Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • edited January 2015

    I'm trying to wait for at least most of the episodes are released before I start playing this series. I will wait till Episode 4 is released. The demo was amazing so this is definitely going to be my next Telltale Games.... game. I wonder how long I can withstand a wait all the way until Episode 4 comes out. This is going to be looooong wait. But not as long as the wait for Walking Dead S3...

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  • I come back here occasionally to check out if there's any news about the episode 2 release date. I keep getting frustrated. I'm pretty patient and I know about TT and their habit of making people wait. But c'mon. Could we at least get ANY possible date? I'm pretty sure they have schedules for finishing stuff and like they say in the site of the game's FAQ, the episodes should be released within 4-6 weeks apart. The game released on late November (on Android and iOS almost month later). Where's the leaks? Nowhere. I'm sad.

  • The "4-6 weeks apart" came from an estimate based on Telltale's older, non choice-based titles that actually did have releases that short of a time apart. Since Telltale's newer choice-based games have much longer scripts (a script for a typical episode of Walking Dead Season 1 was said to be the length of two movie scripts) and more of a focus on a prepared cinematic presentation, I'd assume that is the reason that Telltale is not as fast at releasing episodes as they used to be.

    However, of course, I imagine that Telltale is definitely working on improving the speed in which they release new episodes. Earlier episodes of Wolf Among Us were a few months apart, but by the end of the series, Telltale was releasing episodes weeks apart. I imagine that, eventually, Telltale will get back in the groove of things. I'm just a volunteer moderator and not Telltale Staff so don't take that for certain though. ;)

    I come back here occasionally to check out if there's any news about the episode 2 release date. I keep getting frustrated. I'm pretty patie

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They are doing recording and it sounds like it might be a funny episode :)

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  • But it's was Truth ;)

    Crips posted: »

    A26 was ominous.

  • I just saw that on Twitter and was about to post it here, but you beat me to it :P

    OzzyUK posted: »

    They are doing recording and it sounds like it might be a funny episode https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/553666686251847681

  • Anyone else think we might get more news on ep 2 next week?


  • Maybe some slight teasing but I'm guessing screenshots/trailer and release dates between the 19th and 23rd and the actual release the follow week :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Anyone else think we might get more news on ep 2 next week? IM FEELING IT

  • 1) I admire your patience/self control, you're a stronger person than I.

    2) If you have time would you mind giving me a quick run down of what happened in the demo? I heard there were some big changes between it and the final product (allegedly all for the better), but I've never actually heard what was offered.

    I'm trying to wait for at least most of the episodes are released before I start playing this series. I will wait till Episode 4 is released

  • I admire your god-like patience. And yeah, I would also like to know more about the demo. :)

    I'm trying to wait for at least most of the episodes are released before I start playing this series. I will wait till Episode 4 is released

  • ''I was laughing at @paddywarbucks so much I had to leave the room''

    Sounds like an episode that's funnier than the first. Is that even possible? ;D

    OzzyUK posted: »

    They are doing recording and it sounds like it might be a funny episode https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/553666686251847681

  • edited January 2015

    Wait... there's been word of the demo actually being different from the actual episode? O_o Alright.... here's a long description based on my memory. PS: I'm not well-versed in this universe.

    Well... So basically it started with the narration about Jack and Hyperion. Then it went to the part where Rhys was looking for Fiona near the town which you enter later on, he encounters this "Desert Punk" guy and is knocked out and dragged to the town while being asked of his story from the beginning.

    Then a flashback is started where Rhys and his buddy (I'll call him Mr.Google-Glasses cuz I forgot his name) were walking through Hyperion while Rhys explains himself in narration. The two walk to the office, do some talking about sharing the desk, testing Rhys's "Hyperion Face". And Rhys enters where it turns out to be Vasquez who killed Henderson, they have a chat until his client calls about the Vault Key. So you can check out stuff and thangs and use the scanner-eye to download the data of the Vault Key. Vasquez screws over Rhys's employment to Janitor, Rhys walks out. Rhys and Mr.Google-Glasses walks and talks about the troubles, one of the two hits the trash can where the alarm sets off. Their friend (forgot her name so I'll call her Lunch Lady) talks about Vasquez screwing Rhys over, so they walk and talk about screwing Vasquez over by talking the Vault Key and Google-Glasses uses his... er.... glasses to get a shit ton of dough in no time. Then the two guys talks Lunch Lady into helping them out by giving them a loader bot when needed. The two guys heads out and Rhys decides to take a "certain ride."

