faith and Nerissa were not the same person at first
after faith left you the night she got beat up something happened
Nerissa got ki… morelled and faith took her identity and Glamoured Nerissa head to look like hers
so by the time bigby and snow discoverer the head the switch had already taken place
You do make some good points. The ring thing, Nerissa could have easily gotten that from the body. But the bruises are hard to disprove. Unless it's just not true, I'm taking your word on it. But that seems like a hard thing to overlook.
My only problem is that if it is the real Faith we see at the Woodsman's apartment, how can all this happen within a few hours? Nerissa would have to "sell out" Faith, Faith get her ribbon taken off, then Nerissa taking her head and putting it on the doorstep. Seems like a lot for a short amount of time.
Also, isn't his home and his office in the same building? Like I said, you make a lot of good points, just not enough to get me to buy this whole sacrifice theory. I like it, but I can't see it. Especially with the lengths Faith went through for Lawrence.
I believe you guys are thinking way to hard. Its simple. if you had multiple play thru like I had you'd have all the information instead of … moretrying to fill in the blanks with theories. Its very simple. Lily, Faith, and Nerissa were behind the whole thing. They wanted to create change in fabletown and stop the corruption in the form of not only The Crooked Man brought to justice, but Crane as well. Nerissa's dialogue during the epilogue is riddled with a idea of change and how she believes in Bigby and Snow. They are what Fabletown needs, this echos throughout the last scene. As seen in photo after photo after photo. They were all very close and to think Nerissa would just rat them out and think nothing would happen is very out of character. If she was smart enough to constantly give Bigby clues, she is smart enough to know how Georgie would react. So its very simple, I want to give my say on why I'm positive, this is canon.
[PART 1]
Faith,… [view original content]
so weve all established for the pictures to be taken there had to have been a 3rd person. if you think about it hard enough,
if you decide to let narissa go at the end, bigby walks back into the woodlands and you hear bloody marry say (as she said earlier to Bigby)
:"see you around...wolf"
so im pretty convinced that around sometime in the story YES faith had been dead the whole time & narissa was glamered into her to start the whole charade, BUT;
then sometime narissa was killed and it was actually bloody marry the entire time as her, playing bigby like a game
But then you have to remember that Swineheart is still running more tests... I seriously believe Swineheart has a huge part in this. Maybe he knows the truth, maybe not. If we see him twice in the story, you would think he would mention Faith's head at least once, as it is so integral.
I think that's the simplest and most "accurate" hypothesis. Nerissa-as-being-Faith (thus, Faith being alive because Nerissa was killed inste… moread because she was thought to be Faith by Georgie) is simply refuted by the Glamour wearing off after the its wearer's death. It MIGHT still be possible if it takes a while and nobody would notice the head to be turned into Nerissa. But, due to balance of probabilities that seems unlikely.
So Nerissa glamoured as Faith to get to know Bigby (because, you know, otherwise they "suffer in silence"), glamoured back and put the head of the long-being dead real Faith at the stairs.
I did not mind the ending. Its something that can be debated until the cows come home. Plus answering that would not clean everything up, so there's no point
True she did subtly communicate this to Bigby, but this doesn't explain why wouldn't she just tell him openly. There would be no real repercussions for it, not as huge and jarring of repercussions as there would be if she told Bigby she's actually was Faith the whole time.
To me, Nerissa/Faith really wanted to break out of the CM's clutches and speak what was really on her mind; throughout the whole season we see she does everything she can to try to speak and to show Bigby what she's really thinking. Now when she's able to speak freely, she leaves one of the biggest secrets she was hiding the whole as only a subtle nod. It doesn't make sense unless it's a really big secret.
A "I was glamoured as someone else before" is less shocking and has no reason why it can't be told openly than "I'm actually someone you thought died earlier and why you started this whole case in the first place."
Not really an argument against because she basically tells Bigby that she was Faith when they first met by saying the line "You're not as bad as everyone says you are". You can tell Bigby understands what that means by his surprised expression.
