Job's tweet - "Nearly done...stay tuned" shorter episode it seems

I posted this in the waiting thread page but figured I'd post it here too for people who don't go there -

Good news at least, its coming soon! But it will be shorter than Ep1 it seems



  • Well it's about time we start hearing something, ever since PAX South there hasn't been any news. But the fact that it will be shorter than episode 1 worries me since they've had so much time to work on it.

  • 2 hours, it's about the same. If you take your time it will probably be around 3.

  • Yes! Finally some news! Maybe the 24th is too hopeful, but it will definitely be out in March 3rd.

  • edited February 2015

    Please tell me people aren't going to start whining about a 2 hour episode....

    Alt text

    looks at comments down below

    It begins.....

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  • They will...

    Please tell me people aren't going to start whining about a 2 hour episode.... looks at comments down below It begins.....

  • I'm just so happy we've got something to go on now, and anyway it's quality not quantity. I'd rather it were a twenty-minute long episode full of fun and awesomeness than a three-hour long one which is boring and badly written.

  • edited February 2015

    Change 20 minutes to at least 70, and I'll completely agree!

    Cough Cry Wolf was fucking amazing and that was 70 minutes... Cough

    I'm just so happy we've got something to go on now, and anyway it's quality not quantity. I'd rather it were a twenty-minute long episode full of fun and awesomeness than a three-hour long one which is boring and badly written.

  • Episode 1 was a good 2 1/2 hours for me the first time I played it. 2 hours is an awesome length. It doesn't matter if it's a bit shorter than the previous Episode.

  • edited February 2015

    So barely 2 hours from 3,5 months of work... I don't know why I even hoped.
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    It would be funny if it weren't so sad. No, it's actually not sad but.

  • How it took just as long to work on? We better not be getting that 90 minute shit

  • if i stay to compare 90 min with 150 min "this is how long was got ep2 for me" it would longer for me tales from the borderlands episode 2

    Clemenem posted: »

    How it took just as long to work on? We better not be getting that 90 minute shit

  • I agree, 2 hours episode are actually a nice length. And tbh the length never bothered me, it was also quality > quantity

    Please tell me people aren't going to start whining about a 2 hour episode.... looks at comments down below It begins.....

  • Not 20 minutes pls

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    I'm just so happy we've got something to go on now, and anyway it's quality not quantity. I'd rather it were a twenty-minute long episode full of fun and awesomeness than a three-hour long one which is boring and badly written.

  • Sheesh guys, 2 hours is just fine. Why is it such a big deal for someone?

  • Alt text

    Pipas posted: »

    Sheesh guys, 2 hours is just fine. Why is it such a big deal for someone?

  • I would prefer it to be a shorter length anyway. Episode One felt a bit too long.

  • What did I tell you? February 17th

  • F17Hype

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What did I tell you? February 17th

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited February 2015

    Nearly done still = soon.

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  • Its better than what we had before, at least we have an estimated play time now

    Cope49 posted: »

    Nearly done still = soon. So....

  • It'll happen eventually. Once TTG realizes that they aren't going to make much more money off of TFTB and GOT, they'll start cutting corners so as to still release both Minecraft and TWD S3 this year.

    Clemenem posted: »

    How it took just as long to work on? We better not be getting that 90 minute shit

  • The first episode was obviously brilliant but maybe it was a bit long. It was the first episode, first episodes are always longer than the rest of episodes because you have a lot more to fit in (eg; backstory, introduction to characters, etc.). And besides, it's about quality not quantity- I wouldn't be too bothered about the time as long as the episode is good.

  • Welp, by soon I hope he means early to mid March and not late March to early April.
    Kinda disappointed that it's a little shorter than 2 hours. I hope each episode isn't shorter than the last, which is what happened with Wolf.

  • Why do you all think it will be so long?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Welp, by soon I hope he means early to mid March and not late March to early April. Kinda disappointed that it's a little shorter than 2 hours. I hope each episode isn't shorter than the last, which is what happened with Wolf.

