Yeah. It's pretty easy, just talk and then press stop when you're done. After that just save it or whatever and it'll give you a link that you can use to share it. I just used my phone, but if you have a mic, you can use that.
First song love the unique jazzytone with a unique song choice dayum so beautiful I LOVED IT whole song flowed so naturally and you hit every note to perfection
Second one This got me right in the feels and again song beautifully with a unique Clem song again superb
You surpassed my highest expectation 10/10 YES JUST YES :O dat voice much talent love your unique voice :'D
Yeah. It's pretty easy, just talk and then press stop when you're done. After that just save it or whatever and it'll give you a link that you can use to share it. I just used my phone, but if you have a mic, you can use that.
Ok I have to be honest :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
First song love the unique jazzytone with a unique song choice dayum so beautiful I LOVED IT whole… more song flowed so naturally and you hit every note to perfection
Second one This got me right in the feels and again song beautifully with a unique Clem song again superb
You surpassed my highest expectation 10/10 YES JUST YES :O dat voice much talent love your unique voice :'D
That body... JESUS.
Sadon Raziir? uv Grah Kiin?
Yeah. It's pretty easy, just talk and then press stop when you're done. After that just save it or whatever and it'll give you a link that you can use to share it. I just used my phone, but if you have a mic, you can use that.
Grah kiin! Fos do hi?
all I am going to say about it for now is mods
Ok I have to be honest :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
First song love the unique jazzytone with a unique song choice dayum so beautiful I LOVED IT whole song flowed so naturally and you hit every note to perfection
Second one This got me right in the feels and again song beautifully with a unique Clem song again superb
You surpassed my highest expectation 10/10 YES JUST YES :O dat voice much talent love your unique voice :'D
Thanks, I guess. But I don't really think so, lol.
Your dog is terrifying...
Why did he shave his underarms.....?
I can't see the links to your songs DLB
I would, but I play on Xbox
Hmm, that simple, huh? I'll probably give it a try. B]
Lee confirmed to sing
Thanks, Mark! That means a lot xD
Yeah, just talk. Use that vocaroo thing that WtW and Sardines used. :P
Lol, I'll talk, but I won't sing. B]
Well better then most people I have heard sing! Everything Mark said is basically my thoughts.
Skirts are overrated... where this picture minus the too-too?
:O You really will??? First Joe and now you??
The big man john getting ready for the halo master chef collection launch
I'm not singing. :P
lol What about? Not even a rap
You have to pay me, though
-franticly searches for it-
I will post mine once I figure out how :P
Edit; Figured out how, picture above
Stop pressuring me with your hype I will upload a video on me singing tomorrow confirmed OK jeez
I'll biis hi ko shiraav.
Lol because i don't wanna. And my voice sucks. :P
His chest reminds me of a 12 year old.... so smooth and hairless wut is this o_o
I finally figured out how to upload a picture of my character!
Lol, nah. :P
I don't sing, haha. B]
XD I don't want to be cocky but little niece says I'm as good as beyonce
might upload her singing Let it go to she is funny
Heh, I'll wait on Joe first. I was thinking of doing it tomorrow.
I...I don't know what you just said :c