    The opening credits appears and it shows some pilgrim digging dirt up with a boombox turned on, he gets shot in the head by a bandit who tries to loot the guy's stuff until he's crushed by a large box thing that was launched by Hyperion. Out of the box comes out Rhys and Google-Glasses driving with Vasquez's car and drives through the desert. Pterodactyls flies around, bandits watches the two drive along, the two past a billboard with some crazy guy (popular on the covers) hanged by a rope attached. Soon enough the two hits a hellhound (?) and stop the car after a spin, panicking. Google-Glasses talks about how sad it was, hoping it didn't suffer. They drove off but that hellhound is barely alive actually (poor thing).

    Next thing is-- they arrive in this town (same one from the beginning), they drive through it slowly, with Google-Glasses nervous but Rhys being calm. Rhys mentions a stun baton that Lunch Lady gave him. They talk as Google-Glasses looks out the window to see some bandits beating up something (Sorta reminds me of Resident Evil 5 prologue. Weird.) and they continue to look but are lost, they stop to see Grease Face tending to some shish-ka-babs and dealing with a costumer for a second. The two decides to talk to Grease Face and exits the car. HUB starts and you can check out several things like the Titan-Class porta-potty, a sign behind Grease Face, and Grease Face himself (you can also scan the area for information). Once you go to Grease Face and talk to him, hostility builds up as the guy learns they're from Hyperion, saying they destroyed this land. Grease Face finds interest in the case (of money) that Google-Glasses is holding and approaches but Rhys steps in between in them. Soon enough Grease-Face and several other bandits stand in front of the duo and readies to mug/murder them, during which Rhys calls Lunch Lady for the Loader Bot, which you must select several things for its equipment. Loader Bot is deployed and lands on one of the bandits, it forms into it's true shape and the bandits looks in awe. Then the bandits begins shooting, Rhys and Google-Glasses takes cover as they continue to shoot. Annnnnnd that's it. That's the entire demo. I hope you find the differences that you're looking for.

    1) I admire your patience/self control, you're a stronger person than I. 2) If you have time would you mind giving me a quick run down of

  • Google-Glass, hehe, I should call Vaughn that more often. I won't spoil anything, but can you remember if Rhys in the demo was voiced by Sam Witter or Troy baker?

    Wait... there's been word of the demo actually being different from the actual episode? O_o Alright.... here's a long description based on m

  • And they changed jackshit in the game.

    Wait... there's been word of the demo actually being different from the actual episode? O_o Alright.... here's a long description based on m

  • Oh my God, I feel sooo bad for making you type all that out because from the sounds of it, it's pretty much identical. >_<

    It's so weird though, when the demo came out all the reviewers seemed fairly unimpressed, whereas once the final game came out all these people who had given the demo a lukewarm reception were absolutely raving about it. I realise the demo wasn't even a quarter of the first episode (side note: you have so much to look forward to!), but I just can't believe how much people's opinions changed...

    Maybe you need Fiona's side to appreciate the story as a whole?

    Anyway, I really do apologise - but thank you so much for replying - it's been something I've been wondering about since the game came out.

    (Also, when you get around to playing the game, keep an eye out for a character who pretty much refers to/names the characters the same way as you do - the similarities had me giggling throughout this entire post!)

    Wait... there's been word of the demo actually being different from the actual episode? O_o Alright.... here's a long description based on m

  • Rhys was voiced by Troy Baker.

    Google-Glass, hehe, I should call Vaughn that more often. I won't spoil anything, but can you remember if Rhys in the demo was voiced by Sam Witter or Troy baker?

  • I can't wait any longer!!!!!!! TELLTALE! RELEASE IT!!!

  • I love this game so much, it's so funny

    OzzyUK posted: »

    They are doing recording and it sounds like it might be a funny episode https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/553666686251847681

  • edited January 2015

    That IS weird. So much for there being differences. lol I guess reviewers needed the whole package to truly understand how good it is.

    It's alright. I needed something to do anyway, and it's been a good long time since I posted something this long in a while. So it was worth it. You're welcome. :3

    (Also, when you get around to playing the game, keep an eye out for a character who pretty much refers to/names the characters the same way as you do - the similarities had me giggling throughout this entire post!)

    XD I must have psychic powers or something.

