The story of Phil aka The Harbinger part 6
(Bigby has had enough of Phil, he's threated the women he loved most if Phil wanted the beast … morehe sure was going to get it, Bigby transformed into his finally form the battle of gods has finally begun)
Phil:( Phil threw snow to the side) Now were talking, now your speaking my kind of language fur ball( Phil transformed into his final form the winged sea god from legends The Harbinger)
(Bigby used his huff and puff on Harbinger. While Phil shot lightning from mouth that came out like a canon, they were locked into a struggle that could have lasted for centuries, however Bigby's bitten arm slowly started to kick in, the pain was unbearable so much so he collapsed under his own weight and took Phil's lighting head on, he charged with all his might but it was no use, Bigby fell)
Phil: Get up you dog!
Snow: Bigby!!!
Phil: how touching am sorry to break t… [view original content]
Okay, I'll make a story. But I'm warning you, you've created a monster.
… more /***\
*Footsteps echoed down the dark alleyway, their splashes damp with the night's rain. A short, stout man stumbled behind a dark green garbage bin. His short, desperate breath's could be seen in the chilling night air. The man closed his eyes and silently prayed that the person...THING, that was after him wouldn't be able to catch up. Praying, however, was useless. *
"I'm a little tea pot..." There was a loud clang of metal on metal farther down the alley. The man froze. No...surely he couldn't be here? He lost it at the intersection! It's impossible!
"Short and fat..." The noise was closer to the cowering man this time. By now, the poor guy was sweating profusely. His hot sweat combined with the freezing New York rain almost made it seem as if ste… [view original content]
Chapter 4 Woodlands Part 1
Me and my brother Walter make our way to Fabletown, we rent a place for a couple of days. According to my lead… mores, this Bluebeard person lives in The Woodlands. That's our next destination and that's where we will get our answers from.
My brother tells me to be prepared for anything, and of course I'm way ahead of him. I broke into much more secure places than a simple apartment building. However that is no excuse not to let down my guard..
We arrive at The Woodlands front gate. It's dark out.. We look around and walk around to the back and climb up the fire escapes. There is a window open a few feet away from us. I peek through it to see if the coast is clear, we into a well decorated room. There is a jacket with snowflakes on it. This doesn't seem to be where Bluebeard lives.
Walter tells me that we need to do this carefully, so he decides to keep watch from outside while I search for Bluebeard's apartm… [view original content]
Ha, thanks! It's the first time I've written something since school let out so I know my grammar and form is a bit rusty, but I like it anyway. The entire story was based around me using that one ending line xD
Ha, thanks! It's the first time I've written something since school let out so I know my grammar and form is a bit rusty, but I like it anyway. The entire story was based around me using that one ending line xD
Well, well, a certain contributor is among us once again! I shall not say his name, as most of you know who he is. But I will say this though, welcome home, G.P.! We, and I, are glad to have you back!
'Family is like a tree with branches; we all grow in different directions, yet the roots remain as one.'
God. Can't I get any alone time anymore. I lifted my head up and looked over; it was Winter. I directed my attention to the clock; it read 12:30. Fuck. I had completly forgotten about Winter and i had thirty minutes to get ready and meet her at Central Park. I didn't need her to get in trouble; last thing I needed was Snow to find out and makes this an inconvenience for all of us.
"Peter? You there?"
I could barely hear her. Stupid reception. Swear my room is the worst to get calls.
"Yeah. I'm here. I'm heading down there now. Sorry...I kind of lost track of time."
"Don't worry. I'll be sitting on a bench by a large group of Pigeons. They saw my sandwich and now, they won't go away!"
I chuckled at the thought; this tiny girl with black hair in pigtails fighting off a large group of birds. Winter was the only one that tried to acknowledge me and for that, I couldn't ignore a chance to see her. After all, she was my half sister.
"I'll see you in a bit, Winter."
"Good. 'Cause I have something for you. See you in a bit."
After I got off the phone with Winter, I quickly headed into the bathroom. I tried to fix my hair up, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. I waved goodbye to Pete, who was too busy shaking his head. I knew what he was thinking; this wolf is insane and I'm only going to get hurt. Well, so be it. It's a risk and my father said that's what life is about-risks.
My father. I was so worried about him. I couldn't wait to go over there for dinner and spend some time with him. He was so good to me; so patient, loving and kind. He was the one person I could tell anything to. I brushed away a tear, as I turned the corner. The smell of fresh baked bread was in the air; the constant honking and noise of the city. I was too much like my mother; I hated the city and couldn't wait to leave. The older I got, the more the feeling grew.
When i finally found winter, she was sitting on the bench, continuing to feed the birds. for fuck's sake, I thought. She saw me heading in her direction, ran over and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. She buried her face into my neck and laughed.
"You are huge! Look at you!"
Like a monkey, she climbed over my shoulders and took a seat. She laid her head down against mine. "Stop growing, Peter! You're getting too big and people are going to ask you too many questions."
"Well, let them ask away. Its called 'genetics' my dear!"
We horsed around for a few minutes; we wrestled among the fallen leaves, as she threw tiny pebbles in my direction. A group of Geese honked, as we startled their nesting and soon, they were gone. Before long, she and I were blowing large amounts of air in their direction and laughed, when they became confused and flew into a tree. Winter continued to laugh hysterically, as I came to a sudden stop and looked into the pond. My reflection showed him; his face, his eyes. My ability to blow air and change on a dime. Fuck. I hated this.
"What's the matter, Peter?"
How much longer could I ignore it? Sooner or later, I'd have to face him. The world would not stop, just because Peter Porgie needed answers but was too chicken shit to ask. That's were mom comes in; she had to have them.
Winter stood beside me; her reflection shimmered, as the wind picked up and rippled it against the flow. My stayed the same; how I wish it would be like her reflection was.
"What are you looking at, Peter?"
"Nothing, Winter. Just...thinking."
Dad tells me thinking too much will cause problems for you-"
"Yeah, well, my dad said sometimes its good to stop and think."
Winter stared at me; I didn't notice it right away but she seemed so upset by my comment. She hesitated. She wanted to say it; say the very words I've been hearing since I could remember: 'But, he's NOT your father...' Yes. Yes he was.
"Yes Winter?"
"Do you know he talks about you?"
"You know who, silly. I wish...I wish you would come by and see him."
"Well, I can't. And besides, maybe if HE would come by-"
"He said he's tried, Peter. Your mommy and that guy-"
"Yes. Georgie. They won't let him...."
Was that the truth? I had no idea. A lot of things lately didn't make sense to me. I just wanted answers. I couldn't rely of winter, though. It was not her job to look after me and find out things she had no idea existed. It was not her fault; neither of them did a damn thing to me. Too bad. She was the only one that even TRIED to see me.
"What..what did you want to give me, Winter?"
She dug into her pocket and pulled put an envelope. All it had on it was my name. It was written in cursive. Snow White.
"Who is this from?"
"I don't know. My mom said its for you, so I'm guessing it's from da-"
I didn't need to say a word before she corrected herself.
"From, him. Sorry....."
"Don't worry, Winter. Its....its not your fault. Its never been..."
I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked down and noticed the number. It was Katie again; I also noticed a missed call from Junior and Emily. What did Katie suddenly want from me? I already knew about tonight. I'd call them back later.
"Do you have to go?"
"Yeah...I...I do."
She looked devestated. I knew her little heart was crushed but what choice did I have?
"I'll talk to you later, Winter. I've got things I need to do..."
"I understand."
Did she really? Maybe. Winter was very intelligent for her age. I could hold a conversation with her and not question her answers. I looked up and saw her; Snow walked behind winter, stood behind her and simply smiled at me. I gave Winter a large hug and simply gave a nod to Snow.
"Hello, Peter.."
"How have you been?"
"I've...I've been good."
I didn't want to stay much longer. I felt no need to. I didn't FEEL wanted there.
Winter waved one last time, before I disappered around the corner. I tried to hide my tears; I could feel the warm sensation beginning. Fuck. Hold it together, man.
I clutched the envelope close, as I headed down the street. I'd open it later. Right now, i was heading to the Pudding and Pie. Hopefully, they wouldn't mind my early arrival. I really needed to speak to mom. Needed to see dad.
Well, well, a certain contributor is among us once again! I shall not say his name, as most of you know who he is. But I will say this though, welcome home, G.P.! We, and I, are glad to have you back!
Alright, so I’ve managed to come up with some new ideas for my fable’s beginnings and for the overall plot of his story. I’m making quite a bit of changes to what I described in my first post. Some things will remain the same, while others will come as revelations as the story progresses. We’ll be discovering Peter’s story as it unfolds before him. He doesn’t know anything we don’t know. Like I said, I’m terrible at writing stories, so I’ll just be doing it all as a dialogue between the characters.
Oh! Before I continue, I just wanted to commend TellTale for what seems to be the inevitable inclusion of Bigby going “full-wolf” in the final episode. I don’t know if it’s something they had planned from the get-go (I doubt it), but I’m happy they listened to our clamor for it and delivered. I’m sure they had to put in some extra work to include it to make us happy, so kudos to them. That’s just awesome.
Also, while I may be the only person that feels this way, I just want to throw it out there. I don’t want a second season. Even though I've only played up until the fourth episode, to me it already feels like it doesn’t need a second season. I really hope they don’t release one and instead come out with guns blazing in the final episode. I know they’ll do just that, so the idea of a second season just makes me kind of disappointed. Personally, I hope they end it with “Cry Wolf”, and that’s that. One perfect season is perfect.
I’m on 360, so I haven’t played the finale yet. I have to wait until tomorrow. I’m cool. No spoilers, please.
This story takes place six years after the events of The Wolf Among Us. The year is 1992. It’s 3:17 a.m., and at 5475 Regal Commons, Apt. #44, Alexandria, Virginia, FBI Special Agent Peter Caves sleeps restlessly. His phone rings.
Peter: … Hello..?
Agent Makowitz: Hey, it’s Mak. Sorry to wake you…
Peter: … What’s up..?
Agent Makowitz: I’m at your door…
Peter: … What..?
Agent Makowitz: I mean I’m here, outside. I’m at your door.
Peter: … We get a case..?
Agent Makowitz: No. Well… I need to talk to you, and doing it over the phone just seemed like a bad idea.
Peter: Alright… Hold up…
Peter ends the call, gets out of bed, slides some jeans and a t-shirt on and opens the door. There stands FBI Special Agent Roy Makowitz.
Peter: Yo.
Agent Makowitz: I thought for sure you’d be playing video games.
Peter: Ha… You said no case, but you’re dressed for one…
Agent Makowitz: Yeah… Something happened, and I just thought it’d be best if I was the one to tell you.
Peter: … They’ve never even been to New York… And they wouldn’t go without telling me. That makes no sense.
Agent Makowitz: Westin’s already over there. He’s not letting the cops proceed until after you’ve identified the, uh… Look, if you don’t want to do this tonight, it’s okay…
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: … How’d they die?
Agent Makowitz: I wasn’t given specifics, but they’re saying suicide…
Peter: Suicide? No, that -- that doesn’t… They wouldn’t do that…
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: I’m sorry…
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: … Let me get dressed and, uh -- and we’ll head out.
Agent Makowitz: Okay.
Peter: Do me a favor and just make sure nobody touches anything. I mean, really. Please.
Agent Makowitz: I’m on it.
Peter: And, Mak…
Agent Makowitz: Yeah?
Peter: Thank you.
Agent Makowitz: … You’d do the same for me, Caveman.
Peter: Yeah… I would.
With a flight already waiting for them, both agents set out to New York. They arrive at the small, run-down motel and are greeted just outside of the motel room by Assistant Director Frank Westin.
A.D. Westin: Agent Makowitz... Agent Caves, I’m so sorry for your loss… I can’t imagine what you must be going through… You know you don’t have to do this right now. It can wait. You can sign the forms at the morgue.
Peter: Thank you, sir, but… I’m here.
A.D. Westin: You sure?
Peter: Yes, sir.
A.D. Westin: Alright…
The Assistant Director opens the door to the room. There, on the bed, lie the bodies of Peter’s parents. His father’s left hand holds his mother’s right, while his right hand holds a bottle of antidepressants and her left a note.
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: ...
Peter: …
A.D. Westin: Take your time, Agent. When you’re ready, let me know so we can get PD back here to finish up.
Peter stares at the bodies on the bed. He walks over to his father’s side and takes a look at the bottle in his hands. He walks over to his mother’s side and reads the note.
Peter: “Goodbye, cruel world.” … Seriously? You’d think it’d be something meaningful addressed to their only son, and not this cliché.
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: Were the bodies moved?
A.D. Westin: No. That’s exactly how they were found. Once identified, PD made the connection to the Bureau and notified me. I got here and told them to hold off for a while. I knew you’d want to take a look around, but it’s pretty obvious what happened.
Peter: Is it?
A.D. Westin: What do you mean?
Peter: I mean this looks staged. Suicide? An overdose? That note? And how they’re lying there…
Perfectly positioned… It’s just -- It’s too easy. It’s too simple.
A.D. Westin: Agent, there’s nothing that points to the contrary. Don’t over analyze this. Don’t do this to yourself.
Peter: It’s just that this… None of this feels right. If this is really how it was, I’d know it, and you know that.
A.D. Westin: You better than anyone know what’s going on here. You’ve seen it countless times, Agent. You’re in denial. And that’s okay. That’s normal, but don’t let it cloud your objectivity.
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: Cloud my objectivity? I’m your best agent. And that’s not narcissism, that’s the truth. You know it. When have I been wrong about something like this?
A.D. Westin: … You haven’t…
Peter: Then why won’t you back me up, sir?
A.D. Westin: Because I don’t want you ending up in a dark place. The things you’ve seen… I don’t want this to break you. You don’t think a man can succumb to grief with something like this?
Peter: If I leave this as is I’ll succumb to speculation, and that’s just as bad if you ask me. This isn’t what it seems. I know it.
A.D. Westin: So what do you want to do?
Peter: I want to investigate this. Full on.
A.D. Westin: Agent… We can’t be spending resources on a case that solves itself. I’m not trying to be cold. It’s just the way it is. You know that.
Peter: … Fine. Just me, then. Give me a week. Let me be so I can find what I can find, and at the end I’ll give you a full report. If you think there’s nothing there, then that’s that. But if there is, we pursue this thing.
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: … Sir, please… They’re my parents. They were all I had…
A.D. Westin: … sighs Fine. A week. No more. And you take care of yourself.
Peter: Thank you, sir. That’s all I ask. And I will.
Agent Makowitz: So, where do we start?
Peter: … No “we” this time, Mak. Besides, you’re needed at Violent Crimes.
Agent Makowitz: But…
Peter: I know. And I love you for it, but… This one’s just me.
Agent Makowitz: … Okay… but I’m here if you need anything. I know you know that, but…
Peter: I know… Thank you.
Agent Makowitz: … Alright, so, where are you going to start?
Peter: The lady that called it, where’s her statement?
A.D. Westin: Here…
Peter reads the statement in the police report to himself.
A.D Westin: What’re you expecting to find?
Peter: The reason for the call.
Agent Makowitz: What do you mean?
Peter: I mean, okay… How long would you say the bodies have been here for? Six hours, tops?
A.D. Westin: Thereabouts…
Agent Makowitz: Yeah…
Peter: So, we’re talking, what, 1 A.M.? This Mrs. Pruitt… She lives across the street… she made the call at 1:04… What prompted her to call at the exact moment my parents were sitting here taking the pills? Swallowing pills doesn’t exactly cause enough noise to be heard from across the street, so… why’d she call at that precise moment? How could this woman that, as far as I’m concerned, has no relation to my parents know to call?
A.D. Westin: What does the statement say?
Peter: You know what it says, sir. You read it. But I get why you and PD don’t buy it. It says that from her house across the street she hears yelling, screaming, and things being thrown. She gets up, looks outside, and sees light coming from only this room. She walks outside and it says here she sees three people struggling in this room. Then it all goes silent… She calls out, the light goes off and she hears a window shatter. And then she calls it in.
Peter: Because she’s eighty-one years old and it was at one in the morning. They don’t believe she heard what she heard and saw what she saw. Also, because this room is intact. Nothing’s been thrown. No windows are shattered. This room is spotless. No signs of any struggle whatsoever.
A.D. Westin: … Not much credibility.
Agent Makowitz: And she lives alone?
Peter: Sadly, yeah. Widow. No children.
Agent Makowitz: That’s ****** up…
Peter: Now, why is the old lady across the street the only person that heard or saw anything? There are rooms below and to the sides of this one, and no one else heard anything?
A.D. Westin: They’re vacant…
Peter: Exactly… The report says that every room in this motel has been vacant all night, except this one.
Agent Makowitz: It’s a small motel. Smallest I’ve ever seen. And the location… I bet it’s usually always vacant.
Peter: Come on… And I’d mention the motel room attendant, but apparently he was attending the motel from his girlfriend’s house a couple blocks from here. He was there until 1.30. PD got here before he did, and the girlfriend vouches for him. Tell me you’re not wondering…
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: It’s just all too clearly laid out to be what really happened.
Agent Makowitz: I have to admit, when you put it like that, it’s kind of weird.
A.D. Westin: Look, I suppose the circumstances are strange. You got me there, and I don’t know what to make of them. I don’t know what to tell you, but… You have nothing substantial to go on, Agent. Trust me, I want to believe you’re right, for your sake, but I look around and I just don’t see how you can prove an ulterior occurrence.
Peter: That’s what the week is for.
Agent Makowitz: And you’re going to visit with Mrs. Pruitt right now?
Peter: Well… No, I guess not. I suppose it wouldn’t be very considerate of me to wake her after what she’s been through tonight.
Agent Makowitz: I was going to say you need some shut-eye, but, yeah, that too.
A.D. Westin: I agree. Get some sleep, Agent. You can continue tomorrow. Find some calmness tonight.
Agent Makowitz: You need to take it easy, alright? You’ll do better with fresh eyes.
Peter: … Yeah…
A.D. Westin: I’ll find you some place close while we get the cops back here.
Peter: Sir, I’m not done here.
A.D. Westin: Agent…
Peter: Sir, I need sole access to the scene. I don’t want anybody here until I’m done… A couple of days… Maybe earlier. When I’m done I’ll let you know and we can call PD together.
A.D. Westin: sighs Yeah -- Yeah, okay. Let’s, uh -- Let’s go see where you’ll be staying, then.
As the agents and assistant director leave the motel room, Peter sees a hooded individual standing in the distance.
Peter: … Wait… Someone’s watching…
A.D. Westin: What? Where?
Peter: Between the navy sedan and the liquor store. Hoodie.
Agent Makowitz: Yeah, I see him.
A.D. Westin: … Okay, I see him. What do you want to do? You want to talk to him?
Peter: Wouldn’t you?
A.D. Westin: Yes, I would.
Agent Makowitz: You think he knows something?
Peter: Well, I want to know why he’s standing there watching.
Agent Makowitz: Let’s get him, then.
Peter: Hold on... This guy’s a runner, and I don’t think he’s noticed us notice him. Let’s keep it that way.
Peter: Because we’re having a spat. I’m going to push you and you’re going to yell whatever comes to mind. I’m going to drive away and pull up behind him. We’ll box him in.
A.D. Westin: Yeah, that could work…
Peter pushes Agent Makowitz.
Agent Makowitz: What the ****, man! **** you, then!
A.D. Westin: Alright you two! That’s enough! Agent Caves, go home! Agent Makowitz, you’re with me!
Peter gets into the car, leaves the motel parking lot and circles behind the hooded man. He gets out and slowly approaches the unaware, hooded man on foot. A.D. Westin and Agent Makowitz casually drive towards him. As Peter approaches him, the man turns around and sees him.
Peter: FBI! Right there! Stay right there!
The hooded individual stands there for a moment, then suddenly takes off running. Peter takes off after him. A.D. Westin and Agent Makowitz engage in vehicular pursuit. Peter follows the man into a five story apartment building. As they make their way up the stairs, the hooded man throws various objects in Peter’s path. They make it to the roof, where the man has nowhere else to run.
Peter: There’s nowhere else to go! We just want to talk, alright?! Turn around slowly and stay right where you are!
The hooded man, again, stands there for a moment, and then jumps off the roof. Peter runs towards the edge and manages to see the man falling right before he hits the ground. The man lands in the worst way, lays there for a couple of seconds before getting up and limping away into the night.
Peter: … Mother hubbard…
Peter stands there in disbelief as A.D. Westin and Agent Makowitz make it to the roof.
A.D. Westin: Where is he?!
Peter: … I lost him…
Agent Makowitz: ****!
A.D. Westin: What do you mean you lost him?! We’re on a roof, Agent! What, did he fly away?!
Peter: … He might as well have... He jumped off…
With Peter still looking down with disbelief, the assistant director looks down as well, only to see nothing.
Peter: Sir, you two should be heading back. People still need help. I’ll be alright.
A.D. Westin: Are you sure? I mean… you don’t look alright.
Peter: I said I’ll be fine.
Agent Makowitz: …
A.D. Westin: … Okay… Let’s go, Agent Makowitz.
The three men descend the building and say their goodbyes.
Agent Makowitz: Alright, Caveman. Be good, and call me.
Peter: Will do.
The partners fist bump.
A.D. Westin: Take care of yourself, Agent Caves.
Peter: I will, sir. You too.
Peter drives back to the motel and rents a room right next to the one containing his parents’ bodies. He takes his suit jacket off, loosens his tie, lays on the bed and closes his eyes. However, feeling much too uneasy about leaving the scene unattended while he sleeps and overpowered by the need to get closer to the truth as quickly as possible, he opens his eyes.
Peter: … sighs … Okay.
He gets up and walks to the site of his parents’ death. The room is immaculate. It’s literally something out of a magazine. He puts some gloves on and spends the next couple of hours unsuccessfully combing the locale for something to go on. Frustration kicks in.
Peter: … Come on… There’s nothing… violently claps his hands together in frustration … There’s got to be something…
He crouches in the middle of the room, cupping his hands together in front of his face, inhaling and exhaling slowly as he scans everything around him.
