This isn`t really Rhyiona, and not even RJack, buuut... Yup. Yesterday this one was just a sketch. Jusk like second Rhyiona art. First day -… more sketch. Second day - completed work. But... Yeah. That was extreme. Just after second Rhyiona, next day - BooOuuum! XD Sometimes it happens... I make those pictures very fast, when i have some motivation, even if i planned only one for TFTB - the first Rhyiona art. In the moments like that i can not even see what happening around me! Even if it will be war, i will do not see it! XDDD It is just like a hypnose! I see a picture in my head, and the more I realize it in the picture, the more it melts in my imagination and in the eyes, it is becoming more transparent and fuzzy. Sometimes i can not stop, and telling to myself, when i get another idea: Okay, one more. This one will be last! No, no! THIS ONE REALLY WILL BE NEXT! No, last! LAST! Nooooo, it will be neeeext, oooh yeeeaaah baby you can dooo it for O… [view original content]
This isn`t really Rhyiona, and not even RJack, buuut... Yup. Yesterday this one was just a sketch. Jusk like second Rhyiona art. First day -… more sketch. Second day - completed work. But... Yeah. That was extreme. Just after second Rhyiona, next day - BooOuuum! XD Sometimes it happens... I make those pictures very fast, when i have some motivation, even if i planned only one for TFTB - the first Rhyiona art. In the moments like that i can not even see what happening around me! Even if it will be war, i will do not see it! XDDD It is just like a hypnose! I see a picture in my head, and the more I realize it in the picture, the more it melts in my imagination and in the eyes, it is becoming more transparent and fuzzy. Sometimes i can not stop, and telling to myself, when i get another idea: Okay, one more. This one will be last! No, no! THIS ONE REALLY WILL BE NEXT! No, last! LAST! Nooooo, it will be neeeext, oooh yeeeaaah baby you can dooo it for O… [view original content]
This isn`t really Rhyiona, and not even RJack, buuut... Yup. Yesterday this one was just a sketch. Jusk like second Rhyiona art. First day -… more sketch. Second day - completed work. But... Yeah. That was extreme. Just after second Rhyiona, next day - BooOuuum! XD Sometimes it happens... I make those pictures very fast, when i have some motivation, even if i planned only one for TFTB - the first Rhyiona art. In the moments like that i can not even see what happening around me! Even if it will be war, i will do not see it! XDDD It is just like a hypnose! I see a picture in my head, and the more I realize it in the picture, the more it melts in my imagination and in the eyes, it is becoming more transparent and fuzzy. Sometimes i can not stop, and telling to myself, when i get another idea: Okay, one more. This one will be last! No, no! THIS ONE REALLY WILL BE NEXT! No, last! LAST! Nooooo, it will be neeeext, oooh yeeeaaah baby you can dooo it for O… [view original content]
This isn`t really Rhyiona, and not even RJack, buuut... Yup. Yesterday this one was just a sketch. Jusk like second Rhyiona art. First day -… more sketch. Second day - completed work. But... Yeah. That was extreme. Just after second Rhyiona, next day - BooOuuum! XD Sometimes it happens... I make those pictures very fast, when i have some motivation, even if i planned only one for TFTB - the first Rhyiona art. In the moments like that i can not even see what happening around me! Even if it will be war, i will do not see it! XDDD It is just like a hypnose! I see a picture in my head, and the more I realize it in the picture, the more it melts in my imagination and in the eyes, it is becoming more transparent and fuzzy. Sometimes i can not stop, and telling to myself, when i get another idea: Okay, one more. This one will be last! No, no! THIS ONE REALLY WILL BE NEXT! No, last! LAST! Nooooo, it will be neeeext, oooh yeeeaaah baby you can dooo it for O… [view original content]
this one......about 12 hours i guess. From 9 am to 8 pm. Yeah, it took less time than Rhyiona kiss. That one took about 16 hours or something.
And the first one Rhyiona, taking into account a days of making of video, that one took almost 5 days. But main process of DRAWING of first one - about.... 15 hours maybe X)
this one......about 12 hours i guess. From 9 am to 8 pm. Yeah, it took less time than Rhyiona kiss. That one took about 16 hours or somethin… moreg.
And the first one Rhyiona, taking into account a days of making of video, that one took almost 5 days. But main process of DRAWING of first one - about.... 15 hours maybe X)
It is also said that he was promoted to GOD status his name was wisemanwolfgodthing and he defeated Satan in MORTAL COMBAT with the help of chewy and THE POWER OF RHYIONA and took over UNDERWORLD and GAVE it to someone named XDJulieXD but this are just rumours THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW.
Thank you a lot
Well gal, you are talented as fuck.
i want to get lost on fiona's eyes. they're like tiny universes...
How much coffee did you drink?
Awesome, of course, as always.
Haha well that's not weird since I used google translate
But good to know, I'll change it in a snap!
ohhh!! did you post it? i'd love to see it!
na I think she would like that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i am just crazy on it. That`s all!
I'm so amazed by your work! Really jealous too but mostly amazed!
no coffee! ^^ Today i slept almost 10 hours XD
That is insanely good! @bembiann for how long have you been drawing?
Nope. I refuse to accept. You are good.
aw, you did that for me too? Awww<3 You are a precious little santa duck!
i haven't yet ^^; i'm trying to get some clear voice overs for it atm. I could send you the link when its up though.
this one......about 12 hours i guess. From 9 am to 8 pm. Yeah, it took less time than Rhyiona kiss. That one took about 16 hours or something.
And the first one Rhyiona, taking into account a days of making of video, that one took almost 5 days. But main process of DRAWING of first one - about.... 15 hours maybe X)
There`s need only one thing to be good on it:TO BE REALLY INSANE! XD Otherwise, no chanses to do something impressive and worthwhile!
that`s why i am insane. Only crazy people doing a job like that with such a speed XD
aaaand it continues..

Sorry, some pictures are smaller than others, I don't know what happened.
Edit: Voting is over!
More adorable family-time comics! YAY! Fiona's face in the last picture XD
2 for sure. DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh wow that is amazing! :O
1.I would love to see Rhys' cute mode xD
And you are a precious pink little axolotl!
4 is totally rhys' style XD
2 just do it!
that's kinda sad ;_;
I may need Shia to motivate me. :P
Aw, that's wonderful to hear.
Praise Rhyiona in general. :P
And this is amazing ! Loved the idea !
Bembiann is so talented, holy crap.
CUUUUTE, I love this series so much already. ;-;
I vote #1.
It is also said that he was promoted to GOD status his name was wisemanwolfgodthing and he defeated Satan in MORTAL COMBAT with the help of chewy and THE POWER OF RHYIONA and took over UNDERWORLD and GAVE it to someone named XDJulieXD but this are just rumours THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW.