I'm not sure I'd like a Telltale directed Space Quest... Space Quest has some darker undertones, brutal deaths, etc... which I'm not sure Telltale would include.
Might not have the right atmosphere, I don't know.
Space Quest was pretty dark compared to Monkey Island, especially the fourth game. It had a more twisted sense of humor than Monkey Island, but I like that .
In Space Quest I (original version, not sure about the remake) if you read the contents of the cartridge you pick up on the Arcada you find out that the Star Generater was created by a scientist named Slash Vohaul. Slash is probably Vohaul's real first name before he became a bad guy.
well we dissected this topic already. slash is rumoured to be sludges brother.
What a shame. To find out Space Quest 7 was cancelled because of license disagreements. There is no saving this project. Its been too long! So long Roger Wilco we hardly knew ye! lol
idk its something even lucasarts did and does, look what it took to get sam n max ffs
Well the thing with LucasArts not selling Freelance Police is actually a pretty common (if asinine) business practice.
Basically, new guy takes charge. New guys like to criticize the decisions of the old guys to establish themselves as better. Marking their territory. The first thing he does in power (like literally, his position was barely official) is cancel Sam & Max and fire the team. Now the team wants to buy their game back. Said dickhead has two choices:
1) He can sell the game to Telltale and let it get released commercially, but then he runs a real risk: If the game is very successful, now he looks stupid for throwing away a perfectly good title and release. Of course if the game bombs, he did at least make a little money off of it.
2) He can say "no", not make the company any money off the thing, but no one will ever know if the game would have done well, and he can go to his grave claiming he made the right decision and no one can prove him wrong.
Having no confidence in his own decision making ability, he opts for 2.
I was hoping to see an official Telltale poster with a "We'll look into it" kind of post. Oh, well. So many great game themes were bought up, and then shelved. I'm still upset about Microsoft buying up the Tex Murphy properties, and letting the franchise die.
Never heard of Tex Murphy? You don't know what you're missing!
That's the way it goes, though. Personally, I think I might rather have Space Quest stay in its current state. Without Scott, Mark, and (to a lesser degree) Josh I don't think it works very well. Space Quest was the one Sierra game series from the Golden Era that wasn't tainted by a bad final sequel like KQ:MOE, SWAT, or the newer LSL games. And it being my favourite series I like that it kept its dignity, so to speak.
Would probably wet my pants if Telltale got their hands on any of the oldschool Sierra franchise...
Police Quest - Could be brilliant episodic, like an episode of cops although quite dark as per SQ4 posts.
Kings Quest - The classic, who could live without it. Ken and Roberta williams I salute you.
Quest for Glory - My all time favourite, epic stories, I loved 4 even though it crashed every 5 mins.
Space Quest - Superb comedic game get it please Telltale!
LSL - I learnt everything I know about women today from Al Lowe
Laura Bow - God I loved that time based system! Another great couple of stories.
Conquest for Camelot - Sweeeeeet!
Conquest of the Longbow - I really thought I was Robin Hood!
Gabriel Knight - What can I say? EEEEEEPPPPPIIICCC!
Freddy Pharkas - Like SQ could be humourous episodic.
Sorry, got myself over excited there. But even the mere mention of Sierra gets me frothing at the mouth. I grew up living and breathing the list above and others.
Telltale if you get your hands on any of those franchises you got a customer for life!
Those would all be neat. I'd be less excited about Kings Quest, mainly because The Silver Lining is already the next KQ game really. QFG would be great since I love that series I don't know if Tell Tale would want to transition into games that feature that much combat though. Space Quest would be the best option.
I agree that QFG could be tricky, combat + also the whole stats/class based system. Guess it would very much depend on the direction Telltale wanted to bring their game platform and I'm guessing that probably isnt it.
The list above is more just a general "stuff I'd like to see revived or remade before I die" kind of thing. As it is the AGD remake of QFG2 is epic all be it without the cheats!
I don't have much to add other than an additional vote of support. A new Space Quest with any sort of imput from Scott Murphy would be a dream come true. I don't know if it CAN happen, but I hope it does.