Peter: … Come on… … Come on… … Come on…
Although having seen it in passing more than once, Peter suddenly focuses his attention on the single framed picture hanging on a wall. It’s a picture of a starry night. He gets up and walks towards it. There’s a quote near the bottom of the picture, “Stars can’t shine without darkness.” He stands in front of the framed picture, staring at it while repeating the quote to himself.
Not thinking about what he was about to do, but more so going on instinct, Peter walks over to the light switch and moves it down. The room is black. He looks up and sees a small glow-in-the-dark star. He switches the light back on. The star is gone. He switches the light off, and the star reappears. He switches the light on again, and the star is nowhere to be found.
Peter: … What?
Peter switches the lights off, and notices that the star is next to where the fan connects to the ceiling. He walks over to the small desk in the room and moves it directly under the ceiling fan. He stands on top of the desk and proceeds to pick the glow-in-the-dark sticker off. As soon as he removes the sticker, the entire ceiling fan falls to the ground.
Peter: Whoa! … What the heck…
Peter stands there trying to wrap his mind around what just happened before getting off the desk to clean up the glass from the shattered bulbs, and in doing so sees something written on the top of one of the fan’s blades. It’s an address.
Peter: … “113 Adhan Street, Apt 6, New York, NY”…
Although rattled by what just happened, but intrigued by the address and where it might lead, he quickly takes out his brick of a 90s cellphone and calls Agent Makowitz. Agent Makowitz answers.
Agent Makowitz: Makowitz…
Peter: Mak, it’s Caves.
Agent Makowitz: I knew you wouldn’t get any rest! I knew it!
Peter: You’re not home yet, are you?
Agent Makowitz: No, I’m just leaving the office. I’m going to try and get some sleep before coming back.
Peter: No, no, no, no, no… I need you to do something for me.
Agent Makowitz: You found something, didn’t you?
Peter: Hopefully. I need you to run an address.
Agent Makowitz: Alright, what’s the address?
Peter: It’s 113 Adhan Street, Apt 6, New York, NY. I also need to know how to get there from here.
Agent Makowitz: “113 Adhan Street, Apt 6, New York, NY”?
Peter: Correct.
Agent Makowitz: Alright, give me a few and I’ll call you back.
Peter: Awesome. Thanks.
Agent Makowitz: No problem.
Peter ends the call and looks around the room for a broom or vacuum to clean up the glass from the broken fan. Unable to find either, he grabs the chair and sits down. Having found what he could find, it finally dawned on him that his parents’ bodies lay on the bed only a couple of feet away from him. As he sat there staring at his parents, he was flooded with memories of them. Memories spanning from his childhood to the last time he spoke to them. He wants to give in to the memories. He tries to remember as much as he can. His phone rings.
Peter: Caves…
Agent Makowitz: Hey. Okay, so, I couldn’t find anything.
Peter: You’ve got to be kidding me. Nothing?
Agent Makowitz: Nothing came up for that address. I looked and looked. You know I’m terrible with these ******* computers. I’ll get Rohrer to help as soon as he comes in.
Peter: sighs Okay…
Agent Makowitz: Until then, get some sleep. I’m serious.
Peter: Okay. Thanks again. Good night.
Agent Makowitz: Good night? It’s almost morning.
Peter: Right…
Agent Makowitz: Seriously, get some sleep.
Peter: Yes, Mak.
Agent Makowitz: Alright. Stay strong, partner.
Peter: I’ll try. Bye.
The call ends and Peter leaves for his room next door. Still worried about the hooded man showing up while he’s fast asleep, Peter calls the New York Police Department and requests some officers be dispatched to guard the scene until he decides to turn it over to them. He waits for them outside until they finally arrive.
Peter: Good morning, boys.
Officer Hernandez: Good morning, Agent. I’m Hernandez. This is Wilson. What do you need from us, sir?
Peter: I need you to be my eyes and ears here. You’re going to stick to room #13 like dirt under a fingernail. I’m waiting on a call from my partner. Until then, I’m going to try and get some rest. I’m going to be out and about the rest of the day, so I need you two to stay vigilant. I’m not expecting you to run into any trouble, but just be on the lookout for a man with a grey hoodie. Over six feet. Stocky. Around two hundred pounds, maybe. You see this guy, you call me. You see anything suspicious, you call me. Yeah?
Officer Hernandez: Yes, sir.
Peter: Alright, thanks, guys.
Peter heads back to his motel room. He lays down, closes his eyes and sleeps.
You can insert images within your posts by clicking the image button/widget in the toolbar above the textbox - from there, you have to paste the link to your picture inside the given space in order for it to show up. I hope that makes sense!
Nice job on the first part to your tale as well! Can't wait to see more.
You can insert images within your posts by clicking the image button/widget in the toolbar above the textbox - from there, you have to paste… more the link to your picture inside the given space in order for it to show up. I hope that makes sense!
Nice job on the first part to your tale as well! Can't wait to see more.
Copy and paste the picture in your usb to whatever folder you store your pictures in, until you eventually post your image online. (any photo-sharing website should suffice) Then, copy and paste the link to your picture and it should show.
He's doin' good. Misses everyone but understands. Can you believe this fool lives in my hometown! We hang out all the time now. Guess the internet does wonders sometimes!
He's doin' good. Misses everyone but understands. Can you believe this fool lives in my hometown! We hang out all the time now. Guess the internet does wonders sometimes!
Yeah, your gf told us that in one of her earlier comments. :P I also commented on your DA too if you hadn't seen it yet. XP
Hopefully his account will be available to him soon!
Agent Makowitz: “113 Adhan Street, Apt 6, New York, NY”?
Peter: Correct.
Agent Makowitz: Alright, give me a few and I’ll call you back… more.
Peter: Awesome. Thanks.
Agent Makowitz: No problem.
Peter ends the call and looks around the room for a broom or vacuum to clean up the glass from the broken fan. Unable to find either, he grabs the chair and sits down. Having found what he could find, it finally dawned on him that his parents’ bodies lay on the bed only a couple of feet away from him. As he sat there staring at his parents, he was flooded with memories of them. Memories spanning from his childhood to the last time he spoke to them. He wants to give in to the memories. He tries to remember as much as he can. His phone rings.
Peter: Caves…
Agent Makowitz: Hey. Okay, so, I couldn’t find anything.
Peter: You’ve got to be kidding me. Nothing?
Agent Makowitz: Nothing came up for that address. I looked and looked. You kno… [view original content]
Can I just tell you, I love Peter's story! Poor guy is so lost and confused about WHO he really is. That last part especially made it clear: 'Needed to feel like a Porgie again.' Poor guy! Keep going, Pie! More!
Peter Porgie
Part 2
'Family is like a tree with branches; we all grow in different directions, yet the roots remain as one.'
God. Can't I get any alone time anymore. I lifted my head up and looked over; it was Winter. I directed my attention to the clock; it read 12:30. Fuck. I had completly forgotten about Winter and i had thirty minutes to get ready and meet her at Central Park. I didn't need her to get in trouble; last thing I needed was Snow to find out and makes this an inconvenience for all of us.
"Peter? You there?"
I could barely hear her. Stupid reception. Swear my room is the worst to get calls.
"Yeah. I'm here. I'm heading down there now. Sorry...I kind of lost track of time."
"Don't worry. I'll be sitting on a bench by a large group of Pigeons. They saw my sandwich and now, they won't go away!"
