Fine i'd just have preferred them to actually vote but fine. I think its safe to assume that Nohope would have voted to lie so ill just go with that. Cool?
Fine i'd just have preferred them to actually vote but fine. I think its safe to assume that Nohope would have voted to lie so ill just go with that. Cool?
Charles will lie to help his teacher. This choice was a big one for character relationships and one that MAY decide the fate of someone later on depending on where the characters go from here. But i can at least say that this choice has a lasting effect on the relationship of these three.
Adam Pierce
I was reading the newspaper while drinking some coffe. It was a slow news day nothing big. There was even a funny one about t… morehat millionare Otranto. She apparently talked 6 hours in a conference about how guns were bad. And the funny thing is she litteraly meant JUST guns. Nothing else. It drove people nuts. I keep laughing so much i actually felt kinda bad for her. But at least it was that better news story than last weeks " Mechatech refuses press coverage. Claims it doesn't want students to feel harassed ". Yeah i get it, it would have been big but they did'nt need to be assholes about it.
I was calmly taking a sip when my phone rang again. And because im an idiot who wants his morning to be ruined i answered again.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hi Mr. Pierce" said a kind female voice.
I immediately recognized who it was. It was Eden McCoy. Another student...
"Oh hi Eden. I see you're quite the morning person"
"Yeah s… [view original content]
Ok sorry for the lack of parts lately to make it up im posting TWO parts today. Also were going to go back to a few characters we haven't seen in a while and im FINALLY going to say where this takes place (Finally found somewhere were it isn't forced to say it .
Eden McCoy
..........called Charlie. I just needed to make sure that i wasn't breaking my promise to him. I dialed his number.
Charl… morees Sparks
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, wait.....
My phone was ringing. I answered.
"Hi Charlie" It was Eden. Why was she calling?
"Um hi Eden....what's up?"
"I just wanted to make sure you were cool with it." ...what?
"Cool with what?"
"With waiting. Mr. Pierce already told me you were cool with waiting the 2 hours instead of me making him get it early. But i just wanted to make sure you were and i kept my promise"
........What the fuck? I didn't say that. Pierce must have lied to get her off his back. I shouldn't let him get away with this. Eden dosent deserve to be lied to. But then again Eden would be pissed at him and he wouldn't forgive me for a WHILE. But Eden is one of my 2 best friends I can't just lie to her if she found out she… [view original content]
"Bye" I turned off. Then i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got ready very quickly. I woke up, brushed my teeth and changed. Then i ate my cereal. Woke up the mom and dad (sis was tired from practice). In the end only 15 passed. Still 2 hours and 15 minutes. Man what should i do? I could call Donnie since i KNOW he never wakes up this early. Then again i could try calling Pierce to make sure he can't make the buss come early (maybe nobody tried that yet). Or i could just draw to pass the time.
Charles Sparks
"Yeah yeah were cool. Thanks for calling"
"Oh thats a relief well nice talking to you, bye"
"Bye" I turned off. The… moren i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got re… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
"Yeah yeah were cool. Thanks for calling"
"Oh thats a relief well nice talking to you, bye"
"Bye" I turned off. The… moren i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got re… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
"Yeah yeah were cool. Thanks for calling"
"Oh thats a relief well nice talking to you, bye"
"Bye" I turned off. The… moren i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got re… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
"Yeah yeah were cool. Thanks for calling"
"Oh thats a relief well nice talking to you, bye"
"Bye" I turned off. The… moren i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got re… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
"Yeah yeah were cool. Thanks for calling"
"Oh thats a relief well nice talking to you, bye"
"Bye" I turned off. The… moren i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got re… [view original content]
He looked like someone just gave him a heart attack.
"Sorry, i was just reading a VERY good book" i said
" problem. I just came to tell you you are late for the meeting..... Wait how long have you been reading that?"
"Since you left."
He looked confused.
"That was almost 2 hours ago. And you've just been reading?"
"It's the Raylandsfair saga. I read it for 6 hours without stopping one time" i said coolly. He looked shocked. Then he immediately pretended he wasn't. Oh Lylain never change.
"Well im ready. Who else came?" I asked. Normally most people avoided meetings to work longer on their own projects.
"Well Marlone didn't come" Yes already good news.....for him. "Stevens came" no doubt there. "And Fender" Oh great Hedrick Fender the worlds savior through theorems. Nice guy but his project is Horribly flawed. "Norman came" cool he's nice. "Jaqueline came" Yes this is great it could only be better if.....
"And that Lucios guy" YESSSSS! Oh My God. Lucios Welsick. He is amazing. Man i'm so glad he came.............because he's a good friend....I definitely feel no attraction to him whatsoever. Nope....none at all. I don't try to impress him at all. And the fact that he remembered my birthday and even bought me some gifts was just.......friend stuff. What? the picture of him I keep under my pillow...that's just..inspiration better at stuff. That's also why i constantly look for excuses to spend time with him. And why i wrote that letter describing all my emotions of.....admiration towards him that I've never had the guts to give him. Or why i find his jokes funny even when their not and why sometimes blush when i look at him smiling and....well maybe i'm just a tiny bit attracted to his compassion and his love of history and his..........
"Emma you've been looking...........dazed for the past 3 minutes. Are you....oka.."
"I'm fine im just really excited to go to the meeting."
"Then why did you forget.......Hey wait for me"
Ahhh i was walking to fast. I stopped and waited for Herntz...................... "So are you coming?". Wow he stared at me blankly. "Herntz!"
"Sorry i was just. Nevermind." He said as he Finally hurried up.
Some people just get distracted too easily.
Kevan Marlone
Yes. After 7 years it or should i say HE was complete. The ultimate creation of science and engineering technology. One so great that it would forever change mankind. And all would remember me as the greatest scientist of this century if not this millennium. All that suffering, all the humiliation, all the hate and it was finally done. All would finally abandon that madwoman and accept me as their superior, as their hero, as their......friend..................
.......Oh yes of course who would need pathetic morons as friends when i can have them as fanatics to my absolute genius. Soon the world shall know my name and feel itself inferior.....
Zack Sheen
Yeah checking those seems like a good idea.
I sent 'Charles' a message saying "You seem cool can i hang out with you?" No reply
Next i sent a few insults to that Eden Moron telling her what she is. She replied "What the actual fuck? I told you that i don't like how aggressive you are to some of the guys and that somehow makes me a 'heartless piece of human waste'. And how does being bored at you're lame presentation make me have a superiority complex. You know what i think that you are just a jerk. I'm going to ignore you from now on. Have a nice life asshole."
And she thinks i care? Thats one less loser in my life. Thanks. Next i texted Mike and asked him who we should annoy this trip "Valentino he has it coming"
Really man? I'm trying to be friends with the guy but its hard when i have to help you make him your punching bag. Next Valentino. I told him i loved Paradox season 3. He said "That's my favorite season we should discuss it sometime." Yes. Valentino is awesome I don't know why Mike likes to pick on him so much it's not like he's...
Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. Biggest freak ever. I told her to stay out of my business. My way. And she replied "You are just a jerk Sheen all you do is behave like an ass and insult almost everyone. And everytime i stand up for someone you go after me. Never in my life have i met a more repulsive asshole.....Just fucking stop"
In your dreams whore. Lets see who's left. Riley. I simply told her that she sucks. She replied. "I don't even know you". My reply "That's why"
Well that was it. Might as well wake up. I wondered what to do next. Ah im still thinking of Eden i can't let her get away with that. But i should get ready for the trip. Then again i could prank call someone like say................Mr. Pierce yeah i can ask him if the buss can come early that would piss him off.
Emma Archer
Oh no hes going to kill her. Not after so long. Please no, no please....
"NOOOOOOOOO!!...................… more..........................Hi Herntz"
He looked like someone just gave him a heart attack.
"Sorry, i was just reading a VERY good book" i said
" problem. I just came to tell you you are late for the meeting..... Wait how long have you been reading that?"
"Since you left."
He looked confused.
"That was almost 2 hours ago. And you've just been reading?"
"It's the Raylandsfair saga. I read it for 6 hours without stopping one time" i said coolly. He looked shocked. Then he immediately pretended he wasn't. Oh Lylain never change.
"Well im ready. Who else came?" I asked. Normally most people avoided meetings to work longer on their own projects.
"Well Marlone didn't come" Yes already good news.....for him. "Stevens came" no doubt there. "And Fender" Oh great Hedrick Fender the w… [view original content]
Emma Archer
Oh no hes going to kill her. Not after so long. Please no, no please....
"NOOOOOOOOO!!...................… more..........................Hi Herntz"
He looked like someone just gave him a heart attack.
"Sorry, i was just reading a VERY good book" i said
" problem. I just came to tell you you are late for the meeting..... Wait how long have you been reading that?"
"Since you left."
He looked confused.
"That was almost 2 hours ago. And you've just been reading?"
"It's the Raylandsfair saga. I read it for 6 hours without stopping one time" i said coolly. He looked shocked. Then he immediately pretended he wasn't. Oh Lylain never change.
"Well im ready. Who else came?" I asked. Normally most people avoided meetings to work longer on their own projects.
"Well Marlone didn't come" Yes already good news.....for him. "Stevens came" no doubt there. "And Fender" Oh great Hedrick Fender the w… [view original content]
Emma Archer
Oh no hes going to kill her. Not after so long. Please no, no please....
"NOOOOOOOOO!!...................… more..........................Hi Herntz"
He looked like someone just gave him a heart attack.
"Sorry, i was just reading a VERY good book" i said
" problem. I just came to tell you you are late for the meeting..... Wait how long have you been reading that?"
