Melanie had run out of food. She held off leaving the beach house for 4 days, before her stomach emptied out. She was we… moreak, and starving, before she forced herself to go outside. She was smart about her food, eating food that spoils easily first, and saving the canned stuff for later, but as it just so happened the outbreak took into serious effect the day she needed to go grocery shopping. With all of her might, she got onto the streets of Georgia, looking for food. She saw a walker, and almost screamed and ran, but she was so weak, she just quickly walked away. Afraid, she hid in a drug store, deciding it would be a good place to look for food. She found very little, some frozen food nobody could take, as electricity is all generator powered, and as this is a poor neighborhood, few people had generators. The melted ice cream looked REALLY appealing, especially because the freezer probably still had cold air floating arou… [view original content]
Cornpopper and Whattheduck were banned, and their characters are in the story. It's not that important, but I just thought I'd mention it. A new part will be up soon!
. This happened in the 400 days fan fic. I don't know what to say but keep on trying. This happened to me a couple times, and it sucked. Maybe use a word document?
A wise man would say "Keep Calm and Eat Da Puncake"
Go on please happened to my story I wrote yesterday took me an hour and a half and the computer shut down randomly recommend doing it on notepad or word then copy and pasting it over to make sure
While leaving the hardware store, Selene was feeling overjoyed. She was reunited with her boyfriend, and one of her best friends, 2 luxuries she had given up on. She was also getting to know James, who was a really nice guy, and in general, she felt blessed to be back with these 2. "So, guys, where are you planned on heading after the convenience store?" She asked, as Puncake answered "Maybe stay there, or find somewhere where we could defend easily. Few windows, sturdy, large, etc." Selene smiled. "I like that pla-" Selene was cut off by the sound of a gun firing, and a window smashing. Someone had fired a gun, probably a shotgun by the sounds of it, and hit the car next to them, as everyone ducked behind it. "Thank god this wasn't our car!" Selene thought, as the gun fired 2 more times. This time, since James was closest to the left side of the car, the bullet narrowly missed him. "Mother f*cker! He's gonna kill us!" Ulysses said, the angriest she had ever seen him. He hadn't exactly been a basket of rainbows all the time before the outbreak, but now, he had a shorter fuse, and was more aggressive. He grabbed a hammer, and charged towards the assailant, through the cover of bushes. He snuck up on the guy, a bearded fellow, about in his 30s, holding a bag full of supplies. Everyone joined Ulysses, who was punching him, as he had dropped his gun, and was almost cowering. "Please, just, be calm..." He said, as Ulysses stared at him in disdain. Ulysses readied the hammer, as the man was horrified.
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!"
Let Ulysses do it. He attacked you, after all
I would do more, but I gotta go to a baby's birthday party, so maybe later
While leaving the hardware store, Selene was feeling overjoyed. She was reunited with her boyfriend, and one of her best frien… moreds, 2 luxuries she had given up on. She was also getting to know James, who was a really nice guy, and in general, she felt blessed to be back with these 2. "So, guys, where are you planned on heading after the convenience store?" She asked, as Puncake answered "Maybe stay there, or find somewhere where we could defend easily. Few windows, sturdy, large, etc." Selene smiled. "I like that pla-" Selene was cut off by the sound of a gun firing, and a window smashing. Someone had fired a gun, probably a shotgun by the sounds of it, and hit the car next to them, as everyone ducked behind it. "Thank god this wasn't our car!" Selene thought, as the gun fired 2 more times. This time, since James was closest to the left side of the car, the bullet narrowly missed him. "Mother f*cker! He's gonna kill us!" Ulysses s… [view original content]
While leaving the hardware store, Selene was feeling overjoyed. She was reunited with her boyfriend, and one of her best frien… moreds, 2 luxuries she had given up on. She was also getting to know James, who was a really nice guy, and in general, she felt blessed to be back with these 2. "So, guys, where are you planned on heading after the convenience store?" She asked, as Puncake answered "Maybe stay there, or find somewhere where we could defend easily. Few windows, sturdy, large, etc." Selene smiled. "I like that pla-" Selene was cut off by the sound of a gun firing, and a window smashing. Someone had fired a gun, probably a shotgun by the sounds of it, and hit the car next to them, as everyone ducked behind it. "Thank god this wasn't our car!" Selene thought, as the gun fired 2 more times. This time, since James was closest to the left side of the car, the bullet narrowly missed him. "Mother f*cker! He's gonna kill us!" Ulysses s… [view original content]
While leaving the hardware store, Selene was feeling overjoyed. She was reunited with her boyfriend, and one of her best frien… moreds, 2 luxuries she had given up on. She was also getting to know James, who was a really nice guy, and in general, she felt blessed to be back with these 2. "So, guys, where are you planned on heading after the convenience store?" She asked, as Puncake answered "Maybe stay there, or find somewhere where we could defend easily. Few windows, sturdy, large, etc." Selene smiled. "I like that pla-" Selene was cut off by the sound of a gun firing, and a window smashing. Someone had fired a gun, probably a shotgun by the sounds of it, and hit the car next to them, as everyone ducked behind it. "Thank god this wasn't our car!" Selene thought, as the gun fired 2 more times. This time, since James was closest to the left side of the car, the bullet narrowly missed him. "Mother f*cker! He's gonna kill us!" Ulysses s… [view original content]
