Impossible Mission on our old Commodore Vic 20.
I liked Pirate's Cove better than Impossible Mission, mainly because IM didn't have as well described environments so it was easy to get mentally lost trying to find specific rooms and there was a timer built into the game, so if you got lost you wound up losing the game pretty easily.
I never managed to beat Pirate's Cove, but my brother pulled it off once. But it was still fun.
Then I had a copy of Space Quest that I gave up on when I couldn't beat the crushing room section at the start of the game.
Then I got a copy of Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and, while I never beat it, it did hook me on the point and click games. Then, of course, I discovered Sam N Max and there was no turning back.
My first adventure was Larry 1 which i played at a friends house. Which was around 87-88 i think, i was 10 years old (i'm now 31). Later that year i got an amiga which i bought with birthday savings. It was my firt intention to buy aa commodore 128, but the shopkeeper said it was about to become obsolete, and the amiga was the machine of the future.
I'm glad i listened, I had 6 golden years on that machine. My first adventure i played alone was hero quest 1 : so you want to be a hero? I paid a whopping 100$ for it at the time which was a LOT of money (got i for my birthday). Never completed it on the amiga. Later came maniac mansion and then monkey island, legend of kyrandia and many more.
I'm still an avid adventure gamer and i have large collection of them.
My first adventure game was Murder on the Mississippi, but it was just another game at the time. I didn't really try to catagorize games like I automatically do nowadays when I go looking for a new game ("nah, I don't really feel like a racing game today"). Here's the game though: http://lemon64.com/games/details.php?ID=1752
From then on, I was conscously looking out for new adventure games to play - and eventually it took up maybe more than 50% of my Amiga games collection *cough*pirated*cough*. I was a naughty boy back then, now I don't even want to play a game that I've obtained illegally.
Started my adventure with adventure games about 1995. I was about 9 or 10 that time and my first memory is Leisure Suit Larry (yeah, those little, dirty games for me, a little dirty-minded child). I belive the first I finished was LSL 5 (the easiest one). And yeah, I remember Teenagent - that's a little funny game which was in my language, so I could understand everything ; ) Later my schoolmate's brother showed me some old clasics and that's how it started : )
23 now.
I was 5 or 6 when I somehow found Gobliiins on my first computer and I pretty much guessed my way through half the game and I never finished it (since this was a sierra game I died a lot) and now I'm 16 and I've finally finished it now all I have to do is finish the other two.
I am 33 now but haven't got a clue how old I was when I forst started on Adventure games. the first game I had, which I loved and still hold a flame for, was "Adventure" on the Acorn Electron. It was a text game, "throw axe" "walk east" and 20 years or so later I'm probably still lost in the forest! It was Monkey Island that caught my attention on the PC and really I've only played all of those and a couple of similar Discworld games, back in the day when they were mainly DOS games and then Windows 95! This'll be my first foray into adventure games again for years.. can't wait! I'll have to play fast though as I have a baby on the way and won't have time after December
21 now, first adventure game would've been when I was 5 or 6 or so, it was a text adventure game called "Cops" (possibly a Beverley Hills cop, can't remember) on the BBC Micro or some rubbish brit computer. All I remember is my buddy kept calling me a "jive turkey" and a gang throwing dice in a derelict warehouse kept shooting me. Being 6 or so I proceeded to put the game down the toilet to force it to become entertaining. First adventure game I truly fell in love with was Broken Sword when I was 8 or 9 or so, Discworld and Monkey Island followed soon after
ALso f anyone can help me out, I can confirm that THIS is the theme to the crap Cops game, can't get any more info on it though
let's see, i think i was about 10 or maybe 12 when i started playing Monkey Island.. I hardly knew any English but i thought it was fun enough:) I'm 24 now by the way..
The first adventure game I ever played was 'The Secret of Monkey Island' back when it first came out, so I guess I've been playing adventure games for about 19 years, I'm 27 now. It's certainly good to be able to go back to my adventure game roots after all this time. Thanks Telltale
Then I became a rabid Sierra fanboy for years! (I definitely lean towards LucasArts nowadays, tho.) I'm 32 now.
Charming side-note...I got Police Quest I for my 8th birthday. Gotta love the things that happen when your mom doesn't understand what she's buying. (That game taught me all about prostitution, how to play 5-card draw poker, etc. Good times.)
Just trying to figure out where the community stands, even though it's pretty obvious that almost all members are teens. Could a mod please sticky this?
13-19 = The World Domination Committee
20-29 = Attend College, Join Socialist Party, Blog About It On Your $4000 Netbook, Wave Flag of Man Who Murdered Civilians
30-39 = Where Did All The Years Go?
40-49 = Pedophiles & Creeps Galore
50-59 = Back In 'Nam My Squad Was Ambushed By Charlie And...
60+ = Sent From My (iPhone) Nursing Home
I then played some early Sierrra games such as the original Larry (I learnt what a condom was from that game when I was 11) and Space / Police quests.
It was then onto the Golden Age of Lucasarts, and the rest as they say, is history.
Anyway, I only seriously game in 1991 with my 25MHz 386 PC. Great days!
After that, my father bought me DOTT brand new (so 1993? making me 8) which I ADORED and i remember searching for Sam and Max after playing the demo that came with DOTT. I played that demo to DEATH hahaha. We found a second hand copy advertised in the newspaper after about 6 months of trawling the want/sale ads and drove across the city to get it. I WAS SO HAPPY heh. Played that game constantly, lol.