Yeah, he's sure. It's a real thing that happened. And regardless of the fact that 2K Games later acquired and closed the studio and Chris and Aaron have regained the rights to the series, it was a bad thing. Tex Murphy is one of the absolute greatuest adventure game series ever, if only for Under a Killing Moon and Pandora Directive.
I think we got enough interest here to request some kind of input from the source. C'mon Telltale, give us your views! We're not asking for a commitment just tell us how Sierra classics fit in with the company vision.
i.e. We at Telltale say...
1. Would not touch with a 10 foot barge pole, stop asking!
2. Does not meet the vision of the company and not likely to be explored.
3. An avenue not previously considered but something we might explore at a later date.
4. Something we are keen to look into but have not yet explored.
5. Something we have already looked into but were unable to make viable.
6. We've got something up our sleeves already, patience my young padwan.
Frogacuda, I wasn't asking RoadRunner if he was sure about Microsoft letting Tex Murphy languish. I know they did. Honestly, until LucasArts' amazing turnaround, almost all of the old properties have been allowed to languish. Nor am I saying that allowing the series to fall by the wayside was a good thing. I was merely pointing out that the series is not dead (and frankly, I'd object to many languishing series, game or otherwise, being called dead).
Freddy Pharkas - Like SQ could be humourous episodic.
Now THIS is, I think an even better idea than another Space Quest! As much as I'd like to see another Space Quest game, I think people are right in saying that there's really no way for TellTale to cater to both the old SQ fans without ostracizing the newer TellTale fans. (The LucasArts games being a much easier transition.)
But Freddy Pharkas, as I recall, wasn't really about the death scenes. It was more about the "Blazing Saddles" style humor (courtesy of Al Lowe and Josh Mandel.) And unlike the Space Quest series, Freddy Pharkas didn't really get a chance to branch out, at all. Just the one game.
And like someone else had said (to paraphrase them), if Sierra was willing to let Leisure Suit Larry be butchered beyond recognition, surely they could let TellTale have "a crack at" the frontier pharmacist genre.
Still, I'm fine with the IP's they currently have.
Apologies for double posting here but I was thinking...
You know what strikes me about Sierra classics is the fact that unlike 99% of modern games Sierra classics became so renowned that you even knew they names of the talent behind them.
For example, if you say...
Leisure Suit Larry - I think of Al Lowe (also Freddy Pharcas)
Kings Quest - I think of Ken & Roberta Williams
Quest for Glory - I think Corey and Lori Ann Cole
Police Quest - I think Jim Walls
Space Quest - I think Murphy and Crowe
to name a few! Now maybe I'm just showing my age or sadness but seriously, how many modern games today do you instantly associate names with?? These guys defined entire series of games; you actively looked for their names in the credits. It's one of the big reasons I think post-humously created games in these series failed. Example the destroyed LSL series, Al Lowe's legacy in shreds...seriously, who the heck is Larry Lovage?
If Telltale was to touch a Sierra game...which btw I whole heartedly think they should and would support, the key stone to all of this would be getting the original inspirations involved. Sierra games for me were partly about the game and partly about the names behind them.
To explain what I mean, think of this who made world of Warcraft? Can you name anyone? First thing I think is Blizzard Entertainment, oh wait thats part of Vivendi. One faceless company (of which Sierra is technically part of now) owned by another bigger faceless company? Do I have any love for Vivendi??? No! Therefore their software is just a commodity. I bought WoW, would I buy another game by Vivendi based on that...nope!
Sierra on the other hand... would I buy Freddy Pharcas because it was created by Al Lowe? You betya!!
Wait, did I miss something? Has it been confirmed that Big Finish is making another Tex game? If so, that's great!
Well, Big Finish is pretty much formed by Chris Jones and Aaron Conners, the two guys have said before they've tried to get the rights to Tex, and the website lists a secret game in development codenamed "Project Fedora." You make the call.
You know what strikes me about Sierra classics is the fact that unlike 99% of modern games Sierra classics became so renowned that you even knew they names of the talent behind them.
If Telltale was to touch a Sierra game...which btw I whole heartedly think they should and would support, the key stone to all of this would be getting the original inspirations involved. Sierra games for me were partly about the game and partly about the names behind them.
