Maxbear29's Interactive Medieval Tale. (SUBMIT CHARACTERS HERE, LINK TO STORY INSIDE)
I'm gonna advertise the living shit out of this, because I'm so excited about the idea. Basically, I shall be writing a story about a medieval war, with your characters as the soldiers. I've been playing loads of Fire Emblem: Awakening, and it gave me this idea. So I'm gonna give you a variety of classes to choose from, and you make a character, and choose a class (THE CLASSES ARE NOT EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, THEY'RE MORE FOR FUN, AND MOST OF THE STORY WILL BE OUTSIDE OF BATTLE). The classes are just for fun, so you can give your guy a role in this army, in fighting the other sides. By the way, I am making characters as enemies. Anyway, I'll give you a character template, and a list of all classes, and I hope to get as many people in as possible, so if you're interested, you can join . Most of the story will be outside of battle, planning, talking, building relationships, and other general "story stuff." There will be important choices you will all vote on, as per usual, and if a character dies, they're dead. So: On to the classes, and the template, and I hope you will join
It's a long list, so bear with me, and I'll give you a short description. (Also, if you're character uses magic, specify if they specialize in Fire, Wind, or Thunder, magic, as those are the 3 types, for story purposes.
TACTICIAN: This is a special class, as there may only be 1 of these guys. So reread all character's classes, and see if they're tacticians, and if there is none, you may choose this. Tacticians fight with swords and magic spells. They make the tactical decisions for the group.
FIGHTER: Uses axes. Very powerful, and strike hard, but (generally, not always. Whenever I say statistics like this, it's mostly.) have weak defenses.
KNIGHT: Knights wear very heavy armor, and are strong and defensive, but are the slowest class by far. Wield lances.
CAVALIER: A soldier on a horse. Essentially have average stats all around, with mildly high attack, and very high speed. Wield swords and Lances.
MERCENARY: A hired fighter, who are unofficial members of the army. They are strong, with less attack by a little, but more defense by a little than a fighter. Wield Swords.
PEGASUS KNIGHT: Very frail, with a extremely high range of movement and attack. A Soldier mounted on a flying horse (badass). Wield lances.
ARCHERS: Pretty frail, and stay hidden, as they shoot down foes. Wield bows (The only class to do so.)
MAGE: Very fragile, and cannot take a hit. The more supportive attacking class, are generally behind the lines picking off enemies. Only use spells.
DARK MAGE: A little more offensive, can take a hit far better, but have less advantages. Only can use dark magic, so you cannot specify what type.
THIEF: Sneaks around, and takes a stealthy approach to killing enemies. Low defenses, and mediocre attack, but the quickest class, and can pick locks, open chests, loot bodies, and pickpocket. Wields swords.
PRIEST/CLERIC: (Only difference is that Cleric is female, and Priest is male.) Low defenses, offenses, and average speed, they are healers, and cannot attack whatsoever. The most supportive, and generally most helpful class, is often protected from death. Use staves to heal, an cannot attack.
TROUBADOUR: A healer on horseback. Generally royalty, or at least rich, and always female. Cannot attack, and have low defenses and offenses, like cleric/priest, but can take a couple more hits, and his higher speed, but aren't as vigorously protected as clerics/priests. Wield staves to heal, cannot attack.
I warned you, but at least you got loads to choose from! Sorry for the whole TL;DR thing :P
At least that part was short. Anyway, thanks in advance to anyone who joins, I appreciate it a lot.
I didn't know that was a thing, sorry if I'm copying your idea, I thought of it and got really excited, I didn't really think to see if I was copying anything....sorry about that XD
I'll probably will make a character later.
Name: Santiag.
Class: Tactician
Apperance: 6 feet tall , short black hair , black eyes , white skin.
Personalty: Smart , Compasive but Asshole.
Backstory: He lived in a poor village the most of his life with his family. One night , some people attacked the village and killed all the people there except of him. Then he came back and killed the attackers by himself
Sorry, but do you think you could space this out a bit more? Just copy and paste the template, and it'll all be good. Also, I knew for a fact Tactician would be taken instantly as I said there could only be 1 XD. Thanks for the character, anyway!
It's cool, I just thought of my thing when I saw this....Plus...Free advertising on your story from saying mine is like yours. :P
I'm not saying take it down or any thing, I'll participate and make a character later...But since we are on this, want participate in mine?
I shall check it out, I love these kind of stories.
Here is a link if you're lazy.
I got it.
Yay! I like the idea of this.
Name: Periya Dawnshade
Class: Troubadour (Horse healer? Sounds boss)
Appearance: Black, braided black hair, eye color changes from blue to brown, 6'2, a bit thin, but thicker in the thighs, long arms, long soft fair hands, rough elbows, and knees.
Personality: Lives to help people, caring, happy, forgiving, tries to stay away from people she doesn't like, almost always on a horse even when sleeping, fast, strong, doesn't like to be alone, loses her cool around intimidating strangers, thinks she can save the world and everybody on it and denies when people say she can't, strong-willed, a bit anti-social, optimistic sometimes too much. Sometimes when things go horribly wrong she'll embrace the truth about everything and it takes its toll on her, but she forgets it after a while and is back to normal.
Back story: Of royal blood, that was given to another rich family(You can make up why), and she longed to become a troubador. She has trained all her life, she just felt it was destiny. She received a lot of hateful comments about how she looked and how the way she thought was stupid. She lives the prove them wrong. That she can make a difference.