I chuckled at the thought; this tiny girl with black ha… [view original content]
I guess this is kind of cheating, but I just started a fanfic with several Fables based on real stories, along with a yet to be revealed Fable. Check it out:
I've missed my pudding'n'pie! XD
ahem got a little excited there.
Glad to see you back though, and let Jones know I will certainly welcome his return too
Can I just tell you, I love Peter's story! Poor guy is so lost and confused about WHO he really is. That last part especially made it clear: 'Needed to feel like a Porgie again.' Poor guy! Keep going, Pie! More!
Well then, Bigby is in a bit of a pickle now.
It was good for your first attempt, Cheesecakes! I certainly liked it, especially how you ended it with that quote. Haha.
Oh snap!! 0.0 That was good! More! Freakin Bluebeard! XD
Welcome back!
Ha, thanks! It's the first time I've written something since school let out so I know my grammar and form is a bit rusty, but I like it anyway. The entire story was based around me using that one ending line xD
Hey! Thanks!
Glad to be back.
Anytime! If you ever feel like making more, feel free to do so!
Well, well, a certain contributor is among us once again! I shall not say his name, as most of you know who he is. But I will say this though, welcome home, G.P.! We, and I, are glad to have you back!
Peter Porgie
Part 2
'Family is like a tree with branches; we all grow in different directions, yet the roots remain as one.'
God. Can't I get any alone time anymore. I lifted my head up and looked over; it was Winter. I directed my attention to the clock; it read 12:30. Fuck. I had completly forgotten about Winter and i had thirty minutes to get ready and meet her at Central Park. I didn't need her to get in trouble; last thing I needed was Snow to find out and makes this an inconvenience for all of us.
"Peter? You there?"
I could barely hear her. Stupid reception. Swear my room is the worst to get calls.
"Yeah. I'm here. I'm heading down there now. Sorry...I kind of lost track of time."
"Don't worry. I'll be sitting on a bench by a large group of Pigeons. They saw my sandwich and now, they won't go away!"
I chuckled at the thought; this tiny girl with black hair in pigtails fighting off a large group of birds. Winter was the only one that tried to acknowledge me and for that, I couldn't ignore a chance to see her. After all, she was my half sister.
"I'll see you in a bit, Winter."
"Good. 'Cause I have something for you. See you in a bit."
After I got off the phone with Winter, I quickly headed into the bathroom. I tried to fix my hair up, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. I waved goodbye to Pete, who was too busy shaking his head. I knew what he was thinking; this wolf is insane and I'm only going to get hurt. Well, so be it. It's a risk and my father said that's what life is about-risks.
My father. I was so worried about him. I couldn't wait to go over there for dinner and spend some time with him. He was so good to me; so patient, loving and kind. He was the one person I could tell anything to. I brushed away a tear, as I turned the corner. The smell of fresh baked bread was in the air; the constant honking and noise of the city. I was too much like my mother; I hated the city and couldn't wait to leave. The older I got, the more the feeling grew.
When i finally found winter, she was sitting on the bench, continuing to feed the birds. for fuck's sake, I thought. She saw me heading in her direction, ran over and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. She buried her face into my neck and laughed.
"You are huge! Look at you!"
Like a monkey, she climbed over my shoulders and took a seat. She laid her head down against mine. "Stop growing, Peter! You're getting too big and people are going to ask you too many questions."
"Well, let them ask away. Its called 'genetics' my dear!"
We horsed around for a few minutes; we wrestled among the fallen leaves, as she threw tiny pebbles in my direction. A group of Geese honked, as we startled their nesting and soon, they were gone. Before long, she and I were blowing large amounts of air in their direction and laughed, when they became confused and flew into a tree. Winter continued to laugh hysterically, as I came to a sudden stop and looked into the pond. My reflection showed him; his face, his eyes. My ability to blow air and change on a dime. Fuck. I hated this.
"What's the matter, Peter?"
How much longer could I ignore it? Sooner or later, I'd have to face him. The world would not stop, just because Peter Porgie needed answers but was too chicken shit to ask. That's were mom comes in; she had to have them.
Winter stood beside me; her reflection shimmered, as the wind picked up and rippled it against the flow. My stayed the same; how I wish it would be like her reflection was.
"What are you looking at, Peter?"
"Nothing, Winter. Just...thinking."
Dad tells me thinking too much will cause problems for you-"
"Yeah, well, my dad said sometimes its good to stop and think."
Winter stared at me; I didn't notice it right away but she seemed so upset by my comment. She hesitated. She wanted to say it; say the very words I've been hearing since I could remember: 'But, he's NOT your father...' Yes. Yes he was.
"Yes Winter?"
"Do you know he talks about you?"
"You know who, silly. I wish...I wish you would come by and see him."
"Well, I can't. And besides, maybe if HE would come by-"
"He said he's tried, Peter. Your mommy and that guy-"
"Yes. Georgie. They won't let him...."
Was that the truth? I had no idea. A lot of things lately didn't make sense to me. I just wanted answers. I couldn't rely of winter, though. It was not her job to look after me and find out things she had no idea existed. It was not her fault; neither of them did a damn thing to me. Too bad. She was the only one that even TRIED to see me.
"What..what did you want to give me, Winter?"
She dug into her pocket and pulled put an envelope. All it had on it was my name. It was written in cursive. Snow White.
"Who is this from?"
"I don't know. My mom said its for you, so I'm guessing it's from da-"
I didn't need to say a word before she corrected herself.
"From, him. Sorry....."
"Don't worry, Winter. Its....its not your fault. Its never been..."
I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked down and noticed the number. It was Katie again; I also noticed a missed call from Junior and Emily. What did Katie suddenly want from me? I already knew about tonight. I'd call them back later.
"Do you have to go?"
"Yeah...I...I do."
She looked devestated. I knew her little heart was crushed but what choice did I have?
"I'll talk to you later, Winter. I've got things I need to do..."
"I understand."
Did she really? Maybe. Winter was very intelligent for her age. I could hold a conversation with her and not question her answers. I looked up and saw her; Snow walked behind winter, stood behind her and simply smiled at me. I gave Winter a large hug and simply gave a nod to Snow.
"Hello, Peter.."
"How have you been?"
"I've...I've been good."
I didn't want to stay much longer. I felt no need to. I didn't FEEL wanted there.
Winter waved one last time, before I disappered around the corner. I tried to hide my tears; I could feel the warm sensation beginning. Fuck. Hold it together, man.
I clutched the envelope close, as I headed down the street. I'd open it later. Right now, i was heading to the Pudding and Pie. Hopefully, they wouldn't mind my early arrival. I really needed to speak to mom. Needed to see dad.
Needed to feel like a Porgie again.
Glad to be back!
Alright, so I’ve managed to come up with some new ideas for my fable’s beginnings and for the overall plot of his story. I’m making quite a bit of changes to what I described in my first post. Some things will remain the same, while others will come as revelations as the story progresses. We’ll be discovering Peter’s story as it unfolds before him. He doesn’t know anything we don’t know. Like I said, I’m terrible at writing stories, so I’ll just be doing it all as a dialogue between the characters.
Oh! Before I continue, I just wanted to commend TellTale for what seems to be the inevitable inclusion of Bigby going “full-wolf” in the final episode. I don’t know if it’s something they had planned from the get-go (I doubt it), but I’m happy they listened to our clamor for it and delivered. I’m sure they had to put in some extra work to include it to make us happy, so kudos to them. That’s just awesome.
