Forum Users Among The Walking Dead. Season Three
It's back. This is a continuation of my former fan fics Forum Users Among The Walking Dead Seasons One and Two. This will be a bit different. Season Two continued upon Season One, but Season Three will start from Season One. I know that doesn't make sense but you'll see, or it doesn't really matter anyway.
Submit Character Thread:
The Former Story(Irrelevant to read if you are new):
Season Two :
If you have already created a character then sadly you cannot create a new one. Sorry
Ohhhh. This will be during the timeskip!!! :P
I just read what i said. I am too crazy XD.
So .....maybe with characters with unknown status? Or when they where in their own community like in the trailers of the end of S1?
Chapter One: Beginnings Altered.
Day 1
It was the first day of the outbreak. News, radio, everything said to stay inside, and away from infected. So far that had kept them safe. Tyranitar, his mother Monica, sister Julia, and a friendly stranger who had joined them named AWESOMEO. Tyranitar could tell he was a good guy, his gut feeling was always right. For now they had barricaded the windows and doors and waited. Waited until it seemed safe. One time Tyranitar looked out the window and saw people, with guts sticking out, and dismembered limbs. He wasn't scared though, nothing scared him, and he would protect his family no matter what.
They tried to ration food carefully. But one day they had finished almost 3/4 of the food. Tyranitar immediately decided AWESOMEO should go. "I need to watch over my family. Prove that you can stay with us." AWESOMEO did not like the idea but he decided it would be a good way to prove his worth. "Okay I'll do it." He said. Tyranitar gave him a backpack, keys, and a hunting knife. Julia came to give AWESOMEO a hug and he accepted. He felt happy and went out the door.
The minivan that the family owned was in the drive way. The streets however were filled with the walkers. AWESOMEO was unsure about his next move but he decided that:
Take the van. It would be faster. (This was chosen for Season One)
Better safe then sorry. I better be stealthy and get there by foot.(This option is automatically chosen for Season Three)
One Choice. Even a simple choice such as this one will change the future. I hope you enjoy this new fan fiction of mine. I got this idea from LeeTheProfessional who would write what would happen if you made another choice but I'm only going to change this one choice, and continue from there.
Ohhhh. Great!!!
Okay, fine. Make some new characters. But not too much.
It isn´t fair. Angelo only appeared at the end of S2. Not fair at all.
I said make your characters! ...
I didn´t see the previous comment. Sorry for bothering yoy and being a fangirl XD
You're a girl?
Anyway no problem man, lol I'm glad you're excited.
I am not a girl XD. I said as a joke. I am not good at it.
Hi guys. I decided to do this a bit differently and follow one POV per chapter to make it more different then the last one!
The roads were filled with whatever those things were. He didn't want to be close to them so he went into the forest where there were less of them. He felt one of them touch his back and he jerked forward and tripped over a head that almost took a bite out of his foot. "Holy shit!" AWESOMEO said as he moved his foot quickly to dodge the chomping head. He landed on his feet luckily, and his arm scraped against a tree during the trip. Body pumped with adrenaline, he continued through the forest about a mile away from the road. Maybe taking the van would have been the better idea, but he had already made his decision.
Tyranitar and his family lived in the countryside, there wasn't any stores very close... AWESOMEO didn't know the area very well since he was on vacation with his family, and they were only passing through... Images of flame, and the crash flashed through his mind. The army had rolled in and... It was a massacre. He was crushed by a horizontally challenged man that had been shot down. The army began piling the bodies and burning them, once they got the man off of him, he crawled into a gas station, and that's where Tyranitar found him on the way back from work. Awes owed them a lot, he hoped that he could repay his debt eventually.
The closest place where he would probably find something would be Appling. His vacation was originally Atlanta. Luckily he got the map from the car, and using the northern star, he followed the map. So far he was staying off the roads, but there was a river ahead so he had no choice but to cross the bridge. With some binoculars that he had found in a car, he scanned the area and saw that the bridge was clear. Then he saw the Hummer. He got down quickly into the bushes, where he could smell the stench of mud, and the Hummer speedily past him. Inside, all he saw was a man with a gas mask.
He didn't look friendly, so Awes was glad that he didn't ask for a ride, they were heading in the other direction anyway. There were surprisingly few cars, and no bodies. Maybe they got up and walked away. The thought of it chilled him to the bone. He checked all the dirty, and empty cars. All he found was a fresh PB & J sandwhich that he quickly ate, a handgun with two bullets, a paperclip, a dime, some new Green Nike's, and a Black Nissan car with keys still inside. He got inside, and wondered if the person would mind if he took the car or not.
He decided they probably wouldn't ever see the car again so he began driving. In curiosity, he turned on the radio and searched for a frequency that was still active. All was static... Wait... One sounded like talking. He turned it up and it was the voice of a woman.
"Do not leave the safety of your home. Military will soon resolve this conflict within the month. Thank you for your patience."
And it kept on repeating itself. Awes turned off the radio and shook his head. A month? That didn't sound good. Then he saw the smoke. A huge cloud of it, and the forest was... Catching fire. If he went into town it would be dangerous, but maybe he could help people, and there would probably be a lot of supplies that he could grab. There was a dirt trail to the left that lead to a small farm house, and maybe he could stay for the night and go to the town if the fire stopped. It was better to play it safe but would he regret it?...
[Go to the farm house.]
[Risk the town.]
[Go to the farm house.]
Awesome Chapter!!!
Awesome part Raging ;D
Does this mean because there's only one POV per part, the parts will most likely be longer? If so, that sounds cool...and are you continuing with every character, alive or dead? Because Randy would be an awesome character lmao (no bribing here...)
BUT anyways...going into the town would definitely be dangerous, but he would miss out on a lot of supplies and possible group members...but, if he did decide to go to the farm house, there could be people there, who don't want him there, or there could be walkers...and who knows if the fire will even die down. But, there could still be supplies in the farm house.
[Go to the farm house.]
Yeah I'm going to try and make them longer. I'm continuing with every character alive. It's the beginning of the apocalypse so all characters at this point are still alive, but the ones that are far from AWESOMEO will be introduced in later chapters. I'll try to get Randy in ASAP.
Okay, so all the characters in the story that are alive right now will be continued, makes sense. Well, don't rush yourself and put me in if it doesn't make sense, only if it fits in the story, so take your time. And I'm excited for longer parts
but don't feel obligated to make it too long if your not feeling up to it.
Thanks for the support. You're my favourite deputy
Thanks Raging
woo hoo. Three people.
EDIT: I think five now... RIP
Advertise on the Megathread!!
Noooo. I don't like advertising.
Then i am going to do it :P
I'll do it for you
Too late
[Go to the farm house.]
[Risk the town.]
a more exciting option you can DO IT :'D a quality read thank you rage
Mark you're talking like your gifs now. XD.
Thanks Mark, too nice to me.
Hi Pipas
Hey Raging, glad you made another season. This will be interesting... :P
XD exactly that what in my mind when I say that XD
So raiging would you mind having me join?
Yeah of course, anyone can join.
Ok...sorry but i know ill sound stupid for asking this but........what is this about......
Zombie apocalypse ;P
It says Walking Dead, and part of the story kind of tells you.... XD. But yeah, what Coming said.
(Go to the farm house.) Awesome start!
[Go to the farm house.]
[Go to the farm house]