Your Rakk Hive reaction
What was your initial reaction when half of the caravan was blown off and revealed a gigantic Rakk Hive chasing the caravan?
My reaction was "Oh my freaking god, this is awesome and horrifying!"
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Seriously though, dayum.
I knew it was coming since It was shown on the ep2 trailer
YES! I literally thought of this exact same thing. I was SO happy there was a "Hold on to your butts!" option.
Well, that explains the Jurassic Park reference.
Happens all the time on Pandora, meh, nothing unusual, yawn, seen it before, just keep driving no need for the freak out gosh.
"Meh saw it in the trailer"
I swear I'm never watching a trailer again. I only watched this one cause I waited 4 fucking months for it.
Why couldn't have Rhys said this? It be PERFECT.
Pretty much this. Not totally freaking out, but certainly surprised at how big and scary he looked.
"What was your initial reaction when half of the caravan was blown off and revealed a gigantic Rakk Hive chasing the caravan?"
Well he can say, "Hold onto your butts," later, just before he hits the boost, that's a big JP reference.
I know. Once I saw it, I was like: YES and got it.
Can't wait for the Lego version of this scene
Reaction to a hulking, ugly thing that has rakks nesting it and female genitalia instead of a face chasing you?
My reaction was: Can I make a cute fan-art of this tedious murder pile?