While leaving the hardware store, Selene was feeling overjoyed. She was reunited with her boyfriend, and one of her best frien… moreds, 2 luxuries she had given up on. She was also getting to know James, who was a really nice guy, and in general, she felt blessed to be back with these 2. "So, guys, where are you planned on heading after the convenience store?" She asked, as Puncake answered "Maybe stay there, or find somewhere where we could defend easily. Few windows, sturdy, large, etc." Selene smiled. "I like that pla-" Selene was cut off by the sound of a gun firing, and a window smashing. Someone had fired a gun, probably a shotgun by the sounds of it, and hit the car next to them, as everyone ducked behind it. "Thank god this wasn't our car!" Selene thought, as the gun fired 2 more times. This time, since James was closest to the left side of the car, the bullet narrowly missed him. "Mother f*cker! He's gonna kill us!" Ulysses s… [view original content]
While leaving the hardware store, Selene was feeling overjoyed. She was reunited with her boyfriend, and one of her best frien… moreds, 2 luxuries she had given up on. She was also getting to know James, who was a really nice guy, and in general, she felt blessed to be back with these 2. "So, guys, where are you planned on heading after the convenience store?" She asked, as Puncake answered "Maybe stay there, or find somewhere where we could defend easily. Few windows, sturdy, large, etc." Selene smiled. "I like that pla-" Selene was cut off by the sound of a gun firing, and a window smashing. Someone had fired a gun, probably a shotgun by the sounds of it, and hit the car next to them, as everyone ducked behind it. "Thank god this wasn't our car!" Selene thought, as the gun fired 2 more times. This time, since James was closest to the left side of the car, the bullet narrowly missed him. "Mother f*cker! He's gonna kill us!" Ulysses s… [view original content]
While leaving the hardware store, Selene was feeling overjoyed. She was reunited with her boyfriend, and one of her best frien… moreds, 2 luxuries she had given up on. She was also getting to know James, who was a really nice guy, and in general, she felt blessed to be back with these 2. "So, guys, where are you planned on heading after the convenience store?" She asked, as Puncake answered "Maybe stay there, or find somewhere where we could defend easily. Few windows, sturdy, large, etc." Selene smiled. "I like that pla-" Selene was cut off by the sound of a gun firing, and a window smashing. Someone had fired a gun, probably a shotgun by the sounds of it, and hit the car next to them, as everyone ducked behind it. "Thank god this wasn't our car!" Selene thought, as the gun fired 2 more times. This time, since James was closest to the left side of the car, the bullet narrowly missed him. "Mother f*cker! He's gonna kill us!" Ulysses s… [view original content]
OK, voting closed, Selene will stop Ulysses. I promise, and I know you're all sick of hearing this, but I swear, a proper part, part 5, will be written today!
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!" Selene yelled, grabbing the hammer from his hands, before he could hit him. "Selene, give me the hammer!" Ulysses yelled, getting up, stepping on the guy's ribs. "No, Ulysses, let's just get out of here!" Selene said, leaning down, grabbing the guy's gun, and bag of supplies. "See this? This is revenge enough. He attacks us, we take his stuff he needs." Ulysses scowls, but doesn't respond, as they leave the robber in the parking lot, and hop in the car. "To the convenience store!" Puncake yells, as James drives off, and they see the robber ge u, and look back, to an angry looking guy, covered in blood, wielding guns.
He failed to rob a group, and lost a lot of good shit. He was pissed, but some chick convinced a guy with a crazy look in his eyes, almost as bad as that drugged-out Cornpopper fellow. Speak of the devil, as soon as the people drove away, he came over, covered in walker blood, and with his face disfigured and disgusting, like he had left it. "BROCK! Old buddy! When you so politely left my house, you left me 1/2 of my supplies short, but up 40 biters! I wasn't bitten once, and that's bad for you, because, ol' Brocky, it means you're gonna die!" Cornpopper charged in, fist first, placing a punch on his jaw, that knocked him down. Cornpopper fought the dizzy spell that was happening, and managed to kick Brock in the spine 8 times, with all of his might. He decided he would need some extra power. He did some coke, and began mauling Brock, with punches, kicks, scratches, and knees. Brock managed to get up, despite the barrage, and silently grab his pistol, as Cornpopper was so focused on strikes. A single second of separation allowed Brock to nail Cornpopper on the head with a pistol whip so hard, he heard a crack, then Cornpopper fell to the ground, flailing and bleeding. He was like a pathetic animal, desperately trying to hit someone. Brock decided to end it all, and make sure it won't come back to bite him in the ass twice, so he used 1 bullet, to shoot Cornpopper in the eye, through the brain.
RIP Cornpopper (Cornpopper). You went for revenge, and the fact that the majority let Brock live didn't help. Neither did you getting banned, as that was a large part too, sorry!
Melanie nodded in agreement, as 1 hard swing got 2/3 way through the elbow, causing Melanie to scream louder than he had ever heard, and he had heard murders happening in his line of duty. It hurt his ears. He almost got the axe stuck in her arm, but he got it out, and 1 more swing cut through, as Melanie went unconscious within 5 seconds of the cut. He managed to use some peroxide from his first aid kit, and bandage the wound, as the blood and loud noise had attracted a HUGE horde of about 70 walkers, all out front. He had to think fast!
Make It To The Attic, It's Safe Above Ground!