I'd more chalk it up to plot convenience than cause and effect. It's not like someone was going to come running to Bigby and tell him that t… morehe glamour fell apart and that it was a troll glamoured as Snow. The player had to be there for the transformation and what better time to do it than after you finished inspecting the body? The opening of the glamour tube and the change back wasn't immediate anyway, so it never struck me as a thing.
Believe your OWN theory, not others'. I think your theory is certainly plausible. The game is so good because it makes you think! So stick with your theory.
True she did subtly communicate this to Bigby, but this doesn't explain why wouldn't she just tell him openly. There would be no real reperc… moreussions for it, not as huge and jarring of repercussions as there would be if she told Bigby she's actually was Faith the whole time.
To me, Nerissa/Faith really wanted to break out of the CM's clutches and speak what was really on her mind; throughout the whole season we see she does everything she can to try to speak and to show Bigby what she's really thinking. Now when she's able to speak freely, she leaves one of the biggest secrets she was hiding the whole as only a subtle nod. It doesn't make sense unless it's a really big secret.
A "I was glamoured as someone else before" is less shocking and has no reason why it can't be told openly than "I'm actually someone you thought died earlier and why you started this whole case in the first place."
TO BE HONEST WE NEED A TIMELINE!!! ITS HARD TO SAY WHO DID WHAT IF WE DONT KNOW WHEN FAITH DIED.. But anyway...Bruh it's faith. Nerissa wasnt a huge role in the story anyway. It would make sense for faith to leave anyway, I mean half the fables wanted to start over with a clean slate(including bigby). 1. why would the dialogue about faiths dead body pop-up at the end? Bigby never found a tube for faith(cause he never thought he would need one), so he realized at the end that maybe her body would have turned to nerissa if he found one, and why swine heart had to run some more tests.
2. The whole story foreshadows that life is miserable(with crooked man or without) so who wouldn't take the opportunity to leave and start over?
3. prince Lawrence was a loser. I believe that the reason faith was working was because Lawrence wasnt(???) so she was probably tired of putting up with that kind of life!(foreshadowed by Beauty and beasts relationship)
4. i want it to be faith idk
5. it ends with her saying we'll meet again some day( of course this could be wrong if the timeline proves that faith died before this meeting, then it's always been nerissa.)
I believe the simplest answer is correct, Nerissa impersonated Faith. What makes this NOIR is that Bigby, only briefly, developed an immense rapport with 'Faith', and a large part of his motivation during the ensuing investigation was to bring this woman he had a momentary yet what he himself considered a very touching moment vengeance. Therefore, when Nerissa blows the deal, all that meaning Bigby had invested in that moment actually meant nothing as Faith was already dead. Pretty soul-crushing, and exactly how good noir should be.
In any case, the Nerissa as Faith theory is rock solid. It explains everything, has a plausible motive, and no holes other than that final f… morelashback sequence. Meanwhile, the Faith as Nerissa theory has no motive (why would Faith need to hide once the Crooked Man was taken care of?), and doesn't make sense (why would Nerissa be glamoured as Faith? It would have to be done before she died since Georgie thought he was killing Faith). It's just lazy writing to leave us with a mystery that has no motive and requires additional information to make sense of and I refuse to believe that's what Telltale has done. Maybe Nerissa as Faith is wrong, but I think Telltale has given us all the pieces we need to get the correct answer.
I was just looking at that final transcript, and you're right that it implies that Faith is still alive. Here's my explanation. We're basically hearing Bigby's thoughts and recollections. By the end of the episode, Bigby def… [view original content]
And let's not all forget that it would be impossible for a headless body to manage to keep a glamour tube in her pocket in order for the body to continue looking like Faith even if it was Nerissa. Nerissa was glamoured to look like Faith from the start, and the head on the doorstep was the real Faith. I don't think Faith would do that to Lawrence, either, leaving him believing his wife had died. Nerissa was helping Bigby through the entire season. Bigby never met the real Faith. If you'll notice, on the blackboard in The Cut Above, there is a list of how to make glamours for nearly ever Fable in Fabletown. Faith's name was up there, so Nerissa getting one wouldn't have been difficult.
