Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • I feel like Max will find a way to go back again and let William die again, then tell Chloe about what would happen

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Might even be a choice to restore the previous universe or stay in the alternate one.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I feel like Max will find a way to go back again and let William die again, then tell Chloe about what would happen

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited May 2015

    Or the kiss could mean nothing . She only kiss her because Chloe dared her to.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    Just because you didn't kiss Chloe, doesn't mean your Max isn't Bi. You're assuming that the player gets to choose the characters sexuality, and you may be right, but it could be that the player just chooses whether to act on it and/or who Max likes.

  • But in the RV Max literally said Chloe would want to kiss her again.

    And come on! There was so much sexual tension between them!

    Cope49 posted: »

    Or the kiss could mean nothing . She only kiss her because Chloe dared her to.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Not in playthrough she didn't ...

    My Max is about Warren.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    But in the RV Max literally said Chloe would want to kiss her again. And come on! There was so much sexual tension between them!

  • I'd really like to think that will happen. I imagine right now that the creators are hearing the fans and players begging for Max to restore history to its original order. And if Joyce is really dead in this alternate reality, then... Well, shit.

    In my mind, I think Max will be so shocked about Chloe's disabled condition that she tells her and William everything about her rewind power, going back into the past, what she did during that time, how hard she tried to save him and how everything is supposed to be. Maybe even look at the same picture from that day and beg it to take her back so she can fix everything. And by the time she does return to her original reality, half the episode will be over.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I feel like Max will find a way to go back again and let William die again, then tell Chloe about what would happen

  • Like freelancepolicefan11 said, you have no reason to hate this alternate Chloe, she's probably completely different from the Chloe in the original timeline, who I hate as well. If we can get the original Chloe in a wheelchair, that would be great.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    * 7/10. * Episode 2. * Episode 1. * Stay. I hate Chloe a LOT. So I don't give a shit if she's in a wheelchair. * NO. IF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENS IN THE GAME I WILL OPENLY BOYCOTT DONTNOD ENTERTAINMENT.

  • Awesome episode :)

    It kinda reminded me of back to the future the game (Ironicaly made by Telltale) especially during the alternate timeline bit (Which was the cliffhanger for episode 3 in that game too....weird).

    Also i don't know if anyone mentioned this but remember that part where Chloe wants to steel from handy-caps.................Yeah even in video games Karma is the most powerful force in the universe (Or Multiverse i guess considering all these alternate timelines).

    Wait i just thought of something. Could it be possible that all timelines exist and Max is just able to travel between them by going back to the divergence point? (Think of it like a railroad track). In that case Max isn't really "changing" anything she's just adapting her own reality to lead to an already existing outcome. But that would mean that the other timeline still exists. And quite possibly that another Max from this timeline went back and swiched her past to lead to the outcome that our Max came from. But that would.......................Forget it i probably thought way too into this. And anyway even if that was the case it really dosen't change anything............... does it?

  • Alt text

    Oh, my God, haha. Good eye you got there.

    TheShyGuy posted: »

    An anagram on Max's shirt

  • I don't consider 7's very positive

    Episode 3 has got a lot of very positive reviews.

  • I'm new to this thing and the first thing that popped up when I searched for Life Is Strange thread was this website. As you can tell by my name and icon I'm a Life is Strange fan but I'm also a huge fan of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us.

    By the way did anyone else notice that Max is Chloe’s lock screen?

    Alt text

  • Strange, for me it was Chloe and Rachel.

    ChloePrice posted: »

    I'm new to this thing and the first thing that popped up when I searched for Life Is Strange thread was this website. As you can tell by my

  • Really? Well, then I guess it depends on how much of a good or bad friend you've been to Chloe with your choices. I've been a good friend, so she had Max's pic on her phone for me, too. If it was Chloe and Rachel for you, then I guess that means you've been a bad friend.

    Strange, for me it was Chloe and Rachel.

  • I'm cool with that, I don't like Chloe.

    Really? Well, then I guess it depends on how much of a good or bad friend you've been to Chloe with your choices. I've been a good friend, s

  • Same here. I wonder how that happens?

    Strange, for me it was Chloe and Rachel.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Well welcome to the forums!

    ChloePrice posted: »

    I'm new to this thing and the first thing that popped up when I searched for Life Is Strange thread was this website. As you can tell by my

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    It's gotten me FAR more excited, I love it when time travel games take use of alternative realities.