We went to America when I was ooo, about 9? And I found in Walmart or Kmart or somewhere similar the Lucasarts adventure collection.. which included MI1! I think it cost about $20 which was a LOT for a kid but it had like, 5 games included.. all of which I played through over the years. I've only ever finished Zak Mackraken the once though, it's just SO LONG. I fell in love with Loom heheh.
Every year for christmas or a birthday i'd get a computer game. Most often adventure, more often than not Lucasarts. Though of course, my Dad also got me obsessed with Creatures and the Sims hahaha.
Anyway, i'm now 24.
Interestingly, I still own and have played very few Sierra games. I've only played KQ7 out of that series because the constant death thing annoyed me. Oh man, I was SO SCARED of the boogie man as a kid hahahaha. It's those long legs and his voice... ew.
Of course, we had games before Lechucks revenge came out. We had an Amstrad when i was really little which included on it a text based adventure which I can't recall the name of. It started with you on a raft, first command was "land raft" and I recall a point where you climb a tree and find a tin can in a bird nest... picking this up kills you. Anyone have any idea? I found the deaths in that game hilariously unreasonable lol.
Never got too far.
I think we must have had Zork at some point as well. I just don't remember how old I was when that particular love started. Hehehe. Most of the games we had when I was really young were Apogee platformers. YAY! I still get all nostelgic when I load up Commander Keen 4 or Cosmos cosmic adventure. I think Jill of the Jungle was the first platformer I ever finished on my own, I was so proud of myself.
But I digress.
By the time I got my own computer, I thought adventure games were dead. SBCG4AP changed that, and I came here and quickly bought that and the first two seasons of Sam and Max. I like how those games work (much easier controls to work with then the original Sam and Max), and they were absolutely hilarious (just like Space Quest). I was hooked on TellTale's style of comedy and have since bought Tales of Monkey Island even though I never played the original. I probably shouldn't play these as much as I do (I've got experiements to do in the lab, but they'll get done... someday.)
I am now 39...
I think I was 12, "Adventure on Planet X" or something. A text adventure for Commodore 16.
I'm 35 years old.
Afterwards, he introduced me to The Legend of Kyrandia, Monkey Island, Sam and Max, Full Throttle, Space Quest, Kings Quest, all the old classics. He also gave me Eco Quest, and I must say, I will STILL play through that game. I realize it's supposed to be "edutainment" for children, but the music, the game play, and the puzzles were absolutely fantastic. I will always remember when you give your pet hamster water, and he starts dancing around in his cage. Too. Cute. For. Words. Eco-Quest is ultimate win.
My father and I always played video games together, and we still do to this day. When I told him about the new Monkey Island series coming out along with the REMAKE of the first, he was as excited as I am.
I am currently 22, and there isn't a single game, with perfect graphics, and some pumped up hero with a gun the size of my height, that could ever compare to the adventure games I grew up with.
Some of my best memories are of playing adventure games with my dad. I'm fortunate enough that we can still play the new ones together, and am grateful that Telltale Games has decided to breathe new life into an almost forgotten genre.
For me to pick a favorite would be absolutely impossible. The sheer joy that these games have brought into my life throughout the years is just such a wonderful thing. Thank you for letting me share.
-Miss X-
P.S. As a newbie to the boards, I'd figure this would be an appropriate introduction. Hello, and thanks for having me! =]
I liked Pirate's Cove better than Impossible Mission, mainly because IM didn't have as well described environments so it was easy to get mentally lost trying to find specific rooms and there was a timer built into the game, so if you got lost you wound up losing the game pretty easily.
I never managed to beat Pirate's Cove, but my brother pulled it off once. But it was still fun.
Then I had a copy of Space Quest that I gave up on when I couldn't beat the crushing room section at the start of the game.
Then I got a copy of Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and, while I never beat it, it did hook me on the point and click games. Then, of course, I discovered Sam N Max and there was no turning back.
I'm 33 now.
I'm glad i listened, I had 6 golden years on that machine. My first adventure i played alone was hero quest 1 : so you want to be a hero? I paid a whopping 100$ for it at the time which was a LOT of money (got i for my birthday). Never completed it on the amiga. Later came maniac mansion and then monkey island, legend of kyrandia and many more.
I'm still an avid adventure gamer and i have large collection of them.
But this is actually the game that really got me into the genre: http://hol.abime.net/2316
From then on, I was conscously looking out for new adventure games to play - and eventually it took up maybe more than 50% of my Amiga games collection *cough*pirated*cough*. I was a naughty boy back then, now I don't even want to play a game that I've obtained illegally.
Just turned 32 on 8th of August.
I'm officially in my mid 20's now - I turned 25 on August the 18th.
23 now.
ALso f anyone can help me out, I can confirm that THIS is the theme to the crap Cops game, can't get any more info on it though
Then I became a rabid Sierra fanboy for years! (I definitely lean towards LucasArts nowadays, tho.) I'm 32 now.
Charming side-note...I got Police Quest I for my 8th birthday. Gotta love the things that happen when your mom doesn't understand what she's buying. (That game taught me all about prostitution, how to play 5-card draw poker, etc. Good times.)
13-19 = The World Domination Committee
20-29 = Attend College, Join Socialist Party, Blog About It On Your $4000 Netbook, Wave Flag of Man Who Murdered Civilians
30-39 = Where Did All The Years Go?
40-49 = Pedophiles & Creeps Galore
50-59 = Back In 'Nam My Squad Was Ambushed By Charlie And...
60+ = Sent From My (iPhone) Nursing Home