Kenny is no different than Lily

One killed somebody with a cement block

One killed somebody with a gun

The difference is, Kenny killed while he SHOULD have known better and had no tragedies happen to him yet. While Lily snapped after......ta da, Kenny killed her father. The double standards I see about GOOD OLD KENNY is hilarious. He was a dick to Lee in my play through throughout the entire season, and I will never understand how people accept his craziness.



  • edited April 2014

    People hate lilly because she killed carley (in my gameplay) not as many people hate kenny but he killed Larry (I helped kenny in my gameplay) but people were okay with Larry being killed. Lilly has military training but kenny has a God like mustache, now beard

  • Hey, It's THAT person again.

  • Both are killers. And Kenny is indeed a psychopath. That much is clear. Lily had a traumatic experience caused by said psychopath which caused her to snap. Kenny indirectly killed Carley.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    People hate lilly because she killed carley (in my gameplay) not as many people hate kenny but he killed Larry (I helped kenny in my gamepla

  • Lilly killed Carley and she wasn't a threat.
    Kenny killed Larry because he was a threat.

  • You sound like that Shaundi everyone talks about..

  • It's the "powerful stache" turned "all-powerful, god-like, hoboiness beard" trick.

  • That's why I dislike lilly, because carley was innocent

    zMadGamer posted: »

    Lilly killed Carley and she wasn't a threat. Kenny killed Larry because he was a threat.

  • I don't know what game you were playing. But in my game Larry was on the floor helpless when Kenny threw a cement block on his head.

    zMadGamer posted: »

    Lilly killed Carley and she wasn't a threat. Kenny killed Larry because he was a threat.

  • edited April 2014

    If you die, you turn into a walker. If I was Kenny, I wouldn't of taken the chance either. Larry could of turned and killed everyone in the locker.

    I don't know what game you were playing. But in my game Larry was on the floor helpless when Kenny threw a cement block on his head.

  • Well, lilly was the one who shot carley, just because carley dissed her

    Both are killers. And Kenny is indeed a psychopath. That much is clear. Lily had a traumatic experience caused by said psychopath which caused her to snap. Kenny indirectly killed Carley.

  • edited April 2014

    but kenny did not kill larry cause he wanted too he killed him for the safety of the group lily on the other hand had no reason to kill carley, kenny might be crazy in season 2 but not in season 1 he was just doing what was best for the group and you know it

  • I am a Lilly fan but I disagree with the first part. Kenny was killing Larry in defense of the group, I tried to save Larry but I knew it might have been necessary. Lilly killed Carley/Doug and she was pissed at the time but still, they weren't trapped in a room, and Carley/Doug didn't have the possibility of being dead.

    Kenny was a dick to me in my play through but I still think he is a awesome character. I don't understand how Kenny fans hate on Lilly, and Lilly fans hate on Kenny. Its really annoying if you ask me. Seriously guys. This dispute is getting really bothersome and irritating. No answer is right as both Kenny, and Lilly have both made mistakes. If you hate Kenny fine. If you hate Lilly fine. But it would be nice if you didn't bring these topics again about "Kenny is better" or "Lilly is better."

    Go ahead and down vote me, or state that someones is better then the other. But I don't give a shit about what happens here but if anybody makes another Kenny Vs Lilly Thread... Heh you watch your ass.

  • Yeah helpless as in lying on the floor having just had a heart attack with no way to actually revive him
    So yeah Larry was helpless but he was pretty much dying and was maybe even dead

    I don't know what game you were playing. But in my game Larry was on the floor helpless when Kenny threw a cement block on his head.

  • I agree

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    but kenny did not kill larry cause he wanted too he killed him for the safety of the group lily on the other hand had no reason to kill carl

  • True that. Lilly was a crazy bitch who killed an innocent person.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    but kenny did not kill larry cause he wanted too he killed him for the safety of the group lily on the other hand had no reason to kill carl

  • Kenny also was the main guy who suggested to steal from the station wagon. Which in turn caused the events of the Stranger. My things just get worse and worse for GOOD OLD KENNY.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    but kenny did not kill larry cause he wanted too he killed him for the safety of the group lily on the other hand had no reason to kill carl

  • I would of stole from it too if I were in that situation. A wagon full of supplies with nobody around.

