So did people forget that Telltale use to make kids games lol



  • every game has "10 year old screaming kids" though i run into them a lot online


  • Death threats are childish and a stupid way to react to news. Theres nothing stupid about saying I don't like the way a company is going and not buying their products because of it. They can ignore it if they want but as a fan of original telltale this just shows me how far they've fallen from grace.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    "Neat, someone else threatening to stop buying our games." "Oh look, more death threats. Whatever." Throws the death threat away "Huh, we're being accused of creating a cash cow. Meh."

  • Wallace & Gromit, Monkey Island, Bone and Sam & Max had very interesting stories.

    The Walking Dead didn't, and do you see what they added to that franchise? The best iteration this extremely boring zombie apocalypse could ever have.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    but here is the thing, those ips had interesting stories and had potential before they were made i don't see how telltale could make a story

  • No, they were not.

    The fanbase of Sam & Max is mostly in their 30s and 40s, the jokes were clearly adult material. These three season weren't made for kids.

    Tales of Monkey Island spoke to the very same crowd, those who played MI when it came out in 1991.

    The fanbase of Wallace & Gromit is certainly younger, but, no, traditional adventure game mechanics don't primarily appeal to kids.

    TommyW posted: »

    i know they appeal to 30+ crowd. but my point was those games were made for kids

  • If they* must* work on this garbage.....I hope it's a newly created team .So the other games won't be rushed .

  • You are right there, but I think Telltale and Mojang are trying to get other audiences to like and get interested in Minecraft. Depends on what the overall story will be like. I doubt that there will be heart wrenching choices to make in Minecraft Story Mode, but Telltale usually have something creative up their sleeves.

    Obviously some of you will disagree with all the posts I've made on this thread and other threads like this one, but at the end of the day, Telltale can do whatever they want. If you don't want to buy it, don't buy it. Simple.

    Baldex posted: »

    I explained this in a different thread so I'll do the same here. Okay, so the game is geared towards Minecraft fans, right? Which mostly con

  • Also, I don't think a lot of you guys seem to understand that not all kids have ADHD and can't sit and watch a story unfold for more than a minute.

    You are right there, but I think Telltale and Mojang are trying to get other audiences to like and get interested in Minecraft. Depends on w

  • Yeah, but Telltale is all story nowadays. I don't know much about how GOT or TFTB plays, but the two games before that had a lot less interactivity than their predecessors. I don't doubt that it will sell, because it will, it's got the Minecraft name on it after all, but I'm not entirely sure that this will be the kind of game the fans will enjoy.

    Of course, I'm not Nostradamus or anything. Take my predictions with a grain of salt.

    Also, I don't think a lot of you guys seem to understand that not all kids have ADHD and can't sit and watch a story unfold for more than a minute.

  • To date, the game that brought the youngest fan base on board the Telltale forum was The Walking Dead Season 2. Before that, TWD Season 1.

    Judging from the 'how old are you' threads on Minecraft forums, we will rather see a rise in mean age on this forum. Absolutely.

    Ahuh. It's not like Minecraft's fanbase IS filled with 10 year old screaming kids.

  • Minecraft Isn't Just for kids.
    Most kids who play minecraft get are too scared to mine and change gamemode to easy

  • this. kids can enjoy monkey island and sam and max. but most of the jokes will go over thier heads.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    No, they were not. The fanbase of Sam & Max is mostly in their 30s and 40s, the jokes were clearly adult material. These three season

  • i tend to forget bone was before sam and max season 1. i keep thinking it was between season1 of sam and maxand strong bad.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Their very first episodic game was based on Jeff Smith's Bone comic, and was targeted towards children. They also made Wallace & Gromit

  • Or just blow the world up in creative mode. :P

    Minecraft Isn't Just for kids. Most kids who play minecraft get are too scared to mine and change gamemode to easy

  • Who doesn't like a little wanton destruction?

    Or just blow the world up in creative mode. :P

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