I like the COD games, don't get me wrong here please. The point is that this games are very repetitive and add nothing new to the franchise and therefore don't deserve such a high rating, compared to such brilliant games like the Walking Dead game.
Why do people hate on COD so much? I mean I understand that it's repetitive but I don't see the same hate on Mario games and Zelda games. Also, the zombie story in COD world at war-black ops 2 is brilliant.
huh the 400 characters shooting the shit out the arvos group. interesting theory..... we see like just one fucking guy shooting and I think one from our group then it fades to black. maybe those fuckers came to help???? huh goo shit but maybe not
They talk about it all of the time, they wanted Nick to have a more heroic and meaningful death besides "going to look for help" and he ends… more up getting slaughtered. People wanted Sarah to at least make it to Episode 5 if you saved her this time around, akin to Ben in Season 1. They wanted 400 Days to actually mean something because that's what they were led to believe. The only way I can see this happening is if the gunshots at the end of the episode were actually the 400 days characters you left at camp saving Clementine's group. I dislike the negativity too, but sometimes it takes criticism like this to improve the product. It is a little excessive though...
'Boycotting' is such a melodramatic idea. It's not like Telltale is guilty of human rights abuses or something.
I'm not 'boycotting' anything. I'm just not interested in buying anything else Telltale makes until I'm reassured they've returned to their previous standards of quality.
Aw, thanks guys. Reading the forums is maybe a little less fun than usual right now, but hey, I don't take it personally, and people are ent… moreitled to their opinions and thoughts. I just don't want folks like you to feel bummed out coming here! Take a break for sure if you feel the need though.
Oh... and do look out for a little bit of news coming out of SDCC on Saturday.
So you want them to go back, not move forward? Brilliant! I'm not saying that season 1 wasn't good but you can't expect from someone that he/she will do something the same way all the time. Everything is changing. Season 1 had flaws and season 2 also has some flaws. But I think everyone has the right to have their own opinion so I won't argue about that. For me - I like both seasons so far.
'Boycotting' is such a melodramatic idea. It's not like Telltale is guilty of human rights abuses or something.
I'm not 'boycotting' anyt… morehing. I'm just not interested in buying anything else Telltale makes until I'm reassured they've returned to their previous standards of quality.
Before Nick, no character was just FOUND dead with nothing added to the plot. They all had sendoffs. Nick's 'sendoff' was him saying ow after getting shot, if I recall correctly. I mean honestly, I think he has a better sendoff if you DON'T convince Walter to save him in episode 2.
Carley/Doug died holding off zombies and defending Ben from Lilly when she went off her rocker, Chuck died saving Clementine. What did Nick die doing? Climbing through a hole in a fence, apparently. And after being given the option to promise Pete to look after him, too. You don't even get the option to say anything about the subject other than "Sorry".
Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode, but some of the deaths were....really really disappointing.
Before Nick, no character was just FOUND dead with nothing added to the plot. They all had sendoffs. Nick's 'sendoff' was him saying ow af… moreter getting shot, if I recall correctly. I mean honestly, I think he has a better sendoff if you DON'T convince Walter to save him in episode 2.
Carley/Doug died holding off zombies and defending Ben from Lilly when she went off her rocker, Chuck died saving Clementine. What did Nick die doing? Climbing through a hole in a fence, apparently. And after being given the option to promise Pete to look after him, too. You don't even get the option to say anything about the subject other than "Sorry".
Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode, but some of the deaths were....really really disappointing.
How does 'returning to their previous standards of quality' automatically translate to 'doing everything the same'? I don't expect them to just remake the same game over and over.
I do, however, expect the quality to remain consistent. When you almost completely ditch character development, the quality drops. When you build up plotlines that go absolutely nowhere, repeatedly, the quality drops. When you change your mind from episode to episode how a given character is supposed to act and what motivates them, the quality drops. When you give a character tons of development and then kill them off in an utterly unsatisfying fashion, the quality drops.
And so on.
The quality of the storytelling has dropped in season 2 to such an extent that I find myself in a position I never imagined: I genuinely don't care when or if Episode 5 is released. The story, or what passes for a story, is by now an utter mess. I don't really care about any of the surviving characters, who are either unlikeable or one dimensional.