Make It To The Basement! Easy To Access With An Unconscious Body!
Make It To The Car, And Book It! Risky, But The Results Would Be The Best!
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!" Selene yelled, grabbing the hammer from his hands, before he could hit him. "Selene, give me t… morehe hammer!" Ulysses yelled, getting up, stepping on the guy's ribs. "No, Ulysses, let's just get out of here!" Selene said, leaning down, grabbing the guy's gun, and bag of supplies. "See this? This is revenge enough. He attacks us, we take his stuff he needs." Ulysses scowls, but doesn't respond, as they leave the robber in the parking lot, and hop in the car. "To the convenience store!" Puncake yells, as James drives off, and they see the robber ge u, and look back, to an angry looking guy, covered in blood, wielding guns.
He failed to rob a group, and lost a lot of good shit. He was pissed, but some chick convinced a guy with a crazy look in his eyes, almost as bad as that drugged-out Cornpopper fellow. Speak of the devil, as soon as the people drove away, he came over, covered in walke… [view original content]
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!" Selene yelled, grabbing the hammer from his hands, before he could hit him. "Selene, give me t… morehe hammer!" Ulysses yelled, getting up, stepping on the guy's ribs. "No, Ulysses, let's just get out of here!" Selene said, leaning down, grabbing the guy's gun, and bag of supplies. "See this? This is revenge enough. He attacks us, we take his stuff he needs." Ulysses scowls, but doesn't respond, as they leave the robber in the parking lot, and hop in the car. "To the convenience store!" Puncake yells, as James drives off, and they see the robber ge u, and look back, to an angry looking guy, covered in blood, wielding guns.
He failed to rob a group, and lost a lot of good shit. He was pissed, but some chick convinced a guy with a crazy look in his eyes, almost as bad as that drugged-out Cornpopper fellow. Speak of the devil, as soon as the people drove away, he came over, covered in walke… [view original content]
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!" Selene yelled, grabbing the hammer from his hands, before he could hit him. "Selene, give me t… morehe hammer!" Ulysses yelled, getting up, stepping on the guy's ribs. "No, Ulysses, let's just get out of here!" Selene said, leaning down, grabbing the guy's gun, and bag of supplies. "See this? This is revenge enough. He attacks us, we take his stuff he needs." Ulysses scowls, but doesn't respond, as they leave the robber in the parking lot, and hop in the car. "To the convenience store!" Puncake yells, as James drives off, and they see the robber ge u, and look back, to an angry looking guy, covered in blood, wielding guns.
He failed to rob a group, and lost a lot of good shit. He was pissed, but some chick convinced a guy with a crazy look in his eyes, almost as bad as that drugged-out Cornpopper fellow. Speak of the devil, as soon as the people drove away, he came over, covered in walke… [view original content]
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!" Selene yelled, grabbing the hammer from his hands, before he could hit him. "Selene, give me t… morehe hammer!" Ulysses yelled, getting up, stepping on the guy's ribs. "No, Ulysses, let's just get out of here!" Selene said, leaning down, grabbing the guy's gun, and bag of supplies. "See this? This is revenge enough. He attacks us, we take his stuff he needs." Ulysses scowls, but doesn't respond, as they leave the robber in the parking lot, and hop in the car. "To the convenience store!" Puncake yells, as James drives off, and they see the robber ge u, and look back, to an angry looking guy, covered in blood, wielding guns.
He failed to rob a group, and lost a lot of good shit. He was pissed, but some chick convinced a guy with a crazy look in his eyes, almost as bad as that drugged-out Cornpopper fellow. Speak of the devil, as soon as the people drove away, he came over, covered in walke… [view original content]
John draped Melanie over his shoulder, hauling ass towards the car. He had swerved and dodged most of the walkers, opening the car door, when a walker grabbed him. He managed to push it off, throwing Melanie into the passenger's seat. and using his ax to kill enough walkers to get out of the driveway, and drive away. He knew that he had lucked out, and that if he had parked his car 1 foot away, he wouldn't have made it. "Ow. John, you could have set me down lighter, y'know?" Melanie said, laughing, and sitting up. "How does your arm feel?" he asked, as she glared at him. "How do you think, John? It feels like it's still there. Plus, I lost my left hand, which was my dominant hand, so now I'm going to have to learn how to write with my right hand, which sucks." John frowned. "I'm sorry Melanie, it had to be done." "No, John, it's OK, I understand. It's just-" Melanie stopped, as she looked to the left. "John, pull over. I think she's alive."
"Captain, you're banged up. That bullet really took it's toll." Vasilisa said, helping him sit up. It had been almost 2 weeks, and in apocalypse time, that was a lot. Gray was 6 feet under, and everyone had gotten to know each other. Vasilisa was like a medic, helping Captain Ballarms recover. He was doing well, but was a bit tired. He hadn't slept in a few days, due to his narcolepsy, and also was having odd spaces where he looked like he was sleeping, but was just waiting to get up and do stuff. "Gray didn't have to die, y'know. We could have let him live. I know in the moment, it's hard, and I understand why you did it, it's just..." Captain frowned. "You don't like violence. I get it." Vasilisa was almost blushing, because Captain knew all too well that she hated conflict. "It's just.... any chance we can have to let someone live, even if it's risky, I want to take. We could have locked Gray up. I'm sorry, it's just bothering me." Captain smiled. "It's okay Vasilisa. I get it." Vasilisa got up, and was about to leave Ballarms be, as a bullet went through the window, hitting a vase next to his bed, as Vasilisa ducked.