"Since you left."
He looked confused.
"That was almost 2 hours ago. And you've just been reading?"
"It's the Raylandsfair saga. I read it for 6 hours without stopping one time" i said coolly. He looked shocked. Then he immediately pretended he wasn't. Oh Lylain never change.
"Well im ready. Who else came?" I asked. Normally most people avoided meetings to work longer on their own projects.
"Well Marlone didn't come" Yes already good news.....for him. "Stevens came" no doubt there. "And Fender" Oh great Hedrick Fender the w… [view original content]
Emma Archer
Oh no hes going to kill her. Not after so long. Please no, no please....
"NOOOOOOOOO!!...................… more..........................Hi Herntz"
He looked like someone just gave him a heart attack.
"Sorry, i was just reading a VERY good book" i said
" problem. I just came to tell you you are late for the meeting..... Wait how long have you been reading that?"
"Since you left."
He looked confused.
"That was almost 2 hours ago. And you've just been reading?"
"It's the Raylandsfair saga. I read it for 6 hours without stopping one time" i said coolly. He looked shocked. Then he immediately pretended he wasn't. Oh Lylain never change.
"Well im ready. Who else came?" I asked. Normally most people avoided meetings to work longer on their own projects.
"Well Marlone didn't come" Yes already good news.....for him. "Stevens came" no doubt there. "And Fender" Oh great Hedrick Fender the w… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
"Yeah yeah were cool. Thanks for calling"
"Oh thats a relief well nice talking to you, bye"
"Bye" I turned off. The… moren i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got re… [view original content]
Oh no hes going to kill her. Not after so long. Please no, no please....
I can guess exactly which FoT part Emma just read Also, the part where she denied being attracted to this guy in any way was suspiciously specific and utterly adorable.
Finally, the reference in the last part which I just couldn't find was a reference to NoHope's story Silicon
[Prank call Mr. Pierce]
That should be fun. Perhaps this jerk will even suffer some consequences for it, if Pierce manages to find out. A man can only hope
Emma Archer
Oh no hes going to kill her. Not after so long. Please no, no please....
"NOOOOOOOOO!!...................… more..........................Hi Herntz"
He looked like someone just gave him a heart attack.
"Sorry, i was just reading a VERY good book" i said
" problem. I just came to tell you you are late for the meeting..... Wait how long have you been reading that?"
"Since you left."
He looked confused.
"That was almost 2 hours ago. And you've just been reading?"
"It's the Raylandsfair saga. I read it for 6 hours without stopping one time" i said coolly. He looked shocked. Then he immediately pretended he wasn't. Oh Lylain never change.
"Well im ready. Who else came?" I asked. Normally most people avoided meetings to work longer on their own projects.
"Well Marlone didn't come" Yes already good news.....for him. "Stevens came" no doubt there. "And Fender" Oh great Hedrick Fender the w… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
"Yeah yeah were cool. Thanks for calling"
"Oh thats a relief well nice talking to you, bye"
"Bye" I turned off. The… moren i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got re… [view original content]
Emma Archer
Oh no hes going to kill her. Not after so long. Please no, no please....
"NOOOOOOOOO!!...................… more..........................Hi Herntz"
He looked like someone just gave him a heart attack.
"Sorry, i was just reading a VERY good book" i said
" problem. I just came to tell you you are late for the meeting..... Wait how long have you been reading that?"
"Since you left."
He looked confused.
"That was almost 2 hours ago. And you've just been reading?"
"It's the Raylandsfair saga. I read it for 6 hours without stopping one time" i said coolly. He looked shocked. Then he immediately pretended he wasn't. Oh Lylain never change.
"Well im ready. Who else came?" I asked. Normally most people avoided meetings to work longer on their own projects.
"Well Marlone didn't come" Yes already good news.....for him. "Stevens came" no doubt there. "And Fender" Oh great Hedrick Fender the w… [view original content]
Ok both Riley and Zack want to call Mr.Pierce. But i have to make a sub-vote here. Who do you want to call Pierce FIRST? Zack or Riley. This will determine how things go.
Pierce is already pissed off. Calling him again will make him even more pissed off. So, let's not make the not horrible/ hate able character suffer. I'm already playing how this will go in my head, and honestly I don't see it ending well for either party. Who knows, maybe he just loses his shit and yells at the next person to call him? Maybe not.
Ok both Riley and Zack want to call Mr.Pierce. But i have to make a sub-vote here. Who do you want to call Pierce FIRST? Zack or Riley. This will determine how things go.
I'm voting for Riley. If Zack prank calls him first, Pierce is far more likely to yell at Riley or give her some other consequences and I really don't want that.
Ok both Riley and Zack want to call Mr.Pierce. But i have to make a sub-vote here. Who do you want to call Pierce FIRST? Zack or Riley. This will determine how things go.