In short, I find myself now saying the eight deadly words every writer should dread hearing: I don't care what happens to these people. That's something that I could never have said about season 1. And that makes all the difference.
So you want them to go back, not move forward? Brilliant! I'm not saying that season 1 wasn't good but you can't expect from someone that h… moree/she will do something the same way all the time. Everything is changing. Season 1 had flaws and season 2 also has some flaws. But I think everyone has the right to have their own opinion so I won't argue about that. For me - I like both seasons so far.
I personally liked how Nick died, it made it more realistic. Not every person needs to be a hero. Not every person needs to die some heroic, over the top death where they take as many zombies as possible. Some people just die.
And like I said you have the right to have your own opinion. For you the quality of season 2 is low. For me - the episodes are good. The cruel truth of this world is that you can't make everyone happy. Season 1 had his supporters and "enemies" as season 2 now. I can't for example complain about death scenes in season 2. People could be good and do so much thing for others but then unfortunately they could died in stupid way. I'ts like in real world. You meet someone really good and you could think that he will die during helping others but then he could be just hit by drunk driver. At least it's just how I think. Maybe I think wrong in your opinion or others opinion but it's what I think.
How does 'returning to their previous standards of quality' automatically translate to 'doing everything the same'? I don't expect them to j… moreust remake the same game over and over.
I do, however, expect the quality to remain consistent. When you almost completely ditch character development, the quality drops. When you build up plotlines that go absolutely nowhere, repeatedly, the quality drops. When you change your mind from episode to episode how a given character is supposed to act and what motivates them, the quality drops. When you give a character tons of development and then kill them off in an utterly unsatisfying fashion, the quality drops.
And so on.
The quality of the storytelling has dropped in season 2 to such an extent that I find myself in a position I never imagined: I genuinely don't care when or if Episode 5 is released. The story, or what passes for a story, is by now an utter mess. I don't really care about any of … [view original content]
Thank you,jamex.Can you describe to me with a few words what san diego comin con is?I havent heard about it before.Is it connected with TWD in any way?
really?? youre not from the US?? well its a HUGE comic book convention. well its bigger than that its a big convention where they show a lot of shit that is in the entertainment business, movies, video games, tv shows, comics. but since it use too more towards comics it was thought as a "nerd" place. you can wear cosplay. it just a big convention for of the popular stuff in like pop culture
Thank you,jamex.Can you describe to me with a few words what san diego comin con is?I havent heard about it before.Is it connected with TWD in any way?
There are alot stupid people in this world. Don't let them pull you down with them.(yes i quoted Jane:)) And i agree with you, finally someone made a thread about it. You are a good person, im sure of it and if you wanna leave you can go.
Honestly I wouldnt be too concerned people rage about the new episode every time it comes out. And not just season 2, people hated ep 3 for Kat,Duck and Carley/Doug (for having pointless deaths), they hated ep 4 for how long and dull it was and ep 5 for being short and everyone dying anyway. So its not a new thing.
There are flaws in every single episode but you just have to focus on the positives. Most people played season 1 all at once from what I can see and again people playing season 1 had much lower expectations but in season 2 they expect to be wowed
There are alot stupid people in this world. Don't let them pull you down with them.(yes i quoted Jane:)) And i agree with you, finally someone made a thread about it. You are a good person, im sure of it and if you wanna leave you can go.
Thank you so much for creating this thread! I was starting to worry that I was the only one feeling that all the hate had gone too far. All the people I know who played it said that it was an amazing episode! I guess people don't realize that what Telltale does is really important for the gaming industry. We are incredibly lucky that there is a company who creates games that appeal to our emotions on such a high level. If you don't like the game, what's the use of coming here and complain about it ? Just go find another game that will satisfy you and stop spoiling the fun for those who love it and come here trying to discuss about it.This episode obviously didn't deserve all this hate, it was amazing, just like the whole season in my opinion. To me, most of the people who keep complaining about it are just people seeking attention or trying to spoil the fun for the others. Please Telltale, don't hesitate renewing it for a third season because there are so many people out there who are absolutely in love with this game and this season!
