The Vent/Help Thread



  • Same. I wouldn't know if that's bad, I just overthink, too often and that's not good.

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I don't really vent that often. Whenever something bad happens, I think about it and nothing else for the rest of the day and probably night too. Is that bad?

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited June 2015

    You need to go see someone, and get some help. Everyone handles stress in their own way, but you have to find a better way of dealing with it. I don't see why you are stressing so much, its not like you have rent to pay or you will be homeless next week, and you just lost your job. Think about where you are at your life, and just enjoy it.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I have a lil vent. So lately i've been pulling my hair out of exams. I have 60% in math and had an exam today and started crying halfway

  • People are way too sensitive.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    This is starting to veer into racist territory, George. Just saying.

  • I'm not even white, so don't blame me for the white man's crimes.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    if you think everyone is too sensitive, maybe you should stop and consider whether it's a problem with their attitude or your own.

  • if you think everyone is too sensitive, maybe you should stop and consider whether it's a problem with their attitude or your own.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    People are way too sensitive.

  • Was I accusing you of hate crimes? No. I just think that the 'thugging' comment was pretty stereotypical and rude. It seems like you were suggesting that most black man act like that.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I'm not even white, so don't blame me for the white man's crimes.

  • I am using the definition of a thug that Tupic Shakur or whatever said, but w/e. Like i said oversensitive.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Was I accusing you of hate crimes? No. I just think that the 'thugging' comment was pretty stereotypical and rude. It seems like you were suggesting that most black man act like that.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2015

    Bullshit excuse. I'm pretty sure Pac didn't describe Thug Life as being a controlling asshole towards women, Oh well.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I am using the definition of a thug that Tupic Shakur or whatever said, but w/e. Like i said oversensitive.

  • With that logic, why should some people be stressed by paying rent when there are people being tortured and are starving away in gulag camps?

    Just because some people are in worse situations doesn't invalidate TeamSarah's own feelings. Some just feel stress more frequently and intensely than others.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    You need to go see someone, and get some help. Everyone handles stress in their own way, but you have to find a better way of dealing with

  • edited June 2015

    Eh, I ain't got nothing to complain about. People mostly ignore me, so I don't really have much contact with outside drama. But in other news, I just joined my high school cross country team!

  • Are you serious? Really? W O W

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Bullshit excuse. I'm pretty sure Pac didn't describe Thug Life as being a controlling asshole towards women, Oh well.

  • Exactly, stress is a waste of time. I been through many life/death situations, i wasn't worried about dying..

    With that logic, why should some people be stressed by paying rent when there are people being tortured and are starving away in gulag camps

  • It's about what they need though, not you.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Exactly, stress is a waste of time. I been through many life/death situations, i wasn't worried about dying..

  • YAY! :D

    mr.quality posted: »

    Eh, I ain't got nothing to complain about. People mostly ignore me, so I don't really have much contact with outside drama. But in other news, I just joined my high school cross country team!

  • Yes, I know how's that. When something bad happens I can't do anything else because I feel like I'm about to explode. :(

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I don't really vent that often. Whenever something bad happens, I think about it and nothing else for the rest of the day and probably night too. Is that bad?

  • Yes!! Even when I know in my damn heart that whatever it is isn't even a big deal, I'm still bothered by it sometimes. It's annoying as shit lol. I'll catch myself feeling salty and be like "Damn, please take a nap???"

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I don't really vent that often. Whenever something bad happens, I think about it and nothing else for the rest of the day and probably night too. Is that bad?

  • I don't know the first thing about weed. Although, funny enough, I used to hang with some hardcore stoners that smoked like chimneys but I've always been more a liquor man.

    Lungs weren't meant for smoke insulation.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Monsanto be makin' Frankenreefer. Oh no!

  • edited June 2015

    This morning I had pizza slices for breakfast. The crust was like rubber and I slighty dislocated my jaw from tearing it apart with my teeth. It hurt like hell. Luckily it's feeling better and feels like it's back in place. Doubt I'm going to get those particular slices ever again.

  • Don't you live near Bellbrook, i went to highschool there.

    mr.quality posted: »

    Eh, I ain't got nothing to complain about. People mostly ignore me, so I don't really have much contact with outside drama. But in other news, I just joined my high school cross country team!

  • edited June 2015

    Really? Bellbrook is just a few miles from here.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Don't you live near Bellbrook, i went to highschool there.

  • Beware of the morning pizza crust.

