The Vent/Help Thread



  • Damn.

    So yesterday was a filled with bullshit. In the morning I started the computer up and when it finally fully loaded up, both of the online

  • edited June 2015

    God damn I'm so pissed right now.

    Okay, so 2 days ago, we had a home invasion. Some guy followed my sister in our house and had a gun. Thankfully when he saw all the people living in our house, he got scared and ran. Now our landlord gets pissy with us because we left the door unlocked. Now yes I get it, we made a mistake, and we have been for 5 years. We learned from our mistake. but he comes yelling at us. Even though we're the ones who do most of the shit around here. Shovel snow and stuff. And his daughter asked us to check if the house is safe, not her father AKA the landlord, us. And we never complain about anything even though we've asking to get new floors and stuff because it's so shitty for 3 years. But now he wants evicted. Fucking bullshit. Most of the stuff I get angry about is pretty petty, but this is bullshit.

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    Edit: And let me mention that if we can call the Health department, this house will be shut down in less than a second it's so shitty.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited June 2015

    I'm glad you are ok.

    bloop posted: »

    God damn I'm so pissed right now. Okay, so 2 days ago, we had a home invasion. Some guy followed my sister in our house and had a gun. Th

  • How am I the problem if the class doesnt teach you the right fundamentals? Maybe you've had a good experience but I know lots people who havent.

    Also in my class all the unfit kids just stand there while the athletic kids do sports, so explain how thats good for them?

    Mariana238 posted: »

    PE was great fun for me. Get a relaxing and fun hour or so out of class, playing football with your mates, having a laugh. Majority of peopl

  • I hated PE too. But I had to take it because it was required in order to graduate high school.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a rant. I fucking hate PE its so stupid, some dumb people think it promotes physical activity but if you dont like exercising


    This pisses me off. I've said it before: I have little quarrel with Islam. But this is taking a turn that sickens me. I love that after the Hagia Sophia today is museum for all people. But the fact that people want to turn it back a mosque, or a church, or anything like that except a museum disgusts me. I'm glad they're are Muslims, Catholics, and Orthodox Church members that oppose this. I sincerely hope it's not converted into anything.

    These people make me sick too. Much like the protesters/rioters that interfered with Freddie Gray's funeral, this people are the worst. One guy got arrested for throwing coffee on them. I would do it too.

  • edited June 2015

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    Seriously, are the people over there fucking idiots or something. This is fucking shameful, Bruce Jenner hasn't done anything of importance by doing what he did, Noah Galloway is a fucking inspiration. Not only did he have the courage to fight and defend this great nation, he refused to let his injuries fucking stop him or get in his way. Fuck the people over at the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, this is fucking bullshit.

    I don't even know what to say...

  • I'm not watching the ESPY'S this year. This is why I'm not a big fan of ESPN anymore. Remember when Michael Sam went openly gay? That's all they talked about for a solid week. They need to just say it once and stop making it a bigger deal than what it is.

    Seriously, are the people over there fucking idiots or something. This is fucking shameful, Bruce Jenner hasn't done anything of importance

  • I'm trying to get my own reality TV show on TLC, i figure they'll give anyone a TV Show at this point. So far the negotiations have been slow, but hopefully we can make some sort of deal.

    I am a huge proponent of Civil War Surgery. Everyone should know how to take a bullet out of them, if needed, or what proper steps would be needed, how to stop bleeding, and whatnot.

  • F*cking family keeps bitching about how i choose to live my life.

  • F*cking family keeps bitching about how i choose to live my life.

    I ignore their calls at this point. If they want to talk to me, they have to communicate through email.

    zeke10 posted: »

    F*cking family keeps bitching about how i choose to live my life.

  • So do mine but at least it shows they care I guess they always see better for you :)

    zeke10 posted: »

    F*cking family keeps bitching about how i choose to live my life.


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    An alcoholic pro Athlete kicked the crapped of a mother and her son with a long history of violence and domestic abuse

    Front page news, locked this person up in prison, dropped from her team and fined right, Loss all her sponsorship and merchandise deals? even get booed by every crowd she plays in front of

    lol nah none of that got you I was only joking she was female so doesn't count right?

    Pretend your the nephew in this case a Pro Athlete kicked the crap out of you then your mother so you hit her with a broom to protect your mam then that person goes on TV crying your a woman abuser to mass sympathy

    I want the truth and a fair case I hope if she did this she will be going to prison and faced with the consequences of her actions violence is always wrong no matter what sex you are and both sexes should be treated just as harshly to stop it

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  • Are the police getting involved? That's really scary, good thing everyone is alright.

    bloop posted: »

    God damn I'm so pissed right now. Okay, so 2 days ago, we had a home invasion. Some guy followed my sister in our house and had a gun. Th

  • edited June 2015

    I don't have much of that happening except everyone but my brother constantly complain about my hair. I mean I like it messy and medium long, I feel more comfortable with it.

    zeke10 posted: »

    F*cking family keeps bitching about how i choose to live my life.

  • Florida weed sucks! It's overpriced, hard to find and doesn't even smoke good. Blecch.

    I didn't like buying from Dominican gangbangers in PA, But at least they sold decent weed at a reasonable price. This shit is all stems and seeds.

  • they care

    They only care about how much money they will inherit when i die. Only family i have left is a sister who is older, and she only calls/talks to me about when she needs something.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So do mine but at least it shows they care I guess they always see better for you

  • Dude, no one smokes weed anymore, its all about the oil now.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Florida weed sucks! It's overpriced, hard to find and doesn't even smoke good. Blecch. I didn't like buying from Dominican gangbangers in PA, But at least they sold decent weed at a reasonable price. This shit is all stems and seeds.

