Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



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    GrumpyDof posted: »

    How's that?

  • Can you please reply to this post if you joined Rhysha after Episode 3 was released? We need to count up our new members!

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    Pipas posted: »

    I have a list. @ata95 @Maximin @nursethalia @Dracu98 @Iridescent @SpackJarrow @Forsoothe @SoMuchSass @Kateis @

  • 20 friggin people in 3 days? damn! that's a lot! I hope everyone remebered to up vote for the thread xD

    Pipas posted: »

    I have a list. @ata95 @Maximin @nursethalia @Dracu98 @Iridescent @SpackJarrow @Forsoothe @SoMuchSass @Kateis @

  • It's real real.

    KLVGAMING posted: »

    Is this real or is it model swapped?

  • Hey Pipas, think I could be added to the Map? ᵔ_ᵔ

    Pipas posted: »

    Don't worry, still keeping track. :P Check your PMs.

  • And yet he also didn't know why his face hurt(Sasha punched you, dummy).

    I think he probably only knew because Jack told him.

    dpetersz posted: »

    Here you go /watch?v=CEirbLTQOK4& Sorry, it's a bit laggy, my recording software sucks

  • I'm doing pretty good, man. It's great to see you on here.

    Welcome aboard I guess :)

  • edited June 2015

    N-no! not at all I was just trying to say dont bother about changing the whole thing just for me if am being annoying, but since I dont wanna make that grumpy cat´s face even more angry t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ what I really tried to say here was "woohoo, thanks! you are the best kitten ever! here , have a cute lil pink flower because I love you <3 "

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    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Are you mocking me young man ? Did you just said i can't do a simple thing like that ?

  • Gaming Sins : How. The. F*ck. Did one of them not die from the fall. Don't get me wrong, I ship it. But at least Rhys is dead.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Funny screen shot

  • I am almost a thousand percent sure she was talking about Rhys instead of August after "I don't know why I said that last part. Felt like I was supposed to" ;3

    Moment #3 (This is a big 'un);

  • We reached 75 likes! Ohmygawd we're growing fast.

  • congratulations! :)

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    We reached 75 likes! Ohmygawd we're growing fast.

  • I did PM Grumpy earlier but just want to make sure you guys know I'm interested about getting on that map too!

    Pipas posted: »

    I have a list. @ata95 @Maximin @nursethalia @Dracu98 @Iridescent @SpackJarrow @Forsoothe @SoMuchSass @Kateis @

  • edited June 2015

    We reflect the house's words of the Tyrells !

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    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    We reached 75 likes! Ohmygawd we're growing fast.

  • edited June 2015

    hahahaha! sorry Rhyiona, pew pew !

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    dpetersz posted: »

    Ships right now:

  • Also while I'm here, when Sasha is fighting August in the gunner vehicle, she said "Oh my gawd" like Rhys did in episode 2 at Scooter's when she is arguing with August. Not the same subtitles though D: (determinant of course but it's still friggen cute the way she says it, if a guy can use that word ._.)

  • What I be like XD :Alt text

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Pretty much

  • Add me to that list. I don't even ship, but Rhysha............. Oh my gosh.

    Pipas posted: »

    I have a list. @ata95 @Maximin @nursethalia @Dracu98 @Iridescent @SpackJarrow @Forsoothe @SoMuchSass @Kateis @

  • Anyone find anymore Rhysha fanart? I'm sure more has popped up since the episode has been released.

  • You guys remember the part in the intro where Sasha serves that sandwich with an egg on it to Rhys and Athena all smug? Rhys and Athena share a funny look.

    I guess Rhys is indeed a terrible cook.

  • I just made an account so I could join you awesome Rhysha loving people, sign me up! :)

    Can you please reply to this post if you joined Rhysha after Episode 3 was released? We need to count up our new members!

  • Good choice. ;)

    Mcboats posted: »

    I just made an account so I could join you awesome Rhysha loving people, sign me up!

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    Did I call it, or did I call it?

  • Someone better get you a phone...


    mirashade posted: »

    Did I call it, or did I call it?

  • Cry and I think alike. Awesome!

    mirashade posted: »

    Did I call it, or did I call it?

  • Jack being unable to bring himself to completely bs 100% that Athena and the TPS Vault Hunters are a good example of his "always look out for my team" skills.

    Strangely vulnerable and halfway honest moment.

    I sorta know what people on this thread are going to say, but... ...what was your favorite moment of this episode?

  • Telltale Junction, the last place for any unofficial Vault Hunters, partying sailors from two rival navies and other Pandorans.

    This is your home now-good luck.

    Axton posted: »

    Thanks pal! No way I'm gonna miss this party!


  • "so what you're saying is he was really into guns" dude, it's pandora! who's not into guns? well, it's probably the only things pandorans can be into besides dust and death, but I think we all know that little heart attack when we see the orange light of a legendary

    Moment #3 (This is a big 'un);

  • edited June 2015

    So. I just played the episode...

    I cannot be happier right now.

    Totally hyped for Helios shenanigans involving maybe showing Sasha Pandora from space. As LB would say, "It will be glorious". That or totally devastating. Knowing Telltale there's a good chance it's the latter.

    Also, don't really know what to do with my fic now. That episode took us from 0 to 100 real quick and my fic was planned to slowly accelerate over several chapters. I can't believe canon was more shippy than fan fiction.

  • edited June 2015

    And a new continent has emerged :

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  • Welcome to the forums, Mcboats! Hope you like it here. :P

    Mcboats posted: »

    I just made an account so I could join you awesome Rhysha loving people, sign me up!

  • Aww yiss.

    mirashade posted: »

    Did I call it, or did I call it?

  • Telltale are bigger shippers than us.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    So. I just played the episode... I cannot be happier right now. Totally hyped for Helios shenanigans involving maybe showing Sasha Pan

  • I'm thinking that present-day Fiona is a fully-fledged vault hunter so she would go where there is a vault or a bounty to be found. This episode showed us that she's got the knack for kicking butt :)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    It can be the reason why Sasha is not in the "present", maybe Vaughn stayed there too. BUT wouldn't Fiona stay with her too? I mean it's hinted that Fiona wants off Pandora too. Interesting theory thou

  • Tyrells ship Rhysha confirmed?

    The-Flix posted: »

    We reflect the house's words of the Tyrells !

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