Also to add more to the point........
Bigby: Show me Faith.
Magic Mirror: Through powerful magic her whereabouts conceale… mored. Unfortunately for you "These lips are sealed."
Bigby: What?
Magic Mirror: These lips are sealed. It's not my choice of phrasing, Bigby. It's simply the way this has to be.
I am still confused about who is really who. Was Faith really Faith? I mean Woody hits her at the beginning and Faith's severed head had bruises, so wouldn't it really be Faith and not Nerissa glamoured as Faith? Can someone please help a gal out so I won't be confused anymore.
I hope that he is the photographer (that question has been burning in my mind) but I haven’t convince myself yet.
I agree with your comments of the pictures appearing to be taken from a car. However, after the scene where Faith kisses Bigby (one of the photos taken) Bigby pans around looking up and down the length of the street. There is no taxi cab I can see, just Toad’s car and a yellow car parked that are parked on the street. Nor did I hear a car pull away during that interval.
I don't know if it was brought up before, but I wanted to mention something. This thread became another discussion about Faith/Nerissa, but … moreI want to focus your attention on those pictures. If you look at them closely, you can notice something interresting. It is visible on some of the pictures, especially in the corners of them, that they were taken from behind a glass or a window or something alike. Photos of Faith and Bigby have similar thing in the top left corner and that thing looks like a fragment of a car door to me. All that makes me believe that the pictures were taken from a car. I think I don't need to mention who was present throughout the season in most of the places where the action took place and was mostly seen in the car - the Ginger guy. I think he took those photos. Sorry if it was obvious or something, but I just want to see what's your opinion on that and I didn't see anyone mentioning that.
That was my thought as well. By the beginning of Episode 1, Faith was already dead. Knowing that she had to point Bigby in the direction of Georgie, Nerissa glamored herself as Faith to make Faith's occupation crystal clear to Bigby.
I agree with you. The photo of Faith and Nerissa confirms it. It certainly looks like Faith is telling Nerissa "You better do it, or I'll be doing it for you"
I believe you guys are thinking way to hard. Its simple. if you had multiple play thru like I had you'd have all the information instead of … moretrying to fill in the blanks with theories. Its very simple. Lily, Faith, and Nerissa were behind the whole thing. They wanted to create change in fabletown and stop the corruption in the form of not only The Crooked Man brought to justice, but Crane as well. Nerissa's dialogue during the epilogue is riddled with a idea of change and how she believes in Bigby and Snow. They are what Fabletown needs, this echos throughout the last scene. As seen in photo after photo after photo. They were all very close and to think Nerissa would just rat them out and think nothing would happen is very out of character. If she was smart enough to constantly give Bigby clues, she is smart enough to know how Georgie would react. So its very simple, I want to give my say on why I'm positive, this is canon.
[PART 1]
Faith,… [view original content]
Nice theory, but Nerissa covering Faith for her bruises is not correct. If the head on the steps is the glamoured Nerissa one, you can see she still got the bruises. No purpose to glamour a bruised person.
We know that Nerissa and Faith had a fight shortly before one of them died. I guess that's the moment when they somehow exchanged identities… more.
The Faith we see at EP 1 who says Bigby is not bad, seems to be the real one, since she uses the same phrases.
At that point I think Faith already knew she had messed up somehow, and that it was a matter of time before Georgie or Crooked Man found out she was trying to betray them.
Then it seems that sometime after that, Faith somehow convinces Nerissa to "trade" places with her. I assume that is happening in the photo where they're arguing. She probably asked her to cover for her or something, using the beating Woodie gave her as an excuse for being unable to work. Nerissa must have gotten upset for having to cover for her, but still agrees to do it for Faith and take her appearance to meet whatever client is next.
It makes sense that Faith could have asked for Nerissa to cover for her, did… [view original content]
She might have gotten the bruises, but maybe for a glamoured person it would be just the looks, you know?
In addition, Faith could have very well played a victim card and said she was pain both emotionally and physically over Woody's beating.
