Borderlands intro music
As we all know by now, TT are putting a lot of thought into the intros for each Borderland episode. The whole cinematography is brilliant, but I am particularly caught by the music, and I was wondering what songs people would like to hear in the intro of a Borderlands episode.
For me, I'd really like this song to be in one of the intros (and please ignore the cheesy video, just listen to the song). I don't know why, I just think this song for fit in really well for some reason.:
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I watched the video. Don't tell me what to do!
Yeah, September would do the trick, but I think TT will use something less known than this.
Maybe not as an intro, but it could be used if there's another race scene in the future. The chances of it happening are very slim, but if Telltale can get it in the game, TFTBL will become my all time favorite game by them... Fuel by the almighty Metallica:
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I really feel like this will be in it eventually
Am I the only one who is really expecting a corny dance scene in one the episodes, if not episode 5's ending?
That is very much a possibility XD
Hmm, maybe.
This would be a great song for Tales.
Theme song of Rhys. He hit his head and can't see Jack, and there's this.
Never heard that song before I must admit I sort of like it.
I'd like to see this appear in TFTB
Yes please. Metallica in Telltale game, that sounds amazing.
I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that was used during the credits for the Pre-Sequel. It wouldn't be repeated.
To make it even cornier.....what if it's...
I dont think so, I do think it was in a trailer though
Oh God no! I can't stand musicals! I love Borderlands but...I'd probably smash my computer up if that happened XD
Borderlands seems to somewhat about friendship.
I have so many, some of these are more appropriate than others but eh. I would insert the links but my computer is a little bitch and won't allow me to for some reason:
Pumped Up Kicks (I'm so in love with this song)

Lonely Boy (or any song from El Camino really, they're all awesome)

Howlin' For You (for the shippers)

Dirty Sheets (enjoy the video, again for the shippers ^_^)

When the Levee Breaks (Awesomeness)

Don't (more for them shippers)

Babes (more for BL in general, as a tribute to all the beautiful women there are)

Uptown Funk (If we are indeed going to Sanctuary at some point, I imagine it to be a mad party town after Jack's death)

Kay I'll stop now.
Agree completely with Uptown Funk, that would actually suit TFTB quite well
Jesus Christ, this band...first Lee, now this...
Tenacious D is no more I take it? It has been awhile since I have heard anything about them.
You are no fun.
Tis a jam of mine.
Have you guys enjoyed "Kiss the Sky" intro theme/ending credits?
How about more Shawn Lee? To me, a lot of his songs sound Borderland-ish.
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Richard Thompson - Dad's Gonna Kill Me
I think this tune would really fit the mood of TFTB, and anyway, it's just a badass song.
It was also featured in Sons Of Anarchy, which is pretty cool.
The lyrics don't really match a borderlands tune, but if we ever get stranded alone in the desert again, but this time all alone, this has a good walking wanderlessly feel to it
"Karma Police" by Radiohead
"Knights of Cydonia" by Muse
"Starman" by David Bowie
"Go Alone" by Hell or Highwaters
"You've Got Another Thing Coming" by Judas Priest
"Locomotive Breath" by Jethro Tull
The song used in the pre-sequel credits is "What Makes a Good Man" by The Heavy:
What makes a good man
Anyway, Come With Me Now would be a pretty interesting song to use in Borderlands.
Ok that Song was already used in a game but i feel it fit the "Jack-In-My-Head" Situation perfect. Just Dropped In by: Kenny Rogers
Hit the road Jack!
I love Uptown Funk. And I won't ruin your dreams by telling you that it can't be included
I'd like to see in the season finale maybe, the intro music to be the theme song for the original Borderlands game:
Or perhaps even the theme song for Borderlands 2, which is cool too (but not as cool as the original game's theme IMO):
James Brown- The Payback (particularily this version)
Since I first played Borderlands, this song was always in the back of my mind, but when I heard the energized remix used for Django, I felt it was perfect for a Pandoran shootout.
Not sure about it as an intro, maybe a mid-episode song or even for the credits, quite a nice song
Never heard this before, would definitely fit nicely into TFTB, could be for shoot-out, opening sequence or even credits
Got a question:
Do you think that TellTale staff working on TFTB look to suggestion threads like this when they are choosing music, or do you think that they have their own plans? Can anyone confirm?
When I heard "This ain't no Place for no Hero" and watch the awesome intro scene, I know that that was the moment that Borderlands will be one of my favorite universes.
Yeah, I want them to use some of the songs they already used to, I would love this song in Tales.
Everytime I hear this song, it gets me pumped (mainly because Metallica uses it as an opener to their concerts, but still), it's a great introduction song, especially from 0:00 to 1:48
The Ecstacy of Gold
The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra did a great rendition of this song as well (skip to 1:14).
Click here
Got another one. It might be a bit too badass for TFTB, but I think it suits Borderlands:
Indeed, the opening of Borderlands 2 was amazing. IMO"Ain't No Rest For the Wicked" is better, but "This ain't no Place for no Hero" was such a good fit for the universe as well.