The Longest Night: A Walking Dead interactive story by Maxbear29



  • Hey guys! I hate leaving you in the dark, which is why I do updates, so here's another. I've been doing exams all week, and it's been pretty time consuming, so I haven't had much time to write, but I've been thinking, and I know what's going to happen in the next part. So It's not gonna take that long to write, but I'm probably not gonna get it out until Sunday. Sorry for returning then immediately ditching you for 2 weeks with no choices, so I just figure I'd tell y'all what's up.

  • Hiyoko

    Hiyoko was hanging out in the living room of the mansion, tossing her tennis ball at the wall, letting it rebound off the ground, and then catching it, and throwing it again. There wasn't much to be done, as her mom was cooking beans on the barbecue, and Erin was off sulking in his room. She was slowly starting to drift asleep into a nap, as she heard something in the hall behind her, which made her shoot up awake. She grabbed the knife off the sidetable, and turned around, but there was nobody there. She was surprised, but not overly concerned, as she sat back down slowly. Suddenly, she heard a creaking in another room, her mother's voice, and a bang. She shot up like a bullet, and ran into the kitchen full speed, where she saw him. Erin, holding her mother's shotgun from off the table, standing over her, as she was sat on the ground, slumped up against the cabinets, shot from a shotgun through her stomach. Hiyoko covered her mouth and screamed, as Erin whipped around, and pointed the gun at Hiyoko, and shot as she ducked, and dodged the shot, as she ran out the exit through the dining room back into the living room, as Erin violently gave chase.


    Danny Immediately walked to the edge of the roof, looking down at the rooftops below him. Taking a breath, he realized how far away and down the next house over was. However, it was flat, as it was the top of a parking garage, and he wasn't about to dwell on this grocery story roof forever. He turned back to Amelia, who was still looking down the roof hatch, and he motioned her over. Danny closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and got a running start, and leaped off the roof, onto the parking garage. Narrowly grabbing the ledge, he managed to get both hands and 1 foot on the rooftop, with 1 leg dangling off the side, as he felt all the force on his shin painfully, as he heard something crack, and he fell backwards. He managed to grab the ledge with 1 hand, as he dangled off the side. He hung facing away from the building, looking below at the walkers beneath him. His leg was burning and tingling, but he managed to get his other hand on the ledge, and pull himself up, without using his left leg, as he rolled onto the roof. Amelia jumped clear over him, landing on the parking lot, managing to stick the landing. Amelia appeared totally fine, as Danny sat, back against the small ledge, looking at his left leg. It wasn't too bad, just red and puffy, with darker red patches where it hurt the most. Amelia was totally ignoring him, as he stood up gingerly, putting as little weight on his leg as possible. Amelia offered no aid, but she was grieving about the loss of a friend, so that was fair.

    Amelia looked over a ledge, and realized that there was nowhere to go. She kept looking, and saw a terrace directly across from them, and she motioned for him to come over, as he hopped on 1 foot, and limped his way over. She got a running jump on it, and managed to grab the bars, as she hopped over, onto the terrace. Danny managed to lean out far enough off the roof, that it only took a small, weak hop to grab onto the bars, then he just rolled over onto the roof, as he rubbed his shin. Amelia was fiddling with the door, and it was locked, so Danny pulled out his shotgun, and turned it around, bashing the butt of the gun into the glass door, creating a small chip. He then used all of his might to bash the door again and again, until a small hole was created, he the kept backing and bashing, and he soon created a hole big enough for him to step through. He pushed past, narrowly avoiding getting cut by the shards of glass around the hole. He entered a bedroom. He started walking towards the door out of the bedroom, as he turned around to say something to Amelia. Just as he was turning his head, he felt something hard bash into his temple, as he leaned back onto his bad shin, dropped his shotgun, and pathetically collapsed onto the ground in a dazed heap.

    As he tried to refocus, he looked up and saw that Amelia had pistol whipped him. He felt something run down his face, as he realized he was bleeding from his temple. Amelia quickly loaded a bullet into her revolver, and pointed it at Danny.

    "Give it to me" Amelia said, gesturing towards Danny's shotgun. Danny wiped the blood off his face, and stared at Amelia, looking frigidly at him.

    "Guh? Huh, wuh?" Danny said, looking fearfully at Amelia.

    "Don't be a fucking idiot. Give me the goddamn gun before you get a fucking cap." Amelia moved her finger closer to the trigger. Danny sat up, as Amelia shook her gun, and Danny grabbed his shotgun by the barrel.

    "Alright, just stay calm, I'll give you this, and we can talk it out."

