If only it had lyrics of some sort. I feel like it'd be perfect. Especially the part 1/3 through... lurv
This song also seems to fit somehow. Imagine the beginning of Episode 3 playing in slow motion as drones take over/the bomb goes off and things go flying. ermahgerd anermals
Got a question:
Do you think that TellTale staff working on TFTB look to suggestion threads like this when they are choosing music, or do you think that they have their own plans? Can anyone confirm?
You know, I was about to compliment your taste in music and then I just realized you're the one that complimented my taste in music on my Black Keys post. So yeah, great minds
I have so many, some of these are more appropriate than others but eh. I would insert the links but my computer is a little bitch and won't … moreallow me to for some reason:
* Pumped Up Kicks (I'm so in love with this song)
* Lonely Boy (or any song from El Camino really, they're all awesome)
* Howlin' For You (for the shippers)
* Dirty Sheets (enjoy the video, again for the shippers ^_^)
* When the Levee Breaks (Awesomeness)
* Don't (more for them shippers)
* Babes (more for BL in general, as a tribute to all the beautiful women there are)
* Uptown Funk (If we are indeed going to Sanctuary at some point, I imagine it to be a mad party town after Jack's death)
Kay I'll stop now.
You know, I was about to compliment your taste in music and then I just realized you're the one that complimented my taste in music on my Black Keys post. So yeah, great minds
i personally would love this one in an explosive intro shootout, or a race scene
maybe rhys chasing after fiona while she runs off with the loot at the very end scene, closing out for season 2. epic...! stoned jesus
I think this song is perfect to be played as an intro. Is has a heavy beat and neat guitar riffs which I think would fit well into the universe of TftBL.
Also Wing's vocal performance is to die for!
If only it had lyrics of some sort. I feel like it'd be perfect. Especially the part 1/3 through...
This song also seems to fit so… moremehow. Imagine the beginning of Episode 3 playing in slow motion as drones take over/the bomb goes off and things go flying.
ermahgerd anermals
I may be slightly biased, as they're one of my favourite bands, but I think one of Röyksopp's instrumentals would be a great fit (they're actually very reminiscent of Jesper Kyd's work, which I think is why I like the BL soundtracks so much)!
I love this song so much.
If only it had lyrics of some sort. I feel like it'd be perfect. Especially the part 1/3 through...
This song also seems to fit somehow. Imagine the beginning of Episode 3 playing in slow motion as drones take over/the bomb goes off and things go flying.
ermahgerd anermals
They usually have these planned on their own, but sometimes they go to the forums and get ideas that they like.
You know, I was about to compliment your taste in music and then I just realized you're the one that complimented my taste in music on my Black Keys post. So yeah, great minds
The Black Keys = everything
i personally would love this one in an explosive intro shootout, or a race scene
maybe rhys chasing after fiona while she runs off with the loot at the very end scene, closing out for season 2. epic...!
stoned jesus
I think this song is perfect to be played as an intro. Is has a heavy beat and neat guitar riffs which I think would fit well into the universe of TftBL.
Also Wing's vocal performance is to die for!
Just fits the Borderlands style perfectly, in my opinion.
Yes! Telltale please make this happen!
For some reason I think this would fit. Might be too hardcore though
+1 for Ratatat - I think Falcon Jab could fit too.
I may be slightly biased, as they're one of my favourite bands, but I think one of Röyksopp's instrumentals would be a great fit (they're actually very reminiscent of Jesper Kyd's work, which I think is why I like the BL soundtracks so much)!
For Pandora:
Yes, the video is weird, it was picked as part of a competition
For Elpis:
For Helios:
I might be going crazy, but what about something like this? I'm not gonna lie; I'd LOVE such a song to play in TFTB.
There's nothing wrong with a bit of insanity
And that would sort of fit, to be honest