Ok both Riley and Zack want to call Mr.Pierce. But i have to make a sub-vote here. Who do you want to call Pierce FIRST? Zack or Riley. This will determine how things go.
".......i was just practicing a scene from a school play"
The whole thing changed. She stopped crying. Her eyes were still watery but her expression had changed. He just looked confused.
"What kind of play?" she asked curiously
Then it all came together.
"Shakespeare" I said smiling on the inside. Then the whole thing dissolved. It went just a quick as it came. It felt weird but at least 'that' was over.
I then realised it was really early. I didn't have to go so soon. I even thought of calling Mr. Pierce to let the buss come early, but only a total jerk would do that. So i just...talked to them. And it was....nice i guess. After we were done i watched some tv for the next hours. Thinking on all that happened i was surprised things didn't end worse.
Riley Peters
Well i guess one call wouldn't bother him...
Zack Sheen
Sorry Mr. Pierce but you are about to be the most unlucky person on the planet....
Valentino Drake
"The new reborn Children just saved us sir" HOW DID THEY KNOW WE'RE HERE? Weren't communications broken? Maybe they saw us......wait were cloaked. Was this intentional?
"Sir, Janet Reaves was just captured" The badass girl. The one who kicked this main characters butt six times. The henchmen beat her?
"Sander please rescue me" Oh my god. She is scared? But she's immune to fear isn't she? What the actual fuck? Ok what ever. Time to save her i guess. The promp came up. Tap Q to......................WHAT? this is on my phone there is no Q. Did i just fail. THERE WAS NO Q.
"You have failed this universe Sanders Rage. Now i may take it." Shut up. I don't even care who you are anymore. Man this game might have just made my day WORSE. I didn't think it was possible but it just happened. I threw my phone across the room.
"Careful mom said if you brake it she won't buy you another." say the devil in as a nineteen year old.
"Get out" i answered immediately.
"Woah easy there bro other wise you won't get to hear my proposal"
"You're what?"
"I need a favor. And if you do it let's just say i can make your problems disappear"
"How would you even do that?"
"Leave that to moi. You just need to deliver a message"
I think i saw her smile. "There's one of my buds from Highrise on the buss with you. Her name is Casey Miller i need you to tell her that she has one more day to do 'she knows what' or we will have a very serious problem. Do that for me little bro and ill turn your frown upside-down. What do you say?"
She could be lying. Especially since she didn't give me any details. But if there just a chance to fix things i need it. Then again this Casey girl, she might beat me up or something if i say that. If shes not lying its worth it. But can i trust her?
Mike.....Just Mike
Then i got a miracle.
".......i was just practicing a scene from a school play"
The whole thing changed. She sto… morepped crying. Her eyes were still watery but her expression had changed. He just looked confused.
"What kind of play?" she asked curiously
Then it all came together.
"Shakespeare" I said smiling on the inside. Then the whole thing dissolved. It went just a quick as it came. It felt weird but at least 'that' was over.
I then realised it was really early. I didn't have to go so soon. I even thought of calling Mr. Pierce to let the buss come early, but only a total jerk would do that. So i just...talked to them. And it was....nice i guess. After we were done i watched some tv for the next hours. Thinking on all that happened i was surprised things didn't end worse.
Riley Peters
Well i guess one call wouldn't bother him...
Zack Sheen
Sorry Mr. Pierce but you are about to be the mos… [view original content]
Mike.....Just Mike
Then i got a miracle.
".......i was just practicing a scene from a school play"
The whole thing changed. She sto… morepped crying. Her eyes were still watery but her expression had changed. He just looked confused.
"What kind of play?" she asked curiously
Then it all came together.
"Shakespeare" I said smiling on the inside. Then the whole thing dissolved. It went just a quick as it came. It felt weird but at least 'that' was over.
I then realised it was really early. I didn't have to go so soon. I even thought of calling Mr. Pierce to let the buss come early, but only a total jerk would do that. So i just...talked to them. And it was....nice i guess. After we were done i watched some tv for the next hours. Thinking on all that happened i was surprised things didn't end worse.
Riley Peters
Well i guess one call wouldn't bother him...
Zack Sheen
Sorry Mr. Pierce but you are about to be the mos… [view original content]
Mike.....Just Mike
Then i got a miracle.
".......i was just practicing a scene from a school play"
The whole thing changed. She sto… morepped crying. Her eyes were still watery but her expression had changed. He just looked confused.
"What kind of play?" she asked curiously
Then it all came together.
"Shakespeare" I said smiling on the inside. Then the whole thing dissolved. It went just a quick as it came. It felt weird but at least 'that' was over.
I then realised it was really early. I didn't have to go so soon. I even thought of calling Mr. Pierce to let the buss come early, but only a total jerk would do that. So i just...talked to them. And it was....nice i guess. After we were done i watched some tv for the next hours. Thinking on all that happened i was surprised things didn't end worse.
Riley Peters
Well i guess one call wouldn't bother him...