    "I'm done talking. All I've done for the last 2 months is have choice tugged away from me, from people I actually give 2 fucks about if they live or die." Takako died, Kevin died, and now my last friend... fucking Erin back at home. He told me he was gonna kill Hiyoko and Mrs. Enoshima. I was indifferent, and what he told me was too true. Even at the end of days, we're all still beneath our bosses.... fuck it. This is it, the fall of humanity, the only chance for us to restart, FUCK IT ALL!" Erin looked infuriated and misty eyed. "Kevin got bitten, and that bitch put him down like a fucking rabid dog, and I know she thinks of us all the same. I'm done. You, Hiyoko, Mrs. Enoshima, I'll kill you all. You're a leech on us, you just stole, stole, stole, now I'm taking it all back. I'll leave you alive if you give me everything. So hand it over, and don't try anything fucking stupid. You got a bum leg and a pretty bad bleeder, I can take you, and you know it, so come on, pass over the gun." Danny stood up, and limped over to her, slowly. He had a switchblade in his back pocked that nobody knew about, so he could easily jump her, but she was telling the truth. She did say she'd let him be if he just handed the gun over, so he could do that. He could also disarm her easily and threaten her... each had an equal risk-reward ratio, and he had to decide on the spot, as none were out of the question...

    Stab her

    Hand over the gun

    Disarm & Threaten

  • Stab her

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Hiyoko Hiyoko was hanging out in the living room of the mansion, tossing her tennis ball at the wall, letting it rebound off the ground,

  • Hand over the gun

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Hiyoko Hiyoko was hanging out in the living room of the mansion, tossing her tennis ball at the wall, letting it rebound off the ground,

  • Hand over the gun

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Hiyoko Hiyoko was hanging out in the living room of the mansion, tossing her tennis ball at the wall, letting it rebound off the ground,

  • Alright, 3 votes in, I think I'm gonna release the next part tomorrow. I think. I hope at least, that or saturday. Anyway, get your votes in while you can!

  • Hand over the gun

    I don't know. I don't really think he has a chance if he fights back.

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Hiyoko Hiyoko was hanging out in the living room of the mansion, tossing her tennis ball at the wall, letting it rebound off the ground,

  • Hand over the gun Let's not get too hasty here

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Hiyoko Hiyoko was hanging out in the living room of the mansion, tossing her tennis ball at the wall, letting it rebound off the ground,

  • Okay, so I'm gonna close the voting, sorry to the 3 that didn't vote, but my schedule cleared up and I wanna write. A surprise snowstorm cancelled classes. So, Danny will hand over the gun, and I'm gonna start writing at this moment.

  • Sorry, I got really busy today, I got the first part done, and I tried to write more but just ran short on time. Sorry.

  • Danny

    Danny decided it was best to just put up no fight and pass over his gun without any tricks. He just passed over the shotgun, and Amelia grabbed it and held it with her off hand, not lowering her revolver. Danny looked at Amelia, as she looked him up and down, before quickly pointing her gun down and firing a shot into Danny's bad knee. Danny hit the ground immediately, letting out an instinctive holler, as Amelia looked coldly at him.

    "Did you honestly believe I'd just let you live to kill me? There's no way you were going down quietly. It has to be this way." Amelia ran out into the hallway, and banged on the closet directly across the hallway with the butt of the gun, screaming, as walkers started coming towards her, and she ran back to the door they entered through. "Sorry, Danny." She said, before descending the fire escape to the right of the balcony.

    Danny immediately had to react, as a walker entered the room. Without rolling his body, he tried to reach in his back pocket to grab his knife, as he couldn't quite reach it, as he began to slowly back away, and hit the wall. Panicking, he reached behind him to the balcony door, grabbing a piece of small, jagged glass from the frame, as the walker fell to it's knees on top of Danny, and he sent the small piece of glass into it's eye, losing it, as his face became covered in blood, and the walker fell over, covering his body. He began trying to arch his back so he could grab his switchblade as the second walker inched closer, and he manage to pull it out and switch it up just in time. He thrust it into the approaching roamer's skull, directly into the temple, as the corpse also fell on top of him. Barely able to move, Danny shimmied out from under the corpses, as a third approached, and he refused to deal with it. He used his good leg to lunge forward, out the window onto the balcony. Danny began to frantically army crawl to towards the fire escape, as he heard the walker approaching the door, and he sped up. Reaching the stairs, he lost his balance, and just rolled down the stairs, hitting his knee and head several times, causing him to make pained noises inadvertently.

    He rolled off the fire escape, free falling into a garbage bin, whacking his head on the side as he landed. Trying to stay at least slightly in motion, he rolled off the side of the bin, landing on his good leg, as he began to hop out of the alley he was in. He heard something coming, and knew exactly what it was, but before he could react, the walker had pushed him to the ground. As he fell, he managed to spin around, landing on his back instead of face, and when the walker climbed atop him, he managed to hold it back with his hands on it's shoulders. Unable to use his switchblade, as the walker had a long neck and he couldn't reach the head, and unable to readjust his hands, Danny tried to fling the walker off of him, but it was too strong, and overpowered him. It pushed closer and closer, as Danny could almost feel it's presence moving closer to his face. The stench of the rotting got closer and closer as he closed his eyes and looked away, praying it would bite somewhere vital so his death would be swift. At the very instant he considered giving up, the walker went limp, and it's blood splattered his face. He was now coated in blood, as he looked up, and saw a tall man, wearing a black turtleneck, holding a climbing pick in the back of the walker's head.

    Danny was barely able to keep his composure, as the man looked down at him, and Danny immediately rolled onto his side and threw up violently. He could feel his vision blur and ear ring louder and louder, as he faintly heard the man say "You alright?", as Danny tried to speak, managing to choke out "h...hel...." before completely passing out.


