Psh. Yeah right! I KNOW when I've been defeated! XD I'd be a FOOL to go up against Pie when it comes to the artsy fartsy stuff! Wait-there was a holiday challenge for the 4th of july?! XD
This is not a story entry. I've been having major writer's block now. But I have a question for you, Pie.
I'm sure you've see the trailer… more for the 5th episode. But, while watching it, you crossed my mind. What will you do, IF Georgie is killed off? Will you continue writing the Fable fanfics or are you going to end it and switch it up? It was just a question and HOPE you still continue these. I like them a lot! Just a question. You can ignore this if you want.
Uh man...not this again. Really?? Jesus, man! Go away!
Seems like you are confusing the two-I DO NOT AGREE WITH HIS ACTIONS!!!! Okay? Yes, he DOES deserve to get his and yes, I will be sad IF he is killed off but oh well! It's a video gamn character! And if they bother you so much, stop reading them!
Oh wow...I'm not even going to...sheesh, man! I support rape and abuse?? How dare you!
Take the time to read the stories and understand where I'm coming from. I'm sorry you despise Georgie like that. I'm happy you like my other story, though. Just...stop with the negative comments. Please.
I really think you might have misjudged just how much support you're comment is going to get. I'm all for stating one's own opinion, however doing so in an obnoxious manner isn't helpful. Also, have you actually read what happens to Georgie in pudding_pies stories? You seem to have a strong view of the character that doesn't entirely match up to the reality.
Still, at least you liked the stories about Gren and Carla. Even though you refer to Carla as 'a girl', thus removing any notion of the character of Carla, which, again, is not how pudding_pie has written it. There's more of a focus on Carla than Gren, or at least half as much focus; however that is only my opinion. Hopefully it can prove to be a demonstration of how to express one in a more friendly manner.
Look. I'm done with this. Let me just write in peace, Nat. I'm sorry you don't like Georgie. I get that. But please-you don't like it, go away. Cause no matter what you or anyone else says, Georgie IS my favorite; I have never gone around since I joined, pointing the finger and saying 'oh god, I hope your person dies, or their throat ripped out or whatever.'
Welcome to the world of video games, my dear man. Hope we can put this behind us and start fresh.
NOTE: Have a little time to write before I head off tonight. Sorry, no picture this time but promise next section will. Enjoy!
Dear Diary: Man. That was a hard essay to write. Thought Genetic Modification would be an esay subject. Seemed easy, at least. No work today, so I might catch up on some sleep. Have not slept very well these past few days...keep having these strange dreams. I'm this huge wolf, fighting another wolf. Hm. Should ask mom. Going over there later for dinner. Can't wait to see dad. Miss him. Oh and my siblings are going, too. I hope there won't be problems...Better go. Need to take a shower.
There he was. This huge, black wolf; his eyes were a dark yellow, his teeth sharp like knives and his claws exposed. He was growling at me, as he licked his massive lips. I was quivering; I, too, was changed but my stature was nothing like the beast before me. I was at least half his height and weight. He carefully circled me, continuing to watch me. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. I felt the rage inside; this mysterious feeling growing stronger, each time the beast walked past me.
"Peter...we don't have to do this..." The wolf mumbled these words, as he peered into my eyes.
"Why...why are you here? What do you want from me?! Get out of here! You don't deserve to see me!"
"You're being foolish, Peter. I've tried for years-"
"NO! I have NEVER once seen you! And even when I try-"
"You CAN'T blame me, Peter! We were trying to protect you. They almost had you and-"
I lunged at the massive beast. My paws lept from the ground, kicking up dirt and gravel. My teeth were patrouding, my claws ready to dig into the flesh of his neck. He simply stood there; his eyes looked pathetic and melancholy. Before I could sink my teeth, he spoke:
"I love you, Peter...."
This was always the section were my world would spin; everything around me seemed to bleed into one color, a single sound. Nothing made sense and before long, he was gone and I stood alone in the dark. I'd call out; nothing would answer me back and I began to run aimlessly through the darkness. I would call out names; mom, dad, Junior, Ethan-hell, even Katie had me calling her name! Nothing. Then, I'd wake up...
I flung my body up, gasping, as I turned violently around my bed. I grabbed my face, arms, legs and chest; there was no sign of wolf fur or wounds. I sighed and fell back into my pillow. I looked over; 6:30am. 'Damn you,' I thought to myself.
I decided to 'wake' up and head into the shower. No work. No school. I did, however, have an essay. That could wait, however. Today, I just needed to sit and unwind. Later, I'd be going to my parents for dinner. Needed to see them. Dad was not looking very strong these past few weeks, though. Dr. Swineheart would run tests this week. God. I hope everything was okay. I'd be crushed if anything happened to him.
"PETER! You up?"
My roommate Peter stormed into the room, as he chomped down on an Apple. Yeah, that was his name-funny like that. Peter and Peter. One a 'human', the other a wolf. Peter and the Wolf. Psh.
"Yes. What do you want? Don't know how to knock?"
"Well, duh! But that is no fun, wolfy!"
"YEEEEES, Peter?"
I rolled my eyes, as I lifted myself up and stretched. To not confuse anyone, I'll call the other Peter 'Pete.' Yeah. That will work.
"Seriously. What do you want? I got things to do..."
"Yeah, yeah. School and all that bull. We will get this paper done-"
"Pete! Its due in a week and you have not even started it!"
"I HAVE an idea! Shit, man! Relax! It will get done..."
I stripped down to just my boxers and walked into the bathroom. As I turned on the water, Pete took a seat on the toilet. He continued to chomp on the Apple; parts flew around him, some landing on the counter. Pig. That was it. A pig.
"You dreaming again?"
I was taken slightly back by his question. Did he hear me talk again?
"You were hella' makin' these weird noises! Like, growling! Same one?"
"MAN! You should really take down that wolf, Peter! I mean-look at me! Telling you what to do!"
As Pete entered a laughing riot, I stood beneath the warm water and watched it fall down my skin. God, I hated that dream. What did it mean? Why now? Hopefully mom had answers.
"Hey, some girl called for you again!"
"She said her name was Winter. This is like the 5th time, dude. Think she has a crush on you!"
Huh. Not likely. If you only knew. Yeah, I knew Winter. I'd call her back later. Not now. Not after the dream. Wonder what she wants now. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my waist. As I stood before the mirror, trying to blow dry my hair, Pete stood beside me; God, his loud, unusual chewing was growing louder and more annoying!
"Pete, really?"
"OH! Sorry, dude...."
I finished up with some gel, a shave and change of clothes. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl for cereal. There it was-five missed calls on my phone. She could wait. As I poured the cereal, it began to ring; Hell's Bells echoing in our tiny apartment. Pete looked at me; he was beaming, perhaps waiting for my reaction.
"You gonna answer it?"
"Yeah just...hold on..."