Also, while I may be the only person that feels this way, I just want to throw it out there. I don’t want a second season. Even though I've only played up until the fourth episode, to me it already feels like it doesn’t need a second season. I really hope they don’t release one and instead come out with guns blazing in the final episode. I know they’ll do just that, so the idea of a second season just makes me kind of disappointed. Personally, I hope they end it with “Cry Wolf”, and that’s that. One perfect season is perfect.
I’m on 360, so I haven’t played the finale yet. I have to wait until tomorrow. I’m cool. No spoilers, please.
Among The Fables
Part 1
This story takes place six years after the events of The Wolf Among Us. The year is 1992. It’s 3:17 a.m., and at 5475 Regal Commons, Apt. #44, Alexandria, Virginia, FBI Special Agent Peter Caves sleeps restlessly. His phone rings.
Peter: … Hello..?
Agent Makowitz: Hey, it’s Mak. Sorry to wake you…
Peter: … What’s up..?
Agent Makowitz: I’m at your door…
Peter: … What..?
Agent Makowitz: I mean I’m here, outside. I’m at your door.
Peter: … We get a case..?
Agent Makowitz: No. Well… I need to talk to you, and doing it over the phone just seemed like a bad idea.
Peter: Alright… Hold up…
Peter ends the call, gets out of bed, slides some jeans and a t-shirt on and opens the door. There stands FBI Special Agent Roy Makowitz.
Peter: Yo.
Agent Makowitz: I thought for sure you’d be playing video games.
Peter: Ha… You said no case, but you’re dressed for one…
Agent Makowitz: Yeah… Something happened, and I just thought it’d be best if I was the one to tell you.
Peter: Are you alright?
Agent Makowitz: Yeah, no, I’m fine…
Peter: Okay… So, what happened?
Agent Makowitz: Can we… sit down?
Peter: Sure…
Both agents sit down on Peter’s one sofa.
Agent Makowitz: Okay… sighs … You’d think in our line of work we’d be so used to this that it’d be easy…
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: Look, uh… Your parents… They, uh… They were found a couple hours ago… I’m sorry, man…
Peter feels himself drift away. He knows he’s not dreaming, but he still wonders if he is because of how badly he wants to be.
Peter: …
Peter just sits there, looking down at the floor but staring into nothingness.
Agent Makowitz: … I just -- I thought I should be the one to tell you.
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: … How do you know?
Agent Makowitz: Know what?
Peter: That it’s them…
Agent Makowitz: I… Some lady called it in. A Mrs. Pruitt. Local PD identified the… bodies, and contacted the Bureau. Westin called me.
Peter: Why didn’t he call me?
Agent Makowitz: I don’t know, man.
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: … Where?
Agent Makowitz: New York.
Peter: New York?
Agent Makowitz: Yeah… A motel in the Bronx…
Peter: … They’ve never even been to New York… And they wouldn’t go without telling me. That makes no sense.
Agent Makowitz: Westin’s already over there. He’s not letting the cops proceed until after you’ve identified the, uh… Look, if you don’t want to do this tonight, it’s okay…
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: … How’d they die?
Agent Makowitz: I wasn’t given specifics, but they’re saying suicide…
Peter: Suicide? No, that -- that doesn’t… They wouldn’t do that…
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: I’m sorry…
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: … Let me get dressed and, uh -- and we’ll head out.
Agent Makowitz: Okay.
Peter: Do me a favor and just make sure nobody touches anything. I mean, really. Please.
Agent Makowitz: I’m on it.
Peter: And, Mak…
Agent Makowitz: Yeah?
Peter: Thank you.
Agent Makowitz: … You’d do the same for me, Caveman.
Peter: Yeah… I would.
With a flight already waiting for them, both agents set out to New York. They arrive at the small, run-down motel and are greeted just outside of the motel room by Assistant Director Frank Westin.
A.D. Westin: Agent Makowitz... Agent Caves, I’m so sorry for your loss… I can’t imagine what you must be going through… You know you don’t have to do this right now. It can wait. You can sign the forms at the morgue.
Peter: Thank you, sir, but… I’m here.
A.D. Westin: You sure?
Peter: Yes, sir.
A.D. Westin: Alright…
The Assistant Director opens the door to the room. There, on the bed, lie the bodies of Peter’s parents. His father’s left hand holds his mother’s right, while his right hand holds a bottle of antidepressants and her left a note.
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: ...
Peter: …
A.D. Westin: Take your time, Agent. When you’re ready, let me know so we can get PD back here to finish up.
Peter stares at the bodies on the bed. He walks over to his father’s side and takes a look at the bottle in his hands. He walks over to his mother’s side and reads the note.
Peter: “Goodbye, cruel world.” … Seriously? You’d think it’d be something meaningful addressed to their only son, and not this cliché.
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: Were the bodies moved?
A.D. Westin: No. That’s exactly how they were found. Once identified, PD made the connection to the Bureau and notified me. I got here and told them to hold off for a while. I knew you’d want to take a look around, but it’s pretty obvious what happened.
Peter: Is it?
A.D. Westin: What do you mean?
Peter: I mean this looks staged. Suicide? An overdose? That note? And how they’re lying there…
Perfectly positioned… It’s just -- It’s too easy. It’s too simple.
Agent Makowitz: …
A.D. Westin: What’re you suggesting, Agent?
Peter: … I’m not sure… Not suicide.
A.D. Westin: Agent, there’s nothing that points to the contrary. Don’t over analyze this. Don’t do this to yourself.
Peter: It’s just that this… None of this feels right. If this is really how it was, I’d know it, and you know that.
A.D. Westin: You better than anyone know what’s going on here. You’ve seen it countless times, Agent. You’re in denial. And that’s okay. That’s normal, but don’t let it cloud your objectivity.
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: Cloud my objectivity? I’m your best agent. And that’s not narcissism, that’s the truth. You know it. When have I been wrong about something like this?
A.D. Westin: … You haven’t…
Peter: Then why won’t you back me up, sir?
A.D. Westin: Because I don’t want you ending up in a dark place. The things you’ve seen… I don’t want this to break you. You don’t think a man can succumb to grief with something like this?
Peter: If I leave this as is I’ll succumb to speculation, and that’s just as bad if you ask me. This isn’t what it seems. I know it.
A.D. Westin: So what do you want to do?
Peter: I want to investigate this. Full on.
A.D. Westin: Agent… We can’t be spending resources on a case that solves itself. I’m not trying to be cold. It’s just the way it is. You know that.
Peter: … Fine. Just me, then. Give me a week. Let me be so I can find what I can find, and at the end I’ll give you a full report. If you think there’s nothing there, then that’s that. But if there is, we pursue this thing.
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: … Sir, please… They’re my parents. They were all I had…
A.D. Westin: … sighs Fine. A week. No more. And you take care of yourself.
Peter: Thank you, sir. That’s all I ask. And I will.
Agent Makowitz: So, where do we start?
Peter: … No “we” this time, Mak. Besides, you’re needed at Violent Crimes.
Agent Makowitz: But…
Peter: I know. And I love you for it, but… This one’s just me.
Agent Makowitz: … Okay… but I’m here if you need anything. I know you know that, but…
Peter: I know… Thank you.
Agent Makowitz: … Alright, so, where are you going to start?
Peter: The lady that called it, where’s her statement?
A.D. Westin: Here…
Peter reads the statement in the police report to himself.
A.D Westin: What’re you expecting to find?
Peter: The reason for the call.
Agent Makowitz: What do you mean?