    Kenny also was the main guy who suggested to steal from the station wagon. Which in turn caused the events of the Stranger. My things just get worse and worse for GOOD OLD KENNY.

  • Yeah, Larry was.going to turn

    I don't know what game you were playing. But in my game Larry was on the floor helpless when Kenny threw a cement block on his head.

  • [removed]

  • edited April 2014

    so your saying if we did not steal the food in the station wagon the stanger would have never followed the group to savannah? it does not make a difference he still takes clem plus what would you have done if you were starving?

    Kenny also was the main guy who suggested to steal from the station wagon. Which in turn caused the events of the Stranger. My things just get worse and worse for GOOD OLD KENNY.

  • Did you listen to the Stranger at all? LOL he clearly explains what happens after you steal from him.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    so your saying if we did not steal the food in the station wagon the stanger would have never followed the group to savannah? it does not make a difference he still takes clem plus what would you have done if you were starving?

  • I left her behind, but.if you keep Lilly with you she steals the RV

    Did you listen to the Stranger at all? LOL he clearly explains what happens after you steal from him.

  • edited April 2014

    yea I listened did you read my post properly? what about the people who chose not to take the food? I have never chose that option so I don't know if they take the stuff anyway

    Did you listen to the Stranger at all? LOL he clearly explains what happens after you steal from him.

  • Kenny was actually more than justified in killing Larry, if you think about it. They were locked in a tiny room, being held hostage by a family of cannibals, and had no weapons. That was bad enough, and then Larry had a heart attack. He was unconscious, he'd stopped breathing, and he had no pulse. Everyone who dies comes back ass a zombie unless the brain is destroyed, and Larry was showing off all the major signs of being dead. What Kenny did sure as hell wasn't nice, and the way he acts toward Lee is absolutely awful if Lee attempts to save Larry, but he had every reason in the world to drop that salt lick. The act itself is justified, his actions afterward if Lee disagrees are not.

    Lilly was under a great deal of stress, and I'm not upset that she killed, but I'm upset at WHO she killed. It's not that she shot Carley, it's that she DIDN'T shoot Kenny. If she had tried to kill Kenny it would have been understandable, given what happened in the meat locker, but she murdered Carley for calling her a bitch. There is no justification for that, or for throwing Lee under the bus even if he always sided with her. She was too dangerous to be kept around after that.

    I like both, despite the fact that both of them become horrible people at some point. But if you are ABSOLUTELY loyal to Kenny, he would die for you. If you are ABSOLUTELY loyal to Lilly, she'll stab you in the back anyway. That's why, out of the two, I like Kenny more.

  • I agree ,in my second playthrough I made opposite decisions ,and all that lilly did was stab me in the back

    Rock114 posted: »

    Kenny was actually more than justified in killing Larry, if you think about it. They were locked in a tiny room, being held hostage by a fam

  • Kenny still steals anyway which causes the entire Stranger drama.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    yea I listened did you read my post properly? what about the people who chose not to take the food? I have never chose that option so I don't know if they take the stuff anyway

  • Well if they hadn't stolen from the station wagon they would have starved to death. Kenny had no way of knowing what would happen. None of them did. It was either take the food they definitely needed to survive, or leave the food on the off chance that the owners were still in the area/alive.

    Kenny also was the main guy who suggested to steal from the station wagon. Which in turn caused the events of the Stranger. My things just get worse and worse for GOOD OLD KENNY.

  • ^This

    I am a Lilly fan but I disagree with the first part. Kenny was killing Larry in defense of the group, I tried to save Larry but I knew it mi

  • edited April 2014

    Lilly shoots carley, possibly steals RV,but Kenny is justified for.killing Larry, and steals food for.survival

    Kenny still steals anyway which causes the entire Stranger drama.

  • edited April 2014

    k fair enough but put yourself in his shoes if your whole group was starving and you had a family to feed and you found an abandoned station wagon with food that can last for a long time what would you do? in a world like that you would have to put your group before others

    Kenny still steals anyway which causes the entire Stranger drama.

  • It's by reading threads like this that makes me glad i had a ''Bro Kenny'' in my playtrough, i've seen some playtroughs and when you don't side with him, he's just a pain in the ass.