I looked down; I was hoping it was not Winter. It was Emily. The hell? I answered it; she sounded strung out again. God, how I wish she didn't do those mundy drugs.
"Hey...hey, Peter?"
"Yes, Emily. What is it?"
"HEY! You going to mom and dad's tonight for dinner?"
"I planned on it...why?"
"Nah. Nah, just, miss you. Ya' never stop by anymore or call. You busy?"
The truth was, sometimes all I wanted was to be alone. I'd walk around Fabletown, earbuds in my ear, ipod blasting my favortie band and just walk. People would stop to stare, however and this always led me to run into the shadows or head back home. WHY did they always have to look at me like that?
"Okay. See you later, bro-"
There was a click. Just like that, she was gone. Oh, dear sweet Emily. Hopefully, she'd be on better behavior this time. Last 'family' dinner was a disaster. Katie and Penny fought with me, Emily was fucking high on dope, Ethan cried the entire time and Junior, like always, just sat there quietly. Mom was trying to control the chaos, while dad had to leave and go outside. We found him sitting on a bench, just looking out into the night sky. He was crying; never seen dad cry like that before.
"Your sister?"
"Why are you asking me, Pete? Does it really matter?"
"Hey! It was a question, dude. My bad."
"Uh, man. Not, its not you...I just have this weird feeling today."
"Well, try and get some sleep! I'm heading out later, so you will this place to yourself..."
I got up and walked over to the coffe maker, poured a cup and headed back into my room.
"Hey, Peter."
"Look. Just, take it easy, dude. can't blame yourself, kid. That is what will drive you insane, man. You're're not him, Peter. Just, remember that..."
I simply smiled at Pete, then headed into my room. I locked the door, turned on the stereo and threw myself back onto the bed. It creeked a few times, as I turned to face the window. The sun was shin ing down now, beating against my skin, as it warmed me up. I closed my eyes for a few seconds.
All I wanted was quiet; a chance to sit and relax without any noise. Any Petes. Any dreams. But, that was all I could see. Me. The big, black wolf. His face.
God. Couldn't wait to see mom tonight. I needed to talk. And soon.
Peter Porgie
Part 1
"The tale of two Peters"
NOTE: Have a little time to write before I head off tonight. Sorry, no picture this t… moreime but promise next section will. Enjoy!
Dear Diary: Man. That was a hard essay to write. Thought Genetic Modification would be an esay subject. Seemed easy, at least. No work today, so I might catch up on some sleep. Have not slept very well these past few days...keep having these strange dreams. I'm this huge wolf, fighting another wolf. Hm. Should ask mom. Going over there later for dinner. Can't wait to see dad. Miss him. Oh and my siblings are going, too. I hope there won't be problems...Better go. Need to take a shower.
There he was. This huge, black wolf; his eyes were a dark yellow, his teeth sharp like knives and his claws exposed. He was growling at me, as he licked his massive lips. I was quivering; I, too, was changed but my stature was nothing like the beast before me. I was at least h… [view original content]
hey-im sure this is the last person you wish to see but this was very good especially the beginning!! i did read your other stories and i must say you are very talented in taking characters and creating your own world!!! that artwork is simply breathtaking to say!! and yes the ending to your first was very sad!!! im curious now about peter. see he is in contact with winter!! wonder how that will go. good work pie!!! do keep writing!!
Peter Porgie
Part 1
"The tale of two Peters"
NOTE: Have a little time to write before I head off tonight. Sorry, no picture this t… moreime but promise next section will. Enjoy!
Dear Diary: Man. That was a hard essay to write. Thought Genetic Modification would be an esay subject. Seemed easy, at least. No work today, so I might catch up on some sleep. Have not slept very well these past few days...keep having these strange dreams. I'm this huge wolf, fighting another wolf. Hm. Should ask mom. Going over there later for dinner. Can't wait to see dad. Miss him. Oh and my siblings are going, too. I hope there won't be problems...Better go. Need to take a shower.
There he was. This huge, black wolf; his eyes were a dark yellow, his teeth sharp like knives and his claws exposed. He was growling at me, as he licked his massive lips. I was quivering; I, too, was changed but my stature was nothing like the beast before me. I was at least h… [view original content]
"La' Vamos nos"
Summer vacation
'I already knew this was going to be a hassle; Georgie was not much for traveling, let alone going to … moresome foreign country he had never heard of. I was prepared for it all, however. Portugal, ready or not, here come the Porgies.'
"So, you don't mind watching the kids for me mom?"
I was frantically trying to pack the diaper bag for my mother's arrival. It was difficult trying to remember everything a baby needs for the week at Nana and Papa's house.
"It will be fine, Lyla. Your father and I are looking forward to the kids staying a week here. Gives them a chance to spend time with us, while YOU TWO get some alone time."
Georgie and I desperately needed to get out of Fabletown. Believe it or not, Snow offered me the money to fly to any part of the world. It didn't help I was feeling overwhelmed and desperate to get some peace and quiet. The quads were teething and getting into everything the… [view original content]
Part 2 section 3
Redemption: The action of saving or being saved from sin, error or evil.
John and Bigby wer… moree currently trying to find out what this mean for Junior in the future. Above, Georgie watched as Bufkin flew back and forth. He reminded Georgie of a bird trapped in a glass house; he panicked and furiously flapped his wings, hoping the next move would be the right one. He retrieved several books in regards to markings and connections. Junior had a symbol of a tree in the center of his back; Bigby scratched his head as he looked up every possible explanation.
Snow too, was searching for an answer. Soon, Georgie would follow. Bufkin handed Georgie a book from the old world; it listed various trees and what their meanings stood for. The flying monkey hesitated at first; he was careful around Georgie, for he feared the worst. He clung to Snow like an infant on its mother but when he realized Georgie's… [view original content]
Emily Porgie
Part 3
Not bad for an old guy
I had heard of some strange things occuring in my life time. Mine was standing befor… moree me, half naked, hands clutched against his chest. My eyes drifted to the nervous wolf, quivering in agitation, knowing the possibility of his fate was in my hands.
I loved knowing this. I didn't feel any hesitation at that moment. He was clay in my hands; a lump of cold, old, wet clay that remained in my grasp, waiting to be molded into a masterpiece.
I had forgotten about the others for a few minutes. Their files and portfolio pictures were carpeting my floors. I could hear small conversations being carried out behind me; Heather's voice was like nails on a chalkboard. She terminated the conversation the instant I turned to face her. She appeared alarmed and remaind soundless. I'm assuming my sudden movement and vexed facial expression were enough.
I glanced around at the others. They all stoo… [view original content]
Let's just say that an argument happened yesterday evening between pudding and a certain troll whose username starts with an N. Even though they both settled their differences, they still got banned.
I might post more on it later or tomorrow.
P.S. - Pudding and Jones didn't deserve to be banned either, in my honest opinion.
