Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • It was the first time Max changed history/fate.

    rousseau posted: »

    How is she the source of the problems?

  • Who's to say Chloe was supposed to die? To travel back and "mend" the universe, we would need all the knowledge we gathered until now otherwise we wouldn't know that the universe would suffer a breakdown because of Max messing with time. That means we know what will happen in the toilet and simply can prevent it in another way by keeping her from going to the bathroom or taking Nathan Prescott out before he can do any harm. So we start a whole new timeline without ever having used the power and Chloe lives.

    Well, actually it makes a ton of sense and is quite a common time travel trope. Think 'Final Destination', 'Donnie Darko', the 'reapers' fro

  • You wouldn't need to alter time to prevent someone from getting shot.

    It was the first time Max changed history/fate.

  • But Max did. Chloe was shot in the normal universe, most likely fatally.

    rousseau posted: »

    You wouldn't need to alter time to prevent someone from getting shot.

  • Given we get the chance to go back and let her die, Max could just as well tell Chloe to not go in there. Or lock the toilet. Or trigger the fire alarm again. She won't need to make use of her forces again.

    But Max did. Chloe was shot in the normal universe, most likely fatally.

  • She already did though, that's the issue.

    rousseau posted: »

    Given we get the chance to go back and let her die, Max could just as well tell Chloe to not go in there. Or lock the toilet. Or trigger the fire alarm again. She won't need to make use of her forces again.

  • If she already did and everything is doomed now, what effect will it have if Chloe dies? She dies and Max will still have used her powers.

    She already did though, that's the issue.

  • But if we make sure Chloe dies there like she was suppose to then the original event that started all of these newer events went normally and everything else never happened.

    rousseau posted: »

    If she already did and everything is doomed now, what effect will it have if Chloe dies? She dies and Max will still have used her powers.

  • Okay (which events do you mean), but only because Chloe lives doesn't mean that everything that happened afterwards has to happen again - we would create a new timeline, not repeat the old one. Max now has the knowledge to prevent things from happening.

    But if we make sure Chloe dies there like she was suppose to then the original event that started all of these newer events went normally and everything else never happened.

  • Its not quite up to GoTY for me. I'm loving Thrones and Tales From The Borderlands Just a bit more...okay A LOT more.

    So far Life is Strange is my GoTY 2015

  • If Chloe dies in the bathroom then the normal timeline would happen.

    rousseau posted: »

    Okay (which events do you mean), but only because Chloe lives doesn't mean that everything that happened afterwards has to happen again - we

  • edited May 2015

    I don't consider 7's very positive

    Oh your one of those guys...

    Alt text

    I don't consider 7's very positive

  • ... whatever. Bioshock Infinite logic was trash as well and nobody would agree with me.

    If Chloe dies in the bathroom then the normal timeline would happen.

  • If you ignore Kate's call she does it.

    Same here. I wonder how that happens?

  • Okay? It's time logic.

    rousseau posted: »

    ... whatever. Bioshock Infinite logic was trash as well and nobody would agree with me.

  • Also she has condoms in her jacket, so yeah.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    Chloe mentions a bad boy/ boy toy phase, so they're Bi.

  • That's arguable. Videogames and movies tend to twist and stretch logic so it serves their dramatic plot and dramatic ending. I hope LiS is different.

    Okay? It's time logic.

  • True enough.

    rousseau posted: »

    That's arguable. Videogames and movies tend to twist and stretch logic so it serves their dramatic plot and dramatic ending. I hope LiS is different.

  • edited May 2015

    Finally got around to play this episodic game.

    In my opinion their approach is way better when it comes to games like these. You can actually move around and explore, without constantly being just a glorified dialogue tree clicker.

    Also way you move the character and interact with stuff is way more intuitive. Unlike Telltale Games stuff, this looks almost like it was motion captured and it shows.

    Even though puzzles are kind of basic, this at least has them too.

    Now I like Telltale Games games and keep buying them but, you know.

  • Well, I think that if DontNod keep producing episodic games like this,(and I'm sure they will), then they will be good competition for Telltale.

    Clord posted: »

    Finally got around to play this episodic game. In my opinion their approach is way better when it comes to games like these. You can actu

  • It's the first thing you change with your powers. It's the obvious place to restore balance.

    rousseau posted: »

    Letting Chloe die to prevent the universe from going crazy doesn't make a lot of sense and sounds like drama only for drama's sake.

  • Do you guys think that Life is Strange will be an all-time classic game like Indigo Prophecy? Because I think that it will and it can.


    I think it's time to CHANGE the atmosphere!

    (Credit goes to ThereCanOnlyBeHuan)

  • I hope they don't do an Indigo Prophecy, story wise. The first 2/3rds of that game were brilliant, the last act just utterly destroyed it.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Do you guys think that Life is Strange will be an all-time classic game like Indigo Prophecy? Because I think that it will and it can.

  • I love Max's facepalm here.
    Alt text

  • I think they already are ;)

    Well, I think that if DontNod keep producing episodic games like this,(and I'm sure they will), then they will be good competition for Telltale.

  • That means we know what will happen in the toilet and simply can prevent it in another way by keeping her from going to the bathroom or taking Nathan Prescott out before he can do any harm. So we start a whole new timeline without ever having used the power and Chloe lives.

    Well, now we're just getting into free will vs determinism.

    If Chloe's death is deterministic and a fixed point, then even if we save her some way today, it just means she'll die another way tomorrow, by being hit by a train, for instance. And as long as we keep preventing that, the more the universe collapses.