They had arrived at the convenience store. They went inside, to find walls caked in walker blood, which they knew because it was darker, a pile of corpses, all clearly robbers, as evidenced by their dark clothing and masks, and scattered walker bodies. The place was ransacked, clearly someone had left with most of the stuff there, and ran, and it seemed hasty, because of the fact that they had smashed a window, and ran that way. "Drat. We missed them." Puncake said, as Ulysses found a pack of cigarettes, and started smoking. "Oh my god. Even in the apocalypse, Ulysses?" Selene asked, as he shrugged. "Meh. If they had some weed, I'd go for that, too. Old habits die hard, and life is so stressful, why the hell not?" James could tell Selene wanted to argue more, but gave it up, as Ulysses pocketed the pack. "Maybe if we had have shown up sooner he'd still be here?" James suggested, as Ulysses shrugged "Shoulda, woulda, coulda, whatever, let's go find somewhere to stay." Everyone hesitantly left, as Ulysses started the engine. "Where to next, James?" Ulysses asked, as James thought. "Well, I know a place..."
"The Old Amusement Park On Fifth"
"A Big Apartment On The Corner Of Eden And Park"
The Old Folks Home, A Mile Or So East"
John draped Melanie over his shoulder, hauling ass towards the car. He had swerved and dodged most of the walkers, openin… moreg the car door, when a walker grabbed him. He managed to push it off, throwing Melanie into the passenger's seat. and using his ax to kill enough walkers to get out of the driveway, and drive away. He knew that he had lucked out, and that if he had parked his car 1 foot away, he wouldn't have made it. "Ow. John, you could have set me down lighter, y'know?" Melanie said, laughing, and sitting up. "How does your arm feel?" he asked, as she glared at him. "How do you think, John? It feels like it's still there. Plus, I lost my left hand, which was my dominant hand, so now I'm going to have to learn how to write with my right hand, which sucks." John frowned. "I'm sorry Melanie, it had to be done." "No, John, it's OK, I understand. It's just-" Melanie stopped, as she looked to the left. "John, pull over. I th… [view original content]
A Big Apartment on the corner of Eden and Park
Btw how long does it take for you to introduce new characters? I've been hoping mine would show up soon enough.
John draped Melanie over his shoulder, hauling ass towards the car. He had swerved and dodged most of the walkers, openin… moreg the car door, when a walker grabbed him. He managed to push it off, throwing Melanie into the passenger's seat. and using his ax to kill enough walkers to get out of the driveway, and drive away. He knew that he had lucked out, and that if he had parked his car 1 foot away, he wouldn't have made it. "Ow. John, you could have set me down lighter, y'know?" Melanie said, laughing, and sitting up. "How does your arm feel?" he asked, as she glared at him. "How do you think, John? It feels like it's still there. Plus, I lost my left hand, which was my dominant hand, so now I'm going to have to learn how to write with my right hand, which sucks." John frowned. "I'm sorry Melanie, it had to be done." "No, John, it's OK, I understand. It's just-" Melanie stopped, as she looked to the left. "John, pull over. I th… [view original content]
IT IS HAPPENING. This thread is being reborn! I have way more free time now, and I ope to make this better than ever! So anyone who is currently still with me, thank you, and I hope to get those who lost interest back!
They arrived at the apartment, safe and sound. Ulysses swung the door open, pointing the gun they had stolen from the bandit into the room. It was safe. They crept around, checking every corner for supplies, and making sure it was safe. "Selene, did you grab any pistol ammo? I'm out." James asked, as she threw him some, and they started to talk. Puncake noticed Ulysses slowly getting more angry, as it was clear that he HATED the fact that James and Selene were becoming friends, as he was often possessive over Selene. Not in an abusive way, but in a jealous, loving boyfriend way. "So, Floor 1 was a disappointment. I say we go to floor 2, keep trying!" James said, as Selene agreed, and they went upstairs, to the seething rage of Ulysses. "James is a piece of shit." Ulysses says to Puncake, "he made a goddamned enemy when he decided to hit on Selene, and now he's on my nerves even farther. I dunno what to do......shit, the numbers game is 70% in these times, and everyone matters, but James.....I dunno." Ulysses popped in a smoke, and sighed. Puncake was on the opposite side of the scale, he thought Ulysses was being petty, and that, even though he was his best friend, was being an over-bearing asshole. He didn't say anything, as Ulysses would probably kick the shit out of him, even though Ulysses put up with Puncake's sarcasm and snarky remarks. "AIE!" he heard James yell, as a gunshot rang out, which reverberated through the apartment. James had killed a walker that jumped him from the first door on the left. As soon as Puncake and Ulysses arrived, more walkers started banging on the doors, and little by little, the banging got louder until a door broke down, unleashing 4 zombies. Then another with 3. Then another with 6. All the doors started collapsing, as Ulysses opened fire with the shotgun, Puncake emptied the chamber on his revolver, Selene ran around killing walkers with a machete, and James was firing away. Ulysses quickly realized they were too overrun to kill them all, so he opened the door that James had cleared, and ran inside, looking for something to hold the door shut with. He grabbed a dresser, which he pushed near the door, before yelling for everyone to get in. Puncake made a b-line straight to the room, but Selene was in the middle of the hoarde. James ran in, killing a bunch of walkers, and clearing a path for Selene, which she ran down, with James covering her. She made it to the room, as James began to become encircled, as the path closed, and before Selene or Puncake could help, Ulysses closed the door, and barricaded it off. "ULYSSES STOP! JAMES IS STILL OUT THERE!!!" Selene yelled, desperately trying to open the door. "Stop, sweetie! The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and right now, James is going out for the needs of the many ok? He'll be fine! He's tough!" Selene wasn't listening, so Ulysses was trying to pry her away with brute force, as Puncake had seen enough. He grabbed Ulysses by the arm, and pulled him back, and held him away, as Selene was opening to door. Ulysses was fighting extremely hard, until he punched Puncake, much to the surprise of Selene. Puncake collapsed, and Ulysses grabbed him by the collar "PUNCAKE! NOT NOW! I'M GONNA TEACH YOU A LESSON, SO YOU WON'T TRY TO PULL THIS SHIT AGAIN!" Ulysses threw him into the wall, and kneed him in the ribs, as he angrily grabbed him. Puncake could tell this hurt Ulysses, as he looked like he was covering up sadness, like beating up his best friend was a necessary evil, that he didn't want to do. Ulysses kicked him, as Selene opened moved the dresser, and Ulysses turned away. Ulysses was slowly descending into madness, but he as still sane, and Puncake had caught on to this, and he thought.....perhaps knocking some sense into Ulysses would help....although he could talk to him, which would definitely lead to a brutal beat down, which would NOT be good.