So after I was about to make my escape I am suddenly pulled into a dark room by my older brother Walter. He tells me to be quiet as the guards run pass the room we are hiding in. I'm prepared to get lectured from my brother, but instead he points to a window and we make our way through it and exit the mansion.
Walter tells me that if he haven't interfered, the guards would of caught me. Then he tells me that i need to cut this 'outlaw/vigilante' mess out before I end up dead or worse? Whats worse than death?
Anyway I show him all of these documents that Barney had lying around. Walter doesn't look surprise. I mean, he knows what kind of person Barney is and what have he done to our neighborhood. This one time he approves of my actions...kinda. So now we're going to do what should been done a long time ago and bring justice to our neighborhood.
My brother is going to bring this documents I collected from Barney to public. There's enough there to put that slime away for a long time, and his cheesy lawyers won't be able to talk their way out of this one.. While I take all this money that barney stole from the community. I'm going to leave a sack full of money on each door step and then throw what's left into a crowd or something.
The next few days, I 'm chilling at my pad watching Barney's trial on the news. He's going away for a long time for all the fucked up things he did, however there no sign Redd and that bald man with the expensive glasses. They can't hide for long, I'll find them... eventually.
With Barney gone, his mansion got repossessed and turned into an orphanage for homeless children. The artwork from the mansion was either auctioned off or sold to museums. The crime rate in my neighborhood also went down a lot, everything was back to normal for now.
Redd and that bald man whereabouts are still unknown, but I have several leads on them. Redd will be easy to find so i'm going after the bald man first since he played a big part in the downfall of my neighborhood. He's not going to get away.
I make my way back to my house and gather my equipment, I am then interrupted by my brother Walter who ask me where the hell I am going. I tell him that I was going to take care some unfinished business. He shakes his head and tells me that's he's coming too. I'm surprised at first and then I ask him "why the change of heart, shouldn't you be stopping me from doing these kind of things?"
He tells me that he going to be my 'Chaperon'..
Anyway we leave our house and travel to a place called Fable Town in search of the bald man named Bluebeard..
They got banned for defending Pudding's work? They were both great contributors, and I can't recall a time when they've been anything but supportive and polite on this thread. It might only be a temporary ban, as with Mark, however it's still way too excessive.
Considering I commented on the post that started it all, I'm grateful I haven't been banned as well. I'm not entirely sure how I avoided it, though.
Let's just say that an argument happened yesterday evening between pudding and a certain troll whose username starts with an N. Even though … morethey both settled their differences, they still got banned.
I might post more on it later or tomorrow.
P.S. - Pudding and Jones didn't deserve to be banned either, in my honest opinion.
Chapter 3 Green Paper
So after I was about to make my escape I am suddenly pulled into a dark room by my older brother Walter. He tells m… moree to be quiet as the guards run pass the room we are hiding in. I'm prepared to get lectured from my brother, but instead he points to a window and we make our way through it and exit the mansion.
Walter tells me that if he haven't interfered, the guards would of caught me. Then he tells me that i need to cut this 'outlaw/vigilante' mess out before I end up dead or worse? Whats worse than death?
Anyway I show him all of these documents that Barney had lying around. Walter doesn't look surprise. I mean, he knows what kind of person Barney is and what have he done to our neighborhood. This one time he approves of my actions...kinda. So now we're going to do what should been done a long time ago and bring justice to our neighborhood.
My brother is going to bring this documents I collected from Barne… [view original content]
I'm assuming that one of the mods may have banned them for their constant arguments with Nat in multiple threads, still, the two shouldn't have been banned as they were certainly more reasonably nice in comparison to Nat. Y'know, especially when he first gave pudding shit for using Georgie to be Lyla's mate in his story. Besides, you're good since you didn't persist like they did.
Anyways, yeah, their bans will be temporary. Hopefully in a few weeks they'll come back, IF they come back. (if they don't, I'm honestly going to be a little heartbroken)
They got banned for defending Pudding's work? They were both great contributors, and I can't recall a time when they've been anything but su… morepportive and polite on this thread. It might only be a temporary ban, as with Mark, however it's still way too excessive.
Considering I commented on the post that started it all, I'm grateful I haven't been banned as well. I'm not entirely sure how I avoided it, though.
Yeah, they did seem to keep crossing swords, so to speak. Are people getting banned for defending themselves, though? Are we just supposed to leave it to the Moderators whenever someone starts spouting garbage at our ideas and stuff? Even if Pudding and Jones did keep arguing with Nat excessively - I don't know because I haven't seen that many of the comments - it's not surprising considering how offensive Nat was being. Banning for that just seems so heavy handed.
I wouldn't blame them if they don't come back, however it'd be a real shame. (I'd try and make a joke about finding some glue at this point, however it's just too sad a situation.)
I'm assuming that one of the mods may have banned them for their constant arguments with Nat in multiple threads, still, the two shouldn't h… moreave been banned as they were certainly more reasonably nice in comparison to Nat. Y'know, especially when he first gave pudding shit for using Georgie to be Lyla's mate in his story. Besides, you're good since you didn't persist like they did.
Anyways, yeah, their bans will be temporary. Hopefully in a few weeks they'll come back, IF they come back. (if they don't, I'm honestly going to be a little heartbroken)
I suppose it depends on how the person maturely goes about it, if a troll or any wannabe were to talk crap to someone - which determines whether they are temp-banned or not. (if that makes sense)
Plus, the person could simply ignore what they say altogether, while a mod edits or removes the offensive comment. I do agree with what you said, though I do not want to talk about it any further since talking about banned users is not recommended on the forums.
I'm glad that you're still an active contributor on here, along with Stone, and Emmy, including a few others. So there's still good coming out of this at least.
Yeah, they did seem to keep crossing swords, so to speak. Are people getting banned for defending themselves, though? Are we just supposed t… moreo leave it to the Moderators whenever someone starts spouting garbage at our ideas and stuff? Even if Pudding and Jones did keep arguing with Nat excessively - I don't know because I haven't seen that many of the comments - it's not surprising considering how offensive Nat was being. Banning for that just seems so heavy handed.
I wouldn't blame them if they don't come back, however it'd be a real shame. (I'd try and make a joke about finding some glue at this point, however it's just too sad a situation.)
Hello there, guys. My name is Tammy, Pie's gf and he wanted me to send you all his finale note.
I'm here to let you guys know about pie and jones. I know we cant talk about them or what took place but just to give you guys the heads up. Jones may return, should that option be given. Pie, however, will not. Yes, he felt like he should have said something to the Mods and had them deal with it but at the same time, he was attacked, hurt and did what he felt needed to be done-which was to defend. The things Nat said about him, humiliate and offend his work was unexceptable.