To explain what I mean, think of this who made world of Warcraft? Can you name anyone? First thing I think is Blizzard Entertainment, oh wait thats part of Vivendi. One faceless company (of which Sierra is technically part of now) owned by another bigger faceless company? Do I have any love for Vivendi??? No! Therefore their software is just a commodity. I bought WoW, would I buy another game by Vivendi based on that...nope!
I would sell my legs, my brothers legs, my dogs legs, and my left and right nu...(you know what I mean) for a new Space Quest game, Space Quest and Monkey Island are my two most favorite adventure games ever and I now have a new MI so if they decided to make a Space Quest series I could die happy, lol
I also think (a lot will probably disagree) but I think they should get the right to Leisure Suite Larry and actually get Al Lowe involved, since the series has officially been killed by Team17 (thanks guys) its probably dirt cheap and it could (and I believe it would) make a hilarious and great episodic adventure game, it doesn't even have to be that dirty just funny and somewhat raunchy, TT would probably never go for it, but I can always dream, I do know if I ever win the lottery I will try to get the rights for all my favorite adventure games that have been killed off and try to get them made again.
I do know if I ever win the lottery I will try to get the rights for all my favorite adventure games that have been killed off and try to get them made again.
Hahaha I had the same dream! Win lottery, rebuild Sierra. Hehehe
Still waiting to find out what happens with Roger and his ladies. I would buy Space Quest VII - A return to roman numerals, in a heartbeat. Heck, I would gift a few of them. Space Quest is my all-time favorite game ever. I miss it.
I honestly don't believe that TTG's brand of humour is compatible with Space Quest. So I would rather SQ stay buried until one of the original creators decides to bring it up again. The only reason I'm happy that TTG are making Monkey Island is because most of them worked on the original games. Same with Sam & Max (and in that case Steve Purcell, the creator, obviously had a very prominent role).
Well, yeah but Sam and MAx and MI from TTGs are both truthful to their own franchises and very different from one another. I think they could handle getting someone from the old Sierra team and nailing it.
I count 6 pages of fandom, and combined with TTG and their success with remaking old IPs from established fanbases, I see that as a guaranteed money maker.
At the risk of shameless self-promotion: aside from the "Space Quest II Remake" and "Vohaul Strikes Back" fan-games, there's also "Incinerations" to look forward to. I'm working on it right now and it should be finished within the next couple of years (knock on wood.)
Well, yeah but Sam and MAx and MI from TTGs are both truthful to their own franchises and very different from one another. I think they could handle getting someone from the old Sierra team and nailing it.
Well in fairness, Telltale's Sam & Max is softened quite a bit from Purcell's Sam & Max, and the delivery feels different too. There was a lot more (mostly implied) violence in the original and it was much more straight-faced in tone. Telltale oversells the jokes (I hate Max's voice actor and I hate his facial animations since the character only ever had one expression in the comics) and the writing is markedly different.
Not to say Telltale's games aren't great, but their ability to jump into someone else's style does have its limits.
Well, yeah but Sam and MAx and MI from TTGs are both truthful to their own franchises and very different from one another. I think they could handle getting someone from the old Sierra team and nailing it.
I don't accept that as a valid reason because some of the people who worked on those games are now working at Telltale. Not the case for Space Quest.
"... I'd personally also like to see Josh Mandel involved (the semi-official Third Guy from Andromeda who designed Space Quest 6 and wrote most of the hilarious non-plot-and-puzzle-relevant descriptions and interactions in Space Quest IV), even though Scott Murphy isn't too fond of him either."
First, I want to thank everyone who has shown enthusiasm and said so many kiind things about the Space Quest series.
Second, I NEVER said I was 'not too fond' of Josh Mandel. That's an interpretation and a false one. There was some confusion during SQ6 thanks to Sierra and the "powers that were", or as I think of them, the head-in-ass management team of that time. Josh and I have talked since I gave that interview, compared notes and are great friends to this day. I would work with him again in a heart beat. It's important to me that everyone knows that.
-Scott Murphy
oh god (and I'm referring to scott murphy) if that's really you posting here then I'll have to find a way to steal the telltale forum server and hide it in my home and build a shrine around it!