"Nerissa, I... I can't go to work today. Not after what happened... I need a little time to rest, I don't feel too good. Could you please cover for me? Just this once...?" imagine that while crying, or sobbing, looking extremely sad, or something.
Nerissa seems like a sweet girl, being a Little Mermaid and all, I'm sure she would have helped out her friend in that situation.
Nice theory, but Nerissa covering Faith for her bruises is not correct. If the head on the steps is the glamoured Nerissa one, you can see she still got the bruises. No purpose to glamour a bruised person.
Idk. If Faith was actually dead before the story started, then Faith technically had those bruises on her face before she went to the Woodsman's apartment which I don't buy. I don't remember any of the Woodsman's interrogation suggesting she came in with bruises. And Nerissa would have had to get hold of Faith's coat. The similarities in speech is suspicious, though they were friends so speech and mannerisms can replicate between them. I honestly feel bad for Lily, few care for the troll.
It's clear that Faith lived because of Bufkin's line about Faith's story at the end. She disguised herself so she could escape from the Crooked Man's "kingdom".
First off, it was HEAVILY hinted Nerissa is Faith at the end of the episode. Otherwise there wouldn't have been so much emphasis put on the… more similarities in how they spoke.
Second, it's unsure if it's Faith or Nerissa that died but they both existed. Just it seems we only ever actually got to meet one.
lol you are totally right! I didn't even notice that 0_o. I meant to say that her experience with Bigby during the fight allowed her to trust him enough with caring about Nerissa's Death. But thank you so much! Have a correction to make! looking up your theory btw
I agree with everything you wrote here, if you look up about what I wrote here you'll see that it matches in some points with yours theory.
… more
Still there's one thing I don't agree with, actually you contradicted yourself at one point and I agree with your first theory, but not the second. You first said that the situation with Nerissa getting killed happened between Faiths fight with Woodsman and her leaving Nerissas glamoured head at Bigby's doorstep (and I completely agree with this, I think it happened right after she got back from Woody's and as soon as Nerissa got killed she decided to bring her head to Bigby, you'll remember that she knows where he lives), but then you said that she staged fight with Woodsman to see if Bigby can help her out with her friends murder, which if what you first said was true, haven't happened yet.
Yeah a lot of people have been debating with Faith's intentions.. I'm just the type of person to look for the good in people if I think it's there , you know? lol but yeah, that's very possible that she had more evil intentions than what I stated...
I agree with most of this, except I think Faith is a bit more guilty than you.
My hypothesis is that the real Faith did try to blackmail h… moreer way out and the real Nerissa was scared enough to reveal her plan. After Faith found this out, she arranged for Nerissa to be glamoured as her and take the fall in her place. I'm thinking that Faith arranged for a swap with Nerissa the night the incident with the Woody happened, and didn't take Nerissa's form to intentionally draw Bigby to the scene. While this happened, the real Nerissa took the form of Faith to take care of her normal job, putting her in a position to be in Faith's form when she was to be executed. This was both to preserve her life, and take revenge for what she may have seen as betrayal from Nerissa.
The crooked man and his lot being out of power is a good thing, but what I see as Faith's manipulations paint her exempt her from being innocent in my eyes.
so weve all established for the pictures to be taken there had to have been a 3rd person. if you think about it hard enough,
if you decid… moree to let narissa go at the end, bigby walks back into the woodlands and you hear bloody marry say (as she said earlier to Bigby)
:"see you around...wolf"
so im pretty convinced that around sometime in the story YES faith had been dead the whole time & narissa was glamered into her to start the whole charade, BUT;
then sometime narissa was killed and it was actually bloody marry the entire time as her, playing bigby like a game
One thing that i remembered when putting my theory down was that bigby said that Faith's head went through an hour of rigamortis (or something close to it) so that how I figured out when the fight with Georgy, Nerissa and her took place... A lot of people forget that detail but I feel like it's very important in trying to put in the missing pieces of the story...