    This morning I had pizza slices for breakfast. The crust was like rubber and I slighty dislocated my jaw from tearing it apart with my teeth

  • You know what pisses me off? SpongeBob. I'm watching it right now (don't ask why lol) and you know what ticks me off? The way SpongeBob and Patrick and everyone are complete aholes to Squidward. I feel bad for the guy he just wants to do his own thing and relax, but SpongeBob and Patrick always have to harass him.

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

    I'm sorry to hear this bro

    You must believe you can beat this learn copying mechanisms or things what would calm you down

    Find a hobby you love to get your mind off stressful stuff for me it's sport that helps me beat my demons and daily stresses

    From knowing you around the forum your a smart and popular person here I was shocked to read this but I'm happy to know that this journey will only get better for you the challenges your facing are beatable

    Reread this post yourself pretend it's someone else seeking help to help you get prospective and try to think of a way

    I'm not worried I know you can and will beat this :)

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I have a lil vent. So lately i've been pulling my hair out of exams. I have 60% in math and had an exam today and started crying halfway

  • I did research on self-harm I know from myself I found it hard to understand why you would harm yourself ever I was ignorant in a way so I did research to find out why people do it

    Cutting releasing happy endorphins like drugs or anything else it gives you a instant high that's why it becomes addictive but like anything else if you deal with problems by cutting or anything for that instant buzz you need you will never solve the underlining issue that makes you unhappy or find a suitable replacement for that high with natural happiness

    It a worse case some people may feel they can only be happy by cutting

    If your unhappy and use cutting to feel happy it merely gives you an illusion of happiness while your problems worsen and your body can get permanent damage you may become reliant on it

    Alt text

    But never to late to find the things to make you happy to replace that need or to solve the problems which trouble you it will be hard but nothing worth doing is easy

    Alt text

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    You can and should ask for help. Relapsing into self-harm is very serious.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2015

    I wouldn't consider myself a stoner, but I sometimes light up on the weekends to relax. I smoked a ton of weed a few years back while I was being treated for ITP. They had me on IV infusions and steroids that made me anxious and paranoid, so weed helped keep me sane.

    I still smoke it sometimes, but constant smoking completely lost its appeal after I went into remission. I definitely don't treat it as a daily ritual or anything. It's a good thing too, because it's impossible to get a steady supply in the winter.

    I don't know the first thing about weed. Although, funny enough, I used to hang with some hardcore stoners that smoked like chimneys but I've always been more a liquor man. Lungs weren't meant for smoke insulation.

  • I don't know but i graduated from Bellbrook Ohio, i lived in SugerCreek Township, own land there.

    mr.quality posted: »

    Really? Bellbrook is just a few miles from here.

  • Yeah, bellbrook isn't far from where I live.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't know but i graduated from Bellbrook Ohio, i lived in SugerCreek Township, own land there.

  • Ever go to that walmart where they shot that kid? How Crazy.

    mr.quality posted: »

    Yeah, bellbrook isn't far from where I live.

  • No, I understand. And I don't care if people smoke it, the way I see it, we all have vices. In fact, I'm for legalizing medical marijuana and I'd even extend it to recreational purposes as well. I just don't have any interest in it.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I wouldn't consider myself a stoner, but I sometimes light up on the weekends to relax. I smoked a ton of weed a few years back while I was

  • edited June 2015

    Yeah, i was there like about a week before it happened. It's just a couple of minutes away from my town. That was pretty messed up though.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Ever go to that walmart where they shot that kid? How Crazy.

  • I know I'm going to regret this:

    My fellow Americans, we remember Brown v. The Board of Education, correct? The court case that effectively eliminated 'separate but equal' public schools. It also let to a great movement that got rid of segregation.

    Well, this situation seems familiar. Making a high school just for gays IS discrimination. We don't have state-funded Catholic, Jewish, or Muslim schools. But they want state-sponsored gay schools? That's ridiculous. If the LGBT community stepped up and created private schools for LGBT people, then great. As a Catholic school student I understand 100% and it makes total sense. But state-funded? NO. I'd even accept it if they catered it towards LGBT members, but allow non-LGBT students to attend.

