Looking at Job's comment "she plays a * very * core character" and Ashley's comment "Things get a litttttle crazy" i think they pretty much confirm she is playing the Gortys core
Staff did say it was just a tiny bit of news, at least they didn't hype it up. It's interesting to know for some people anyways, especially those who are fans of TLOU.
Well, they would have said: a very 'core' character, instead of very having the quotation marks on it. But, if she does play gortys core, the dream cast will be complete.
Ashley Johnson tweeted this
Looking at Job's comment "she plays a … more* very * core character" and Ashley's comment "Things get a litttttle crazy" i think they pretty much confirm she is playing the Gortys core
Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson, Patrick Warburton, Nolan North, Dameon Clarke, Adam Harrington, Dave Fennoy, Chris Hardwick and Laura Baily all in one game.
We care! TFTB might actually be my favourite thing we're working on right now - it's awesome to be playing something that actually surprises me enough to laugh out loud. It's just not possible to say much beyond "yeah, still working on that next episode!" until it's in a position where we can get promotional assets ready and the episode is close to release. Rest assured, we definitely care about Borderlands... and Ep 3 is on the way.
We care! TFTB might actually be my favourite thing we're working on right now - it's awesome to be playing something that actually surprises… more me enough to laugh out loud. It's just not possible to say much beyond "yeah, still working on that next episode!" until it's in a position where we can get promotional assets ready and the episode is close to release. Rest assured, we definitely care about Borderlands... and Ep 3 is on the way.
We care! TFTB might actually be my favourite thing we're working on right now - it's awesome to be playing something that actually surprises… more me enough to laugh out loud. It's just not possible to say much beyond "yeah, still working on that next episode!" until it's in a position where we can get promotional assets ready and the episode is close to release. Rest assured, we definitely care about Borderlands... and Ep 3 is on the way.
Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson, Patrick Warburton, Nolan North, Dameon Clarke, Adam Harrington, Dave Fennoy, Chris Hardwick and Laura Baily all in one game.
Haha, I get it... I was a huge fan of Telltale for years before I started working here, and I STILL get impatient waiting for the next episode of everything to happen.
Haha, I get it... I was a huge fan of Telltale for years before I started working here, and I STILL get impatient waiting for the next episode of everything to happen.
Well that actually make me feel a little better . I'm just really excited for it and can't wait to see what happened after the cliffhanger ending in episode 2
We care! TFTB might actually be my favourite thing we're working on right now - it's awesome to be playing something that actually surprises… more me enough to laugh out loud. It's just not possible to say much beyond "yeah, still working on that next episode!" until it's in a position where we can get promotional assets ready and the episode is close to release. Rest assured, we definitely care about Borderlands... and Ep 3 is on the way.
I tried to deny this fact, but it's so true.
Why is it taking so damn long? I want to know the consequences of my bad choices.
Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson, Patrick Warburton, Nolan North, Dameon Clarke, Adam Harrington, Dave Fennoy, Chris Hardwick and Laura Baily all in one game.
Well, I came into this thread to see what the news was. And I see "TheVulcanSalute" had joined the cast of TFTB.
At first, I was a little… more confused, wondering what all the hype was around this particular individual. Then I saw who it really was...
Couldn't believe my eyes when I found out who it was, and now I'm even more excited and hyped for Ep3 than ever before.
Can't wait
We don't know for certain she's playing the Gortys project, we just know she's voicing someone. It's been hinted, but we can't say for sure she's voicing Gortys.
We don't know for certain she's playing the Gortys project, we just know she's voicing someone. It's been hinted, but we can't say for sure she's voicing Gortys.
Yeah, my first thought was Vallory, but Job does love a pun, so I'm officially on the Gortys bandwagon (especially because everything else indicated that it was a 'she').
I could have done with some soothing 'soons', though (I can't believe I'm saying that...)
We care! TFTB might actually be my favourite thing we're working on right now - it's awesome to be playing something that actually surprises… more me enough to laugh out loud. It's just not possible to say much beyond "yeah, still working on that next episode!" until it's in a position where we can get promotional assets ready and the episode is close to release. Rest assured, we definitely care about Borderlands... and Ep 3 is on the way.