Zack Sheen
Sorry Mr. Pierce but you are about to be the mos… [view original content]
Mike.....Just Mike
Then i got a miracle.
".......i was just practicing a scene from a school play"
The whole thing changed. She sto… morepped crying. Her eyes were still watery but her expression had changed. He just looked confused.
"What kind of play?" she asked curiously
Then it all came together.
"Shakespeare" I said smiling on the inside. Then the whole thing dissolved. It went just a quick as it came. It felt weird but at least 'that' was over.
I then realised it was really early. I didn't have to go so soon. I even thought of calling Mr. Pierce to let the buss come early, but only a total jerk would do that. So i just...talked to them. And it was....nice i guess. After we were done i watched some tv for the next hours. Thinking on all that happened i was surprised things didn't end worse.
Riley Peters
Well i guess one call wouldn't bother him...
Zack Sheen
Sorry Mr. Pierce but you are about to be the mos… [view original content]
I thought about it and decided that sis deserved better. So i went down stairs and started cooking.
Valentino Drake
"Deal, now leave me alone"
"As you wish. And i promise you you won't regret this" She said as she smiled and left. Man it felt wrong to trust her after everything but if there was even one chance to fix this it was worth it. Now what was i doing?............ Oh That's right, I aImost forgot. I just played the worst game i've ever seen. I need to do something to make me feel better. Especially after that game.
[Check reviews for the game]
[Spoil the ending for the game]
[Call Sadie to cheer up]
[Call Donnie he's funny]
Adam Pierce
I was watching some tv trying to relax after that mess when i got another call. It was Riley. Another good student. Even through all her parents economic issues she still kept smiling and handing grades on time. What could she want? A horrifying thought hit me. Nah, she couldn't. That kind of stuff only happens in comedies. I threw off my suspicion and answered her call.
"Hi Riley whats up?"
"Hi Mr. Pierce. I really hate to bother you but.....can you please get the buss to come early?"
My smile compleatly faded. I don't think i could think clearly. I couldn't see clearly either since my vision was suddenly blurry.
"I'm just really excited and i...."
"Riley" i said in a very dark tone. I think she got scared.
"Y-Yes Mr. Pierce" she said. I could hear her shivering a bit.
"This is the THIRD time someone has asked me that today. And i think i might be getting a little...perturbed at this point"
"I'm So-so-sorry Mr. Pierce i didn't mean to.."
"Yes i know" i said cutting her off. Which is why i am going to pretend this call never happened. The buss will arrive on schedule. Not ONE minute early." I took a deep breath. "Good day Mrs Peters"
"Good day Mr. Pierce"
I ended the phone call.
Riley Peters
I felt like i just dodged a bullet. More like a missile. Thank god i was always on good terms with him. I think he actually scared me. I didn't sound like him at all. He was cool and nice and stuff. But that voice was dark and booming. Like it came from a dark, heartless demon. I pictured it in my head as clear as daylight. Wait..... i think that voice just inspired me. I grabbed my pad and started drawing the image i had made in my head.
Adam Pierce
After ...that. I tried to calmly go back to my seat. Then my phone rang.... again..................It was Zack Sheen. Another student. I wonder what he want's......
I answered.
"Hello Zack" I said. I heard him laugh a bit.
"Hi Pierce i was just gonna ask , can you tell that buss dude to hurry it up? Im getting bored of waiting for that lifeless loser. So i thought you should crack the whip on that idiot. Go tell him to hurry the hell up you know, loser to loser. Hahahaha"............................................
"Zack i have given you too many chances...."
"Im sorry? What do you mean?"
"I mean that i though you could change. Your grades were good but your behavior ranged from rebellious to straight up abusive of other students. But i knew your parents punished you for your behavior. And i thought that you would open up. But no. You've shown me what you are. A disturbed, barbaric and downright abusive piece of crap."
I think he dropped his phone. Then he picked it up again.
"So listen here boy. I am going to tell your parents EVERYTHING. Names, dates, its all on record. Not only that ill make sure you are suspended for the next two to three WEEKS. I will allow you to go on this trip out of sheer pity for your parents who had hopes for this. Oh and before i forget if you call me again ill make sure that you'll never call anyone with it for the rest of your life"
He stood silent.
"Good day Sheen"
I ended the call and set my phone to shut down mode. I.......just needed some alone time.
Zack Sheen
My face was so in shock......... that it was hurting. But it was just......frozen like that.
.....................................Did-did that really just happen?.................................................
That actually sounds preatty good. But are you sure we can't reach them? (If not then i already know the results)
Just do it, it's easier this way. You won't always get lucky with your votes.
Fine i'd just have preferred them to actually vote but fine. I think its safe to assume that Nohope would have voted to lie so ill just go with that. Cool?
It's your story, bud.
So cool?