Name: Felix Davidson
Age: 23
Class: fighter
Appearance: 6'3'' brown hair, green eyes. Scar on right eye.
Personality: relies on strength and smarts. Enjoys destroying things
Back story: left his home at a young age to join a small fighting group but moved up into the ranks. He is very loyal but isn't afraid to do what he thinks is right, even if its against orders.
I am in the cell phone and thank you. Following the character: He thinks that he does always the good thing for all but he usually doesnt. He is depressive and suicidal. He is still sad about what happened that day.
Thanks for the extra details too, should make an interesting tactician XD
You have been a female in both of my stories XD I'm glad you ended up as a healer, the group would be boned without at least 1.
Sweet, our first warrior, and a renegade one, too. I'm glad this character exists.
I enjoy making characters. And thanks, I decided that I didn't need all that fanciness and I like axes more than anything else.
I forgot to put a lastname xd. Put Wequyg
I'm about to make the biggest reference right now. If anyone gets it plz respond
Name: Gaius
Class: Thief

Personality: Gaius is calm and collected, with a clear mind. However his seriousness breaks whenever candy and other sweet confections are brought into the question. Despite the nature of his job, Gaius has morals and does things with the best interest of others. Gaius is also very open to criticism, using any feedback people tell him to try and improve his skills further. And he is good at making things by hand, like jewelry and embroidery, and also is good with housework
Backstory: He is a thief who used to live in Ylisse and helped save the world
Girls are better no sexist tho.
Healers 4 Lyfe. I'd rather heal then kill in reality so yeah.
Actually I just nabbed an online picture lol but yeah GAIUS IS A FUCKING BEAST!!
Name: Morgan Strinu'x
Class: Fighter
Appearance: Long Brown hair, very muscular, has stubble, green eyes, has a gentleman mustache.
Personality: Friendly, caring, leader type, ruthless to those who NEED to be killed, loyal, and has a strong feeling of duty.
Backstory: He lived in a small town that was destroyed by bandits. He was saved by a group of Warriors from a Guild and trained by them. Bandits one day attacked and killed everybody in the Guild when he was 15. After that he became a strong Warrior/Fighter that worked for anyone and needed Bandits to kill or capture. He grew up and one day fell in love with a beautiful warrior but she died from a disease. He promised her he would stay out of the warrior ways... He said yes.... He lied.
I really like this guy, especially the end of the story XD
XD Yup
Ok, so I have already 1 healer, 2 fighters, the tactician, and that's it. So Archer, a mage, or even a variation of fighter is still needed
Advertising is fun, especially when it doesn't help you at all. Yeah, I really want as many people as possible to join :P
...I'll help you.
How so?
I saw! Any and all help is appreciated, thanks!
I advertised your story on mine.
Name: Vyro Oñelp
Class: Archer
Appearance: Like an elf
Personality: Antisiocial , Intelligent , Funny , Brutal
Backstory: Abandoned in the woods , he was raised by poor. Even when he was kid , he won to the best of the village in any kind of combat. But the one that he like the most was the bow. He went to the "capital"( or wherever you want it to be) and won a big competition. 2 days after he return to his home , a thief , tried to rob them and he killed most of Vyro family. He , very mad , chased the killer and punched him to death
I'd rather not people submit multiple characters, just for future reference. I dunno, just a little pet peeve. This one's fine, though, if you're other guy dies, you'll have a backup, but no more after this guy XD
So yeah, to everyone who actually joined, thanks a lot, and I hope more people join overnight, like with my last story
I hope this works out as well as I hope, as if so, oh god it's gonna just be the best thing ever! Anyway, goodnight, everyone!
Not so fun for me. I always hated commercials, and I feel like people like me will hate me advertising my stuff
Name: Hopeless
Class: mage. Whenever i play D&D i play as a Mage.
Appearance: Short. About 4'2". Wears a red robe. Short blond hair.
Personality: Calm and cool, likes to show off a bit.
Backstory: Lived a life of adventure, until one day he was defeated, he was without hope, he was truly hopeless.
No problem! Good night!
Also, (yes, i returned for a few minutes), Clam and cool. He's a clam. Best. Personality. Ever. Just kidding, it's a great character XD
Dammit i missed spelled that :P
Okay, I said goodnight, left, came back, and now I'm really going to sleep. You don't need to respond again, I'm just saying goodnight all.
Name: Nobody knows his real name for sure but he is known as "The Wolf"
Class: Thief
Appearance: Wears the skin of the wolf that died saving his life. Wears artificial claws which he kills with and also uses them to pick locks. He has the head of the wolf over his. He has a wolf heart as a pendant and inside is a picture of his original parents. He puts on black paint all over his skin to make it look like in the dark that it's just a regular wolf.
Personality: Sneaky, smart, mischievous, conniving, persuasive, quiet, resourceful, loyal, fast, serious, mysterious.
Backstory: Not much is known for a fact about him but legends say that when he was a kid, a bear mauled his parents, and he was also about to get eaten until a band of wolves bought him enough time to escape. He escaped and hid for 2 days until he went back to the wolves and was accepted with open arms (or paws or whatever) the wolves taught him the art of stealth kills. He finally got old and strong enough to where he could steal for money and food. He also is a hired assassin and is one of the best. You can tell it is the work of The Wolf when you hear a howl exactly 7 minutes after the victim is dead and exactly 3 claw marks across the victim's chest. He then returns and sleeps with the wolves, his only remaining family