    Can you imagine what they could do? Max being what she always opposed (a Vortex Club member) maybe she could've been the one to drive Kate over the edge in an alternative reality. Or even something as crazy as her being friends with Nathan! I'm really looking forward to how this plays out, it's gonna be a very different thing and I'm really looking forward to it.

    Pretty sure Max will revert the timeline back to the original at the end of the episode, but I'm quite looking forward to this one. Hope we spend most of the episode in this new timeline though, I want to see what kind of reputation she has in this alternative Blackwell.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    It's getting most 8's from what I've seen, it's the highest rated episode yet according to Metacritic.

    I don't consider 7's very positive

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    I'm pretty sure it has to do with Max answering the phone in the diner. Chloe REALLY overreacted to that. Doesn't hurt to mention that Kate needed Max more than Chloe needed Max at that time. Guess Max saving her life twice wasn't good enough to be the picture on her phone.

    Welcome to the forum by the way!

    Really? Well, then I guess it depends on how much of a good or bad friend you've been to Chloe with your choices. I've been a good friend, s

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    Am I the only one who actually finds it outright disturbing that killing Frank's dog is a choice? Throwing that dog into traffic would just be outright evil in my opinion.

  • BenPauIBenPauI Banned

    So Dontnod is bouncing ideas around for a second season. They even said Life is Strange lip synch issue might be fixed for Season 2. I can't believe I'm just now finding out about this. This makes me hella happy.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'm not sure if the dog's dead, it might only be injured.

  • Not sure how I feel about the alternate universe, because it basically retcons the story and instead of your choices mattering it's made all of your decisions blatantly pointless (at least until you get back to your universe).

    The positives are:

    potential for more Kate - assuming Max went to last week's Vortex Club party instead of Kate, meaning there's no viral video, so Kate didn't commit/attempt suicide and isn't in the hospital.

    potential to meet Rachel Amber - assuming the reason she disappeared could have been retconned by not having the same relationship with Chloe. She may even be living in your dorm room. If you can talk to her, you can gather clues as to why she might have disappeared in your universe, then use that information when you go back.

    Friendly Victoria means the writers can develop her character more and you can actually find out more about her motivations without running into a wall of snark. Same with David.

  • Me too!! I swear I had watered the plant twice! dammit telltale! I mean SE and Dontwhatever!

    No!!!! Damnit I drowned the plant. I'm sorry Lisa

  • Less climatic ending?! as Wiston would say Jesus are u fkn kidding me??

  • I didn't hesitate to kiss her. And Kate sent me a text! lol

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    And since we're on friendly terms with Victoria and she's usually on friendly terms with Nathan, we could learn about all the people who won't give us the time of day. It'll be interesting.

  • There has to be a second season...there has to be.

    BenPauI posted: »

    So Dontnod is bouncing ideas around for a second season. They even said Life is Strange lip synch issue might be fixed for Season 2. I can't believe I'm just now finding out about this. This makes me hella happy.

  • If Rachel is somehow stuck in the Dark Room repeating events over and over, than maybe Nathan's insanity is because he is seeing it more and more.

    Nathan did something in the dark room, did whatever horrible thing that Rachel experienced to make her jump back and thus he is directly involved in the power loop.

    Here is my revised theory: Rachel Amber is Max from the "new timeline" where she is popular. She eventually befriends Chloe (maybe even starts out being all douchey and "pretending" or on a dare, something vortex club members would do), and goes back in time to try and prevent her accident. How does she do this? By making sure Chloe can't drive a car (im assuming car accident caused disability), and making her Dad go out to get something. In doing so, she changes the future drastically and accidentally causes an alternate version of herself. And the reason she be-friends Chloe after Max leaves is because she knows Max leaves, and can't meet Max otherwise cause a paradox of some kind. 

    And Rachel later gets involved in blackwell trying to meet/interact with her old friends again. But in doing so gets involved in this Vortex club shit. 

    But now, new Max has gone an reversed that event. This is creating a cycle, a cyclone if you will, within time. A paradox that keeps repeating and causing itself over and over again. The end result being that the town just dies in disaster. The only way to solve this is to bring both Maxes together (wherein they therefore need to find Rachel), or to just remove Chloe from the equation before Max goes back to change her dad's death/her paralysis. If Chloe died any of the previous times, and Max lived with that, then the paradox would be resolved. She wouldn't have motive to go back to that day in the first place, and Rachel would forever be trapped in time in the dark room. It would be a way to remove her from the timeline she didn't belong in.

