The voice in the woods was Paul and Richard and they would have suggested getting out of the area since Christine knew where they were so both the boys and Gia, Clem, and ATR would have been safe. If the knife wasn't dropped there would have been more injuries but a (sort of) victory
Dang, so the voice in the woods must have been better ? I knew it was too obvious.... And I thought dropping the knife would make things eas… moreier but nah... So our votes are not going so well . Come on guys!
"Y'all keep going on like this, and that girl ain't gonna make it."
I was thinking that if the knife wasn't dropped it would be a Kenny/Carver situation where if you tell Kenny to take another shot at Carver you hit him buuuuuuuut he kills Alvin.
The voice in the woods was Paul and Richard and they would have suggested getting out of the area since Christine knew where they were so bo… moreth the boys and Gia, Clem, and ATR would have been safe. If the knife wasn't dropped there would have been more injuries but a (sort of) victory
"Listen, Spark, I know you don't like the ways that Kaden is running things and it's no secret that I don't either." You say… more to a new member of the group, Spark.
"Can you leave me alone? I was trying to do something that a weak human mind like you wouldn't understand." Spark says while looking down at his hand.
You scoff at him and grab his arm. You stand up and pull him towards the door.
"You're coming with me. Whether you want to or not"
You get in a car and shove him in the passenger seat.
"If you're going to kidnap me, the least you can do is tell me what we're doing." He says as he puts his feet on the dashboard.
"We're going to "recruit" more people to be in the group. If there are more people who are on our side then there are more people to go against him." You tell him while hunching forward in the seat
"If we go about it the way I think you're going to then he'll have more back up" He leans back … [view original content]
[Go to the police]
"We should probably go to the cops, why would we want to go in the woods? It's creepy in there..." You say ATR … moreand Clementine as you start leading the way to where the sirens were coming from.
"My daddy is a police officer, what if it's him?" Clementine says and looks over to you
"Well that would be a coincidence." You say back to her
You continue walking and that walk turns into a run as you see a shaded figure behind you. The figure cuts you off and knocks you out, you hear ATR and Clementine scream just before everything goes black.
You grab onto Clementine before the person does. The person calls for someone named Reynold.
A second person comes up from behind with a baseball bat. The person takes a swing at you but you dodge it.
You grab Clementine's hand and make a run for it, you keep looking back at the men. You run into a third man who backhands you, knocking you to the ground. The… [view original content]
[Scream for help] and [Try to help him] both go with this part
You starred at the building at the far end of the facility. One lady went in and three men come out, one covered in blood. It doesn't seem right to you.
The three men joined the group and no one noticed that they were even gone.
You heard a scream when they were still in there but you don't think anyone else did. You've faced this too many times already.\, they wouldn't believe you, because you were just a kid.
You heard another scream, loud, and blood curdling. One of the men walk back for the room.
You pull on the leader's arm, hoping to get his attention but he just ignores you. You find another man named Adam, you pull him to the side.
"That man over there" you say as you point to the man walking towards the room
"Yeah, what about him?" Adam looks at you, confused.
"He's hiding something in that room" Adam looks back at the room "I need your help to find out what it is." You tell him.
"I'll see what I can do." Adam says as he walks over to the leader.
You listened to the kid. Wow. What are the chances He's lying and you'll get in trouble?
You walk over to Fox and try to explain the situation based on what the kid told you.
"Okay. So, I'm going on a limb here and I'll probably get the story wrong but KJB is hiding something in the kitchen."
"How could he be hiding something when Kara, Lana, and Lucy are in there most of the time?" He responds to you
You begin to stutter and slur your words "I.. I'm not sure. The kid said he heard screams coming from the room.."
(?) This is going to take a while
The girl beside you let out a scream that could alert lurkers for miles.
"Hey! Shut the fuck up, you're going to get us killed!" One of the new girls yelled to her
"Gia, you yelling at her isn't going to help anything.." The girl next to Gia said to her. The youngest girl the covered her ears as the girls continued to argue.
The door clicked and the handle as the guy who shot came in.
"What the fuck are you expecting to get out of begin loud?" He said as he confronted the girl next to you.
The girl didn't respond to him. He smacked the girl and asked again. She didn't answer like before.
The guy turned around and you kicked him in the back of the knee, causing him to fall down. His gun falls out of his grasp but into someone else's. The man gets up and attempts to reach for the gun. Gia punches him back down, the girl next to you, Lucy, makes a run for her Hunting Rifle. He tries to stop her as Richard grabs his shirt and pulls back, he falls back and hits his head against the counter. The other girl, ATR, is holding onto the younger girl in the corner.