Talk to him, and get the crap kicked out of you
Beat some sense into him
There was some girl, on the side of the road, who was worn down, and looked tired. He got out, and checked on her. She as beaten, and carrying only 3 things. A tomahawk (clearly handmade from stone and wood, as it was breaking), an engraved slingshot, and a pouch full of chestnuts (ammo for the slingshot, maybe?) "Are you ok? What happened?" Melanie asked, as she stirred, and sat up, surprised. "I got jumped, by some red-haired chick...... She was with a gang, and they took all my stuff, except what I could hide in my coat, which one of them took." "Oh god. That's awful!" Melanie said, as the girl shrugged. "At least I'm alive." "By the way, I'm John Kozlov. This is Melanie." "Josey." "Hey, Josey. We should get out of here, before we get attacked." John said, as Josey looked surprised. "You.....want to travel with me?" "Yeah! The more the merrier, plus, more people means more skills, and less of a risk of being attacked, as we have numbers!" Melanie exclaimed, as Josey smiled. John helped her up, and into the car, as they drove off.
Brett and Garret looked through the cars, checking for survivors. A few mutilated corpses, and pathetic walkers missing limbs, and that was it. "Daddy? You find anything yet?" Garret asked as Brett checked a green minivan. "Nope. Not yet, at the very least." Garret was fixing all of the destroyed windows as best as he could, and even though he knew it was pointless, it was KILLING him, his OCD was controlling him! "Garret! Look! I think I found a survivor!" Brett yelled, as he saw a girl inside the red sportscar. She was bleeding, but not horribly injured, and she saw him and instantly kicked out a window, crawling out. "Oh my god. People!" She said, as she barely stood up, but Brett helped her. "It's been so long. My name is Emma." "I'm Brett, and this is my son Garret." Emma looked malnourished, and tired, so he offered her some diced tomatoes. "Thank you, so much!" She yelled, using a knife to open it, and ate it instantly. "Hey....Emma, would you like to join us? We aren't great at locating safe places, and we'd be happy to have more people to help out..." "Absolutely Brett! Thank you!" she said, smiling cheerfully. "Look, we think the next place to go would be towards Atlanta, which is only about a mile and a half away." "I agree, Garret. Let's go!" Emma says, as they begin walking towards Atlanta.
They arrived at the apartment, safe and sound. Ulysses swung the door open, pointing the gun they had stolen from the bandit … moreinto the room. It was safe. They crept around, checking every corner for supplies, and making sure it was safe. "Selene, did you grab any pistol ammo? I'm out." James asked, as she threw him some, and they started to talk. Puncake noticed Ulysses slowly getting more angry, as it was clear that he HATED the fact that James and Selene were becoming friends, as he was often possessive over Selene. Not in an abusive way, but in a jealous, loving boyfriend way. "So, Floor 1 was a disappointment. I say we go to floor 2, keep trying!" James said, as Selene agreed, and they went upstairs, to the seething rage of Ulysses. "James is a piece of shit." Ulysses says to Puncake, "he made a goddamned enemy when he decided to hit on Selene, and now he's on my nerves even farther. I dunno what to do......shit, the numbers… [view original content]
Talk to him, and get the crap kicked out of you he needs too take one for the team we can't be wasting time on useless fights, maybe it well calm him down.
They arrived at the apartment, safe and sound. Ulysses swung the door open, pointing the gun they had stolen from the bandit … moreinto the room. It was safe. They crept around, checking every corner for supplies, and making sure it was safe. "Selene, did you grab any pistol ammo? I'm out." James asked, as she threw him some, and they started to talk. Puncake noticed Ulysses slowly getting more angry, as it was clear that he HATED the fact that James and Selene were becoming friends, as he was often possessive over Selene. Not in an abusive way, but in a jealous, loving boyfriend way. "So, Floor 1 was a disappointment. I say we go to floor 2, keep trying!" James said, as Selene agreed, and they went upstairs, to the seething rage of Ulysses. "James is a piece of shit." Ulysses says to Puncake, "he made a goddamned enemy when he decided to hit on Selene, and now he's on my nerves even farther. I dunno what to do......shit, the numbers… [view original content]
Ok, voting closed, Melanie will let John cut it off. I'll get to writing soon.