  • Did he write about the lenght before, when TWAU or TWD were released? A little weird.

  • edited February 2015

    The forum constantly complains about the length of episodes, so he started adding in the length for episodes with Game of Thrones, and now with Borderlands.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Did he write about the lenght before, when TWAU or TWD were released? A little weird.

  • The release? Well... when TT says soon, it usually means that is still a few weeks away from being released. Though, I wouldn't mind being wrong.

    Why do you all think it will be so long?

  • Soon means a lot of things in Telltale's vocabulary. However, he doesn't say soon in this, that means it's very close.

    I bet we get a trailer next week and the episode March 3rd. Don't be so pessimistic, we have news, news that says it's close.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    The release? Well... when TT says soon, it usually means that is still a few weeks away from being released. Though, I wouldn't mind being wrong.

  • we get no info- you bitch

    we get some news- not good enough still bitching

    why do you even bother?

    Cope49 posted: »

    Nearly done still = soon. So....

  • Well, I prefer to be pessimistic, because then I can be pleasantly surprised about it being released sooner than I had expected.

    Soon means a lot of things in Telltale's vocabulary. However, he doesn't say soon in this, that means it's very close. I bet we get a trailer next week and the episode March 3rd. Don't be so pessimistic, we have news, news that says it's close.

  • True enough, it's good but you mind not being so pessimistic?

    There are too many people being pessimistic right now, not good for the community, you know?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well, I prefer to be pessimistic, because then I can be pleasantly surprised about it being released sooner than I had expected.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited February 2015

    I have every right to bitch.
    Why does TellTale even bother? Quit tweeting and just release the damn thing!

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    we get no info- you bitch we get some news- not good enough still bitching why do you even bother?

  • Its not about how long it is but how good it is. In these episodic games they've mostly make additional time by repeating locations and characters way too much. Which reduces costs but also quality of the game.

    So, these game length hype they're trying to make is actually more scary then reassuring because they are taking into account less relevant thing.

  • Tweeting doesn't exactly take hours so it's not gonna change much when it comes to releasing an episode.

    Cope49 posted: »

    I have every right to bitch. Why does TellTale even bother? Quit tweeting and just release the damn thing!

  • Or:

    The forum constantly complains about the length of episodes, so he started adding in the length for episodes with Game of Thrones, and now with Borderlands.

    Its not about how long it is but how good it is. In these episodic games they've mostly make additional time by repeating locations and char

  • Alright, I'll try to not be so pessimistic. In some of my previous posts I have joked about the release of episode 2, because the way people were talking about it, episode 2 seemed to be vaporware like The Last Guardian (which is probably dead and Soony is just lying through their teeth)

    True enough, it's good but you mind not being so pessimistic? There are too many people being pessimistic right now, not good for the community, you know?

  • edited February 2015

    I wouldn't say that... both Borderlands and Thrones have sold pretty well

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It'll happen eventually. Once TTG realizes that they aren't going to make much more money off of TFTB and GOT, they'll start cutting corners so as to still release both Minecraft and TWD S3 this year.

  • Yeah, it's fine, the hate and complaining and pessimistism is just getting old now. I know you're not one of the big ones, I'm just saying.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Alright, I'll try to not be so pessimistic. In some of my previous posts I have joked about the release of episode 2, because the way peopl

  • They've shouldn't make games following compains but following their visions. If they fail more important things for sure if they are concentrated only on fulfilling trivial expectations, like more game length.

    Also, if players is not satified by game length of single episode maybe that player should consider playling whole season at once, not episode by episode. Some players are not used on lenght game in episodic format so they always whine actually expecting full game. Play full season then.

    Or: The forum constantly complains about the length of episodes, so he started adding in the length for episodes with Game of Thrones, and now with Borderlands.

  • Dude, I just copied the guy's comment above you which says they add the length on the Tweet so people won't complain about it later. It's just saying that he adds it on there because people want to know the length early, not because they're trying to hype it.

    They've shouldn't make games following compains but following their visions. If they fail more important things for sure if they are concent

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