Peter: I mean, okay… How long would you say the bodies have been here for? Six hours, tops?
A.D. Westin: Thereabouts…
Agent Makowitz: Yeah…
Peter: So, we’re talking, what, 1 A.M.? This Mrs. Pruitt… She lives across the street… she made the call at 1:04… What prompted her to call at the exact moment my parents were sitting here taking the pills? Swallowing pills doesn’t exactly cause enough noise to be heard from across the street, so… why’d she call at that precise moment? How could this woman that, as far as I’m concerned, has no relation to my parents know to call?
A.D. Westin: What does the statement say?
Peter: You know what it says, sir. You read it. But I get why you and PD don’t buy it. It says that from her house across the street she hears yelling, screaming, and things being thrown. She gets up, looks outside, and sees light coming from only this room. She walks outside and it says here she sees three people struggling in this room. Then it all goes silent… She calls out, the light goes off and she hears a window shatter. And then she calls it in.
Agent Makowitz: And why aren’t we buying that?
Peter: Because she’s eighty-one years old and it was at one in the morning. They don’t believe she heard what she heard and saw what she saw. Also, because this room is intact. Nothing’s been thrown. No windows are shattered. This room is spotless. No signs of any struggle whatsoever.
A.D. Westin: … Not much credibility.
Agent Makowitz: And she lives alone?
Peter: Sadly, yeah. Widow. No children.
Agent Makowitz: That’s ****** up…
Peter: Now, why is the old lady across the street the only person that heard or saw anything? There are rooms below and to the sides of this one, and no one else heard anything?
A.D. Westin: They’re vacant…
Peter: Exactly… The report says that every room in this motel has been vacant all night, except this one.
Agent Makowitz: It’s a small motel. Smallest I’ve ever seen. And the location… I bet it’s usually always vacant.
Peter: Come on… And I’d mention the motel room attendant, but apparently he was attending the motel from his girlfriend’s house a couple blocks from here. He was there until 1.30. PD got here before he did, and the girlfriend vouches for him. Tell me you’re not wondering…
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: It’s just all too clearly laid out to be what really happened.
Agent Makowitz: I have to admit, when you put it like that, it’s kind of weird.
A.D. Westin: Look, I suppose the circumstances are strange. You got me there, and I don’t know what to make of them. I don’t know what to tell you, but… You have nothing substantial to go on, Agent. Trust me, I want to believe you’re right, for your sake, but I look around and I just don’t see how you can prove an ulterior occurrence.
Peter: That’s what the week is for.
Agent Makowitz: And you’re going to visit with Mrs. Pruitt right now?
Peter: Well… No, I guess not. I suppose it wouldn’t be very considerate of me to wake her after what she’s been through tonight.
Agent Makowitz: I was going to say you need some shut-eye, but, yeah, that too.
A.D. Westin: I agree. Get some sleep, Agent. You can continue tomorrow. Find some calmness tonight.
Agent Makowitz: You need to take it easy, alright? You’ll do better with fresh eyes.
Peter: … Yeah…
A.D. Westin: I’ll find you some place close while we get the cops back here.
Peter: Sir, I’m not done here.
A.D. Westin: Agent…
Peter: Sir, I need sole access to the scene. I don’t want anybody here until I’m done… A couple of days… Maybe earlier. When I’m done I’ll let you know and we can call PD together.
A.D. Westin: sighs Yeah -- Yeah, okay. Let’s, uh -- Let’s go see where you’ll be staying, then.
As the agents and assistant director leave the motel room, Peter sees a hooded individual standing in the distance.
Peter: … Wait… Someone’s watching…
A.D. Westin: What? Where?
Peter: Between the navy sedan and the liquor store. Hoodie.
Agent Makowitz: Yeah, I see him.
A.D. Westin: … Okay, I see him. What do you want to do? You want to talk to him?
Peter: Wouldn’t you?
A.D. Westin: Yes, I would.
Agent Makowitz: You think he knows something?
Peter: Well, I want to know why he’s standing there watching.
Agent Makowitz: Let’s get him, then.
Peter: Hold on... This guy’s a runner, and I don’t think he’s noticed us notice him. Let’s keep it that way.
A.D. Westin: So…
Peter: Mak, I’m going to push you.
Agent Makowitz: … Why?
Peter: Because we’re having a spat. I’m going to push you and you’re going to yell whatever comes to mind. I’m going to drive away and pull up behind him. We’ll box him in.
A.D. Westin: Yeah, that could work…
Peter pushes Agent Makowitz.
Agent Makowitz: What the ****, man! **** you, then!
A.D. Westin: Alright you two! That’s enough! Agent Caves, go home! Agent Makowitz, you’re with me!
Peter gets into the car, leaves the motel parking lot and circles behind the hooded man. He gets out and slowly approaches the unaware, hooded man on foot. A.D. Westin and Agent Makowitz casually drive towards him. As Peter approaches him, the man turns around and sees him.
Peter: FBI! Right there! Stay right there!
The hooded individual stands there for a moment, then suddenly takes off running. Peter takes off after him. A.D. Westin and Agent Makowitz engage in vehicular pursuit. Peter follows the man into a five story apartment building. As they make their way up the stairs, the hooded man throws various objects in Peter’s path. They make it to the roof, where the man has nowhere else to run.
Peter: There’s nowhere else to go! We just want to talk, alright?! Turn around slowly and stay right where you are!
The hooded man, again, stands there for a moment, and then jumps off the roof. Peter runs towards the edge and manages to see the man falling right before he hits the ground. The man lands in the worst way, lays there for a couple of seconds before getting up and limping away into the night.
Peter: … Mother hubbard…
Peter stands there in disbelief as A.D. Westin and Agent Makowitz make it to the roof.
A.D. Westin: Where is he?!
Peter: … I lost him…
Agent Makowitz: ****!
A.D. Westin: What do you mean you lost him?! We’re on a roof, Agent! What, did he fly away?!
Peter: … He might as well have... He jumped off…
With Peter still looking down with disbelief, the assistant director looks down as well, only to see nothing.
A.D. Westin: Agent, you’re not making any sense…
Peter: … He jumped off the roof, got up and limped away…
Agent Makowitz: …
A.D. Westin: That’s impossible.
Peter: Apparently not.
A.D. Westin: Agent Caves…
Peter: Look, I know what I saw! sighs … I can’t explain it, but that’s what happened, alright?
Agent Makowitz: I guess it could be possible. I mean, if he landed in just the right way or something…
A.D. Westin: …
Peter: … Yeah…
A.D. Westin: You really think he knew something?
Peter: Well, he really didn’t want to talk to us, so... Anyway, I know where I’m staying tonight.
A.D. Westin: Where’s that?
Peter: The motel.
Agent Makowitz: Why?
Peter: Because I want to be there if this guy decides to show up.
Agent Makowitz: There’s no way he’s going back. He can’t be that stupid.
Peter: You never know. I doubt he will, but I don’t want to take the chance of him doing so and me not
being there. I’m just itching to talk to him.
A.D. Westin: …
Peter: …
Agent Makowitz: What a ****** night…
Peter: … Yeah… So much for finding calmness…
A.D. Westin: …
Agent Makowitz: …
Peter: Sir, you two should be heading back. People still need help. I’ll be alright.
A.D. Westin: Are you sure? I mean… you don’t look alright.
Peter: I said I’ll be fine.
Agent Makowitz: …
A.D. Westin: … Okay… Let’s go, Agent Makowitz.