"Whaaaa people are critiquing something I like! How DARE they give comstructive criticism!!! How could this happen to meeeeeeeeeeeeee! They are just HATERS N TROLLS!! Dont they realise that to fix something, you dont give constructive criticism! You just lie and PRETEND its better than it actually is then it will magically come true!! I mean that seems to be working right?.....right?....oh it isnt...errr...WELL if i pretend it is then it magically WILL lawlawlawl"
You white knights literally portray everything negative that is possible in a human being: Naive, Impaitience, Irrational, Unintelligence, Rude, Attention-seeking. The list goes on, it just goes to show how flawed you are.
I'm sorry, but I had to create an account just to respond to this.
I don't think that Episode 4 was absolutely awful. I liked that some of the choices were difficult to make and it was certainly thrilling at times, with a nice amount of development for Kenny and, in my opinion, an impactful ending. But I do think that many aspects of it were worrying and so, it seems, do many other people on this forum. And I think they have legitimate grievances.
The "hub" sections were essentially window dressing to give the impression that Telltale had listened to fan advice while actually offering a far shallower experience than Season 1's equivalents; they weren't an opportunity to learn more about characters as they had been in Season 1 and were basically a series of very short exchanges that added very little but the ability to say: "look! We have hubs again!"
Mike and Bonnie, whether you like them or not as characters, have not been fleshed-out very much at all and this was an opportunity to do so... but naturally, if you choose to talk to them during the episode they will mainly spout off with concern about Rebecca that you've already heard from fifteen times from three other characters, and not a lot else.
Arvo and his friends are a source of contention due to the apparent mediocrity of their Russian, both in terms of grammar and pronunciation, as well as their relevance to the overarching story.
Sarita is used as a means of advancing Kenny's development and we learn nothing about her at all in the episode.
Nick and Sarah's deaths were poorly-executed; they abruptly cut off story arcs that had been built up from the first episode of this season and essentially amounted to serious narrative potential being squandered, essentially because Telltale either decided that it was too much trouble having them around or because they thought that people would find them acceptable. Compared to the likes of Carley/Doug and Ben in Season 1, both deaths seemed lazily-executed. When Carley died, both in-game characters and players were shocked. It was by no means a heroic death but from a purely story-oriented perspective, it did the job. Same goes for Ben; his death was tragic but the other characters seemed legitimately affected by it and it was done reasonably well. On neither occasion did I have the sense that it was the "wrong" time to kill off either or that Telltale had built the characters up only to waste them. Meanwhile, after all of that crap in earlier episodes about teaching her to shoot and making friends and the indication that she would be "Clementine's Clementine", Sarah is killed off no matter what (in my playthrough she fell off a balcony and died when Jane was incapacitated by a falling plank; not so much a "fitting" death as a series of ludicrously-unfortunate events orchestrated by Telltale to avoid having to include Sarah in future episodes) and immediately forgotten as soon as the baby is born, because fuck her. Nick meanwhile, one of the most developed characters in the first two episodes, is killed off-screen and his best friend of twenty years is more upset that his booty call left him. Neither scene feels appropriate, as I would argue Carley and Ben's death scenes were, as well as pretty much every other character I can think of in Season 1, even Chuck's to a degree. And it isn't, in many cases, just a matter of liking Nick's character, or Sarah's, and being pissed off that they're gone. THEN, I would understand the frustration about so much negativity being flung around. And I don't accept the argument that "sometimes people don't get heroic deaths... Telltale are trying to make a statement about futility... it's realistic..." 'The Walking Dead' is not an apocalypse realism simulator. It is a story. It is a story-driven episodic video game and if the narrative is flawed, as many people believe it was in Episode 4, and if promising story arcs are picked up and dropped in a flurry, and if characters with potential are being killed in embarrassingly-lazy ways, and if all the build up from previous episodes is wasted, then it doesn't matter whether the whole thing is "realistic" or not, because it comes across as amateurish, rushed-along realism which isn't all that impressive or satisfying.
