The first time any character made you laugh. (Not necessarily the first time you laughed)
(NOTE: I don't mean the first time you laughed, I mean the first time multiple characters made you laugh)
So I was thinking about what I really love about this game (I'm not obsessed or anything), and one thing I kept thinking about was how every character has at least managed to make me smile. So I was wondering, when was the first that different characters made you laugh?
For example, the first time Cassius made me laugh was when his introduction screen came up and it couldn't identify him, or for a specific character moment, it's when he said that he had never done anything like that before after stabbing Vaughn in the heart with the needle.
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Fiona's meat bicycle.
One look at Rhys and I died laughing.
What a funny looking scrub.
But seriously, when Rhys said "I will name my firstborn... Loaderbot." I laughed.
Just hearing Vasquez's voice.
Vaughn with "If I'm not puking up at least 1000 dollars worth of expensive food tonight, then we're doing it wrong"
Rhys with his "Hyperion face" on
Sasha didn't make me laugh until episode 2, with Enhance.
Fiona with "Long enough to find a Vault Key" dodging August's question
When Vaughn counted up all the "horrible" things they experienced in episode 1 and then finishes with " i have never felt better in my life!!!" and directly after that showing his supertrained abs... In fact this whole scene in the desert... LOL
Rhys's promotion.
Loaderbots hi, you know that you are dealing with a great character when his first spoken word makes you laugh out loud.
Rhys - His intro scene.
Fiona - Making her talk like a psycho.
Sasha - Pinky promise
Vaughn - "I have never felt better in my life!"
Vasquez - "Your body is making me really uncomfortable."
August - Break his heart/Blow his mind
(In order of appearance)
"Yes, Yes, it's been awhile, everyone knows"
The moment he was hit in the face/when he asked the Stranger if he would ask himself questions
The Mysterious Stranger
"I guess I could've."
"Hold please." *transfers $10 000 000"
'Wow. I could not have timed that better that really helps dramatically make my point."
[Blow His Mind]
Her constant insistence on someone buying her lunch.
Grease Face
Loader Bot
His jump scare, I flinched and then I laughed.
Her fast talking in August's bar.
Making up the lie about discussing the terms of a temporary alliance.
"You'll squat down and scream about poop trains."
"Your face is on that picture with the writing on it."
His voice, it somehow obviously communicates how doomed he is.
Blasting in with his woofer.
Eric's friend
That whole back and forth while Rhys is trying to choke him is just beautiful.
Mask Vendor
All of the conversation he had with Fiona and Vaughn.
Meat Buddy/Friend
"Tasty eyeballs good for fricassee."
Handsome Jack
'Come here, come here, just let me strangle you, j-just one more time. One more time."
General Pollux
"Please activate the revival protocol in my stasis dock."
Having her cornered in a conversation with Janey.
Keeping his pose even after the into screen for him is over.
Don't talk about his hair/his reaction when you do.
"And you're making a sandwich?"
Janey Springs
"You two in a hurry?" It was the first time I was exposed to her Australian accent and it was really thick with that line.
When it first spoke and it sounded like the devil had possessed it.
Gary's friend
Her talk about Gary.
"Fashion is not one of them."
Her entire reveal is fantastic.
His introduction screen came up and it couldn't identify him/when he said that he had never done anything like that before after stabbing Vaughn in the heart with the needle.
"It is a stun baton, I do not know how it works, but its defiantly neat."
"Stick, Neato!"
Rhys (looking at Henderson floating in space)
"Such a nice suit to waste"
"Hold please." transfers 10 000 000 dollars "Done"
Followed by Rhys' "I'm not gonna lie... that was impressive" (my thoughts exactly)
Loader Bot
"What a steaming load of skag crap"
August (while crying)
"I'm a winner, Rhys! I am a winner!"
Guy with the masks (The whole conversation was pretty amusing. He's ridiculously polite for a bandit)
"...Mr Glasses guy and Ms Fancy hat"
"Come on, slowpoke. Time's waistin!"
There were a lot of hilarious moments with every character, but theese are the ones that I remember most.
Vasquez: his talk about a man swimming against fate then having his former boss appear floating in space behind the window to which he replies "wow I couldn't timed that better, that really helps me dramatically make my point."
Rhys: his character makes me laugh a lot troy brings a sense of humour to this character but the first time he made me laugh was the option of what happens next in the first episode. I think the option was to "we carmly disscuss an alliance" or "we tried to throw them out" the later choice shows Rhys screaming holding on for dear life again the open door then masked stranger cuts in "stop it with the embellishments what really happened?." "No actually that's exacly how it went down." with Finona chimes in "yeah I was trying to kill him."
Zer0: "Rhys: you're really cool..i just want ...wanted you to know that
Zer0: "<3"
Handsome Jack: pretty much all his lines are funny he is the most humourist villain I have seen in in video games and movies. but his comment about Vasquez hair implants. but seriously all his comments make my sides have stiches from laughing to much.
I can't think of any for August, Janey or Vallory yet.