I agree with Cthu... Him and I had almost the same theory and while the intentions of why Faith glamoured as Nerissa can be argued as good or evil, there is no doubt that Faith is Nerissa at the end of the game... I just used that evidence to work backwards in the mystery; you know where it ends, so work yourself back to the beginning. And I feel that TellTale would make it this way on purpose. Not only to ignite replay value, but to leave players with an underlying mystery that they thought wasn't even there in the 1st playthrough... check out my theory on the 3rd page, it might convince you guys of this theory, or not lol but it's worth a look... If any questions come up toward it, I'll answer them asap lol
It wouldn't be added into the narrative if it wouldn't make any sense, you simply don't just put any line for the sake of it in the most imp… moreortant scene, and especially not in the moment of protagonists epiphany in the crime investigation genre. It is a most basic, schoolbook rule when writing a story.
And there would be purpose for it. There would be purpose for both possibilities, I am to tired and lazy to post again, so you'll forgive me for not giving detailed explanation of the theory right now, but you can find it in several threads on this forum. I've found that theory that it was Faith actually fits better and has less plot holes than the one where it was Nerissa.
lol you'll see theories to that all over this forum lol a lot of people have a lot of different theories as to why Faith in ep. 1 and Nerissa at the end of ep. 5 were saying similar things... you just have to find the one you most agree with, or make your own lol
I just joined this conversation to ask one question why was Nerrisa saying a bunch similar things faith said that night was she trying to get caught or was she trying to tell bigby something
I definitely agree 100% with this theory. Mine is on page 3 and it says exactly the same thing and chtu's too on page 2... The only thing I believe can be argued is Faith's intention in all this; if you read mine, I actually say she didn't mean for her friend to die and she feels guilty that that life was forced not only on herself but on all of her best friends, and murder was the price of getting out. But like stated before, I think this theory is the true theory and the only thing really debatable is Faith's Intentions... Is she really "The Wolf Among Us"?
We know that Nerissa and Faith had a fight shortly before one of them died. I guess that's the moment when they somehow exchanged identities… more.
The Faith we see at EP 1 who says Bigby is not bad, seems to be the real one, since she uses the same phrases.
At that point I think Faith already knew she had messed up somehow, and that it was a matter of time before Georgie or Crooked Man found out she was trying to betray them.
Then it seems that sometime after that, Faith somehow convinces Nerissa to "trade" places with her. I assume that is happening in the photo where they're arguing. She probably asked her to cover for her or something, using the beating Woodie gave her as an excuse for being unable to work. Nerissa must have gotten upset for having to cover for her, but still agrees to do it for Faith and take her appearance to meet whatever client is next.
It makes sense that Faith could have asked for Nerissa to cover for her, did… [view original content]
lol Rizefall, Lilly's glamour didn't disappear... It became ineffective when you, as Bigby, opened it... it is possible for them to run out, but this is not applicable in Lilly's case or another example is Auntie Greenleaf's glamour tube. She was a little child and tried to stop you (Bigby) from opening it, and when you did, she turned into her true self.
One thing everyone seem to forget is that they found Faiths head. Her, fucking head. Even if it's glamoured it sooner or later should disapp… moreear just as Lilly's glamour did.
Faith is dead. Nerissa was Glamoured as Faith in episode 1 and "recruited" him to help cause of Faiths head at the doorstep. Georgie was the one who killed her by removing her ribbon. He even admits in the end, but that he did it all as part of the Crooked mans orders.
It's clear that Faith lived because of Bufkin's line about Faith's story at the end. She disguised herself so she could escape from the Crooked Man's "kingdom".
No problem. And I'm definitely of the same mind about that.
About my theory, it is pretty much the same as yours. I posted couple of posts in this thread whilst still contemplating both theories in my head, until at some point I finally got convinced that it was Faith and not Nerissa all along.
My most coherently written post about the theory can be found on second page of this thread, I put the facts by numbers there, six of them.
And if you find anything that should be corrected, please do so.
lol you are totally right! I didn't even notice that 0_o. I meant to say that her experience with Bigby during the fight allowed her to trus… moret him enough with caring about Nerissa's Death. But thank you so much! Have a correction to make! looking up your theory btw
I might be cynical, but it was my initial thought that Faith deliberately played Nerissa and set her up to get killed for her betrayal. I honestly don't want to see it that way, but it is the thought that I simply can't kick out of my head.
