Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • Mid January would be perfect. I want Mid January.

  • Listened to the entire thing whilst reading xD

    Deathtrap posted: »

    did anyone else listen to the popcorn music well reading this form... or was that just me?

  • You know what I like to think? If there's ever Borderlands 3 coming out, it will reference Tales on so many levels, since the story in Tales in canon.

    That would be amazing

  • That would be. I would love cameos from Rhys or Fiona (they aren't strong enough to be classes, of course).

    Crips posted: »

    You know what I like to think? If there's ever Borderlands 3 coming out, it will reference Tales on so many levels, since the story in Tales in canon. That would be amazing

  • I think it would be cool, if we are passing Sanctuary or one of the Edens (Since Rhys Implied at the beginning that he has a place there) and we find them arguing or something. :)

    That would be. I would love cameos from Rhys or Fiona (they aren't strong enough to be classes, of course).

  • I waited for Steam sales to get the game cheaper and I thought I wouldn't need to wait for Episode 2 that long, but it seems that I was wrong. I had an idea that the Episode 2 would be released within a few days from now, but there's no confirmed information about the release date so far, so I think it isn't coming out this year (most games aren't released without confirmed release dates, though in example, FNaF2 overrun this tradition). Episode 1 was released 25th of November for PC, PS3 and PS4. The latest import of the game was for mobile and tablet devices in 18th of December. If my thoughts are right, the 4-8 weeks will be calculated from that day instead of the 25th of November. In the middle of January and between late February would happen the release.

    I kinda hope we could get to enjoy more this game very soon, but no can do if they are busy with other projects.

  • We just have to be patient. One of the virtues I learned once I start playing Telltale Games.

    I waited for Steam sales to get the game cheaper and I thought I wouldn't need to wait for Episode 2 that long, but it seems that I was wron

  • Nope, it won't be this year, but we can get it in January. It's highly possible.

    I waited for Steam sales to get the game cheaper and I thought I wouldn't need to wait for Episode 2 that long, but it seems that I was wron

  • In late January, perhaps. That seems like a good possibility.

    Crips posted: »

    Nope, it won't be this year, but we can get it in January. It's highly possible.

  • I need this episode yesterday.

  • Mid june, just got confirmed in an oldspice commercial .

  • kthx

    RoboSheriff posted: »

    Mid june, just got confirmed in an oldspice commercial .

  • Ah, Old Spice. You never let us down!

    RoboSheriff posted: »

    Mid june, just got confirmed in an oldspice commercial .

  • edited December 2014

    TFTB ep 2 is coming in less than a week if telltale are releasing just like they're old games

  • No, it's not.

    First of all, it's winter break now.

    Second, your statement is false (even if it might have been true once). If they release like TWD and TWAU, then Episode 2 will be available in late January to early Febuary.

    Also, there has been no teasing nor any trailer announcement, let alone a trailer.

    So no. As much as I'd love it'll definitley not be next week.

    TFTB ep 2 is coming in less than a week if telltale are releasing just like they're old games

  • But hey, we WANT it next week :p

    No, it's not. First of all, it's winter break now. Second, your statement is false (even if it might have been true once). If they rel

  • Me too lol

    Still no need to get your hopes up for nothing

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But hey, we WANT it next week

  • Hmmm I somehow remember this happening when the episodes of Back to the future the game came out...:)

  • I think it said about every 7-9 weeks an episode releases

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Well that doesn't sound so great :'D

  • Not strong enough to be classes? What are you talking about?!

    Rhys can summon a Loader Bot at will to completely decimate bandits, which makes for a perfect action skill! He also has a stun baton that makes enemies fly, which he could use as a Melee Override!

    Fiona.... Umm... Has a pistol in her sleve with one bullet?

    OK, so maybe not Fiona, but Rhys is definitely a possibility!

    That would be. I would love cameos from Rhys or Fiona (they aren't strong enough to be classes, of course).

  • Not really any Vault hunter would decimate rhys and loader bot with ease

    Not strong enough to be classes? What are you talking about?! Rhys can summon a Loader Bot at will to completely decimate bandits, which

  • i'm as eager as I was for the wolf amoung us! when is EPISODE 2!!!?

  • OK. I reaaaally need my fix of TFTBL. I never expected to like this game so much, but I do. So, yeah......

    Alt text

  • They said every 4 to 6 weeks a new episode will be out. Thing is, they never really deliver on that promise. However, they should considering they made so much with TWD and TWAU, so hopefully they hired some more people to get on it.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Are they gonna release TFTB and GOT episodes like they did it with TWAU and TWD? Or maybe we'll have to wait a little less?