He feels like if someone gets banned for defending their work, ideas or thoughts, then its not worth his time. He is upset, however, that he could not finish the story in regards to the kids but was pleased and content with his Lyla and Georgie and Gren and Carla story. He regrets nothing. He and Jones are still in contact (can you believe they live in the same town, just different sides! How cool is that!) Pie is continuing to draw, write and finish school. He is heartbroken by all of this but if this is what is best, so be it.
He wants me to thank you guys for everything and hopes you all continue your wonderful stories.
Hello there, guys. My name is Tammy, Pie's gf and he wanted me to send you all his finale note.
I'm here to let you guys know about pie … moreand jones. I know we cant talk about them or what took place but just to give you guys the heads up. Jones may return, should that option be given. Pie, however, will not. Yes, he felt like he should have said something to the Mods and had them deal with it but at the same time, he was attacked, hurt and did what he felt needed to be done-which was to defend. The things Nat said about him, humiliate and offend his work was unexceptable.
He feels like if someone gets banned for defending their work, ideas or thoughts, then its not worth his time. He is upset, however, that he could not finish the story in regards to the kids but was pleased and content with his Lyla and Georgie and Gren and Carla story. He regrets nothing. He and Jones are still in contact (can you believe they live in the same town, ju… [view original content]
Ah, as it is really unfortunate to hear this, I understand completely. Please tell him that we appreciate him sharing his stories with us, you are lucky to have a partner such as him!
Anyways, send pudding and Jones my best regards, their stories were amazing additions to this topic! I just hope that the both of them may consider coming back on here to post their stories someday!
Hello there, guys. My name is Tammy, Pie's gf and he wanted me to send you all his finale note.
I'm here to let you guys know about pie … moreand jones. I know we cant talk about them or what took place but just to give you guys the heads up. Jones may return, should that option be given. Pie, however, will not. Yes, he felt like he should have said something to the Mods and had them deal with it but at the same time, he was attacked, hurt and did what he felt needed to be done-which was to defend. The things Nat said about him, humiliate and offend his work was unexceptable.
He feels like if someone gets banned for defending their work, ideas or thoughts, then its not worth his time. He is upset, however, that he could not finish the story in regards to the kids but was pleased and content with his Lyla and Georgie and Gren and Carla story. He regrets nothing. He and Jones are still in contact (can you believe they live in the same town, ju… [view original content]
Thank you. He is a wonderful man and its a shame. He is so passionate about his work and for someone like that to hurt him so much... He does, however have a deviantart, so if you guys are still interested in his work, you can see it there. Just got it today! Just look for the name 'GeorgiePuddin' He thanks you all for your love and support, by the way. You guys have been nothing but wonderful to him.
Ah, as it is really unfortunate to hear this, I understand completely. Please tell him that we appreciate him sharing his stories with us, y… moreou are lucky to have a partner such as him!
Anyways, send pudding and Jones my best regards, their stories were amazing additions to this topic! I just hope that the both of them may consider coming back on here to post their stories someday!
Yeah, it makes sense, and it would seem that talking about those who are banned can - eventually - lead to a ban.
We're still a good bunch, it's just such a shame because everyone here creates such unique stuff that it's a real creative loss. Plus, everyone (mostly) is/has been friendly. Guess I'd best leave things there, though.
I suppose it depends on how the person maturely goes about it, if a troll or any wannabe were to talk crap to someone - which determines whe… morether they are temp-banned or not. (if that makes sense)
Plus, the person could simply ignore what they say altogether, while a mod edits or removes the offensive comment. I do agree with what you said, though I do not want to talk about it any further since talking about banned users is not recommended on the forums.
I'm glad that you're still an active contributor on here, along with Stone, and Emmy, including a few others. So there's still good coming out of this at least.
All I can so is echo what Mark and Dragon have said, but I want to say it for myself. I'm sorry to hear this though, I understand why Pie would decide not to return even if the option is given. He did nothing wrong. Glad to hear he has a deviantart - the guy is a talented writer and artist, and it would be a shame if this injustice stopped any of it.
If Jones gets the chance to come back he really should! He didn't have many stories, yet they were done with skill, and he's a nice guy
Thank you. He is a wonderful man and its a shame. He is so passionate about his work and for someone like that to hurt him so much... He doe… mores, however have a deviantart, so if you guys are still interested in his work, you can see it there. Just got it today! Just look for the name 'GeorgiePuddin' He thanks you all for your love and support, by the way. You guys have been nothing but wonderful to him.
Georgie & Lyla forever!
Me and my brother Walter make our way to Fabletown, we rent a place for a couple of days. According to my leads, this Bluebeard person lives in The Woodlands. That's our next destination and that's where we will get our answers from.
My brother tells me to be prepared for anything, and of course I'm way ahead of him. I broke into much more secure places than a simple apartment building. However that is no excuse not to let down my guard..
We arrive at The Woodlands front gate. It's dark out.. We look around and walk around to the back and climb up the fire escapes. There is a window open a few feet away from us. I peek through it to see if the coast is clear, we into a well decorated room. There is a jacket with snowflakes on it. This doesn't seem to be where Bluebeard lives.
Walter tells me that we need to do this carefully, so he decides to keep watch from outside while I search for Bluebeard's apartment. If anything happens we have a very special bird call to let us know if one of us is in danger. Dunno if it can be heard from inside these walls but it's worth a try.. I have my magic sword after all...
I leave the room and look around in the hallway. I hide myself in the shadows as a flying monkey flies past.. Yes a flying monkey..and to be honest, I am not surprised. This place feels strange. I felt some kind of presence when I entered this place.
After checking around making sure I was in the clear, I continued to scan the halls, then after awhile I finally see the bald man again. Bluebeard, the one who worked with Barney and Redd. It was time to lay down justice.
I watched as he entered the apartment and closed the door behind him. I walked up the to door and examined it. It was... unlocked. This had to be a trap or some kind of coincidence. I could turn back and wait for him to leave again...or I can just carefully...nahhh screw it.
I opened the door carefully and quietly as possible, then closed it in the same sequence. All the lights were off accept the ones in the other room, his office. I used the power of my sword to shroud myself to blend in with the darkness.
Just before I began to move, the lights turn on, and Bluebeard greets me while holding his rapier. He tells me that this isn't the first time a fable tried to sneak into his apartment. I ask him what the hell is a fable and Bluebeard replies "You and your brother Walter. I know exactly who you are and what you can do."
Bluebeard then calls his henchmen in who is carrying Walter who is tied up. They caught Walter, but how? He is nearly as fast and agile as me...Bluebeard must of know that we were coming..
I told Bluebeard to let my brother go or else, but he laughs and slams his rapier into the ground. He tells me he knows why I am here and offers me a deal. If I could defeat him a duel he'll release my brother. Something tells me there is a catch, but no matter. I am going to kick this bald bastards ass and bring him to justice. He has no idea what he's dealing with...
I draw my sword and he picks his up and me prepare to face off.