  • at least he is always watching your back if you side with him in my side with lily play through she is still the same bitch

    It's by reading threads like this that makes me glad i had a ''Bro Kenny'' in my playtrough, i've seen some playtroughs and when you don't side with him, he's just a pain in the ass.

  • Kenny is a cool character but I hated him from the moment he ran away from saving Shawn. I'm not going to kiss his ass just so he can be a "bro" but that's what makes him great, you either love him or you hate him.

    It's by reading threads like this that makes me glad i had a ''Bro Kenny'' in my playtrough, i've seen some playtroughs and when you don't side with him, he's just a pain in the ass.

  • This guy gets it!

    I am a Lilly fan but I disagree with the first part. Kenny was killing Larry in defense of the group, I tried to save Larry but I knew it mi

  • edited April 2014

    Maybe because of..

    Kenny: You're a murderer Lilly, we cant have you with us! how long until you get me!?!

    Lilly: I'm a murderer!? You've had Lee with you this whole time!

    Kenny: I don't care what he did before!

    Lilly: You Know?

    Kenny: Yeah, he told me, and I don't give a shit.

    Aside from that Kenny automatically insisted to coming with me to find Clem but i had to convince the others, he grabbed me when i missed the jump, he killed Larry for our survival, he took the food for our survival, he gave me a bro speech, he gave the group a bro speech about how you should try to live as long as possible, he risked his life for the person he hates, and he has a godlike stache that evolved into a godlike beard.

    Lilly shot Carley for dissing her, and if you have Doug instead she'll attempt to shoot Ben even though she has no evidence it was him...then if you side with her the entire game she'll lie and drive away without you..

  • Lily killed Carley for NO reason.
    Kenny killed Larry so he dosent come back and eat them all.

  • edited April 2014

    I'm sympathetic with Lilly but the reasons for each of their killings are different. Kenny kills Larry because he's afraid for his family. He's scared. He does express regret that it HAD to happen and apologizes to Lilly before and after, but if Lilly had been unable to resuscitate him he would have died. It's unfortunate that he dies even when coming around, but Kenny was ultimately acting for the well-being of the group in an extremely dangerous situation.

    Lilly shoots either Doug or Carley during a situation where they could have voted or calmly sat down and figured out everything that happened ONCE they were in the car. She was riled up and paranoid, and most players see her actions as a cold-blooded murder because they chose Carley and Lily shoots her during a cat fight. Whereas with Doug it's more of an accident when trying to correctly finger Ben as the culprit. Nobody was in any immediate danger from the person Lilly shot. If you just go and shoot someone you suspect of doing something behind your back you're no better than bandits. Hell, Lee murdered someone too but we aren't sitting here talking about how he's the same as Lilly.

    In TWD, killing people is a common thing and you can't judge a character just by that fact. You have to look at the surrounding circumstances and why they did it. Kenny acted because he was afraid and Larry very well could have revived as the biggest walker you'd have encountered through the entire game. He would have torn through all of you. Kenny also raises the very valid point that Larry was willing to throw Duck out when there was a risk of him turning, so he was just doing the same thing. The people who still give Kenny shit about Shawn don't realize that the guy panicked and regretted it. He straight up says he murdered Shawn because he tried to protect his son and it's up to Lee to console him.

  • Even when I did my playthrough where I sided with Lilly and Larry, Kenny came back for Lee when Larry knocked him out in the drug store. He wouldn't leave you there to die, even if he saw you as an asshole.

    MayorMilk posted: »

    Maybe because of.. Kenny: You're a murderer Lilly, we cant have you with us! how long until you get me!?! Lilly: I'm a murderer!? You'

  • I don't fully agree with this thread, but to be fair she didn't kill Carley because she dissed her.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well, lilly was the one who shot carley, just because carley dissed her

  • edited April 2014

    He wasn't dead.

    If you choose to help Lilly, you can perform CPR. If you press on his chest enough times, he breathes.

    Now, some people claim that this breath was him re-animating, but due to the fact that this breath does not happen if you don't push his chest enough, it is true that Larry was in fact alive.

    That doesn't stop it being justified for Kenny to try to do what he did though (although he should have held the salt block over larry's head in case he turned instead of dropping it on him immediately.

    Yeah helpless as in lying on the floor having just had a heart attack with no way to actually revive him So yeah Larry was helpless but he was pretty much dying and was maybe even dead

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