Would you like to see Monkey Island 2 lechucks revenge special edition?
as everyone knows with the hype leading up to the new Secret of Monkey Island:SE, everyone is wondering if there going to make a special edition to Monkey Island 2, now Monkey Island 2 is my favourite game in the series (infact it was the first one i played out of the series),my only concern is seeing the revamp of this game,because as crazy as it sounds, i really love detail in the game, the art work and backgrounds was really breathtaking, and if they revamp the characters,i dont know if there going to loose the hilarious facial expressions, like when guybrush shoves a dog down his pants, or see his cheesy smile, when hes up to no good, or when he gets threaten by largo and you see guybrushs false hair, i dont know wether it would feel the same.
what do you guys think? do you think my concerns are ridiculous, or do you agree with what im saying
what do you guys think? do you think my concerns are ridiculous, or do you agree with what im saying
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It would be worth it just for the voices though IMO.
I am playing through MI2 atm, and I am also thinking it would be nice with voices. So would be great if they made a game the same way as MI1:SE where you can choose between old and new graphics, and hopefully voices as well. Old grapthics with voices would be nice
I'd love to see it as MI2 is my favourite in the series, but it's not an upgrade to be taken lightly.
Not that this has anything to do with Telltale, of course.
Yes, to be honest The Sam and Max voices period really did it for me . I grew up durring the Fate of Atlantis, DOTT , SAM period . I didn't really grow up in the silent video game period . The only silent video game I can stand to play is Last Crusade (that's silent right ?) (The adventure game version ).
The hair makes him look like a brat.
Still going to love it though
If it doesn't add something like this, i guess it's already fine just selling the old version so that people can buy it in a legal way. Although this might be different for someone who never played the game before.
The gfx in the Special Edition of SOMI are, well, ahm, ... but nevertheless it is available for the Xbox360.
The VGA version of SoMI is fairly similar graphically to LeChuck's Revenge. And it's very playble with the use of a high quaility magnification filter in ScummVM. Have you only played the EGA version?
I don't think that Lucasarts will do that coz there are already people working on adding speech to MI2 without any other changes, so it wouldn't sell, coz these other guys are doin it 4 free.
Wouldnt exactly be the same. Such free projects sometimes takes years, and sometimes never get done. Even if it did, it wouldnt be the original voices like Lucasarts could do.
Certainly would be nice hearing the voice of Largo, the pirate songs, the skeleton song. Lechuck in the ending of the game
I doubt they would be able to do all that in free voice over remake of MI2. Especially with good music. If Lucasarts did an MI2 remake Im also hoping they would redo all the sounds. I just played through the game, and they could use an update. Still a great game though
Didnt know about the fan voice over though. I would settle for that if thats all there is to get, if they get it done.
I can't stand fan voiceovers. They sound dorky and I'd rather hear a professional. The drawback to stuff that's "4 free" is that you get what you pay for.
And I'd pay to get a special edition of MI2, if LA did it.
ABSOLUTELY!!! even more so since its my favorite of the MI games
But it would have to be very faithful because that game is virtually perfect, but it would be very sad if the best game in the series was the only one without full voice acting.
Well, judging from how faithfully reproduced Secret of Monkey Island was (besides the hair), I don't think you'd have to worry about faithfullness.
If they DO make MI2:SE then I hope they include the lite version as well. It'll add to replayability, but more importantly a lot of people may not play it because of its difficulty. That game is TOUGH. Having the option of a lite version would be more appealing to people.
Then again, there's the included hint system anyway now so it doesn't really matter...
My biggest questions is if the hand painted backdrops still exist, so if they scan them with full colour and high resolution...
Wow, it would look amazing. Also the fact of ¡Muse using MIDI. If they can make it work with digital high quality sound I would be really amazed.
Also the Guybrush should look better something like the one from TOMI. No crazy hair cuts please. Maybe they could add some filter to the sprites, like outlines, so they look a bit more like COMI characters and not like Flash games characters... Just an idea.
Yeah, just re-draw the sprited in HD and scan in the backgrounds at a higher resolution.
OH, and try and get IMUSE to work with a fully orchestrated soundtrack, actually that would be a fun project to work on - updating IMUSE. shame I live in the UK so I can't apply to work at LA
Really, Monkey 2 has such a brilliant soundtrack... I think it haven't been surpased in terms of interactivity, even to this day. COMI and EMI may have used the system, but it haven't showed such quality in terms of interactivity.
As MusicallyInspired mentioned different soundtracks for each instrument and/or pitch and tempo variation would be great. It is possible with today technology and storage capabilities.
It would simply rock and it's a reason I want Monkey Island 2 remade even more.
They could even use the system in all their newer games, and I can surely say that it would be the most important enhancement in the sound department in games of the decade.
This has made me very interested to see how LA have combined a voice track with the music in Secret SE.
It sounded quite convincing, imho. Best April fools joke ever.
I liked that Largo in it.
I don't find the news page linking this file anymore. The hoax was a cooperation of several sites, Dominic Armato contributed his voice and the music was done by Highland Productions. I don't remember who did the Largo part, though. The quality sure varies. Most what I heard from the fan dub WIP of MI1 was quite adequate. Also not so long ago there were "Broken Sword 2.5" and "Zak McKracken: between time and space" (both in German) which have quite good voice acting. The latter has some minor mixing issues, though.
On the other side, taking a professional example like "Fate of Atlantis", the voice acting really isn't that convincing either, I'd say.