
edited December 2014 in General Chat

Before this starts I would like to say that I can rightfully state why I was banned and discuss it upon my arrival. As for this quote from a long thread ago...

“That still does not negate the rule that Moderators are not allowed to talk about the reasoning behind banned users. In addition to the forum guidelines, there are several rules of thumb that moderators use as well as our own rules and guidelines. In this case, it is not proper for moderators to publicly discuss the reason a user was banned - especially if the user is not around, regardless of whether or not they give permission. If a banned user comes back, they can explain it then as I believe Vain had already mentioned. No amount of PMs asking a Mod to talk about it or written statements of permission from the banned user in question will change this. As I said previously, when we flag a post, the contents of that post get hidden from public viewing. If a user makes an offensive remark or trolls and their post(s) get flagged, other users will not be able to see the reasoning behind why that user was banned as they cannot see the hidden post(s) in question.”—Blind Sniper

Stop harassing the new minecraft members. The forum guidelines state that If you don't like a thread, don't derail it, just ignore it.- My You Got Banned Message

This was two days ago...When I was banned. This was unrightfully done too, I find it entirely wrong that without warning a mod, who I suspect was Blind, banned me. After a few days of the original Minecraft chaos when everything calmed down I got banned for things not done by me. Shall I start with the things in question... "Stop harassing the new minecraft members."

Well first of all I never directly harassed the new Minecraft members. While in earlier threads I may have stereotyped the group as a whole I never insulted or harassed a new member up front or behind their back. I never insulted members here...My ideas come that this idea came from this thread: . In that thread I never insulted the member directly, I actually answered his question but showed my distaste for his lack of research of which he could have found this out himself.

I would also love to know any example where I insulted a member directly that deserved a ban. Something that I noticed and actually made me laugh is how I get a ban for things like this and yet someone can call the entire Minecraft Community "Retarded 9 year olds" and not get a single action taken against him other than me, the night before this ban, telling him that's really offensive to everyone.

The next part is derailing threads. I never made the comment that derailed a thread, I did make comments after that but I NEVER made the first comment. I actually noticed that the people that made the first comment never got banned however I did. Now something that I would like to point out is that in the Betatester thread again Blind made this comment at the bottom:



When a user makes their first post in the Minecraft forums, you don't need to make 10,000 posts derailing their discussion to point out that they are new and that "Minecraft kiddies" will bring about the demise of the forums. It really isn't necessary in any sense of the word, and it's starting to get old.

And the game hasn't even been announced for more than a few days.

If things get out of control when the game comes out, the other Moderators and I will handle things.

However, the new users that have come so far have done nothing wrong other than to have the nerve to be new.

If a new user makes their first post on the Minecraft forums and they haven't done anything wrong, stop derailing their threads to make jokes or go on tangents about the Minecraft fanbase. It isn't funny, nor is it necessary.

Blind earlier was the one who actually derailed the thread by calling my comment rude when all I did was state an answer to his question...Later people in response to my comment and Blind later comments made comments that truly derailed the thread. None of that was my fault other than showing my distaste for his lack of research. Someone also commented just a GIF that was completely off topic and got zero response than than Blinds final comment.

As my final point of distaste for this ban comes around that there was ZERO warning before the action was taken. This comment made on the thread "A Protest" made it simple that to have a ban it is common the Mods should give out a warning to the person in question asking them to stop...

As I have now brought up several times, if an offense is major enough - or if the offense is in poor taste, then we can choose to issue a short term ban as a warning. Again, we don’t like to ban users and we prefer to leave PM warnings or an open warning in a thread - depending on the context and what we decide is the best course of action. However, if a user crosses the line to an extent to where they have done something offensive/against the forum guidelines on a large scale, then we can issue a larger punishment if the offending actions of a user would warrant something larger than a slap on the wrist or a warning.-Blind Sniper

This shows that any type of direct warning should be given to the person. As I am certain since I only received a 2 day ban that I didn't do anything extremely offensive to deserve no warning. The only thing close to a warning I got was Blind giving me a "Friendly suggestion". This however was not a direct warning to stop doing it and therefore he should have sent a final PM telling me any more actions of that type will result in a Ban. He didn't do this and in the early morning banned me without any word. Late in that same day he made a thread saying he wanted to give a warning to everyone before he did anything. This thread: . This is the comment:

I am a mod; that's why I made this thread. I've been far too lenient up until now, but I didn't want to start acting against this without letting you all know why beforehand.-Blind Sniper

That in itself is funny as that's a lie. Imagine going to sleep one night having all the arguments you went to sleep with that day ended on a okay not then waking up in the morning and seeing that you're banned with no warning or no way to refute the claim. This brings up issues on it's own...Why can't you at least PM the Mods to try and understand the issue better or attempt to explain why something happened. This seems in itself an issue that should be fixed.

