i doubt it will be that long. The wait between ep1 and 2 is usually the longest. June 2nd my friend! Just like last time they'll hopefully be released one week after the other from now on. The only exception is episode 2 of game of thrones....I think that happened so that GoT and TflB would finish their seasons at the same time since GoT has 6 episodes instead of 5. I would expect them to be pretty consistent from here on out. June2nd, Mid August, And then Mid-late September for the finale. Usually finales come out fairly quickly after the penultimate ones. They'll probably alternate which one's released first (Ep 4 of tales before ep 5 of got and ep6 of got before ep 5 of tales)
Um, you don't even have any evidence that Ashley is going to be playing the SAME kind of character.
Troy Baker plays a character in this … moregame and he is EXTREMELY different from Joel.
We get it, you hate the Last Of Us, doesn't mean you need to de-value Ashley Johnson as a voice actor.
wow.... (( 571 posts since you're gone in this thread )) ....... glad i came then lol. although to discover that no information whatsoever regarding EP3 is here
I also just started playing TWAU today, so once TWD is done uploading, I'll start uploading TWAU as well. Also, I promise that any future TFTBL and GOT videos will be MUCH better quality wise.
It's okay, buddy. I will probably wait till Friday to play it regardless of the release date. If I get a lot of homework that day, I wont be able to complete in in one night. I'd rather complete it in one session. It gives me a better experience when I play.
I hate to be one of those people who are all "wah, don't be that date, because I can't play it then".
Literally any other week would be fine, but with my timezone it'll drop in the very early hours of the 10th (which is normally fine and I'd just pull an all-nighter), but I have an exam the next morning, so there's no way I can stay up - and then I have a second exam the next day so I should technically not play it until that's over too (but I don't think I'd be able to resist)!
So basically, going off my normal misfortune/poor timing, I'm pretty much willing to call J9 confirmed because the universe just loves to screw with ol' Jackie!
But still, I definitely wouldn't begrudge anyone the wonderment of ep 3 just because I can't play it (though I probably will pout)...
wow.... (( 571 posts since you're gone in this thread )) ....... glad i came then lol. although to discover that no information whatsoever regarding EP3 is here
Butt stallion doesn't die. It's a play on the phrase "not to beat a dead horse." I think that's all it means, just a fun borderlands reference. No dead butt stallion everyone
i used to be super active in here.. but then i just gave up... yeah i know about the new VA.. but i want something to discuss, i wanted a new episode i dont think i'll be getting that soon.. so i dont know..
Ashley Johnson tweeted this
Looking at Job's comment "she plays a … more* very * core character" and Ashley's comment "Things get a litttttle crazy" i think they pretty much confirm she is playing the Gortys core
So I went to check the Australian classification to see if ep 3 was classified and for a split second I thought I saw a 3, but my eyes were just playing tricks on me
i doubt it will be that long. The wait between ep1 and 2 is usually the longest. June 2nd my friend! Just like last time they'll hopefully be released one week after the other from now on. The only exception is episode 2 of game of thrones....I think that happened so that GoT and TflB would finish their seasons at the same time since GoT has 6 episodes instead of 5. I would expect them to be pretty consistent from here on out. June2nd, Mid August, And then Mid-late September for the finale. Usually finales come out fairly quickly after the penultimate ones. They'll probably alternate which one's released first (Ep 4 of tales before ep 5 of got and ep6 of got before ep 5 of tales)
Wait, something happened to Butt Stallion? I'm not gonna be the one to tell Tina.
To be fair, Troy Baker can play fucking anything. His voice is like rubber.
Ashley Johnson? Not too sure.
I did a mini flail when I heard she was joining the cast. I adore her
wow.... (( 571 posts since you're gone in this thread )) ....... glad i came then lol. although to discover that no information whatsoever regarding EP3 is here
I think they are more focused on something related to The Walking Dead at E3, hopefully we will get some Tales From The Borderlands news before that.
Are you recording it with commentary?
Of course.
Why would I be happy about a dead Butt Stallion?!
That's the exact opposite of what I'm feeling!
Same here! Butt Stallion is a goddamn pony made out of diamonds. DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER.
That was phenomenal.
Butt Stallion killed off? RIOT.
It's okay, buddy. I will probably wait till Friday to play it regardless of the release date. If I get a lot of homework that day, I wont be able to complete in in one night. I'd rather complete it in one session. It gives me a better experience when I play.
Didn't you read the tweets? The notes? the hype? New voice actors! Man, if you didn't see THAT, find it now so you can be excited for EP3!!!!
strange dejavu... I feel like I had belief in F17 at some point... now I'm at the same place in end of may... Strange.
...It's almost shot dead...
Butt stallion doesn't die. It's a play on the phrase "not to beat a dead horse." I think that's all it means, just a fun borderlands reference. No dead butt stallion everyone
i used to be super active in here.. but then i just gave up... yeah i know about the new VA.. but i want something to discuss, i wanted a new episode
i dont think i'll be getting that soon.. so i dont know..
That was cringy to read. "I got a voice acting role OMG STUFF GETTING SO CRAZZZZZY"
So I get how this is going. Every two months we'll get a new episode of TFTBL until GOT is done lol.
If it were only two months per episode I'd be extremely happy already.
Lol more likely 3 or 4 months....
Probably we will get some news next 1 or 2 weeks after GoT release at best.
But i want it NOW!
still nothing? typical telltale
I wonder why episode 3 is taking so long. Even TWAU, after the 4 months gap between EP1 and EP2, took only 2 months between EP2 and EP3. T_T
Sooooo long wait again, but why? T-T I know it's going to be mind blowing, but come on Telltale
Well, at least GoT ep 4 is coming so we will have something to look forward to
@InGen_Nate_Kenny look at Number 4.
The achievements for episode 5 are already out and episode 3 isn't even out yet? Huh.
The achievements have been out since the release of episode 1. Like it was with TWAU.
still no news regarding the release (date) of EP3....
On twitter, Nick Herman said he put a Ferris Bueller reference into ep 3 so thats a cool bit of info!
So I went to check the Australian classification to see if ep 3 was classified and for a split second I thought I saw a 3, but my eyes were just playing tricks on me
TellTale Illuminati shit right here. @puzzlebox the secret is out.
"Unforeseen Consequences" Well then...
...I'm not even gonna say it.
Man, I can't wait to hear another update about what references the episode will have. How long do you think we have to wait? 2 months? 3?