What Blind Sniper said. Also, the latest video has currently been viewed by less than 500 people and hasn't been reported on by any major ga… moreming site. Most people were probably sent there from this thread, and the consensus here is that it's fake. So you're looking at a very small amount of people who are thinking it's real. It's not worth Telltale's effort to clear things up.
Adam just retweeted this answer to a question about Wolf Among Us S2. Nothing really relating to this and probably nothing at all but I figure some of you would like to see it :P
The opening text tends to repeat itself, like it was written by someone who doesn't do that sort of thing professionally if you know what I mean.
The short bit of gameplay is odd though; the snow definitely looks fake in this one, and while the music is fitting and the text seems normal, I wonder why we didn't get to see more?
The game clearly wasn't crashing this time around
I am starting to believe that this a fake that someone is spending a long time working on so that it becomes convincing. We haven't heard anything from official sources, so I remain unconvinced.
I still call fake. The text screens can very easily be faked on a video editing program, or by modding the Faith intro screen. Also, they still use the wrong fonts.
I still stand by it being fake. As someone stated, the intro seemed a bit 'unprofessional' or repetitve maybe a bit cheesey, yaknow? we shall see.. Also! I doubt telltale would switch between fonts like that, even if it's just a dlc. Doesn't make sense.
If they wanted to do that they would post them on their vine account and then tweet them like they did for 400 days, TWD season 2 and some episodes of TWAU. You can see the old ones here.
[Save Wolf Among Us Season 2] [Leave Wolf Among Us Season 2]
And then Wolf Among Us Season 2 died 5 minutes after being announced
I heard it the first time
It's a jpeg, you silly Bufkin.
Dammit... :P
Challenge accepted, Adam.
Lets just hope Adam saying he "doesnt know" means he knows, but he cant say anything ;3
But of course! Damn Telltale magic. ;3
He was The Big Bad Wolf, so everyone probably seen his private parts back in The Homelands
I don't which way you took that. That he was 'The Big Bad Wolf' or that wolves don't wear clothes.
And Snow has probably taken his Wolf parts in the bedroom as a sign of true love :P
50 Shades of SnowXBigby
You dare mention that crap around Fables...
Um........ I'm dead, now. Right?
Not yet
I hope our efforts for Season 2 don't go as bad as Robb's effort for the North
I don't think we'll all get slaughtered at a wedding dude :P
@PuzzleBox say something about this!
I'm pretty sure Robb probably said the same thing xD
I want to believe I can play as Bigby again.
We have another people !
This just keep getting more and more convincing each video... I hope it's real.
We all hope its real... we all do
I'm 50/50 with this video...
The opening text tends to repeat itself, like it was written by someone who doesn't do that sort of thing professionally if you know what I mean.
The short bit of gameplay is odd though; the snow definitely looks fake in this one, and while the music is fitting and the text seems normal, I wonder why we didn't get to see more?
The game clearly wasn't crashing this time around
I am starting to believe that this a fake that someone is spending a long time working on so that it becomes convincing. We haven't heard anything from official sources, so I remain unconvinced.
One can always dream :P
Well, well, I guess the plot thickens......
If this is real, you'd think the entire episode would've been posted on youtube now, huh?
If this is real.....
The James W guy claims that it constantly crashes, but could always just be an excuse
I still call fake. The text screens can very easily be faked on a video editing program, or by modding the Faith intro screen. Also, they still use the wrong fonts.
Alright, now there's no doubt in my mind that it's fake. The font he's using is weird, and, well, Telltale wouldn't have that much text on an intro.
I still stand by it being fake. As someone stated, the intro seemed a bit 'unprofessional' or repetitve maybe a bit cheesey, yaknow? we shall see..
Also! I doubt telltale would switch between fonts like that, even if it's just a dlc. Doesn't make sense.
What if this was put up by devs as some sort of pr stunt to get the communities hopes up and keep us talking about dlc/s2?
To quote Bloody Mary: "The Wolf is coming"
Although, I wonder why Telltale hasn't said anything yet about whether this is real or fake.
If they wanted to do that they would post them on their vine account and then tweet them like they did for 400 days, TWD season 2 and some episodes of TWAU. You can see the old ones here.