People feel the need to vocalise their grievances so that Telltale don't make the same mistakes again. And no, Season 1 was not perfect, and I realise that people have different opinions about Episode 4 of this season, but people saying that they're "sick of the negativity" are essentially saying "people should ignore everything that they found disturbing about how Episode 4 was written, forgo the opportunity to complain and therefore notify Telltale of this, whether or not they choose to rectify such issues in future instalments, and should focus only upon what they liked about the episode." What if people didn't like ANYTHING about Episode 4? Should they just shut up and go away? No, because they have a right to speak their mind and to put forward their issues so that, should Telltale make a season 3, or DLC, it will be devoid of the same issues. It's not trolling, or complaint for the sake of complaint, or people pissed off because they loved Nick, or perpetually-angry troublemakers determined to hate Season 2 for no real reason. It's constructive criticism, and that should never be treated with anything less than respect, if not always welcomed.
I like the COD games, don't get me wrong here please. The point is that this games are very repetitive and add nothing new to the franchise and therefore don't deserve such a high rating, compared to such brilliant games like the Walking Dead game.
Nothing is going to be perfect, there are always going to be flaws, and people are going to point out some flaws they had with the episode. Telltale is not a perfect company and there's nothing wrong with honest criticism of their work. Writing off some well-thought out complaints as bitching and whining is childish.
How is it childish when not everyone wants to talk about Nick's bad death 24/7 its childish to just point out little flaws and honestly, bit… morech about them for 5 hours. I'm not saying there can't be complaints, but there shouldn't be so many threads about the same thing. And some of you are expecting GOTY, no matter how good the episode is there is lots of complaints. Even after A House Divided there was TONS of threads saying how terrible it was. The forum is always negative these days, issue or not.
First of all, I just wanted to thank you for the great work you and the other Telltale Staff are doing and wanted you to know, that there are many people (like me) out there, that really enjoyed playing this episode.
There is a question i would like to ask you and i hope you find the time to answer me. Why did you decide to change the ending statistics for this episode? What i mean by that is, why did you decide that " Who held Rebecca's baby and who didn't " (Nurturing) should be one of the 5big decisions of this episode? Because it was obviously meant to be " who of you decided to leave in the next morning and who of you decided to wait some days for Rebeca to get better "(Rationalism). It even showed me this decision when i played the episode for the first time, but then it suddenly changed for some unknown reason.
A few hours ago I was going to make a thread like this but I was arias of getting dislikes.
This is something that concerns me... it… more seems unfair for people with minority opinions to be afraid of sharing them because they may attract dislikes. I'll see if we can maybe retire the dislike button at some point.
"Whaaaa people are critiquing something I like! How DARE they give comstructive criticism!!! How could this happen to meeeeeeeeeeeeee! They … moreare just HATERS N TROLLS!! Dont they realise that to fix something, you dont give constructive criticism! You just lie and PRETEND its better than it actually is then it will magically come true!! I mean that seems to be working right?.....right?....oh it isnt...errr...WELL if i pretend it is then it magically WILL lawlawlawl"
You white knights literally portray everything negative that is possible in a human being: Naive, Impaitience, Irrational, Unintelligence, Rude, Attention-seeking. The list goes on, it just goes to show how flawed you are.
"Whaaaa people are critiquing something I like! How DARE they give comstructive criticism!!! How could this happen to meeeeeeeeeeeeee! They … moreare just HATERS N TROLLS!! Dont they realise that to fix something, you dont give constructive criticism! You just lie and PRETEND its better than it actually is then it will magically come true!! I mean that seems to be working right?.....right?....oh it isnt...errr...WELL if i pretend it is then it magically WILL lawlawlawl"
You white knights literally portray everything negative that is possible in a human being: Naive, Impaitience, Irrational, Unintelligence, Rude, Attention-seeking. The list goes on, it just goes to show how flawed you are.
I like the COD games, don't get me wrong here please. The point is that this games are very repetitive and add nothing new to the franchise and therefore don't deserve such a high rating, compared to such brilliant games like the Walking Dead game.
You call it that, but is it not without reason? Some people are displeased with the product. I'm enjoying it, but at the same time, the plot holes stand out like a sore thumb to me as well.
Even regulars on here have seemed to disappear, I don't think people should just leave. After TWD we should have some calm time to speculate and wonder about TFTB.
Honestly, if you don't want to hear complains, then don't read them.
I loved this episode, hell, alot of people did. If someone is not sa… moretisfied let them complain and rant. I hate the negativity too, but there's nothing we can do about it. Opinion is a bitch.
I've had alot of fun here on the past couple days. If you don't like the negativity, stay away from it.