  • I hope we will get the episode by the end of this month. Its a likely bet so fingers crossed for some teasing in the coming weeks :p

  • OR we can do a mission for either rhys or fiona in BL3! that would be so awesome!!

    Crips posted: »

    You know what I like to think? If there's ever Borderlands 3 coming out, it will reference Tales on so many levels, since the story in Tales in canon. That would be amazing

  • I hope this episode will be released when my winter break starts, and it's around 23rd January.

  • This is the first TT game I've played 'live' (I've binge-played all the others after their full release, actually only fairly recently as I'm a new convert), and while I love all the speculation and discussions on the forums, and replaying to see if I've missed anything, I feel like the withdrawal itch is starting to burrow its way under my skin. I've been remarkably patient so far, and have always kept extremely low expectations for a release date (I've always thought February) but it's just starting to niggle away at me...

    But it's a good niggle, you know? A respectful niggle, just like "God, I really enjoyed the first episode and just can't wait to be in that world again." - and I can't wait to have a whole heap of new things to speculate and laugh about until the next episode, and the next, and so on. I actually think I kind of like this whole episodic thing. Makes me appreciate and savour the experience even more - as long as the wait isn't TOO long...

    I have no idea how you guys survived the 6 month break between ep 1 and 2 of TWAU, though. I think that respectful niggle would have turned into a full-blown anxiety attack!

  • Well, once you have experienced the...(Unspeakable horrors of waiting)..You gain a patience of iron.

    This is the first TT game I've played 'live' (I've binge-played all the others after their full release, actually only fairly recently as I'

  • I learned that while waiting on episodes in the wolf among us

    Well, once you have experienced the...(Unspeakable horrors of waiting)..You gain a patience of iron.

  • Alt text

    Anyway, I feel the same. To a certain extent, the wait is a good thing. But if it gets to long, then you loose your 'connection' with the story.

    btw TWAU Episode 2 'only' took 4 months.

    This is the first TT game I've played 'live' (I've binge-played all the others after their full release, actually only fairly recently as I'

  • edited January 2015

    true dat. but I think I found something that shuld give us some hope

    Mod edit: The link contains false information that has not been announced nor confirmed by Telltale. Some websites share false information in order to get more visits, so I am removing the link to prevent them from getting the attention... -Blind Sniper

    Anyway, I feel the same. To a certain extent, the wait is a good thing. But if it gets to long, then you loose your 'connection' with the story. btw TWAU Episode 2 'only' took 4 months.

  • Well, it's just speculation. Just like we're speculating.

    true dat. but I think I found something that shuld give us some hope Mod edit: The link contains false information that has not been anno

  • but it's hope!

    Crips posted: »

    Well, it's just speculation. Just like we're speculating.

  • I'm very much in the same boat. I find it very ironic cause I'd tease my younger sister about release dates for Season 2 of the Walking Dead Game and here I am trying to wait as patiently as I can. It's given me the excuse to draw at least. Speaking of which my sister has finally become interested enough of Tales after watching me play through Rhys' story, so I'll try to get some speculations out of her since she's played more Telltale games than me. (I just have to delet a save :') )

    This is the first TT game I've played 'live' (I've binge-played all the others after their full release, actually only fairly recently as I'

  • Some websites choose to share fake information just to get more visits (and therefore more revenue) for their site. I removed the link so that they don't get encouragement to share more fake information. For those curious, they listed a January 27th release date - which again, has not been confirmed or hinted at in any way whatsoever.

    Typically, it's best to keep an eye on Telltale's blog, Twitter, and Facebook for official news.

    true dat. but I think I found something that shuld give us some hope Mod edit: The link contains false information that has not been anno

  • Oh yeah, I experienced that dry and nasty four months of hellish waiting. The days that passed back then felt so damn dry and barren.

    This waiting isn't THAT bad. I remeber this time last year the forums where in chaos over TWAU ep2 delay.

  • This waiting isn't THAT bad. I remeber this time last year the forums where in chaos over TWAU ep2 delay.

  • I'm new to this "waiting between episodes" thing and I have a question: is there going to be a trailer for every episode like there was for episode 1? Or was that the only trailer?

    I'm not really hyped that much yet, but I guess if I saw a trailer for episode 2 that would definitely change.

  • In the past, Telltale has usually released a trailer about a week before the episodes' release.

    I'm new to this "waiting between episodes" thing and I have a question: is there going to be a trailer for every episode like there was for

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