Voting Closed
Charles will lie to help his teacher. This choice was a big one for character relationships and one that MAY decide the fate of someone later on depending on where the characters go from here. But i can at least say that this choice has a lasting effect on the relationship of these three.
[See if the others answered your texts]
Thank you
Ok sorry for the lack of parts lately to make it up im posting TWO parts today. Also were going to go back to a few characters we haven't seen in a while and im FINALLY going to say where this takes place (Finally found somewhere were it isn't forced to say it
[Pierce lied to you Eden]
awesome and always be honest with friends
Youre late so this doesn't count.
Sry bro Goldens right. Im overjoyed to know you been reading. Thanks bro
Charles Sparks
"Yeah yeah were cool. Thanks for calling"
"Oh thats a relief well nice talking to you, bye"
"Bye" I turned off. Then i prayed silently that i wouldn't end up regretting that.
Eden MCcoy
Thank god the way he talked i was worried that Mr. Pierce had bs'ed me. I was glad to have a good friend like Charlie ( I was even one of the few who called him that). It felt good to have fulfilled my promise. So good that i got up from bed and started my morning. I went to the window and looked at the beautiful view. Morsensville, north of Doomsday Bay and west of Silicon Valley (like the vacation pamphlet said). Felt good to live somewhere like this. Oh yeah better wake Alex up. Went to her room but stopped at the door. Wait, last time she made me breakfast I should do it today. But maybe she wouldn't mind i mean its just 2 days. That's no big deal right?
[Wake her up]
[ Go make Breakfast]
Riley Peters
I got ready very quickly. I woke up, brushed my teeth and changed. Then i ate my cereal. Woke up the mom and dad (sis was tired from practice). In the end only 15 passed. Still 2 hours and 15 minutes. Man what should i do? I could call Donnie since i KNOW he never wakes up this early. Then again i could try calling Pierce to make sure he can't make the buss come early (maybe nobody tried that yet). Or i could just draw to pass the time.
[Call Donnie to wake him up]
[Call Mr. Pierce]
[ Draw to pass the time]
[Go make breakfast] Have some heart.
[Draw to pass the time.] I'd rather not piss off Pierce anymore. Although it was fun.
Great part!
[Go make breakfast]
Don't be lazy.
[Call Mr.Pierce]
For shits and giggles.
Go make Breakfast
Don't be fucking rude.... jk :P
Call Mr. Pierce
It's Spam Time
[Go make Breakfast]
[Draw to pass the time]
I have to admit, I haven't found a reference in this part, even though I tried my best to find one...
[Go make Breakfast]
[Call Mr. Pierce]
Look again its in the location.
Emma Archer
Oh no hes going to kill her. Not after so long. Please no, no please....
"NOOOOOOOOO!!.............................................Hi Herntz"
He looked like someone just gave him a heart attack.
"Sorry, i was just reading a VERY good book" i said
" problem. I just came to tell you you are late for the meeting..... Wait how long have you been reading that?"
"Since you left."
He looked confused.
"That was almost 2 hours ago. And you've just been reading?"
"It's the Raylandsfair saga. I read it for 6 hours without stopping one time" i said coolly. He looked shocked. Then he immediately pretended he wasn't. Oh Lylain never change.
"Well im ready. Who else came?" I asked. Normally most people avoided meetings to work longer on their own projects.
"Well Marlone didn't come" Yes already good news.....for him. "Stevens came" no doubt there. "And Fender" Oh great Hedrick Fender the worlds savior through theorems. Nice guy but his project is Horribly flawed. "Norman came" cool he's nice. "Jaqueline came" Yes this is great it could only be better if.....
"And that Lucios guy" YESSSSS! Oh My God. Lucios Welsick. He is amazing. Man i'm so glad he came.............because he's a good friend....I definitely feel no attraction to him whatsoever. Nope....none at all. I don't try to impress him at all. And the fact that he remembered my birthday and even bought me some gifts was just.......friend stuff. What? the picture of him I keep under my pillow...that's just..inspiration better at stuff. That's also why i constantly look for excuses to spend time with him. And why i wrote that letter describing all my emotions of.....admiration towards him that I've never had the guts to give him. Or why i find his jokes funny even when their not and why sometimes blush when i look at him smiling and....well maybe i'm just a tiny bit attracted to his compassion and his love of history and his..........
"Emma you've been looking...........dazed for the past 3 minutes. Are you....oka.."
"I'm fine im just really excited to go to the meeting."
"Then why did you forget.......Hey wait for me"
Ahhh i was walking to fast. I stopped and waited for Herntz...................... "So are you coming?". Wow he stared at me blankly. "Herntz!"
"Sorry i was just. Nevermind." He said as he Finally hurried up.
Some people just get distracted too easily.
Kevan Marlone
Yes. After 7 years it or should i say HE was complete. The ultimate creation of science and engineering technology. One so great that it would forever change mankind. And all would remember me as the greatest scientist of this century if not this millennium. All that suffering, all the humiliation, all the hate and it was finally done. All would finally abandon that madwoman and accept me as their superior, as their hero, as their......friend..................