A few hours ago I was going to make a thread like this but I was arias of getting dislikes.
This is something that concerns me... it… more seems unfair for people with minority opinions to be afraid of sharing them because they may attract dislikes. I'll see if we can maybe retire the dislike button at some point.
Yea, probaply...Clem, the baby Luke/Kenny. This 4people will definitely survive. (And i hope that we might see Christa again at Wellington)
I like the COD games, don't get me wrong here please. The point is that this games are very repetitive and add nothing new to the franchise and therefore don't deserve such a high rating, compared to such brilliant games like the Walking Dead game.
huh the 400 characters shooting the shit out the arvos group. interesting theory..... we see like just one fucking guy shooting and I think one from our group then it fades to black. maybe those fuckers came to help???? huh goo shit but maybe not
'Boycotting' is such a melodramatic idea. It's not like Telltale is guilty of human rights abuses or something.
I'm not 'boycotting' anything. I'm just not interested in buying anything else Telltale makes until I'm reassured they've returned to their previous standards of quality.
you teaseeeeeeee!!! just like Job!
So you want them to go back, not move forward? Brilliant!
I'm not saying that season 1 wasn't good but you can't expect from someone that he/she will do something the same way all the time. Everything is changing. Season 1 had flaws and season 2 also has some flaws. But I think everyone has the right to have their own opinion so I won't argue about that.
For me - I like both seasons so far.
Before Nick, no character was just FOUND dead with nothing added to the plot. They all had sendoffs. Nick's 'sendoff' was him saying ow after getting shot, if I recall correctly. I mean honestly, I think he has a better sendoff if you DON'T convince Walter to save him in episode 2.
Carley/Doug died holding off zombies and defending Ben from Lilly when she went off her rocker, Chuck died saving Clementine. What did Nick die doing? Climbing through a hole in a fence, apparently. And after being given the option to promise Pete to look after him, too. You don't even get the option to say anything about the subject other than "Sorry".
Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode, but some of the deaths were....really really disappointing.
Well according to Luke, Nick went to find the others and then walkers got him so he died trying to help.
How does 'returning to their previous standards of quality' automatically translate to 'doing everything the same'? I don't expect them to just remake the same game over and over.
I do, however, expect the quality to remain consistent. When you almost completely ditch character development, the quality drops. When you build up plotlines that go absolutely nowhere, repeatedly, the quality drops. When you change your mind from episode to episode how a given character is supposed to act and what motivates them, the quality drops. When you give a character tons of development and then kill them off in an utterly unsatisfying fashion, the quality drops.
And so on.
The quality of the storytelling has dropped in season 2 to such an extent that I find myself in a position I never imagined: I genuinely don't care when or if Episode 5 is released. The story, or what passes for a story, is by now an utter mess. I don't really care about any of the surviving characters, who are either unlikeable or one dimensional.
In short, I find myself now saying the eight deadly words every writer should dread hearing: I don't care what happens to these people. That's something that I could never have said about season 1. And that makes all the difference.
I personally liked how Nick died, it made it more realistic. Not every person needs to be a hero. Not every person needs to die some heroic, over the top death where they take as many zombies as possible. Some people just die.
And like I said you have the right to have your own opinion.
For you the quality of season 2 is low. For me - the episodes are good. The cruel truth of this world is that you can't make everyone happy. Season 1 had his supporters and "enemies" as season 2 now. I can't for example complain about death scenes in season 2. People could be good and do so much thing for others but then unfortunately they could died in stupid way. I'ts like in real world. You meet someone really good and you could think that he will die during helping others but then he could be just hit by drunk driver. At least it's just how I think. Maybe I think wrong in your opinion or others opinion but it's what I think. 
Sorry If I sound stupid but what does SDCC stand for?
San Diego Comic Con
Thank you,jamex.Can you describe to me with a few words what san diego comin con is?I havent heard about it before.Is it connected with TWD in any way?
really?? youre not from the US?? well its a HUGE comic book convention. well its bigger than that its a big convention where they show a lot of shit that is in the entertainment business, movies, video games, tv shows, comics. but since it use too more towards comics it was thought as a "nerd" place. you can wear cosplay. it just a big convention for of the popular stuff in like pop culture
Edit: Ooops i was realllly late xD
There are alot stupid people in this world. Don't let them pull you down with them.(yes i quoted Jane:)) And i agree with you, finally someone made a thread about it. You are a good person, im sure of it and if you wanna leave you can go.