The girl that had been shot, Kara, stood up and leaned against the counter. She holds up his gun and aims. Lucy does too.
[Kara should shoot him][Lucy should shoot him] or [He deserves to suffer]
(Sorry this part was short and sudden but I couldn't wait any longer for the outcome.)
Sorry so late there is so many fanfictions around hard to keep up and thanks for using my character in so many chapters I read them all and have to say I'm big fan so intense with quality decisions
[Go to the police]
"We should probably go to the cops, why would we want to go in the woods? It's creepy in there..." You say ATR … moreand Clementine as you start leading the way to where the sirens were coming from.
"My daddy is a police officer, what if it's him?" Clementine says and looks over to you
"Well that would be a coincidence." You say back to her
You continue walking and that walk turns into a run as you see a shaded figure behind you. The figure cuts you off and knocks you out, you hear ATR and Clementine scream just before everything goes black.
You grab onto Clementine before the person does. The person calls for someone named Reynold.
A second person comes up from behind with a baseball bat. The person takes a swing at you but you dodge it.
You grab Clementine's hand and make a run for it, you keep looking back at the men. You run into a third man who backhands you, knocking you to the ground. The… [view original content]
[Scream for help] and [Try to help him] both go with this part
You starred at the building at the far end of the facility. One l… moready went in and three men come out, one covered in blood. It doesn't seem right to you.
The three men joined the group and no one noticed that they were even gone.
You heard a scream when they were still in there but you don't think anyone else did. You've faced this too many times already.\, they wouldn't believe you, because you were just a kid.
You heard another scream, loud, and blood curdling. One of the men walk back for the room.
You pull on the leader's arm, hoping to get his attention but he just ignores you. You find another man named Adam, you pull him to the side.
"That man over there" you say as you point to the man walking towards the room
"Yeah, what about him?" Adam looks at you, confused.
"He's hiding something in that room" Adam looks back at the room "I need your he… [view original content]
[Scream for help] and [Try to help him] both go with this part
You starred at the building at the far end of the facility. One l… moready went in and three men come out, one covered in blood. It doesn't seem right to you.
The three men joined the group and no one noticed that they were even gone.
You heard a scream when they were still in there but you don't think anyone else did. You've faced this too many times already.\, they wouldn't believe you, because you were just a kid.
You heard another scream, loud, and blood curdling. One of the men walk back for the room.
You pull on the leader's arm, hoping to get his attention but he just ignores you. You find another man named Adam, you pull him to the side.
"That man over there" you say as you point to the man walking towards the room
"Yeah, what about him?" Adam looks at you, confused.
"He's hiding something in that room" Adam looks back at the room "I need your he… [view original content]
[Scream for help] and [Try to help him] both go with this part
You starred at the building at the far end of the facility. One l… moready went in and three men come out, one covered in blood. It doesn't seem right to you.
The three men joined the group and no one noticed that they were even gone.
You heard a scream when they were still in there but you don't think anyone else did. You've faced this too many times already.\, they wouldn't believe you, because you were just a kid.
You heard another scream, loud, and blood curdling. One of the men walk back for the room.
You pull on the leader's arm, hoping to get his attention but he just ignores you. You find another man named Adam, you pull him to the side.
"That man over there" you say as you point to the man walking towards the room
"Yeah, what about him?" Adam looks at you, confused.
"He's hiding something in that room" Adam looks back at the room "I need your he… [view original content]
[Kara should shoot him]
He shot her leg, besides it's way to early in the apocalypse for people to turn into psychopaths who want to make… more each other suffer.
Was Gia the one who didn't answer and got smacked, if it wasn't who was it that got smacked?
STOP IT!! my head the feels this is mental torture that scene I nearly punched the television the way Joel acted I couldn't believe it so intense and sad my poor Ellie ;'(
STOP IT!! my head the feels this is mental torture that scene I nearly punched the television the way Joel acted I couldn't believe it so intense and sad my poor Ellie ;'(
[Scream for help] and [Try to help him] both go with this part
You starred at the building at the far end of the facility. One l… moready went in and three men come out, one covered in blood. It doesn't seem right to you.
The three men joined the group and no one noticed that they were even gone.
You heard a scream when they were still in there but you don't think anyone else did. You've faced this too many times already.\, they wouldn't believe you, because you were just a kid.
You heard another scream, loud, and blood curdling. One of the men walk back for the room.