On a purely rational level I equally believe in that possibility which you have mentioned, that Nerissa got killed before Faith had time to react and that she felt remorse afterward. That would actually explain her angry reaction to Crooked Man when he can't remember Nerissa's name, as if she wants for Nerissa to stay remembered now that she's dead, even though she was just a nameless, unimportant prostitute for most people in life.
Still, emotionally, I strongly feel that Faith set her up to avoid losing her own head and punish her for betraying her and Lily. I usually do have difficult time when trying to find genuinely good intentions and innocence in people, so I might be biased here.
Yeah a lot of people have been debating with Faith's intentions.. I'm just the type of person to look for the good in people if I think it's there , you know? lol but yeah, that's very possible that she had more evil intentions than what I stated...
Sounds very plausible to me. The plot thickens!!!
You do make some good points. The ring thing, Nerissa could have easily gotten that from the body. But the bruises are hard to disprove. Unless it's just not true, I'm taking your word on it. But that seems like a hard thing to overlook.
My only problem is that if it is the real Faith we see at the Woodsman's apartment, how can all this happen within a few hours? Nerissa would have to "sell out" Faith, Faith get her ribbon taken off, then Nerissa taking her head and putting it on the doorstep. Seems like a lot for a short amount of time.
Also, isn't his home and his office in the same building? Like I said, you make a lot of good points, just not enough to get me to buy this whole sacrifice theory. I like it, but I can't see it. Especially with the lengths Faith went through for Lawrence.
so weve all established for the pictures to be taken there had to have been a 3rd person. if you think about it hard enough,
if you decide to let narissa go at the end, bigby walks back into the woodlands and you hear bloody marry say (as she said earlier to Bigby)
:"see you around...wolf"
so im pretty convinced that around sometime in the story YES faith had been dead the whole time & narissa was glamered into her to start the whole charade, BUT;
then sometime narissa was killed and it was actually bloody marry the entire time as her, playing bigby like a game
But then you have to remember that Swineheart is still running more tests... I seriously believe Swineheart has a huge part in this. Maybe he knows the truth, maybe not. If we see him twice in the story, you would think he would mention Faith's head at least once, as it is so integral.
I did not mind the ending. Its something that can be debated until the cows come home. Plus answering that would not clean everything up, so there's no point
True she did subtly communicate this to Bigby, but this doesn't explain why wouldn't she just tell him openly. There would be no real repercussions for it, not as huge and jarring of repercussions as there would be if she told Bigby she's actually was Faith the whole time.
To me, Nerissa/Faith really wanted to break out of the CM's clutches and speak what was really on her mind; throughout the whole season we see she does everything she can to try to speak and to show Bigby what she's really thinking. Now when she's able to speak freely, she leaves one of the biggest secrets she was hiding the whole as only a subtle nod. It doesn't make sense unless it's a really big secret.
A "I was glamoured as someone else before" is less shocking and has no reason why it can't be told openly than "I'm actually someone you thought died earlier and why you started this whole case in the first place."
Well, "Rachel" morphs back into Aunty Greenleaf when Bigby opens the glamour tube.
Believe your OWN theory, not others'. I think your theory is certainly plausible.
The game is so good because it makes you think! So stick with your theory.
Also to add more to the point........
Bigby: Show me Faith.
Magic Mirror: Through powerful magic her whereabouts concealed. Unfortunately for you "These lips are sealed."
Bigby: What?
Magic Mirror: These lips are sealed. It's not my choice of phrasing, Bigby. It's simply the way this has to be.
TO BE HONEST WE NEED A TIMELINE!!! ITS HARD TO SAY WHO DID WHAT IF WE DONT KNOW WHEN FAITH DIED.. But anyway...Bruh it's faith. Nerissa wasnt a huge role in the story anyway. It would make sense for faith to leave anyway, I mean half the fables wanted to start over with a clean slate(including bigby). 1. why would the dialogue about faiths dead body pop-up at the end? Bigby never found a tube for faith(cause he never thought he would need one), so he realized at the end that maybe her body would have turned to nerissa if he found one, and why swine heart had to run some more tests.
