[Push her back into the station]
You begin walking back to Clementine. You see the little boy, Willy, running towards the station.… more He sees you and increases his speed, hitting you head on, and pushing you back into the station.
"What the fuck?!" Katie jumps up and yells at Willy.
Gia catches you before you fall and looks at Willy.
"There's a woman! She's got a gun!" Willy yells at Katie.
Katie gets up and walks towards the door "I'll be back." She says as she walks out.
Willy, Paul, and you run out to stop her. Katie makes her way towards the kitchen.
A shot is fired and it hits her. She gets shot in the left hip.
Devyn sees from the opposite side and lets out a scream.
Peggy Ma
You shot the girl, the medic to be exact. You reload your gun and take aim again, waiting for her help to arrive.
A girl runs to her aid and just as you fire, the man who came after the medic (Paul) warns her to stay out of the … [view original content]
ATR was still working on your wound, hard to think that the only other person who knew anything about medical experiences was a 16-year-old girl.
Lana walks in with your dinner "How are you feeling?" She sets your dinner on the counter
"Like shit." You answer her in a weak voice
"Hard to say that I wasn't expecting that." Lana looks down "ATR, Kara told me to tell you that when you're done in here she needs you to get Willy and go talk to her."
ATR nods and Lana leaves.
A few hours had passed since you had last spoken to anyone. You did talk to Kara and Willy stayed longer than you did, he had a problem of his own.
You were heading toy our housing unit when you see a pregnant woman heading the opposite direction of yourself, and a man with a bat behind her. You decide to follow them and make sure that he doesn't hurt her.
The woman stops to take a breath and the man raises the bat. He swings and hits the metal door. You run forward and grab the bat before he can swing again.
You take the bat out of his hands
"You think this is a game? You don't come back!" You yell before you swing and hit the man.
The pregnant woman stands up "Thank you so much." She looks as if she wants to pull you into a hug.
"You guys are down by to people, didn't want to make it four." You say to her "What's your name?"
"My name's Tera" She smiles and holds out her hand
Things are coming into play now, decided to only do two characters for suspense >:D Just kidding, there will probably be more parts since I don't sleep
ATR was still working on your wound, hard to think that the only other person who knew anything about medical experiences was a 16-… moreyear-old girl.
Lana walks in with your dinner "How are you feeling?" She sets your dinner on the counter
"Like shit." You answer her in a weak voice
"Hard to say that I wasn't expecting that." Lana looks down "ATR, Kara told me to tell you that when you're done in here she needs you to get Willy and go talk to her."
ATR nods and Lana leaves.
A few hours had passed since you had last spoken to anyone. You did talk to Kara and Willy stayed longer than you did, he had a problem of his own.
You were heading toy our housing unit when you see a pregnant woman heading the opposite direction of yourself, and a man with a bat behind her. You decide to follow them and make sure that he doesn't hurt her.
The woman stops to take a breath and the man raises the bat. He swings and hits the m… [view original content]
Things are coming into play now, decided to only do two characters for suspense >:D Just kidding, there will probably be more parts since I don't sleep
When we were Peggy the woman who went to help Katie had no name, Peggy knows a lot about these people, regardless if they know her and if the person had a name I would have put it there xD
If you yelled for ATR then she wouldn't hear you, continued walking, gotten shot. Katie would've went out and gotten shot in the heart. Santiago would've died. Willy would have been put on bad terms with the group. Tera wouldn't have been introduced for a little while longer.
16 and 25 not a big difference (Sarcasm lol)
and if she's in a relationship oh well just wait for her lover to become walker food!
Things are coming into play now, decided to only do two characters for suspense >:D Just kidding, there will probably be more parts since I don't sleep
If you yelled for ATR then she wouldn't hear you, continued walking, gotten shot. Katie would've went out and gotten shot in the heart. Sant… moreiago would've died. Willy would have been put on bad terms with the group. Tera wouldn't have been introduced for a little while longer.
Little decisions have big consequences.
lol Cole or Kara
My two fave characters lol
Yeak I love Star Fox!
Wait, who was the one who ran to help Katie?
Devyn heheheh (okay, I'm biased because that's me...)
Katie, Clementine or Willy, maybe?
Well it would be good to see Katie I mean she did get shot
It was I, WILLY
Thank you for finding that picture xD
If you had chosen to yell for ATR to stop 3 people would have died
Forgot to mention that Leroy will make a return soon
Thanks for helping me, mate.
I'm getting so much screentime right now.
Please tell me you're writing it right now?!
That's fucking scary!
ATR was still working on your wound, hard to think that the only other person who knew anything about medical experiences was a 16-year-old girl.
Lana walks in with your dinner "How are you feeling?" She sets your dinner on the counter
"Like shit." You answer her in a weak voice
"Hard to say that I wasn't expecting that." Lana looks down "ATR, Kara told me to tell you that when you're done in here she needs you to get Willy and go talk to her."
ATR nods and Lana leaves.
A few hours had passed since you had last spoken to anyone. You did talk to Kara and Willy stayed longer than you did, he had a problem of his own.
You were heading toy our housing unit when you see a pregnant woman heading the opposite direction of yourself, and a man with a bat behind her. You decide to follow them and make sure that he doesn't hurt her.
The woman stops to take a breath and the man raises the bat. He swings and hits the metal door. You run forward and grab the bat before he can swing again.
You take the bat out of his hands
"You think this is a game? You don't come back!" You yell before you swing and hit the man.
The pregnant woman stands up "Thank you so much." She looks as if she wants to pull you into a hug.
"You guys are down by to people, didn't want to make it four." You say to her "What's your name?"
"My name's Tera" She smiles and holds out her hand
"ATR" You say as you shake her hand.
(Achievement Unlocked: A New Day)
I just have a feeling that I'm going to end up killed trying to help people now...
Things are coming into play now, decided to only do two characters for suspense >:D Just kidding, there will probably be more parts since I don't sleep
Katie is going to be a big part of the remainder of the chapter, along with Willy and Tera
Posted it now, kitten brethren!
TETRIS AYYYY but ATR's 16 while Tera's 25 and most likely in a relationship since she's pregnant sgkjwh5b
Paul, ATR, and Willy all went to help. ATR has medical experience so she helped a lot
16 and 25 not a big difference (Sarcasm lol)
and if she's in a relationship oh well just wait for her lover to become walker food!
Not yet, you're a major character right now, you are the Clementine of chapter 2
When we were Peggy the woman who went to help Katie had no name, Peggy knows a lot about these people, regardless if they know her and if the person had a name I would have put it there xD
If you yelled for ATR then she wouldn't hear you, continued walking, gotten shot. Katie would've went out and gotten shot in the heart. Santiago would've died. Willy would have been put on bad terms with the group. Tera wouldn't have been introduced for a little while longer.
Little decisions have big consequences.
Even I don't know who her lover is yet
oooooo MYSTERY!
Soon or telltale soon?
Anything but TellTale soon PLEASE NOT TTG SOON!
My soon
Like 20 minutes
That would have been depressing...
Which part? x3
but I still need you guys to vote so I have something to go off of
All of it
Especially 3 people dying...