We don't know for certain she's playing the Gortys project, we just know she's voicing someone. It's been hinted, but we can't say for sure she's voicing Gortys.
Ashley Johnson joining the cast? Neat. Her performance as Ellie was outstanding. And although it was more of a emotional role compared to anything Borderlands has done, it could still be great thanks to her amazing skills.
I really get the feeling Telltale doesn't care for TFTB as much as GOT lol. They hardly speak of Tales.
I give a shit.
Have a gold star you special snowflake.
You mean J9? Since the 8th is a Monday and not a Tuesday.
If it turns out to be J23 I just want to say in advance I called this ages ago...(Either way I got the june part right huehuehue)
I think a SUPER small chance it might be June 2nd, but only if it gets classified within 7 days.
Ashley Johnson tweeted this
Looking at Job's comment "she plays a * very * core character" and Ashley's comment "Things get a litttttle crazy" i think they pretty much confirm she is playing the Gortys core
I tried to deny this fact, but it's so true.
Why is it taking so damn long? I want to know the consequences of my bad choices.
Yes, sorry, thanks
Staff did say it was just a tiny bit of news, at least they didn't hype it up. It's interesting to know for some people anyways, especially those who are fans of TLOU.
My birthday then.
Well, they would have said: a very 'core' character, instead of very having the quotation marks on it. But, if she does play gortys core, the dream cast will be complete.
I will wait forever if I have to.
Happy early Birthday, my friend!
Best gift
Well, let's hope it will be birthday for us all and we'll get a nice present.
Thanks, I wish us all my happy birthday, I guess. Though if someone born on J2 gets a gift instead, I won't begrudge them.
So much hype!!
The zombie bandits are suddenly a very real possibility.
Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson, Patrick Warburton, Nolan North, Dameon Clarke, Adam Harrington, Dave Fennoy, Chris Hardwick and Laura Baily all in one game.
We care! TFTB might actually be my favourite thing we're working on right now - it's awesome to be playing something that actually surprises me enough to laugh out loud. It's just not possible to say much beyond "yeah, still working on that next episode!" until it's in a position where we can get promotional assets ready and the episode is close to release. Rest assured, we definitely care about Borderlands... and Ep 3 is on the way.
Glad to hear it! We all just love the game so much, that's why some of us might sound a bit grumpy and impatient.
It's ok, we know you all care, people just get impatient because it's just so good
A God-like cast, if ever there was one.
Now we just need Gavin Hammon, Owen Thomas, and Melissa Hutchison!
Haha, I get it... I was a huge fan of Telltale for years before I started working here, and I STILL get impatient waiting for the next episode of everything to happen.
Praise Gavin.
At least you didn’t say ssss...,nailed it!
Well that actually make me feel a little better
. I'm just really excited for it and can't wait to see what happened after the cliffhanger ending in episode 2
Hey, posting about Metallica is my thing.
The fact that Ellie is gonna play the Gortys Project is the greatest thing ever
What is even up with the guy in the background of that gif? XD
Yep, I'm so excited she is part of it. She is amazing.
We don't know for certain she's playing the Gortys project, we just know she's voicing someone. It's been hinted, but we can't say for sure she's voicing Gortys.
Hype-killers gonna kill.
Yeah, my first thought was Vallory, but Job does love a pun, so I'm officially on the Gortys bandwagon (especially because everything else indicated that it was a 'she').
I could have done with some soothing 'soons', though (I can't believe I'm saying that...)
Is on the way!
And deep down we know you guys care (and we care that you care)! ^_^
Core character.....come on.
Like I said, it's been hinted, and she most likely will voice the Gortys core, but it's not confirmed.
Absolutely. If we're wrong, we totally deserve to be shat on (Not literally of course).
Ashley Johnson joining the cast? Neat. Her performance as Ellie was outstanding. And although it was more of a emotional role compared to anything Borderlands has done, it could still be great thanks to her amazing skills.