    But if Max is a variable with free-will, then it is possible for her to change the timeline by going back to before the first time she used her powers and saving Chloe. Thus turning most of the narrative into a severed, closed loop.

    Problem is, we don't yet know whether Life is Strange is set in a 'free will' or 'determinism' existence.

    So the question really comes down to: Where did Max's powers come from?

    Did the powers manifest because of the tornado, thus granted her a way to prevent it from happening?

    Or did the powers manifest to save Chloe, but using them changed a fixed point, and has shunted Arcadia Bay into an alternate unstable timeline that is now trying to destroy itself, because it never should have existed? i.e. Max caused the tornado by using her powers to save someone who shouldn't have been saved.

    Given that the message at the end of episode 3 seems to clearly be 'don't try to change the past', if Chloe needs to learn to let her father go and move on, then by the end of the game, I'd imagine that points to Max needing to let Chloe go.

    rousseau posted: »

    Who's to say Chloe was supposed to die? To travel back and "mend" the universe, we would need all the knowledge we gathered until now otherw

  • Yes, somebody who thought the last act was complete garbage.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    I hope they don't do an Indigo Prophecy, story wise. The first 2/3rds of that game were brilliant, the last act just utterly destroyed it.

  • we would create a new timeline

    But thats what you did here, why are wheelchair chloe and her dad not the right ones? Because they are not what is meant to happen. All the weather issues etc occur because your messing up time, Saving chloes dad led to massive changes down the line. Saving chloe does the same thing.

    rousseau posted: »

    Okay (which events do you mean), but only because Chloe lives doesn't mean that everything that happened afterwards has to happen again - we

  • I'm actually thinking (Hoping) that they won't do that, simply since peole have been geussing that Chloe had to die since episode one; It won't have as much impact as an ending people haven't thought of. The thing about episodic games is that it gives the developers time to change their minds. I think that Chloe needing to die was originally going to be the end, but I think that they won't do it anymore, since everybody thinks they will. It doesn't make sense from a story/money standpoint to give us a "suspensful" ending we already thought of.

    Just my two-cents.

    That means we know what will happen in the toilet and simply can prevent it in another way by keeping her from going to the bathroom or taki

  • People seem very shocked and surprised about episode 3's ending which has also been predicted quite a lot. Most time travel ideas show the main character go back and then "mess up" time.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I'm actually thinking (Hoping) that they won't do that, simply since peole have been geussing that Chloe had to die since episode one; It wo

  • For all the cliche characters it´s very well rated imo...

    Same here. It's extremely underrated by the mainstream reviewers IMO.

  • edited May 2015

    3 days later and the ending still depresses me.

  • Same here, every time I play through that episode I never finish because of that ending. I always stop after raiding frank's RV.

    musdy posted: »

    3 days later and the ending still depresses me.

  • So tell me how is Chloe source of the problems? We saw the tornado before we even went to the bathroom and reversed time so that means that the tornado has nothing to do with our power.

    True enough.

  • So tell me how is Chloe source of the problems? We saw the tornado before we even went to the bathroom and reversed time so that means that the tornado has nothing to do with our power.

    Plus by your logic "Whoniverse" was doomed already in the Unearthly child becuase it was the Doctor who taught neandrthals how to use fire which means he altered the future and Reapers should destroy neandrthals in prehistory.

    Well, actually it makes a ton of sense and is quite a common time travel trope. Think 'Final Destination', 'Donnie Darko', the 'reapers' fro

  • edited May 2015

    I need to talk about Chloe.

    From Episode 1, we see that Chloe is a rebellious girl and a punk-queen. She's been sacked from Blackwell, hang with Frank the drug dealer, hook up with Rachel after Max left, and hating her stepdad, David. Along the gameplay, while interacting with Max, we learned that Chloe felt depressed and down after everyone left her; Max, her dad, William, and Rachel. She felt lonely and angry at everyone including her mother, Joyce. She hated David and doesn't even give a chance to tolerate.

    When Max returns into her life, we can see that Chloe's happiness somehow begin to blossom back. Chloe was angry innitially, but she still feel greatful that Max had return. Then, we can decide how our choices that will affect her and her future outcome. Even we didn't sided a lot with her all the time, Chloe still chill and calm even mad at Max.

    After finding out Rachel is hooking up with Frank, we can see Chloe confess that she's mad at everyone, blaming everybody, starting with William who she accused of leaving her and never coming back. What do we see here? A tough-rebellious girl just transformed into a clueless, confused, lonely little girl who just wants her normal life back.

    If that's not enough, the timejump into the past clearly shows us who was Chloe, how she used to be; a cheerful, active young girl who has her father besides her all the time. And even that, after altering the timeline, we saw Chloe in a wheelchair, calmly smiles at Max even after many years didn't come back.

    I know this is long, but what I wanna point out it Chloe is a broken girl. The original timeline shows us how emotionally broke she is even she has all the freedom and fun, while the alternate timeline, we saw a crippled girl with a smile that shows us a genuine happiness are still inside her.

    Max, on the other hand, need to start figure out how the hell she's gonna fix everything back to normal, even she need to sacrifice William for the sake of Chloe.

  • I dont know how about the game but this company will have big future.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Do you guys think that Life is Strange will be an all-time classic game like Indigo Prophecy? Because I think that it will and it can.

  • Ya'll need a Chloe Price bible

    Ya'll hella need it

  • Guys, I've been digging through Episode 3 sound files, and you guys won't believe this; there are a lot of unused speech files.

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