Thank you. He is a wonderful man and its a shame. He is so passionate about his work and for someone like that to hurt him so much... He doe… mores, however have a deviantart, so if you guys are still interested in his work, you can see it there. Just got it today! Just look for the name 'GeorgiePuddin' He thanks you all for your love and support, by the way. You guys have been nothing but wonderful to him.
Georgie & Lyla forever!
(Bigby has had enough of Phil, he's threated the women he loved most if Phil wanted the beast he sure was going to get it, Bigby transformed into his finally form the battle of gods has finally begun)
Phil:( Phil threw snow to the side) Now were talking, now your speaking my kind of language fur ball( Phil transformed into his final form the winged sea god from legends The Harbinger)
(Bigby used his huff and puff on Harbinger. While Phil shot lightning from mouth that came out like a canon, they were locked into a struggle that could have lasted for centuries, however Bigby's bitten arm slowly started to kick in, the pain was unbearable so much so he collapsed under his own weight and took Phil's lighting head on, he charged with all his might but it was no use, Bigby fell)
Phil: Get up you dog!
Snow: Bigby!!!
Phil: how touching am sorry to break the mood but you know what am not sorry hahaha
Anyway all be taking him now.
Snow: No!
(Phil flew over to bigby and picked him up with his feat, he took bigby far up into the sky until he disappeared into the clouds)
Okay, I'll make a story. But I'm warning you, you've created a monster.
*Footsteps echoed down the dark alleyway, their splashes damp with the night's rain. A short, stout man stumbled behind a dark green garbage bin. His short, desperate breath's could be seen in the chilling night air. The man closed his eyes and silently prayed that the person...THING, that was after him wouldn't be able to catch up. Praying, however, was useless. *
"I'm a little tea pot..." There was a loud clang of metal on metal farther down the alley. The man froze. No...surely he couldn't be here? He lost it at the intersection! It's impossible!
"Short and fat..." The noise was closer to the cowering man this time. By now, the poor guy was sweating profusely. His hot sweat combined with the freezing New York rain almost made it seem as if steam were rising off of him.
"No matter where you run..." The clang was now on the garbage bin that the man was hiding behind. He let out a shrill, high pitched scream.
"You're getting my bat!" A large metal baseball bat swung down and hit the man on the knee. You could hear the crack of bones breaking and tendons snapping as he let out another cry. Tears streamed down his face as he looked up at his attacker. He was tall, and his dark skin stretched over lean muscles. He wore long, baggy shorts and a basketball jersey for a school he couldn't recognize.
"Please...please, I didn't do nuthin, I swear, I'll pay you back, I- AAAAAAAAAAHG!!!" The bat swung down on his other knee.
"Pete, both you and I know that's never gonna happen. I can't have you going around ruining my reputation. We had a game. You lost. You don't leave me with a choice, Pot." Poor Pete was sobbing into his now dirty polo shirt. Steam actually WAS coming from him now; a thin, moist vapor was crawling through his ears and nose and mouth.
"I'm sorry, but I have my own life to think about. Surely you'll understand, Pete. You can't mess with the Fresh Prince and not get away with it." The Prince raised his bat one final time, and Pete's final cry was drowned out by a large clap of thunder. Blood trailed down into the storm drains as the Prince swaggered down the alley. A dark figure stood at the opposite end, seemingly paralyzed with fear before running off.
A tall man with long brown hair stepped over the police caution tape. He sighed. "This can't be happening again." He thought. A beautiful woman wearing high heels and sporting her black hair in a bun walked over to the Sheriff.
"What do you think happened here, Bigby?" She asked, biting her lip with worry.
"I only know one thing, Snow." He growled softly.
"...what is that?" She asked, lips pursed.
Bigby turned to her, eyes yellow and pupils dilated in anger. He took another look at poor Pete Pots and snarled before he looked back at Snow.
"Someone's making trouble in my neighborhood."
So yeah. In case you couldn't tell, that was about the Little Tea Pot and the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Don't ask me how or WHY I thought of that, because even I don't know. It just kinda happened. There are probably some aesthetic mistakes, but that's okay for now. Enjoy my story...thing.
Chapter 4 Woodlands Part 1
Me and my brother Walter make our way to Fabletown, we rent a place for a couple of days. According to my lead… mores, this Bluebeard person lives in The Woodlands. That's our next destination and that's where we will get our answers from.
My brother tells me to be prepared for anything, and of course I'm way ahead of him. I broke into much more secure places than a simple apartment building. However that is no excuse not to let down my guard..
We arrive at The Woodlands front gate. It's dark out.. We look around and walk around to the back and climb up the fire escapes. There is a window open a few feet away from us. I peek through it to see if the coast is clear, we into a well decorated room. There is a jacket with snowflakes on it. This doesn't seem to be where Bluebeard lives.
Walter tells me that we need to do this carefully, so he decides to keep watch from outside while I search for Bluebeard's apartm… [view original content]
Happy 4th to you as well!
There isn't, I could have announced one, but I may hold off on giving a challenge until next month or something. Maybe. :P
I need to play that game again lol
Uh man...not this again. Really?? Jesus, man! Go away!
Seems like you are confusing the two-I DO NOT AGREE WITH HIS ACTIONS!!!! Okay? Yes, he DOES deserve to get his and yes, I will be sad IF he is killed off but oh well! It's a video gamn character! And if they bother you so much, stop reading them!
Oh wow...I'm not even going to...sheesh, man! I support rape and abuse?? How dare you!
Take the time to read the stories and understand where I'm coming from. I'm sorry you despise Georgie like that. I'm happy you like my other story, though. Just...stop with the negative comments. Please.
I really think you might have misjudged just how much support you're comment is going to get. I'm all for stating one's own opinion, however doing so in an obnoxious manner isn't helpful. Also, have you actually read what happens to Georgie in pudding_pies stories? You seem to have a strong view of the character that doesn't entirely match up to the reality.
Still, at least you liked the stories about Gren and Carla. Even though you refer to Carla as 'a girl', thus removing any notion of the character of Carla, which, again, is not how pudding_pie has written it. There's more of a focus on Carla than Gren, or at least half as much focus; however that is only my opinion. Hopefully it can prove to be a demonstration of how to express one in a more friendly manner.
they are cute kids, tho.
It is good you apologized to pudding in your other thread. But please, don't be disrespectful if someone else's story isn't to your liking, alright?
Look. I'm done with this. Let me just write in peace, Nat. I'm sorry you don't like Georgie. I get that. But please-you don't like it, go away. Cause no matter what you or anyone else says, Georgie IS my favorite; I have never gone around since I joined, pointing the finger and saying 'oh god, I hope your person dies, or their throat ripped out or whatever.'
Welcome to the world of video games, my dear man. Hope we can put this behind us and start fresh.
Peter Porgie
Part 1
"The tale of two Peters"
NOTE: Have a little time to write before I head off tonight.
Sorry, no picture this time but promise next section will. Enjoy!