.......Oh yes of course who would need pathetic morons as friends when i can have them as fanatics to my absolute genius. Soon the world shall know my name and feel itself inferior.....
Zack Sheen
Yeah checking those seems like a good idea.
I sent 'Charles' a message saying "You seem cool can i hang out with you?" No reply
Next i sent a few insults to that Eden Moron telling her what she is. She replied "What the actual fuck? I told you that i don't like how aggressive you are to some of the guys and that somehow makes me a 'heartless piece of human waste'. And how does being bored at you're lame presentation make me have a superiority complex. You know what i think that you are just a jerk. I'm going to ignore you from now on. Have a nice life asshole."
And she thinks i care? Thats one less loser in my life. Thanks. Next i texted Mike and asked him who we should annoy this trip "Valentino he has it coming"
Really man? I'm trying to be friends with the guy but its hard when i have to help you make him your punching bag. Next Valentino. I told him i loved Paradox season 3. He said "That's my favorite season we should discuss it sometime." Yes. Valentino is awesome I don't know why Mike likes to pick on him so much it's not like he's...
Sadie Motherfucking Robbins. Biggest freak ever. I told her to stay out of my business. My way. And she replied "You are just a jerk Sheen all you do is behave like an ass and insult almost everyone. And everytime i stand up for someone you go after me. Never in my life have i met a more repulsive asshole.....Just fucking stop"
In your dreams whore. Lets see who's left. Riley. I simply told her that she sucks. She replied. "I don't even know you". My reply "That's why"
Well that was it. Might as well wake up. I wondered what to do next. Ah im still thinking of Eden i can't let her get away with that. But i should get ready for the trip. Then again i could prank call someone like say................Mr. Pierce yeah i can ask him if the buss can come early that would piss him off.
[Make Eden pay. My way]
[Get the trip bag ready]
[Prank call Mr. Pierce]
This Zack guy really sucks. He's a jerk. I don't like him.
[Prank call Mr. Pierce] I hope you get kicked off the trip you jerk.
Great part!
Prank call Mr. Pierce
[Prank call Mr. Pierce]
Hopefully this won't backfire on Charles, it better not.
[Prank call Mr. Pierce]
But would be fun
[ Go make Breakfast]
It's nice to be nice
[Call Mr. Pierce]
I can guess exactly which FoT part Emma just read
Also, the part where she denied being attracted to this guy in any way was suspiciously specific and utterly adorable.
Finally, the reference in the last part which I just couldn't find was a reference to NoHope's story Silicon
[Prank call Mr. Pierce]
That should be fun. Perhaps this jerk will even suffer some consequences for it, if Pierce manages to find out. A man can only hope
[ Go make Breakfast]
[Call Mr. Pierce]
[Prank call Mr. Pierce]
Ok both Riley and Zack want to call Mr.Pierce. But i have to make a sub-vote here. Who do you want to call Pierce FIRST? Zack or Riley. This will determine how things go.
I'd go with Riley first.
Pierce is already pissed off. Calling him again will make him even more pissed off. So, let's not make the not horrible/ hate able character suffer. I'm already playing how this will go in my head, and honestly I don't see it ending well for either party. Who knows, maybe he just loses his shit and yells at the next person to call him? Maybe not.
I'm voting for Riley. If Zack prank calls him first, Pierce is far more likely to yell at Riley or give her some other consequences and I really don't want that.
Mike.....Just Mike
Then i got a miracle.
".......i was just practicing a scene from a school play"
The whole thing changed. She stopped crying. Her eyes were still watery but her expression had changed. He just looked confused.
"What kind of play?" she asked curiously
Then it all came together.
"Shakespeare" I said smiling on the inside. Then the whole thing dissolved. It went just a quick as it came. It felt weird but at least 'that' was over.
I then realised it was really early. I didn't have to go so soon. I even thought of calling Mr. Pierce to let the buss come early, but only a total jerk would do that. So i just...talked to them. And it was....nice i guess. After we were done i watched some tv for the next hours. Thinking on all that happened i was surprised things didn't end worse.
Riley Peters
Well i guess one call wouldn't bother him...
Zack Sheen
Sorry Mr. Pierce but you are about to be the most unlucky person on the planet....
Valentino Drake
"The new reborn Children just saved us sir" HOW DID THEY KNOW WE'RE HERE? Weren't communications broken? Maybe they saw us......wait were cloaked. Was this intentional?
"Sir, Janet Reaves was just captured" The badass girl. The one who kicked this main characters butt six times. The henchmen beat her?
"Sander please rescue me" Oh my god. She is scared? But she's immune to fear isn't she? What the actual fuck? Ok what ever. Time to save her i guess. The promp came up. Tap Q to......................WHAT? this is on my phone there is no Q. Did i just fail. THERE WAS NO Q.