2. The whole story foreshadows that life is miserable(with crooked man or without) so who wouldn't take the opportunity to leave and start over?
3. prince Lawrence was a loser. I believe that the reason faith was working was because Lawrence wasnt(???) so she was probably tired of putting up with that kind of life!(foreshadowed by Beauty and beasts relationship)
4. i want it to be faith idk
5. it ends with her saying we'll meet again some day( of course this could be wrong if the timeline proves that faith died before this meeting, then it's always been nerissa.)
I believe the simplest answer is correct, Nerissa impersonated Faith. What makes this NOIR is that Bigby, only briefly, developed an immense rapport with 'Faith', and a large part of his motivation during the ensuing investigation was to bring this woman he had a momentary yet what he himself considered a very touching moment vengeance. Therefore, when Nerissa blows the deal, all that meaning Bigby had invested in that moment actually meant nothing as Faith was already dead. Pretty soul-crushing, and exactly how good noir should be.
And let's not all forget that it would be impossible for a headless body to manage to keep a glamour tube in her pocket in order for the body to continue looking like Faith even if it was Nerissa. Nerissa was glamoured to look like Faith from the start, and the head on the doorstep was the real Faith. I don't think Faith would do that to Lawrence, either, leaving him believing his wife had died. Nerissa was helping Bigby through the entire season. Bigby never met the real Faith. If you'll notice, on the blackboard in The Cut Above, there is a list of how to make glamours for nearly ever Fable in Fabletown. Faith's name was up there, so Nerissa getting one wouldn't have been difficult.
Actually Georgie said that none of them are free from the ribbon's curse till Vivian's ribbon is taken off.
I am still confused about who is really who. Was Faith really Faith? I mean Woody hits her at the beginning and Faith's severed head had bruises, so wouldn't it really be Faith and not Nerissa glamoured as Faith? Can someone please help a gal out so I won't be confused anymore.
I hope that he is the photographer (that question has been burning in my mind) but I haven’t convince myself yet.
I agree with your comments of the pictures appearing to be taken from a car. However, after the scene where Faith kisses Bigby (one of the photos taken) Bigby pans around looking up and down the length of the street. There is no taxi cab I can see, just Toad’s car and a yellow car parked that are parked on the street. Nor did I hear a car pull away during that interval.
I hope someone can clear this up for me. Thanks.
This is the theory I like best. She couldn't tell Bigby (because of the ribbon) so she showed him instead
I agree with you. The photo of Faith and Nerissa confirms it. It certainly looks like Faith is telling Nerissa "You better do it, or I'll be doing it for you"
Idk guys ... if telltale wants to continue the game , they had to bring a cliffhanger. A lot of theories made sense to me .
Nice theory, but Nerissa covering Faith for her bruises is not correct. If the head on the steps is the glamoured Nerissa one, you can see she still got the bruises. No purpose to glamour a bruised person.
Though Lilly's head glamoured as snow manage to stay glamoured as snow, without being near a glamour tube.
She might have gotten the bruises, but maybe for a glamoured person it would be just the looks, you know?
In addition, Faith could have very well played a victim card and said she was pain both emotionally and physically over Woody's beating.
"Nerissa, I... I can't go to work today. Not after what happened... I need a little time to rest, I don't feel too good. Could you please cover for me? Just this once...?" imagine that while crying, or sobbing, looking extremely sad, or something.
Nerissa seems like a sweet girl, being a Little Mermaid and all, I'm sure she would have helped out her friend in that situation.
Idk. If Faith was actually dead before the story started, then Faith technically had those bruises on her face before she went to the Woodsman's apartment which I don't buy. I don't remember any of the Woodsman's interrogation suggesting she came in with bruises. And Nerissa would have had to get hold of Faith's coat. The similarities in speech is suspicious, though they were friends so speech and mannerisms can replicate between them. I honestly feel bad for Lily, few care for the troll.