Honestly I wouldnt be too concerned people rage about the new episode every time it comes out. And not just season 2, people hated ep 3 for Kat,Duck and Carley/Doug (for having pointless deaths), they hated ep 4 for how long and dull it was and ep 5 for being short and everyone dying anyway. So its not a new thing.
There are flaws in every single episode but you just have to focus on the positives. Most people played season 1 all at once from what I can see and again people playing season 1 had much lower expectations but in season 2 they expect to be wowed
Why didn't you make it yourself
Cool thread bro, everybody and their grandmother know that you will still lurk this forum. You're not fooling anyone tubbs.
I sometimes wonder if these season 2 haters are trolls who just want some attention
Thank you so much for creating this thread! I was starting to worry that I was the only one feeling that all the hate had gone too far. All the people I know who played it said that it was an amazing episode! I guess people don't realize that what Telltale does is really important for the gaming industry. We are incredibly lucky that there is a company who creates games that appeal to our emotions on such a high level. If you don't like the game, what's the use of coming here and complain about it ? Just go find another game that will satisfy you and stop spoiling the fun for those who love it and come here trying to discuss about it.This episode obviously didn't deserve all this hate, it was amazing, just like the whole season in my opinion. To me, most of the people who keep complaining about it are just people seeking attention or trying to spoil the fun for the others. Please Telltale, don't hesitate renewing it for a third season because there are so many people out there who are absolutely in love with this game and this season!
"Whaaaa people are critiquing something I like! How DARE they give comstructive criticism!!! How could this happen to meeeeeeeeeeeeee! They are just HATERS N TROLLS!! Dont they realise that to fix something, you dont give constructive criticism! You just lie and PRETEND its better than it actually is then it will magically come true!! I mean that seems to be working right?.....right?....oh it isnt...errr...WELL if i pretend it is then it magically WILL lawlawlawl"
You white knights literally portray everything negative that is possible in a human being: Naive, Impaitience, Irrational, Unintelligence, Rude, Attention-seeking. The list goes on, it just goes to show how flawed you are.
I'm sorry, but I had to create an account just to respond to this.
I don't think that Episode 4 was absolutely awful. I liked that some of the choices were difficult to make and it was certainly thrilling at times, with a nice amount of development for Kenny and, in my opinion, an impactful ending. But I do think that many aspects of it were worrying and so, it seems, do many other people on this forum. And I think they have legitimate grievances.
The "hub" sections were essentially window dressing to give the impression that Telltale had listened to fan advice while actually offering a far shallower experience than Season 1's equivalents; they weren't an opportunity to learn more about characters as they had been in Season 1 and were basically a series of very short exchanges that added very little but the ability to say: "look! We have hubs again!"
Mike and Bonnie, whether you like them or not as characters, have not been fleshed-out very much at all and this was an opportunity to do so... but naturally, if you choose to talk to them during the episode they will mainly spout off with concern about Rebecca that you've already heard from fifteen times from three other characters, and not a lot else.
Arvo and his friends are a source of contention due to the apparent mediocrity of their Russian, both in terms of grammar and pronunciation, as well as their relevance to the overarching story.
Sarita is used as a means of advancing Kenny's development and we learn nothing about her at all in the episode.