    So the end of the game will feature a few choices: either save Rachel (and therefore having the Max's meet, probably killing "new Max" that could not function properly without time travel). Or go back to day one and let Chloe die using the photo of the butterfly. Thereby saving Max's new life, but also stopping her from going back to save Chloe and removing her powers. Rachel returns to her original timeline. Alternatively, All live but Rachel must take Chloe away from Max, to ensure that the timeline doesn't get screwed up again (If Max and Chloe admit/have romantic feelings, which can be a player choice). In that way, Rachel and Chloe have a "happy ending" but Max loses her's with Chloe.

    The moral and theme of the story being acceptance of life and mistakes/loss. Chloe must accept either her disability or her Dad's death. Max must accept Chloe's death and that she cannot be perfect or fix everything, just be herself. They must accept that sometimes there is no perfect ending and just to let life happen without the constant redo's and revisions.

  • edited May 2015

    Much like Telltale's decisions 'tailoring' the story rather than changing it, I feel like the writers of Life is Strange have missed their potential at times with this game. The structure of the game, plus the rewind feature means they could have done a lot more with your decisions, but somehow they still haven't. For instance, as far as I can tell, you can make all the right choices with Kate (intervene with David, tell her to go to the police, answer her phone call) and yet she still jumps if you give arbitrarily wrong answers on the roof. So your previous choices are really just fodder for callback dialogue and don't really achieve anything, when they easily could have done.

    Here's an extrapolation on a scene from episode 3, that could have made your decisions at least seem like they had a bearing on the action.
    Max and Chloe are snooping in Frank's RV. Chloe has just found out about Rachel and Frank and is upset. Now as far as I can see, you leave the RV Chloe chucks the keys away and they get into Chloe's car and drive off.

    That basically happens no matter what choices you've made previously. Instead, what about this layout that has different options:

    Max and Chloe are snooping in Frank's RV. Chloe has just found out about Rachel and Frank and is upset.

    If 1) Chloe still has David's gun, 2) Chloe stole the cash, 3) The dog got hit by the truck, then: Option A

    If 1) Chloe still has David's gun, 2) Chloe stole the cash, 3) The dog didn't get hit, then: Option B & C

    If 1) Chloe still has David's gun, 2) Chloe didn't steal the cash, 3)The dog got hit by the truck, then: Option A

    If 1) Chloe still has David's gun, 2) Chloe didn't steal the cash, 3)The dog didn't get hit, then: Option C & D

    If 1) Frank has David's gun, 2) Chloe stole the cash, 3) The dog got hit by the truck, 4) You gave Chloe back the gun, then: Option A

    If 1) Frank has David's gun, 2) Chloe stole the cash, 3) The dog got hit by the truck, 4) You left the gun in the RV, then Option A

    If 1) Frank has David's gun, 2) Chloe stole the cash, 3) The dog didn't get hit, 4) You gave Chloe back the gun, then: Option B & C

    If 1) Frank has David's gun, 2) Chloe stole the cash, 3) The dog didn't get hit, 4) You left the gun in the RV, then Option B

    If 1) Frank has David's gun, 2) Chloe didn't steal the cash, 3) The dog got hit by the truck, 4) You gave Chloe back the gun, then: A

    If 1) Frank has David's gun, 2) Chloe didn't steal the cash, 3) The dog got hit by the truck, 4) You left the gun in the RV, then Option A

    If 1) Frank has David's gun, 2) Chloe didn't steal the cash, 3) The dog didn't get hit, 4) You gave Chloe back the gun, then: C & D

    If 1) Frank has David's gun, 2) Chloe didn't steal the cash, 3) The dog didn't get hit, 4) You left the gun in the RV, then Option D

    OPTION A: Max and Chloe leave. Frank doesn't realise you broke in or that his dog was hit by the truck. (Even though half the scenarios end in option A, most people wouldn't let the dog get hit by the truck, so it wouldn't be that common)

    OPTION B: The dog loses interest in the bone and starts barking at you. Frank hears and comes out wondering how the dog got out and where his keys have gone. He confronts you and threatens to tell the cop in the diner that you broke into his RV, if Chloe doesn't pay him what she owes immediately. She does and he agrees to stay away from you. Max and Chloe leave.