I have a feeling I'll not be able to upload tonight. Maybe tomorrow though!
Cornpopper and Whattheduck were banned, and their characters are in the story. It's not that important, but I just thought I'd mention it. A new part will be up soon!
A wise man would say "Keep Calm and Eat Da Puncake"
Go on please happened to my story I wrote yesterday took me an hour and a half and the computer shut down randomly recommend doing it on notepad or word then copy and pasting it over to make sure
Ok guys, I'm going to post today! I promise! I really want to, and it's been a few days, so I feel like I owe it to you guys!
While leaving the hardware store, Selene was feeling overjoyed. She was reunited with her boyfriend, and one of her best friends, 2 luxuries she had given up on. She was also getting to know James, who was a really nice guy, and in general, she felt blessed to be back with these 2. "So, guys, where are you planned on heading after the convenience store?" She asked, as Puncake answered "Maybe stay there, or find somewhere where we could defend easily. Few windows, sturdy, large, etc." Selene smiled. "I like that pla-" Selene was cut off by the sound of a gun firing, and a window smashing. Someone had fired a gun, probably a shotgun by the sounds of it, and hit the car next to them, as everyone ducked behind it. "Thank god this wasn't our car!" Selene thought, as the gun fired 2 more times. This time, since James was closest to the left side of the car, the bullet narrowly missed him. "Mother f*cker! He's gonna kill us!" Ulysses said, the angriest she had ever seen him. He hadn't exactly been a basket of rainbows all the time before the outbreak, but now, he had a shorter fuse, and was more aggressive. He grabbed a hammer, and charged towards the assailant, through the cover of bushes. He snuck up on the guy, a bearded fellow, about in his 30s, holding a bag full of supplies. Everyone joined Ulysses, who was punching him, as he had dropped his gun, and was almost cowering. "Please, just, be calm..." He said, as Ulysses stared at him in disdain. Ulysses readied the hammer, as the man was horrified.
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!"
Let Ulysses do it. He attacked you, after all
I would do more, but I gotta go to a baby's birthday party, so maybe later
"Error processing your request! Please try again later!" Ok, then. Just gotta do it after my plans are done, I guess....
Let Ulysses do it. He attacked you, after all
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!" We should at least talk to him first.
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!"
"Ulysses no! Don't kill him"
Choose one:Let Ulysses do it.
"Ulysses no! Don't Kill him!"
Don't lol him!
OK, voting closed, Selene will stop Ulysses. I promise, and I know you're all sick of hearing this, but I swear, a proper part, part 5, will be written today!
"Ulysses, no! Don't kill him!" Selene yelled, grabbing the hammer from his hands, before he could hit him. "Selene, give me the hammer!" Ulysses yelled, getting up, stepping on the guy's ribs. "No, Ulysses, let's just get out of here!" Selene said, leaning down, grabbing the guy's gun, and bag of supplies. "See this? This is revenge enough. He attacks us, we take his stuff he needs." Ulysses scowls, but doesn't respond, as they leave the robber in the parking lot, and hop in the car. "To the convenience store!" Puncake yells, as James drives off, and they see the robber ge u, and look back, to an angry looking guy, covered in blood, wielding guns.
He failed to rob a group, and lost a lot of good shit. He was pissed, but some chick convinced a guy with a crazy look in his eyes, almost as bad as that drugged-out Cornpopper fellow. Speak of the devil, as soon as the people drove away, he came over, covered in walker blood, and with his face disfigured and disgusting, like he had left it. "BROCK! Old buddy! When you so politely left my house, you left me 1/2 of my supplies short, but up 40 biters! I wasn't bitten once, and that's bad for you, because, ol' Brocky, it means you're gonna die!" Cornpopper charged in, fist first, placing a punch on his jaw, that knocked him down. Cornpopper fought the dizzy spell that was happening, and managed to kick Brock in the spine 8 times, with all of his might. He decided he would need some extra power. He did some coke, and began mauling Brock, with punches, kicks, scratches, and knees. Brock managed to get up, despite the barrage, and silently grab his pistol, as Cornpopper was so focused on strikes. A single second of separation allowed Brock to nail Cornpopper on the head with a pistol whip so hard, he heard a crack, then Cornpopper fell to the ground, flailing and bleeding. He was like a pathetic animal, desperately trying to hit someone. Brock decided to end it all, and make sure it won't come back to bite him in the ass twice, so he used 1 bullet, to shoot Cornpopper in the eye, through the brain.
RIP Cornpopper (Cornpopper). You went for revenge, and the fact that the majority let Brock live didn't help. Neither did you getting banned, as that was a large part too, sorry!
Melanie nodded in agreement, as 1 hard swing got 2/3 way through the elbow, causing Melanie to scream louder than he had ever heard, and he had heard murders happening in his line of duty. It hurt his ears. He almost got the axe stuck in her arm, but he got it out, and 1 more swing cut through, as Melanie went unconscious within 5 seconds of the cut. He managed to use some peroxide from his first aid kit, and bandage the wound, as the blood and loud noise had attracted a HUGE horde of about 70 walkers, all out front. He had to think fast!