    Hiyoko dashed wildly into the living room, as Erin was hot on her tail. She turned around just in time, as she ducked under the butt of the shotgun that then connected with the wall, putting a hole in the solid drywall. Surely that would have caved her skull in. That was too close for comfort. She had no time to waste, though, as she ran full speed up a flight of stairs, as Erin still had his only weapon stuck in the wall, giving Hiyoko some time to search for a tool.

    Hiyoko ran into Erin's room, and was instantly shocked. Plans, notes, maps, zombie populations in certain areas, when did he have all the time to do this? Was this all thought out? Was he planning the murder, while in her care, this whole fucking time? That bastard! Hiyoko, now furious, grabbed a brick from off the fireplace in his room, and spotted him now running up the stairs, as she angrily ran out, getting the jump on his, as he aimed his gun, but she threw the brick savagely, like a fastball, as a beeline towards Erin's face. Something cracked loudly as Erin cried out a pathetic cry of pain, as he fumbled his shotgun, and rolled backwards down the stairs. The shotgun stopped 3 steps short of the bottom, while Erin fell the whole way, sitting up, holding his severely dislocated jaw, with a massive, blood gushing gash over his nose. Hiyoko stared at him with a look of no remorse, as his violent, murderous stare had changed into a fearful, pained, and pissed off look. Just as he began to stand, a walker grabbed him. It was the walker of Mrs. Enoshima. She pinned Erin against the wall, as he begged Hiyoko to save him, as she bit down on his throat, ripping off all of the skin, as she tackled his down to the base of the stairs, eating his sides, as he screamed bloody murder. Hiyoko had a choice. She knew Takako had a pistol in her room for self protection. It had 2 bullets last Hiyoko remembered. Hikoyo could either run in, grab the gun, and escape, leaving Erin to suffer, run in, grab the gun, and use the 2 bullets to put down Erin and Mrs. Enoshima, grab the shotgun (which she knew had a box of shells in her mom's room), or try to run down and grab the shotgun while also leaving Erin to suffer. Choice 1 left her with a weapon, and left the horrible man who tried to kill her and murdered her mother, who cared for him, in cold blood, with the fate he deserved, but it was her worst choice for weapon, however the most risk free plan. Choice 2 let the murdering cunt have a peaceful, dignified death, but gave the least risk for the best weapon, and she was reluctant because of what Erin had done. and option 3 was the best of both worlds, but had the highest risk...

    Leave Erin to suffer

    Put them to rest

    Try to steal the shotgun

  • Put them to rest

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Danny Danny decided it was best to just put up no fight and pass over his gun without any tricks. He just passed over the shotgun, and Am

  • Put them to rest

    Great part once again!

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Danny Danny decided it was best to just put up no fight and pass over his gun without any tricks. He just passed over the shotgun, and Am

  • Put them to rest

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Danny Danny decided it was best to just put up no fight and pass over his gun without any tricks. He just passed over the shotgun, and Am

  • Put them to rest

  • Put them to rest

    I'm intrigued

    maxbear29 posted: »

    Danny Danny decided it was best to just put up no fight and pass over his gun without any tricks. He just passed over the shotgun, and Am

  • Sorry for the lack of parts, just been busy, but I'm working on it. Promise.

  • I've been horribly sick. Sorry about that. I tried to write, got sick, lost the progress when I closed the file hastily and went to sleep. Sorry.


    Because I know how fun these are for you guys.

    I have accidentally deleted the first part of this chapter twice. It's frustratinng as fuck, and I', just procrastinating writing it a third time. Firs time I was so sick I closed it without thinking, second time my computer restarted itself while I was at the store for like 20 minutes. I'm just being lazy, the part will be out soon, it's just so annoying it's halted my productivity. Don't worry, I'm trying to figure out a schedule so I can release parts semi-regularly.

    Thanks for your patience, guys.

  • School + Laziness = Another goddamn apology update.


    I'm on my march break now, so I'm gonna get quite a bit of writing done, so I hope to get multiple parts out before school comes back. That's all. I'd say I'm sorry, but I say that a lot. It's just implied at this point.

  • Okay, so I figured I'd let you all know what's happened, and that no, I have not let this thing die. I basically wrote about half this chapter, and then I was gonna release it today, but I got last-minute projects to do, so that part is about halfway done. I'm essentially living by the schedule of "write when I can", and I hope you are all okay with that, I really am working to get this next part out.

  • Almost, yeah. Like, it's exams, and I haven't been working on this at all, but I want to actually write the whole thing at some point. It'll probably be a while, because exams are hard, but I'll try to pick this up again. I haven't given up, I'm just taking a long ass break xD


  • So it's mid-July, and I still haven't updated this thing yet. I'm just in the midst of other, outside of this website projects, and I don't know if I want to continue this. I think I do, but to be honest it just feels bad when I leave for long periods of time like this, so I dunno, if I do want to update soon I'll just do it and then keep updating either weekly or bi-weekly, but I don't know when I'm gonna get the gumption to do that.

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