There's a few other things I've noticed...First off I don't understand why you can't state the ban reasons. I know the whole guideline..."Don't talk behind banned member's backs"...The thing is that the Mods should at least tell why someone got banned but not go into detail about it. My friends have a good right to know why I was banned. Yet Raging brought this up before in a discussion of which Blind responded:

Using this forum is a privilege - not a right, and said privileges can be revoked if it is necessary to keep the forums in order.-Blind Sniper

But...How is asking for the reasons their friend was banned in anyway disrupt the order of the Forum. How is the act of banning one member take away the right of the others to know the reason for their friends disappearance? I think that Raging's comparison describes how this is a crazy claim..

This rule is quite odd. Why are we not allowed to know? Is knowledge really all that powerful that you must hide it from us? I am not sure if this is one of the fairest rules, as we deserve to know what happened to one of our own. It’s like you’re the cops, and you arrest one of our relatives. We ask why but you won’t tell us. What’s the worse that could happen? I’m not really sure what the damage could be. It might be offensive to some, but then spoiler tag to say it may be offensive to a certain audience.-Raging_Blades

People might say why do you care so much, it was only two days? Well to that I can answer that it's uncalled for. If you accidently commit a crime which has gotten other people just a warning but you do it then they arrest you and keep you in jail for two days then wouldn't you be upset? Kept away from all your friends unjustly.

One issue that I would like to bring up is that when banned you can't unfollow discussions....Seriously what's up with that? Is there any reason or is that just there to mess with the banned person and force them to have tons of notifications come in that you can't stop.

Anyway, you Mods may not care and may just close this thread but this brings up issues that need to be expressed. Why do you need to make examples out of me or my friends for issues that have little true effect...Yet let others who post less but say more offensive things go unpunished. This isn't the first time...It won't be the last.

Day 2 of Ban, as if I couldn't state anymore in this. I wake up in the Morning only to find my friend MarioLuigi banned (Now, I have all write to write this about him as he already told me it was okay. He read this beforehand and he approves everything I wrote so Forum Guidelines about talking behind someone's back doesn't apply. This does not apply to this:4.3 Please refrain from talking about banned members or their ban reasons "behind their back" during a timeout...He told me to copy and paste this.) and with the reasons I suspected was him mentioning me. However later he made this comment:

Marioluigi344 here. This is a message to all the "moderators".

I've been banned permanently for "sending porn via PM". I realize I'm breaking forums rules by making another account to say this, I've already been banned forever so I have little concern for the guidlines at the moment. Until I see exactly what message I sent with pornagraphic content, I'm going to assume this site is moderated on complete indoctrination. I have never sent anything explicit through personal messaging, so I believe it's only fair if I could know the exact reasoning behind the ban. If I find the reason valid, I'll leave without question. But right now, I consider this to be arbitrary calumniation.

So, he was banned for PMing Porn? This is strange as he got a PermaBan for this...But according to him and us knowing him he would never do this. He made this comment and soon it was deleted (Oh yes, I saw it and copied it down, a ban won't keep me from my Forums.)...Why? He had no way to refute this claim and this further proves my point that we should have a way to PM Mods during a ban to refute a ban claim. Mario had A LOT to say on this issue and seeing that he can't come back to defend himself against the Ban or attempt to refute it any other way then I'll shall give his final comment towards these Forums.

Hey everyone. Marioluigi344 here. Now, as you probably noticed, I've been banned. Permanently. The reason for the ban is sending pornography through Personal Messaging. Now, before you ask, no, I have never sent pornography through personal messaging to any users on this forum. Therefore, you probably can conceptualize my reaction to this ban. Hell, I've only messaged a single user using the personal messaging system.

I was given no specific excerpt from this alleged conversation that led to the ban. No images or screenshots, nothing. Just a big ol' ban hammer.

I created a new account in an attempt to message a moderator to ask for the proof of my misdemeanor. Yes, I am aware that I am entitled to 1 forum account, and by making this account, I was breaking forum "guidelines". I also posted a comment in the "Whatever's on your mind" megathread, which read as follows;

Marioluigi344 here. This is a message to all the "moderators".

I've been banned permanently for "sending porn via PM". I realize I'm breaking forums rules by making another account to say this, I've already been banned forever so I have little concern for the guidelines at the moment. Until I see exactly what message I sent with pornographic content, I'm going to assume this site is moderated on complete indoctrination. I have never sent anything explicit through personal messaging, so I believe it's only fair if I could know the exact reasoning behind the ban. If I find the reason valid, I'll leave without question. But right now, I consider this to be arbitrary calumniation.

The comment was almost instantaneously removed by one of the moderators, and I was banned on that account as well in an attempt to silence me and keep their unreasonable allegation completely undisputed. This was all it took; some unknown (clearly wrong) indication to this claim, and I was immediately banned for life. No further analysis; I wasn't even contacted regarding the issue. I was simply banned, ostensibly out of the blue.