Make It To The Attic, It's Safe Above Ground!
Make It To The Basement! Easy To Access With An Unconscious Body!
Make It To The Car, And Book It! Risky, But The Results Would Be The Best!
Choose:Make It To The Car, And Book It! Risky, But The Results Would Be The Best!
Make It To The Attic, It's Safe Above Ground!
Remember Episode 5? The attic was pretty safe, just wait it out
Make It To The Car, And Book It! Risky, But The Results Would Be The Best!
Make It To The Car, And Book It! Risky, But The Results Would Be The Best!
Make It To The Attic, It's Safe Above Ground!
Safety first!
Don't know about anyone else, but I really missed this fic.
I'm sorry guys, It was my birthday on Friday, and free time has been slim since then, but I'm free now! So expect a part sometime soon!
John draped Melanie over his shoulder, hauling ass towards the car. He had swerved and dodged most of the walkers, opening the car door, when a walker grabbed him. He managed to push it off, throwing Melanie into the passenger's seat. and using his ax to kill enough walkers to get out of the driveway, and drive away. He knew that he had lucked out, and that if he had parked his car 1 foot away, he wouldn't have made it. "Ow. John, you could have set me down lighter, y'know?" Melanie said, laughing, and sitting up. "How does your arm feel?" he asked, as she glared at him. "How do you think, John? It feels like it's still there. Plus, I lost my left hand, which was my dominant hand, so now I'm going to have to learn how to write with my right hand, which sucks." John frowned. "I'm sorry Melanie, it had to be done." "No, John, it's OK, I understand. It's just-" Melanie stopped, as she looked to the left. "John, pull over. I think she's alive."
"Captain, you're banged up. That bullet really took it's toll." Vasilisa said, helping him sit up. It had been almost 2 weeks, and in apocalypse time, that was a lot. Gray was 6 feet under, and everyone had gotten to know each other. Vasilisa was like a medic, helping Captain Ballarms recover. He was doing well, but was a bit tired. He hadn't slept in a few days, due to his narcolepsy, and also was having odd spaces where he looked like he was sleeping, but was just waiting to get up and do stuff. "Gray didn't have to die, y'know. We could have let him live. I know in the moment, it's hard, and I understand why you did it, it's just..." Captain frowned. "You don't like violence. I get it." Vasilisa was almost blushing, because Captain knew all too well that she hated conflict. "It's just.... any chance we can have to let someone live, even if it's risky, I want to take. We could have locked Gray up. I'm sorry, it's just bothering me." Captain smiled. "It's okay Vasilisa. I get it." Vasilisa got up, and was about to leave Ballarms be, as a bullet went through the window, hitting a vase next to his bed, as Vasilisa ducked.
They had arrived at the convenience store. They went inside, to find walls caked in walker blood, which they knew because it was darker, a pile of corpses, all clearly robbers, as evidenced by their dark clothing and masks, and scattered walker bodies. The place was ransacked, clearly someone had left with most of the stuff there, and ran, and it seemed hasty, because of the fact that they had smashed a window, and ran that way. "Drat. We missed them." Puncake said, as Ulysses found a pack of cigarettes, and started smoking. "Oh my god. Even in the apocalypse, Ulysses?" Selene asked, as he shrugged. "Meh. If they had some weed, I'd go for that, too. Old habits die hard, and life is so stressful, why the hell not?" James could tell Selene wanted to argue more, but gave it up, as Ulysses pocketed the pack. "Maybe if we had have shown up sooner he'd still be here?" James suggested, as Ulysses shrugged "Shoulda, woulda, coulda, whatever, let's go find somewhere to stay." Everyone hesitantly left, as Ulysses started the engine. "Where to next, James?" Ulysses asked, as James thought. "Well, I know a place..."
"The Old Amusement Park On Fifth"
"A Big Apartment On The Corner Of Eden And Park"
The Old Folks Home, A Mile Or So East"
Choose: The Old Folks Home, A Mile Or So East"
A Big Apartment on the corner of Eden and Park
Btw how long does it take for you to introduce new characters? I've been hoping mine would show up soon enough.
"The Old Amusement Park On Fifth"
It takes a while, but your character could show up at any point!
A big apartment on the corner of Eden and Park
Old Amusement Park. Like Zombieland
"A Big Apartment On The Corner Of Eden And Park"
I hope to get up a part within the hour, so be ready! Sorry for the lack of posts, I was busy, but I love you guys too much to stay away
IT IS HAPPENING. This thread is being reborn! I have way more free time now, and I ope to make this better than ever! So anyone who is currently still with me, thank you, and I hope to get those who lost interest back!