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    Oh my God, I feel sooo bad for making you type all that out because from the sounds of it, it's pretty much identical. >_< It's so

  • Ahh, I see. Thanks for confirming that. Oh and good luck with waiting till most of the episodes have been released. You gotta tell me your secret on how you are able to be so patient. :)

    Rhys was voiced by Troy Baker.

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    I dunno. I sorta became a accustomed after the wait during Walking Dead S2. After enough breaking points I finally was able to get used to it. You can kinda control it, it just takes practice. Plus I try to keep myself busy with games that takes a long time to finish, take a walk and see my friends, go on the forums here and I just draw all the time. But you never know - I will probably won't be as patient once the third season of TWD is being released. I think it also it includes how big of a fan you are to something as well. :3

    Ahh, I see. Thanks for confirming that. Oh and good luck with waiting till most of the episodes have been released. You gotta tell me your secret on how you are able to be so patient.

  • Patience is a form of madness? Great! I can now say with a straight face that my sex life is crazy.

    What you just said. That's how I gained it.

  • The VO session is for Episode 3. Episode 2 has already been sent to the Australian Classification Board.

  • Foh real? o_o

    The VO session is for Episode 3. Episode 2 has already been sent to the Australian Classification Board.

  • How do you know that? I highly doubt it.

    Also, there has been no classification yet, so you can't know.

    The VO session is for Episode 3. Episode 2 has already been sent to the Australian Classification Board.

  • Lol no.

    However if you have proof then I will retract that last statement.

    The VO session is for Episode 3. Episode 2 has already been sent to the Australian Classification Board.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Nothing has been rated by the Australian Classification Board yet so it's highly likely that Job was talking about a recording session for episode 2. They are able to submit unfinished games with missing assets like voice acting so even if it does get rated it doesn't mean at there will be a imminent release.

    The VO session is for Episode 3. Episode 2 has already been sent to the Australian Classification Board.

  • Watch me miss the day that the episode releases like last time, ha ha ha.

    (I had forgotten about it that entire time.)

  • edited January 2015

    Does anyone know when episode 2 of G.O.T is coming out on Samsung galaxy s5,I've purchased the pack deal thing for all episodes but I haven't got any of them except number one can some clarify for me when I can play the other episodes please and thank you
    Pm me on Mod Edit: [Removed Email]

  • No release date yet but keep watch for it, they come out every few months...You should remove your email though.

    Does anyone know when episode 2 of G.O.T is coming out on Samsung galaxy s5,I've purchased the pack deal thing for all episodes but I haven'

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Like @GoldenPaladin said there is currently no release date yet for episode 2 so keep an eye on Telltale's Twitter, Facebook or Blog for the latest release date news.

    I also removed your email address as spam bots or other people might send spam or other unsolicited emails to you.

    Does anyone know when episode 2 of G.O.T is coming out on Samsung galaxy s5,I've purchased the pack deal thing for all episodes but I haven'

  • No one knows, bro. Patience is key.

    Does anyone know when episode 2 of G.O.T is coming out on Samsung galaxy s5,I've purchased the pack deal thing for all episodes but I haven'

  • It's better you don't see them. They're ... UGH, DISGUSTING. x_x
    ( the trauma is still there )

    I've heard a bit about the Cluke stuff, but nothing about photos - hopefully it'll stay that way! ಠ_ಠ

  • edited January 2015

    I was scrolling through the forums on my iPad next to my Dad during the holidays, and one of those photos came up, and my Dad said (in front of everyone), "What's that?" and I was forced to tell them all about the perv posting on the forums -.-

    It's better you don't see them. They're ... UGH, DISGUSTING. x_x ( the trauma is still there )

  • xD Oh my god. I told my mother about it a long time ago and she said 'What's wrong with people?' and my brother said 'Ugh, that's gross! Luke isn't a pedophile!' And my dad... I didn't even tell my dad XD

    SivD1 posted: »

    I was scrolling through the forums on my iPad next to my Dad during the holidays, and one of those photos came up, and my Dad said (in front of everyone), "What's that?" and I was forced to tell them all about the perv posting on the forums -.-

  • Nope, nobody knows yet. LIke @OzzyUK said, keep an eye on their Twitter, Facebook, or Blog. Plus, we have a chat for GoT episode's being released, this is the one for TFTB :P


    Does anyone know when episode 2 of G.O.T is coming out on Samsung galaxy s5,I've purchased the pack deal thing for all episodes but I haven'

  • Still no news? That's fine, I'll just carry on waiting...

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  • This week....Hopefully....

  • Need...news...Teases...Hrrrrr...

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