"You have failed this universe Sanders Rage. Now i may take it." Shut up. I don't even care who you are anymore. Man this game might have just made my day WORSE. I didn't think it was possible but it just happened. I threw my phone across the room.
"Careful mom said if you brake it she won't buy you another." say the devil in as a nineteen year old.
"Get out" i answered immediately.
"Woah easy there bro other wise you won't get to hear my proposal"
"You're what?"
"I need a favor. And if you do it let's just say i can make your problems disappear"
"How would you even do that?"
"Leave that to moi. You just need to deliver a message"
I think i saw her smile. "There's one of my buds from Highrise on the buss with you. Her name is Casey Miller i need you to tell her that she has one more day to do 'she knows what' or we will have a very serious problem. Do that for me little bro and ill turn your frown upside-down. What do you say?"
She could be lying. Especially since she didn't give me any details. But if there just a chance to fix things i need it. Then again this Casey girl, she might beat me up or something if i say that. If shes not lying its worth it. But can i trust her?
[No Deal]
You only live once.
And Mr.Pierce is the most unlucky man, he is going to fucking murder these kids himself.
Pierce is about to break the dimensions of space and time. He's going to reach through the phone and strangle the next person to call him.
I'm almost feeling a bit sorry for Pierce for having such a bad day
Eden MCcoy
I thought about it and decided that sis deserved better. So i went down stairs and started cooking.
Valentino Drake
"Deal, now leave me alone"
"As you wish. And i promise you you won't regret this" She said as she smiled and left. Man it felt wrong to trust her after everything but if there was even one chance to fix this it was worth it. Now what was i doing?............ Oh That's right, I aImost forgot. I just played the worst game i've ever seen. I need to do something to make me feel better. Especially after that game.
[Check reviews for the game]
[Spoil the ending for the game]
[Call Sadie to cheer up]
[Call Donnie he's funny]
Adam Pierce
I was watching some tv trying to relax after that mess when i got another call. It was Riley. Another good student. Even through all her parents economic issues she still kept smiling and handing grades on time. What could she want? A horrifying thought hit me. Nah, she couldn't. That kind of stuff only happens in comedies. I threw off my suspicion and answered her call.
"Hi Riley whats up?"
"Hi Mr. Pierce. I really hate to bother you but.....can you please get the buss to come early?"
My smile compleatly faded. I don't think i could think clearly. I couldn't see clearly either since my vision was suddenly blurry.
"I'm just really excited and i...."
"Riley" i said in a very dark tone. I think she got scared.
"Y-Yes Mr. Pierce" she said. I could hear her shivering a bit.
"This is the THIRD time someone has asked me that today. And i think i might be getting a little...perturbed at this point"
"I'm So-so-sorry Mr. Pierce i didn't mean to.."
"Yes i know" i said cutting her off. Which is why i am going to pretend this call never happened. The buss will arrive on schedule. Not ONE minute early." I took a deep breath. "Good day Mrs Peters"
"Good day Mr. Pierce"
I ended the phone call.
Riley Peters
I felt like i just dodged a bullet. More like a missile. Thank god i was always on good terms with him. I think he actually scared me. I didn't sound like him at all. He was cool and nice and stuff. But that voice was dark and booming. Like it came from a dark, heartless demon. I pictured it in my head as clear as daylight. Wait..... i think that voice just inspired me. I grabbed my pad and started drawing the image i had made in my head.
Adam Pierce
After ...that. I tried to calmly go back to my seat. Then my phone rang.... again..................It was Zack Sheen. Another student. I wonder what he want's......
I answered.
"Hello Zack" I said. I heard him laugh a bit.
"Hi Pierce i was just gonna ask , can you tell that buss dude to hurry it up? Im getting bored of waiting for that lifeless loser. So i thought you should crack the whip on that idiot. Go tell him to hurry the hell up you know, loser to loser. Hahahaha"............................................
"Zack i have given you too many chances...."
"Im sorry? What do you mean?"
"I mean that i though you could change. Your grades were good but your behavior ranged from rebellious to straight up abusive of other students. But i knew your parents punished you for your behavior. And i thought that you would open up. But no. You've shown me what you are. A disturbed, barbaric and downright abusive piece of crap."
I think he dropped his phone. Then he picked it up again.
"So listen here boy. I am going to tell your parents EVERYTHING. Names, dates, its all on record. Not only that ill make sure you are suspended for the next two to three WEEKS. I will allow you to go on this trip out of sheer pity for your parents who had hopes for this. Oh and before i forget if you call me again ill make sure that you'll never call anyone with it for the rest of your life"
He stood silent.
"Good day Sheen"
I ended the call and set my phone to shut down mode. I.......just needed some alone time.
Zack Sheen
My face was so in shock......... that it was hurting. But it was just......frozen like that.
.....................................Did-did that really just happen?.................................................