You pull on the leader's arm, hoping to get his attention but he just ignores you. You find another man named Adam, you pull him to the side.
"That man over there" you say as you point to the man walking towards the room
"Yeah, what about him?" Adam looks at you, confused.
"He's hiding something in that room" Adam looks back at the room "I need your he… [view original content]
"You know, when you told me to come with you,I didn't expect to trip to be a month long." You say to Puncake
"I didn't expect you to stick around for a month" He responds, looking around for walkers.
"Yeah, because I'm going to let some eight-year-old go missing and not give a fuck" You say in a sarcastic tone.
You hear a gunshot and two screams coming from somewhere nearby, you look at him and nod. You both run towards the scream.
The scream leads you to a gate where a group of people are gathered around. Someone in the group notices you and informs the leader.
The leader opens the gate, offering you the chance to come in or leave.
[Go inside] or [Leave]
[Let Kara shoot him]
"She should shoot him" Paul says, pointing to Kara
"My name isn't she, it's Kara." She looks over at him and then back down at KJB
"Come on, Kara, how about we let bygones be bygones? There's no need making a fuss over such a little situation like this" KJB pleads.
"This is messed up, we should let him live." You say to the group
"ATR, I get it, people make mistakes but he shot her. You saw it, Clem saw it." Gia says as she looks down at Clementine
Lucy looks at Paul and puts her gun down.
"If we kill him then we're no better than he is!" You shout, hoping that they would let him live.
Kara shakes her head "It's too late for that." She pulls the trigger.
RIP KingJuiceBox
You hear another gunshot from the room. You couldn't wait for Adam to explain everything, you had to try and help. You make a dash for the room and open the door. You see a bloody scene.
The man from before had been shot and was dead, you couldn't believe it. The woman from before was shot too, but alive.
You move out of the way so the people could leave the room. Two men walk out and four girls walk out.
You see a little girl, younger than you, crying in the corner, the lady that came in before stayed there.
"D-did you kill him?" You ask the lady
"Yes, Willy, I did." She answers you and throws the gun on the ground.
"How do you know my name?" You ask her
"You're pretty popular in this group." She answers with a smile.
By then the rest of the group had come to the door and the leader went inside, telling everyone else to get away from the scene.
You look at the scene then at the kid in the corner. She wasn't there before, none of those people were, Adam and WIlly were right.
You pick up the gun next to his body and looked over at Kara.
"You did this?" She simply nods
"Where the fuck is Katie?" She motions Willy over.
"Probably with Devyn.." You turn your attention to the little girl
"Oh, you're soooo helpful" She says before limping to go find Katie with the assistance of the young boy.
You should go find one of the girls that came out of the room and bring them back, in attempt to get something out of the girl.
[I can handle this myself][Go get Gia] or [Go get ATR]
Cole One Month into the apocalypse
"You know, when you told me to come with you,I didn't expect to trip to be a month long." You say to P… moreuncake
"I didn't expect you to stick around for a month" He responds, looking around for walkers.
"Yeah, because I'm going to let some eight-year-old go missing and not give a fuck" You say in a sarcastic tone.
You hear a gunshot and two screams coming from somewhere nearby, you look at him and nod. You both run towards the scream.
The scream leads you to a gate where a group of people are gathered around. Someone in the group notices you and informs the leader.
The leader opens the gate, offering you the chance to come in or leave.
[Go inside] or [Leave]
[Let Kara shoot him]
"She should shoot him" Paul says, pointing to Kara
"My name isn't she, it's Kara." She looks over at him and then back down at KJB
"Come on, Kara, how about we let bygones be bygones? There's no n… [view original content]
No love them with some stories have decisions like should we turn right or left that bore me but with this more action based decisions that have massive effects in the plot I really like adds extra edge to the tales and as a user so much fun to chose
[Go inside]
They didn't shoot and opened the gate showing they don't see you as a threat so in no danger plus strength in numbers
[I can handle this myself]
Cole One Month into the apocalypse
"You know, when you told me to come with you,I didn't expect to trip to be a month long." You say to P… moreuncake
"I didn't expect you to stick around for a month" He responds, looking around for walkers.
"Yeah, because I'm going to let some eight-year-old go missing and not give a fuck" You say in a sarcastic tone.
You hear a gunshot and two screams coming from somewhere nearby, you look at him and nod. You both run towards the scream.
The scream leads you to a gate where a group of people are gathered around. Someone in the group notices you and informs the leader.
The leader opens the gate, offering you the chance to come in or leave.