Dear Diary: Man. That was a hard essay to write. Thought Genetic Modification would be an esay subject. Seemed easy, at least. No work today, so I might catch up on some sleep. Have not slept very well these past few days...keep having these strange dreams. I'm this huge wolf, fighting another wolf. Hm. Should ask mom. Going over there later for dinner. Can't wait to see dad. Miss him. Oh and my siblings are going, too. I hope there won't be problems...Better go. Need to take a shower.
There he was. This huge, black wolf; his eyes were a dark yellow, his teeth sharp like knives and his claws exposed. He was growling at me, as he licked his massive lips. I was quivering; I, too, was changed but my stature was nothing like the beast before me. I was at least half his height and weight. He carefully circled me, continuing to watch me. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. I felt the rage inside; this mysterious feeling growing stronger, each time the beast walked past me.
"Peter...we don't have to do this..." The wolf mumbled these words, as he peered into my eyes.
"Why...why are you here? What do you want from me?! Get out of here! You don't deserve to see me!"
"You're being foolish, Peter. I've tried for years-"
"NO! I have NEVER once seen you! And even when I try-"
"You CAN'T blame me, Peter! We were trying to protect you. They almost had you and-"
I lunged at the massive beast. My paws lept from the ground, kicking up dirt and gravel. My teeth were patrouding, my claws ready to dig into the flesh of his neck. He simply stood there; his eyes looked pathetic and melancholy. Before I could sink my teeth, he spoke:
"I love you, Peter...."
This was always the section were my world would spin; everything around me seemed to bleed into one color, a single sound. Nothing made sense and before long, he was gone and I stood alone in the dark. I'd call out; nothing would answer me back and I began to run aimlessly through the darkness. I would call out names; mom, dad, Junior, Ethan-hell, even Katie had me calling her name! Nothing. Then, I'd wake up...
I flung my body up, gasping, as I turned violently around my bed. I grabbed my face, arms, legs and chest; there was no sign of wolf fur or wounds. I sighed and fell back into my pillow. I looked over; 6:30am. 'Damn you,' I thought to myself.
I decided to 'wake' up and head into the shower. No work. No school. I did, however, have an essay. That could wait, however. Today, I just needed to sit and unwind. Later, I'd be going to my parents for dinner. Needed to see them. Dad was not looking very strong these past few weeks, though. Dr. Swineheart would run tests this week. God. I hope everything was okay. I'd be crushed if anything happened to him.
"PETER! You up?"
My roommate Peter stormed into the room, as he chomped down on an Apple. Yeah, that was his name-funny like that. Peter and Peter. One a 'human', the other a wolf. Peter and the Wolf. Psh.
"Yes. What do you want? Don't know how to knock?"
"Well, duh! But that is no fun, wolfy!"
"YEEEEES, Peter?"
I rolled my eyes, as I lifted myself up and stretched. To not confuse anyone, I'll call the other Peter 'Pete.' Yeah. That will work.
"Seriously. What do you want? I got things to do..."
"Yeah, yeah. School and all that bull. We will get this paper done-"
"Pete! Its due in a week and you have not even started it!"
"I HAVE an idea! Shit, man! Relax! It will get done..."
I stripped down to just my boxers and walked into the bathroom. As I turned on the water, Pete took a seat on the toilet. He continued to chomp on the Apple; parts flew around him, some landing on the counter. Pig. That was it. A pig.
"You dreaming again?"
I was taken slightly back by his question. Did he hear me talk again?
"You were hella' makin' these weird noises! Like, growling! Same one?"
"MAN! You should really take down that wolf, Peter! I mean-look at me! Telling you what to do!"
As Pete entered a laughing riot, I stood beneath the warm water and watched it fall down my skin. God, I hated that dream. What did it mean? Why now? Hopefully mom had answers.
"Hey, some girl called for you again!"
"She said her name was Winter. This is like the 5th time, dude. Think she has a crush on you!"
Huh. Not likely. If you only knew. Yeah, I knew Winter. I'd call her back later. Not now. Not after the dream. Wonder what she wants now. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my waist. As I stood before the mirror, trying to blow dry my hair, Pete stood beside me; God, his loud, unusual chewing was growing louder and more annoying!
"Pete, really?"
"OH! Sorry, dude...."
I finished up with some gel, a shave and change of clothes. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl for cereal. There it was-five missed calls on my phone. She could wait. As I poured the cereal, it began to ring; Hell's Bells echoing in our tiny apartment. Pete looked at me; he was beaming, perhaps waiting for my reaction.
"You gonna answer it?"
"Yeah just...hold on..."
I looked down; I was hoping it was not Winter. It was Emily. The hell? I answered it; she sounded strung out again. God, how I wish she didn't do those mundy drugs.
"Hey...hey, Peter?"
"Yes, Emily. What is it?"
"HEY! You going to mom and dad's tonight for dinner?"
"I planned on it...why?"
"Nah. Nah, just, miss you. Ya' never stop by anymore or call. You busy?"
The truth was, sometimes all I wanted was to be alone. I'd walk around Fabletown, earbuds in my ear, ipod blasting my favortie band and just walk. People would stop to stare, however and this always led me to run into the shadows or head back home. WHY did they always have to look at me like that?
"Okay. See you later, bro-"
There was a click. Just like that, she was gone. Oh, dear sweet Emily. Hopefully, she'd be on better behavior this time. Last 'family' dinner was a disaster. Katie and Penny fought with me, Emily was fucking high on dope, Ethan cried the entire time and Junior, like always, just sat there quietly. Mom was trying to control the chaos, while dad had to leave and go outside. We found him sitting on a bench, just looking out into the night sky. He was crying; never seen dad cry like that before.
"Your sister?"
"Why are you asking me, Pete? Does it really matter?"
"Hey! It was a question, dude. My bad."
"Uh, man. Not, its not you...I just have this weird feeling today."
"Well, try and get some sleep! I'm heading out later, so you will this place to yourself..."
I got up and walked over to the coffe maker, poured a cup and headed back into my room.
"Hey, Peter."
"Look. Just, take it easy, dude. can't blame yourself, kid. That is what will drive you insane, man. You're're not him, Peter. Just, remember that..."
I simply smiled at Pete, then headed into my room. I locked the door, turned on the stereo and threw myself back onto the bed. It creeked a few times, as I turned to face the window. The sun was shin ing down now, beating against my skin, as it warmed me up. I closed my eyes for a few seconds.
All I wanted was quiet; a chance to sit and relax without any noise. Any Petes. Any dreams. But, that was all I could see. Me. The big, black wolf. His face.
God. Couldn't wait to see mom tonight. I needed to talk. And soon.
Part 2 comming soon.
This was good, Pie! Poor he dreaming about 'you know who'? Is Pete from the story 'Peter and the wolf'?