The three men descend the building and say their goodbyes.
Agent Makowitz: Alright, Caveman. Be good, and call me.
Peter: Will do.
The partners fist bump.
A.D. Westin: Take care of yourself, Agent Caves.
Peter: I will, sir. You too.
Peter drives back to the motel and rents a room right next to the one containing his parents’ bodies. He takes his suit jacket off, loosens his tie, lays on the bed and closes his eyes. However, feeling much too uneasy about leaving the scene unattended while he sleeps and overpowered by the need to get closer to the truth as quickly as possible, he opens his eyes.
Peter: … sighs … Okay.
He gets up and walks to the site of his parents’ death. The room is immaculate. It’s literally something out of a magazine. He puts some gloves on and spends the next couple of hours unsuccessfully combing the locale for something to go on. Frustration kicks in.
Peter: … Come on… There’s nothing… violently claps his hands together in frustration … There’s got to be something…
He crouches in the middle of the room, cupping his hands together in front of his face, inhaling and exhaling slowly as he scans everything around him.
Peter: … Come on… … Come on… … Come on…
Although having seen it in passing more than once, Peter suddenly focuses his attention on the single framed picture hanging on a wall. It’s a picture of a starry night. He gets up and walks towards it. There’s a quote near the bottom of the picture, “Stars can’t shine without darkness.” He stands in front of the framed picture, staring at it while repeating the quote to himself.
Peter: … “Stars can’t shine without darkness.” …
Not thinking about what he was about to do, but more so going on instinct, Peter walks over to the light switch and moves it down. The room is black. He looks up and sees a small glow-in-the-dark star. He switches the light back on. The star is gone. He switches the light off, and the star reappears. He switches the light on again, and the star is nowhere to be found.
Peter: … What?
Peter switches the lights off, and notices that the star is next to where the fan connects to the ceiling. He walks over to the small desk in the room and moves it directly under the ceiling fan. He stands on top of the desk and proceeds to pick the glow-in-the-dark sticker off. As soon as he removes the sticker, the entire ceiling fan falls to the ground.
Peter: Whoa! … What the heck…
Peter stands there trying to wrap his mind around what just happened before getting off the desk to clean up the glass from the shattered bulbs, and in doing so sees something written on the top of one of the fan’s blades. It’s an address.
Peter: … “113 Adhan Street, Apt 6, New York, NY”…
Although rattled by what just happened, but intrigued by the address and where it might lead, he quickly takes out his brick of a 90s cellphone and calls Agent Makowitz. Agent Makowitz answers.
Agent Makowitz: Makowitz…
Peter: Mak, it’s Caves.
Agent Makowitz: I knew you wouldn’t get any rest! I knew it!
Peter: You’re not home yet, are you?
Agent Makowitz: No, I’m just leaving the office. I’m going to try and get some sleep before coming back.
Peter: No, no, no, no, no… I need you to do something for me.
Agent Makowitz: You found something, didn’t you?
Peter: Hopefully. I need you to run an address.
Agent Makowitz: Alright, what’s the address?
Peter: It’s 113 Adhan Street, Apt 6, New York, NY. I also need to know how to get there from here.
Agent Makowitz: “113”… How do you spell..?
Peter: A-d-h-a-n…
Agent Makowitz: “113 Adhan Street, Apt 6, New York, NY”?
Peter: Correct.
Agent Makowitz: Alright, give me a few and I’ll call you back.
Peter: Awesome. Thanks.
Agent Makowitz: No problem.
Peter ends the call and looks around the room for a broom or vacuum to clean up the glass from the broken fan. Unable to find either, he grabs the chair and sits down. Having found what he could find, it finally dawned on him that his parents’ bodies lay on the bed only a couple of feet away from him. As he sat there staring at his parents, he was flooded with memories of them. Memories spanning from his childhood to the last time he spoke to them. He wants to give in to the memories. He tries to remember as much as he can. His phone rings.
Peter: Caves…
Agent Makowitz: Hey. Okay, so, I couldn’t find anything.
Peter: You’ve got to be kidding me. Nothing?
Agent Makowitz: Nothing came up for that address. I looked and looked. You know I’m terrible with these ******* computers. I’ll get Rohrer to help as soon as he comes in.
Peter: sighs Okay…
Agent Makowitz: Until then, get some sleep. I’m serious.
Peter: Okay. Thanks again. Good night.
Agent Makowitz: Good night? It’s almost morning.
Peter: Right…
Agent Makowitz: Seriously, get some sleep.
Peter: Yes, Mak.
Agent Makowitz: Alright. Stay strong, partner.
Peter: I’ll try. Bye.
The call ends and Peter leaves for his room next door. Still worried about the hooded man showing up while he’s fast asleep, Peter calls the New York Police Department and requests some officers be dispatched to guard the scene until he decides to turn it over to them. He waits for them outside until they finally arrive.
Peter: Good morning, boys.
Officer Hernandez: Good morning, Agent. I’m Hernandez. This is Wilson. What do you need from us, sir?
Peter: I need you to be my eyes and ears here. You’re going to stick to room #13 like dirt under a fingernail. I’m waiting on a call from my partner. Until then, I’m going to try and get some rest. I’m going to be out and about the rest of the day, so I need you two to stay vigilant. I’m not expecting you to run into any trouble, but just be on the lookout for a man with a grey hoodie. Over six feet. Stocky. Around two hundred pounds, maybe. You see this guy, you call me. You see anything suspicious, you call me. Yeah?
Officer Hernandez: Yes, sir.
Peter: Alright, thanks, guys.
Peter heads back to his motel room. He lays down, closes his eyes and sleeps.
End of Part 1
Can anyone tell me if I'm able to attach images to a post? I drew something, and... yeah.
You can insert images within your posts by clicking the image button/widget in the toolbar above the textbox - from there, you have to paste the link to your picture inside the given space in order for it to show up. I hope that makes sense!
Nice job on the first part to your tale as well! Can't wait to see more.
Hell yeah, man! And, if you don't mind me asking, how's your buddy JJ doing?
How would I go about doing that if the image is chilling in a USB flash drive?
And thank you! That's very kind.
Copy and paste the picture in your usb to whatever folder you store your pictures in, until you eventually post your image online. (any photo-sharing website should suffice) Then, copy and paste the link to your picture and it should show.
He's doin' good.
Misses everyone but understands. Can you believe this fool lives in my hometown! We hang out all the time now. Guess the internet does wonders sometimes! 
Yeah, your gf told us that in one of her earlier comments. :P I also commented on your DA too if you hadn't seen it yet. XP
Hopefully his account will be available to him soon!
She's too sweet. I was devestated but now can finish.
Yeah! I saw that, dude! I DID reply to it.
Awesome! I'm going to go check it out right now!
Good start.
Can I just tell you, I love Peter's story! Poor guy is so lost and confused about WHO he really is. That last part especially made it clear: 'Needed to feel like a Porgie again.'
Poor guy! Keep going, Pie! More!
I've missed my pudding'n'pie! XD
ahem got a little excited there.
Glad to see you back though, and let Jones know I will certainly welcome his return too
I guess this is kind of cheating, but I just started a fanfic with several Fables based on real stories, along with a yet to be revealed Fable. Check it out:
Yeah, it's better that you share your stories in this topic - it gives a little more publicity. Anyhow, I'll take a look-see at it later!
Missed you too, Noir! Glad to be back.
Jones did come back but is under a different name.
Can't wait to get started again!
That is what I was trying to show. Peter is having a very hard time.