'Gave what you Got'
Random straw-grasping thoughts. Seeing what sticks.
So...I just gave in and read the achievements for episode 3. If anyone has seen them, one of them is for 'Getting Beaten Down.'
Then...the second to last one is given when you 'Gave what you Got.'
So...she got beaten, and eventually gives what she got...leading to...
One could probably guess where I'm going with this.
Oh sheeyut.
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now i'm imagining something like that face+machete scene in the Last of Us
Fuck yeah. That scene was ripe with awesomeness!
Cleddie confirmed for Episode 4.
I'm sure Clem goes all ninja and someone ninja'd her too.
Jesus, what's next?
Actually, no. No. Don't answer that.
Wait when did the achievement list come out? Does this mean the next episode is verified on steam...? (aka this is me grasping at straws)
One would assume, anyway.
I wasn't paying attention to how soon episode 2's achievements came out before the actual episode did, so someone who was will have to answer that for me. :S
February 28
Too bad, your username is Cluke.
So...rechecks episode 2's release date.
murder....oh no.....2nd series is going to be more disturbing. carver might be indeed a killer, and clementine is in the middle of a sociopath's lair.
I KNOW!! But it's so strange because Telltale hasn't really said anything about the release!
Episode 2 came out March 4 soooo.... it's a 4 - 5 day wait i guess.... ???
-reads comment and waits till it sinks in- (My Response: Fuuuuucckkk!!!!!! No, Clem,no!) XD
Larceny? So.. someone's gonna steal something? (Troy perhaps? He hasn't done much talking) And "beatdown"... ouch.
"Witnessed a murder" I guess someone's gonna get killed. Betting it's Alvin or a new character.
...and the bloody crowbar icon for the Rehabilitated achievement seems to support this... :S
It's probably...
Kenny: SARITA NOOOOOoooo...boat, boat!boat!boat!boat!boat!boat! COME ON DUCK!
Clementine: Oh god, not again!
I bet getting beaten down has to do with Becca.
Then he'll try to find a Katjaa to fill the missing piece of his heart -looks away dramatically- XD
Yeah I am in the same boat as you @TheDeadAmongUs
ok so we know is this Carver has no problem with violence. And if he is indead the killer he might not get away with it, and in fact he might die in ep3. we got a hint that Kenny fights Carver.
Ah shit as soon as I saw the word achievement I closed my eyes.
I wish I had your willpower.
I was trying to say no but I gave in and looked.
Well, shit then, Kenny has an unfair advantage with his mustache powers being better than Carver's.
What if it's not Carver killing someone? What if we accidentally witness one of the Cabin Group murdering someone?
I feel bad for laughing at that, lmao
I have a feeling that Troy is actually not working for Carver. His name could've been taken from the legend of the Trojan horse, in which the Greeks smuggled themselves into the city to kill everyone from the inside.
Gordon Freeman... Episode 3... 3... Half Life 3 confirmed.
that's a possibility tell tale could do anything.
Csnt reoly eyrs arw vlosed,
What if in episode three you see the half life 3 logo spray painted on the side of a building? That would make my year.
And Kenny is a rubbish fighter, so I don't like the sound of that.
Well on the blog they just said that it was "upcoming".... so I guess I agree.
(laughs) I don't believe in "mustache powers".
what I was basing my comment on was a tweet form Gavin Hammon (voice actor of Kenny and other characters). A fan comment on his profile on tweet saying that they really hope Kenny would kill Carver. Gavin response was you will most likely like episode 3 then.
I have to say I find Carver really unnerving if Kenny dose then I'll be happy
you are referring to Lee beating Kenny on the train from series 1?
Whoa. Cool theory. I know TTG likes to do word plays with the name meanings of their characters, so I can actually see that being plausible.
Gordon Freeman... Episode 3...3... 3 weeks till release...calculated into Half Life formula...3 year delay.
And Larry knocking him flat if you told Kenny to hit him in "A New Day", and him getting ruined by Molly with no effort in "Around Every Corner".
true you do have a point. maybe Kenny will lose.