Good job again, pie! Thumbs up! Can't wait for more!
hey-im sure this is the last person you wish to see but this was very good especially the beginning!! i did read your other stories and i must say you are very talented in taking characters and creating your own world!!! that artwork is simply breathtaking to say!! and yes the ending to your first was very sad!!! im curious now about peter. see he is in contact with winter!! wonder how that will go. good work pie!!! do keep writing!!
uh!!! georgie!! but-but it is good!! never been to portugal but it looks pretty!!
gees man....i have nothing to say but god how awful!!!
shes pretty!!! just like georgie indeed!!!
Whoa, what happened? Puddin and Jones.
Let's just say that an argument happened yesterday evening between pudding and a certain troll whose username starts with an N. Even though they both settled their differences, they still got banned.
I might post more on it later or tomorrow.
P.S. - Pudding and Jones didn't deserve to be banned either, in my honest opinion.
Chapter 3 Green Paper
So after I was about to make my escape I am suddenly pulled into a dark room by my older brother Walter. He tells me to be quiet as the guards run pass the room we are hiding in. I'm prepared to get lectured from my brother, but instead he points to a window and we make our way through it and exit the mansion.
Walter tells me that if he haven't interfered, the guards would of caught me. Then he tells me that i need to cut this 'outlaw/vigilante' mess out before I end up dead or worse? Whats worse than death?
Anyway I show him all of these documents that Barney had lying around. Walter doesn't look surprise. I mean, he knows what kind of person Barney is and what have he done to our neighborhood. This one time he approves of my actions...kinda. So now we're going to do what should been done a long time ago and bring justice to our neighborhood.
My brother is going to bring this documents I collected from Barney to public. There's enough there to put that slime away for a long time, and his cheesy lawyers won't be able to talk their way out of this one.. While I take all this money that barney stole from the community. I'm going to leave a sack full of money on each door step and then throw what's left into a crowd or something.
The next few days, I 'm chilling at my pad watching Barney's trial on the news. He's going away for a long time for all the fucked up things he did, however there no sign Redd and that bald man with the expensive glasses. They can't hide for long, I'll find them... eventually.
With Barney gone, his mansion got repossessed and turned into an orphanage for homeless children. The artwork from the mansion was either auctioned off or sold to museums. The crime rate in my neighborhood also went down a lot, everything was back to normal for now.
Redd and that bald man whereabouts are still unknown, but I have several leads on them. Redd will be easy to find so i'm going after the bald man first since he played a big part in the downfall of my neighborhood. He's not going to get away.
I make my way back to my house and gather my equipment, I am then interrupted by my brother Walter who ask me where the hell I am going. I tell him that I was going to take care some unfinished business. He shakes his head and tells me that's he's coming too. I'm surprised at first and then I ask him "why the change of heart, shouldn't you be stopping me from doing these kind of things?"
He tells me that he going to be my 'Chaperon'..
Anyway we leave our house and travel to a place called Fable Town in search of the bald man named Bluebeard..
To be continued
They got banned for defending Pudding's work? They were both great contributors, and I can't recall a time when they've been anything but supportive and polite on this thread. It might only be a temporary ban, as with Mark, however it's still way too excessive.
Considering I commented on the post that started it all, I'm grateful I haven't been banned as well. I'm not entirely sure how I avoided it, though.
Tension, political scandal, a building plot. This is impressive!
I'm assuming that one of the mods may have banned them for their constant arguments with Nat in multiple threads, still, the two shouldn't have been banned as they were certainly more reasonably nice in comparison to Nat. Y'know, especially when he first gave pudding shit for using Georgie to be Lyla's mate in his story. Besides, you're good since you didn't persist like they did.
Anyways, yeah, their bans will be temporary. Hopefully in a few weeks they'll come back, IF they come back. (if they don't, I'm honestly going to be a little heartbroken)
Yeah, they did seem to keep crossing swords, so to speak. Are people getting banned for defending themselves, though? Are we just supposed to leave it to the Moderators whenever someone starts spouting garbage at our ideas and stuff? Even if Pudding and Jones did keep arguing with Nat excessively - I don't know because I haven't seen that many of the comments - it's not surprising considering how offensive Nat was being. Banning for that just seems so heavy handed.
I wouldn't blame them if they don't come back, however it'd be a real shame. (I'd try and make a joke about finding some glue at this point, however it's just too sad a situation.)
I suppose it depends on how the person maturely goes about it, if a troll or any wannabe were to talk crap to someone - which determines whether they are temp-banned or not. (if that makes sense)
Plus, the person could simply ignore what they say altogether, while a mod edits or removes the offensive comment. I do agree with what you said, though I do not want to talk about it any further since talking about banned users is not recommended on the forums.
I'm glad that you're still an active contributor on here, along with Stone, and Emmy, including a few others. So there's still good coming out of this at least.
Hello there, guys. My name is Tammy, Pie's gf and he wanted me to send you all his finale note.
I'm here to let you guys know about pie and jones. I know we cant talk about them or what took place but just to give you guys the heads up. Jones may return, should that option be given. Pie, however, will not. Yes, he felt like he should have said something to the Mods and had them deal with it but at the same time, he was attacked, hurt and did what he felt needed to be done-which was to defend. The things Nat said about him, humiliate and offend his work was unexceptable.
He feels like if someone gets banned for defending their work, ideas or thoughts, then its not worth his time. He is upset, however, that he could not finish the story in regards to the kids but was pleased and content with his Lyla and Georgie and Gren and Carla story. He regrets nothing. He and Jones are still in contact (can you believe they live in the same town, just different sides! How cool is that!) Pie is continuing to draw, write and finish school. He is heartbroken by all of this but if this is what is best, so be it.
He wants me to thank you guys for everything and hopes you all continue your wonderful stories.
What not pudding pie his one of the most talented writers I have ever seen he must come back
WTF I check back in and everyone's banned
Ah, as it is really unfortunate to hear this, I understand completely. Please tell him that we appreciate him sharing his stories with us, you are lucky to have a partner such as him!
Anyways, send pudding and Jones my best regards, their stories were amazing additions to this topic! I just hope that the both of them may consider coming back on here to post their stories someday!
I told you we lost some good storytellers, it really is a sad moment to experience.
I didn't think you meant this D':
Thank you. He is a wonderful man and its a shame. He is so passionate about his work and for someone like that to hurt him so much... He does, however have a deviantart, so if you guys are still interested in his work, you can see it there.
Just got it today! Just look for the name 'GeorgiePuddin' He thanks you all for your love and support, by the way.
You guys have been nothing but wonderful to him.
Georgie & Lyla forever!

Yeah, it makes sense, and it would seem that talking about those who are banned can - eventually - lead to a ban.
We're still a good bunch, it's just such a shame because everyone here creates such unique stuff that it's a real creative loss. Plus, everyone (mostly) is/has been friendly. Guess I'd best leave things there, though.