  • Depends of your family I guess and I'm sorry to hear your sister is all you have left and uses you

    That sounds bad hopefully she change and appreciate you more one day

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    they care They only care about how much money they will inherit when i die. Only family i have left is a sister who is older, and she only calls/talks to me about when she needs something.

  • Alt text


    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Florida weed sucks! It's overpriced, hard to find and doesn't even smoke good. Blecch. I didn't like buying from Dominican gangbangers in PA, But at least they sold decent weed at a reasonable price. This shit is all stems and seeds.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2015

    Yes, I often turn into an elderly crackhead when I smoke. AYo MarK. Spoot mE a tWENTY ya bish.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • 2potent4me. I'd rather have a mellow, high. Blowtorch and shit? I'm good.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Dude, no one smokes weed anymore, its all about the oil now.

  • lol too potent, never thought i'd hear the day.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    2potent4me. I'd rather have a mellow, high. Blowtorch and shit? I'm good.

  • That sounds bad hopefully she change and appreciate you more one day

    Doubt it. I don't give a fuck anymore. I just stick to myself, and try not to cave anyone's head in with a Tire Iron. Sometimes the Anger is overwhelming at times.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Depends of your family I guess and I'm sorry to hear your sister is all you have left and uses you That sounds bad hopefully she change and appreciate you more one day

  • I can become black if i smoke? Well shit, i better start smoking, because we all know being black in today's world is GREAT.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yes, I often turn into an elderly crackhead when I smoke. AYo MarK. Spoot mE a tWENTY ya bish.

  • Indeed it is! As a black person you get to enjoy a lower than average life-expectancy, a lower than average median income and an abormally high rate of incarceration for non-violent offenseS.

    It's fucking great to be a black person.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I can become black if i smoke? Well shit, i better start smoking, because we all know being black in today's world is GREAT.

  • i get high to relax, not to get sick.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    lol too potent, never thought i'd hear the day.

  • At least when the police kill you, people care.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Indeed it is! As a black person you get to enjoy a lower than average life-expectancy, a lower than average median income and an abormally high rate of incarceration for non-violent offenseS. It's fucking great to be a black person.

  • ...which is important because you're statistically much more likely to be gunned down by the cops than a white person.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    At least when the police kill you, people care.

  • Florida weed sucks! It's overpriced, hard to find and doesn't even smoke good. Blecch

    Tell me about it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Florida weed sucks! It's overpriced, hard to find and doesn't even smoke good. Blecch. I didn't like buying from Dominican gangbangers in PA, But at least they sold decent weed at a reasonable price. This shit is all stems and seeds.

  • Word. And I'm pretty sure most of it comes straight from a cartel. I like my weed local, dammit!

    Might start growing once I move out.

    Florida weed sucks! It's overpriced, hard to find and doesn't even smoke good. Blecch Tell me about it.

  • That's racist!

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • U say your weed is bad? That's because you don't know about the transgenic shit they sell here.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Word. And I'm pretty sure most of it comes straight from a cartel. I like my weed local, dammit! Might start growing once I move out.

  • Monsanto be makin' Frankenreefer. Oh no! D:

    papai46 posted: »

    U say your weed is bad? That's because you don't know about the transgenic shit they sell here.

  • White women won't talk to me, they call me "crazy, angry, over controlling", so maybe they'd talk to me if i was black. they would think its thuggish.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    ...which is important because you're statistically much more likely to be gunned down by the cops than a white person.

  • This is starting to veer into racist territory, George. Just saying.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    White women won't talk to me, they call me "crazy, angry, over controlling", so maybe they'd talk to me if i was black. they would think its thuggish.

  • I have a lil vent.

    So lately i've been pulling my hair out of exams. I have 60% in math and had an exam today and started crying halfway through because i got massive anxiety and had to pull my self together. So in grade 6 i was bullied for lots of different reasons mostly because i was different and i hated myself. Anyways i was in a really dark place and i was only 11 ;-; I began self harming as a coping method and i would cut on my upper wrist and my legs. My life was the biggest mess, i lost all my friends and I just spent my recesses alone. As grade 6 went on i would cut more and more often and my mom never found out until i told her in grade 7 after about 6 months of self harming. So I got help and i eventually stopped by grade 7 and almost 3 years later my scars have gone away.. but I have been dealing with so much this year and the urge to self harm is quickly returning. I've really been trying not to cut lately but the stress from these exams has really been getting to me. Last night I tried cutting but sometimes I cant bring myself to doing it and just scrape the skin off. I've been crying every night for the last week because of the stress i've brought on myself, i've had more and more anxiety attacks and i skip PE to study and because i dont want other guys to see my have an anxiety attack and cry. I have studied for 7 hours and i still feel like a failure. So yeah, just needed to get that off my chest.

  • I don't really vent that often. Whenever something bad happens, I think about it and nothing else for the rest of the day and probably night too. Is that bad?

  • You can and should ask for help. Relapsing into self-harm is very serious.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I have a lil vent. So lately i've been pulling my hair out of exams. I have 60% in math and had an exam today and started crying halfway

  • I know the exact feeling, sometimes it drives me nuts.

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I don't really vent that often. Whenever something bad happens, I think about it and nothing else for the rest of the day and probably night too. Is that bad?

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