Nick and Sarah's deaths were poorly-executed; they abruptly cut off story arcs that had been built up from the first episode of this season and essentially amounted to serious narrative potential being squandered, essentially because Telltale either decided that it was too much trouble having them around or because they thought that people would find them acceptable. Compared to the likes of Carley/Doug and Ben in Season 1, both deaths seemed lazily-executed. When Carley died, both in-game characters and players were shocked. It was by no means a heroic death but from a purely story-oriented perspective, it did the job. Same goes for Ben; his death was tragic but the other characters seemed legitimately affected by it and it was done reasonably well. On neither occasion did I have the sense that it was the "wrong" time to kill off either or that Telltale had built the characters up only to waste them. Meanwhile, after all of that crap in earlier episodes about teaching her to shoot and making friends and the indication that she would be "Clementine's Clementine", Sarah is killed off no matter what (in my playthrough she fell off a balcony and died when Jane was incapacitated by a falling plank; not so much a "fitting" death as a series of ludicrously-unfortunate events orchestrated by Telltale to avoid having to include Sarah in future episodes) and immediately forgotten as soon as the baby is born, because fuck her. Nick meanwhile, one of the most developed characters in the first two episodes, is killed off-screen and his best friend of twenty years is more upset that his booty call left him. Neither scene feels appropriate, as I would argue Carley and Ben's death scenes were, as well as pretty much every other character I can think of in Season 1, even Chuck's to a degree. And it isn't, in many cases, just a matter of liking Nick's character, or Sarah's, and being pissed off that they're gone. THEN, I would understand the frustration about so much negativity being flung around. And I don't accept the argument that "sometimes people don't get heroic deaths... Telltale are trying to make a statement about futility... it's realistic..." 'The Walking Dead' is not an apocalypse realism simulator. It is a story. It is a story-driven episodic video game and if the narrative is flawed, as many people believe it was in Episode 4, and if promising story arcs are picked up and dropped in a flurry, and if characters with potential are being killed in embarrassingly-lazy ways, and if all the build up from previous episodes is wasted, then it doesn't matter whether the whole thing is "realistic" or not, because it comes across as amateurish, rushed-along realism which isn't all that impressive or satisfying.
People feel the need to vocalise their grievances so that Telltale don't make the same mistakes again. And no, Season 1 was not perfect, and I realise that people have different opinions about Episode 4 of this season, but people saying that they're "sick of the negativity" are essentially saying "people should ignore everything that they found disturbing about how Episode 4 was written, forgo the opportunity to complain and therefore notify Telltale of this, whether or not they choose to rectify such issues in future instalments, and should focus only upon what they liked about the episode." What if people didn't like ANYTHING about Episode 4? Should they just shut up and go away? No, because they have a right to speak their mind and to put forward their issues so that, should Telltale make a season 3, or DLC, it will be devoid of the same issues. It's not trolling, or complaint for the sake of complaint, or people pissed off because they loved Nick, or perpetually-angry troublemakers determined to hate Season 2 for no real reason. It's constructive criticism, and that should never be treated with anything less than respect, if not always welcomed.
OCD and repetitive actually goes together quite well.
The Walking Dead isn't a world that exists to have sunshine and rainbows. It's bleak, cynical, and suffocating... and it's why I love it.
Nothing is going to be perfect, there are always going to be flaws, and people are going to point out some flaws they had with the episode. Telltale is not a perfect company and there's nothing wrong with honest criticism of their work. Writing off some well-thought out complaints as bitching and whining is childish.
First of all, I just wanted to thank you for the great work you and the other Telltale Staff are doing and wanted you to know, that there are many people (like me) out there, that really enjoyed playing this episode.
There is a question i would like to ask you and i hope you find the time to answer me. Why did you decide to change the ending statistics for this episode? What i mean by that is, why did you decide that " Who held Rebecca's baby and who didn't " (Nurturing) should be one of the 5big decisions of this episode? Because it was obviously meant to be " who of you decided to leave in the next morning and who of you decided to wait some days for Rebeca to get better "(Rationalism). It even showed me this decision when i played the episode for the first time, but then it suddenly changed for some unknown reason.
Oh it's you.........
People who aren't happy make the most noise. If the game was amazing people don't say much, if it makes them angry, they scream from the roof tops.
God I hate people who act like you even worse than the white knights
also the muterfuckers who dis like for not reason verry dead them all fuck tard moter fucks
Yeah. You're pretty much seeing the vocal minority. I got the shit down voted out of me for saying that episode 4 was just "Okay".
..? I never compared cod to the walking dead...
What i was trying to say is that when IGN rates every COD game 10/10, TWD game obviously deserves 10/10 aswell.
I'm curious, what plot holes are you referring to? I know Crista and her baby is probably one of them.
Even regulars on here have seemed to disappear, I don't think people should just leave. After TWD we should have some calm time to speculate and wonder about TFTB.
I thought episode 4 was great. Much better than episode 3, which wasn't the best.
It would get rid of a bunch of dislike of trolls.