All I can so is echo what Mark and Dragon have said, but I want to say it for myself. I'm sorry to hear this though, I understand why Pie would decide not to return even if the option is given. He did nothing wrong. Glad to hear he has a deviantart - the guy is a talented writer and artist, and it would be a shame if this injustice stopped any of it.
If Jones gets the chance to come back he really should! He didn't have many stories, yet they were done with skill, and he's a nice guy
Anyway, thanks to yourself for letting us know
Chapter 4 Woodlands Part 1
Me and my brother Walter make our way to Fabletown, we rent a place for a couple of days. According to my leads, this Bluebeard person lives in The Woodlands. That's our next destination and that's where we will get our answers from.
My brother tells me to be prepared for anything, and of course I'm way ahead of him. I broke into much more secure places than a simple apartment building. However that is no excuse not to let down my guard..
We arrive at The Woodlands front gate. It's dark out.. We look around and walk around to the back and climb up the fire escapes. There is a window open a few feet away from us. I peek through it to see if the coast is clear, we into a well decorated room. There is a jacket with snowflakes on it. This doesn't seem to be where Bluebeard lives.
Walter tells me that we need to do this carefully, so he decides to keep watch from outside while I search for Bluebeard's apartment. If anything happens we have a very special bird call to let us know if one of us is in danger. Dunno if it can be heard from inside these walls but it's worth a try.. I have my magic sword after all...
I leave the room and look around in the hallway. I hide myself in the shadows as a flying monkey flies past.. Yes a flying monkey..and to be honest, I am not surprised. This place feels strange. I felt some kind of presence when I entered this place.
After checking around making sure I was in the clear, I continued to scan the halls, then after awhile I finally see the bald man again. Bluebeard, the one who worked with Barney and Redd. It was time to lay down justice.
I watched as he entered the apartment and closed the door behind him. I walked up the to door and examined it. It was... unlocked. This had to be a trap or some kind of coincidence. I could turn back and wait for him to leave again...or I can just carefully...nahhh screw it.
I opened the door carefully and quietly as possible, then closed it in the same sequence. All the lights were off accept the ones in the other room, his office. I used the power of my sword to shroud myself to blend in with the darkness.
Just before I began to move, the lights turn on, and Bluebeard greets me while holding his rapier. He tells me that this isn't the first time a fable tried to sneak into his apartment. I ask him what the hell is a fable and Bluebeard replies "You and your brother Walter. I know exactly who you are and what you can do."
Bluebeard then calls his henchmen in who is carrying Walter who is tied up. They caught Walter, but how? He is nearly as fast and agile as me...Bluebeard must of know that we were coming..
I told Bluebeard to let my brother go or else, but he laughs and slams his rapier into the ground. He tells me he knows why I am here and offers me a deal. If I could defeat him a duel he'll release my brother. Something tells me there is a catch, but no matter. I am going to kick this bald bastards ass and bring him to justice. He has no idea what he's dealing with...
I draw my sword and he picks his up and me prepare to face off.
To be continued
No problem, thanks for the response and the heads up!
I'll be sure to check it out sometime this week!
The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 6
(Bigby has had enough of Phil, he's threated the women he loved most if Phil wanted the beast he sure was going to get it, Bigby transformed into his finally form the battle of gods has finally begun)
Phil:( Phil threw snow to the side) Now were talking, now your speaking my kind of language fur ball( Phil transformed into his final form the winged sea god from legends The Harbinger)
(Bigby used his huff and puff on Harbinger. While Phil shot lightning from mouth that came out like a canon, they were locked into a struggle that could have lasted for centuries, however Bigby's bitten arm slowly started to kick in, the pain was unbearable so much so he collapsed under his own weight and took Phil's lighting head on, he charged with all his might but it was no use, Bigby fell)
Phil: Get up you dog!
Snow: Bigby!!!
Phil: how touching am sorry to break the mood but you know what am not sorry hahaha
Anyway all be taking him now.
Snow: No!
(Phil flew over to bigby and picked him up with his feat, he took bigby far up into the sky until he disappeared into the clouds)
End of part 6
Okay, I'll make a story. But I'm warning you, you've created a monster.
*Footsteps echoed down the dark alleyway, their splashes damp with the night's rain. A short, stout man stumbled behind a dark green garbage bin. His short, desperate breath's could be seen in the chilling night air. The man closed his eyes and silently prayed that the person...THING, that was after him wouldn't be able to catch up. Praying, however, was useless. *
"I'm a little tea pot..." There was a loud clang of metal on metal farther down the alley. The man froze. No...surely he couldn't be here? He lost it at the intersection! It's impossible!
"Short and fat..." The noise was closer to the cowering man this time. By now, the poor guy was sweating profusely. His hot sweat combined with the freezing New York rain almost made it seem as if steam were rising off of him.
"No matter where you run..." The clang was now on the garbage bin that the man was hiding behind. He let out a shrill, high pitched scream.
"You're getting my bat!" A large metal baseball bat swung down and hit the man on the knee. You could hear the crack of bones breaking and tendons snapping as he let out another cry. Tears streamed down his face as he looked up at his attacker. He was tall, and his dark skin stretched over lean muscles. He wore long, baggy shorts and a basketball jersey for a school he couldn't recognize.
"Please...please, I didn't do nuthin, I swear, I'll pay you back, I- AAAAAAAAAAHG!!!" The bat swung down on his other knee.
"Pete, both you and I know that's never gonna happen. I can't have you going around ruining my reputation. We had a game. You lost. You don't leave me with a choice, Pot." Poor Pete was sobbing into his now dirty polo shirt. Steam actually WAS coming from him now; a thin, moist vapor was crawling through his ears and nose and mouth.
"I'm sorry, but I have my own life to think about. Surely you'll understand, Pete. You can't mess with the Fresh Prince and not get away with it." The Prince raised his bat one final time, and Pete's final cry was drowned out by a large clap of thunder. Blood trailed down into the storm drains as the Prince swaggered down the alley. A dark figure stood at the opposite end, seemingly paralyzed with fear before running off.
A tall man with long brown hair stepped over the police caution tape. He sighed. "This can't be happening again." He thought. A beautiful woman wearing high heels and sporting her black hair in a bun walked over to the Sheriff.
"What do you think happened here, Bigby?" She asked, biting her lip with worry.
"I only know one thing, Snow." He growled softly.
"...what is that?" She asked, lips pursed.
Bigby turned to her, eyes yellow and pupils dilated in anger. He took another look at poor Pete Pots and snarled before he looked back at Snow.
"Someone's making trouble in my neighborhood."
So yeah. In case you couldn't tell, that was about the Little Tea Pot and the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Don't ask me how or WHY I thought of that, because even I don't know. It just kinda happened. There are probably some aesthetic mistakes, but that's okay for now. Enjoy my story...thing.
Hah! The ending reminded me of a certain scene from the comics.