[Go inside] or [Leave]
[Let Kara shoot him]
"She should shoot him" Paul says, pointing to Kara
"My name isn't she, it's Kara." She looks over at him and then back down at KJB
"Come on, Kara, how about we let bygones be bygones? There's no n… [view original content]
Cole One Month into the apocalypse
"You know, when you told me to come with you,I didn't expect to trip to be a month long." You say to P… moreuncake
"I didn't expect you to stick around for a month" He responds, looking around for walkers.
"Yeah, because I'm going to let some eight-year-old go missing and not give a fuck" You say in a sarcastic tone.
You hear a gunshot and two screams coming from somewhere nearby, you look at him and nod. You both run towards the scream.
The scream leads you to a gate where a group of people are gathered around. Someone in the group notices you and informs the leader.
The leader opens the gate, offering you the chance to come in or leave.
[Go inside] or [Leave]
[Let Kara shoot him]
"She should shoot him" Paul says, pointing to Kara
"My name isn't she, it's Kara." She looks over at him and then back down at KJB
"Come on, Kara, how about we let bygones be bygones? There's no n… [view original content]
The voice in the woods was Paul and Richard and they would have suggested getting out of the area since Christine knew where they were so both the boys and Gia, Clem, and ATR would have been safe. If the knife wasn't dropped there would have been more injuries but a (sort of) victory
Viva Lee Revolution! I used Lee for good luck
I was thinking that if the knife wasn't dropped it would be a Kenny/Carver situation where if you tell Kenny to take another shot at Carver you hit him buuuuuuuut he kills Alvin.
We need the help of the legendary Urban!
Haha don't sweat it bro
I was thinking about it but I thought it was a little early to kill someone but now, part 11, it is no longer too early
[Drop the knife]
Yes, we must, for Georgia!
If KJB thinks he'll get away with this he should know....
Then we shall do this to him...
Oh darn, well I think going to the police was a good idea, adds a little more action. But yeah...
[Scream for help.]
Im making that as my gravatar!
[Scream for help] and [Try to help him] both go with this part
You starred at the building at the far end of the facility. One lady went in and three men come out, one covered in blood. It doesn't seem right to you.
The three men joined the group and no one noticed that they were even gone.
You heard a scream when they were still in there but you don't think anyone else did. You've faced this too many times already.\, they wouldn't believe you, because you were just a kid.
You heard another scream, loud, and blood curdling. One of the men walk back for the room.
You pull on the leader's arm, hoping to get his attention but he just ignores you. You find another man named Adam, you pull him to the side.
"That man over there" you say as you point to the man walking towards the room
"Yeah, what about him?" Adam looks at you, confused.
"He's hiding something in that room" Adam looks back at the room "I need your help to find out what it is." You tell him.
"I'll see what I can do." Adam says as he walks over to the leader.
You listened to the kid. Wow. What are the chances He's lying and you'll get in trouble?
You walk over to Fox and try to explain the situation based on what the kid told you.
"Okay. So, I'm going on a limb here and I'll probably get the story wrong but KJB is hiding something in the kitchen."
"How could he be hiding something when Kara, Lana, and Lucy are in there most of the time?" He responds to you
You begin to stutter and slur your words "I.. I'm not sure. The kid said he heard screams coming from the room.."
(?) This is going to take a while
The girl beside you let out a scream that could alert lurkers for miles.
"Hey! Shut the fuck up, you're going to get us killed!" One of the new girls yelled to her
"Gia, you yelling at her isn't going to help anything.." The girl next to Gia said to her. The youngest girl the covered her ears as the girls continued to argue.
The door clicked and the handle as the guy who shot came in.
"What the fuck are you expecting to get out of begin loud?" He said as he confronted the girl next to you.
The girl didn't respond to him. He smacked the girl and asked again. She didn't answer like before.
The guy turned around and you kicked him in the back of the knee, causing him to fall down. His gun falls out of his grasp but into someone else's. The man gets up and attempts to reach for the gun. Gia punches him back down, the girl next to you, Lucy, makes a run for her Hunting Rifle. He tries to stop her as Richard grabs his shirt and pulls back, he falls back and hits his head against the counter. The other girl, ATR, is holding onto the younger girl in the corner.
The girl that had been shot, Kara, stood up and leaned against the counter. She holds up his gun and aims. Lucy does too.
[Kara should shoot him] [Lucy should shoot him] or [He deserves to suffer]
(Sorry this part was short and sudden but I couldn't wait any longer for the outcome.)