The ribbon can't have power over you if you aren't wearing it.
It does and only Georgie and Vivian know that, till they mention it.
It's clear that Faith lived because of Bufkin's line about Faith's story at the end. She disguised herself so she could escape from the Crooked Man's "kingdom".
She only hid he beauty to escape in the original story. In this one, she hits her identity so she can escape. Pull it together.
lol you are totally right! I didn't even notice that 0_o. I meant to say that her experience with Bigby during the fight allowed her to trust him enough with caring about Nerissa's Death. But thank you so much! Have a correction to make!
looking up your theory btw
Yeah a lot of people have been debating with Faith's intentions.. I'm just the type of person to look for the good in people if I think it's there , you know? lol but yeah, that's very possible that she had more evil intentions than what I stated...
Nope, that was Nerissa's voice as far as I remember.
One thing that i remembered when putting my theory down was that bigby said that Faith's head went through an hour of rigamortis (or something close to it) so that how I figured out when the fight with Georgy, Nerissa and her took place... A lot of people forget that detail but I feel like it's very important in trying to put in the missing pieces of the story...
I agree with Cthu... Him and I had almost the same theory and while the intentions of why Faith glamoured as Nerissa can be argued as good or evil, there is no doubt that Faith is Nerissa at the end of the game... I just used that evidence to work backwards in the mystery; you know where it ends, so work yourself back to the beginning. And I feel that TellTale would make it this way on purpose. Not only to ignite replay value, but to leave players with an underlying mystery that they thought wasn't even there in the 1st playthrough... check out my theory on the 3rd page, it might convince you guys of this theory, or not lol but it's worth a look...
If any questions come up toward it, I'll answer them asap lol
lol you'll see theories to that all over this forum lol a lot of people have a lot of different theories as to why Faith in ep. 1 and Nerissa at the end of ep. 5 were saying similar things... you just have to find the one you most agree with, or make your own lol
I definitely agree 100% with this theory. Mine is on page 3 and it says exactly the same thing and chtu's too on page 2... The only thing I believe can be argued is Faith's intention in all this; if you read mine, I actually say she didn't mean for her friend to die and she feels guilty that that life was forced not only on herself but on all of her best friends, and murder was the price of getting out. But like stated before, I think this theory is the true theory and the only thing really debatable is Faith's Intentions... Is she really "The Wolf Among Us"?
shrugging shoulders
Guess we'll have to see in a sequel lol
lol Rizefall, Lilly's glamour didn't disappear... It became ineffective when you, as Bigby, opened it... it is possible for them to run out, but this is not applicable in Lilly's case or another example is Auntie Greenleaf's glamour tube. She was a little child and tried to stop you (Bigby) from opening it, and when you did, she turned into her true self.
Ah, good point, I never thought about that.
No problem. And I'm definitely of the same mind about that.
About my theory, it is pretty much the same as yours. I posted couple of posts in this thread whilst still contemplating both theories in my head, until at some point I finally got convinced that it was Faith and not Nerissa all along.
My most coherently written post about the theory can be found on second page of this thread, I put the facts by numbers there, six of them.
And if you find anything that should be corrected, please do so.
I might be cynical, but it was my initial thought that Faith deliberately played Nerissa and set her up to get killed for her betrayal. I honestly don't want to see it that way, but it is the thought that I simply can't kick out of my head.
On a purely rational level I equally believe in that possibility which you have mentioned, that Nerissa got killed before Faith had time to react and that she felt remorse afterward. That would actually explain her angry reaction to Crooked Man when he can't remember Nerissa's name, as if she wants for Nerissa to stay remembered now that she's dead, even though she was just a nameless, unimportant prostitute for most people in life.
Still, emotionally, I strongly feel that Faith set her up to avoid losing her own head and punish her for betraying her and Lily. I usually do have difficult time when trying to find genuinely good intentions and innocence in people, so I might be biased here.
The last words in the game - I'll see you around, Wolf - told by Faith's voice and written with her blue colour.
So guys do you think that there is a SEASON TWO for this game or does it end that way ??
I'd bet on the latter.