This is precisely the way our friend GoldenPaladin received his ban as well; there was no rational examination of the circumstance, no warnings. He was banned simply because the moderator believed punitive action needed to be taken, so with no admonition and without giving GP a chance to dispute, the culpable moderator (whoever it may be) banned him with zero litigation.

Is this the way we carry out punishment for breaking forums rules? Without holding any proper prosecution, the moderators are authorized to ban members for life for a false claim of which they hold little to no reasonable substantiation? On top of this unacceptable capability the moderators are given, we as users are also given no right to or question the decisions made by them, or repudiate these allegations. Any rebuttal is quickly silenced, and thus we have no capacity to contend.

This is outright indoctrination.

This is where it has brought us; I am speaking through another user on a thread that will likely be locked in an attempt to dispute my ban as I cannot message moderators or any other forum users now, all due to a false allegation with absolutely no vindication. I am certain you all understand why this is unacceptable. I'd like to ask the moderator responsible for my ban to provide substantiation or evidence for their claim. All my attempts to contact you have led only to further action to keep me from disputing this absurd ban. Your arbitrary and draconian punishment is what provoked this controversy. Therefore, I find it only judicious for you to provide vindication. I'll pass this thread back to GP now. Mario out.

Quite a rich vocabulary, just to state that his words do not directly correspond to the tone of this letter.

That's all I have on that subject. However I noticed some bias in the Minecraft section... This thread was closed: . This thread was for fun and made to use memes yet Blind closes it because there were too many memes? That is strange...Yes it could be offensive to new members and a reason to close it but he didn't say that. This also shows some bias as many people tried to derail this thread by insulting members posting there, yet Blind didn't tell them to stop derailing or call that offensive.

Then there is this thread: . Of which insults people who dislike the idea of the Minecraft game. Now call this my opinion but aren't the Forums for discussion on multiple opinions, even more when there's nothing out about a game? The thread was directly insulting members who are here and disagree with the game, here is what it says and here is what Blind responded:

You all sound like little babby men. Grow up and if you dont have anything nice to say piss off.-Humasexuality

I agree some people need to take chill pills with this whole Minecraft drama, but that could've been phrased better. Considering there's already a thread about this and I don't want this thread to start any more drama, I'll just lock it before things get hairy.-Blind Sniper

Now, let me ask when does something sound rude? My sentence about my distaste for a question only said this:

...No...Just...You can't beta test this...Ugh.-GoldenPaladin

Now, which one of those sounded ruder and sounded to harass members more? Yet, Humasexuality never received any type of punishment. This shows a type of bias for a member's viewpoints. Now, that's all I have to say about this issue...

Last Words...I am frankly done with this, the entire situation was pointless in my eyes and I'll be staying away from the Minecraft section to not risk any more pointless arguments or bans...Which I would've done in the first place if a Mod simply asked me to. Take these issues to heart or don't but I had them on my mind and I needed to state them. Now over the last few days I have noticed a lot of recent bans and yet they haven't even mentioned names and were banned...Like this thread: The OP got banned later... Why? For merely asking why everyone's getting banned? I know you guys don't want to talk about people behind their backs but Jesus, is really asking why their friend is gone ban worthy in itself.
Hopefully this thread isn't ban worthy to you Mods for even allowing Mario his last words or for pointing out other problems. This Forum is my home and I see changes that should be made so this is a better place to everyone, Mods, Old Members, New Members, Wrongfully Banned, and the Rightfully Banned.

Thanks for Reading. ;)

(Let me make it clear one last time that I refrained from speaking behind one member's back and kept him anonymous and only said exactly what was allowed by Mario. These do not break 4.3 since I didn't use names which were not Allowed. This doesn't break any other Forum Guidelines as I have already checked. 4.3 is very strict around the Forums for some reason some please tell me if just mentioning public actions isn't allowed. I'll also keep the mentioning of banned members to this thread only.)


  • Nice :D. I agree as always.

  • Thanks.

    Nice . I agree as always.

  • Interesting... I'll follow this...

  • Hmm... Agreed. :3

  • Im with you golden the mods need to follow the guidlines thats why their there

  • I totally agree. Good people get banned while people starting thread wars don't. Good job.

  • Thanks!

    Glad to have people listen.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I totally agree. Good people get banned while people starting thread wars don't. Good job.

  • It's weird that this thread isn't deleted yet.

    Thanks! Glad to have people listen.

  • i trust u goldenpaladin if the mods banned u for no reason thats not good i got ur back

    The Mods will get here in time. There is no reason to delete this other than it brings up valid points I want addressed.

  • The Mods will get here in time. There is no reason to delete this other than it brings up valid points I want addressed.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    It's weird that this thread isn't deleted yet.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    If you have a problem with an action taken by the moderators (or any user on the forum), please send a private message to a moderator, especially if you name check someone specifically, as that's a private matter and airing out your problems with people in public on the forums is not appropriate (see the first rule, if you have a problem with someone, flag it instead of airing your issues out on the forum). If you have a problem with a moderator, in the future please discuss it with one of us in private.

This discussion has been closed.