Sorry so late there is so many fanfictions around hard to keep up and thanks for using my character in so many chapters I read them all and have to say I'm big fan so intense with quality decisions
[Don't do anything]
All effort is meaningless against Spark
If you don't mind I would like to add on. Also screw that Reynold guy!
I got mad while typing that because I mean it's Clem and you want to protect her and everything
TLOU gifs on TWD forum I'm so happy I want MOAR :')
[Kara should shoot him]
He shot her leg, besides it's way to early in the apocalypse for people to turn into psychopaths who want to make each other suffer.
Was Gia the one who didn't answer and got smacked, if it wasn't who was it that got smacked?
[Kara should shoot him]
[Kara should shoot him]
The one who got slapped was Lucy. The characters were in a line from the order of Richard, Paul, Lucy, Kara, Lana, Gia, ATR, and Clementine
Dem Gifs Ellie is my favourite character of all time so many feels for me so beautiful and rages one too thanks so much :')
One of my favorites as well. Swears a lot though... It find it cute how she says it though. XD
Ahhh feels...
STOP IT!! my head the feels this is mental torture that scene I nearly punched the television the way Joel acted I couldn't believe it so intense and sad my poor Ellie ;'(
I approve of this gif
Gotta go
. Seeya later. I hope I get to ride Callus in my dreams! 
Just Ellie and Jodie in gaming for some reason just looking at them I have a feel overload ;')
[Kara should shoot him]
Yes loving these decisions so much fun
Cole One Month into the apocalypse
"You know, when you told me to come with you,I didn't expect to trip to be a month long." You say to Puncake
"I didn't expect you to stick around for a month" He responds, looking around for walkers.
"Yeah, because I'm going to let some eight-year-old go missing and not give a fuck" You say in a sarcastic tone.
You hear a gunshot and two screams coming from somewhere nearby, you look at him and nod. You both run towards the scream.
The scream leads you to a gate where a group of people are gathered around. Someone in the group notices you and informs the leader.
The leader opens the gate, offering you the chance to come in or leave.
[Go inside] or [Leave]
[Let Kara shoot him]
"She should shoot him" Paul says, pointing to Kara
"My name isn't she, it's Kara." She looks over at him and then back down at KJB
"Come on, Kara, how about we let bygones be bygones? There's no need making a fuss over such a little situation like this" KJB pleads.
"This is messed up, we should let him live." You say to the group
"ATR, I get it, people make mistakes but he shot her. You saw it, Clem saw it." Gia says as she looks down at Clementine
Lucy looks at Paul and puts her gun down.
"If we kill him then we're no better than he is!" You shout, hoping that they would let him live.
Kara shakes her head "It's too late for that." She pulls the trigger.
RIP KingJuiceBox
You hear another gunshot from the room. You couldn't wait for Adam to explain everything, you had to try and help. You make a dash for the room and open the door. You see a bloody scene.
The man from before had been shot and was dead, you couldn't believe it. The woman from before was shot too, but alive.
You move out of the way so the people could leave the room. Two men walk out and four girls walk out.
You see a little girl, younger than you, crying in the corner, the lady that came in before stayed there.
"D-did you kill him?" You ask the lady
"Yes, Willy, I did." She answers you and throws the gun on the ground.
"How do you know my name?" You ask her
"You're pretty popular in this group." She answers with a smile.
By then the rest of the group had come to the door and the leader went inside, telling everyone else to get away from the scene.
You look at the scene then at the kid in the corner. She wasn't there before, none of those people were, Adam and WIlly were right.
You pick up the gun next to his body and looked over at Kara.
"You did this?" She simply nods
"Where the fuck is Katie?" She motions Willy over.
"Probably with Devyn.." You turn your attention to the little girl
"Oh, you're soooo helpful" She says before limping to go find Katie with the assistance of the young boy.
You should go find one of the girls that came out of the room and bring them back, in attempt to get something out of the girl.
[I can handle this myself] [Go get Gia] or [Go get ATR]
[Go inside]
They didn't shoot and opened the gate showing they don't see you as a threat so in no danger plus strength in numbers
[I can handle this myself]
I can't tell if you're using sarcasm /)n(\ Welp. Back to Sarcasm with Seamus
[Go Inside]
[I can Handle Myself]
No love them with some stories have decisions like should we turn right or left that bore me but with this more action based decisions that have massive effects in the plot I really like adds extra edge to the tales and as a user so much fun to chose
I hope they're not cannibals because Cole is my character.....
lol you never know they could be
[Go inside]
[I can handle this myself]
I'll just go south the majority.
[Go inside]
[I can take care handle it myself.]