They arrived at the apartment, safe and sound. Ulysses swung the door open, pointing the gun they had stolen from the bandit into the room. It was safe. They crept around, checking every corner for supplies, and making sure it was safe. "Selene, did you grab any pistol ammo? I'm out." James asked, as she threw him some, and they started to talk. Puncake noticed Ulysses slowly getting more angry, as it was clear that he HATED the fact that James and Selene were becoming friends, as he was often possessive over Selene. Not in an abusive way, but in a jealous, loving boyfriend way. "So, Floor 1 was a disappointment. I say we go to floor 2, keep trying!" James said, as Selene agreed, and they went upstairs, to the seething rage of Ulysses. "James is a piece of shit." Ulysses says to Puncake, "he made a goddamned enemy when he decided to hit on Selene, and now he's on my nerves even farther. I dunno what to do......shit, the numbers game is 70% in these times, and everyone matters, but James.....I dunno." Ulysses popped in a smoke, and sighed. Puncake was on the opposite side of the scale, he thought Ulysses was being petty, and that, even though he was his best friend, was being an over-bearing asshole. He didn't say anything, as Ulysses would probably kick the shit out of him, even though Ulysses put up with Puncake's sarcasm and snarky remarks. "AIE!" he heard James yell, as a gunshot rang out, which reverberated through the apartment. James had killed a walker that jumped him from the first door on the left. As soon as Puncake and Ulysses arrived, more walkers started banging on the doors, and little by little, the banging got louder until a door broke down, unleashing 4 zombies. Then another with 3. Then another with 6. All the doors started collapsing, as Ulysses opened fire with the shotgun, Puncake emptied the chamber on his revolver, Selene ran around killing walkers with a machete, and James was firing away. Ulysses quickly realized they were too overrun to kill them all, so he opened the door that James had cleared, and ran inside, looking for something to hold the door shut with. He grabbed a dresser, which he pushed near the door, before yelling for everyone to get in. Puncake made a b-line straight to the room, but Selene was in the middle of the hoarde. James ran in, killing a bunch of walkers, and clearing a path for Selene, which she ran down, with James covering her. She made it to the room, as James began to become encircled, as the path closed, and before Selene or Puncake could help, Ulysses closed the door, and barricaded it off. "ULYSSES STOP! JAMES IS STILL OUT THERE!!!" Selene yelled, desperately trying to open the door. "Stop, sweetie! The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and right now, James is going out for the needs of the many ok? He'll be fine! He's tough!" Selene wasn't listening, so Ulysses was trying to pry her away with brute force, as Puncake had seen enough. He grabbed Ulysses by the arm, and pulled him back, and held him away, as Selene was opening to door. Ulysses was fighting extremely hard, until he punched Puncake, much to the surprise of Selene. Puncake collapsed, and Ulysses grabbed him by the collar "PUNCAKE! NOT NOW! I'M GONNA TEACH YOU A LESSON, SO YOU WON'T TRY TO PULL THIS SHIT AGAIN!" Ulysses threw him into the wall, and kneed him in the ribs, as he angrily grabbed him. Puncake could tell this hurt Ulysses, as he looked like he was covering up sadness, like beating up his best friend was a necessary evil, that he didn't want to do. Ulysses kicked him, as Selene opened moved the dresser, and Ulysses turned away. Ulysses was slowly descending into madness, but he as still sane, and Puncake had caught on to this, and he thought.....perhaps knocking some sense into Ulysses would help....although he could talk to him, which would definitely lead to a brutal beat down, which would NOT be good.
Talk to him, and get the crap kicked out of you
Beat some sense into him
There was some girl, on the side of the road, who was worn down, and looked tired. He got out, and checked on her. She as beaten, and carrying only 3 things. A tomahawk (clearly handmade from stone and wood, as it was breaking), an engraved slingshot, and a pouch full of chestnuts (ammo for the slingshot, maybe?) "Are you ok? What happened?" Melanie asked, as she stirred, and sat up, surprised. "I got jumped, by some red-haired chick...... She was with a gang, and they took all my stuff, except what I could hide in my coat, which one of them took." "Oh god. That's awful!" Melanie said, as the girl shrugged. "At least I'm alive." "By the way, I'm John Kozlov. This is Melanie." "Josey." "Hey, Josey. We should get out of here, before we get attacked." John said, as Josey looked surprised. "You.....want to travel with me?" "Yeah! The more the merrier, plus, more people means more skills, and less of a risk of being attacked, as we have numbers!" Melanie exclaimed, as Josey smiled. John helped her up, and into the car, as they drove off.
Brett and Garret looked through the cars, checking for survivors. A few mutilated corpses, and pathetic walkers missing limbs, and that was it. "Daddy? You find anything yet?" Garret asked as Brett checked a green minivan. "Nope. Not yet, at the very least." Garret was fixing all of the destroyed windows as best as he could, and even though he knew it was pointless, it was KILLING him, his OCD was controlling him! "Garret! Look! I think I found a survivor!" Brett yelled, as he saw a girl inside the red sportscar. She was bleeding, but not horribly injured, and she saw him and instantly kicked out a window, crawling out. "Oh my god. People!" She said, as she barely stood up, but Brett helped her. "It's been so long. My name is Emma." "I'm Brett, and this is my son Garret." Emma looked malnourished, and tired, so he offered her some diced tomatoes. "Thank you, so much!" She yelled, using a knife to open it, and ate it instantly. "Hey....Emma, would you like to join us? We aren't great at locating safe places, and we'd be happy to have more people to help out..." "Absolutely Brett! Thank you!" she said, smiling cheerfully. "Look, we think the next place to go would be towards Atlanta, which is only about a mile and a half away." "I agree, Garret. Let's go!" Emma says, as they begin walking towards Atlanta.
Beat some sense into him
Talk to him, and get the crap kicked out of you he needs too take one for the team we can't be wasting time on useless fights, maybe it well calm him down.