    OPTION B & C: The dog loses interest in the bone and starts barking at you. Frank hears and comes out wondering how the dog got out and where his keys have gone. He confronts you and threatens to tell the cop in the diner that you broke into his RV. Chloe pulls the gun on him and accidentally shoots him dead. Max takes the gun from her and rewinds so that Chloe no longer has the gun. Chloe reaches for the gun, but doesn't have it. Max tells Chloe to pay Frank what she owes. She does and he agrees to stay away from you. Max and Chloe leave.

    OPTION C & D: The dog loses interest in the bone and starts barking at you. Frank hears and comes out wondering how the dog got out and where his keys have gone. He confronts you and threatens to tell the cop in the diner that you broke into his RV. Chloe pulls the gun on him and accidentally shoots him dead. Max takes the gun from her and rewinds so that Chloe no longer has the gun. Chloe reaches for the gun, but doesn't have it. She doesn't have the money to pay him, but Max calls Frank's bluff about him telling the cop, given the cop would find his drug stash if he searched the RV. Frank lets them go. Max and Chloe leave.

    OPTION D: The dog loses interest in the bone and starts barking at you. Frank hears and comes out wondering how the dog got out and where his keys have gone. He confronts you and threatens to tell the cop in the diner that you broke into his RV, if Chloe doesn't pay him what she owes immediately. Chloe doesn't have the money to pay him, but Max calls Frank's bluff about him telling the cop, given the cop would find his drug stash and a stolen gun if he searched the RV. Frank lets them go. Max and Chloe leave.

  • Okay fair point, but the tension is still there regardless on if acted upon or not.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Not in playthrough she didn't ... My Max is about Warren.

  • Hey guys, i'm going to do a compilation of Life is Strange playthrough reactions (I did this with Walking Dead) do you have any suggestions on Youtubers or Live streamers who had really good reactions.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    That's a tinsy bit messed up. I know she's a fictional character but I just see it in bad-taste to see someone say they couldn't give less of someone who just attempted suicide and pretty much say they're glad they're dead.

    I'm probably looking too much into it though. She is just a fictional character afterall. Still find it holy shit worthy something that dark and very real would be in a game like that. Especially when there's time travel in it.

    BenPauI posted: »

    I'm probably the only one who doesn't like Kate. I couldn't care less Kate. I'm glad she's not in my game so I don't have to deal with her crap anymore. I like ever character except Kate.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator

    It's likely going to just be one-off. I don't even see the first half of the episode staying in it. We'll likely be back in the original timeline. I think this is a great idea personally. Yeah, it does make all the choices up to this point pointless but who's to say you'll be staying in it? I only see good seeing the story being tackled from this new perspective.

    It's a time-travel story. So to be fair I really wouldn't consider the fact that your choices are meaningless up to this point. Remember, MAX still remembers everything. So for all we know, the choices may still have a small effect (only to a tiny extent though).

    I personally hope we stay in the new timeline a majority of the episode. I really want to see the Vortex Club from the perspective of friends, see HOW Max got herself there, what Blackwell think of her and Kate. Something tells me Kate will have died in this alternative timeline though... it would be an interesting twist if Max was the one who brought Kate over the edge in this timeline and is literally the Victoria of that universe.

  • Thats exactly what I did in my playthrough. Screw that dog.

  • My Max is about neither. No shipping in my playthrough.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Not in playthrough she didn't ... My Max is about Warren.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    Or there is no tension and they are just friends...

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Okay fair point, but the tension is still there regardless on if acted upon or not.

  • I think if I was given a choice between choosing OrginalChloe and AlternativeChloe, then I would pick the original. Some will disagree and I may change my opinion when episode 4 gets released, but I feel a better connection with the original. Also, at this point, can you really call them the same person?

  • Me too alternate timelines are awesome.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    It's gotten me FAR more excited, I love it when time travel games take use of alternative realities. Can you imagine what they could do?

  • edited May 2015

    Just thought I'd point out a Beatles reference from Episode 2. Warren calls Max "Maxwell Silver Hammer" this is a reference to the Beatles song of the same name. Looking at the lyrics:

    • Joan was quizzical; studied pataphysical
    • Science in the home.
    • Late nights all alone with a test tube.
    • Oh, oh, oh, oh.

    Max did stay up all night studying time travel.

    • Maxwell Edison, majoring in medicine,
      ** Calls her on the phone.*
    • "Can I take you out to the pictures,
    • Joa, oa, oa, oan?"

    Warren calls him self doctor Warren Graham (majoring in medicine) and he does ask Max out to the pictures (the movies in American speak).

    I don't know, but I found this interesting.

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