I'm sure you've heard the same things over and over again through the years but I gotta tell you a) I grew up with your games and they made my miserable -at the time- life a lot better and b) I would kill to see another space quest.
Please telltale, seize the man, make him work for you, BRING US ANOTHER SQ!!!
Space Quest was pretty dark compared to Monkey Island, especially the fourth game. It had a more twisted sense of humor than Monkey Island, but I like that .
well we dissected this topic already. slash is rumoured to be sludges brother.
Oh, wow, that's shitty. I hate companies that want to "protect" a license they aren't profiting from to begin with.
could imagine MI.. as the co op .. musta been an odd meeting. or maybe not idk
Well the thing with LucasArts not selling Freelance Police is actually a pretty common (if asinine) business practice.
Basically, new guy takes charge. New guys like to criticize the decisions of the old guys to establish themselves as better. Marking their territory. The first thing he does in power (like literally, his position was barely official) is cancel Sam & Max and fire the team. Now the team wants to buy their game back. Said dickhead has two choices:
1) He can sell the game to Telltale and let it get released commercially, but then he runs a real risk: If the game is very successful, now he looks stupid for throwing away a perfectly good title and release. Of course if the game bombs, he did at least make a little money off of it.
2) He can say "no", not make the company any money off the thing, but no one will ever know if the game would have done well, and he can go to his grave claiming he made the right decision and no one can prove him wrong.
Having no confidence in his own decision making ability, he opts for 2.
Never heard of Tex Murphy? You don't know what you're missing!
Are you sure about that?
Would probably wet my pants if Telltale got their hands on any of the oldschool Sierra franchise...
Police Quest - Could be brilliant episodic, like an episode of cops although quite dark as per SQ4 posts.
Kings Quest - The classic, who could live without it. Ken and Roberta williams I salute you.
Quest for Glory - My all time favourite, epic stories, I loved 4 even though it crashed every 5 mins.
Space Quest - Superb comedic game get it please Telltale!
LSL - I learnt everything I know about women today from Al Lowe
Laura Bow - God I loved that time based system! Another great couple of stories.
Conquest for Camelot - Sweeeeeet!
Conquest of the Longbow - I really thought I was Robin Hood!
Gabriel Knight - What can I say? EEEEEEPPPPPIIICCC!
Freddy Pharkas - Like SQ could be humourous episodic.
Sorry, got myself over excited there. But even the mere mention of Sierra gets me frothing at the mouth. I grew up living and breathing the list above and others.
Telltale if you get your hands on any of those franchises you got a customer for life!
Yikes!!! I'm definitely bookmarking this site! Thanx!:):):)
The list above is more just a general "stuff I'd like to see revived or remade before I die" kind of thing. As it is the AGD remake of QFG2 is epic all be it without the cheats!
Yeah, he's sure. It's a real thing that happened. And regardless of the fact that 2K Games later acquired and closed the studio and Chris and Aaron have regained the rights to the series, it was a bad thing. Tex Murphy is one of the absolute greatuest adventure game series ever, if only for Under a Killing Moon and Pandora Directive.
I have enough faith in TellTale Games that I think they could do it with or without any of the Guys From Andromeda. They would do their homework.
From a few of the posts here; though, it sounds like TellTale isn't too keen on any Sierra anything.
Seems to me that Space Quest would be the best fit for the mold they've already been using though.
i.e. We at Telltale say...
1. Would not touch with a 10 foot barge pole, stop asking!
2. Does not meet the vision of the company and not likely to be explored.
3. An avenue not previously considered but something we might explore at a later date.
4. Something we are keen to look into but have not yet explored.
5. Something we have already looked into but were unable to make viable.
6. We've got something up our sleeves already, patience my young padwan.
Please share your views with us!
Now THIS is, I think an even better idea than another Space Quest! As much as I'd like to see another Space Quest game, I think people are right in saying that there's really no way for TellTale to cater to both the old SQ fans without ostracizing the newer TellTale fans. (The LucasArts games being a much easier transition.)
But Freddy Pharkas, as I recall, wasn't really about the death scenes. It was more about the "Blazing Saddles" style humor (courtesy of Al Lowe and Josh Mandel.) And unlike the Space Quest series, Freddy Pharkas didn't really get a chance to branch out, at all. Just the one game.