  • People just need to accept that everyone gets harassed. EVERYONE gets harassed. They will find something about you to make fun of, and they will exploit it. Just becaus a person is gay they don't get to have immunity from that. There is no campaign or public outcry to stop people from giving shit to people with freckles. They can't help it, they were born with freckles, but people are still gonna give a person shit for it once in a while. All these touchy bitches should join the rest of us in just being part of the human race instead of trying to claim immunity from it. Like fkn Wanda Sykes telling people not to say 'gay'. Stfu Wanda you sensitive jerk how do you think stupid people feel when people say the word stupid CONSTANTLY. Stupid people are real, I have met them. Some of them have to know they're stupid. They can't help it. Now man he fk up and deal with it like the rest of us. Tired of this shit.

    I know I'm going to regret this: My fell

  • I do know of people in the LGBT community who have transferred to alternate private schools. The school I am at now is considered one of those "safe places" and most of the students who are there (although it's mostly considered a therapeutic school for mental illness) have their educations funded by whatever municipality they are from, including me. Other kids come here because of bullying from their original schools. I don't think what you are talking about is just because they are gay, I think it's because they are being bullied. If someone is being severely bullied for whatever reason then I don't see the harm in the original school funding their education out to a private one if the original school can't accommodate the student. That's the case for a lot of students at my school.

    I know I'm going to regret this: My fell

  • In general, I think that segregated schools are a step backwards. But if this discussion is taking place, it's a sign that there's an underlying problem with how LGBT students are being treated in public schools.

    Of course, public education in America is a joke anyway, especially in cities.

    I know I'm going to regret this: My fell

  • I just hate the show in general, it isnt funny. at all. When I was a kid I was just confused at how stupid it was

    You know what pisses me off? SpongeBob. I'm watching it right now (don't ask why lol) and you know what ticks me off? The way SpongeBob and

  • That stuff is a step back, No one should be bullied but the real world doesnt have a safety net, people need to interact with all groups of people. Plenty of people who are good at school are useless in the real world as they have no real world skills due to sheltering.

    I do wish they had more grammer schools/ academies. Actually recruiting people based on intelligence would be a good way to go.

    I know I'm going to regret this: My fell

  • edited June 2015

    People just need to accept that everyone gets harassed. EVERYONE gets harassed. They will find something about you to make fun of, and they will exploit it

    Alt text

    Your spot on

    I went to one school where I was harassed badly everyday just because I was born in a rival city the stress made me develop OCD to I also had dyslexia problems

    The day I stopped seeing myself as the victim of my problems but the instigator I overcame everything I learned how to deal with my problems and face them you learn the most valuable lessons in the hardest situations

    I thank my parents so much for not sending me to private schools or giving me medication when I was facing really hard problems and feeling really down because it taught me how to face my demons and deal with hard times making me a stronger and better person today

    If they took me out of the situation then to a private school and drugged me up I'd never of learned how to face my problems and feel happy it would simple be a safety net till I'm released to the real world again I'd be a defenseless ticking timebomb unable to take criticism or stand up for myself who would need to be medicated to be happy a shell of the person I am today without the lessons I learned by getting that abuse and harassment everyday and learning overcoming it.

    Today I have top grades and top of my sports teams that all came from learning how to deal with hard times like that how to make it motivate you not pull you down how to deal with stress and haters etc it was a blessing in disguise

    In short Don't be a victim man up and face your problems

    But on the issue

    We all face problems and harassment don't hide from it deal with it and learn lessons by making separate schools your teaching the world being homosexual means your different and need to be away from other students which is wrong

    This is a millions steps backward all sexual orientations should be together and learn how to interact with eachother in the same school this will lead to a better understanding and less ignorance towards eachother

    By separating and making their sexual orientation such a big deal that they must be in a different school only leads to more hate and ignorance it creates separate groups no person should be judged which school to go to because sexual orientation

    People just need to accept that everyone gets harassed. EVERYONE gets harassed. They will find something about you to make fun of, and they

  • I agree 100% :)

    That stuff is a step back, No one should be bullied but the real world doesnt have a safety net, people need to interact with all groups of

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2015

    We all face problems and harassment don't hide from it deal with it and learn lessons by making separate schools your teaching the world being homosexual means your different and need to be away from other students which is wrong

    This is a millions steps backward all sexual orientations should be together and learn how to interact with eachother in the same school this will lead to a better understanding and less ignorance towards eachother

    By separating and making their sexual orientation such a big deal that they must be in a different school only leads to more hate and ignorance it creates separate groups no person should be judged which school to go to because sexual orientation

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    People just need to accept that everyone gets harassed. EVERYONE gets harassed. They will find something about you to make fun of, and they

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