Yeah, almost everything had been changed/updated but they could still potentially have it there like some sort of weird (creepy) museum, where you can sit in Jack's chair and fantasise about strangling people.
And yeah, poor Timmy - if he thought Nakayama was bad he's got another thing coming! If he's still on Helios, of course...
Wrong side of the desk for it to be Angel's picture. Not to mention that is a cozy updated chair. And I fear for ole' Timothy with a crazed Jack cult running around and him Jack's doppelganger.
i agree!! but i did see some who spoiled stuff, dajkhsdkljadkasd i guess i wont visit the forums until i played the episode, which is a shame, i want to share my excitement with all of you who understand but oh well...
Agreed, I'm oddly ambivalent about the trailer - I don't intend to watch it before playing, and I don't really feel a need to watch it eithe… morer, so all this struggle over whether to watch it or refrain is alien to me. But to those who cave - please do watch your spoilers, I don't want to have to avoid the forum until after my ep.4 playing time tomorrow evening.
Fiona and Sasha look so out of place in those outfits. I bet the first thing they say about em while looking in the mirror is, "I feel like a douche-bag."
I've recorded my reaction, rendering as I type
Very good-of course they need disguises.
this is no coincidence.
That was a cool trailer, this episode looks good
I Bet it's that one guy in the Episode 2 preview with that Cat Statue!
Fiona is shorter than Sasha?
A weird angle, I guess
It looks like Sasha is closer to the camera than Fiona so it's giving a weird perspective that she is taller.
Nah, that turned out to be an early model for Cassius - their outfits were identical (minus the cat, of course).
August is in the back and how tall he is. Maybe it's the lack of gravitation effect. Astronauts get taller in space I heard.
I am deeply offended.
Yeah, almost everything had been changed/updated but they could still potentially have it there like some sort of weird (creepy) museum, where you can sit in Jack's chair and fantasise about strangling people.
And yeah, poor Timmy - if he thought Nakayama was bad he's got another thing coming! If he's still on Helios, of course...
I paused at that part and I thought 'wait Rhys doesn't like heights that can't be good' XD and Sasha's right below him, I hope he doesn't puke on her.
I could not resist to watch the god damn weak...but the trailer was realy goood :-O
i agree!! but i did see some who spoiled stuff, dajkhsdkljadkasd i guess i wont visit the forums until i played the episode, which is a shame, i want to share my excitement with all of you who understand
but oh well...
The lack of Loader Bot in the second concerns me (as well as the overall lack of Vaughn).
I'm not liking the fact that Loader Bot isn't in the second photo.
Fiona and Sasha look so out of place in those outfits. I bet the first thing they say about em while looking in the mirror is, "I feel like a douche-bag."
They remind me a bit of the guys from Bioshock.
enter link description here
I am so reaaady.
Hannibowls Revenge
Can't blame you! I also gave in temptation - the trailer is amazing! And luckily not spoilery at all. Nothing i didn't know
For those asking about the trailer music: it's "Hannibowls Revenge"!
enter link description here
Thank you so much! It has such an enormous level of epicness and awesomeness...
Descends into constant replaying mode
oh no, its says its not available!
Try this link:
Thank you so much laura! you're the best

Yup hope we can avoid spoiler
Reminds me of this for some reason.
Thank you!
Whats the exact timezone when we get it ?