Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • I am one of you. Sasha is hot.

  • I've been laughing so hard at how Loader Bot was running with hands. I couldn't resist

    armis37 posted: »

    Hey guys, what do you think about this gif I made - when I saw this in game, this idea instantly popped into my mind xD

  • Welcome to the great ship of Rhysha.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I am one of you. Sasha is hot.

  • Thanks Jack.

    Welcome to the great ship of Rhysha.


    Coincidence? I think not.

  • I love Handsome Jack but GOD is he a cockblocker.

    I heard about that after I posted the comment. Picking Jack seemed cool, he's nicer to you, you get that little robot, and you get the Jack-apedia, but slapping Sasha on the ass, I no longer regret picking Fiona over Jack.

  • edited June 2015

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    Everyone looking pimped out.

  • I finished the episode a hour ago and saw 346 comments.



  • We've gotten sooooooo many new members since the release of the episode.

  • Gee, don't make them ugly, please.

    Made by craftywisp!

  • Oh Sasha, perfect radio-show talker.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Here, you all should like this:

  • I would have gotten Sasha the shades but I think the goggles look better :P Loader looks nice with the Tux outlook

    Everyone looking pimped out.

  • I just made an account so I can join Rhysha hopefully it's not too late. I was a fan of Rhyona before but from this episode it doesn't look like it's gonna happen hopefully it's okay for me to jump ships.

  • Welcome around lad, to the one true ship.

    TheGuy2015 posted: »

    I just made an account so I can join Rhysha hopefully it's not too late. I was a fan of Rhyona before but from this episode it doesn't look like it's gonna happen hopefully it's okay for me to jump ships.

  • Hope you enjoy your stay in the Rhysha thread!

    TheGuy2015 posted: »

    I just made an account so I can join Rhysha hopefully it's not too late. I was a fan of Rhyona before but from this episode it doesn't look like it's gonna happen hopefully it's okay for me to jump ships.

  • I thought they looked cool, that's why I got them for her.

    Pipas posted: »

    These goggles or whatever that is are weird. She looks like Robocop.

  • edited June 2015

    OK Just Finished Episode 3 and All I Have To Say Is......Just Wow. Also here are my choices just cause. ;)Alt text

  • When I checked like an hour ago, these were the stats:

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  • Can I join the fandom? I love Rhysha!

  • What Platform did you use?My choice Percentages are probably are probably gonna change drastically since episode 3 just got released today on the 360.

    When I checked like an hour ago, these were the stats:

  • PC (well technically Mac, but used Bootcamp so it runs on Windows software, so it might as well be PC).

    What Platform did you use?My choice Percentages are probably are probably gonna change drastically since episode 3 just got released today on the 360.

  • Sure, welcome to Rhysha.

    KLVGAMING posted: »

    Can I join the fandom? I love Rhysha!

  • Welcome to the glorious ship ! :D

    KLVGAMING posted: »

    Can I join the fandom? I love Rhysha!

  • I want to join Rhysha cult.
    Sasha is the best!

  • Either is fine storywise, really. Play Borderlands 2 and you have a bit more understanding of the narration of TPS or play TPS and have a better grasp of the story behind the villains of B2 (and the Athena&Janey story for Tales). Both are relevant to Tales as a whole.

    Maybe it will make the decision easier if i just say that Borderlands 2 is Mad Max type of a deal whereas TPS is more sci-fi with low-gravity and alien moonscapes. Fun either way :)

    Good news, I've still to play Borderlands 2 & The Pre-Sequel. Can you recommend which one to play first?

  • Athena is a romantic at heart. Just ask Janey :3

    Also, awesome gif is awesome. That's the moment when Fiona decided to become a BADASS! xD

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Guys I would like to officially thank a person that made all those awesome Rhysha moments possible. Thanks to that person courage our ship i

  • Thank you my Rhysha friends! :D

    The-Flix posted: »

    Welcome to the glorious ship !

  • Epic reverse damsel scene is epic :p

    Also, Sasha is a LOT stronger than she looks O_O

    armis37 posted: »

    I think this one hasn't been gif'ed yet xD

  • Cry tweeted he'll probly stream episode 3 tomorrow. He's such a sap, he'll probably fall all over the Rhysha scenes. He might not, but I've got a feeling he will. I hope he will.

    He also chose Fiona, so Jack won't mess it up in his playthrough. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!

  • I JUST FINISHED EPSIODE 3, OMG Rhysha is SO CONFIRMED! bwhahahaha! finally!!!

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  • Welcome to our Rysha fandom! <3

    Frozen posted: »

    I want to join Rhysha cult. Sasha is the best!

  • S: wow....this place is...
    R: romantic...
    S: what did you said?
    R: I said....this is so...romantic...
    puts a flower in her hair
    R: I wont let you go, Sashaaaaaaaa!!!!

  • I was so glad when I saw all the romantic stuff around Rhys and Sasha haha there you have Rhyona fans , right in the romance!

  • I think she was touching the port thingy, which must be a very sensible part for Rhys

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Obvious Rhyiona shipper. :P

  • Oh am not there in the map :(

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    @ata95: @dpetersz: @Forsoothe:

  • fuck yes!

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    First design of the post-Ep3 era

  • 1) there has to be a sexual joke about it, I just can't think about one 2) love knows no genders 3) is that a 4?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    1) we were talking about goggles 2) Ewwwww 3) Argh!

  • Why do u want to stir stuff up? I mean we have a great peacefull relationship, why would u want to destroy that D: ?

    killing the female portion of my enemies.

    Ok? Why only female?

    ...yeah...I was...totally talking about that...I didn't intend to "make love" in another way before killing the female portion of my enemies

  • thanks man :3

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    @freelancepolicefan11: @Dracu98:

  • edited June 2015

    Ah ...well I anyway love him , he is so much fun and all the evil thing just makes him more awesome, I mean the entire Borderlands could not be the same without someone like Jack around! and I know he is gonna screw all of this even more sooner or later but I trust Rhys and the others dealing with all the bad decisions they made from the very beginning, oh and he gave me little "Dumpy" with his terrifying and annoying voice going around and scaring humans, isnt the err...cutest thing ever?

    btw that was a good slap on her butt , I know he wanted that too , she is hot ,8/10 of hotness scale.

    I find Jack hilarious most of the time, but as a human being (well, hologram) he's a complete dick. Choosing not to trust him in Ep3 resu

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