And like someone else had said (to paraphrase them), if Sierra was willing to let Leisure Suit Larry be butchered beyond recognition, surely they could let TellTale have "a crack at" the frontier pharmacist genre.
Still, I'm fine with the IP's they currently have.
Now, a new Grim Fandango...
Well...I guess I'd be eating my hat right now!
You know what strikes me about Sierra classics is the fact that unlike 99% of modern games Sierra classics became so renowned that you even knew they names of the talent behind them.
For example, if you say...
Leisure Suit Larry - I think of Al Lowe (also Freddy Pharcas)
Kings Quest - I think of Ken & Roberta Williams
Quest for Glory - I think Corey and Lori Ann Cole
Police Quest - I think Jim Walls
Space Quest - I think Murphy and Crowe
to name a few! Now maybe I'm just showing my age or sadness but seriously, how many modern games today do you instantly associate names with?? These guys defined entire series of games; you actively looked for their names in the credits. It's one of the big reasons I think post-humously created games in these series failed. Example the destroyed LSL series, Al Lowe's legacy in shreds...seriously, who the heck is Larry Lovage?
If Telltale was to touch a Sierra game...which btw I whole heartedly think they should and would support, the key stone to all of this would be getting the original inspirations involved. Sierra games for me were partly about the game and partly about the names behind them.
To explain what I mean, think of this who made world of Warcraft? Can you name anyone? First thing I think is Blizzard Entertainment, oh wait thats part of Vivendi. One faceless company (of which Sierra is technically part of now) owned by another bigger faceless company? Do I have any love for Vivendi??? No! Therefore their software is just a commodity. I bought WoW, would I buy another game by Vivendi based on that...nope!
Sierra on the other hand... would I buy Freddy Pharcas because it was created by Al Lowe? You betya!!
Well, Big Finish is pretty much formed by Chris Jones and Aaron Conners, the two guys have said before they've tried to get the rights to Tex, and the website lists a secret game in development codenamed "Project Fedora." You make the call.
I agree. Except Vivendi is now ActiVision.
I also think (a lot will probably disagree) but I think they should get the right to Leisure Suite Larry and actually get Al Lowe involved, since the series has officially been killed by Team17 (thanks guys) its probably dirt cheap and it could (and I believe it would) make a hilarious and great episodic adventure game, it doesn't even have to be that dirty just funny and somewhat raunchy, TT would probably never go for it, but I can always dream, I do know if I ever win the lottery I will try to get the rights for all my favorite adventure games that have been killed off and try to get them made again.
Hahaha I had the same dream! Win lottery, rebuild Sierra. Hehehe
Well, yeah but Sam and MAx and MI from TTGs are both truthful to their own franchises and very different from one another. I think they could handle getting someone from the old Sierra team and nailing it.
I count 6 pages of fandom, and combined with TTG and their success with remaking old IPs from established fanbases, I see that as a guaranteed money maker.
Screenshots and trailer look great. Telltale, this thread can be safely locked now.
(Just kidding. Telltale, please take this thread into consideration when looking for new franchises to make games of.)
Well in fairness, Telltale's Sam & Max is softened quite a bit from Purcell's Sam & Max, and the delivery feels different too. There was a lot more (mostly implied) violence in the original and it was much more straight-faced in tone. Telltale oversells the jokes (I hate Max's voice actor and I hate his facial animations since the character only ever had one expression in the comics) and the writing is markedly different.
Not to say Telltale's games aren't great, but their ability to jump into someone else's style does have its limits.
I don't accept that as a valid reason because some of the people who worked on those games are now working at Telltale. Not the case for Space Quest.
oh god (and I'm referring to scott murphy) if that's really you posting here then I'll have to find a way to steal the telltale forum server and hide it in my home and build a shrine around it!
I'm sure you've heard the same things over and over again through the years but I gotta tell you a) I grew up with your games and they made my miserable -at the time- life a lot better and b) I would kill to see another space quest.
Please telltale, seize the man, make him work for you, BRING US ANOTHER SQ!!!